A long-term fertilization experiment was set up in northern Xinjiang, China to evaluate the dynamics of crop production and soil organic carbon (SOC) from 1990 to 2012 with seven fertilization treatments. The seven ...A long-term fertilization experiment was set up in northern Xinjiang, China to evaluate the dynamics of crop production and soil organic carbon (SOC) from 1990 to 2012 with seven fertilization treatments. The seven treatments included an unfertilized control (CK) and six different combinations of phosphorus (P), potassium (K), nitrogen (N), straw (S) and animal manure (M). The balanced fertilization treatments had significantly (P〈0.05) higher average yields than the unbalanced ones. The treatment with 2/3 N from potassium sulfate (NPK) and 1/3 N from farmyard manure (NPKM) had a higher average yield than the other treatments. The average yields (over the 23 years) in the treatments of NPK, and urea, calcium superphosphate (NP) did not differ significantly (P〉0.05) but were higher than that in the treatment with urea and potassium sulfate (NK; P〈0.05). The results also show that the highest increases in SOC (P〈0.05) occurred in NPKM with a potential increase of 1.2 t C/(hm2.a). The increase in SOC was only 0.31, 0.30 and 0.12 t C/(hm2.a) for NPKS (9/10 N from NPK and 1/10 N from straw), NPK and NP, respectively; and the SOC in the NP, NK and CK treatments were approaching equilibrium and so did not rise or fall significantly over the 23-year experiment. A complete NPK plus manure fertilization program is recommended for this extremely arid region to maximize both yields and carbon sequestration.展开更多
To provide a scientific basis for sustainable land management, a 20-year fertility experiment was conducted in Changwu County, Shaanxi Province, China to investigate the effects of long-term application of chemical fe...To provide a scientific basis for sustainable land management, a 20-year fertility experiment was conducted in Changwu County, Shaanxi Province, China to investigate the effects of long-term application of chemical fertilizers on wheat grain yield and yield stability on the Loess Plateau using regression and stability analysis. The experiment consisted of 17 fertilizer treatments, containing the combinations of different N and P levels, with three replications arranged in a randomized complete block design. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied as urea, and P was applied as calcium superphosphate. Fertilizer rates had a large effect on the response of wheat yield to fertilization. Phosphorus, combined with N, increased yield significantly (P 〈 0.01). In the unfertilized control and the N or P sole application treatments, wheat yield had a declining trend although it was not statistically significant. Stability analysis combined with the trend analysis indicated that integrated use of fertilizer N and P was better than their sole application in increasing and sustaining the productivity of rainfed winter wheat.展开更多
Phosphorus(P) is an important macronutrient for plant but can also cause potential environmental risk. In this paper, we studied the long-term fertilizer experiment(started 1980) to assess the soil P dynamic, bala...Phosphorus(P) is an important macronutrient for plant but can also cause potential environmental risk. In this paper, we studied the long-term fertilizer experiment(started 1980) to assess the soil P dynamic, balance, critical P value and the crop yield response in Taihu Lake region, China. To avoid the effect of nitrogen(N) and potassium(K), only the following treatments were chosen for subsequent discussion, including: C0(control treatment without any fertilizer or organic manure), CNK treatment(mineral N and K only), CNPK(balanced fertilization with mineral N, P and K), MNK(integrated organic manure and mineral N and K), and MNPK(organic manure plus balanced fertilization). The results revealed that the response of wheat yield was more sensitive than rice, and no significant differences of crop yield had been detected among MNK, CNPK and MNPK until 2013. Dynamic and balance of soil total P(TP) and Olsen-P showed soil TP pool was enlarged significantly over consistent fertilization. However, the diminishing marginal utility of soil Olsen-P was also found, indicating that high-level P application in the present condition could not increase soil Olsen-P contents anymore. Linear-linear and Mitscherlich models were used to estimate the critical value of Olsen-P for crops. The average critical P value for rice and wheat was 3.40 and 4.08 mg kg^(–1), respectively. The smaller critical P value than in uplands indicated a stronger ability of P supply for crops in this paddy soil. We concluded that no more mineral P should be applied in rice-wheat system in Taihu Lake region if soil Olsen-P is higher than the critical P value. The agricultural technique and management referring to activate the plant-available P pool are also considerable, such as integrated use of low-P organic manure with mineral N and K.展开更多
Application of fertilizer has been found to significantly affect soil N cycling. However, a comprehensive understanding of the effects of long-term fertilization on soil gross N transformation rates is still lacking. ...Application of fertilizer has been found to significantly affect soil N cycling. However, a comprehensive understanding of the effects of long-term fertilization on soil gross N transformation rates is still lacking. We compiled data of observations from 10 long-term fertilization experiments and conducted a meta-analysis of the effects of long-term fertilization on soil gross N transformation rates. The results showed that if chemical fertilizers of N, P and K were applied in balance, soil p H decreased very slightly. There was a significantly positive effect of long-term fertilization, either chemical or organic fertilizers or their combinations, on gross N mineralization rate compared to the control treatment(the mean effect size ranged from 1.21 to 1.25 at 95% confidence intervals(CI) with a mean of 1.23), mainly due to the increasing soil total N content. The long-term application of organic fertilizer alone and combining organic and chemical fertilizer could increase the mineralization-immobilization turnover, thus enhance available N for plant while reduce N losses potential compared to the control treatment. However, long-term chemical fertilizer application did not significantly affect the gross NH4+ immobilization rate, but accelerated gross nitrification rate(1.19; 95% CI: 1.08 to 1.31). Thus, long-term chemical fertilizer alone would probably induce higher N losses potential through NO3– leaching and runoff than organic fertilizer application compared to the control treatment. Therefore, in the view of the effects of long-term fertilization on gross N transformation rates, it also supports that organic fertilizer alone or combination of organic and chemical fertilizer could not only improve crop yield, but also increase soil fertility and reduce the N losses potential.展开更多
[Objective] The study aimed to better understand the effect of different fertilizer treatments on micro-morphological characteristics of a purple soil at the 0-20 cm topsoil in a long-term fertilizer experiment. [Meth...[Objective] The study aimed to better understand the effect of different fertilizer treatments on micro-morphological characteristics of a purple soil at the 0-20 cm topsoil in a long-term fertilizer experiment. [Method] Soil micro-morphology was observed and analyzed under a single polarizing microscope. [Result] For the CK (no fertilizer) treatment, soil structure was dense with little porosity developed. Its soil microstructure was poor, sandy fabric-granular fabric. After continuously applied chemical fertilizers only for more than two decades, the soil particles did not evolve into soil structures and formed little porosity. The microstructures of soil in N, NP and NPK treatments were porphyroskelic fabric-fine sandy granular fabric, better than that of the soil in CK treatment. Adding manure obviously improved the quantity of groundmass and endowed the soil a loose structure and plenty porosity, enriched animal and plant residues, and well-formed iron-manganese nodules and humus ma- terials, all resulting in better micro-aggregates development. The type of soil microstructures in MNPK treatment was pectized-compacted takyric fabric-intertextic fabric, the best among all the treatments. [Conclusion] Combined application of both or- ganic and inorganic fertilizers can significantly improve the structure of the purple soil, enhance soil fertility and achieve soil sustainable development.展开更多
The change rules of the fertility of red soil paddy under the long-term different fertilization were investigated, and the reasonable fertilization mode to improve the fertility of red soil paddy was discussed. There ...The change rules of the fertility of red soil paddy under the long-term different fertilization were investigated, and the reasonable fertilization mode to improve the fertility of red soil paddy was discussed. There were eight treatments in the experiment, which were CK (no fertilizer), N1 (N of 60 kg/hm2), N2 (N of 120 kg/hm2), N1P1 (P2O5 of 30 kg/hm2), N2P1 and N2P2 (P2O5 of 60 kg/hm2), N2P2K1 (K2O of 45 kg/hm2) and N2P2K2 (K2O of 90 kg/hm2). All treatments were applied with composted cow dung as the base fertilizer, and each season 50% of the straws were returned to the field. The content of organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium in red soil paddy was observed continuously for ten years and their correlation was also analyzed. Under cow manure and straw return to field, organic matter content of different treatments was positively correlated to year. After ten years, organic matter content of surface soil rose by 2.5 g/kg averagely with an annual increase of 0.25 g/kg. Total nitrogen content and organic matter content of different treatments presented similar variation trend. Total nitrogen content rose by 0.35 g/kg averagely with an annual increase of 0.035 g/kg. Among all the treatments, N2P2K1 and N2P2K2 showed the biggest increase, which went up by 0.052 and 0.48 g/kg, respectively. Phosphorous-free treatments (CK, N1, N2) had steady phosphorous content with irregular