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Artistic Renewal and Heritage Conservation-Deleuze’s Philosophy in Reimagining Yongning Ancient Walled City
作者 XU Ze-kai 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2024年第12期1096-1099,共4页
The Yongning Ancient Walled City, located in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, is a historic site with over 600 years of cultural heritage. Its preservation faces challenges posed by rapid urbanization, yet it also offers op... The Yongning Ancient Walled City, located in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, is a historic site with over 600 years of cultural heritage. Its preservation faces challenges posed by rapid urbanization, yet it also offers opportunities for creative renewal through artistic and cultural frameworks. This paper explores a novel approach to reimagining Yongning by integrating Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy-emphasizing multiplicity, rhizomatic connections, and the fold-with environmental art and cultural narratives. By drawing on Deleuze’s concepts of “nomadic space” and “fold” within the context of heritage conservation, this study provides actionable strategies for blending modern artistic practices with traditional cultural identity. Through field research, theoretical exploration, and design application, this paper demonstrates how Yongning can transform into a living museum of art, culture, and history. The findings aim to expand the dialogue on aesthetics, spatial theory, and heritage renewal. 展开更多
关键词 art and heritage conservation Deleuze’s philosophy nomadic space rhizomatic design fold theory cultural aesthetics
Exploration of the Methods and Insights in the Introduction to Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right
作者 Mingjun Gao 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2024年第12期193-200,共8页
Marx,as one of the founders of Marxism,experienced a significant transformation in his thought during the period of 1843-1844.The Introduction to Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right(hereafter referred to as the I... Marx,as one of the founders of Marxism,experienced a significant transformation in his thought during the period of 1843-1844.The Introduction to Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right(hereafter referred to as the Introduction)is one of Marx’s most representative works from this time.Lenin noted that this text,along with Marx’s On the Jewish Question,marks Marx’s transition from idealism and revolutionary democracy to materialism.In this renowned text,Marx offers a rational critique of the absolute authority of religion,articulates a vision for human emancipation,and envisages the possibility of free and comprehensive human development.During this intellectual shift,Marx absorbed the essence of German classical philosophy and,from a positivist perspective,began employing critical thinking and materialist expression.This enabled him to embark on a path of critique addressing both the religious and real social worlds.In the new era,systematically studying Marxist classic works allows for the exploration of their contemporary relevance.By aligning these classics with specific directions outlined in reports such as those from the 20th CPC Central Committee’s Third Plenary Session,the vitality of these works can be reinvigorated for the modern age. 展开更多
关键词 Introduction to Critique of Hegel’s philosophy of Right Marx Method
The Construction of a New Translation Ethics from the Perspective of Chinese Philosophy
作者 Hanji Li Haiqing Chen 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2018年第3期119-124,共6页
As a cross-linguistic,cross-cultural,and cross-social activity,translation is affected by cultural moralities.Since the ethical standard of faithfulness has been abandoned by theories of cultural criticism and the pow... As a cross-linguistic,cross-cultural,and cross-social activity,translation is affected by cultural moralities.Since the ethical standard of faithfulness has been abandoned by theories of cultural criticism and the power of translators’manipulation has been constantly exaggerated,the study of translation ethics is an effective remedy for a current dilemma in translation studies.It is a common phenomenon for some translators to erase the linguistic and cultural differences of Chinese literature by catering to target readers’reception.Social ethics is the foundation of a nation’s translation ethics,which means that thoughts from the Western world may not be suitable for the current situation in China.Learning from concepts of Chinese philosophy including harmony in diversity,seeking common ground while reserving differences,and honesty to formulate a new translation ethics will surely restrain translators’subjectivity within appropriate limits and develop world culture in more harmonious fashion. 展开更多
关键词 TRANsLATION ETHICs FIDELITY Chinese philosophy translator’s sUBJECTIVITY
Let's 3G: ZTE's Future-Oriented 3G Philosophy
作者 Fan Huamin (Mobile Division of ZTE Corporation, Shenzhen 518004, China) 《ZTE Communications》 2005年第1期54-55,共2页
