Spinel-bearing lherzolite xenoliths from the Hossere Garba (1272 m.a.s.l) volcano on the Adamawa Plateau, is located in Likok village, at about 35 km to WSW of Ngaoundere. These xenoliths (~11 cm size) have been sampl...Spinel-bearing lherzolite xenoliths from the Hossere Garba (1272 m.a.s.l) volcano on the Adamawa Plateau, is located in Likok village, at about 35 km to WSW of Ngaoundere. These xenoliths (~11 cm size) have been sampled into the host basaltic lava flows from the NE flank of the Hossere Garba volcano. These xenoliths characterized by porphyroclastic texture consisted of olivine (~55 vol.%), orthopyroxene (~19 vol.%) and clinopyroxene (~21 vol.%) crystals. Spinel crystals (~5 vol.%) are red brown and interstitial between the crystals of olivine and pyroxenes. CaO contents are low (<0.08 wt%) in olivine and similar to those estimated (CaO: 0.05 - 0.1 wt%) for the mantle origin. The values of AlVI/AlIV ratio range between 1.1 and 1.3 for the Cr-diopside crystals from Hossere Garba xenoliths. The constant value of the volumes V(Cell) and V(M1) for clinopyroxene compositions, indicates the similar pressures. Hossere Garba represents a residual sequence issued from partial melting of a mantle source. Similar compositions have been recorded in minerals of ultramafic xenoliths from other ultramafic xenoliths domains of the Cameroon Line and the Adamawa Plateau.展开更多
Numerous mantle xenoliths 6–12 cm in size and sub-angular to rounded in shape occur within Mio-Pliocene basanite lavas of the monogenic volcano of HosséréSédé in the Adamawa plateau.Xenoliths of s...Numerous mantle xenoliths 6–12 cm in size and sub-angular to rounded in shape occur within Mio-Pliocene basanite lavas of the monogenic volcano of HosséréSédé in the Adamawa plateau.Xenoliths of spinel lherzolite exhibit protogranular,equigranular or porphyroclastic texture.Microprobe chemical analyses show that olivine is highly magnesian(Fo_(88-90)),clinopyroxene crystals are diopside and augite(Wo_(41.6–49.6)En_(45.3–53.7)Fs_(4.2–6.2)),orthopyroxene crystals are enstatite(Wo 1.4–1.5 En_(88.6–89.0)Fs_(9.6–9.9))and spinel crystals are mainly Al-spinel associ-ated to minor Cr-spinel.Estimated temperatures and pressures through empirical formulas show that HosséréSédé noliths have equilibrated between 1085 and 1204℃and 1.08 to 1.57 GPa,corresponding to sampling depths of 36 and 52 km.Detailed petrographical and mineral chemistry of HosséréSédénoliths evidences the com-plex nature and composition of the subcontinental lithosphere under the Adamawa plateau.This may involve a probable uplift of the whole area after a limited exten-sional event,possible metasomatism through melt infiltration during shearing of the lithospheric mantle along the Pan African strike-slip fault system.展开更多
The sub-arc mantle that experienced hydrous melting is commonly characterized by refractory geochemical compositions. Nevertheless, minor lherzolites with fertile compositions have also been reported for mantle perido...The sub-arc mantle that experienced hydrous melting is commonly characterized by refractory geochemical compositions. Nevertheless, minor lherzolites with fertile compositions have also been reported for mantle peridotites from subduction zone. The petrogenesis and mantle source of the lherzolites are still controversial. The New Caledonia ophiolite(Peridotite Nappe) has been regarded as an allochthonous body of forearc lithosphere. This is supported by refractory compositions of its dominant mantle rocks.A few isolated lherzolitic massifs have also been observed in the northern part of New Caledonia.Those lherzolites are compositionally similar to abyssal peridotites, with negligible subduction-related modification. Here, we present new comprehensive geochemical compositions, in particular highprecision Sr-Nd-Hf isotope data, for the lherzolites. The initial^(176) Hf/^(177) Hf ratios display moderate correlations with sensitive indicators for the extent of melting(i.e., olivine Fo, whole-rock Mg# and Yb contents in clinopyroxene) and whole-rock initial^(187) Os/^(188) Os ratios. Some samples have ancient radiogenic Hf isotopes and unradiogenic Os isotope compositions, implying the preservation of ancient depletion signals in the lherzolites. The Nd isotope compositions, together with trace elements and mineral micro-textures, suggest that the lherzolites have been overprinted by a recent melt-rock interaction event. The high equilibrium temperatures of the studied samples have been estimated by the twopyroxene REE thermometer, yielding temperatures of 1066–1315 ℃. The lherzolites have more depleted Nd-Hf isotope compositions and higher equilibrium temperatures than the New Caledonia harzburgites.This indicates that the lherzolites may represent the residues of asthenosphere mantle trapped within the forearc region. Our studies on the New Caledonia lherzolites with ancient depletion signals suggest that ancient mantle domains in the convective mantle can be emplaced in forearc region by the upwelling of asthenosphere during the early stage of subduction initiation.展开更多
