In recent years image fusion method has been used widely in different studies to improve spatial resolution of multispectral images. This study aims to fuse high resolution satellite imagery with low multispectral ima...In recent years image fusion method has been used widely in different studies to improve spatial resolution of multispectral images. This study aims to fuse high resolution satellite imagery with low multispectral imagery in order to assist policymakers in the effective planning and management of urban forest ecosystem in Baton Rouge. To accomplish these objectives, Landsat 8 and PlanetScope satellite images were acquired from United States Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Explorer and Planet websites with pixel resolution of 30m and 3m respectively. The reference images (observed Landsat 8 and PlanetScope imagery) were acquired on 06/08/2020 and 11/19/2020. The image processing was performed in ArcMap and used 6-5-4 band combination for Landsat 8 to visually inspect healthy vegetation and the green spaces. The near-infrared (NIR) panchromatic band for PlanetScope was merged with Landsat 8 image using the Create Pan-Sharpened raster tool in ArcMap and applied the Intensity-Hue-Saturation (IHS) method. In addition, location of urban forestry parks in the study area was picked using the handheld GPS and recorded in an excel sheet. This sheet was converted into Excel (.csv) file and imported into ESRI ArcMap to identify the spatial distribution of the green spaces in East Baton Rouge parish. Results show fused images have better contrast and improve visualization of spatial features than non-fused images. For example, roads, trees, buildings appear sharper, easily discernible, and less pixelated compared to the Landsat 8 image in the fused image. The paper concludes by outlining policy recommendations in the form of sequential measurement of urban forest over time to help track changes and allows for better informed policy and decision making with respect to urban forest management.展开更多
利用遥感技术快速准确地提取耕地信息是耕地保护的关键环节。以山东省商河县为例,提出了一种基于多季相分形特征的Landsat 8 OLI影像耕地信息提取方法。首先采用毯子覆盖法计算多季相遥感影像每个像元的上分形信号和下分形信号,对比分...利用遥感技术快速准确地提取耕地信息是耕地保护的关键环节。以山东省商河县为例,提出了一种基于多季相分形特征的Landsat 8 OLI影像耕地信息提取方法。首先采用毯子覆盖法计算多季相遥感影像每个像元的上分形信号和下分形信号,对比分析耕地和其他土地利用类型的分形特征,选取上分形信号的第3尺度作为特征尺度,提取商河县耕地空间分布特征;其次采用同时期的土地利用矢量数据、Esri land cover数据和统计数据进行耕地信息提取精度评价;最后分别设置多季相分形提取与单季相分形提取、现有土地利用数据产品的对比实验,并基于点位匹配度和面积匹配度进行评价。结果表明:多季相数据更能反映农作物生长的复杂性,有助于提高耕地信息的提取精度;不同土地利用类型在不同分形尺度的信号值各不相同,分形特征可以在不同尺度上清晰地刻画出不同土地利用类型的分异性;基于矢量数据和Esri land cover数据评价的多季相分形特征耕地提取点位匹配度为87.13%和89.83%,面积匹配度为99.73%和97.91%,均比单季相分形提取结果精度高;综合考虑点位匹配度、面积匹配度和空间分布特征,研发方法能有效区分耕地和其他土地利用类型,提取结果更优,且与统计数据有更高的一致性。该方法可准确提取耕地信息,为耕地的动态监测和损害评估提供技术支撑。展开更多
This paper offers a Derivation of Urban Heat Island (UHI) for Landsat-8 TIR on the application of urban climatology in Riyadh city. GIS and remote sensing are provided to determine the possibility of consolidation acr...This paper offers a Derivation of Urban Heat Island (UHI) for Landsat-8 TIR on the application of urban climatology in Riyadh city. GIS and remote sensing are provided to determine the possibility of consolidation across the heat island in Riyadh. The primary aim of this work is deviation in temperature and makes up an urban heat island (UHI). To create the database required for the study, using satellite images in monitoring thermal emission peaks for the surface of the earth (UHI), we used band ten and band eleven that represented the thermal band, which depended to extract the temperature of the surface (TOAr). The first step was Conversion DN to Radiance;the second was Radiance into degrees Kelvin and the third was Convert degrees Kelvin into degrees Celsius. In the final Produced Urban Heat Island (UHI), maps help to find out the thermal peaks clearly that affect urban climatology by elevating the temperature of the (UHI) and (UHI) peaks of the surrounding regions and the extent of its impact on the occupants of nearby countries. The paper concluded by the study area contains 10 Urban Heat Islands (UHI). Its presence has been associated with the types of land-utilization and requires intervention by the municipality of the city to hold the (UHI) and dilute the impact and types of land usage. Most impact is negative including increased energy consumption, elevated emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases compromised to human health and impaired water quality.展开更多
