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临草2号的选育及高产栽培 被引量:3
作者 鲁晋秀 杨峰 +1 位作者 李峰 党建友 《山西农业科学》 2010年第11期40-42,共3页
临草2号是一种新型的饲草小黑麦作物。在山西选育与发展饲草型小黑麦,不仅能充分利用山西省大面积的冬闲地和收获后的林果园地,在冬春枯草季节生产优质饲草,适应畜牧业发展的需要,而且能减少水土流失,阻止沙尘暴的形成和为害,生态效益... 临草2号是一种新型的饲草小黑麦作物。在山西选育与发展饲草型小黑麦,不仅能充分利用山西省大面积的冬闲地和收获后的林果园地,在冬春枯草季节生产优质饲草,适应畜牧业发展的需要,而且能减少水土流失,阻止沙尘暴的形成和为害,生态效益明显。但由于其饲草产品和栽培技术研究起步较晚,研发不足,严重影响着它的推广和发展。重点介绍临草2号的选育、用途和高产栽培技术,为其迅速推广应用提供技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 临草2号 选育 栽培技术
临草(麦)一号选育及高产优质栽培技术 被引量:1
作者 鲁晋秀 杨峰 +3 位作者 张定一 党建友 闫翠萍 朱秀珍 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第7期1324-1325,共2页
临草(麦)一号是一种新型的饲草小黑麦作物。在山西选育与发展临草(麦)一号,不仅能充分利用山西省大面积的冬闲地和收获后的林果园地,而且在冬春枯草季节生产优质饲草,适应畜牧业发展的需要,并能减少水土流失,阻止沙尘暴的形成和危害,生... 临草(麦)一号是一种新型的饲草小黑麦作物。在山西选育与发展临草(麦)一号,不仅能充分利用山西省大面积的冬闲地和收获后的林果园地,而且在冬春枯草季节生产优质饲草,适应畜牧业发展的需要,并能减少水土流失,阻止沙尘暴的形成和危害,生态效益明显。但由于饲草产品和栽培技术研究的起步较晚,研发不足,严重影响其了推广和发展。鉴此,介绍临草(麦)一号的选育、用途和高产栽培技术,旨在为饲草产品的迅速推广提供技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 临草(麦)一号 选育 用途 栽培技术
临草(麦)一号生物学特性及利用 被引量:1
作者 杨峰 鲁晋秀 +3 位作者 张定一 党建友 闫翠萍 朱秀珍 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2004年第6期125-127,共3页
临草(麦)一号是一种强冬性牧草作物,2000~2003年在山西省隰县、安泽县、浮山等多点试验,并在临汾市乔李镇和贺家庄大面积示范种植中,表现出良好的适应性和较高的生物产量,其鲜草总量平均达60000~75000kg/hm2,全期粗蛋白平均可达19%~2... 临草(麦)一号是一种强冬性牧草作物,2000~2003年在山西省隰县、安泽县、浮山等多点试验,并在临汾市乔李镇和贺家庄大面积示范种植中,表现出良好的适应性和较高的生物产量,其鲜草总量平均达60000~75000kg/hm2,全期粗蛋白平均可达19%~27%.同时,介绍了临草(麦)一号的来源、生物学特性及优点,并结合山西的产业结构调整提出了发展饲草小麦的优势、可行性措施和对山西经济特别是农牧业发展的重要意义. 展开更多
关键词 饲草小麦 临草一号品种 选育 生物学特性 栽培技术 利用
Ageing Behavior of LiNi<SUB>0.80</SUB>Co<SUB>0.15</SUB>Al<SUB>0.05</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>Cathode Based Lithium Ion Cells—Influence of Phase Transition Processes
作者 Christopher Betzin Holger Wolfschmidt 《Materials Sciences and Applications》 2018年第1期155-173,共19页
In this paper, commercial lithium ion battery cells consisting of graphite based anode and LiNi0.80Co0.15Al0.05O2 (NCA) oxide based cathode were investigated regarding their aging behavior. The capacity loss is depend... In this paper, commercial lithium ion battery cells consisting of graphite based anode and LiNi0.80Co0.15Al0.05O2 (NCA) oxide based cathode were investigated regarding their aging behavior. The capacity loss is dependent on the state of charge (SOC) whereas the battery is operated with partial cycles at defined SOCs. The structural change of the positive electrode material is identified as dominating aging process. Especially grid services such as primary control reserve are of economic interest for battery system operators. In this application, small charge and discharge cycles are the main operation mode. Considering the operation of single battery storage systems in a virtual storage power plant, different states of charges are much more of interest. Thus the battery aging behavior of lithium ion cells with NCA based cathode material with respect to cycling at specific state of charge with small depth of discharge (DOD) is investigated. The results in this paper provide understanding of small DOD cycling at given SOC behavior which is necessary for NCA lifetime prediction in this particular case, especially in virtual storage plant with various storage systems and thus various SOCs for delivery primary reserve the small DOD behavior which has an important impact on efficiency and economy. It is a key finding, which aging mechanisms are essential in order to optimize the cell operation and adapt it to system performance. 展开更多
关键词 Cyclic VOLTAMMETRY NCA Fatigue of lincao Primary Control RESERVE
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