A glasshouse pot experiment was conducted to investigate cadmium (Cd) tolerance on the growth of Chinese spinach (Spinacia Oleracea L.) grown in sandy loam soil and microbial respiration after application of lherzolit...A glasshouse pot experiment was conducted to investigate cadmium (Cd) tolerance on the growth of Chinese spinach (Spinacia Oleracea L.) grown in sandy loam soil and microbial respiration after application of lherzolite (0%, 2.5% and 5%) with added Cd (0, 2.5 and 5 mg·kg-1). Soil pH tended to increase with increasing application rate of lherzolite about 1.5 units after plant harvest. Plant growth and microbial respiration in one hand decreased with the rates of Cd application in soil but on the other hand lherzolite application in soil reduced Cd toxicity and enhanced plant growth and microbial respiration. Microbial respiration of soil showed significant positive relationship with shoot and root dry weight of spinach but negative relationship of Cd concentration in plant tissue. This result indicated that application of lherzolite detoxified Cd toxicity in plant resulted in an increase plant growth and microbial respiration in Cd contaminated soil.展开更多
Magnesite-bearing garnet Iherzolite from the Altyn Tagh, associated with garnet pyroxenite, and garnet-bearing felsic gneiss, crops out as lenses in Proterozoic gneiss about 100 km east of the Jianggelasayi River. The...Magnesite-bearing garnet Iherzolite from the Altyn Tagh, associated with garnet pyroxenite, and garnet-bearing felsic gneiss, crops out as lenses in Proterozoic gneiss about 100 km east of the Jianggelasayi River. The garnet Iherzolite, together with the eclogite in western Jianggelasayi, composes a high-pressure to ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt in the southern margin of the Altyn Tagh. Parageneses of minerals from magnesite-bearing garnet Iherzolite indicate that the rock evolved a multi-stage metamorphism. The peak-stage metamorphism produces an assemblage of Grt+Ol+Opx+Cpx±Mgs, in which A12O3 content of Opxis very low (0.30-0.66wt%). The calculated P-T condition of the peak stage is 3.8-5.lGPa and 880-970°C, some exsolution rods of clinopyroxene and rutile occur in the Grt and magnesite is rimed by dolomite and orthopyroxene, all implying that the peak stage was a UHP metamorphic process. Together with regional geological studies, isotopic dating and the discovery of coesite inclusions in展开更多
Lherzolite is one of the most important components of the subcontinental mantle lithosphere, and the study of its heat transfer properties aids in understanding the thermal structure of the continental mantle lithosph...Lherzolite is one of the most important components of the subcontinental mantle lithosphere, and the study of its heat transfer properties aids in understanding the thermal structure of the continental mantle lithosphere. Currently, few studies have examined the heat transfer properties of lherzolite, and the experimental results remain controversial. This experiment utilized a pulse method to measure the thermal diffusivity of lherzolite at pressures ranging from 1.0 to 4.0 GPa and temperatures from 300 to 1 073 K on a cubic press apparatus. We obtained a thermal diffusivity for lherzolite of approximately 2.10 mm^2s^(-1) at ambient condition. The experimental pressure derivative of the thermal conductivity of lherzolite decreased with temperature, reaching approximately 10% at high temperature, a value higher than the previously reported 4%, which indicates that the temperature gradient of the upper mantle lithosphere is smaller than previously thought. Therefore, concerning calculation of the lithosphere thickness using the thermal conductivity of the lherzolite, the previous calculation using pressure derivative of the thermal conductivity of 4% may cause an underestimation of the upper mantle lithosphere thickness by approximately 6% in a first approximation.展开更多
