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作者 林兴雨 宋南 《生物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期54-60,共7页
为探究光眉刺蛾Narosa fulgens(Leech,1889)的线粒体基因组结构及刺蛾科的系统发育关系,利用下一代测序方法获得光眉刺蛾线粒体全基因组序列。系统发育分析中使用斑蛾总科16个物种作为内群,并选择木蠹蛾科和网蛾科各1个物种作为外群,利... 为探究光眉刺蛾Narosa fulgens(Leech,1889)的线粒体基因组结构及刺蛾科的系统发育关系,利用下一代测序方法获得光眉刺蛾线粒体全基因组序列。系统发育分析中使用斑蛾总科16个物种作为内群,并选择木蠹蛾科和网蛾科各1个物种作为外群,利用最大似然法和贝叶斯法重建刺蛾科的系统发育关系。光眉刺蛾的线粒体基因组包含37个基因(13个蛋白质编码基因、22个转运RNA基因和2个核糖体RNA基因)和1个非编码控制区,全长为15296 bp(GenBank登录号:OP919326)。光眉刺蛾线粒体基因组的13个蛋白质编码基因的起始密码子除cox1利用CGA开头外,其余蛋白质编码基因都是以ATN开头,终止密码子除cox2和nad4以不完整的T结尾外,其余蛋白质编码基因都是以TAA和TAG结尾。除trnS1因缺少DHU臂而形成一个简单的环,无法形成稳定的三叶草结构外,其余转运RNA基因均能形成典型的三叶草结构。rrnL的全长为1335 bp,A+T含量为85.24%。rrnS的全长为732 bp,A+T含量为84.70%。两个方法构建的系统发育树的结果均表明:斑蛾科和刺蛾科为单系群,光眉刺蛾与龟形小刺蛾Narosa nigrisigna为姐妹群。 展开更多
关键词 鳞翅目 刺蛾科 光眉刺蛾 线粒体基因组 系统发育
作者 潘少杰 舒玉 +2 位作者 胡降临 黄维新 方杰 《安徽大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第2期105-108,共4页
笔者于2021年5月—10月和2022年7月,利用灯诱法对黄山市的灯蛾亚科昆虫进行了系统调查.通过对采集标本进行鉴定,发现了2个灯蛾亚科昆虫安徽省新记录种,分别为闽雪苔蛾(Cyana fukiensis)和波纹艳苔蛾(Asura undulose).文章简要描述了2个... 笔者于2021年5月—10月和2022年7月,利用灯诱法对黄山市的灯蛾亚科昆虫进行了系统调查.通过对采集标本进行鉴定,发现了2个灯蛾亚科昆虫安徽省新记录种,分别为闽雪苔蛾(Cyana fukiensis)和波纹艳苔蛾(Asura undulose).文章简要描述了2个新记录种的形态特征和生殖器特征,并提供了成虫的标本照片和生殖器照片,为安徽省灯蛾亚科昆虫进一步研究提供了本底资料. 展开更多
关键词 鳞翅目 灯蛾亚科 新记录 安徽省
作者 黄缨琪 杨振德 胡平 《福建农林大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期15-21,共7页
昆虫与地球上其他动物一样存在声音通讯,声音通讯在昆虫种间或种内交流、防御天敌和求偶等方面起着重要的作用。在长期的天敌捕食压力下,鳞翅目昆虫进化出发声器官和听觉器官进行声音通讯,以此减少被捕食的风险。本文对鳞翅目昆虫的声... 昆虫与地球上其他动物一样存在声音通讯,声音通讯在昆虫种间或种内交流、防御天敌和求偶等方面起着重要的作用。在长期的天敌捕食压力下,鳞翅目昆虫进化出发声器官和听觉器官进行声音通讯,以此减少被捕食的风险。本文对鳞翅目昆虫的声音通讯作用、发声器官和听觉器官结构、发声方式等进行综述,并展望利用声波防治鳞翅目害虫的潜力,为鳞翅目昆虫声音通讯的深入研究提供参考,也为该类害虫的绿色防控提供思路。 展开更多
关键词 鳞翅目 发声机制 发声器官 听觉器官 昆虫通讯
作者 黄思程 蒋雨恒 +1 位作者 于霞 潘朝晖 《高原农业》 2024年第1期38-45,共8页
记述了采集自林芝地区6种西藏新记录:汇纹尺蛾Evecliptopera decurrens(Moore,1888)、虚周尺蛾Perizoma mediangularis(Prout,1914)、点线异序尺蛾Agnibesa punctilinearia(Leech,1897)、漫褥尺蛾Eustroma hampsoni Prout,1958、网褥尺... 记述了采集自林芝地区6种西藏新记录:汇纹尺蛾Evecliptopera decurrens(Moore,1888)、虚周尺蛾Perizoma mediangularis(Prout,1914)、点线异序尺蛾Agnibesa punctilinearia(Leech,1897)、漫褥尺蛾Eustroma hampsoni Prout,1958、网褥尺蛾Eustroma reticulata([Denis et Schiffermuller],1775)、黄带晓尺蛾Eois pluristrigata(Morre,1868);本文对所研究种类的成虫外部形态及外生殖器特征进行了详细描述,并提供了成虫图片与生殖器图片以及国内外分布信息。研究标本保存于西藏农牧学院高原生态研究所。 展开更多
关键词 鳞翅目 尺蛾科 花尺蛾亚科 西藏 新记录种
作者 范学铭 石晶 +1 位作者 王宏 张岩炜 《哈尔滨师范大学自然科学学报》 CAS 1994年第1期85-88,共4页
关键词 蝶类 鳞翅目 锤角亚目
作者 胡华林 宋育英 王辉 《南方林业科学》 2024年第3期71-78,共8页
报道了在江西九连山国家级自然保护区内发现的江西省钩蛾科7个新记录种,黄颈赭钩蛾Paralbara muscularia、俄黄钩蛾Tridrepana arikana、赛线钩蛾Nordstromia semililacina、单眼豆斑钩蛾Auzata ocellata、白横迷钩蛾Microblepsis cupre... 报道了在江西九连山国家级自然保护区内发现的江西省钩蛾科7个新记录种,黄颈赭钩蛾Paralbara muscularia、俄黄钩蛾Tridrepana arikana、赛线钩蛾Nordstromia semililacina、单眼豆斑钩蛾Auzata ocellata、白横迷钩蛾Microblepsis cupreogrisea、南昆窗山钩蛾Spectroreta thumba、福钩蛾Phalacra strigata,描述了7个新记录种的形态特征,并对其中近似种和易混淆种展开了讨论。凭证标本全部保存在江西九连山国家级自然保护区虾公塘站昆虫标本室。 展开更多
关键词 鳞翅目 钩蛾科 江西 九连山 新记录
作者 胡华林 宋育英 +2 位作者 吴勇 钟祥涛 王辉 《山东林业科技》 2024年第3期16-27,共12页