ET (Evapotranspiration) is one of the climate elements, which plays an important role in water balance, and effects on the ecosystem of any region. Therefore, many mathematical equations and algorithms have been fou...ET (Evapotranspiration) is one of the climate elements, which plays an important role in water balance, and effects on the ecosystem of any region. Therefore, many mathematical equations and algorithms have been found and designed to calculate and estimate values of evapotranspiration. Calculation methods are either based on data from meteorological stations or using other sources of data where the area is lacking from meteorological stations. Remote sensing data are one of the important sources and techniques to estimate many climate elements including evapotranspiration. The selected study area is located in Tatra Mountains on the borders between Poland and Slovakia. Tatra Mountains are the most valuable areas in Poland and Slovakia. The main objective of current study is to estimate the spatial variation of ET using SEBAL algorithm and Landsat-8 imagery. The analysis is carried out using Landsat-8 (OLI/TIRS) data, ASTER GDEM and reference weather parameters. Sixteen ERDAS models are prepared to calculate the various parameters related to solar radiation. The models are prepared to calculate the values of surface radiance surface reflectance, surface albedo, NDVI, LAI, surface emissivity, surface temperature, net radiation, soil heat flux, sensible heat flux, latent heat flux, which are consequently used to calculate the hourly and daily evapotranspiration in study area. Results ofpixel wise calculations show the values of surface temperature which are varied from 6.2℃ at mountain shadow areas to 34.6 ℃ at bare rocks and bare land area, while the spatial variation of ET at different land covers shows the hourly ET ranged from 0 to 0.72 mm/hr, while the daily ET varied from 0.0 to 17.0 mm/day. Results show clear relation between land use/land cover and solar radiation parameters and impact of vegetation cover on the ET values in pixel wise domain.展开更多
In the study of oriented bounding boxes(OBB)object detection in high-resolution remote sensing images,the problem of missed and wrong detection of small targets occurs because the targets are too small and have differ...In the study of oriented bounding boxes(OBB)object detection in high-resolution remote sensing images,the problem of missed and wrong detection of small targets occurs because the targets are too small and have different orientations.Existing OBB object detection for remote sensing images,although making good progress,mainly focuses on directional modeling,while less consideration is given to the size of the object as well as the problem of missed detection.In this study,a method based on improved YOLOv8 was proposed for detecting oriented objects in remote sensing images,which can improve the detection precision of oriented objects in remote sensing images.Firstly,the ResCBAMG module was innovatively designed,which could better extract channel and spatial correlation information.Secondly,the innovative top-down feature fusion layer network structure was proposed in conjunction with the Efficient Channel Attention(ECA)attention module,which helped to capture inter-local cross-channel interaction information appropriately.Finally,we introduced an innovative ResCBAMG module between the different C2f modules and detection heads of the bottom-up feature fusion layer.This innovative structure helped the model to better focus on the target area.The precision and robustness of oriented target detection were also improved.Experimental results on the DOTA-v1.5 dataset showed that the detection Precision,mAP@0.5,and mAP@0.5:0.95 metrics of the improved model are better compared to the original model.This improvement is effective in detecting small targets and complex scenes.展开更多
文摘In recent years image fusion method has been used widely in different studies to improve spatial resolution of multispectral images. This study aims to fuse high resolution satellite imagery with low multispectral imagery in order to assist policymakers in the effective planning and management of urban forest ecosystem in Baton Rouge. To accomplish these objectives, Landsat 8 and PlanetScope satellite images were acquired from United States Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Explorer and Planet websites with pixel resolution of 30m and 3m respectively. The reference images (observed Landsat 8 and PlanetScope imagery) were acquired on 06/08/2020 and 11/19/2020. The image processing was performed in ArcMap and used 6-5-4 band combination for Landsat 8 to visually inspect healthy vegetation and the green spaces. The near-infrared (NIR) panchromatic band for PlanetScope was merged with Landsat 8 image using the Create Pan-Sharpened raster tool in ArcMap and applied the Intensity-Hue-Saturation (IHS) method. In addition, location of urban forestry parks in the study area was picked using the handheld GPS and recorded in an excel sheet. This sheet was converted into Excel (.csv) file and imported into ESRI ArcMap to identify the spatial distribution of the green spaces in East Baton Rouge parish. Results show fused images have better contrast and improve visualization of spatial features than non-fused images. For example, roads, trees, buildings appear sharper, easily discernible, and less pixelated compared to the Landsat 8 image in the fused image. The paper concludes by outlining policy recommendations in the form of sequential measurement of urban forest over time to help track changes and allows for better informed policy and decision making with respect to urban forest management.