Reported in this paper are the petrology and mineral chemistry of GRV 020090, the second Martian meteorite collected from the Grove Mountains, Antarctica. This meteorite, with a mass of 7.54 g, is completely covered b...Reported in this paper are the petrology and mineral chemistry of GRV 020090, the second Martian meteorite collected from the Grove Mountains, Antarctica. This meteorite, with a mass of 7.54 g, is completely covered by a black and glazy fusion crust. It has two distinct textural regions. The interstitial region is composed of euhedral grains of olivine, pigeonite, and anhedral interstitial maskelynite, with minor chromite, augite, phosphates and troilite. The poikilitic region consists of three clasts of pyroxenes, each of which has a pigeonite core and an augite rim. A few grains of subhedral to rounded olivine and euhedral chromite are enclosed in the pyroxene oikocrysts. GRV 020090 is classified as a new member of lherzolitic shergottites based on the modal composition and mineral chemistry. This work will shed light on the composition of Martian crust and magmatism on the Mars.展开更多
The subcritical crack growth and fracture toughness in peridotite, lherzolite and amphibolite were investigated with double torsion test. The results show that water-rock interaction has a significant influence on sub...The subcritical crack growth and fracture toughness in peridotite, lherzolite and amphibolite were investigated with double torsion test. The results show that water-rock interaction has a significant influence on subcritical crack growth. With water-rock interaction, the crack velocity increases, while the stress intensity factor declines, which illustrates that water-rock interaction can decrease the strength of rocks and accelerate the subcritical crack growth. Based on Charlse theory and Hilling & Charlse theory, the test data were analyzed by regression and the correlation coefficients were all higher than 0.7, which shows the correlation is significant. This illustrates that both theories can explain the results of tests very well. Therefore, it is believed that the subcritical crack growth attributes to the breaking of chemical bond, which is caused by the combined effect of the tensile stress and the chemical reaction between the material at crack tip and the corrosive agent. Meanwhile, water-rock interaction has a vital effect on fracture toughness. The fracture toughness of samples under atmospheric environment is higher than that of samples immersed in water. And water-rock interaction has larger influence on fracture toughness in amphibolite than that in peridotite and lherzolite.展开更多
Trace elements including REE (Rare Earth Elements) in fluid inclusions inlherzolite, olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene have been determined by heating-decrepitationand ICP-MS (Element Type Inductively Coupled ...Trace elements including REE (Rare Earth Elements) in fluid inclusions inlherzolite, olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene have been determined by heating-decrepitationand ICP-MS (Element Type Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry) method. Normalized CO_2fluid/chondrite data show that mantle fluids are rich in REEs, especially LREEs (Light Rare EarthElements), several times or dozen times higher than mantle rocks and mantle minerals. There areclose relationships among the REE data of olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and lherzolite.Compared to the data of chemical dissolution method, it is believed that REE data obtained fromheating-decrepitation and ICP-MS technique are contributed by CO_2 fluid inclusions. About 60percent (mass fraction) of tiny inclusions are observed not to be decrepitated above 1000 deg C, soREE data obtained are only contributed by decrepitated inclusions. Mantle fluids rich in LREE playan important role in mantle metasomatism, partial melting and mineralization.展开更多
Beka area is situated in the Adamaoua Plateau of Cameroon in central Arica.Lavas in this area has not been studied before the present work.The volcanism of Beka is characterized by basalt,trachyte and phonolite domes ...Beka area is situated in the Adamaoua Plateau of Cameroon in central Arica.Lavas in this area has not been studied before the present work.The volcanism of Beka is characterized by basalt,trachyte and phonolite domes and flows.The petrographic study shows that basaltic lavas have porphyritic microlitic textures.The felsic lavas indicate trachytic textures.The rocks are composed of olivine,clinopyroxene,plagioclase and iron-titanium oxide minerals for the