changes of different years. Total phosphorous content of phosphorous treatments increased year by year. Total phosphorous content of N1P1 and N2P1 rose by 0.008 g/kg every year. The increment range of total phosphorous content of N2P2, N2P2K1 and N2P2K2 was 0.012 -0.013 g/kg annually. Available phosphorous content varied vastly among different treatments. Available phosphorous content of organic fertilizer treatments basically remained stable with irregular changes of different years. Available phosphorous content of organic fertilizer with phosphate fertilizer treatments rose year by year. Available phosphorous content of N1P1 and N2P1 rose approximately by 0.8 mg/kg. Available phosphorous content of N2P2, N2P2K1 and N2P2K2 rose approximately by 1.4 -1.6 mg/kg annually. Potassium fertilizer amount greatly affected total potassium content. Total potassium content of no-potassium treatments (CK, N1, N2, N1P1, N2P1 and N2P2) remained the same. Total potassium content of N2P2K markedly increased year by year, which was 0.014 g/kg annually. Rapid available potassium content of no-potassium treatments (CK, N1, N2, N1P1, N2P1 and N2P2) showed a decreasing trend. With phosphate fertilizer, rapid available potassium content of N2P2K1 and N2P2K2 remained the same or increased year by year. The change trend of slow available potassium content and rapid available potassium content resembled. Rational allocation of organic fertilizer, nitrogenous fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer and potassium fertilizer can significantly improve soil fertility and economic benefits. Balanced fertilization is an effective measure for soil fertility improvement as it's shown that nutrients of surface soil accumulate annually.展开更多
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of long-term differ- ent fertilization in three types of soils on wheat yield and soil nutrient variation in Shandong Province. [Method] A 30-year located experi...[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of long-term differ- ent fertilization in three types of soils on wheat yield and soil nutrient variation in Shandong Province. [Method] A 30-year located experiment in Jinan of Shandong Province was selected and the results of soil nutrient and crop yield in 1984, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2010 were measured and collected. In this study, five treatments: CK, NP, NK, PK and NPK of the located experiment were selected. [Result] The three types of soils in wheat yields decreased signifi- cantly in the first several years and in 2006. Wheat yields of the treatments with P fertilizers were obviously higher than those without P fertilizers; it was shown that phosphorus is the primary nutritional factor for high-yielding of wheat. The highest yield is from cinnamon soil, followed by that from brown soil, and the lowest pro- duction is from fluvo-aquic soil. Under the same fertilization, the influence of other factors on wheat yield of brown soil is the smallest, while cinnamon soil is vulnera- ble to the influence of external conditions, resulting in larger fluctuation of annual wheat yield. The alkali-hydro nitrogen contents of three kinds of soils first de- creased, then raised, and at last reduced apparently. Since 2007, the change of al- kali-hydro nitrogen content appeared rebounded. The available P contents of no- phosphorus treatments decreased over time while those of the treatments with P fertilizers increased at first, then decreased, and after that kept relatively stable. The available K contents of no K treatments decreased slowly. The treatments of PK and NK had higher available K content than NPK treatment. [Conclusion] Thus, it is an effective fertilization measure to improve the wheat yield by supplying reasonable phosphate fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer and making up potassium fertilizer.展开更多
The field experiment designs with single replication were frequently used for factorial experiments in which the numbers of field plots were limited, but the experimental error was difficult to be estimated. To study ...The field experiment designs with single replication were frequently used for factorial experiments in which the numbers of field plots were limited, but the experimental error was difficult to be estimated. To study a new statistical method for improving precision of regression analysis of such experiments in rice, 84 fertilizer experiments were conducted in 15 provinces of China, including Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui, Hunan, Sichuan, Heilongjiang, etc. Three factors with 14 treatments (N: 0—225kg/ha, P: 0 —112. 5kg/ha, K: 0—150kg/ha) and two replications were employed using approaching optimun design. There were 2352 (84×14×2=2352) Yield deviations (d) between the individual treatment yields and its arithmetic mean. The results indicated that:展开更多
To reveal variation of organic matter content in red paddy soil, Through a 27 years-located fertilization experiment in red paddy soil, the content and composi- tion of organic matter in paddy soil were studied in thi...To reveal variation of organic matter content in red paddy soil, Through a 27 years-located fertilization experiment in red paddy soil, the content and composi- tion of organic matter in paddy soil were studied in this paper. The result showed that: the dynamics of soil organic matter of the different fertilization treatments showed significant differences, in the premise of equal nutrient (nitrogen and phos- phorus and potassium), combining application of organic-inorganic was benefited for the accumulation of organic matter in paddy soil than without fertilizer treatment or chemical fertilizer treatment; the dynamics of soil humic acid, HA and FA of chemi- cal fertilizer only and Combining application of organic-inorganic treatments had basi- cally the same trend, But the contents of humic acid, HA and FA of combining ap- plication of organic-inorganic treatments had been higher than that without fertilizer and chemical fertilizer treatment. Moreover combining application of organic-inorganic treatments was benefited for improving the contents of HA and FA, but decreasing HA/FA ratio as an extension of time. Combining application of organic-inorganic was benefited for improving the contents ol readily oxidizable organic matter. And the contents of soil organic matter in long-term experiment and the contents of readily oxidizable O.M were highly significant positive correlation and the contents of soil total nitrogen, avail nitrogen and potassium were significant positive correlation; the contents of soil readily oxidizable O.M and the contents of soil total nitrogen, avail- able P and rice yield were significant positive correlation. Thereinto, the correlation (r=0.818 1 ) between the rice yield and soil readily oxidizable O.M was higher than the correlation (r=0.802 0) between the rice yield and soil organic matter. It showed the soil readily oxidized organic matter had greater contribution to the rice yield.展开更多
A 15-year fertilization experiment with different applications of inorganic N,P and K fertilizers and farmyard manure (M)was conducted to study the yield and soil responses to long-term fertilization at Qiyang,Hunan P...A 15-year fertilization experiment with different applications of inorganic N,P and K fertilizers and farmyard manure (M)was conducted to study the yield and soil responses to long-term fertilization at Qiyang,Hunan Province,China. Average grain yields of wheat and corn(1 672 and 5 111 kg ha-1,respectively)for the treatment NPKM were significantly higher than those(405 and 310 kg ha-1)of the unfertilized control and single inorganic fertilizer treatments.Compared with the corresponding initial values of the experiment,all treatments showed a yield decline of 9 to 111 kg ha-1 year-1 in wheat and 35 to 260 kg ha-1 year-1 in corn,respectively,and a significant pH decline of 0.07 to 0.12 pH year?1,except for the treatments PK and NPKM.After long-term fertilization,the soil organic C,soil available P,exchangeable Ca2+ and Mg2+and available Cu2+and Zn2+contents were higher in the treatment NPKM than in the treatments applied with inorganic fertilizer only.Compared to the treatment NPK,the treatment NPKM,where manure partially replaced inorganic N,had a positive impact on arresting the decline of soil pH.This improved grain yields of wheat and corn, suggesting that application of NPK fertilizer in combination with farmyard manure is important to maintain soil fertility and buffering capacity in red soil.展开更多
The content of organic matter (OM), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in the three selected soils, including Calcaric Purpli-Orthic Primosols (purple sand-shale parent material), Dystric Turbi-...The content of organic matter (OM), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in the three selected soils, including Calcaric Purpli-Orthic Primosols (purple sand-shale parent material), Dystric Turbi-Anthric Primosols (quaternary red clay parent material) and Typic Udi-Sandic Primosols (granite parent material) were studied under a long-term experiment by using crop straw and inorganic fertilizers at the Hunan Red Soil Experiment Station of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The results showed that the contents of OM, N, P and K in the three selected soils increased after 23 years application of crop straw and inorganic fertilizers, but the contents increased much less when crop straw or inorganic fertilizers was applied alone. The nutrient contents in the three soils developed from granite changed more remarkably than those in the soil derived from quaternary red clay and purple sand-shale. It was also found that the contents of OM, N, and P increased slightly in the treatments without applying fertilizers or returning the crop straw to the root bed. Combined application of inorganic fertilizers and crop straw could remarkably increase the contents of OM, alkalihydrolyzable N and available K, the positive correlation between application of organic fertilizers and increase of OM in soil did not always happened, it provided evidence for the relation between appropriate C/N ratio and accumulation of OM in soil. The increase of nutrient content was influenced by the soil properties. By comparing the contents of nutrient in 0-20 cm depth in the three different soils, it was concluded that the most increases of OM, alkali-hydrolyzable N, and available P were observed in Typic Udi-Sandic Primosols with the average increase by 3.03, 27.38, and 21.73 mg kg^-1, respectively. The available K increased in Dystric Turbi-Anthric Primosols with the average increase by 25.82 mg kg^-1, while it decreased in Calcaric Purpli-Orthic Primosols and Typic Udi-Sandic Primosols. It was concluded that the application of inorganic fertilizer and crop straw was important to improve the soil fertility for all of three selected soils. The straw return to the field had played a significant role for enhancement of the soil quality in the study areas. The application of inorganic fertilizer combined with the straw return to the fields could remarkably improve the soil fertility.展开更多
