Cross-linking of silyl-modified polymers occurs at the alkoxysilane groups attached to the ends of polymer chains by hydrolysis and polycondensation mechanisms in the presence of moisture. During these reactions, thre...Cross-linking of silyl-modified polymers occurs at the alkoxysilane groups attached to the ends of polymer chains by hydrolysis and polycondensation mechanisms in the presence of moisture. During these reactions, three different physical states can be identified (viscous, skin effect and cross-linked state). Knowledge of the evolution of these states at each reaction time is essential to determine the open time for the adhe-sive industry and is generally obtained by a manual method. Automation of this moni-toring could avoid operator error and could be used for very long cross linking reac-tions or to screen a large number of catalysts. Thus, a contactless micro process tech-nology was developed to correlate these physical states with an optical technology, Raman spectroscopy, by monitoring the decrease in intensity of the Si-OCH<sub>3</sub> groups during chemical reactions. This online characterization method can also be used to compare the efficiencies of several catalysts for the cross-linking of silyl-modified polymers, using a minimum amount of chemical materials.展开更多
介绍了一种基于AC-link技术的并联谐振高压电源的拓扑电路,该结构结合准谐振的工作模式能够实现高功率因数和高效率;采用了基于状态平面图对并联谐振电路的分析方法,该方法相比传统的基波等效分析法具有求解简单、直观、精确和负载适用...介绍了一种基于AC-link技术的并联谐振高压电源的拓扑电路,该结构结合准谐振的工作模式能够实现高功率因数和高效率;采用了基于状态平面图对并联谐振电路的分析方法,该方法相比传统的基波等效分析法具有求解简单、直观、精确和负载适用范围大的特点,并给出了相应推导过程;给出了输出电压为25 k V,电流为1 A的变换器的分析和谐振参数设计。最后进行了仿真,仿真结果表明,基于高频交流链接并联谐振拓扑和基于状态平面图法的控制能够稳定输出电压(<1%),实现零电流开关,三相输入电流谐波较低(THD<12.5%)与三相电压基本同相位,功率因数为0.99。展开更多
An operational backbone network is connected with many routers and other devices. Identifying faults in the network is very difficult, so a fault localization mechanism is necessary to identify fault and alleviate it ...An operational backbone network is connected with many routers and other devices. Identifying faults in the network is very difficult, so a fault localization mechanism is necessary to identify fault and alleviate it and correct the faults in order to reduce the network performance degradation. A risk model needs to be devised based on the dynamic database by creating alternate path and the network is reconfigured by identifying dynamic paths. In this paper, an on-demand link state routing approach is used for handling failures in IP backbone networks and a localization algorithm is used to improve QOS parameters based on threshold value of gateway. It is proved that on-demand link state routing guarantees loop-free forwarding to reachable destinations regardless of the number of failures in the network, and in case of localization algorithm using modification process packet loss is avoided based on threshold value of gateway. Heuristic algorithm is also used for reconfiguration of dynamic path for effective fault localization. In this paper, in order to change the traffic condition, reconfiguration strategic is dynamically used. Dijikstra’s shortest path algorithm has been used to determine the shortest path between node pairs. Using risk modeling mechanism, a small set of candidate faults is identified. The concept of Fault Localization is used to minimize the fault occurring in the node and sends original path to node pairs. The localization algorithm based on MODIFICATION PROCESS, packet loss is avoided in the network by checking threshold value of gateway. If the threshold value is maximum, router directly forwards the packet to destination through gateway and if the threshold value is minimum, router compresses the packet and forwards the packet to destination with notification via gateway.展开更多