文摘利用遥感技术快速准确地提取耕地信息是耕地保护的关键环节。以山东省商河县为例,提出了一种基于多季相分形特征的Landsat 8 OLI影像耕地信息提取方法。首先采用毯子覆盖法计算多季相遥感影像每个像元的上分形信号和下分形信号,对比分析耕地和其他土地利用类型的分形特征,选取上分形信号的第3尺度作为特征尺度,提取商河县耕地空间分布特征;其次采用同时期的土地利用矢量数据、Esri land cover数据和统计数据进行耕地信息提取精度评价;最后分别设置多季相分形提取与单季相分形提取、现有土地利用数据产品的对比实验,并基于点位匹配度和面积匹配度进行评价。结果表明:多季相数据更能反映农作物生长的复杂性,有助于提高耕地信息的提取精度;不同土地利用类型在不同分形尺度的信号值各不相同,分形特征可以在不同尺度上清晰地刻画出不同土地利用类型的分异性;基于矢量数据和Esri land cover数据评价的多季相分形特征耕地提取点位匹配度为87.13%和89.83%,面积匹配度为99.73%和97.91%,均比单季相分形提取结果精度高;综合考虑点位匹配度、面积匹配度和空间分布特征,研发方法能有效区分耕地和其他土地利用类型,提取结果更优,且与统计数据有更高的一致性。该方法可准确提取耕地信息,为耕地的动态监测和损害评估提供技术支撑。
文摘This paper offers a Derivation of Urban Heat Island (UHI) for Landsat-8 TIR on the application of urban climatology in Riyadh city. GIS and remote sensing are provided to determine the possibility of consolidation across the heat island in Riyadh. The primary aim of this work is deviation in temperature and makes up an urban heat island (UHI). To create the database required for the study, using satellite images in monitoring thermal emission peaks for the surface of the earth (UHI), we used band ten and band eleven that represented the thermal band, which depended to extract the temperature of the surface (TOAr). The first step was Conversion DN to Radiance;the second was Radiance into degrees Kelvin and the third was Convert degrees Kelvin into degrees Celsius. In the final Produced Urban Heat Island (UHI), maps help to find out the thermal peaks clearly that affect urban climatology by elevating the temperature of the (UHI) and (UHI) peaks of the surrounding regions and the extent of its impact on the occupants of nearby countries. The paper concluded by the study area contains 10 Urban Heat Islands (UHI). Its presence has been associated with the types of land-utilization and requires intervention by the municipality of the city to hold the (UHI) and dilute the impact and types of land usage. Most impact is negative including increased energy consumption, elevated emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases compromised to human health and impaired water quality.
文摘ET (Evapotranspiration) is one of the climate elements, which plays an important role in water balance, and effects on the ecosystem of any region. Therefore, many mathematical equations and algorithms have been found and designed to calculate and estimate values of evapotranspiration. Calculation methods are either based on data from meteorological stations or using other sources of data where the area is lacking from meteorological stations. Remote sensing data are one of the important sources and techniques to estimate many climate elements including evapotranspiration. The selected study area is located in Tatra Mountains on the borders between Poland and Slovakia. Tatra Mountains are the most valuable areas in Poland and Slovakia. The main objective of current study is to estimate the spatial variation of ET using SEBAL algorithm and Landsat-8 imagery. The analysis is carried out using Landsat-8 (OLI/TIRS) data, ASTER GDEM and reference weather parameters. Sixteen ERDAS models are prepared to calculate the various parameters related to solar radiation. The models are prepared to calculate the values of surface radiance surface reflectance, surface albedo, NDVI, LAI, surface emissivity, surface temperature, net radiation, soil heat flux, sensible heat flux, latent heat flux, which are consequently used to calculate the hourly and daily evapotranspiration in study area. Results ofpixel wise calculations show the values of surface temperature which are varied from 6.2℃ at mountain shadow areas to 34.6 ℃ at bare rocks and bare land area, while the spatial variation of ET at different land covers shows the hourly ET ranged from 0 to 0.72 mm/hr, while the daily ET varied from 0.0 to 17.0 mm/day. Results show clear relation between land use/land cover and solar radiation parameters and impact of vegetation cover on the ET values in pixel wise domain.
文摘In the study of oriented bounding boxes(OBB)object detection in high-resolution remote sensing images,the problem of missed and wrong detection of small targets occurs because the targets are too small and have different orientations.Existing OBB object detection for remote sensing images,although making good progress,mainly focuses on directional modeling,while less consideration is given to the size of the object as well as the problem of missed detection.In this study,a method based on improved YOLOv8 was proposed for detecting oriented objects in remote sensing images,which can improve the detection precision of oriented objects in remote sensing images.Firstly,the ResCBAMG module was innovatively designed,which could better extract channel and spatial correlation information.Secondly,the innovative top-down feature fusion layer network structure was proposed in conjunction with the Efficient Channel Attention(ECA)attention module,which helped to capture inter-local cross-channel interaction information appropriately.Finally,we introduced an innovative ResCBAMG module between the different C2f modules and detection heads of the bottom-up feature fusion layer.This innovative structure helped the model to better focus on the target area.The precision and robustness of oriented target detection were also improved.Experimental results on the DOTA-v1.5 dataset showed that the detection Precision,mAP@0.5,and mAP@0.5:0.95 metrics of the improved model are better compared to the original model.This improvement is effective in detecting small targets and complex scenes.