Knowledge of phosphorus (P) behavior in long-term fertilized soils is essential for programming fertilization practices and for sustaining environmental quality. The long-term (1984-1997) effects of various fertil...Knowledge of phosphorus (P) behavior in long-term fertilized soils is essential for programming fertilization practices and for sustaining environmental quality. The long-term (1984-1997) effects of various fertilization treatments on P changes and sorption isotherms as well as the relationship of soil properties to P sorption and P forms were evaluated in an Ustic Isohumisol, a calcareous soil, on the Loess Plateau, China. Compared to 1984, after 13 years of crop production, total soil P in the no-P treatments (control and N treatment) decreased by 5%-7%, but in the phosphorus fertilizer alone (P), nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers in combination (NP), manure alone (M), and nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers and manure in combination (NPM) treatments, it increased by 22%, 19%, 28%, and 58%, respectively. Residual fertilizer P was found mainly in NH4Ac-soluble P (Cas-P), followed by NaHCO3-soluble P (NaHCO3-P), and NH4F-soluble P (Al-P). Phosphorus sorption in the soils with different fertilization practices fit the Langmuir equations. Phosphorus sorption capacity in the no-P treatments increased, whereas it decreased in the P-included treatments (P, NP, and NPM treatments). Phosphorus sorption maximum (Qm) was significantly and negatively correlated to inorganic P including NaHCO3-P, Cas-P, NaOH-Na2CO3-soluble P (Fe-P), and Al-P (P ≤ 0.01). Moreover, long-term fertilization increased soil organic carbon in the NP, M, and NPM treatments and decreased pH in the NP and NPM treatments. Thus, the ability of the soil to release sorbed P to the environment increased under long-term P fertilization.展开更多
In order to illustrate the change of nitrogen (N) supply capacity after long-term application of manure and chemical fertilizer, as well as to properly manage soil fertility through fertilizer application under the ...In order to illustrate the change of nitrogen (N) supply capacity after long-term application of manure and chemical fertilizer, as well as to properly manage soil fertility through fertilizer application under the soil-climatic conditions of the North China Plain, organic N forms were quantified in the topsoil with different manure and chemical fertilizer treatments in a 15-year fertilizer experiment in a Chinese calcareous alluvial soil. Soil total N (TN) and various organic N forms were significantly influenced by long-term application of chemical fertilizer and manure. TN, total hydrolysable N, acid-lnsoluble N, amino acid N and ammonium N in the soil increased significantly (P 〈 0.05) with increasing manure and fertilizer N rates, but were not influenced by increasing P rates. Also, application of manure or N fertilizer or P fertilizer did not significantly influence either the quantity of amino sugar N or its proportion of TN. Application of manure significantly increased (P 〈 0.05) hydrolysable unknown N, but adding N or P did not. In addition, application of manure or N fertilizer or P fertilizer did not significantly influence the proportions of different soil organic N forms.展开更多
A twelve-year field trial was carried out to determine the impact of long-term fertilization on phosphorus (P) distribu- tion in the soil profile, P balance, and the transformation and availability of soil P in a blac...A twelve-year field trial was carried out to determine the impact of long-term fertilization on phosphorus (P) distribu- tion in the soil profile, P balance, and the transformation and availability of soil P in a black soil (Phaeozem, FAO). Under a wheat-soybean-corn rotation, during twelve years where no fertilizer was applied, crops removed 60 and 81 mg P kg-1 soil in the control and NK treatment, respectively. About one third of the P absorbed by crops was originated from organic P. Ca2-P, Cag-P, Al-P and Fe-P were the main forms of inorganic P absorbed by crops. The surplus P from fertilization remained in the 0-20 cm soil layer and increased with the application rate of P. The combined application of NP or NPK increased available P to a lesser extent than the combined application of PK. Fertilizer P had mainly transformed to the Al-P, Fe-P, Ca2-P, and Cas-P forms. By using the P budget (X), changes in total P (Y1) and available P (Y2) in soils under the current cropping system could be predicted by the equations: Y1 = 0.02 + 1.01X and Y2 = 2.08 + 0.15X.展开更多
Increasing basic farmland soil productivity has significance in reducing fertilizer application and maintaining high yield of crops. In this study, we defined that the basic soil productivity (BSP) is the production...Increasing basic farmland soil productivity has significance in reducing fertilizer application and maintaining high yield of crops. In this study, we defined that the basic soil productivity (BSP) is the production capacity of a farmland soil with its own physical and chemical properties for a specific crop season under local environment and field management. Based on 22-yr (1990-2011) long-term experimental data on black soil (Typic hapludoll) in Gongzhuling, Jilin Province, Northeast China, the decision support system for an agro-technology transfer (DSSAT)-CERES-Maize model was applied to simulate the yield by BSP of spring maize (Zea mays L.) to examine the effects of long-term fertilization on changes of BSP and explore the mechanisms of BSP increasing. Five treatments were examined: (1) no-fertilization control (control); (2) chemical nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK); (3) NPK plus farmyard manure (NPKM); (4) 1.5 time of NPKM (1.5NPKM) and (5) NPK plus straw (NPKS). Results showed that after 22-yr fertilization, the yield by BSP of spring maize significantly increased 78.0, 101.2, and 69.4% under the NPKM, 1.5NPKM and NPKS, respectively, compared to the initial value (in 1992), but not significant under NPK (26.9% increase) and the control (8.9% decrease). The contribution percentage of BSP showed a significant rising trend (P〈0.05) under 1.5NPKM. The average contribution percentage of BSP among fertilizations ranged from 74.4 to 84.7%, and ranked as 1.5NPKM〉NPKM〉NPK〉NPKS, indicating that organic manure combined with chemical fertilizers (I.5NPKM and NPKM) could more effectively increase BSP compared with the inorganic fertilizer application alone (NPK) in the black soil. This study showed that soil organic matter (SOM) was the key factor among various fertility factors that could affect BSP in the black soil, and total N, total P and/or available P also played important role in BSP increasing. Compared with the chemical fertilization, a balanced chemical plus manure or straw fertilization (NPKM or NPKS) not only increased the concentrations of soil nutrient, but also improved the soil physical properties, and structure and diversity of soil microbial population, resulting in an iincrease of BSP. We recommend that a balanced chemical plus manure or straw fertilization (NPKM or NPKS) should be the fertilization practices to enhance spring maize yield and improve BSP in the black soil of Northeast China.展开更多
We investigated the soil microbiologic characteristics, and the yield and sustainable production of winter wheat, by conducting a long-term fertilization experiment. A single application of N, P and K (NPK) fertiliz...We investigated the soil microbiologic characteristics, and the yield and sustainable production of winter wheat, by conducting a long-term fertilization experiment. A single application of N, P and K (NPK) fertilizer was taken as the control (CK) and three organic fertilization treatments were used: NPK fertilizer+pig manure (T1), NPK fertilizer+straw return (T2), NPK fertilizer+pig manure+straw return (T3). The results showed that all three organic fertilization treatments (T1, T2 and T3) significantly increased both soil total N (STN) and soil organic carbon (SOC) from 2008 onwards. In 2016, the SOC content and soil C/N ratios for T1, T2 and T3 were significantly higher than those for CK. The three organic fertilization treatments increased soil microbial activity. In 2016, the activity of urease (sucrase) and the soil respiration rate (SRS) for T1, T2 and T3 were significantly higher than those under CK. The organic fertilization treatments also increased the content of soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC) and microbial biomass nitrogen (SMBN), the SMBC/SMBN ratio and the microbial quotient (qMB). The yield for T1, T2 and T3 was significantly higher than that of CK, respectively. Over the nine years of the investigation, the average yield increased by 9.9, 13.2 and 17.4% for T1, T2 and T3, respectively, compared to the initial yield for each treatment, whereas the average yield of CK over the same period was reduced by 6.5%. T1, T2, and T3 lowered the coefficient of variation (CV) of wheat yield and increased the sustainable yield index (SYI). Wheat grain yield was significantly positively correlated with each of the soil microbial properties (P〈0.01). These results showed that the long-term application of combined organic and chemical fertilizers can stabilize crop yield and make it more sustainable by improving the properties of the soil.展开更多