The presence of aflatoxin-producing fungi in foods consumed by humans and animals has often resulted in the health hazards and even death. Aflatoxin contaminations of garri sold in some markets of Benue State, Nigeria...The presence of aflatoxin-producing fungi in foods consumed by humans and animals has often resulted in the health hazards and even death. Aflatoxin contaminations of garri sold in some markets of Benue State, Nigeria, were studied, to ascertain the health implications on the consumers. Sixty garri samples comprising of 30 white garri and 30 yellow garri respectively were studied. The garri samples were ground to a particle size of 250 μm using a sterile blender. The total aflatoxin was extracted using 70% (v/v) methanol. The total aflatoxin concentration was detected and quantified using the Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay technique. The results showed that overall, 76.67% of the white garri samples and 80% of the yellow garri samples were aflatoxin positive. The total aflatoxin concentration in white garri ranged from 0.3 μg/kg to 2.4 μg/kg and 0.2 to 2.4 μg/kg in yellow garri respectively. The total mean aflatoxin across the States recorded was 2.96 μg/kg in white garri and 3.07 μg/kg in yellow garri. All the aflatoxin-positive garri samples of both the white and yellow garri were within the NAFDAC permissible aflatoxin level. Even though the aflatoxins are within the approved standard consumable limits, the continuous consumption of these doses over a long period of time could lead to the accumulation of these toxins in the body. These may eventually constitute a toxic health challenge.展开更多
By means of the torus knot theory method, this paper presents the complete process of obtaining the knotted pictures of eight GHZ states on the surface of a trivial torus from the knotted pictures of eight basic three...By means of the torus knot theory method, this paper presents the complete process of obtaining the knotted pictures of eight GHZ states on the surface of a trivial torus from the knotted pictures of eight basic three-qubit states on the surface of a trivial torus. Thus, we obtain eight knotted pictures 121 linkage on the ordinary plane.展开更多
针对小型无人机自组网动态的网络拓扑环境,解决传统优化链路状态路由(optimized link state routing,OLSR)协议路由开销较大的问题,提出一种基于OLSR的小型无人机自组网低开销路由算法(low-overhead routing algorithm based on OLSR,LS...针对小型无人机自组网动态的网络拓扑环境,解决传统优化链路状态路由(optimized link state routing,OLSR)协议路由开销较大的问题,提出一种基于OLSR的小型无人机自组网低开销路由算法(low-overhead routing algorithm based on OLSR,LS-OLSR)。该算法通过引入HELLO消息、TC(topology control)消息发送间隔自适应调整机制和MPR意愿值主动更新策略,利用网络实时状态自适应调整HELLO消息发送间隔和TC消息发送间隔,减少不必要的控制消息转发,同时根据节点接收功率和数据传输时延自适应调整节点MPR意愿值,提高数据转发节点的稳定性。仿真结果表明:在小型无人机自组网模型中,改进的路由算法在不增加网络端到端时延的前提下,自组网的路由开销降低约7%,丢包率降低约17%,减少了网络数据传输的延时,提高了自组网系统的效率和性能。因此,LS-OLSR作为一种针对小型无人机自组网环境优化的OLSR协议,弥补了传统算法的不足,为无人机自组网的高效通信提供了新的解决方案。展开更多
近年来,随着普适计算概念的深入人心,智能感知技术已成为研究者们关注的焦点,且基于WiFi的非接触式感知因其优秀的普适性、低廉的部署成本以及良好的用户体验越来越受到学术界和工业界的青睐.典型的WiFi非接触式感知工作有手势识别、呼...近年来,随着普适计算概念的深入人心,智能感知技术已成为研究者们关注的焦点,且基于WiFi的非接触式感知因其优秀的普适性、低廉的部署成本以及良好的用户体验越来越受到学术界和工业界的青睐.典型的WiFi非接触式感知工作有手势识别、呼吸检测、入侵检测、行为识别等,这些工作若实际部署,需首先避免其他无关区域中无关行为的干扰,因此需要判断目标是否进入到特定的感知区域中.这意味着系统应具备精准判断目标在界线哪一侧的能力,然而现有工作未能找到一个可以对某个自由设定的边界进行精确监控的方法,这阻碍了WiFi感知应用的实际落地.基于这一关键问题,从电磁波衍射的物理本质出发,结合菲涅尔衍射模型(Fresnel diffraction model),找到一种目标穿越link(收发设备天线的连线)时的信号特征(Rayleigh distribution in Fresnel diffraction model,RFD),并揭示该信号特征与人体活动之间的数学关系;之后以link作为边界,结合天线间距带来的波形时延以及AGC(automatic gain control)在link被遮挡时的特征,通过越线检测实现对边界的监控.在此基础上,还实现了两个实际应用,即入侵检测系统和居家状态监测系统,前者的精确率超过89%、召回率超过91%,后者的准确率超过89%.在验证所提边界监控算法的可用性和鲁棒性的同时,也展示了所提方法与其他WiFi感知技术相结合的巨大潜力,为WiFi感知技术的实际部署提供了思考方向.展开更多
文章针对现代通信网络中的传输效率和能耗管理问题,提出一种基于同步数字体系(Synchronous Digital Hierarchy,SDH)技术的通信网络设计方案。通过分析网络传输需求,构建SDH通信网络性能指标体系,并引入传输性能改善指数作为通信需求标...文章针对现代通信网络中的传输效率和能耗管理问题,提出一种基于同步数字体系(Synchronous Digital Hierarchy,SDH)技术的通信网络设计方案。通过分析网络传输需求,构建SDH通信网络性能指标体系,并引入传输性能改善指数作为通信需求标准。结合SDH技术和链路状态协议,对网络通信链路进行建模,并采用动态地址分配协议实现动态节点配置和优化路由选择。实验结果表明,文章方法在节点能耗和传输时延方面均表现出显著优势,能够有效提升通信网络的整体性能。展开更多
以丙烯腈(AN)为单体,聚丙二醇双甲基丙烯酸酯(PPGDMA)为交联剂制备了丁二腈(SN)增塑的塑性PAN-co-PPGDMA交联聚合物-双三氟甲基磺酰亚胺锂(Li TFSI)复合电解质poly-SN40。研究表明,poly-SN40具有较宽的电化学窗口(0-5.2 V vs Li/Li^(+)...以丙烯腈(AN)为单体,聚丙二醇双甲基丙烯酸酯(PPGDMA)为交联剂制备了丁二腈(SN)增塑的塑性PAN-co-PPGDMA交联聚合物-双三氟甲基磺酰亚胺锂(Li TFSI)复合电解质poly-SN40。研究表明,poly-SN40具有较宽的电化学窗口(0-5.2 V vs Li/Li^(+))和较高的室温离子电导率(1.27 mS/cm);组装的锂电池Li/ploy-SN40/LiFePO4的充放电实验表明,在0.5 m A/cm^(2)的电流密度下,电池能够正常、安全地循环使用;电池在0.2 C倍率下室温循环比容量超过133.5 m Ah/g,在200次循环后容量保持率为92%,表现出98.3%的优异平均库仑效率。展开更多
