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陶瓷隔膜对LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_(2)/C电池性能的影响 被引量:2
作者 唐月娇 张红梅 +1 位作者 陈晓涛 石斌 《电池》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第2期157-161,共5页
以聚丙烯(PP)/聚乙烯(PE)/PP复合隔膜为基膜,研究单面涂覆陶瓷层(12μm干法基膜+4μm单面陶瓷层)和双面涂覆陶瓷层(12μm干法基膜+2μm双面陶瓷层)制作的陶瓷隔膜对LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_(2)/C体系锂离子电池性能的影响。用SE... 以聚丙烯(PP)/聚乙烯(PE)/PP复合隔膜为基膜,研究单面涂覆陶瓷层(12μm干法基膜+4μm单面陶瓷层)和双面涂覆陶瓷层(12μm干法基膜+2μm双面陶瓷层)制作的陶瓷隔膜对LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_(2)/C体系锂离子电池性能的影响。用SEM、电化学阻抗谱(EIS)测试分析隔膜的微孔形貌、透气度和离子电导率。复合隔膜、单面涂覆和双面涂覆隔膜的透气度分别为501 s/100 ml、220 s/100 ml和175 s/100 ml;离子电导率分别为0.115 mS/cm^(2)、0.312 mS/cm^(2)和0.385 mS/cm^(2)。用3种隔膜制作锂离子电池,评估内阻、倍率性能、循环性能及贮存性能。涂覆陶瓷隔膜具有更高的吸液率、更低的内阻和更高的离子电导率,因此电池具有更好的倍率性能和循环性能,且双面涂覆陶瓷隔膜的性能更佳。 展开更多
关键词 陶瓷隔膜 lini_(0.8)co_(0.15)al_(0.05)o_(2)/c 锂离子电池 倍率性能 循环性能
LiTiO_(2)包覆对LiNi_(0.8) Co_(0.15) Al_(0.05) O_(2)正极材料的影响 被引量:2
作者 付微婷 陈绍敏 +1 位作者 张小洪 石斌 《电池》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第5期440-444,共5页
采用共沉淀法制备Ni_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)(OH)_(2)三元前驱体,与LiOH·H_(2)O球磨混合后,通过高温固相法烧结制备LiNi_(0.8) Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_(2)(NCA)正极材料,探究LiTiO_(2)包覆量(0、0.2%、0.5%、1.0%)对LiTiO_(2)包覆的... 采用共沉淀法制备Ni_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)(OH)_(2)三元前驱体,与LiOH·H_(2)O球磨混合后,通过高温固相法烧结制备LiNi_(0.8) Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_(2)(NCA)正极材料,探究LiTiO_(2)包覆量(0、0.2%、0.5%、1.0%)对LiTiO_(2)包覆的Li(Ni_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05))1-xO_(2)正极材料性能的影响。通过XRD、SEM、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、电化学阻抗谱(EIS)及充放电测试等,分析材料的结构、形貌及电化学性能。LiTiO_(2)包覆在NCA材料表面,当包覆量为0.5%时,电化学性能最佳。在2.8~4.2 V充放电,1.0 C倍率的首次放电比容量达182.3 mAh/g,循环200次的容量保持率为76.4%;10.0 C倍率的放电比容量为141.3 mAh/g。 展开更多
关键词 锂离子电池 包覆改性 lini_(0.8)co_(0.15)al_(0.05)o_(2)(NcA)正极材料 包覆量
作者 徐星 刘英杰 贺晓书 《电池》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第6期603-605,共3页
采用共沉淀法和高温固相法制备LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_(2)(NCA)正极材料。分别以异丙醇铝和偏铝酸钠作为铝源,制备Ni_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)(OH)_(2)前驱体,将前驱体与LiOH·H_(2)O混合后进行750℃高温焙烧,得到两种NCA... 采用共沉淀法和高温固相法制备LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_(2)(NCA)正极材料。分别以异丙醇铝和偏铝酸钠作为铝源,制备Ni_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)(OH)_(2)前驱体,将前驱体与LiOH·H_(2)O混合后进行750℃高温焙烧,得到两种NCA材料。以偏铝酸钠为铝源制备的NCA材料,层状结构更完善,电化学性能更好,以5.0 C倍率在3.0~4.3 V循环,放电比容量高达148 mAh/g;以1.0 C倍率循环90次,容量保持率为95.30%。 展开更多
关键词 锂离子电池 正极材料 lini_(0.8)co_(0.15)al_(0.05)o_(2) 异丙醇铝 偏铝酸钠
作者 王兆程 王义钢 +2 位作者 盛传超 何平 周豪慎 《无机化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第9期1661-1672,共12页
以浓盐酸为浸出剂,以NaOH和NH_(4)HCO_(3)为沉淀剂,利用Mn^(2+)在碱性条件下的氧化反应改变离子的沉淀次序进而分步回收的方案,探究了浓盐酸酸浸处理三元正极材料LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.05)Mn_(0.15)O_(2)的最佳条件。在分步沉淀过程中,Mn^(2+... 以浓盐酸为浸出剂,以NaOH和NH_(4)HCO_(3)为沉淀剂,利用Mn^(2+)在碱性条件下的氧化反应改变离子的沉淀次序进而分步回收的方案,探究了浓盐酸酸浸处理三元正极材料LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.05)Mn_(0.15)O_(2)的最佳条件。在分步沉淀过程中,Mn^(2+)被氧化为不溶于非还原性酸的MnO(OH)_(2),并在酸性条件下回收。Ni、Co则在碱性条件下利用NaOH回收,而Li则利用NH_(4)HCO_(3)回收。该方法中Mn的回收率达到85.1%,产品纯度达到98.6%;Li的回收率达到95.0%,产品纯度达到99.3%。由回收材料重新合成的三元正极组装的软包电池的首圈放电比容量达到了175 mAh·g^(-1),可以以超过99.5%的库仑效率稳定循环50圈。 展开更多
关键词 废旧锂离子电池 lini_(0.8)co_(0.05)Mn_(0.15)o_(2)三元材料 湿法回收 锰氧化反应
作者 郭小毓 吕光哲 +2 位作者 张文康 徐有申 仝斌斌 《辽宁科技学院学报》 2023年第6期4-8,共5页
文章采用水热-高温固相法制备了Li(Ni_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05))O_(2)阴极材料,采用SEM/XRD/TG-DSC对先驱体NCA-OH及NCA阴极材料的粉体性能进行了表征。结果表明,随反应温度的提高,NCA-OH/NCA颗粒尺寸逐渐增大,先驱体一次颗粒由细小的... 文章采用水热-高温固相法制备了Li(Ni_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05))O_(2)阴极材料,采用SEM/XRD/TG-DSC对先驱体NCA-OH及NCA阴极材料的粉体性能进行了表征。结果表明,随反应温度的提高,NCA-OH/NCA颗粒尺寸逐渐增大,先驱体一次颗粒由细小的纳米片精细结构转变为纳米针状,NCA颗粒由花瓣状转变为纳米棒状。随反应温度和保温时间的延长,先驱体NCA-OH晶相结构没有发生明显的改变,较高温度可导致NCA的(003)晶面结晶度有所降低。另外,随反应时间的延长,I 003/I 104的峰强比逐渐增大,表明NCA正极材料层状结构中Li/Ni离子混排程度逐渐减轻。 展开更多