Human activities have altered weather patterns by causing an increase in greenhouse gas. The effects of climate change have been studied, including effects on some ecosystems throughout the world. There are many studi...Human activities have altered weather patterns by causing an increase in greenhouse gas. The effects of climate change have been studied, including effects on some ecosystems throughout the world. There are many studies on changes in the soil due to climate change, but much of them did not extend their research to soil enzyme that integrates information on soil microbial status and soil physical-chemical conditions. Meanwhile, there are lots of experimental fields established to study effects of long-term fertilization on soil enzyme activities, but many did not compare the difference of soil enzyme activities and did not analyze the effect of climatic factors on soil enzyme activities with long-term fertilization under different hydrothermal conditions. In this study, we compared soil enzyme activities of three long-fertilization stations which had different hydrothermal conditions in Northeast China, and analyzed the relationship of hydrothermal condition, soil chemical properties with soil enzyme activities. Hydrothermal conditions (annual temperature and total rainfall) decreased in order of Gongzhuling (Jilin Province, China ) Harbin (Heilongjiang Province, China) Heihe (Heilongjiang Province, China) over the course of the long-term fertilization experiment. Sunshine hours showed the longest in Gongzhuling, the second in Heihe, and the last in Harbin. However, the order of soil enzymes was not in agreement with hydrothermal conditions. Overall, the order of soil enzymes for the same treatment among three stations was consistent in 2008 with in 2009. Correlation analysis demonstrated that different soil enzymes achieved the different affected levels by climatic factors under different fertilization treatments. Urease activity showed a significant relationship with sunshine hours in no fertilizer (CK) treatment (R=-0.91, P0.01) and relative humidity in mineral fertilizers plus manure (MNPK) treatment (R=0.82, P0.05). Phosphatase activity exhibited a negative correlation with annual mean temperature, annual mean maximum temperature and annual mean minimum temperature, and their correlation coefficients were separately -0.83, -0.79, and -0.83 at P0.05 in CK treatment. Invertase activity was highly and positively correlated with sunshine hours in CK treatment (R=0.94, P0.01). Catalase activity showed significant negative correlations with minimum relative humidity in CK treatment (R=-0.81, P0.05), and positive correlations with sunshine hours in M treatment (R=0.83, P0.05). There were no climatic factors which strongly affected on dehydrogenase in all treatments. Soil enzyme activities were closely related to the soil chemical properties. Soil urease activity was positively correlated with available P (P0.05). With exception of correlation between invertase and total P at P0.05, phosphase, invertase, catalase, and dehydrogenase showed significant positive correlations with soil chemical properties (P0.01). It was a comprehensive process that biologic and abiotic factors were effect on soil enzyme activities under different fertilization treatments. To sum up, the variation of hydrothermal conditions in different climate zones and soil chemical properties affect integrally metabolic activity and metabolic finger print of microbial communities in black soil.展开更多
The feasibility of steel slag used as an iron fertilizer was studied in a pot experiment with corn. Slag alone or acidified slag was added to two Fe-deficient calcareous soils at different rates. Results showed that m...The feasibility of steel slag used as an iron fertilizer was studied in a pot experiment with corn. Slag alone or acidified slag was added to two Fe-deficient calcareous soils at different rates. Results showed that moderate rates (10 and 20 g kg-1) of slag or acidified slag substantially increased corn dry matter yield and Fe uptake. Application of steel slag increased the residual concentration of ammonium bicarbonate-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (AB-DTPA) extractable Fe in the soils. The increase of extractable Fe was usually proportional to the application rate, and enhanced by the acidification of slag. Steel slag appeared to be a promising and inexpensive source of Fe to alleviate crop Fe chlorosis in Fe-deficient calcareous soils.展开更多
The long-term effects of annual fertilizer applications on the fertility of salt-affected soils under the rotation system of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) are not well documented. In 1984, r...The long-term effects of annual fertilizer applications on the fertility of salt-affected soils under the rotation system of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) are not well documented. In 1984, research plots were established to test the effects of annual applications of different rates of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilizers on the fertility of a salt-affected soil (Typic Ustochrept) at the Quzhou Experimental Station, Quzhou County, Hebei Province, China. In October 2001, composite soil samples (0-20 and 20 40 cm) were collected from each plot and analyzed for soil fertility indices. Seventeen years of N and P fertilizer applications increased the soil organic matter (SOM) in the surface layer. With combined N, 270 (N1) and 540 (N2) kg N ha^-1 year^-1, and P, 67.5 (P1) and 135 (P2) kg P205 ha^-1 year^-1, fertilizer applications, total soil N mostly significantly decreased (P〈0.05). Soil total P in the 0-20 cm layer of the P2 treatment significantly (P (0.05) increased as compared to those of the other treatments. Rapidly available P (RP) in the 0-20 cm layer of the N1P2 treatment was significantly higher than those in the other treatments except the P2 treatment; and RP in the 0-20 cm layer of the P2 treatment significantly increased as compared to those of the other treatments except the P1 and N1P2 treatments. RP in the subsurface soil layer (20-40 cm) of the P2 treatment (4.2 mg P kg^-1) was significantly (P〈0.05) higher than those in the other treatments. Nevertheless, long-term N fertilization did not significantly increase the alkali-hydrolyzable N in the soil. However, in the salt-affected surface soils the application of combined N and P fertilizers over 17 years significantly (P〈0.05) decreased rapidly available potassium (K). The results suggested that while under long-term fertilizer applications some soil fertility parameters could be maintained or enhanced, careful monitoring of soil fertility was necessary as other nutrients such as K could become depleted.展开更多
From 1990,over 17 years field experiment was carried out in paddy field cultivated from infertile upland to evaluate the response of rice productivity,soil organic carbon(SOC),and total N to long-term NPK fertilizat...From 1990,over 17 years field experiment was carried out in paddy field cultivated from infertile upland to evaluate the response of rice productivity,soil organic carbon(SOC),and total N to long-term NPK fertilization or NPK combined with organic amendments.The field trials included NPK(N,P,K fertilizer),NPKRS(NPK combined with rice straw),NPK2RS(NPK combined with double amount of rice straw),NPKPM(NPK combined with pig manure) and NPKGM(NPK combined with green manure) and the cropping system was rice-rice(Oryza sativa L.) rotation.Annual rice yield,straw biomass,and harvesting index increased steadily with cultivation time in all treatments.Average annual rice yield from 1991 to 2006 was ranged from 7 795 to 8 572 kg ha-1 among treatments.Rice yields in treatments with organic amendments were usually higher than that in treatment with NPK.Contents of SOC and total N also increased gradually in the cultivation years and reached the level of 7.82 to 9.45 and 0.85 to 1.03 g kg-1,respectively,in 2006.Soil fertilities in treatments with chemical fertilization combined with organic amendments were relatively appropriate than those in treatment with NPK.There was obvious discrepancy between cumulative characters of rice yield and soil organic fertility in newly formed paddy field.Compared with relatively high rate of crop productivity improvement,cumulative rates of SOC and total N were much lower in our study.SOC and total N contents were still less than half of those in local highly productive paddy soils after 17 years cultivation in subtropical China.Present work helps to better understand the development of infertile paddy soils and to estimate the potential of yield improvement in this region.展开更多
基金funded by the National Basic Research Program of China(2014CB954200)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41425007,41005001)the National Gray Desert Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Efficiency Monitoring Station of China
文摘A long-term fertilization experiment was set up in northern Xinjiang, China to evaluate the dynamics of crop production and soil organic carbon (SOC) from 1990 to 2012 with seven fertilization treatments. The seven treatments included an unfertilized control (CK) and six different combinations of phosphorus (P), potassium (K), nitrogen (N), straw (S) and animal manure (M). The balanced fertilization treatments had significantly (P〈0.05) higher average yields than the unbalanced ones. The treatment with 2/3 N from potassium sulfate (NPK) and 1/3 N from farmyard manure (NPKM) had a higher average yield than the other treatments. The average yields (over the 23 years) in the treatments of NPK, and urea, calcium superphosphate (NP) did not differ significantly (P〉0.05) but were higher than that in the treatment with urea and potassium sulfate (NK; P〈0.05). The results also show that the highest increases in SOC (P〈0.05) occurred in NPKM with a potential increase of 1.2 t C/(hm2.a). The increase in SOC was only 0.31, 0.30 and 0.12 t C/(hm2.a) for NPKS (9/10 N from NPK and 1/10 N from straw), NPK and NP, respectively; and the SOC in the NP, NK and CK treatments were approaching equilibrium and so did not rise or fall significantly over the 23-year experiment. A complete NPK plus manure fertilization program is recommended for this extremely arid region to maximize both yields and carbon sequestration.