本文报道江西省舟蛾科昆虫新记录15种,即:间蕊尾舟蛾Dudusa distincta、带纹钩翅舟蛾Gangarides vittipalpis、康梭舟蛾Netria viridescens continentalis、曲细翅舟蛾(曲波舟蛾)Gargetta curvaria、泰枝舟蛾Ramesa siamica、葩胯舟蛾Sy... 本文报道江西省舟蛾科昆虫新记录15种,即:间蕊尾舟蛾Dudusa distincta、带纹钩翅舟蛾Gangarides vittipalpis、康梭舟蛾Netria viridescens continentalis、曲细翅舟蛾(曲波舟蛾)Gargetta curvaria、泰枝舟蛾Ramesa siamica、葩胯舟蛾Syntypistis parcevirens、古田山胯舟蛾Syntypistis gutianshana、木荷胯舟蛾Syntypistis pallidifascia、灰拟纷舟蛾Disparia grisescens、连点新林舟蛾Neodrymonia basalis seriatopunctata、安新林舟蛾Neodrymonia anna、火新林舟蛾Neodrymonia ignicoruscens、笼异齿舟蛾Hexafrenum longinae、拟宽掌舟蛾Phalera schintlmeisteri和黄条掌舟蛾Phalera huangtiao。恢复古田山胯舟蛾S. gutianshana的种级地位。指出《中国动物志昆虫纲第三十一卷鳞翅目舟蛾科》中木荷胯舟蛾S. pallidifascia雄外生殖器种类鉴别特征的描述和绘图错误。给出了成虫标本照片、雄外生殖器照片和第8腹节腹板背板照片。标本保存于江西九连山国家级自然保护区虾公塘定位研究站。 展开更多
关键词 鳞翅目 舟蛾科 九连山 江西 新记录
作者 房钢 《辽宁林业科技》 2024年第1期16-21,共6页
为保护新宾县生态环境,2006-2021年5-9月调查并分析该县东北部林区的鳞翅目蛾类昆虫,得出该县蛾类昆虫年际资源变化及发生动态情况。结果表明,2014-2017年捕捉的蛾类个体数最多,占总调查个体数的31.22%;而2018-2021年捕捉的蛾类个体数最... 为保护新宾县生态环境,2006-2021年5-9月调查并分析该县东北部林区的鳞翅目蛾类昆虫,得出该县蛾类昆虫年际资源变化及发生动态情况。结果表明,2014-2017年捕捉的蛾类个体数最多,占总调查个体数的31.22%;而2018-2021年捕捉的蛾类个体数最少,占总调查个体数的18.62%。天蛾科、尺蛾科和夜蛾科的物种数在该县蛾类中处于优势地位,分别为20、19、22种,分别占总种数的16.81%、15.97%和18.49%。2016年调查的个体数最多,为11 186只,优势度系数极高,多样性指数和均匀度极低。在这16年中,有6年是大蚕蛾科的银杏大蚕蛾种群数量占据优势,说明银杏大蚕蛾是栖息在该县的特有优势种群。蛾类多样性年际动态结果显示,2014年后种内竞争动态平衡,种群数量保持稳定无明显变化,2020年夜蛾科和天蛾科蛾类受到环境因素干扰致使种群数量减少。不同年份蛾类群落相似性结果显示,林区蛾类群落结构稳定,相邻两年的相似性数值较高。 展开更多
关键词 鳞翅目蛾类 物种多样性 年际动态变化 辽宁新宾
A New Family of Moths from the Middle Jurassic(Insecta:Lepidoptera) 被引量:5
作者 HUANG Diying Andre NEL Joeel MINET 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期874-885,共12页
Three lepidopteran species, from the Middle Jurassic Daohugou beds (inner Mongolia, China), are described in a new family, Mesokristenseniidae, and new genus, Mesokristensenia, which could represent the sister group... Three lepidopteran species, from the Middle Jurassic Daohugou beds (inner Mongolia, China), are described in a new family, Mesokristenseniidae, and new genus, Mesokristensenia, which could represent the sister group of the Micropterigidae. Mesokristensenia differs from all extant Lepidoptera, but one genus (Agathiphaga, Agathiphagidae), in retaining four median veins in the forewing, a plesiomorphy also present in many Trichoptera. Evidence for placing Mesokristensenia in the Lepidoptera includes four traits, notably a previously unrecorded autapomorphy of this insect order: beyond stem Ml+2, vein M1 is bent and connected to cross-vein r-m (in both wing pairs). Among 24 characters taken into account to assess the systematic position of Mesokristensenia, 12 are considered informative for a cladistic analysis involving this fossil taxon and the four suborders recognized in present-day Lepidoptera (Zeugloptera, Aglossata, Heterobathmiina, and Glossata). 展开更多
关键词 TRICHOPTERA lepidoptera Mesokristenseniidae wing venation PHYLOGENY China Middle Jurassic
蛱蝶科(Nymphalidae)5种西藏新纪录种记述(鳞翅目Lepidoptera) 被引量:2
作者 鲜春兰 潘朝晖 《高原农业》 2021年第1期47-51,共5页
