The 2014 magnitude 6.5 Ludian earthquake caused a death toll of 617, many landslides and tens of thousands of collapsed buildings. A field investigation to evaluate the damage to buildings was carried out immediately ...The 2014 magnitude 6.5 Ludian earthquake caused a death toll of 617, many landslides and tens of thousands of collapsed buildings. A field investigation to evaluate the damage to buildings was carried out immediately after the occurrence of the earthquake. Severely damaged aseismic buildings, which were basically observed in the downtown of Longtoushan Town, were carefully examined one by one with the aim to improve design codes. This paper summarizes the damage observed to the investigated aseismic buildings in both the structural and local levels. A common failure mode was observed that most of the aseismic buildings, such as RC frame structures and confined masonry structures, were similarly destroyed by severe damage or complete collapse of the first story. The related strong ground motion, which was recorded at the nearby station, had a short duration of less than 20 s but a very large PGA up to 1.0 g. The RC frames based on the new design codes still failed to achieve the design target for "strong column, weak beam". Typical local failure details, which were related to the interaction between RC columns and infill walls and between constructional columns and masonry walls, are summarized with preliminary analyses.展开更多
The Ludian County of Yunnan Province in southwestern China was struck by an Ms6.5 earthquake on August 3, 2014, which was another destructive event following the Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, Ms7.1 Yushu earthqua...The Ludian County of Yunnan Province in southwestern China was struck by an Ms6.5 earthquake on August 3, 2014, which was another destructive event following the Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, Ms7.1 Yushu earthquake in 2010, and Ms7.0 Lushan earthquake in 2013. National Strong-Motion Observation Network System of China collected 74 strong motion recordings, which the maximum peak ground acceleration recorded by the 053LLT station in Longtoushan Town was 949 cm/s2 in E-W component. The observed PGAs and spectral ordinates were compared with ground-motion prediction equation in China and the NGA-West2 developed by Pacific Earthquake Engineering Researcher Center. This earthquake is considered as the first case for testing applicability of NGA-West2 in China. Results indicate that the observed PGAs and the 5 % damped pseudo-response spectral accelerations are significantly lower than the pre- dicted ones. The field survey around some typical strong motion stations verified that the earthquake damage was consistent with the official isoseismal by China Earthquake Administration.展开更多
On 3 August 2014, the Ludian earthquake struck northwest Yunnan Province with a surface wave magnitude of 6.5. This moderate earthquake unexpectedly caused high fatalities and great economic loss. Four strong motion s...On 3 August 2014, the Ludian earthquake struck northwest Yunnan Province with a surface wave magnitude of 6.5. This moderate earthquake unexpectedly caused high fatalities and great economic loss. Four strong motion stations were located in the areas with intensity V, VI, VII and IX, near the epicentre. The characteristics of the ground motion are discussed herein, including 1) ground motion was strong at a period of less than 1.4 s, which covered the natural vibration period of a large number of structures; and 2) the release energy was concentrated geographically. Based on materials collected during emergency building inspections, the damage patterns of adobe, masonry, timber frame and reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures in areas with different intensities are summarised. Earthquake damage matrices of local buildings are also given for fragility evaluation and earthquake damage prediction. It is found that the collapse ratios of RC frame and confined masonry structures based on the new design code are significantly lower than non-seismic buildings. However, the RC frame structures still failed to achieve the 'strong column, weak beam' design target. Traditional timber frame structures with a light infill wall showed good aseismic performance.展开更多
This study constructs a 3 D velocity structure model of the Ludian region in the Yunnan province, southwestern China, and simulates ground motion propagation of the 2014 Ludian Ms 6.5 earthquake. It aims to construct ...This study constructs a 3 D velocity structure model of the Ludian region in the Yunnan province, southwestern China, and simulates ground motion propagation of the 2014 Ludian Ms 6.5 earthquake. It aims to construct the local velocity structure of the Ludian region in three dimensions and with high precision. The simulation, using the spectral element method, is validated by field data from the Ludian earthquake records. Thus, it demonstrates that the adopted key parameters, such as the seismic source mechanism, propagation medium and geographical features of the engineering site, are appropriated for the simulation. Meanwhile, the simulation generates the ground motion distribution of the study region with an earthquakeinduced landslide in Ludian earthquake.展开更多