ZTE Corporation is China's largest listed telecommunication equipment manufacturer and a total solution provider. In the past 20 years ZTE has achieved a very rapid growth while in the past 3 years it attained an ... ZTE Corporation is China's largest listed telecommunication equipment manufacturer and a total solution provider. In the past 20 years ZTE has achieved a very rapid growth while in the past 3 years it attained an average annual growth rate of over 35%. In order to attain a continual growth in the coming years, ZTE is now strengthening up its globalization strategy. As a future-oriented technology, 3G has become the focus. Based on a brief introduction of 3G applications at home and abroad, this paper puts forward ZTE' s 3G development strategy. 展开更多
关键词 ZTE’s Future-Oriented 3G philosophy WCDMA Let’s 3G
Conceptions of Intuition in Poincar6's Philosophy of Mathematics
作者 Olga Pombo 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第6期384-397,共14页
The aim of this paper is to contribute to the identification and characterization of the various types of intuition put forward by Poincar6, taking his texts as a laboratory for looking for what intuition might be. I ... The aim of this paper is to contribute to the identification and characterization of the various types of intuition put forward by Poincar6, taking his texts as a laboratory for looking for what intuition might be. I will stress that these diverse conceptions are mainly formulated in the context of Poincar6's controversies in opposition to logicism, to formalism, and in the context of Poincar6's very peculiar conventionalism. I will try to demonstrate that, in each case, Poincar~ comes close to a specific tradition (Kant, of course, but also Leibniz and Peirce). 展开更多
关键词 Poincar6 INTUITION Poincar6's philosophy of mathematics LOGICIsM FORMALIsM conventionalism Kant LEIBNIZ PEIRCE
A Review on the Evolution and Development of Searle' s Philosophy of Mind
作者 Zhao Yingji 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第12期291-299,共9页
The evolution and development of Searle’s philosophy of mind can be divided into two important stages,i.e.the origin and beginning stage between 1960sand 1970s,the formation and development stage since 1980s.Searle’... The evolution and development of Searle’s philosophy of mind can be divided into two important stages,i.e.the origin and beginning stage between 1960sand 1970s,the formation and development stage since 1980s.Searle’s Speech Act Theory started the research on philosophy of mind,which is considered as the origin of his philosophy of mind.The Theories of Intentionality and Chinese Room Argument are the most important and most influential academic findings in his research in the field of philosophy of mind,which lay a solid theoretical foundation for the formation and development of his theories of philosophy of mind.Searle’s philosophy of mind finds wide prospect in the research field,which provides a new direction to understand the world and probe into mind,proposes a new perspective and methodology for the study of language,and promotes the new development of the study of language. 展开更多
关键词 心灵哲学 塞尔 述评 演进 心境 言语行为理论 学术成果 意向性
The Physical Laws and Mathematical Axioms of the Brain’s OS and the Traditional Fundamental Laws of Thought of Logic and Philosophy
作者 Leo Depuydt 《Advances in Pure Mathematics》 2021年第12期988-1039,共52页
This article presents four (4) additions to a book on the brain’s OS published by SciRP in 2015 [1]. It is a kind of appendix to the book. Some familiarity with the earlier book is presupposed. The book itself propos... This article presents four (4) additions to a book on the brain’s OS published by SciRP in 2015 [1]. It is a kind of appendix to the book. Some familiarity with the earlier book is presupposed. The book itself proposes a complete physical and mathematical blueprint of the brain’s OS. A first addition to the book (see Chapters 5 to 10 below) concerns the relation between the afore-mentioned blueprint and the more than 2000-year-old so-called fundamental laws of thought of logic and philosophy, which came to be viewed as being three (3) in number, namely the laws of 1) Identity, 2) Contradiction, and 3) the Excluded Middle. The blueprint and the laws cannot both be the final foundation of the brain’s OS. The design of the present paper is to interpret the laws in strictly mathematical terms in light of the blueprint. This addition constitutes the bulk of the present article. Chapters 5 to 8 set the stage. Chapters 9 and 10 present a detailed mathematical analysis of the laws. A second addition to the book (Chapter 11) concerns the distinction between the laws and the axioms of the brain’s OS. Laws are part of physics. Axioms are part of mathematics. Since the theory of the brain’s OS involves both physics and mathematics, it exhibits both laws and axioms. A third addition (Chapter 12) to the book involves an additional flavor of digitality in the brain’s OS. In the book, there are five (5). But brain chemistry requires a sixth. It will be called Existence Digitality. A fourth addition (Chapter 13) concerns reflections on the role of imagination in theories of physics in light of the ignorance of deeper causes. Chapters 1 to 4 present preliminary matter, for the most part a brief survey of general concepts derived from what is in the book [1]. Some historical notes are gathered at the end in Chapter 14. 展开更多
关键词 Aristotle Boole G. Brain’s Os Fundamental Laws of Thought Kolmogorov A. N. Laws and Axioms Leibniz G. W. Locke J. Logic philosophy Rational Human Intelligence Venn J.