通过对近年林芝市采集的蛱蝶科蝴蝶的整理,发现5种西藏新纪录种:白带锯蛱蝶Cethosia cyane(Drury,[1773])、彩蛱蝶Vagrans egista(Cramer,[1780])、孪斑黛眼蝶Lethe gemina Leech,1891、迷纹黛眼蝶Lethe maitrya de Nicéville,188... 通过对近年林芝市采集的蛱蝶科蝴蝶的整理,发现5种西藏新纪录种:白带锯蛱蝶Cethosia cyane(Drury,[1773])、彩蛱蝶Vagrans egista(Cramer,[1780])、孪斑黛眼蝶Lethe gemina Leech,1891、迷纹黛眼蝶Lethe maitrya de Nicéville,1881和资眼蝶Zipaetis unipupillata Lee,1962。本文提供这5种蛱蝶成虫的外部形态照片,并加以描述。研究标本保存于西藏农牧学院高原生态研究所。 展开更多
关键词 鳞翅目 蛱蝶科 新记录 西藏
Toxicity and antifeedant activity of essential oils from three aromatic plants grown in Colombia against Euprosterna elaeasa and Acharia fusca(Lepidoptera:Limacodidae) 被引量:1
作者 Ricardo Hernández-Lambrao Karina Caballero-Gallardo Jesus Olivero-Verbel 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine》 SCIE CAS 2014年第9期695-700,共6页
Objective:To determine the biological effects of essential oils(EOs) isolated from Cymbopogon iiardus,Cymbopogon Jlexuosus and Cvrnbopogon marlinii grown in Colombia against two Lepidoptera larvae,common pests in the ... Objective:To determine the biological effects of essential oils(EOs) isolated from Cymbopogon iiardus,Cymbopogon Jlexuosus and Cvrnbopogon marlinii grown in Colombia against two Lepidoptera larvae,common pests in the oil palm.Methods:Specimens were captured in the field and the antifeedant activity and dermal contact lethality of EOs were measured against Acharia fusca and Euprosterna elaeasa(Lepidoptera:I.imacodidae) at various concentrations 0.002-0.600 μL/cm^3 and 0.002-8 μL/g,respectively.Results:All EOs exhibited strong antifeedant and toxicity activity toward Acharia fusca and Euprosterna elaeasa larvae.Cymbopogon marlinii oil was llie most active againsl both pest insect species,although all tested EOs were better than the synthetic;repellent IR535 on both insects.Conclusions:Colombian EOs have potential for integrated pest management programs in the oil palm industry. 展开更多
关键词 Elaeis guineensis PEST lepidoptera Defoliators
Complete mitogenome of the Painted Jezebel, Delias hyparete Linnaeus (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) and its comparison with other butterfly species 被引量:1
作者 Qinghui SHI Jing XIA +2 位作者 Xiaoyan SUN Jiasheng HAO Qun YANG 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期I0049-I0058,共10页
In the present study, we report the first complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of the Painted Jezebel, Delias hyparete. The mitogenome ofDelias hyparete is 15 186 bp in length, and has typical sets of 37 genes... In the present study, we report the first complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of the Painted Jezebel, Delias hyparete. The mitogenome ofDelias hyparete is 15 186 bp in length, and has typical sets of 37 genes: 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 2 ribosomal RNAs, 22 transfer RNAs and a non-coding A+T-rich region. All protein-coding genes are initiated by ATN codons, except for C01, which is tentatively designated by the CGA codon, as observed in other butterfly species. A total of 10 PCGs harbored the complete termination codon TAA or TAG; while the C01, C011and ND5 genes ended at a single T residue. All 22 tRNA genes show typical clover structures, with the exception of the tRNAser(AGn) which