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作者 倪艳 刘泽显 陈炫睿 《吉林大学学报(理学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第3期529-537,共9页
给出一种基于正则化模型的Dai-Liao共轭梯度法.首先,通过极小化3次正则化模型,得到新的Dai-Liao参数t,并在此基础上根据函数在迭代点附近的性质,产生一个自适应的Dai-Liao参数;其次,结合改进的Wolfe线搜索,提出一种基于正则化模型的Dai-... 给出一种基于正则化模型的Dai-Liao共轭梯度法.首先,通过极小化3次正则化模型,得到新的Dai-Liao参数t,并在此基础上根据函数在迭代点附近的性质,产生一个自适应的Dai-Liao参数;其次,结合改进的Wolfe线搜索,提出一种基于正则化模型的Dai-Liao共轭梯度法;最后,证明该算法的搜索方向满足充分下降性,并在一般假设下建立该算法的全局收敛性.数值结果表明该算法有效. 展开更多
关键词 共轭梯度法 正则化模型 Dai-liao共轭参数 充分下降性 全局收敛性
作者 刘建辉 李圆硕 +1 位作者 徐玮男 丁正江 《地质学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期23-43,共21页
胶-辽-吉古元古代构造带的构造属性及动力学演化长期存在争议。本文通过总结该带构造-岩浆-变质作用及变质火山-沉积岩系的已有研究成果,发现造山前2.2~2.0 Ga花岗质岩石主要为形成于高温低压伸展构造环境的A型花岗岩,部分为源自下地壳... 胶-辽-吉古元古代构造带的构造属性及动力学演化长期存在争议。本文通过总结该带构造-岩浆-变质作用及变质火山-沉积岩系的已有研究成果,发现造山前2.2~2.0 Ga花岗质岩石主要为形成于高温低压伸展构造环境的A型花岗岩,部分为源自下地壳基性岩部分熔融形成的I型花岗岩,它们与变质基性侵入岩及变质流纹岩-英安岩和变质玄武岩构成了造山前大陆伸展背景下的双峰式岩浆作用。它们“弧岩浆”属性的地球化学性质主要继承自源区太古宙TTG岩石或基性岩浆上升过程受大陆岩石圈地幔和地壳的同化混染作用。整个胶-辽-吉古元古代构造带没有发现真正意义上类似于现代板块洋-陆俯冲作用有关的岩石-构造组合(如残留洋壳、俯冲增生杂岩(楔)、弧背构造、大型走滑断裂、双变质带及岩浆作用的时空变化等)。龙岗地块和狼林地块具有统一的太古宙克拉通基底及演化历史。“南带”和“北带”的不同变质沉积地层具有类似的物源,沉积环境为稳定的被动陆缘,沉积时代为2.20~1.95 Ga,并经历了1.95~1.80 Ga顺时针变质P-T演化轨迹的中压—高压麻粒岩相和高温—超高温变质作用。综合已有的地质及地球物理证据,构建了胶-辽-吉古元古代构造带的起源及动力学演化模式:①华北克拉通东部陆块新太古代末巨量TTG岩石形成的同时,在下地壳形成巨量高密度的麻粒岩相—榴辉岩相残留物质,新太古代末已形成的稳定克拉通岩石圈地幔使这些高密度的麻粒岩相—榴辉岩相残留物质能够稳定保留。②在2.2~2.0 Ga,热的、相对低密度的软流圈热点上涌,东部陆块沿胶-辽-吉构造带发生陆内伸展变形,破裂形成北部的龙岗地块和南部的狼林地块。③在1.95~1.85 Ga,高密度的榴辉岩化下地壳连同岩石圈地幔,受重力(负浮力)作用驱动,俯冲(下沉)进入热的、低密度的软流圈地幔,带动龙岗地块和狼林地块沿胶-辽-吉带发生汇聚造山作用。④在1.85~1.80 Ga,造山带去根,软流圈上涌,造山带垮塌及造山后伸展。 展开更多
关键词 华北克拉通 胶-辽-吉古元古代构造带 重力驱动的板块汇聚造山 大陆伸展 胶北地体
Li过量的层状结构锂离子电池材料Li_(1+x)M_(1-x)O_2(x≥0)——I.LiAO_2-Li_2BO_3(A=Co,Ni,Cr·…;B=Mn,Ti…)固熔体材料 被引量:7
作者 张联齐 任丽彬 +1 位作者 刘兴江 汪继强 《电源技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期426-429,共4页
设计和研发锂过量层状Li1+xM1-xO2(M是一种或一种以上的过渡金属元素,x≥0)锂离子电池正极材料成为研究热点。此类材料展示不同寻常的电化学性能,如高比容量、优秀的循环能力以及新的电化学充放电机制。简单介绍此类材料的结构定义,结... 设计和研发锂过量层状Li1+xM1-xO2(M是一种或一种以上的过渡金属元素,x≥0)锂离子电池正极材料成为研究热点。此类材料展示不同寻常的电化学性能,如高比容量、优秀的循环能力以及新的电化学充放电机制。简单介绍此类材料的结构定义,结合我们的研究结果,着重综述了近几年LiAO2-Li2BO3(A=Co,Ni,Cr…;B=Mn,Ti…)固熔体锂过量层状材料的研究现状和发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 锂过量层状正极材料 liao2-Li2BO3固熔体 锂离子电池