basalts;clinopyroxene,alkali feldspar(including foids),sphene and titanomagnetite for the felsic lavas.Chemical analyses show that basaltic lavas are basanites.Felsic lavas contain modal feldspathoid(nepheline in phonolites).All these lavas belong to the same series,because the felsic lavas are derived from the differentiation of basaltic lavas by fractional crystallization.They show an alkaline nature according to their geochemistry.Trace elements including Rare Earth Elements characteristics show that rocks emplaced in the Winthin Plate volcanic zone.They derived from an evolved parent magma showing a low degree of partial melting and characteristics closer to a modified and evolved primitive spinel lherzolite.展开更多
Cenozoic basalts in the eastern part of Liaoning-Jilin contain abundant mantle-derived inclusions. The rock types of the ultramafic inclusions are composed mostly of spinel lherzolite and a few websterites. In order t...Cenozoic basalts in the eastern part of Liaoning-Jilin contain abundant mantle-derived inclusions. The rock types of the ultramafic inclusions are composed mostly of spinel lherzolite and a few websterites. In order to study the origin of inclusions, the concnetrations of several trace elements have been measured in samples by NAA. According to geochemical characteristics of trace elements, there are two types of spinel Iherzolite inclusions. The first type is refractory residues left after partial melting of the upper mantle and the second type is metasomatizing refractory residues. The websterites inclusions formed by segregation of basaltic melt derived from high degree of melting of mantle source rocks.展开更多
The present study deals with peridotites found in the paleo-proterozoic domain of the Leo Man Shield, Séguéla region, west-central of Côte d’Ivoire. Results show that Séguéla peridotites ...The present study deals with peridotites found in the paleo-proterozoic domain of the Leo Man Shield, Séguéla region, west-central of Côte d’Ivoire. Results show that Séguéla peridotites are composed of lherzolites, dunites and harzburgites. However, iherzolites are the most abundant. The phenocrysts in these rocks are olivine most often serpentinised, and pyroxenes, represented by diopside and enstatite. Amphiboles are divided into two groups: magmatic amphiboles and those from the destabilization of clinopyroxene. Spinels have CrO<sub>3</sub> content which varies between 28% and 37%, Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> between 33% - 41% and MgO is equal to 18%;they are poor in TiO<sub>2</sub> and do not contain zinc oxide. Séguéla peridotites are characterised by a negative anomaly in Nb-Ta, associated with an enrichment of lithophilic elements and light rare earth elements with a fractionation rate (La/Yb) which varies between 46.22 and 150.72 and heavy rare earth elements, and HFSE depletion, which may suggest that were formed in an art context, that is, a mantle enriched by fluids from a subduction zone. However, another hypothesis could be considered, that of the interaction between the mantle and magmas in a subduction zone context.展开更多
GRV 90027 is a Martian lherzolitic shergottites (L-S) containing poikilitic, non-poikilitic, and melted pocket components. GRV 99027 is mainly composed of olive (55 vol% ) and pyroxene (37.5 vol% ), with minor m...GRV 90027 is a Martian lherzolitic shergottites (L-S) containing poikilitic, non-poikilitic, and melted pocket components. GRV 99027 is mainly composed of olive (55 vol% ) and pyroxene (37.5 vol% ), with minor maskelynite (6 vol% ) and chromite ( 1.5 vol% ), and trace whitelockite and troilite, ect. In this paper, the mineralogy and petrology of GRV 99027 are reported; in addition, the geochemical characteristics of the REEs and H isotopes in the GRV 99027 are also further investigated. The 2REE in GRV 99027 is relatively low; HREEs are enriched in olivine and pyroxene grains; LREEs are enriched in plagioclase with a high positive Eu anomaly. High EREE value is found in rare mineral whitlockite (less than 0. 2 vol% ), LREE ≈ HREE, and whitlockite has a negative Eu anomaly. The REE distribution patterns of the whole -rock of GRV 99027 is similar to but different from that of other L-S Martian meteorites, indicating that they came from different location of Mars. GRV 99027 has a high 8D value. Different water-bearing minerals give different contribution for 8D value. The 8D of phosphates generally does not correlate with water content, and 8D has a weak negative correlation with water content. GRV 99027 can be classified as an L-S Martian meteorite based on mineralogical assemblage patterns, REE distribution patterns, and hydrogen isotope. The isotope data of Sr, Nd, Pb, Os and REE from other L-S Martian meteorites were collected to discuss the formation history of the GRV 99027. Similar to other L-S Martian meteorites, GRV 99027 originated from part of Mar's mantle; during one strong impact event about 4M years ago, the meteorites were ejected from deep mantle into space, and traveled for a different duration in space (indicated by different cosmic exposure time), and captured by the Earth later in different time, ultimately falling on the Antarctica as L-S Martian meteorites.展开更多