lacks the dihydrouridine (DHU) stem and is instead replaced by a simple loop. Thirteen intergenic spacers totaling 153 bp, and 13 overlapping regions totaling 46 bp are scattered throughout the whole genome. The 377 bp long olD. hyparete A+T-rich region is not comprised of large repetitive sequences, but harbors several features characteristic of the lepidopteran insects, including the motif ATAGA followed by an 18 bp poly-T stretch, a microsatellite-like (AT)s element preceded by the ATTTA motif, an 10 bp polyA-like stretch (AAAAATAAAA) present immediately upstream tRNAMet. 展开更多
关键词 lepidoptera PIERIDAE Delias hyparete Mitochondrial genome
Complete mitogenome of the Painted Jezebel,Delias hyparete Linnaeus(Lepidoptera:Pieridae)and its comparison with other butterfly species 被引量:1
作者 Qinghui SHI Jing XIA +2 位作者 Xiaoyan SUN Jiasheng HAO Qun YANG 《Zoological Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第S03期111-120,共10页
In the present study,we report the first complete mitochondrial genome(mitogenome)of the Painted Jezebel,Delias hyparete.The mitogenome of Delias hyparete is 15186 bp in length,and has typical sets of 37 genes:13 prot... In the present study,we report the first complete mitochondrial genome(mitogenome)of the Painted Jezebel,Delias hyparete.The mitogenome of Delias hyparete is 15186 bp in length,and has typical sets of 37 genes:13 protein-coding genes(PCGs),2 ribosomal RNAs,22 transfer RNAs and a non-coding A+T-rich region.All protein-coding genes are initiated by ATN codons,except for COI,which is tentatively designated by the CGA codon,as observed in other butterfly species.A total of 10 PCGs harbored the complete termination codon TAA or TAG,while the COI,COII and ND5 genes ended at a single T residue.All 22 tRNA genes show typical clover structures,with the exception of the tRNASer(AGN)which lacks the dihydrouridine(DHU)stem and is instead replaced by a simple loop.Thirteen intergenic spacers totaling 153 bp,and 13 overlapping regions totaling 46 bp are scattered throughout the whole genome.The 377 bp long of D.hyparete A+T-rich region is not comprised of large repetitive sequences,but harbors several features characteristic of the lepidopteran insects,including the motif ATAGA followed by an 18 bp poly-T stretch,a microsatellite-like(AT)5 element preceded by the ATTTA motif,an 10 bp polyA-like stretch(AAAAATAAAA)present immediately upstream tRNAMet. 展开更多
关键词 lepidoptera PIERIDAE Delias hyparete Mitochondrial genome
Advances in Researches on Genetic Diversity of Lepidoptera Insects 被引量:1
作者 Yuting WANG Ruixue LI +2 位作者 Fan SUN Wei WANG Taichu WANG 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2017年第4期74-76,共3页
This paper reviewed advances in researches on genetic diversity of Lepidoptera insects from chromosome polymorphism,protein polymorphism,and DNA polymorphism,and stated that DNA sequence variation will become main poi... This paper reviewed advances in researches on genetic diversity of Lepidoptera insects from chromosome polymorphism,protein polymorphism,and DNA polymorphism,and stated that DNA sequence variation will become main points of researches about genetic diversity. 展开更多