Test Research on the Characteristics of Pollution Boundary Layer in the River Outlet Area of Grand Liao River 被引量:1
作者 张云海 杨洪斌 邹旭东 《Meteorological and Environmental Research》 CAS 2010年第6期57-61,共5页
By using the meteorological data in the pollution boundary layer which was observed in two ground observation sites:coast and land in the river outlet area of Grand Liao River during January-February in 2007,the daily... By using the meteorological data in the pollution boundary layer which was observed in two ground observation sites:coast and land in the river outlet area of Grand Liao River during January-February in 2007,the daily change characteristics of pollute boundary layer in winter in the area were discussed. The results showed that the pollute boundary layer in the river outlet area of Grand Liao River was affected by the sea and land. In the certain weather condition,maybe the sea-land breeze appeared in the low altitude which was below 200 m in the coastal zone. The stability change in the different height in the coastal zone was more stable than in the land zone,and the wind field change in the area was mainly in 300 m low altitude. At night,the temperature inversion often appears in the area,and the thickness of temperature inversion layer is stably during 200-300 m. The thermal internal boundary layer penetrated deeply into the land about 10 km,and the height could reach 800 m. The atmospheric diffusion ability in the coastal area was weaker and stronger in the land area. 展开更多
关键词 River outlet of liao River Pollution characteristics Boundary layer Atmospheric diffusion Test research China
基于Liao氏吸收边界条件的四阶FDTD算法 被引量:3
作者 陈明阳 黄丽芳 于荣金 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 2000年第9期814-818,共5页
建立了在空间上用四阶差分的时域有限差分法的 L iao氏吸收边界 ,证明了四阶差分具有比二阶差分更小的数值色散 .空间上用四阶差分的时域差分法将有助于人们对尺寸较大的物体如光纤等光波导的数值分析 .
