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作者 张浪 余浩然 +2 位作者 仲启铖 张桂莲 张青萍 《中国园林》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期6-14,共9页
如何科学确定城市生态廊道空间范围是城乡规划和风景园林领域最为关心的问题之一。基于电路理论模型量化源地间物种转移廊道的功能连接度,引入经济学“效益成本比”思想构建城市生态廊道空间范围划定模型,提取生态廊道功能连接度效益成... 如何科学确定城市生态廊道空间范围是城乡规划和风景园林领域最为关心的问题之一。基于电路理论模型量化源地间物种转移廊道的功能连接度,引入经济学“效益成本比”思想构建城市生态廊道空间范围划定模型,提取生态廊道功能连接度效益成本比的拐点作为该条廊道规划建设的参照宽度。结果显示:(1)研究区共识别59个30hm^(2)以上的生态源地,其中大型生态源地多处在研究区外围,景观阻力面空间分布特征具有明显地“核心-边缘”特征;(2)基于最小成本路径模型与电路理论提取出126条生态廊道,并识别了重要生态源地、夹点及障碍点,发现障碍点与夹点空间存在明显拮抗关系;(3)整合电路理论(Circuitscape平台Pairwise模式)与分段线性回归模型划定研究区城市生态廊道的参考宽度范围处于60.27~371.83m,并对比了现有功能连接度量化方法对廊道参照宽度有潜在影响。以上研究结论可为今后城市乃至区域生态网络构建提供科学借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 风景园林 城市生态廊道 廊道宽度 功能连接度 电路理论 形态学格局分析(MSPA)
作者 沈舟 尹海伟 +3 位作者 孔繁花 苏杰 孙辉 李久林 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期3303-3316,共14页
保持生境连通性是全球生物多样性保护面临的主要挑战之一。生境网络构建与优化是一种积极主动的景观策略,但其成效取决于异质性景观背景下生境分布格局与物种响应。以南京市为例、白鹭为目标物种,开展了基于生境组团化分析与景观廊道(LS... 保持生境连通性是全球生物多样性保护面临的主要挑战之一。生境网络构建与优化是一种积极主动的景观策略,但其成效取决于异质性景观背景下生境分布格局与物种响应。以南京市为例、白鹭为目标物种,开展了基于生境组团化分析与景观廊道(LSCorridors)模拟的生境网络构建与优化研究。通过整合生境适宜性评价、干扰度评价、最大熵(MaxEnt)模型模拟,实现了物种生境源地综合识别;利用景观连通性指标与核密度分析,识别了物种生境分布的组团化格局;在最小成本路径(LCPs)的基础上,定义了优化新增型与提升型两类廊道,并从物种感知与适应性变化出发,应用LSCorridors软件模拟了这两类目标优化廊道的多重随机路径及其空间范围。结果表明,南京市白鹭生境斑块共计428个,总面积达31525.75 hm^(2),主要是林地与水域,具有较为明显的破碎化和局部集聚特征,九大生境组团以南京长江段水域斑块为轴,沿两侧分布,彼此联系比较薄弱;最佳距离阈值4.5 km内,识别LCPs共907条,总长度1548.59 km,平均较短、分布紧凑,主要位于各生境组团内部,但仅少数连接着不同生境组团;确定的8条优化新增型廊道和10条优化提升型廊道,其LSCorridors模拟结果与LCPs存在空间偏差,前者更符合现实进而有益于避免保护低效和促进多类型、差异化的优化措施制定。研究成果能为面向生物多样性保护的南京市生境网络保护以及重点生态廊道的规划实践提供决策参考。 展开更多
关键词 生境网络 最小成本路径 连通性 景观廊道(lscorridors) 生物多样性
作者 冯青郁 凡会会 +5 位作者 杨磊 陈利顶 黄勇 李博永 范茵琳 杨能亮 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第11期4678-4686,共9页
景观格局的定量分析是评价其对生态过程影响的先决条件,也是生态系统规划和管理的重要依据。当前的景观格局分析软件都仅提供基于“斑块-廊道-基质”景观分析范式的格局指数计算,不包含基于“源-流-汇”的范式的指数计算。这不仅无法适... 景观格局的定量分析是评价其对生态过程影响的先决条件,也是生态系统规划和管理的重要依据。当前的景观格局分析软件都仅提供基于“斑块-廊道-基质”景观分析范式的格局指数计算,不包含基于“源-流-汇”的范式的指数计算。这不仅无法适应景观生态学理论的发展,也无法满足大数据时代对计算场景和速率的需求。针对该问题,在研发基于“源-流-汇”的范式的指数算法的基础上,开发了景观生态学工具箱(Landscape Ecology Toolbox,LET)。不仅同时提供基于两种分析范式下的景观格局指数计算,也提供了图形用户界面和命令行两种运行方式。在对LET主要功能进行介绍的基础上,将LET同现有景观分析软件在操作逻辑、景观指数计算范围、特色功能等方面进行了详细的对比,最后对软件未来的发展方向进行了讨论。 展开更多
关键词 景观生态学工具箱 景观格局指数 “源-流-汇”范式 “斑块-廊道-基质”范式
作者 许涛 樊鹤翔 +2 位作者 周可钦 李涵璟 王苗 《中国园林》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期114-118,共5页
山西省运城市位于黄河中下游三省交界处,其景观要素成分复杂,对运城景观生态网络斑块与廊道的研究有利于黄河生态系统稳定性的保护。基于形态空间格局理论(MSPA)确定连通性强的核心斑块,识别核心生态源地,以最小累计阻力模型(MCR)为基础... 山西省运城市位于黄河中下游三省交界处,其景观要素成分复杂,对运城景观生态网络斑块与廊道的研究有利于黄河生态系统稳定性的保护。基于形态空间格局理论(MSPA)确定连通性强的核心斑块,识别核心生态源地,以最小累计阻力模型(MCR)为基础,叠加7种阻力因子构建综合阻力面,根据重力模型划分生态廊道等级。以基于电路理论(CIRCUIT)的Linkage Mapper工具识别生态夹点和障碍点作为生态节点,综合构建源地(面)-廊道(线)-节点(点)的运城市景观生态网络。结果表明:1)运城市核心生态源地有9处,综合重力模型和实际建设需求划分13条重要生态廊道和10条一般生态廊道,识别出关键生态节点17个,一般生态节点34个;2)现有重要生态廊道集中于运城南部,南北方向生态联系较弱,可优先加强贯穿稷山县、新绛县、闻喜县的重要生态廊道建设;3)MSPA模型与电路理论的综合运用可提升景观生态网络构建的科学性和准确性,有利于确定生态修复关键区域,为生态修复项目的布局提供有力支撑。 展开更多
关键词 风景园林 景观生态网络 形态空间格局理论 最小累计阻力模型 电路理论 源地-廊道-节点
作者 曾宇轩 吴晓佩 +1 位作者 吴晨虹 谢祥财 《现代农业研究》 2024年第1期113-118,共6页