U-G-F-S协作下的中小学教师专业发展模式建构研究——基于田家炳基金会协同教师教育的实践与思考 被引量:4
作者 罗嘉文 刘义民 杜德栎 《当代教育与文化》 北大核心 2019年第4期87-92,共6页
U-G-F-S中小学教师专业发展模式是田家炳基金会(Foundation)参与高校(University)、地方政府(Government)、中小学(School)促进教师专业发展形成的四方协同共生新机制。模式以互惠共生,民主协商,资源互补和主动发展为理念,以转变教师专... U-G-F-S中小学教师专业发展模式是田家炳基金会(Foundation)参与高校(University)、地方政府(Government)、中小学(School)促进教师专业发展形成的四方协同共生新机制。模式以互惠共生,民主协商,资源互补和主动发展为理念,以转变教师专业发展理念、优化教师专业发展资源、建构教师专业发展协同机制、培养时代良师、促进学校整体性发展为目标,强化四方联动,形成教师专业发展共同体。运行机制是基金会协同地方政府错位实施教师专业发展;大学依托优势团队协同诊脉中小学教师专业发展需求;大学协同精准规划教师专业发展课程方案;尝试汰选机制,实施发展性培训。 展开更多
关键词 U-G-F-s模式 基金会 理念 建构
和合哲学视野中的地方大学人才培养模式创新——基于S大学的探索与实践 被引量:1
作者 胡耀宗 蔡先金 宋尚桂 《齐鲁师范学院学报》 2011年第1期1-7,共7页
和合哲学是中国传统和合思想与和合精神的高度概括,具有典型的东方属性。它源远而流长,历久而弥新。和合哲学在高等教育现实语境下可转换为和合教育理念;和合哲学型塑地方大学人才培养的新范式,在S大学的实践形态是:"三位一体"... 和合哲学是中国传统和合思想与和合精神的高度概括,具有典型的东方属性。它源远而流长,历久而弥新。和合哲学在高等教育现实语境下可转换为和合教育理念;和合哲学型塑地方大学人才培养的新范式,在S大学的实践形态是:"三位一体"的GPC和合型人才培养模式和柔性的和合教学体系;和合哲学提供地方大学人才培养的方法资源,在S大学的实践形态是:轴心、核心与多元的和合型课程体系,和合型实践动手能力培养体系以及全方位的教学运行保障体系。 展开更多
关键词 和合哲学 s大学 人才培养模式 创新
S.L.安德森风景园林设计哲学及艺术表现手法探析 被引量:3
作者 杨滨章 《中国园林》 北大核心 2013年第4期73-79,共7页
S.L.安德森是目前在世界范围内享有盛誉的少数丹麦风景园林师之一,其设计作品因具有新颖独特、温馨浪漫、地域鲜明、人文情怀等特点而备受人们喜爱。通过对其设计哲学和艺术表现手法的探讨,有助于人们理解他的作品。其设计哲学可以概括... S.L.安德森是目前在世界范围内享有盛誉的少数丹麦风景园林师之一,其设计作品因具有新颖独特、温馨浪漫、地域鲜明、人文情怀等特点而备受人们喜爱。通过对其设计哲学和艺术表现手法的探讨,有助于人们理解他的作品。其设计哲学可以概括为运用人本理念促进社会和谐,运用乡土元素促进文化传承,运用艺术创新促进景观发展,运用可持续原则促进品质提升;而表现手法则可以概括为简洁的设计形式、多样的功能空间、丰富的感观体验和精致的细部处理。 展开更多
关键词 风景园林 s L 安德森 设计哲学 艺术表现 探析
“S比N1还N2”的语言哲学解读(下) 被引量:5
作者 王天翼 《外国语文》 北大核心 2019年第4期95-103,共9页
笔者曾提出了现代汉语中副词“还”的弹性量域连续性——“达量、持量、增量、过量”,且基于语言哲学和动态范畴观分析了“S比N1还N2”构式中的N2在“还”的压制下所出现的范畴调变现象。本文继续沿这一思路尝试论述该构式在语义、语用... 笔者曾提出了现代汉语中副词“还”的弹性量域连续性——“达量、持量、增量、过量”,且基于语言哲学和动态范畴观分析了“S比N1还N2”构式中的N2在“还”的压制下所出现的范畴调变现象。本文继续沿这一思路尝试论述该构式在语义、语用、修辞等方面所蕴含的深层哲理,主要强调以下两点:从原型标准到程度增量;从词典意义到百科意义。这充分说明,罗素和维特根斯坦所提出的“专名有内涵义”是有根据的。本文最后还指出对该构式进行语言哲学研究的意义所在:这既为汉语研究增添了一条新的分析思路,也可丰富语言哲学的研究内容,更为国外理论本土化提供了一条新的探索途径。 展开更多
关键词 “还” s比N1还N2 语言哲学 弹性量域 范畴层次
作者 马会端 都明空 《东北大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第4期239-242,共4页