基金Project supported by the Agricultural Development Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KSCX1-YWN1504)the West Light Foundation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. 2005404)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 50479065 and 40601041).
文摘To provide a scientific basis for sustainable land management, a 20-year fertility experiment was conducted in Changwu County, Shaanxi Province, China to investigate the effects of long-term application of chemical fertilizers on wheat grain yield and yield stability on the Loess Plateau using regression and stability analysis. The experiment consisted of 17 fertilizer treatments, containing the combinations of different N and P levels, with three replications arranged in a randomized complete block design. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied as urea, and P was applied as calcium superphosphate. Fertilizer rates had a large effect on the response of wheat yield to fertilization. Phosphorus, combined with N, increased yield significantly (P 〈 0.01). In the unfertilized control and the N or P sole application treatments, wheat yield had a declining trend although it was not statistically significant. Stability analysis combined with the trend analysis indicated that integrated use of fertilizer N and P was better than their sole application in increasing and sustaining the productivity of rainfed winter wheat.
基金supported by the Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest of China(201203030)the Science and Technology Support Program of Jiangsu,China(BE2013334)the Agricultural Science&Technology Innovation Foundation of Jiangsu Province,China(CX(14)5085)
文摘Phosphorus(P) is an important macronutrient for plant but can also cause potential environmental risk. In this paper, we studied the long-term fertilizer experiment(started 1980) to assess the soil P dynamic, balance, critical P value and the crop yield response in Taihu Lake region, China. To avoid the effect of nitrogen(N) and potassium(K), only the following treatments were chosen for subsequent discussion, including: C0(control treatment without any fertilizer or organic manure), CNK treatment(mineral N and K only), CNPK(balanced fertilization with mineral N, P and K), MNK(integrated organic manure and mineral N and K), and MNPK(organic manure plus balanced fertilization). The results revealed that the response of wheat yield was more sensitive than rice, and no significant differences of crop yield had been detected among MNK, CNPK and MNPK until 2013. Dynamic and balance of soil total P(TP) and Olsen-P showed soil TP pool was enlarged significantly over consistent fertilization. However, the diminishing marginal utility of soil Olsen-P was also found, indicating that high-level P application in the present condition could not increase soil Olsen-P contents anymore. Linear-linear and Mitscherlich models were used to estimate the critical value of Olsen-P for crops. The average critical P value for rice and wheat was 3.40 and 4.08 mg kg^(–1), respectively. The smaller critical P value than in uplands indicated a stronger ability of P supply for crops in this paddy soil. We concluded that no more mineral P should be applied in rice-wheat system in Taihu Lake region if soil Olsen-P is higher than the critical P value. The agricultural technique and management referring to activate the plant-available P pool are also considerable, such as integrated use of low-P organic manure with mineral N and K.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41330744)the “973” Program of China (2014CB953803)the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions, China (164320H116)
文摘Application of fertilizer has been found to significantly affect soil N cycling. However, a comprehensive understanding of the effects of long-term fertilization on soil gross N transformation rates is still lacking. We compiled data of observations from 10 long-term fertilization experiments and conducted a meta-analysis of the effects of long-term fertilization on soil gross N transformation rates. The results showed that if chemical fertilizers of N, P and K were applied in balance, soil p H decreased very slightly. There was a significantly positive effect of long-term fertilization, either chemical or organic fertilizers or their combinations, on gross N mineralization rate compared to the control treatment(the mean effect size ranged from 1.21 to 1.25 at 95% confidence intervals(CI) with a mean of 1.23), mainly due to the increasing soil total N content. The long-term application of organic fertilizer alone and combining organic and chemical fertilizer could increase the mineralization-immobilization turnover, thus enhance available N for plant while reduce N losses potential compared to the control treatment. However, long-term chemical fertilizer application did not significantly affect the gross NH4+ immobilization rate, but accelerated gross nitrification rate(1.19; 95% CI: 1.08 to 1.31). Thus, long-term chemical fertilizer alone would probably induce higher N losses potential through NO3– leaching and runoff than organic fertilizer application compared to the control treatment. Therefore, in the view of the effects of long-term fertilization on gross N transformation rates, it also supports that organic fertilizer alone or combination of organic and chemical fertilizer could not only improve crop yield, but also increase soil fertility and reduce the N losses potential.
基金Supported by Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest(201003016)Special Fund for Excellent Paper of Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences (2010LWJJ-007)~~
文摘[Objective] The study aimed to better understand the effect of different fertilizer treatments on micro-morphological characteristics of a purple soil at the 0-20 cm topsoil in a long-term fertilizer experiment. [Method] Soil micro-morphology was observed and analyzed under a single polarizing microscope. [Result] For the CK (no fertilizer) treatment, soil structure was dense with little porosity developed. Its soil microstructure was poor, sandy fabric-granular fabric. After continuously applied chemical fertilizers only for more than two decades, the soil particles did not evolve into soil structures and formed little porosity. The microstructures of soil in N, NP and NPK treatments were porphyroskelic fabric-fine sandy granular fabric, better than that of the soil in CK treatment. Adding manure obviously improved the quantity of groundmass and endowed the soil a loose structure and plenty porosity, enriched animal and plant residues, and well-formed iron-manganese nodules and humus ma- terials, all resulting in better micro-aggregates development. The type of soil microstructures in MNPK treatment was pectized-compacted takyric fabric-intertextic fabric, the best among all the treatments. [Conclusion] Combined application of both or- ganic and inorganic fertilizers can significantly improve the structure of the purple soil, enhance soil fertility and achieve soil sustainable development.