关键词 锂离子电池 水热-高温固相法 Li(Ni_(0.8)co_(0.15)al_(0.05))o_(2)阴极材料 峰强比
作者 李建营 李绍敏 +2 位作者 杨茂夏 赵佰庆 刘昊 《功能材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第9期9095-9101,9108,共8页
目前高镍材料存在长循环寿命差、安全性能低等问题。表面包覆是提升高镍材料电化学性能的有效手段。本文通过具有导电特性的高分子聚苯胺纳米点包覆高镍正极材料LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Mn_(0.05)O_(2)从而提高其循环性能。包覆后的材料在0... 目前高镍材料存在长循环寿命差、安全性能低等问题。表面包覆是提升高镍材料电化学性能的有效手段。本文通过具有导电特性的高分子聚苯胺纳米点包覆高镍正极材料LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Mn_(0.05)O_(2)从而提高其循环性能。包覆后的材料在0.2C倍率下100圈循环后容量为184.1 mAh/g,保持率为95.7%。1C倍率下循环100圈后容量为156.3 mAh/g,保持率为88.3%。可见纳米点PANI包覆NCM能提高高镍材料的循环稳定性。实验表明材料循环性能提高的原因在于聚苯胺纳米点包覆可以抑制材料表面副反应的发生以及H2-H3结构相变。 展开更多
关键词 锂离子电池 高镍正极材料 聚苯胺 纳米点包覆 lini_(0.8)co_(0.15)Mn_(0.05)o_(2)
Grain boundaries contribute to highly efficient lithium-ion transport in advanced LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_(2)secondary sphere with compact structure
作者 Cheng Liu Heyi Xia +4 位作者 Yinping Wei Jiabin Ma Lin Gan Feiyu Kang Yan-Bing He 《SusMat》 2021年第2期255-265,共11页
LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_(2)(NCA)secondary particles with high tap density have a great potential for high volumetric energy density lithium(Li)-ion power bat-tery.However,the ionic conductivity mechanism of NCA ... LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_(2)(NCA)secondary particles with high tap density have a great potential for high volumetric energy density lithium(Li)-ion power bat-tery.However,the ionic conductivity mechanism of NCA with compact structure is still a suspense,especially the function of grain boundaries.Herein,we sys-tematically investigate the Li-ion transport behavior in both the primitive NCA(PNCA)secondary sphere densely grown by single-crystal primary grains and ball-milled NCA(MNCA)nanosized particle to reveal the role of grain bound-aries for Li-ion transport.The PNCA and MNCA have comparable Li-ion dif-fusion coefficients and rate performance.Moreover,the graphene nanosheet conductive additive only mildly affects the Li-ion diffusion in PNCA cathode,while which severely blocks the Li-ion transport in MNCA cathode.Through high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spec-troscopy,we clearly observe Li-ion depletion at lower state of charge(SOC)and Li-ion aggregation at high SOC along the grain boundaries of PNCA secondary particles during high-rate lithiation process.The grain boundaries can construct an interconnected Li-ion transport network for highly efficient Li-ion transport,which contributes to excellent high-rate performance of compact PNCA sec-ondary particles.These findings present new strategy and deep insight in design-ing compact materials with excellent high-rate performance. 展开更多
关键词 compact structure grain boundaries graphene nanosheet lini_(0.8)co_(0.15)al_(0.05)o_(2) lithium-ion transport
Alternative Strategy for Development of Dielectric Calcium Copper Titanate‑Based Electrolytes for Low‑Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
作者 Sajid Rauf Muhammad Bilal Hanif +8 位作者 Zuhra Tayyab Matej Veis MAKYousaf Shah Naveed Mushtaq Dmitry Medvedev Yibin Tian Chen Xia Martin Motola Bin Zhu 《Nano-Micro Letters》 SCIE EI CAS 2025年第1期310-332,共23页