关键词 时域有限差分法 LIAL氏吸收边界 四附FDTD算法
作者 谢英慧 张化光 《控制与决策》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第9期1058-1060,1069,共4页
针对一类具有时滞的部分参数未知的Liao混沌神经元系统,研究不同结构时滞Liao混沌神经元系统的自适应同步问题.基于Lyapunov稳定理论,给出了自适应控制器的设计方法及参数自适应律的解析表达式.所设计的控制器实用有效,易于实现,能够使... 针对一类具有时滞的部分参数未知的Liao混沌神经元系统,研究不同结构时滞Liao混沌神经元系统的自适应同步问题.基于Lyapunov稳定理论,给出了自适应控制器的设计方法及参数自适应律的解析表达式.所设计的控制器实用有效,易于实现,能够使具有时滞的两个不同结构的Liao混沌神经元系统渐近同步.仿真示例验证了该方法的有效性. 展开更多
关键词 liao混沌神经元系统 时滞 自适应同步 不同结构 部分参数未知
Nitrate Nitrogen Content Characteristics in Groundwater of Typical Planting Areas in Liao River Basin
作者 牛世伟 宫亮 +4 位作者 蔡广兴 何志刚 陈玥 刘子琪 隋世江 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第1期204-208,共5页
The contents of nitrate nitrogen(NO-3-N) in underground water from typical planting areas in Liao river basin were analyzed, so as to provide theoretical basis for rational fertilization and effectively prevent the ... The contents of nitrate nitrogen(NO-3-N) in underground water from typical planting areas in Liao river basin were analyzed, so as to provide theoretical basis for rational fertilization and effectively prevent the NO-3-N content from exceeding standard. The results showed that difference of the contents of NO-3-N in groundwater from different typical planting areas was significant. The highest content of NO-3-N in underground water was 37.4 mg/L from flower-growing region, then 22. 3 mg/L from maize-growing region, 21.9 mg/L from vegetable-growing region, and the lowest content of NO-3-N in underground water was 19.2 mg/L from rice-growing region. Except rice-growing region, the contents of NO-3-N in underground water of the samples in all planting areas were exceeding standard limit; potential health risk still existed in rice-growing region. Accordingly 12.5%-87.5%, 9.4%-75.5%, 17.9%-58.9% and 21.4%-96.0% of the samples were exceeding standard limit in maize growing region, rice-growing region, vegetable-growing region and flower-growing region. The contents of NO-3-N in under-groundwater before the rainy season was higher than that of NO-3-N in under-groundwater after the rainy season at the same depth of the well. 展开更多
关键词 liao river basin Planting area Underground water Nitrate nitrogen
鼠尾伤害性刺激与颧Liao穴电针后弓状核—导水管周围灰质—延髓头端腹?… 被引量:2
作者 笪翠娣 范斌 《神经科学》 1997年第3期130-133,共4页
成年SD大鼠分成对照,尾部电流所致伤害性刺激,面部颧Liao穴电针三组,分别观察弓状核,中脑中央灰质和延髓头端腹内侧区原位杂交后在神经元中前脑啡肽原(PPE)mRNA的表达与Fos免疫阳性神经元的分布,痛刺激后上述各... 成年SD大鼠分成对照,尾部电流所致伤害性刺激,面部颧Liao穴电针三组,分别观察弓状核,中脑中央灰质和延髓头端腹内侧区原位杂交后在神经元中前脑啡肽原(PPE)mRNA的表达与Fos免疫阳性神经元的分布,痛刺激后上述各部位的PPEmRNA在神经元内均有不同程度表达,但当颧Liao穴电针时表达更明显,细胞数也较多。尤其在延髓头端腹内侧区更显著,而在对照动物仅有面神经核等与运动有关核闭出现表面。 展开更多
关键词 前脑啡肽原 尾痛刺激 liao 电针 弓状核
作者 田佳宁 王琳 《山西建筑》 2025年第3期13-16,37,共5页
辽河有着丰富的自然资源和璀璨的人文资源,深入挖掘辽河文化价值,促进文化遗产保护传承,推动辽河文化产业带建设是推动东北全面振兴的重要举措。从时间、空间双维度叠合的方法入手,通过定位、定区、定点的系统思路,逐级对辽河辽宁段的... 辽河有着丰富的自然资源和璀璨的人文资源,深入挖掘辽河文化价值,促进文化遗产保护传承,推动辽河文化产业带建设是推动东北全面振兴的重要举措。从时间、空间双维度叠合的方法入手,通过定位、定区、定点的系统思路,逐级对辽河辽宁段的自然资源和人文资源进行重新整合,构建文化遗产景观体系,并提出具体建设策略,以期为辽河的保护与发展提供新的思路,也为相关的线性文化遗产等方面的研究提供研究思路与研究方法。 展开更多
关键词 线性文化遗产 景观体系构建 辽河辽宁段 遗产保护
作者 田富 《古代文明(中英文)》 2025年第1期117-127,M0006,M0007,共13页
以往学界多认为辽朝详稳源于突厥语“sangun”,为将军之意。本文通过考证详稳与相温、相公、将军等概念的异同,认为辽朝详稳一词源自汉语“相”,“稳”是指契丹语语法中修饰“详”字的附加成分。辽朝详稳官职来源于突厥、回鹘、吐蕃等... 以往学界多认为辽朝详稳源于突厥语“sangun”,为将军之意。本文通过考证详稳与相温、相公、将军等概念的异同,认为辽朝详稳一词源自汉语“相”,“稳”是指契丹语语法中修饰“详”字的附加成分。辽朝详稳官职来源于突厥、回鹘、吐蕃等边疆民族之“相”制,又在“会同改制”过程中脱离其原义,遂成为一种特殊的部族官职。 展开更多
关键词 辽朝 详稳 相温 国相
作者 汤云航 《河北民族师范学院学报》 2025年第1期45-54,共10页
辽宋时期的古北口外辽驿路承德路段,以平泉市平泉镇铁浆馆为界,分为环境不同的南部燕山山路与北部河川高原两大地理环境单元,有八个驿馆及其顿所,另外还有两处岭梁景观,它们是承德和合文化地标,宋使羁旅情愁、家国情怀与承德自然风光、... 辽宋时期的古北口外辽驿路承德路段,以平泉市平泉镇铁浆馆为界,分为环境不同的南部燕山山路与北部河川高原两大地理环境单元,有八个驿馆及其顿所,另外还有两处岭梁景观,它们是承德和合文化地标,宋使羁旅情愁、家国情怀与承德自然风光、社会风情融为一体,成为奚地承德辽风宋韵交融的史诗,奏响了承德和合文化百余年的前奏曲。 展开更多