基金Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Guagnxi(2015GXNSFBA139098)the Special Fund for Science and Technology of the Ministry of Agriculture of China(201203030-07-02)+1 种基金the Fund Program of Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences(2015YT30,2014JZ18,2013YF06)the Science and Technology Planning Project of Qingxiu District,Nanjing(2012N15)~~
文摘The change rules of the fertility of red soil paddy under the long-term different fertilization were investigated, and the reasonable fertilization mode to improve the fertility of red soil paddy was discussed. There were eight treatments in the experiment, which were CK (no fertilizer), N1 (N of 60 kg/hm2), N2 (N of 120 kg/hm2), N1P1 (P2O5 of 30 kg/hm2), N2P1 and N2P2 (P2O5 of 60 kg/hm2), N2P2K1 (K2O of 45 kg/hm2) and N2P2K2 (K2O of 90 kg/hm2). All treatments were applied with composted cow dung as the base fertilizer, and each season 50% of the straws were returned to the field. The content of organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium in red soil paddy was observed continuously for ten years and their correlation was also analyzed. Under cow manure and straw return to field, organic matter content of different treatments was positively correlated to year. After ten years, organic matter content of surface soil rose by 2.5 g/kg averagely with an annual increase of 0.25 g/kg. Total nitrogen content and organic matter content of different treatments presented similar variation trend. Total nitrogen content rose by 0.35 g/kg averagely with an annual increase of 0.035 g/kg. Among all the treatments, N2P2K1 and N2P2K2 showed the biggest increase, which went up by 0.052 and 0.48 g/kg, respectively. Phosphorous-free treatments (CK, N1, N2) had steady phosphorous content with irregular changes of different years. Total phosphorous content of phosphorous treatments increased year by year. Total phosphorous content of N1P1 and N2P1 rose by 0.008 g/kg every year. The increment range of total phosphorous content of N2P2, N2P2K1 and N2P2K2 was 0.012 -0.013 g/kg annually. Available phosphorous content varied vastly among different treatments. Available phosphorous content of organic fertilizer treatments basically remained stable with irregular changes of different years. Available phosphorous content of organic fertilizer with phosphate fertilizer treatments rose year by year. Available phosphorous content of N1P1 and N2P1 rose approximately by 0.8 mg/kg. Available phosphorous content of N2P2, N2P2K1 and N2P2K2 rose approximately by 1.4 -1.6 mg/kg annually. Potassium fertilizer amount greatly affected total potassium content. Total potassium content of no-potassium treatments (CK, N1, N2, N1P1, N2P1 and N2P2) remained the same. Total potassium content of N2P2K markedly increased year by year, which was 0.014 g/kg annually. Rapid available potassium content of no-potassium treatments (CK, N1, N2, N1P1, N2P1 and N2P2) showed a decreasing trend. With phosphate fertilizer, rapid available potassium content of N2P2K1 and N2P2K2 remained the same or increased year by year. The change trend of slow available potassium content and rapid available potassium content resembled. Rational allocation of organic fertilizer, nitrogenous fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer and potassium fertilizer can significantly improve soil fertility and economic benefits. Balanced fertilization is an effective measure for soil fertility improvement as it's shown that nutrients of surface soil accumulate annually.
基金Supported by the Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest of China(201203030,201203050)Special Fund for "Taishan Scholar" Construction Engineering "Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Prevention and Control"~~
文摘[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of long-term differ- ent fertilization in three types of soils on wheat yield and soil nutrient variation in Shandong Province. [Method] A 30-year located experiment in Jinan of Shandong Province was selected and the results of soil nutrient and crop yield in 1984, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2010 were measured and collected. In this study, five treatments: CK, NP, NK, PK and NPK of the located experiment were selected. [Result] The three types of soils in wheat yields decreased signifi- cantly in the first several years and in 2006. Wheat yields of the treatments with P fertilizers were obviously higher than those without P fertilizers; it was shown that phosphorus is the primary nutritional factor for high-yielding of wheat. The highest yield is from cinnamon soil, followed by that from brown soil, and the lowest pro- duction is from fluvo-aquic soil. Under the same fertilization, the influence of other factors on wheat yield of brown soil is the smallest, while cinnamon soil is vulnera- ble to the influence of external conditions, resulting in larger fluctuation of annual wheat yield. The alkali-hydro nitrogen contents of three kinds of soils first de- creased, then raised, and at last reduced apparently. Since 2007, the change of al- kali-hydro nitrogen content appeared rebounded. The available P contents of no- phosphorus treatments decreased over time while those of the treatments with P fertilizers increased at first, then decreased, and after that kept relatively stable. The available K contents of no K treatments decreased slowly. The treatments of PK and NK had higher available K content than NPK treatment. [Conclusion] Thus, it is an effective fertilization measure to improve the wheat yield by supplying reasonable phosphate fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer and making up potassium fertilizer.
文摘The field experiment designs with single replication were frequently used for factorial experiments in which the numbers of field plots were limited, but the experimental error was difficult to be estimated. To study a new statistical method for improving precision of regression analysis of such experiments in rice, 84 fertilizer experiments were conducted in 15 provinces of China, including Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui, Hunan, Sichuan, Heilongjiang, etc. Three factors with 14 treatments (N: 0—225kg/ha, P: 0 —112. 5kg/ha, K: 0—150kg/ha) and two replications were employed using approaching optimun design. There were 2352 (84×14×2=2352) Yield deviations (d) between the individual treatment yields and its arithmetic mean. The results indicated that:
基金Supported by National Key Technology R&D Program(2006BAD02A04)~~
文摘To reveal variation of organic matter content in red paddy soil, Through a 27 years-located fertilization experiment in red paddy soil, the content and composi- tion of organic matter in paddy soil were studied in this paper. The result showed that: the dynamics of soil organic matter of the different fertilization treatments showed significant differences, in the premise of equal nutrient (nitrogen and phos- phorus and potassium), combining application of organic-inorganic was benefited for the accumulation of organic matter in paddy soil than without fertilizer treatment or chemical fertilizer treatment; the dynamics of soil humic acid, HA and FA of chemi- cal fertilizer only and Combining application of organic-inorganic treatments had basi- cally the same trend, But the contents of humic acid, HA and FA of combining ap- plication of organic-inorganic treatments had been higher than that without fertilizer and chemical fertilizer treatment. Moreover combining application of organic-inorganic treatments was benefited for improving the contents of HA and FA, but decreasing HA/FA ratio as an extension of time. Combining application of organic-inorganic was benefited for improving the contents ol readily oxidizable organic matter. And the contents of soil organic matter in long-term experiment and the contents of readily oxidizable O.M were highly significant positive correlation and the contents of soil total nitrogen, avail nitrogen and potassium were significant positive correlation; the contents of soil readily oxidizable O.M and the contents of soil total nitrogen, avail- able P and rice yield were significant positive correlation. Thereinto, the correlation (r=0.818 1 ) between the rice yield and soil readily oxidizable O.M was higher than the correlation (r=0.802 0) between the rice yield and soil organic matter. It showed the soil readily oxidized organic matter had greater contribution to the rice yield.
基金Project supported by the National"Tenth Five Years Plan"Key Project on Science and Technology of China(No.2004BA508B11)the National"Eleventh Five Years Plan"Key Project on Science and Technology of China(No.2006BAD05B09)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.40871148)
文摘A 15-year fertilization experiment with different applications of inorganic N,P and K fertilizers and farmyard manure (M)was conducted to study the yield and soil responses to long-term fertilization at Qiyang,Hunan Province,China. Average grain yields of wheat and corn(1 672 and 5 111 kg ha-1,respectively)for the treatment NPKM were significantly higher than those(405 and 310 kg ha-1)of the unfertilized control and single inorganic fertilizer treatments.Compared with the corresponding initial values of the experiment,all treatments showed a yield decline of 9 to 111 kg ha-1 year-1 in wheat and 35 to 260 kg ha-1 year-1 in corn,respectively,and a significant pH decline of 0.07 to 0.12 pH year?1,except for the treatments PK and NPKM.After long-term fertilization,the soil organic C,soil available P,exchangeable Ca2+ and Mg2+and available Cu2+and Zn2+contents were higher in the treatment NPKM than in the treatments applied with inorganic fertilizer only.Compared to the treatment NPK,the treatment NPKM,where manure partially replaced inorganic N,had a positive impact on arresting the decline of soil pH.This improved grain yields of wheat and corn, suggesting that application of NPK fertilizer in combination with farmyard manure is important to maintain soil fertility and buffering capacity in red soil.