文摘Spinel-bearing lherzolite xenoliths from the Hossere Garba (1272 m.a.s.l) volcano on the Adamawa Plateau, is located in Likok village, at about 35 km to WSW of Ngaoundere. These xenoliths (~11 cm size) have been sampled into the host basaltic lava flows from the NE flank of the Hossere Garba volcano. These xenoliths characterized by porphyroclastic texture consisted of olivine (~55 vol.%), orthopyroxene (~19 vol.%) and clinopyroxene (~21 vol.%) crystals. Spinel crystals (~5 vol.%) are red brown and interstitial between the crystals of olivine and pyroxenes. CaO contents are low (<0.08 wt%) in olivine and similar to those estimated (CaO: 0.05 - 0.1 wt%) for the mantle origin. The values of AlVI/AlIV ratio range between 1.1 and 1.3 for the Cr-diopside crystals from Hossere Garba xenoliths. The constant value of the volumes V(Cell) and V(M1) for clinopyroxene compositions, indicates the similar pressures. Hossere Garba represents a residual sequence issued from partial melting of a mantle source. Similar compositions have been recorded in minerals of ultramafic xenoliths from other ultramafic xenoliths domains of the Cameroon Line and the Adamawa Plateau.
文摘Numerous mantle xenoliths 6–12 cm in size and sub-angular to rounded in shape occur within Mio-Pliocene basanite lavas of the monogenic volcano of HosséréSédé in the Adamawa plateau.Xenoliths of spinel lherzolite exhibit protogranular,equigranular or porphyroclastic texture.Microprobe chemical analyses show that olivine is highly magnesian(Fo_(88-90)),clinopyroxene crystals are diopside and augite(Wo_(41.6–49.6)En_(45.3–53.7)Fs_(4.2–6.2)),orthopyroxene crystals are enstatite(Wo 1.4–1.5 En_(88.6–89.0)Fs_(9.6–9.9))and spinel crystals are mainly Al-spinel associ-ated to minor Cr-spinel.Estimated temperatures and pressures through empirical formulas show that HosséréSédé noliths have equilibrated between 1085 and 1204℃and 1.08 to 1.57 GPa,corresponding to sampling depths of 36 and 52 km.Detailed petrographical and mineral chemistry of HosséréSédénoliths evidences the com-plex nature and composition of the subcontinental lithosphere under the Adamawa plateau.This may involve a probable uplift of the whole area after a limited exten-sional event,possible metasomatism through melt infiltration during shearing of the lithospheric mantle along the Pan African strike-slip fault system.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant 41902061)the Opening Foun-dation of the Laboratory for Marine Geology Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (Grant MGQNLMKF201813)the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant2019M652292)。
文摘The sub-arc mantle that experienced hydrous melting is commonly characterized by refractory geochemical compositions. Nevertheless, minor lherzolites with fertile compositions have also been reported for mantle peridotites from subduction zone. The petrogenesis and mantle source of the lherzolites are still controversial. The New Caledonia ophiolite(Peridotite Nappe) has been regarded as an allochthonous body of forearc lithosphere. This is supported by refractory compositions of its dominant mantle rocks.A few isolated lherzolitic massifs have also been observed in the northern part of New Caledonia.Those lherzolites are compositionally similar to abyssal peridotites, with negligible subduction-related modification. Here, we present new comprehensive geochemical compositions, in particular highprecision Sr-Nd-Hf isotope data, for the lherzolites. The initial^(176) Hf/^(177) Hf ratios display moderate correlations with sensitive indicators for the extent of melting(i.e., olivine Fo, whole-rock Mg# and Yb contents in clinopyroxene) and whole-rock initial^(187) Os/^(188) Os ratios. Some samples have ancient radiogenic Hf isotopes and unradiogenic Os isotope compositions, implying the preservation of ancient depletion signals in