关键词 承德 辽风宋韵 辽驿路
作者 朱志先 张霞 《湖北科技学院学报》 2025年第1期10-18,共9页
从宋代开始,为解决长江水对江夏、嘉鱼、咸宁、蒲圻四地沿江造成的水患,四地主政者不断修筑江堤,各地利害关系不一,所修江堤效果不太理想。明代万历年间,在嘉鱼李憭的呼吁协调下,历时数年,加固老堤,修筑新堤,长达上百里,被誉为四邑公堤... 从宋代开始,为解决长江水对江夏、嘉鱼、咸宁、蒲圻四地沿江造成的水患,四地主政者不断修筑江堤,各地利害关系不一,所修江堤效果不太理想。明代万历年间,在嘉鱼李憭的呼吁协调下,历时数年,加固老堤,修筑新堤,长达上百里,被誉为四邑公堤,有效抵制了江水泛滥所造成的危害。其间,李憭在四邑公堤的修筑筹备方面积极倡导和协调,在修筑制度方面采取因地制宜灵活变通的措施,在修筑经费方面据实情合理估算费用,保证四邑公堤顺利完工。 展开更多
关键词 明代 嘉鱼 李憭 四邑公堤 水利
作者 樊燕妮 李元杰 赵新春 《丝绸》 北大核心 2025年第2期101-110,共10页
大同华严寺辽塑冠饰造型结构独特、纹样组合繁复,不仅蕴含契丹民族政策思想与佛教艺术特色,也内涵北方多民族文化基因。本文采用文献研究和图像分析的方法,首先针对华严寺辽塑冠饰的造型与纹样进行多重分析,之后探究其中的多民族元素并... 大同华严寺辽塑冠饰造型结构独特、纹样组合繁复,不仅蕴含契丹民族政策思想与佛教艺术特色,也内涵北方多民族文化基因。本文采用文献研究和图像分析的方法,首先针对华严寺辽塑冠饰的造型与纹样进行多重分析,之后探究其中的多民族元素并进行溯源。研究表明,大同华严寺辽塑冠饰具有汉、鲜卑与回鹘元素,展示了辽代北方多民族文化融合共生的进程面貌,体现出契丹对中华民族共同体意识文化体系的认同趋向。希望通过对大同华严寺辽塑冠饰的研究,能够窥探古代北方多民族文化融合历程与历史脉络。 展开更多
关键词 辽塑冠饰 大同华严寺 民族融合 中华文化认同 中华民族共同体意识 衣冠服饰文化
Paleoproterozoic Granitoids on Liaodong Peninsula, North China Craton 被引量:3
作者 ZHU Kai LIU Zhenghong +2 位作者 XU Zhongyuan LIU Jiexun WANG Xing’an 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第5期1377-1396,共20页
Paleoproterozoic granitoids are an important constituent of the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt(JLJB). The spatial-temporal distribution and types of Paleoproterozoic granitoids are closely related to the evolution of the JLJB. In ... Paleoproterozoic granitoids are an important constituent of the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt(JLJB). The spatial-temporal distribution and types of Paleoproterozoic granitoids are closely related to the evolution of the JLJB. In this paper, we review the field occurrence, petrography, geochronology, and geochemistry of Paleoproterozoic granitoids on Liaodong Peninsula, northeast China. The Paleoproterozoic granitoids can be divided into pre-tectonic(~2.15 Ga;peak age=2.18 Ga) and post-tectonic(~1.85 Ga) granitoids. The pre-tectonic granitoids are magnetite and hornblende-biotite monzogranites and granodiorites. Pre-tectonic monzogranites are widespread in the JLJB and have A2-type affinities. In contrast, pretectonic granodiorites are only present in the Simenzi area and have adakitic affinities. The post-tectonic granitoids consist of porphyritic monzogranite, syenite, diorite, granodiorite, quartz monzonite, monzogranite, and granitic pegmatite, which are adakitic rocks and I-, S-, and A2-type granitoids. The assemblage of pre-tectonic A2-type granitoids and adakitic rocks indicates the initial tectonic setting of the JLJB was a continental back-arc basin. The assemblage of post-tectonic adakitic rocks and I-, S-, and A2-type granitoids indicates a post-collisional setting. The 2.20-2.15 Ga A2-type granitoids and adakitic rocks were associated with the initial stage of back-arc extension, and the peak of back-arc extension is inferred from the subsequent(2.15-2.10 Ga) mafic intrusive activity. The ~1.90 Ga adakitic rocks mark the beginning of the postcollisional stage, which was followed by the intrusion of low-temperature S-and I-type granitoids. High-to low-pressure granitoids(S-type) were generated during the peak of post-collisional lithospheric delamination and asthenospheric upwelling. The emplacement of later granitic pegmatites occurred during the waning of the orogeny. 展开更多
关键词 Paleoproterozoic granitoids pre-tectonic granitoids post-tectonic granitoids POST-COLLISION continental backarc basin Jiao–liao–Ji Belt