文摘Cross-linking of silyl-modified polymers occurs at the alkoxysilane groups attached to the ends of polymer chains by hydrolysis and polycondensation mechanisms in the presence of moisture. During these reactions, three different physical states can be identified (viscous, skin effect and cross-linked state). Knowledge of the evolution of these states at each reaction time is essential to determine the open time for the adhe-sive industry and is generally obtained by a manual method. Automation of this moni-toring could avoid operator error and could be used for very long cross linking reac-tions or to screen a large number of catalysts. Thus, a contactless micro process tech-nology was developed to correlate these physical states with an optical technology, Raman spectroscopy, by monitoring the decrease in intensity of the Si-OCH<sub>3</sub> groups during chemical reactions. This online characterization method can also be used to compare the efficiencies of several catalysts for the cross-linking of silyl-modified polymers, using a minimum amount of chemical materials.
文摘介绍了一种基于AC-link技术的并联谐振高压电源的拓扑电路,该结构结合准谐振的工作模式能够实现高功率因数和高效率;采用了基于状态平面图对并联谐振电路的分析方法,该方法相比传统的基波等效分析法具有求解简单、直观、精确和负载适用范围大的特点,并给出了相应推导过程;给出了输出电压为25 k V,电流为1 A的变换器的分析和谐振参数设计。最后进行了仿真,仿真结果表明,基于高频交流链接并联谐振拓扑和基于状态平面图法的控制能够稳定输出电压(<1%),实现零电流开关,三相输入电流谐波较低(THD<12.5%)与三相电压基本同相位,功率因数为0.99。
文摘An operational backbone network is connected with many routers and other devices. Identifying faults in the network is very difficult, so a fault localization mechanism is necessary to identify fault and alleviate it and correct the faults in order to reduce the network performance degradation. A risk model needs to be devised based on the dynamic database by creating alternate path and the network is reconfigured by identifying dynamic paths. In this paper, an on-demand link state routing approach is used for handling failures in IP backbone networks and a localization algorithm is used to improve QOS parameters based on threshold value of gateway. It is proved that on-demand link state routing guarantees loop-free forwarding to reachable destinations regardless of the number of failures in the network, and in case of localization algorithm using modification process packet loss is avoided based on threshold value of gateway. Heuristic algorithm is also used for reconfiguration of dynamic path for effective fault localization. In this paper, in order to change the traffic condition, reconfiguration strategic is dynamically used. Dijikstra’s shortest path algorithm has been used to determine the shortest path between node pairs. Using risk modeling mechanism, a small set of candidate faults is identified. The concept of Fault Localization is used to minimize the fault occurring in the node and sends original path to node pairs. The localization algorithm based on MODIFICATION PROCESS, packet loss is avoided in the network by checking threshold value of gateway. If the threshold value is maximum, router directly forwards the packet to destination through gateway and if the threshold value is minimum, router compresses the packet and forwards the packet to destination with notification via gateway.
文摘The presence of aflatoxin-producing fungi in foods consumed by humans and animals has often resulted in the health hazards and even death. Aflatoxin contaminations of garri sold in some markets of Benue State, Nigeria, were studied, to ascertain the health implications on the consumers. Sixty garri samples comprising of 30 white garri and 30 yellow garri respectively were studied. The garri samples were ground to a particle size of 250 μm using a sterile blender. The total aflatoxin was extracted using 70% (v/v) methanol. The total aflatoxin concentration was detected and quantified using the Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay technique. The results showed that overall, 76.67% of the white garri samples and 80% of the yellow garri samples were aflatoxin positive. The total aflatoxin concentration in white garri ranged from 0.3 μg/kg to 2.4 μg/kg and 0.2 to 2.4 μg/kg in yellow garri respectively. The total mean aflatoxin across the States recorded was 2.96 μg/kg in white garri and 3.07 μg/kg in yellow garri. All the aflatoxin-positive garri samples of both the white and yellow garri were within the NAFDAC permissible aflatoxin level. Even though the aflatoxins are within the approved standard consumable limits, the continuous consumption of these doses over a long period of time could lead to the accumulation of these toxins in the body. These may eventually constitute a toxic health challenge.
