基于全球大气研究排放源(Emission Database for Global At mospheric Research,EDGAR,3.2版本)的CO地表排放源数据,借助于拉格朗日大气轨迹输送模式FLEXPART,通过数值模拟手段,初步探讨了2006年夏季亚洲季风区CO异常分布形成的原因...基于全球大气研究排放源(Emission Database for Global At mospheric Research,EDGAR,3.2版本)的CO地表排放源数据,借助于拉格朗日大气轨迹输送模式FLEXPART,通过数值模拟手段,初步探讨了2006年夏季亚洲季风区CO异常分布形成的原因及深对流向上输送和反气旋控制作用相关的输送过程。比较分析发现,受到地表排放源等不确定因素的影响,数值模拟和卫星资料反演的CO浓度存在一定偏差(体积分数相差可达2×10-8~3×10-8),但其时空变化特征具有相对的一致性。仅在大尺度风场的驱动下,模式亦可以模拟出上对流层区域CO浓度分布特征,但进一步考虑对流抬升的输送作用后,模拟结果和实际资料更吻合,表明亚洲季风区上对流层区域CO浓度大值区的形成是中小尺度对流抬升和大尺度输送的共同作用,但后者影响程度更大。亚洲季风区夏季上对流层区域的CO主要源于印度半岛北部、非洲中部和中国东北部地区的地表排放。该区域CO异常分布主要和两个输送过程相关:一个是大尺度输送和中小尺度对流抬升在垂直方向的输送,使得对流层下部的高CO浓度大气可以很快地抬升到上对流层,甚至可以达到16km的对流层顶高度附近,然后在哈得来环流以及南亚反气旋的影响下,进一步向低纬热带地区输送;另一个是对流层中低层向东和向极一侧的输送使得印度中南部、阿拉伯半岛甚至非洲中部成为亚洲季风区内CO远距离输送的源区。展开更多
The Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model (LPDM) in the 594 km× 594 km model domain with the horizontal grid scale of 3 km×3 km centered at a power plant and the Eulerian Transport Model (ETM) modified from t...The Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model (LPDM) in the 594 km× 594 km model domain with the horizontal grid scale of 3 km×3 km centered at a power plant and the Eulerian Transport Model (ETM) modified from the Asian Dust Aerosol Model 2 (ADAM2) in the domain of 70° LAT × 140° LON with the horizontal grid scale of 27 km×27 km have been developed. These models have been implemented to simulate the concentration and deposition of radionuclides (137Cs and 131I) released from the accident of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. It is found that both models are able to simulate quite reasonably the observed concentrations of 137Cs and 131I near the power plant. However, the LPDM model is more useful for the estimation of concentration near the power plant site in details whereas the ETM model is good for the long-range transport processes of the radionuclide plume. The estimated maximum mean surface concentration, column integrated mean concentration and the total deposition (wet+dry) by LPDM for the period from 12 March to 30 April 2011 are, respectively found to be 2.975 × 102 Bq m-3, 3.7 × 107 Bq m-2, and 1.78 × 1014 Bq m-2 for 137Cs and 1.96 × 104 Bq m-3, 2.24 × 109 Bq m-2 and 5.96 × 1014 Bq m-2 for 131I. The radionuclide plumes released from the accident power plant are found to spread wide regions not only the whole model domain of downwind regions but the upwind regions of Russia, Mongolia, Korea, eastern China, Philippines and Vietnam within the analysis period.展开更多
文摘基于全球大气研究排放源(Emission Database for Global At mospheric Research,EDGAR,3.2版本)的CO地表排放源数据,借助于拉格朗日大气轨迹输送模式FLEXPART,通过数值模拟手段,初步探讨了2006年夏季亚洲季风区CO异常分布形成的原因及深对流向上输送和反气旋控制作用相关的输送过程。比较分析发现,受到地表排放源等不确定因素的影响,数值模拟和卫星资料反演的CO浓度存在一定偏差(体积分数相差可达2×10-8~3×10-8),但其时空变化特征具有相对的一致性。仅在大尺度风场的驱动下,模式亦可以模拟出上对流层区域CO浓度分布特征,但进一步考虑对流抬升的输送作用后,模拟结果和实际资料更吻合,表明亚洲季风区上对流层区域CO浓度大值区的形成是中小尺度对流抬升和大尺度输送的共同作用,但后者影响程度更大。亚洲季风区夏季上对流层区域的CO主要源于印度半岛北部、非洲中部和中国东北部地区的地表排放。该区域CO异常分布主要和两个输送过程相关:一个是大尺度输送和中小尺度对流抬升在垂直方向的输送,使得对流层下部的高CO浓度大气可以很快地抬升到上对流层,甚至可以达到16km的对流层顶高度附近,然后在哈得来环流以及南亚反气旋的影响下,进一步向低纬热带地区输送;另一个是对流层中低层向东和向极一侧的输送使得印度中南部、阿拉伯半岛甚至非洲中部成为亚洲季风区内CO远距离输送的源区。
文摘The Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model (LPDM) in the 594 km× 594 km model domain with the horizontal grid scale of 3 km×3 km centered at a power plant and the Eulerian Transport Model (ETM) modified from the Asian Dust Aerosol Model 2 (ADAM2) in the domain of 70° LAT × 140° LON with the horizontal grid scale of 27 km×27 km have been developed. These models have been implemented to simulate the concentration and deposition of radionuclides (137Cs and 131I) released from the accident of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. It is found that both models are able to simulate quite reasonably the observed concentrations of 137Cs and 131I near the power plant. However, the LPDM model is more useful for the estimation of concentration near the power plant site in details whereas the ETM model is good for the long-range transport processes of the radionuclide plume. The estimated maximum mean surface concentration, column integrated mean concentration and the total deposition (wet+dry) by LPDM for the period from 12 March to 30 April 2011 are, respectively found to be 2.975 × 102 Bq m-3, 3.7 × 107 Bq m-2, and 1.78 × 1014 Bq m-2 for 137Cs and 1.96 × 104 Bq m-3, 2.24 × 109 Bq m-2 and 5.96 × 1014 Bq m-2 for 131I. The radionuclide plumes released from the accident power plant are found to spread wide regions not only the whole model domain of downwind regions but the upwind regions of Russia, Mongolia, Korea, eastern China, Philippines and Vietnam within the analysis period.