The development of low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells(LT-SOFCs)is of significant importance for realizing the widespread application of SOFCs.This has stimulated a substantial materials research effort in developi... The development of low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells(LT-SOFCs)is of significant importance for realizing the widespread application of SOFCs.This has stimulated a substantial materials research effort in developing high oxide-ion conductivity in the electrolyte layer of SOFCs.In this context,for the first time,a dielectric material,CaCu_(3)Ti_(4)O_(12)(CCTO)is designed for LT-SOFCs electrolyte application in this study.Both individual CCTO and its heterostructure materials with a p-type Ni_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)LiO_(2−δ)(NCAL)semiconductor are evaluated as alternative electrolytes in LT-SOFC at 450–550℃.The single cell with the individual CCTO electrolyte exhibits a power output of approximately 263 mW cm^(-2) and an open-circuit voltage(OCV)of 0.95 V at 550℃,while the cell with the CCTO–NCAL heterostructure electrolyte capably delivers an improved power output of approximately 605 mW cm^(-2) along with a higher OCV over 1.0 V,which indicates the introduction of high hole-conducting NCAL into the CCTO could enhance the cell performance rather than inducing any potential short-circuiting risk.It is found that these promising outcomes are due to the interplay of the dielectric material,its structure,and overall properties that led to improve electrochemical mechanism in CCTO–NCAL.Furthermore,density functional theory calculations provide the detailed information about the electronic and structural properties of the CCTO and NCAL and their heterostructure CCTO–NCAL.Our study thus provides a new approach for developing new advanced electrolytes for LT-SOFCs. 展开更多
关键词 LT-SoFcs Dielectric cacu_(3)Ti_(4)o_(12) Semiconductor Ni_(0.8)co_(0.15)al_(0.05)Lio_(2−δ) Ionic conductivity Heterostructure electrolyte
Enabling superior electrochemical performance of NCA cathode in Li_(5.5)PS_(4.5)Cl_(1.5)-based solid-state batteries with a dual-electrolyte layer
作者 Ziling Jiang Shaoqing Chen +6 位作者 Chaochao Wei Ziqi Zhang Zhongkai Wu Qiyue Luo Liang Ming Long Zhang Chuang Yu 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第4期231-236,共6页
LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_(2)(NCA) is a promising cathode for sulfide-based solid-state lithium batteries(ASSLBs)profiting from its high specific capacity and voltage plateau, which yielding high energy density. H... LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_(2)(NCA) is a promising cathode for sulfide-based solid-state lithium batteries(ASSLBs)profiting from its high specific capacity and voltage plateau, which yielding high energy density. However, the inferior interfacial stability between the bare NCA and sulfides limits its electrochemical performance. Hereien, the dual-electrolyte layer is proposed to mitigate this effect and enhance the battery performances of NCA-based ASSLIBs. The Li_(3)InCl_6 wih high conductivity and excellent electrochemcial stability act both as an ion additives to promote Li-ion diffusion across the interface in the cathode and as a buffer layer between the cathode layer and the solid electrolyte layer to avoid side reactions and improve the interface stability. The corresponding battery exhibits high discharge capacities and superior cyclabilities at both room and elevated temperatures. It exhibits discharge performance of 237.04 and216.07 m Ah/g at 0.1 and 0.5 C, respectively, when cycled at 60 ℃, and sustains 95.9% of the capacity after100 cycles at 0.5 C. The work demonstrates a simple strategy to ensure the superior performances of NCA in sulfide-based ASSLBs. 展开更多
关键词 lini_(0.8)co_(0.15)al_(0.05)o_(2) Li_(5.5)PS_(4.5)cl_(1.5) Double solid electrolyte layer configuration operating temperatures Electrochemical performances
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