文摘By means of the torus knot theory method, this paper presents the complete process of obtaining the knotted pictures of eight GHZ states on the surface of a trivial torus from the knotted pictures of eight basic three-qubit states on the surface of a trivial torus. Thus, we obtain eight knotted pictures 121 linkage on the ordinary plane.
文摘针对小型无人机自组网动态的网络拓扑环境,解决传统优化链路状态路由(optimized link state routing,OLSR)协议路由开销较大的问题,提出一种基于OLSR的小型无人机自组网低开销路由算法(low-overhead routing algorithm based on OLSR,LS-OLSR)。该算法通过引入HELLO消息、TC(topology control)消息发送间隔自适应调整机制和MPR意愿值主动更新策略,利用网络实时状态自适应调整HELLO消息发送间隔和TC消息发送间隔,减少不必要的控制消息转发,同时根据节点接收功率和数据传输时延自适应调整节点MPR意愿值,提高数据转发节点的稳定性。仿真结果表明:在小型无人机自组网模型中,改进的路由算法在不增加网络端到端时延的前提下,自组网的路由开销降低约7%,丢包率降低约17%,减少了网络数据传输的延时,提高了自组网系统的效率和性能。因此,LS-OLSR作为一种针对小型无人机自组网环境优化的OLSR协议,弥补了传统算法的不足,为无人机自组网的高效通信提供了新的解决方案。
文摘近年来,随着普适计算概念的深入人心,智能感知技术已成为研究者们关注的焦点,且基于WiFi的非接触式感知因其优秀的普适性、低廉的部署成本以及良好的用户体验越来越受到学术界和工业界的青睐.典型的WiFi非接触式感知工作有手势识别、呼吸检测、入侵检测、行为识别等,这些工作若实际部署,需首先避免其他无关区域中无关行为的干扰,因此需要判断目标是否进入到特定的感知区域中.这意味着系统应具备精准判断目标在界线哪一侧的能力,然而现有工作未能找到一个可以对某个自由设定的边界进行精确监控的方法,这阻碍了WiFi感知应用的实际落地.基于这一关键问题,从电磁波衍射的物理本质出发,结合菲涅尔衍射模型(Fresnel diffraction model),找到一种目标穿越link(收发设备天线的连线)时的信号特征(Rayleigh distribution in Fresnel diffraction model,RFD),并揭示该信号特征与人体活动之间的数学关系;之后以link作为边界,结合天线间距带来的波形时延以及AGC(automatic gain control)在link被遮挡时的特征,通过越线检测实现对边界的监控.在此基础上,还实现了两个实际应用,即入侵检测系统和居家状态监测系统,前者的精确率超过89%、召回率超过91%,后者的准确率超过89%.在验证所提边界监控算法的可用性和鲁棒性的同时,也展示了所提方法与其他WiFi感知技术相结合的巨大潜力,为WiFi感知技术的实际部署提供了思考方向.
文摘文章针对现代通信网络中的传输效率和能耗管理问题,提出一种基于同步数字体系(Synchronous Digital Hierarchy,SDH)技术的通信网络设计方案。通过分析网络传输需求,构建SDH通信网络性能指标体系,并引入传输性能改善指数作为通信需求标准。结合SDH技术和链路状态协议,对网络通信链路进行建模,并采用动态地址分配协议实现动态节点配置和优化路由选择。实验结果表明,文章方法在节点能耗和传输时延方面均表现出显著优势,能够有效提升通信网络的整体性能。
文摘以丙烯腈(AN)为单体,聚丙二醇双甲基丙烯酸酯(PPGDMA)为交联剂制备了丁二腈(SN)增塑的塑性PAN-co-PPGDMA交联聚合物-双三氟甲基磺酰亚胺锂(Li TFSI)复合电解质poly-SN40。研究表明,poly-SN40具有较宽的电化学窗口(0-5.2 V vs Li/Li^(+))和较高的室温离子电导率(1.27 mS/cm);组装的锂电池Li/ploy-SN40/LiFePO4的充放电实验表明,在0.5 m A/cm^(2)的电流密度下,电池能够正常、安全地循环使用;电池在0.2 C倍率下室温循环比容量超过133.5 m Ah/g,在200次循环后容量保持率为92%,表现出98.3%的优异平均库仑效率。