Identification and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Chinese Mitten Crab(Eriocheir sinensis) in the Liao River Area 被引量:3
作者 Wang Shi-hui Li Chi-tao +4 位作者 Shang Mei Jia Zhi-ying Hu Xue-song Ge Yan-long Shi Lian-yu 《Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition)》 CAS 2018年第2期43-53,共11页
Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) is an indigenous and ecologically and economically important species in the Liao River area, but its identification and genetic diversity remain poorly understood. To evaluat... Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) is an indigenous and ecologically and economically important species in the Liao River area, but its identification and genetic diversity remain poorly understood. To evaluate the germplasm resources of this species, samples were collected from these locations: four sub-populations from the Liao River area and one population from the Yangtze River area; one primer was used to distinguish between the Liao River and the Yangtze River crabs. Thirteen loci were used for crab genetic diversity analysis, and basic statistics showed that the collecting samples were purebred in the Liao River area. The average observed heterozygosity (H0) of the Liao River population was 0.5931, and the expected heterozygosity (He) was 0.8064. The polymorphism information content (PIC) was 0.7753, which showed that the Liao River population had high genetic diversity. The genetic differentiation index (FST) averaged 0.0342, meaning a low degree of differentiation; cluster analysis indicated that Hujia (HJ), Xinli (XL) and Chenjia (CJ) sub-populations were allocated to the same cluster, while Baqiangzi (BQZ) sub-population was isolated. In summary, these data demonstrated that the crabs in the Liao River had high genetic diversity, but low genetic differentiation. Thus, the Liao River population had the potential for breeding selection. Furthermore, this study also provided valuable genetic information for the conservation of Chinese mitten crab. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese mitten crab genetic diversity MICROSATELLITE the liao River population
Geological Features of Triassic Alkaline and Subalkaline Igneous Complexes in the Yan-Liao Area 被引量:5
作者 Mou Baolei Yan Guohan Department of Geology, Peking University, Beijing Fei Zhenbi 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1992年第4期339-355,共17页
A number of Triassic (245-195 Ma) alkaline or subalkaline igneous complexes were discovered in theYan-liao area in the northern part of the North China platform. These complexes are all poor in SiO_2; most ofthem are ... A number of Triassic (245-195 Ma) alkaline or subalkaline igneous complexes were discovered in theYan-liao area in the northern part of the North China platform. These complexes are all poor in SiO_2; most ofthem are rich in Fe, Mg, K and P and such incompatible elements as Rb, Ba, U and Sr and REE; theinitial ^(87)Sr / ^(86)Sr ratios range from 0.7055 to 0.7057. They might have originated in the altered upper mantle.On that basis coupled with the distribution of the Triassic System and the tectonic deformation, it is suggestedthat there should have existed a tectono-magmatic belt in the area in Triassic time, which is an important mani-festation of the Indosinian movement in the area. 展开更多
关键词 Yan-liao area alkaline or subalkaline complexes GEOCHEMISTRY
Geochemistry, Geochronology, and Hf isotopic Composition of the Late Paleoproterozoic Lujiapuzi Formation,NE Yan-Liao Rift, Northern Liaoning 被引量:3