关键词 lepidoptera insects Genetic diversity Advances in researches
Taxonomic notes and new species of the genus Minooa Yamanaka from Southeast Asia and China(Lepidoptera, Pyralidae,Pyralinae)
作者 Mujie Qi Yang-Seop Bae Houhun Li 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第6期2367-2370,共4页
Two species of Minooa are revised from China and Southeast Asia,and one of these,Minooa carinata Qi,Bae&Li,sp.nov.is described as new to science,and M.acantha Qi,2016 is newly recorded from Vietnam.Photographs of ... Two species of Minooa are revised from China and Southeast Asia,and one of these,Minooa carinata Qi,Bae&Li,sp.nov.is described as new to science,and M.acantha Qi,2016 is newly recorded from Vietnam.Photographs of adults,male and female genitalia are provided,along with a key for all species of Minooa. 展开更多
关键词 lepidoptera PYRALIDAE Pyralinae Minooa New SPECIES China SE ASIA
Review of the Eilema group of lichen moths from South Korea,with description of one new species(Lepidoptera:Erebidae:Arctiinae:Lithosiini)
作者 Ulziijargal Bayarsaikhan Young-Don Ju Yang-Seop Bae 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第2期407-417,共11页
This review details Eilema group in the subfamily the Korean species of the Arctiinae of Erebidae: 19 species in five genera (Manulea, Collita, Katha, Dolgoma, and Wittia), a new species (Collita hwacheonensis Bay... This review details Eilema group in the subfamily the Korean species of the Arctiinae of Erebidae: 19 species in five genera (Manulea, Collita, Katha, Dolgoma, and Wittia), a new species (Collita hwacheonensis Bayar- saikhan & Bae, sp. nov.), and an unrecorded species [C. vetusta aegrota (Butler 1877)]. All species are diagnosed, and figures of the adults and genitalia and a key to species based on male genital structure of Eilema group in South Korea are included. 展开更多
关键词 lepidoptera Erebidae BIODIVERSITY Seasonal changes Eilema Collita hwacheonensis Newspecies South Korea
First discovery of a cave-dwelling Tineid moth(Lepidoptera, Tineidae) from East Asia
作者 Bong-Kyu Byun Sat-Byul Shin +2 位作者 Yang-Seop Bae Do Sung Kim Yong Geun Choi 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期647-651,共5页
In this study, we report Monopis crocicapitella (Clemens, 1859) (Tineidae), which was collected from bat guano in a cave in the southern region of Korea, for the first time from East Asia. We briefly redescribe an... In this study, we report Monopis crocicapitella (Clemens, 1859) (Tineidae), which was collected from bat guano in a cave in the southern region of Korea, for the first time from East Asia. We briefly redescribe and illustrate the external morphology and genital structures of both sexes. Also, we discuss the local habitat characteristics and some of the ecological information that was observed during our field investi-gation. 展开更多
关键词 Monopis Tineidae lepidoptera Bat guano new record Korea East Asia.