文摘The content of organic matter (OM), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in the three selected soils, including Calcaric Purpli-Orthic Primosols (purple sand-shale parent material), Dystric Turbi-Anthric Primosols (quaternary red clay parent material) and Typic Udi-Sandic Primosols (granite parent material) were studied under a long-term experiment by using crop straw and inorganic fertilizers at the Hunan Red Soil Experiment Station of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The results showed that the contents of OM, N, P and K in the three selected soils increased after 23 years application of crop straw and inorganic fertilizers, but the contents increased much less when crop straw or inorganic fertilizers was applied alone. The nutrient contents in the three soils developed from granite changed more remarkably than those in the soil derived from quaternary red clay and purple sand-shale. It was also found that the contents of OM, N, and P increased slightly in the treatments without applying fertilizers or returning the crop straw to the root bed. Combined application of inorganic fertilizers and crop straw could remarkably increase the contents of OM, alkalihydrolyzable N and available K, the positive correlation between application of organic fertilizers and increase of OM in soil did not always happened, it provided evidence for the relation between appropriate C/N ratio and accumulation of OM in soil. The increase of nutrient content was influenced by the soil properties. By comparing the contents of nutrient in 0-20 cm depth in the three different soils, it was concluded that the most increases of OM, alkali-hydrolyzable N, and available P were observed in Typic Udi-Sandic Primosols with the average increase by 3.03, 27.38, and 21.73 mg kg^-1, respectively. The available K increased in Dystric Turbi-Anthric Primosols with the average increase by 25.82 mg kg^-1, while it decreased in Calcaric Purpli-Orthic Primosols and Typic Udi-Sandic Primosols. It was concluded that the application of inorganic fertilizer and crop straw was important to improve the soil fertility for all of three selected soils. The straw return to the field had played a significant role for enhancement of the soil quality in the study areas. The application of inorganic fertilizer combined with the straw return to the fields could remarkably improve the soil fertility.
基金the National Basic Research Program of China(No.2005CB121102)the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.KZCX2-YW-424-2)the West Star Foundation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
文摘Knowledge of phosphorus (P) behavior in long-term fertilized soils is essential for programming fertilization practices and for sustaining environmental quality. The long-term (1984-1997) effects of various fertilization treatments on P changes and sorption isotherms as well as the relationship of soil properties to P sorption and P forms were evaluated in an Ustic Isohumisol, a calcareous soil, on the Loess Plateau, China. Compared to 1984, after 13 years of crop production, total soil P in the no-P treatments (control and N treatment) decreased by 5%-7%, but in the phosphorus fertilizer alone (P), nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers in combination (NP), manure alone (M), and nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers and manure in combination (NPM) treatments, it increased by 22%, 19%, 28%, and 58%, respectively. Residual fertilizer P was found mainly in NH4Ac-soluble P (Cas-P), followed by NaHCO3-soluble P (NaHCO3-P), and NH4F-soluble P (Al-P). Phosphorus sorption in the soils with different fertilization practices fit the Langmuir equations. Phosphorus sorption capacity in the no-P treatments increased, whereas it decreased in the P-included treatments (P, NP, and NPM treatments). Phosphorus sorption maximum (Qm) was significantly and negatively correlated to inorganic P including NaHCO3-P, Cas-P, NaOH-Na2CO3-soluble P (Fe-P), and Al-P (P ≤ 0.01). Moreover, long-term fertilization increased soil organic carbon in the NP, M, and NPM treatments and decreased pH in the NP and NPM treatments. Thus, the ability of the soil to release sorbed P to the environment increased under long-term P fertilization.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 30390080 and 30370287).
文摘In order to illustrate the change of nitrogen (N) supply capacity after long-term application of manure and chemical fertilizer, as well as to properly manage soil fertility through fertilizer application under the soil-climatic conditions of the North China Plain, organic N forms were quantified in the topsoil with different manure and chemical fertilizer treatments in a 15-year fertilizer experiment in a Chinese calcareous alluvial soil. Soil total N (TN) and various organic N forms were significantly influenced by long-term application of chemical fertilizer and manure. TN, total hydrolysable N, acid-lnsoluble N, amino acid N and ammonium N in the soil increased significantly (P 〈 0.05) with increasing manure and fertilizer N rates, but were not influenced by increasing P rates. Also, application of manure or N fertilizer or P fertilizer did not significantly influence either the quantity of amino sugar N or its proportion of TN. Application of manure significantly increased (P 〈 0.05) hydrolysable unknown N, but adding N or P did not. In addition, application of manure or N fertilizer or P fertilizer did not significantly influence the proportions of different soil organic N forms.
基金1 Project supported by the Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX2-413-8) and theHundred Talents Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
文摘A twelve-year field trial was carried out to determine the impact of long-term fertilization on phosphorus (P) distribu- tion in the soil profile, P balance, and the transformation and availability of soil P in a black soil (Phaeozem, FAO). Under a wheat-soybean-corn rotation, during twelve years where no fertilizer was applied, crops removed 60 and 81 mg P kg-1 soil in the control and NK treatment, respectively. About one third of the P absorbed by crops was originated from organic P. Ca2-P, Cag-P, Al-P and Fe-P were the main forms of inorganic P absorbed by crops. The surplus P from fertilization remained in the 0-20 cm soil layer and increased with the application rate of P. The combined application of NP or NPK increased available P to a lesser extent than the combined application of PK. Fertilizer P had mainly transformed to the Al-P, Fe-P, Ca2-P, and Cas-P forms. By using the P budget (X), changes in total P (Y1) and available P (Y2) in soils under the current cropping system could be predicted by the equations: Y1 = 0.02 + 1.01X and Y2 = 2.08 + 0.15X.
基金supported by the National 973 Program of China (2011CB100501)the National 863 Program of China(2013AA102901)+1 种基金the Special Fund for Agro-Scientific Research in the Public Interest, China (201203077)the Science and Technology Project for Grain Production, China (2011BAD16B15)
文摘Increasing basic farmland soil productivity has significance in reducing fertilizer application and maintaining high yield of crops. In this study, we defined that the basic soil productivity (BSP) is the production capacity of a farmland soil with its own physical and chemical properties for a specific crop season under local environment and field management. Based on 22-yr (1990-2011) long-term experimental data on black soil (Typic hapludoll) in Gongzhuling, Jilin Province, Northeast China, the decision support system for an agro-technology transfer (DSSAT)-CERES-Maize model was applied to simulate the yield by BSP of spring maize (Zea mays L.) to examine the effects of long-term fertilization on changes of BSP and explore the mechanisms of BSP increasing. Five treatments were examined: (1) no-fertilization control (control); (2) chemical nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK); (3) NPK plus farmyard manure (NPKM); (4) 1.5 time of NPKM (1.5NPKM) and (5) NPK plus straw (NPKS). Results showed that after 22-yr fertilization, the yield by BSP of spring maize significantly increased 78.0, 101.2, and 69.4% under the NPKM, 1.5NPKM and NPKS, respectively, compared to the initial value (in 1992), but not significant under NPK (26.9% increase) and the control (8.9% decrease). The contribution percentage of BSP showed a significant rising trend (P〈0.05) under 1.5NPKM. The average contribution percentage of BSP among fertilizations ranged from 74.4 to 84.7%, and ranked as 1.5NPKM〉NPKM〉NPK〉NPKS, indicating that organic manure combined with chemical fertilizers (I.5NPKM and NPKM) could more effectively increase BSP compared with the inorganic fertilizer application alone (NPK) in the black soil. This study showed that soil organic matter (SOM) was the key factor among various fertility factors that could affect BSP in the black soil, and total N, total P and/or available P also played important role in BSP increasing. Compared with the chemical fertilization, a balanced chemical plus manure or straw fertilization (NPKM or NPKS) not only increased the concentrations of soil nutrient, but also improved the soil physical properties, and structure and diversity of soil microbial population, resulting in an iincrease of BSP. We recommend that a balanced chemical plus manure or straw fertilization (NPKM or NPKS) should be the fertilization practices to enhance spring maize yield and improve BSP in the black soil of Northeast China.