作者 LIU Jin ZHANG Jian +5 位作者 LIU Zhenghong YIN Changqing ZHAO Chen PENG Youbo DOU Shiyong YANG Zhongjie 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第6期2136-2156,共21页
The metasedimentary Lujiapuzi Formation crops out along the northeastern margin of the North China Craton, close to the Yan-Liao Rift. The age and tectonic setting of the formation, and its relationship with the Yan-L... The metasedimentary Lujiapuzi Formation crops out along the northeastern margin of the North China Craton, close to the Yan-Liao Rift. The age and tectonic setting of the formation, and its relationship with the Yan-Liao Rift are currently unclear. Here we present detrital zircon U-Pb ages, and Hf isotopic and geochemical data for the Lujiapuzi Formation to constrain the timing of deposition, the provenance of the formation, and the regional stratigraphy relationship. Zircon U-Pb dating constrains the timing of deposition of the Lujiapuzi Formation to younger than 1780 Ma, and indicates that most grains were sourced from the Longgang Block and the Paleoproterozoic Liao-Ji Belt. Detailed field investigations and a correlation of the regional stratigraphy reveal that much of the Lujiapuzi Formation is equivalent to the Tuanshanzi Formation in the Yan-Liao Rift; the lower section may represent the earliest sediments deposited within the Fanhe Basin. Based on these results and the findings of previous studies, we suggest that the base of the Changcheng System has an age of 1.80 Ga. Zircon Hf isotopic data indicate that the main period of crustal growth along the northeastern margin of the North China Craton occurred at 3.2–2.5 Ga, with a peak at 2.9–2.7 Ga. 展开更多
关键词 detrital zircon crustal growth Changcheng System Yan-liao rift North China Craton
Chaos control and reduced-order generalized synchronization for the Chen-Liao system 被引量:1
作者 李瑞红 徐伟 李爽 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第6期1591-1596,共6页
This paper deals with the problem of chaos control and synchronization of the Chen-Liao system. From rigorous mathematic justification, the chaotic trajectories of the Chen-Liao system are led to a type of points whos... This paper deals with the problem of chaos control and synchronization of the Chen-Liao system. From rigorous mathematic justification, the chaotic trajectories of the Chen-Liao system are led to a type of points whose fourdimensional coordinates have a particular functional relation among them. Meanwhile, a new synchronization manner, reduced-order generalized synchronization (RGS), is proposed which has the characteristic of having a functional relation between the slave and the partial master systems. It is shown that this new synchronization phenomenon can be realized by a novel technique. Numerical simulations have verified the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. 展开更多
关键词 Chen-liao chaotic system chaos control RGS
Thermochronology of Mesozoic Sandstone from the Beipiao Basin and Its Implication to Meso-Cenozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Yan-Liao Orogenic Belt 被引量:3
作者 YANYi LINGe +2 位作者 XIABin LIZi'an LIZhongcheng 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2期254-263,共10页