the lherzolites. The Nd isotope compositions, together with trace elements and mineral micro-textures, suggest that the lherzolites have been overprinted by a recent melt-rock interaction event. The high equilibrium temperatures of the studied samples have been estimated by the twopyroxene REE thermometer, yielding temperatures of 1066–1315 ℃. The lherzolites have more depleted Nd-Hf isotope compositions and higher equilibrium temperatures than the New Caledonia harzburgites.This indicates that the lherzolites may represent the residues of asthenosphere mantle trapped within the forearc region. Our studies on the New Caledonia lherzolites with ancient depletion signals suggest that ancient mantle domains in the convective mantle can be emplaced in forearc region by the upwelling of asthenosphere during the early stage of subduction initiation.
文摘A glasshouse pot experiment was conducted to investigate cadmium (Cd) tolerance on the growth of Chinese spinach (Spinacia Oleracea L.) grown in sandy loam soil and microbial respiration after application of lherzolite (0%, 2.5% and 5%) with added Cd (0, 2.5 and 5 mg·kg-1). Soil pH tended to increase with increasing application rate of lherzolite about 1.5 units after plant harvest. Plant growth and microbial respiration in one hand decreased with the rates of Cd application in soil but on the other hand lherzolite application in soil reduced Cd toxicity and enhanced plant growth and microbial respiration. Microbial respiration of soil showed significant positive relationship with shoot and root dry weight of spinach but negative relationship of Cd concentration in plant tissue. This result indicated that application of lherzolite detoxified Cd toxicity in plant resulted in an increase plant growth and microbial respiration in Cd contaminated soil.
基金This work was supported by the National "973" Project (Grant No. G1999075508)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 49972063 and 40032010) the Teacher Fund of the Ministry of Education, and the Opening Fund of Key Laboratory of
文摘Magnesite-bearing garnet Iherzolite from the Altyn Tagh, associated with garnet pyroxenite, and garnet-bearing felsic gneiss, crops out as lenses in Proterozoic gneiss about 100 km east of the Jianggelasayi River. The garnet Iherzolite, together with the eclogite in western Jianggelasayi, composes a high-pressure to ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt in the southern margin of the Altyn Tagh. Parageneses of minerals from magnesite-bearing garnet Iherzolite indicate that the rock evolved a multi-stage metamorphism. The peak-stage metamorphism produces an assemblage of Grt+Ol+Opx+Cpx±Mgs, in which A12O3 content of Opxis very low (0.30-0.66wt%). The calculated P-T condition of the peak stage is 3.8-5.lGPa and 880-970°C, some exsolution rods of clinopyroxene and rutile occur in the Grt and magnesite is rimed by dolomite and orthopyroxene, all implying that the peak stage was a UHP metamorphic process. Together with regional geological studies, isotopic dating and the discovery of coesite inclusions in
基金sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41504072)the "135" Program of Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and State Key Laboratory of Earthquake Dynamics
文摘Lherzolite is one of the most important components of the subcontinental mantle lithosphere, and the study of its heat transfer properties aids in understanding the thermal structure of the continental mantle lithosphere. Currently, few studies have examined the heat transfer properties of lherzolite, and the experimental results remain controversial. This experiment utilized a pulse method to measure the thermal diffusivity of lherzolite at pressures ranging from 1.0 to 4.0 GPa and temperatures from 300 to 1 073 K on a cubic press apparatus. We obtained a thermal diffusivity for lherzolite of approximately 2.10 mm^2s^(-1) at ambient condition. The experimental pressure derivative of the thermal conductivity of lherzolite decreased with temperature, reaching approximately 10% at high temperature, a value higher than the previously reported 4%, which indicates that the temperature gradient of the upper mantle lithosphere is smaller than previously thought. Therefore, concerning calculation of the lithosphere thickness using the thermal conductivity of the lherzolite, the previous calculation using pressure derivative of the thermal conductivity of 4% may cause an underestimation of the upper mantle lithosphere thickness by approximately 6% in a first approximation.