河流廊道是植物生长的一个重要环境,但关于村落河流廊道的研究却相对缺乏。本研究以福州村落白眉溪流域为研究样段,运用均匀布样法,通过分析白眉溪流域的驳岸类型、植物的生境类型,并探索河流廊道植物组成特征,以期为河道植物生境及植... 河流廊道是植物生长的一个重要环境,但关于村落河流廊道的研究却相对缺乏。本研究以福州村落白眉溪流域为研究样段,运用均匀布样法,通过分析白眉溪流域的驳岸类型、植物的生境类型,并探索河流廊道植物组成特征,以期为河道植物生境及植物景观营造提供相关经验。 展开更多
关键词 村落 河流廊道 植物景观 物种多样性
作者 赵显彬 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第4期87-90,共4页
随着社会经济的快速发展,城市规模的不断扩大,河流廊道作为城市重要的生态基础设施和景观资源,其价值越来越受到关注,如何利用河流廊道将城市的发展与自然生态环境紧密结合,同时满足市民对景观环境的需求是当今城市河道设计中需要考虑... 随着社会经济的快速发展,城市规模的不断扩大,河流廊道作为城市重要的生态基础设施和景观资源,其价值越来越受到关注,如何利用河流廊道将城市的发展与自然生态环境紧密结合,同时满足市民对景观环境的需求是当今城市河道设计中需要考虑的重点问题。海绵城市理论、景观生态学、人与自然和谐相处可持续发展战略共同构成了城市河流廊道景观景观设计的理论基础,城市河流廊道景观的设计原则在于使城市河流廊道景观具有多元的功能性、美学的连续性、多样的生物性。基于此,文章从生态保护、人文修复、美学塑造三个角度出发,结合国内外实践案例探讨城市河流廊道景观设计问题。 展开更多
关键词 城市建设 河流廊道 景观设计
作者 蒋勇 颜佳 周含芝 《中国园林》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期79-85,共7页
高速城市化进程加速了城市居民的生活节奏,同时也引发了城市交通拥堵、居民出行品质下降等问题。当前,城市建成环境是推动高质量发展、创建高品质生活的重要载体,而慢行廊道的建设是城市空间品质提升的重要途径。但城市慢性廊道的规划... 高速城市化进程加速了城市居民的生活节奏,同时也引发了城市交通拥堵、居民出行品质下降等问题。当前,城市建成环境是推动高质量发展、创建高品质生活的重要载体,而慢行廊道的建设是城市空间品质提升的重要途径。但城市慢性廊道的规划建设多是以自上而下的方式,缺少从人本尺度出发的精细化空间识别与选线效能评估。基于此,以宜昌市旧城区慢行廊道建设项目为例,结合市民出行特点与需求、城市物理空间环境等因素,充分考虑其通行性、景观性、舒适性、经济性,基于“5D理论”运用城市街景数据、POI数据、交通数据和热力图数据等对城市建成环境品质进行系统性测度,实现宜昌城市慢行廊道选线适宜性评估。并根据研究结论,从城市慢行系统交通组织、空间构成及基础服务设施维度提出相应设计策略。旨在将宜昌打造为通达舒适的标杆慢行廊道,为城市慢行系统的建设实践提供新的解决方案。 展开更多
关键词 风景园林 慢行廊道 选线规划 多源数据 城市设计 宜昌市
作者 吴思娇 申玲 +3 位作者 陈舒扬 李佳琪 岳俊芝 谭芊 《城市建筑空间》 2024年第4期54-56,共3页
工业遗产再利用在全球后工业化转型背景下显示出愈发重要的作用。面对滨水工业厂区大规模且各自独立封闭的空间形态,遗产廊道理念为线形滨水工业区更新提供了可行方向。介绍美国纽约市与我国上海市滨水工业区更新再生实例,归纳规划再生... 工业遗产再利用在全球后工业化转型背景下显示出愈发重要的作用。面对滨水工业厂区大规模且各自独立封闭的空间形态,遗产廊道理念为线形滨水工业区更新提供了可行方向。介绍美国纽约市与我国上海市滨水工业区更新再生实例,归纳规划再生与遗产保护模式,以期为我国面临产业转型的港口城市提供有效的操作路径与实践经验。 展开更多
关键词 遗产廊道 线形景观 滨水工业区
作者 王鑫 马建仁 +1 位作者 陈杰 唐琳 《城市建筑空间》 2024年第5期31-37,共7页
基于场所精神理论,探讨线性廊道的构成要素与功能属性,通过空间、物质、人文环境、行为活动4个构成要素分析线性廊道设计系统,提出最小干预、空间复合利用、生态可持续、公众参与的线性街景空间重构策略。以北京大学校园道路景观廊道设... 基于场所精神理论,探讨线性廊道的构成要素与功能属性,通过空间、物质、人文环境、行为活动4个构成要素分析线性廊道设计系统,提出最小干预、空间复合利用、生态可持续、公众参与的线性街景空间重构策略。以北京大学校园道路景观廊道设计为例,针对场地内存在的校园轴线序列模糊、交通动线混杂拥堵、周期性暴雨内涝困扰、街景郁闭缺乏交流等问题,从场所精神感知路径的空间定向与文化认同两方面提出线性街景空间系统设计方案,以期重构校园道路景观廊道。 展开更多
关键词 场所精神 线性景观 廊道 校园更新 空间重构 街景
作者 钱兆 顾康康 +1 位作者 陈小芳 李龙 《宿州学院学报》 2024年第3期57-62,73,共7页
科学构建城市通风廊道对缓解城市热岛效应有着重要作用。以合肥市主城区为例,利用“源-汇”热景观理论提取通风廊道起终点,MCR模型和重力模型分析并筛选通风廊道,构建研究区通风廊道网络。结果表明:起点斑块以水库、湿地公园、森林的集... 科学构建城市通风廊道对缓解城市热岛效应有着重要作用。以合肥市主城区为例,利用“源-汇”热景观理论提取通风廊道起终点,MCR模型和重力模型分析并筛选通风廊道,构建研究区通风廊道网络。结果表明:起点斑块以水库、湿地公园、森林的集中区为主,终点斑块以城市建成密集区为主;共构建13条一级廊道,9条二级廊道,全长312.44 km;在夏季主导风向下,除Y5斑块外的其他热源斑块均能够通过一级廊道引入2个及以上的热汇斑块的冷空气;“源-汇”理论的引入可以增强城市通风廊道对于城市冷源和热源区域的联系,加强城市通风廊道的效能。 展开更多
关键词 “源-汇”热景观 热环境 城市通风廊道 合肥市
The corridor effect of metropolitan spatialextension and optimization of landscape structure—the case of Beijing 被引量:10
作者 ZONG Yue-guang, TANG Yan-bing, CHEN Hong-chun, GUO Rui-hua(Dept. of Resources & Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China) 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 1999年第4期319-325,共7页