Combining the single-grain low-temperature apatite fission track with high-temperature zircon U-Pb dating of sandstone can better reveal the temporal association between the source and depositional site, and identify ... Combining the single-grain low-temperature apatite fission track with high-temperature zircon U-Pb dating of sandstone can better reveal the temporal association between the source and depositional site, and identify both the age component of the source terrain and subsequent thermo-tectonic events after deposition. This paper introduces the single- grain zircon U-Pb dating and fission track (FT) dating of sediments from the Beipiao basin in Northeast China. The U-Pb ages of 18 single zircon grains collected from the early Jurassic Beipiao Formation range from 194.3±2.9 to 233.8±4.2 Ma and most of apatite FT ages are about 30-40 Ma, indicating that the eastern part of the Yan-Liao orogenic belt experienced an obvious tectonic seesawing during Meso-Cenozoic time. The eastern part of Liaoning Province (the Liaodong block) uplifted in the early Mesozoic (230-190 Ma) and formed a geological landscape of high mountains, while the western part of the province (the Liaoxi area) subsided relatively and thousand-meter-scale sediments were deposited. During the Cenozoic (30-40 Ma), the Liaoxi area uplifted as a whole, and the Xialiaohe Basin sank intensively. The topographic landscape had a great change: high mountains in the west and east of Liaoning Province and low plains in the central area. 展开更多
关键词 Yan-liao orogenic belt single-grain zircon U-Pb dating apatite fission track (FT) dating
Application of Ordinal Set Pair Analysis in Annual Rainfall Prediction of Liao River Basin
作者 ZHANG Xiao-zhuang1,LIU Yin-di2,ZHAO Peng3,ZHANG Ze-zhong2 1.Guodian Diqing Shangri-la Generating Limited Liability Company,Shangri-la 674402,China 2.North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power,Zhengzhou 450011,China 3.Three Gorges Project Administration of Yangtze River Three Gorges Corporation,Yichang 443133,China 《Meteorological and Environmental Research》 CAS 2011年第7期47-49,52,共4页
[Objective] The research aimed to study the application of ordinal set pair analysis in the annual precipitation prediction of Liao River basin.[Method] The ordinal theory was introduced into the set pair analysis mod... [Objective] The research aimed to study the application of ordinal set pair analysis in the annual precipitation prediction of Liao River basin.[Method] The ordinal theory was introduced into the set pair analysis modeling,and the prediction model of set pair analysis was improved.A kind of rainfall prediction model based on the ordinal set pair analysis (OSPA) was put forward.The time sequence of annual rainfall in the hydrological rainfall station of Liao River basin during 1956-2006 was the research objective.The annual rainfall during 1998-2006 was predicted by the model,and the error analysis was given.[Result] In the relative errors of predicted results by ordinal set pair analysis,there were six relative errors within 5%,which occupied 66.7% of the total prediction number.One relative error was during 5%-10%,which occupied 11.1% of the total prediction number.Two relative errors were during 10%-15%,which occupied 22.2% of the total prediction number.All the relative errors were less than 20%,which met the precision requirement of annual rainfall prediction in Forecast Specification of Hydrological Information.[Conclusion] The rainfall prediction based on the ordinal set pair analysis model had high precision,and the prediction result was ideal.It was suitable for the annual rainfall prediction. 展开更多
关键词 Annual rainfall prediction Ordinal set pair analysis liao River basin China
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