Eleven species of noctuid moths new to China of the boreal faunal complex(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae)
作者 Huilin Han Vladimir S.Kononenko 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第4期1405-1415,共11页
Eleven species of the Noctuidae[Polia hepatica(Clerck,1759),P.malchani(Draudt,1934),P.vespertilio(Draudt,1934),Lasionycta skraelingia(Herrich-Schaffer,1852),L.hospita A.Bang-Haas,1912;Xestia kolymae(Herz,1903),X.albun... Eleven species of the Noctuidae[Polia hepatica(Clerck,1759),P.malchani(Draudt,1934),P.vespertilio(Draudt,1934),Lasionycta skraelingia(Herrich-Schaffer,1852),L.hospita A.Bang-Haas,1912;Xestia kolymae(Herz,1903),X.albuncula(Eversmann,1851),X.subgrisea(Staudinger,1897),X.penthima(Erschoff,1870),X.sincera(Herrich-Schaffer,1851),and X.rhaetica(Staudinger,1871)]of the boreal faunal complex are reported for the first time from China.Illustrations of adults and the genitalia of both sexes are provided.Information on these newly recorded species,original descriptions,type-locality,synonyms,references,host plants and bionomics are provided. 展开更多
关键词 lepidoptera NOCTUIDAE New records Boreal complex Northeast China
Insecticidal Activity and Field Efficacy of Novel Insecticide Cyhalodiamide against Different Lepidoptera Pests
作者 Xing Jiahua Zhu Bingchun +5 位作者 Yuan Jing Yu Jiping Dong Dezhen Zhou Dongying Hu Dongsong Chen Jie 《Plant Diseases and Pests》 CAS 2014年第4期39-42,共4页
[ Objective] The paper was to study the insecticidal activity and field efficacy of cyhalediamide, a novel insecticide developed by Zhejiang Research Institute of Chemical Industry, Ltd. [ Method] Toxicity of cyhalodi... [ Objective] The paper was to study the insecticidal activity and field efficacy of cyhalediamide, a novel insecticide developed by Zhejiang Research Institute of Chemical Industry, Ltd. [ Method] Toxicity of cyhalodiamide against Plutella xylostella, Spodoptera exigua, Prodenia litura and Chilo suppressalis were tasted in the laboratory by leaf-dipping method, and the field efficacy of cyhalodiamide against P. xylostella, S. exigua, P. litura, Pieris rapae, C. suppressalis and Cnaphalocrocis medinalis was evaluated. [ Result] The LCs0 values of cyhalodiamide against P. xylostella, S. exigua, P. litura and C. suppressalis were 0. 046, 0.072, 0.071 and 1.95 mg/L, respectively, almost equivalent to that of flubendiamide and ehlorantraniliprole. The control efficacy of 20% Z4042 SC (30 g/hm2) against P. xylostella, S. exigua, P. litura and P. rapae was 90.1% - 96.3 % after spraying for 7 d, and its control efficacy against C. suppressalis and C. medinalis was 82.9% -90.5% after spraying for 15 d. No crop injury was observed at the test dosage. [Conclusion] The study provided reference for field control against Lepidoptera pests. 展开更多
关键词 INSECTICIDE Cyhalodiamide lepidoptera pests Insecticidal activity Field efficacy
Hyperparasitism of Homona coffearia Nietn. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), the Tea Tortrix of Sri Lanka: Implications for Biological Control
作者 Ravindra S. Walgama 《Advances in Entomology》 2015年第2期33-43,共11页
Tea tortrix, Homona coffearia Nietner (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), is a seasonal pest of tea in Sri Lanka. Though it is active in dry weather, it is observed that populations do occur in wet weather causing serious dam... Tea tortrix, Homona coffearia Nietner (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), is a seasonal pest of tea in Sri Lanka. Though it is active in dry weather, it is observed that populations do occur in wet weather causing serious damage to tea. The parasite, Macrocentrus homonae Nixon (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), controls the tortrix populations, but the efficiency of Macrocentrus has been reduced on account of hyperparasites in recent times. Level of hyperparasitism was studied in some tea tortrix prone areas in the up country region to study how this affected the tortrix populations during wet weather. The hyperparasitism varied during the study period of which average values observed ranged from 35% to 52% in the plantations studied. A negative linear relationship was observed between the average number of parasite cocoons in a cocoon mass and the percentage hyperparasitism. Three generations of tortrix were evident during the study period of May to November 2005. It is observed that tortrix populations do occur in dry and wet weather, and that hyperparasitism has been identified as the major cause affecting the efficient control of tortrix by the parasite. Possibilities of tea tortrix control in wet weather are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 CONTROL Hyperparasitism Homona coffearia lepidoptera Macrocentrus homonae Parasites TEA Tortrix TEA PLANTATION
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