Because of the existence of gradient field of the urban center and the corridor effect. underthe drive of going merely after economic benefit, the city intrinsically has the trend of massive growth, and this will se... Because of the existence of gradient field of the urban center and the corridor effect. underthe drive of going merely after economic benefit, the city intrinsically has the trend of massive growth, and this will seriously destroy the urban reasonable landscape structure and the ecological equilibrium.By applying the theory of corridor effect. this paper studies the interactive process between artificialcorridors and natural corridors. At the same time, by studying the Beijing's spatial extension pattern in central urban area during different periods. this paper analyses the corridors extension volume.extension velocity and variant tendency of urban landscape on & directions. Moreover. this paperbrings forward the idea of incorporating the systen of natural corridors into the Beijing'smetropolitan planning, namely to form a star-shaped scattering-group pattern in which artificialcorridors and natural corridors are alternately distributed in order to effectively prevent built-up areafrom massive growth . 展开更多
关键词 metropolitan area corridor effect urban landscape structure
Study on the oasis corridor landscape in the arid regions based on RS and GIS methods—application of Jinta Oasis, China 被引量:2
作者 MAMing-guo WANGXue-mei 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2003年第2期193-198,共6页
The study on the oasis corridor landscape is a new hotspot in the ecological environment research in the arid regions. In oasis, main corridor landscape types include river, ditch, shelterbelt and road. This paper int... The study on the oasis corridor landscape is a new hotspot in the ecological environment research in the arid regions. In oasis, main corridor landscape types include river, ditch, shelterbelt and road. This paper introduces the basic ecological effects of the corridor landscape on the transporting mass and energy and obstructing desert landscape expansion and incursion. Using Geographic Information System(GIS), we have researched the corridor distribution and its spatial relationship with other landscape types in the Jinta Oasis. Based on the dynamically monitoring on the landscape pattern change of the Jinta Oasis during the latter 10 years by using Remote Sensing(RS) and GIS,the driving functions of the corridors on this change have been analyzed in detail. The analysis results showed that all kinds of corridors' characteristics can be quantified by the indexes such as length and width, ratio of perimeter and area, density and non-heterogeneity. The total corridor length of Jinta Oasis is 1838.5 km and its density is 2.1 km/km 2. The corridor density of the irrigation land, forest and resident area is maximal, which shows that affection degree of the oasis corridors on them is the most. The improvement of the corridors quality is one of the important driving factors on the irrigation land and so on. The organic combination of the RS and GIS technologies and landscape research methods would be an effective means for the corridor landscape research on arid region oasis. 展开更多
关键词 arid region OASIS corridor landscape RS GIS
Ecological function regionalization of fluvial corridor landscapes and measures for ecological regeneration in the middle and lower reaches of the Tarim River, Xinjiang of China 被引量:2