基金financial support from the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFD0301106,2016YFD0300203-3)the Science and Technology Innovation Team Support Plan of Universities in Hennan Province,China (18IRTSTHN008)
文摘We investigated the soil microbiologic characteristics, and the yield and sustainable production of winter wheat, by conducting a long-term fertilization experiment. A single application of N, P and K (NPK) fertilizer was taken as the control (CK) and three organic fertilization treatments were used: NPK fertilizer+pig manure (T1), NPK fertilizer+straw return (T2), NPK fertilizer+pig manure+straw return (T3). The results showed that all three organic fertilization treatments (T1, T2 and T3) significantly increased both soil total N (STN) and soil organic carbon (SOC) from 2008 onwards. In 2016, the SOC content and soil C/N ratios for T1, T2 and T3 were significantly higher than those for CK. The three organic fertilization treatments increased soil microbial activity. In 2016, the activity of urease (sucrase) and the soil respiration rate (SRS) for T1, T2 and T3 were significantly higher than those under CK. The organic fertilization treatments also increased the content of soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC) and microbial biomass nitrogen (SMBN), the SMBC/SMBN ratio and the microbial quotient (qMB). The yield for T1, T2 and T3 was significantly higher than that of CK, respectively. Over the nine years of the investigation, the average yield increased by 9.9, 13.2 and 17.4% for T1, T2 and T3, respectively, compared to the initial yield for each treatment, whereas the average yield of CK over the same period was reduced by 6.5%. T1, T2, and T3 lowered the coefficient of variation (CV) of wheat yield and increased the sustainable yield index (SYI). Wheat grain yield was significantly positively correlated with each of the soil microbial properties (P〈0.01). These results showed that the long-term application of combined organic and chemical fertilizers can stabilize crop yield and make it more sustainable by improving the properties of the soil.
基金supported by the grants of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(40901147, 31070399, and 41071171)the International Cooperation Project of Heilongjiang Province,China (WB09B105)
文摘Human activities have altered weather patterns by causing an increase in greenhouse gas. The effects of climate change have been studied, including effects on some ecosystems throughout the world. There are many studies on changes in the soil due to climate change, but much of them did not extend their research to soil enzyme that integrates information on soil microbial status and soil physical-chemical conditions. Meanwhile, there are lots of experimental fields established to study effects of long-term fertilization on soil enzyme activities, but many did not compare the difference of soil enzyme activities and did not analyze the effect of climatic factors on soil enzyme activities with long-term fertilization under different hydrothermal conditions. In this study, we compared soil enzyme activities of three long-fertilization stations which had different hydrothermal conditions in Northeast China, and analyzed the relationship of hydrothermal condition, soil chemical properties with soil enzyme activities. Hydrothermal conditions (annual temperature and total rainfall) decreased in order of Gongzhuling (Jilin Province, China ) Harbin (Heilongjiang Province, China) Heihe (Heilongjiang Province, China) over the course of the long-term fertilization experiment. Sunshine hours showed the longest in Gongzhuling, the second in Heihe, and the last in Harbin. However, the order of soil enzymes was not in agreement with hydrothermal conditions. Overall, the order of soil enzymes for the same treatment among three stations was consistent in 2008 with in 2009. Correlation analysis demonstrated that different soil enzymes achieved the different affected levels by climatic factors under different fertilization treatments. Urease activity showed a significant relationship with sunshine hours in no fertilizer (CK) treatment (R=-0.91, P0.01) and relative humidity in mineral fertilizers plus manure (MNPK) treatment (R=0.82, P0.05). Phosphatase activity exhibited a negative correlation with annual mean temperature, annual mean maximum temperature and annual mean minimum temperature, and their correlation coefficients were separately -0.83, -0.79, and -0.83 at P0.05 in CK treatment. Invertase activity was highly and positively correlated with sunshine hours in CK treatment (R=0.94, P0.01). Catalase activity showed significant negative correlations with minimum relative humidity in CK treatment (R=-0.81, P0.05), and positive correlations with sunshine hours in M treatment (R=0.83, P0.05). There were no climatic factors which strongly affected on dehydrogenase in all treatments. Soil enzyme activities were closely related to the soil chemical properties. Soil urease activity was positively correlated with available P (P0.05). With exception of correlation between invertase and total P at P0.05, phosphase, invertase, catalase, and dehydrogenase showed significant positive correlations with soil chemical properties (P0.01). It was a comprehensive process that biologic and abiotic factors were effect on soil enzyme activities under different fertilization treatments. To sum up, the variation of hydrothermal conditions in different climate zones and soil chemical properties affect integrally metabolic activity and metabolic finger print of microbial communities in black soil.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30270800).
文摘The feasibility of steel slag used as an iron fertilizer was studied in a pot experiment with corn. Slag alone or acidified slag was added to two Fe-deficient calcareous soils at different rates. Results showed that moderate rates (10 and 20 g kg-1) of slag or acidified slag substantially increased corn dry matter yield and Fe uptake. Application of steel slag increased the residual concentration of ammonium bicarbonate-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (AB-DTPA) extractable Fe in the soils. The increase of extractable Fe was usually proportional to the application rate, and enhanced by the acidification of slag. Steel slag appeared to be a promising and inexpensive source of Fe to alleviate crop Fe chlorosis in Fe-deficient calcareous soils.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 39300070) and the Natural Science Foun-dation of Hebei Province, China (No. 302438).
文摘The long-term effects of annual fertilizer applications on the fertility of salt-affected soils under the rotation system of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) are not well documented. In 1984, research plots were established to test the effects of annual applications of different rates of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilizers on the fertility of a salt-affected soil (Typic Ustochrept) at the Quzhou Experimental Station, Quzhou County, Hebei Province, China. In October 2001, composite soil samples (0-20 and 20 40 cm) were collected from each plot and analyzed for soil fertility indices. Seventeen years of N and P fertilizer applications increased the soil organic matter (SOM) in the surface layer. With combined N, 270 (N1) and 540 (N2) kg N ha^-1 year^-1, and P, 67.5 (P1) and 135 (P2) kg P205 ha^-1 year^-1, fertilizer applications, total soil N mostly significantly decreased (P〈0.05). Soil total P in the 0-20 cm layer of the P2 treatment significantly (P (0.05) increased as compared to those of the other treatments. Rapidly available P (RP) in the 0-20 cm layer of the N1P2 treatment was significantly higher than those in the other treatments except the P2 treatment; and RP in the 0-20 cm layer of the P2 treatment significantly increased as compared to those of the other treatments except the P1 and N1P2 treatments. RP in the subsurface soil layer (20-40 cm) of the P2 treatment (4.2 mg P kg^-1) was significantly (P〈0.05) higher than those in the other treatments. Nevertheless, long-term N fertilization did not significantly increase the alkali-hydrolyzable N in the soil. However, in the salt-affected surface soils the application of combined N and P fertilizers over 17 years significantly (P〈0.05) decreased rapidly available potassium (K). The results suggested that while under long-term fertilizer applications some soil fertility parameters could be maintained or enhanced, careful monitoring of soil fertility was necessary as other nutrients such as K could become depleted.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (2007CB109301)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (40871122) the National Key Technology R&D Program of China (2009BADC6B03)
文摘From 1990,over 17 years field experiment was carried out in paddy field cultivated from infertile upland to evaluate the response of rice productivity,soil organic carbon(SOC),and total N to long-term NPK fertilization or NPK combined with organic amendments.The field trials included NPK(N,P,K fertilizer),NPKRS(NPK combined with rice straw),NPK2RS(NPK combined with double amount of rice straw),NPKPM(NPK combined with pig manure) and NPKGM(NPK combined with green manure) and the cropping system was rice-rice(Oryza sativa L.) rotation.Annual rice yield,straw biomass,and harvesting index increased steadily with cultivation time in all treatments.Average annual rice yield from 1991 to 2006 was ranged from 7 795 to 8 572 kg ha-1 among treatments.Rice yields in treatments with organic amendments were usually higher than that in treatment with NPK.Contents of SOC and total N also increased gradually in the cultivation years and reached the level of 7.82 to 9.45 and 0.85 to 1.03 g kg-1,respectively,in 2006.Soil fertilities in treatments with chemical fertilization combined with organic amendments were relatively appropriate than those in treatment with NPK.There was obvious discrepancy between cumulative characters of rice yield and soil organic fertility in newly formed paddy field.Compared with relatively high rate of crop productivity improvement,cumulative rates of SOC and total N were much lower in our study.SOC and total N contents were still less than half of those in local highly productive paddy soils after 17 years cultivation in subtropical China.Present work helps to better understand the development of infertile paddy soils and to estimate the potential of yield improvement in this region.