Serial destructive earthquakes have caused heavy casualties and economic losses to the city in southwestern of China. The Ludian Ms 6.5 earthquake and the Jinggu Ms 6.6 earthquake occurred in Yunnan province in 2014. ...Serial destructive earthquakes have caused heavy casualties and economic losses to the city in southwestern of China. The Ludian Ms 6.5 earthquake and the Jinggu Ms 6.6 earthquake occurred in Yunnan province in 2014. There is a question of why the two events with almost the same level of magnitude caused differences in earthquake damage. To understand the uniqueness of the phenomenon, this paper focuses on the characteristics of the ground motions and post-earthquake field investigation for the two events. Firstly, we present an overview of the residuals between the Ludian earthquake and the Jinggu earthquake based on the YW06 Ground Motion Prediction Equation (GMPE), and explain the unusual destructiveness of the strong ground motion. Then we analyze the ground motion recordings at selected typical station, based on the strong motion parameters: equivalent predominant frequency and Arias intensity. The result exhibits a good agreement with the Chinese seismic intensity scale. This study would be helpful to gain a better knowledge of the characteristics and variability of ground motions for Ms6 class earthquakes in China and to understand the implications to future earthquakes with similar focal mechanism and local condition.展开更多
The Jiangda–Deqen–Weixi continental margin arc(DWCA) developed along the base of the Changdu–Simao Block and was formed as a result of the subduction of the Jinsha River Ocean Slab and the subsequent collision. The...The Jiangda–Deqen–Weixi continental margin arc(DWCA) developed along the base of the Changdu–Simao Block and was formed as a result of the subduction of the Jinsha River Ocean Slab and the subsequent collision. The Ludian batholith is located in the southern part of the DWCA and is the largest batholith in northwest Yunnan. Granite samples from the Ludian batholith yield an early Middle Permian age of 271.0 ± 2.8 Ma. The geochemical data of the early Middle Permian granitoids show high Si2 O, low P2 O5 and MgO contents that belong to calc-alkaline series and peraluminous I-type rocks. Their εHf(t) values range from-5.01 to +0.58, indicating that they were formed by hybrid magmas related to the subduction of the Jinsha River Tethys Ocean. The monzonite and monzogranite samples yield Late Permian ages of 250.6 ± 1.8 Ma and 252.1 ± 1.3 Ma, respectively. The Late Permian granitoids are high-K calc alkaline and shoshonite series metaluminous I-type rocks. Their εHf(t) values range from-4.12 to-1.68 and from-7.88 to-6.64, respectively. The mixing of crustal and mantle melts formed the parental magma of the Late Permian granitoids. This study, combined with previous work, demonstrates the process from subduction to collision of the Jinsha River Paleo-Tethys Ocean.展开更多
The stochastic finite-fault simulation method was applied to synthesize the horizontal ground acceleration seismograms produced by the MW6.1 Ludian earthquake on August 3,2014.For this purpose,we produced first a tota...The stochastic finite-fault simulation method was applied to synthesize the horizontal ground acceleration seismograms produced by the MW6.1 Ludian earthquake on August 3,2014.For this purpose,we produced first a total of 200 kinematic source models for the Ludian event,which are characterized by the heterogeneous slip on the conjugated ruptured fault and the slip-dependent spreading of the rupture front.The results indicated that the heterogeneous slip and the spatial extent of the ruptured fault play dominant roles in the spatial distribution of ground motions in the near-fault area.The peak ground accelerations(PGAs)and 5%-damped pseudospectral accelerations(PSAs)at periods shorter than 0.5 s estimated on the resulting synthetics generally match well with the observations at stations with Joyner-Boore distances(RJB)greater than 20 km.The synthetic PGVs and PSAs at periods of 0.5 s and 0.75 s are in good agreement with predicted medians by the Yu14 model(Yu et al.,2014).However,the synthetic results are generally much lower than the predicted medians by BSSA14 model(Boore et al.,2014).Moreover,the ground motion variability caused by the randomness in the source rupture process was evaluated by these synthetics.The standard deviations of PSAs on the base-10 logarithmic scale,Sigma[log10(PSA)],are closely dependent on either the spectral period or the RJB.The Sigma[log10(PSA)]remains a constant approximately 0.55 at periods shorter than 0.1 s,and then increase continuously up to^0.13 as the period increases from 0.1 to 2.0 s.The Sigma[log10(PSA)]values at periods of 0.1‒2.0 s show the downward tendency as the RJB values increase.However,the Sigma[log10(PSA)]values at periods shorter than 0.1 s decrease as the RJB values increase up to^50 km,and then increase with the increasing RJB.Furthermore,we found that the ground-motion variability shows the significant dependence on the azimuth.展开更多