作者 Zhou, HuaRong Xia, DuNing 《Journal of Arid Land》 SCIE 2010年第2期123-132,共10页
The middle and lower reaches of the Tarim River are currently one of the main regions of ecological restoration in the arid areas of western China.Using the principles and method of landscape ecology,this study has ch... The middle and lower reaches of the Tarim River are currently one of the main regions of ecological restoration in the arid areas of western China.Using the principles and method of landscape ecology,this study has chosen the fluvial corridor landscape in the middle and lower reaches of the Tarim River,and discusses the region’s ecologically functional regionalization system and issues related to its practical classification.On this basis the corresponding regionalizing principles and standards were developed which were used to qualitatively divide the three main landscapes as the ecologically functional areas in the drainage basin.The paper has also analyzed the characteristic of the study areas,and has put forward the measures for its ecological restoration. 展开更多
关键词 fluvial corridor landscape ecological function regionalization ecological regeneration Tarim River
作者 WANG Xian-li LI Xiu-zhen XIAO Du-ning(Institute of Applied Ecology the Chinese Academy of Sicnces, Shenyang 110015, P R. China) 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2000年第2期177-181,共5页
Corridors are special patches with narrow and long shape, and often have the functions as transportation,protection, resources and aesthetics. Corridors in the study area can be classilied into 8 types, with a total l... Corridors are special patches with narrow and long shape, and often have the functions as transportation,protection, resources and aesthetics. Corridors in the study area can be classilied into 8 types, with a total length of 5167. 2 km, and conidor density of 1. 25 km/km2. The conidore are mainly composed of irrigation and drainag canals,the total length of which is 2794 km,about 54. 1% of all the corridors. The conidors have segmented the landscape, and changed the original situation of the natural landscapes. The types of conidors are clooely related to the landscape types they are distributed in. Canals are maily distributed in the wetland landscapes, while roads are mainly in the built-up area. Dikes are always along rivers or coastlines. The conidors are most densely distributed wherever human activity occurs most bouendy, such as in the artifical wedlands of paddy fields. 展开更多
关键词 CORRIDOR Liaohe DELTA landscape ECOLOGY
Effects of Corridor Networks on Plant Species Composition and Diversity in an Intensive Agriculture Landscape 被引量:6
作者 TANG Qian LIANG Guofu +1 位作者 LU Xunling DING Shengyan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第1期93-103,共11页