从科学技术总论的研究范式来看,科学技术研究大致经历了自然哲学、科学技术哲学、科学技术与社会(STS)等过程。与以上过程相伴随,存在对科学技术加以支持和批判及社会批判的不同技术哲学研究传统及范式,这是一种外在视角的科学技术审视... 从科学技术总论的研究范式来看,科学技术研究大致经历了自然哲学、科学技术哲学、科学技术与社会(STS)等过程。与以上过程相伴随,存在对科学技术加以支持和批判及社会批判的不同技术哲学研究传统及范式,这是一种外在视角的科学技术审视;科学技术的现实复杂性使得外在论无法透视其社会本质,从内在视角审视科学技术发展的STS研究也就应运而生。但是,STS研究缺乏哲学基础,其具有内在的逻辑结构,应该纳入STS哲学的研究范畴,这就是PSTS得以确立的基础。PSTS,是技术哲学与STS研究的有机融合,是一种新的科学技术研究范式。 展开更多
关键词 技术哲学 科学技术与社会 科学与技术研究 sTs哲学
张力与平衡:高等教育哲学的基本问题——读约翰·S·布鲁贝克的《高等教育哲学》 被引量:2
作者 平和光 傅岩 孙龙存 《重庆高教研究》 2014年第2期12-16,共5页
本文以张力作为探究的立足点,分别从高等教育的价值取向、服务对象、内容选择、学术价值和组织管理五个方面诠释布鲁贝克《高等教育哲学》中所蕴含的五大张力:认识论与政治论的张力、精英教育与大众教育的张力、普通教育与专业教育的张... 本文以张力作为探究的立足点,分别从高等教育的价值取向、服务对象、内容选择、学术价值和组织管理五个方面诠释布鲁贝克《高等教育哲学》中所蕴含的五大张力:认识论与政治论的张力、精英教育与大众教育的张力、普通教育与专业教育的张力、学术自由与学术责任的张力、学术自治与外部干预的张力。在此基础上,深入探讨如何维持这五大张力的平衡,以期为中国高等教育理论体系的建立与完善以及高等教育实践活动的开展提供理论借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 张力 平衡 约翰·s·布鲁贝克 《高等教育哲学》
Conceptions of Childhood and the Educational Rights of the Child
作者 Andrew Stables 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第9期857-866,共10页
Formulations of children's rights rest on assumptions about the nature of childhood yet conceptions of childhood are not stable across time and space. Such conceptions can be understood as placing different emphases ... Formulations of children's rights rest on assumptions about the nature of childhood yet conceptions of childhood are not stable across time and space. Such conceptions can be understood as placing different emphases among three different factors: the child as subservient to parents and ancestors (Child 1), as a young person requiring special protection and having characteristics distinct from adults (Child 2) and as a novice (Child 3). Different social arrangements place relatively different emphases on these three factors in their overall conceptions of childhood. Adopting the distinction between Will and Interest rights (Archard 2002), the paper considers how an emphasis on Child 1, 2 or 3 presupposes and demands a distinctive consideration of children's rights. The argument concludes with a reflection on how children's rights might be construed if the nature of adulthood is problematised alongside that of childhood. In this case, capabilities (as means to enable functionings) may prove a more fruitful concept than rights (as actual or possible existential conditions). 展开更多