Using mobile gravity data from the central area of Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces, the relationship between gravity variation and earthquakes was studied based on the Ludian Ms6.5 earthquake that occurred on August 3rd,...Using mobile gravity data from the central area of Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces, the relationship between gravity variation and earthquakes was studied based on the Ludian Ms6.5 earthquake that occurred on August 3rd, 2014, and the Kangding Ms6.3 earthquake that occurred on November 22 nd, 2014; the mechanism of gravity variation was also explored. The results are as follows:(1) Prior to both earthquakes, gravity variation exhibited similar characteristics as those observed before both the Tangshan and Wenchuan earthquakes, in which typical precursor anomalies were positive gravity variation near the epicenter and the occurrence of a high-gravity-gradient zone across the epicenter prior to the earthquake.(2) A relatively accurate prediction of the occurrence locations of the two earthquakes was made by the Gravity Network Center of China(GNCC) based on these precursor anomalies. In the gravity study report on the 2014 earthquake trends submitted at the end of 2013, the Daofu-Shimian section at the junction of the Xianshuihe and Longmenshan fault zones was noted as an earthquake-risk region with a predicted magnitude of 6.5, which covered the epicenter of the Kangding Ms6.3 earthquake. In another report on earthquake trends in southwestern China submitted in mid-2014, the Lianfeng, Zhaotong fault zone was also classified as an earthquake-risk region with a magnitude of 6.0, and the central area of this region basically overlapped with the epicenter of the Ludian Ms6.5 earthquake.(3) The gravity variation characteristics are reasonably consistent with crustal movements, and deep material migration is likely the primary cause of gravity variation.展开更多
Objective The 2014 Ludian Mw6.1 earthquake in Yunnan occurred in a mountainous area with complex tectonics and topography, which caused serious damage as well as co-seismic landslides of an unusual large scale. Becau...Objective The 2014 Ludian Mw6.1 earthquake in Yunnan occurred in a mountainous area with complex tectonics and topography, which caused serious damage as well as co-seismic landslides of an unusual large scale. Because the suspected seismogenic faults on the surface, distribution of aftershocks and focal mechanism solutions are not consistent, it remains difficult to determine what is the real causal fault or seismogenic structure for this event. Actually, it may imply the complicity of the seismic source at depth. In addition, the distribution of the co- seismic landslides also exhibits some diffusion that is different from general eases, likely associated with the seismic focus structure.展开更多
A seismic array of twenty four seismometers(Qiaojia array) operated by the Institute of Geophysics,China Earthquake Administration was situated along the Zemuhe fault and the north end of Xiaojiang fault,which is a pa...A seismic array of twenty four seismometers(Qiaojia array) operated by the Institute of Geophysics,China Earthquake Administration was situated along the Zemuhe fault and the north end of Xiaojiang fault,which is a part of the east boundary of the Chuan-Dian( Sichuan-Yunnan) rhombus crustal mass. The Qiaojia array started operation at the end of February,2012. Since then the April 20,2013 Lushan MS7. 0 earthquake and the August 3,2014 Ludian MS6. 5 earthquake have occurred in the vicinity of the Qiaojia array. The earthquake catalogue recorded by the Qiaojia array since March,2012 is used in this study. The temporal variation of the earthquake count before the Lushan event and the Ludian event is analyzed. The results are as follows:(1) A very clear gradually increasing variation of the count of M ≥ 2. 0 earthquakes within the region,where all earthquakes recorded by the Qiaojia array coverage can be found before the Lushan event and the Ludian event,and the increasing range and duration of the count before the Ludian event are both larger than those before the Lushan event.(2) In the region covered by the Qiaojia array,for earthquakes with depth h ≤10 km a rising process of the count was manifested before both events,along with a nearly same duration of about five and a half months,and for earthquakes with depths h > 10 km a rising-dropping process of the count was manifest before the Lushan event,before which the rising-dropping process appeared again. The variation of the count for earthquakes with depth h ≤ 10 km is the reverse of that for earthquakes with depth h > 10 km.(3) Within and near the region covered by the Qiaojia array,the variation of the count manifests a rising process for earthquakes with depth h ≤ 10 km or h > 10 km before the Lushan event and only for earthquakes with depth h ≤ 10 km before the Ludian event. The variation of the count manifests a weakening process for earthquakes with depth h > 10 km before the Lushan event. It is shown from the above results that the seismicity within and near the regioncovered by the Qiaojia array showed a steeply rising change before both the Lushan event and the Ludian event. This phenomenon could be revelatory to understanding the process of seismicity development.展开更多
The cycle process of the tidal force niche for the Ludian M_S6.5 earthquake occurring in Ludian County, Yunnan Province, China on August 3, 2014 was calculated. The earthquake occurred near the middle point phase. It ...The cycle process of the tidal force niche for the Ludian M_S6.5 earthquake occurring in Ludian County, Yunnan Province, China on August 3, 2014 was calculated. The earthquake occurred near the middle point phase. It indicates that the type of seismogenic fault that the tide force acted on belongs to the thrust fault. According to the tidal niche cycle,the abnormal OLR( Outgoing Long-wave Radiation) change was analyzed based on NOAA satellite data around the whole land area of China before and after the earthquake.The result shows that the OLR changed evidently with tide force change. Temporally,the change went through the evolution process of initial OLR rise → strengthening → abnormal peaking → attenuation → returning to normal; and spatially,the abnormal area wound its way along the Zhaotong-Ludian fault and went through a scattered → conversion →scattered process. This process is similar to the change process of rock breaking under stress loading. The results indicate that the tidal force of a celestial body could trigger an earthquake when the tectonic stress reaches its critical breaking point and the OLR anomaly is proportional to the seismic tectonic stress change. It is of great use to combine OLR and tidal force in earthquake precursory observation.展开更多