The development of modern agriculture has resulted in much homogenization of the landscape consisting of large patches of farmland,so small remnant non-crop habitats especially linear corridors play an important role ... The development of modern agriculture has resulted in much homogenization of the landscape consisting of large patches of farmland,so small remnant non-crop habitats especially linear corridors play an important role in the conservation of species and the maintenance of ecosystem functions.However,little attention has been paid to the effects of corridors structural characteristics on the plant species restricted to such habitats.In this study,we selected three types of corridors including ditch,hedgerow and road,and analyzed their structural characteristics.The plant species presented in these corridors were investigated,and the species diversity,abundance and frequency were estimated.Moreover,spatial arrangements of corridors were classified into different types to discuss whether there were significant effects of corridor network on plant distribution.The results show that three types of corridors have different effects on plant species composition and diversity.The one-one combined corridor networks and total network associated by three corridors have more complex structural features than each single type of corridor.However,there is no strong correlation between the corridor networks with their plant species.We suggest that carrying out a pointed vegetation survey at corridor intersections to further test the relationships between structural features of corridor and plants is necessary. 展开更多
关键词 物种多样性 植物物种 物种组成 景观效果 集约化农业 走廊 网络 生态系统功能
The Explore of Landscape Planning and Design of Urban Complex Based on the Patch-Corridor-MatrixModel 被引量:1
作者 Youzhu Chen, Suping Gao Suping Gao Ming Den Yue Chen Chaode Chen 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第12期1335-1343,共9页
关键词 景观规划设计 城市综合体 斑块 廊道 城市景观结构 快速城市化 交互功能 城市系统
Landscape Design of the Ming Dynasty Outer City Wall in Nanjing from the Perspective of Experience Tourism
作者 YU Ziping 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2018年第6期134-136,共3页
Taking a section of the Ming Dynasty Outer City Wall from Xianhe Gate to Qilin Gate for example, this paper proposed the landscape design from the perspective of experience tourism, highlighted the wal, and took the b... Taking a section of the Ming Dynasty Outer City Wall from Xianhe Gate to Qilin Gate for example, this paper proposed the landscape design from the perspective of experience tourism, highlighted the wal, and took the beautiful environment and rich history and cultures of the Ming Dynasty Outer City Wall as the essential experience elements, to build cultural recreational corridors with the theme of "experiencing the Ming Dynasty culture", so that visitors will get unforgettable experience, tourism quality, popularity of the Ming Dynasty Outer City Wall as well as its cultural and educational significance will be further promoted. 展开更多
关键词 Experience TOURISM The Ming DYNASTY Outer City Wall CULTURAL CORRIDOR landscape
Remote Sensing and Landscape Metrics-Based Forest Physical Degradation: Two-Decades Assessment in Gishwati-Mukura Biological Corridor in Rwanda, East-Central Africa
作者 Hassina Uwiringiyimana Jaeyong Choi 《Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection》 2022年第4期64-81,共18页