基金This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.40232026)the pilot project of knowledge innovation program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.KZCX3-SW-123).
文摘Reported in this paper are the petrology and mineral chemistry of GRV 020090, the second Martian meteorite collected from the Grove Mountains, Antarctica. This meteorite, with a mass of 7.54 g, is completely covered by a black and glazy fusion crust. It has two distinct textural regions. The interstitial region is composed of euhedral grains of olivine, pigeonite, and anhedral interstitial maskelynite, with minor chromite, augite, phosphates and troilite. The poikilitic region consists of three clasts of pyroxenes, each of which has a pigeonite core and an augite rim. A few grains of subhedral to rounded olivine and euhedral chromite are enclosed in the pyroxene oikocrysts. GRV 020090 is classified as a new member of lherzolitic shergottites based on the modal composition and mineral chemistry. This work will shed light on the composition of Martian crust and magmatism on the Mars.
基金Project(51374246,51474249)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(2013FJ6002)supported by the Science-Technology Project of Science-Technology Department of Hunan Province,China
文摘The subcritical crack growth and fracture toughness in peridotite, lherzolite and amphibolite were investigated with double torsion test. The results show that water-rock interaction has a significant influence on subcritical crack growth. With water-rock interaction, the crack velocity increases, while the stress intensity factor declines, which illustrates that water-rock interaction can decrease the strength of rocks and accelerate the subcritical crack growth. Based on Charlse theory and Hilling & Charlse theory, the test data were analyzed by regression and the correlation coefficients were all higher than 0.7, which shows the correlation is significant. This illustrates that both theories can explain the results of tests very well. Therefore, it is believed that the subcritical crack growth attributes to the breaking of chemical bond, which is caused by the combined effect of the tensile stress and the chemical reaction between the material at crack tip and the corrosive agent. Meanwhile, water-rock interaction has a vital effect on fracture toughness. The fracture toughness of samples under atmospheric environment is higher than that of samples immersed in water. And water-rock interaction has larger influence on fracture toughness in amphibolite than that in peridotite and lherzolite.
基金The work was financial support by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.49972031).]
文摘Trace elements including REE (Rare Earth Elements) in fluid inclusions inlherzolite, olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene have been determined by heating-decrepitationand ICP-MS (Element Type Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry) method. Normalized CO_2fluid/chondrite data show that mantle fluids are rich in REEs, especially LREEs (Light Rare EarthElements), several times or dozen times higher than mantle rocks and mantle minerals. There areclose relationships among the REE data of olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and lherzolite.Compared to the data of chemical dissolution method, it is believed that REE data obtained fromheating-decrepitation and ICP-MS technique are contributed by CO_2 fluid inclusions. About 60percent (mass fraction) of tiny inclusions are observed not to be decrepitated above 1000 deg C, soREE data obtained are only contributed by decrepitated inclusions. Mantle fluids rich in LREE playan important role in mantle metasomatism, partial melting and mineralization.