Significant anomalies were observed at the geomagnetic stations in the southwest region of China before the Yingjiang M_S6. 1 earthquake and the Ludian M_S6. 5 earthquake in 2014.We processed the geomagnetic vertical ...Significant anomalies were observed at the geomagnetic stations in the southwest region of China before the Yingjiang M_S6. 1 earthquake and the Ludian M_S6. 5 earthquake in 2014.We processed the geomagnetic vertical component diurnal variation data by the spatial correlation method. The results show that during the period from April 1 to May 20,2014,there existed quasi-synchronous decrease changes in the coefficient curves between the five geomagnetic stations of Guiyang,Hechi,Nanshan,Muli,Yongning and Xinyi and Hongshan stations. Furthermore,there was a high gradient zone in the normalized correlation coefficient contour map with background values removed. The epicenters of the Yingjiang M_S6. 1 earthquake and the Ludian M_S6. 5 earthquake are located in the gradient zone or near the gradient zone.展开更多
1 Geography Location At 16:30 on August 3rd, 2014, Ludian County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province (27.1°N, 103.3°E) was hit by Ms 6.5 earthquake, with the maximum intensity is 9 and epicenter depth is aro...1 Geography Location At 16:30 on August 3rd, 2014, Ludian County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province (27.1°N, 103.3°E) was hit by Ms 6.5 earthquake, with the maximum intensity is 9 and epicenter depth is around 12 km (Figs. 1 and 2).展开更多
The earthquake stress-drop values of two sequences were accurately calculated after taking away the effects due to regional earthquake anelastic attenuation and station site response,using waveform data and seismic ph...The earthquake stress-drop values of two sequences were accurately calculated after taking away the effects due to regional earthquake anelastic attenuation and station site response,using waveform data and seismic phase data of sequences of the Jinggu M_S6. 6,and Ludian M_S6. 5 earthquakes in Yunnan. These results show that the stress drop with magnitude increases within the scope of this study of magnitude. After eliminating the influence of the magnitude,the average value of stress-drop in the Jinggu sequence is higher than that of the Ludian sequence at the same magnitude range. This may be related to the stress state in different regions. In terms of the changes of time and space of stress-drop,before M_S5. 8 strong aftershock,the stress-drop is "slowing down-turning up-keeping a high value"after the mainshock,meanwhile,almost all of the abnormally high stress drop value is distributed around the M_S5. 8 strong aftershock, showing that the stress environment in the region was increasing after the mainshock. And after the M_S5. 9 strong aftershock,stress-drop rapidly declines to a relatively stable state,meanwhile,the high value of stress-drop is distributed around the strong aftershock,showing that the regional tectonic stress gets more fully release,its stress environment begins to rapidly decrease.For the Ludian sequence without a strong aftershock occurring,the average value of stress drop is lower than that of the Jinggu earthquake sequence at the same magnitude range,while at the same time,the stress-drop of the aftershock sequence almost hasn't changed much. In the time after the mainshock,combined with the release characteristics of the main energy,the stress in the region is excessively released,the subsequent stress in the region gradually returns to normal. This may be the reason why the activity of Ludianaftershocks significantly was weaker and subsequently there were no strong aftershocks occurred.展开更多
基金Funding of IEM under Grant No.2014B04National Natural Science Foundation under Grant Nos.51108433 and 51308511China Postdoctoral Science Foundation under Grant No.2013M531083
文摘The 2014 magnitude 6.5 Ludian earthquake caused a death toll of 617, many landslides and tens of thousands of collapsed buildings. A field investigation to evaluate the damage to buildings was carried out immediately after the occurrence of the earthquake. Severely damaged aseismic buildings, which were basically observed in the downtown of Longtoushan Town, were carefully examined one by one with the aim to improve design codes. This paper summarizes the damage observed to the investigated aseismic buildings in both the structural and local levels. A common failure mode was observed that most of the aseismic buildings, such as RC frame structures and confined masonry structures, were similarly destroyed by severe damage or complete collapse of the first story. The related strong ground motion, which was recorded at the nearby station, had a short duration of less than 20 s but a very large PGA up to 1.0 g. The RC frames based on the new design codes still failed to achieve the design target for "strong column, weak beam". Typical local failure details, which were related to the interaction between RC columns and infill walls and between constructional columns and masonry walls, are summarized with preliminary analyses.