The management of forest corridors and related ecology is one of the effective strategies to minimize the adverse effects of forest degradation. It controls the connectivity of inhabitant species and the connection of... The management of forest corridors and related ecology is one of the effective strategies to minimize the adverse effects of forest degradation. It controls the connectivity of inhabitant species and the connection of the isolated patches. This study analyzed spatial and temporal forest physical degradation based on forest cover change and forest fragmentation in the Gishwati-Mukura biological corridor from 1990-2019. Remotely sensed datasets, Geographical Information System (GIS) and FRAGSTATS software were used to analyze the spatial and temporal physical degradation and changes in forest cover. The results indicated that the Gishwati-Mukura corridor experienced massive deforestation where approximately 7617.1 ha (64.22%) of forest cover was completely cleared out, which implies an annual forest loss of 262.6 ha&#183;year<sup>-</sup><sup>1</sup> (2.21%) during 1990-2019. The forest cover transitions patterns and geostatistical analysis indicated that extensive deforestation was associated with intensive agriculture. The results demonstrated that agriculture has dramatically increased from 29.46% in 1990 to 57.22% in 2019, with an annual increase of 1.97%. Since Gishwati-Mukura has changed to National Park (NP), it lacks diversified scientific studies addressing the analysis of the remote and spatial patterns to investigate its physical degradation and landscape dynamics. This research study will serve as remote forest analysis gap-filling and as the cornerstone of numerous other research that will contribute to the improvement of the connectivity assessments along the Gishwati-Mukura corridor and other related ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 landscape Metrics Remote Sensing Geographic Information System (GIS) Forest Physical Degradation Biological Corridor National Park
作者 王国光 张思英 《南方建筑》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期90-96,共7页
文化线路是遗产保护领域的前沿概念,代表了一种影响当前文化遗产演变和扩展的新思路。费孝通先生在20世纪80年代提出南岭走廊的民族学概念,为中华民族多元一体格局理论的完善指明了重要方向。以文化线路具有的交流特性作为切入点,对南... 文化线路是遗产保护领域的前沿概念,代表了一种影响当前文化遗产演变和扩展的新思路。费孝通先生在20世纪80年代提出南岭走廊的民族学概念,为中华民族多元一体格局理论的完善指明了重要方向。以文化线路具有的交流特性作为切入点,对南岭走廊湘粤区段景观文化遗产从自然地理环境、物质文化要素和非物质文化要素三个层面进行解读,认识到自然地理条件是实现文化线路交流与对话的环境基础,物质文化要素和非物质文化要素是见证文化线路交流与对话的载体和产物,希冀更深入地将文化线路理论与中国本土实际相结合,以推进文化线路理论的扩展、延伸与细化,为我国文化遗产保护提供助益与参考。 展开更多
关键词 南岭走廊 文化线路 景观文化遗产 文化交流性 多元文化
基于景观格局和生态系统服务的生态廊道修复成效评估指标体系 被引量:3
作者 郭玉佳 刘世梁 +2 位作者 董玉红 刘佳驹 李维珊 《中国生态农业学报(中英文)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第10期1525-1538,共14页
为解决现有生态廊道建设成效评估中目标单一、指标体系不全面、缺乏景观生态学原则和缺乏生态修复项目不同尺度评估等问题,本研究集成生态系统服务指标,提出基于“格局-质量-服务”生态廊道修复成效综合评估指标体系。针对生态廊道特征... 为解决现有生态廊道建设成效评估中目标单一、指标体系不全面、缺乏景观生态学原则和缺乏生态修复项目不同尺度评估等问题,本研究集成生态系统服务指标,提出基于“格局-质量-服务”生态廊道修复成效综合评估指标体系。针对生态廊道特征,成效评估主要从景观格局、生物多样性、栖息地、生态系统服务4个维度展开,并确定项目范围和生态保护修复单元两种尺度的评估重点。通过频度分析法、专家咨询等方法,以生态系统服务提升为修复目标,参考已有规范内容,筛选能够客观地反映项目生态修复效益的具体指标,最终建立具有明确量化方法和评估标准的综合指标体系。评估指标体系包含景观格局优化、生物多样性保护、栖息地保护与构建和生态系统服务提升4个项目层,以及15类准则层和41个指标项。以期更好地实现生态廊道的生态效益和推动生态廊道的建设实践,并为未来国土空间生态修复方案制定、建设实施和后续管理提供科学参考和理论支撑。 展开更多
关键词 生态廊道 修复成效 评估指标体系 景观格局 生态系统服务
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