关键词 children's rights EDUCATION CHILDHOOD philosophy of education
Constructing Women's Humanity from Feminist Standpoints
作者 Jiang Qianyu 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第3期125-131,共7页
This article analyzes the philosophic significance of women's academic works in three major schools of feminist political theories. The author first argues that the universal masculine political subjects are faced wi... This article analyzes the philosophic significance of women's academic works in three major schools of feminist political theories. The author first argues that the universal masculine political subjects are faced with unavoidable dilemmas in social life, which can only be solved by restoring the philosophic ontology of women's humanity. This paper uncovers intellectual values of love, care, and harmonious relationships from liberal feminist theories, prioritizes radical feminists' postulation that female sexuality plays complicated roles in struggles against patriarchal rule and explores socialist feminists' propositions about women's productive and reproductive labor as a part of the economic foundations of society. The author concludes that women's work is essential for constructing the concrete epistemology and humanity in any philosophic work, because classical philosophers' denial of women's life experiences has violated their own epistemological standpoints for isolating knowledge from social practices. 展开更多
关键词 women's humanity feminist philosophy sEXUALITY
作者 曹永国 《教师发展研究》 2024年第3期79-86,共8页
质疑教师之必要性和重要性的传统主要依据自然主义、自由至上主义、无政府主义以及建构主义的教育理念和教育主张。这种质疑在今天伴随着智能化学习的兴盛,以及教育对技术革新的过度强调而被不断加强。重审人类教育,将教育作为人类独特... 质疑教师之必要性和重要性的传统主要依据自然主义、自由至上主义、无政府主义以及建构主义的教育理念和教育主张。这种质疑在今天伴随着智能化学习的兴盛,以及教育对技术革新的过度强调而被不断加强。重审人类教育,将教育作为人类独特的伟大事业,教师则是这种事业必不可少的有效主体。在这里,教师是这样的人:他作为人类精神和美好价值的引导者、探索者和保护者,真诚邀请和指引儿童参与、理解、共享人类生活,通过培育人文和理性,实现新来者的身份转变,使他们成为人类生活的合格者。在这个意义上,教师一定是教育必需的。 展开更多
关键词 教师价值 教师哲学 共享性 儿童中心主义
