J. M.库切的小说《迈克尔·K的生活和时代》使用卡夫卡式的寓言手法,再现了20世纪80年代南非殖民者的"自我"与边缘化的"他者"之间的关系,刻画了一个在战乱中负重前行的迈克尔·K形象。从马尔萨斯人口论出发...J. M.库切的小说《迈克尔·K的生活和时代》使用卡夫卡式的寓言手法,再现了20世纪80年代南非殖民者的"自我"与边缘化的"他者"之间的关系,刻画了一个在战乱中负重前行的迈克尔·K形象。从马尔萨斯人口论出发,旨在探讨小说中迈克尔·K的生活与时代经历如何体现马尔萨斯人口论中"一个公理"以及"两种抑制"的合理成分,揭示迈克尔·K的生活态度实质是实现边缘化的"他者"赋权的另一途径。展开更多
It intends to explore the roles earth plays in Michael K’s passive resistance against the patriarchal authority.Inspired by Homi Bhabha’s concept of“unhomeliness”,it illustrates how earth gives K the sense of home...It intends to explore the roles earth plays in Michael K’s passive resistance against the patriarchal authority.Inspired by Homi Bhabha’s concept of“unhomeliness”,it illustrates how earth gives K the sense of homeliness.As the female is closely connected to earth,it also explains how earth helps K get free from the patriarchal wars.By portraying a deformed colored K,Coetzee expresses that the disadvantaged and inferior could resort to mother earth to get freedom and dignity.The female features of protection and nurture are crucial to help the discriminated groups to resist the patriarchal authority.展开更多
Michael Rud Lassen, Alexander Gallus, Gary E. Raskob, et all [原著]
接受髋关节置换术(totalhipreplacement,THR)的患者需要有效的血栓预防。低分子量肝素(10wmolecularweightheparirt,LMWH)、维生素K拮抗剂(vitaminKantag...Michael Rud Lassen, Alexander Gallus, Gary E. Raskob, et all [原著]
文摘It intends to explore the roles earth plays in Michael K’s passive resistance against the patriarchal authority.Inspired by Homi Bhabha’s concept of“unhomeliness”,it illustrates how earth gives K the sense of homeliness.As the female is closely connected to earth,it also explains how earth helps K get free from the patriarchal wars.By portraying a deformed colored K,Coetzee expresses that the disadvantaged and inferior could resort to mother earth to get freedom and dignity.The female features of protection and nurture are crucial to help the discriminated groups to resist the patriarchal authority.
文摘Michael Rud Lassen, Alexander Gallus, Gary E. Raskob, et all [原著]