文摘Beka area is situated in the Adamaoua Plateau of Cameroon in central Arica.Lavas in this area has not been studied before the present work.The volcanism of Beka is characterized by basalt,trachyte and phonolite domes and flows.The petrographic study shows that basaltic lavas have porphyritic microlitic textures.The felsic lavas indicate trachytic textures.The rocks are composed of olivine,clinopyroxene,plagioclase and iron-titanium oxide minerals for the basalts;clinopyroxene,alkali feldspar(including foids),sphene and titanomagnetite for the felsic lavas.Chemical analyses show that basaltic lavas are basanites.Felsic lavas contain modal feldspathoid(nepheline in phonolites).All these lavas belong to the same series,because the felsic lavas are derived from the differentiation of basaltic lavas by fractional crystallization.They show an alkaline nature according to their geochemistry.Trace elements including Rare Earth Elements characteristics show that rocks emplaced in the Winthin Plate volcanic zone.They derived from an evolved parent magma showing a low degree of partial melting and characteristics closer to a modified and evolved primitive spinel lherzolite.
文摘Cenozoic basalts in the eastern part of Liaoning-Jilin contain abundant mantle-derived inclusions. The rock types of the ultramafic inclusions are composed mostly of spinel lherzolite and a few websterites. In order to study the origin of inclusions, the concnetrations of several trace elements have been measured in samples by NAA. According to geochemical characteristics of trace elements, there are two types of spinel Iherzolite inclusions. The first type is refractory residues left after partial melting of the upper mantle and the second type is metasomatizing refractory residues. The websterites inclusions formed by segregation of basaltic melt derived from high degree of melting of mantle source rocks.
文摘The present study deals with peridotites found in the paleo-proterozoic domain of the Leo Man Shield, Séguéla region, west-central of Côte d’Ivoire. Results show that Séguéla peridotites are composed of lherzolites, dunites and harzburgites. However, iherzolites are the most abundant. The phenocrysts in these rocks are olivine most often serpentinised, and pyroxenes, represented by diopside and enstatite. Amphiboles are divided into two groups: magmatic amphiboles and those from the destabilization of clinopyroxene. Spinels have CrO<sub>3</sub> content which varies between 28% and 37%, Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> between 33% - 41% and MgO is equal to 18%;they are poor in TiO<sub>2</sub> and do not contain zinc oxide. Séguéla peridotites are characterised by a negative anomaly in Nb-Ta, associated with an enrichment of lithophilic elements and light rare earth elements with a fractionation rate (La/Yb) which varies between 46.22 and 150.72 and heavy rare earth elements, and HFSE depletion, which may suggest that were formed in an art context, that is, a mantle enriched by fluids from a subduction zone. However, another hypothesis could be considered, that of the interaction between the mantle and magmas in a subduction zone context.
文摘GRV 90027 is a Martian lherzolitic shergottites (L-S) containing poikilitic, non-poikilitic, and melted pocket components. GRV 99027 is mainly composed of olive (55 vol% ) and pyroxene (37.5 vol% ), with minor maskelynite (6 vol% ) and chromite ( 1.5 vol% ), and trace whitelockite and troilite, ect. In this paper, the mineralogy and petrology of GRV 99027 are reported; in addition, the geochemical characteristics of the REEs and H isotopes in the GRV 99027 are also further investigated. The 2REE in GRV 99027 is relatively low; HREEs are enriched in olivine and pyroxene grains; LREEs are enriched in plagioclase with a high positive Eu anomaly. High EREE value is found in rare mineral whitlockite (less than 0. 2 vol% ), LREE ≈ HREE, and whitlockite has a negative Eu anomaly. The REE distribution patterns of the whole -rock of GRV 99027 is similar to but different from that of other L-S Martian meteorites, indicating that they came from different location of Mars. GRV 99027 has a high 8D value. Different water-bearing minerals give different contribution for 8D value. The 8D of phosphates generally does not correlate with water content, and 8D has a weak negative correlation with water content. GRV 99027 can be classified as an L-S Martian meteorite based on mineralogical assemblage patterns, REE distribution patterns, and hydrogen isotope. The isotope data of Sr, Nd, Pb, Os and REE from other L-S Martian meteorites were collected to discuss the formation history of the GRV 99027. Similar to other L-S Martian meteorites, GRV 99027 originated from part of Mar's mantle; during one strong impact event about 4M years ago, the meteorites were ejected from deep mantle into space, and traveled for a different duration in space (indicated by different cosmic exposure time), and captured by the Earth later in different time, ultimately falling on the Antarctica as L-S Martian meteorites.