智能时代教师新兴技术疏离感及其纾解--基于机体哲学的视角 被引量:2
作者 罗莎莎 《教师教育学报》 2024年第4期58-66,共9页
教师在享受以人工智能技术为代表的新兴技术“红利”之时,也在承受一些精神之痛。其中,教师正在遭受人工智能等新兴技术所带来的疏离感之苦便是具体表征之一。概括而言,智能时代教师新兴技术疏离感,可归纳为教师对新兴技术的无力感、教... 教师在享受以人工智能技术为代表的新兴技术“红利”之时,也在承受一些精神之痛。其中,教师正在遭受人工智能等新兴技术所带来的疏离感之苦便是具体表征之一。概括而言,智能时代教师新兴技术疏离感,可归纳为教师对新兴技术的无力感、教师对新兴技术的焦虑感和教师因新兴技术而产生的自我疏离感三个方面。机体哲学认为人类社会是人工机体、社会机体、精神机体和生命机体的耦合体,四者是相互促进和制约的关系。基于机体哲学的视角,审视智能时代教师新兴技术疏离感生成的缘由,发现有三点:一是社会机体发展滞后于人工机体发展速度;二是人工机体对教师精神机体产生遮蔽效应;三是社会机体对教师精神机体和生命机体发生抑制作用。为有效纾解这一问题,需要着重做好三个方面:完善社会机体机制,增强社会机体与人工机体交互的契合性;彰显教师精神机体的价值和力量,探寻教师精神机体与人工机体的内在耦合点;优化社会机体机能,通过社会机体的“功能”“权利”“责任”等要素来激发教师精神机体和生命机体的生机与活力。 展开更多
关键词 机体哲学 疏离感 教师 智能时代 教师精神机体 人工机体 社会机体
作者 张小宁 《内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第4期49-54,共6页
蒂姆·英戈尔德作为英国当代具有世界影响力的人类学家,充分阐释了英国传统人类学思想。他深受法国哲学和社会学思想的影响,在对人类学社会学理论的开拓方面,既有对科学技术发展的深刻反思,也有更生动活泼的人文主义关怀。而法国后... 蒂姆·英戈尔德作为英国当代具有世界影响力的人类学家,充分阐释了英国传统人类学思想。他深受法国哲学和社会学思想的影响,在对人类学社会学理论的开拓方面,既有对科学技术发展的深刻反思,也有更生动活泼的人文主义关怀。而法国后现代主义哲学家德勒兹的思想也深刻影响了英戈尔德的学术实践。英戈尔德线条理论,就是从德勒兹哲学中得到启发。通过对德勒兹与英戈尔德两位思想家的对话进行研究,可以对线条理论进行全方位的阐释,从其哲学进路到实践出路有更细致的把握。 展开更多
关键词 英戈尔德线条理论 德勒兹哲学 生成理论 德勒兹哲学实践 德勒兹线条理论
作者 梁胜兴 《黔南民族师范学院学报》 2024年第5期22-28,共7页
邹元标作为“贵州三迁客”之一,探讨其在都匀的文化实践活动对铸牢中华民族共同体意识的启示具有重要的意义。邹元标在都匀创立南皋书院,招收弟子,传道授业,为民族地区培养了大量的人才,促进了儒学、阳明心学在民族地区的传播,推动了汉... 邹元标作为“贵州三迁客”之一,探讨其在都匀的文化实践活动对铸牢中华民族共同体意识的启示具有重要的意义。邹元标在都匀创立南皋书院,招收弟子,传道授业,为民族地区培养了大量的人才,促进了儒学、阳明心学在民族地区的传播,推动了汉文化与少数民族文化的深度交融,为当代中国的民族团结与共同体建设提供了宝贵的理论依据和实践经验。这不仅是对都匀历史的还原,更是对中华文明多元性的深度挖掘,为中华民族文化共同体的认同构建提供新的视角和启示。 展开更多
关键词 邹元标 阳明心学 中华民族共同体意识
作者 张彦聪 蔡伟峰 王东 《天津市教科院学报》 2024年第5期82-94,共13页
习近平总书记教育重要论述的教育学课程体系转化,是指将习近平总书记教育重要论述的思想理论体系转化为教育学课程的学科化知识体系。新时代教育强国建设背景下,习近平总书记教育重要论述之根本特性契合了中国教育学“三大体系”建设之... 习近平总书记教育重要论述的教育学课程体系转化,是指将习近平总书记教育重要论述的思想理论体系转化为教育学课程的学科化知识体系。新时代教育强国建设背景下,习近平总书记教育重要论述之根本特性契合了中国教育学“三大体系”建设之基本需求,能够有效发挥思想引领与铸魂功能。从课程思政视角看,体系转化问题不仅是思想理论体系与学科化知识体系的结构整合,更是一种独特的“课程思政知识结构”的建构过程。这种课程思政知识结构实质上是习近平总书记教育重要论述与中国教育学“三大体系”建设之关系在教育学课程领域的投射。控制论模式是对体系转化之课程思政知识结构进行形式化描述的理论工具。课程思政知识结构的构造过程包括“教学内容的构造”与“教学进程的构造”两个关键环节,构成了从政策导向、顶层设计落实到课程教学实践的“体系转化闭环”。 展开更多
关键词 习近平总书记教育重要论述 教育学课程体系转化 课程思政知识结构 教育社会学
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