基金supported by the Science Foundation of Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration (CEA) under Grant No. 2014B06the National Natural Science Foundation of China Nos. 51308515 and 51278473
文摘The Ludian County of Yunnan Province in southwestern China was struck by an Ms6.5 earthquake on August 3, 2014, which was another destructive event following the Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, Ms7.1 Yushu earthquake in 2010, and Ms7.0 Lushan earthquake in 2013. National Strong-Motion Observation Network System of China collected 74 strong motion recordings, which the maximum peak ground acceleration recorded by the 053LLT station in Longtoushan Town was 949 cm/s2 in E-W component. The observed PGAs and spectral ordinates were compared with ground-motion prediction equation in China and the NGA-West2 developed by Pacific Earthquake Engineering Researcher Center. This earthquake is considered as the first case for testing applicability of NGA-West2 in China. Results indicate that the observed PGAs and the 5 % damped pseudo-response spectral accelerations are significantly lower than the pre- dicted ones. The field survey around some typical strong motion stations verified that the earthquake damage was consistent with the official isoseismal by China Earthquake Administration.
基金Scientific Research Fund of Institute of Engineering Mechanics,China Earthquake Administration under Grant No.2014B-01China Postdoctoral Science Foundation under Grant No.2013M531083+3 种基金Natural Science Foundation of Hei Longjiang Province of China under Grant No.LC2012C32National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.513085115150853551208234
文摘On 3 August 2014, the Ludian earthquake struck northwest Yunnan Province with a surface wave magnitude of 6.5. This moderate earthquake unexpectedly caused high fatalities and great economic loss. Four strong motion stations were located in the areas with intensity V, VI, VII and IX, near the epicentre. The characteristics of the ground motion are discussed herein, including 1) ground motion was strong at a period of less than 1.4 s, which covered the natural vibration period of a large number of structures; and 2) the release energy was concentrated geographically. Based on materials collected during emergency building inspections, the damage patterns of adobe, masonry, timber frame and reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures in areas with different intensities are summarised. Earthquake damage matrices of local buildings are also given for fragility evaluation and earthquake damage prediction. It is found that the collapse ratios of RC frame and confined masonry structures based on the new design code are significantly lower than non-seismic buildings. However, the RC frame structures still failed to achieve the 'strong column, weak beam' design target. Traditional timber frame structures with a light infill wall showed good aseismic performance.
基金National Key Technology R&D Program of China under Grant No.2016YFB0201001the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.41274106,51639006,40974063 and 51479098
文摘This study constructs a 3 D velocity structure model of the Ludian region in the Yunnan province, southwestern China, and simulates ground motion propagation of the 2014 Ludian Ms 6.5 earthquake. It aims to construct the local velocity structure of the Ludian region in three dimensions and with high precision. The simulation, using the spectral element method, is validated by field data from the Ludian earthquake records. Thus, it demonstrates that the adopted key parameters, such as the seismic source mechanism, propagation medium and geographical features of the engineering site, are appropriated for the simulation. Meanwhile, the simulation generates the ground motion distribution of the study region with an earthquakeinduced landslide in Ludian earthquake.
基金supported by the National Key R&D Program of China No. 2017YFC1500801the National Natural Science Fundation of China granted Nos. 51778589 and 51308515+1 种基金Heilongjiang Province Natural Science Fund granted No. E2017065the National Key Research and Development Program granted No. 2017YFC150165
文摘Serial destructive earthquakes have caused heavy casualties and economic losses to the city in southwestern of China. The Ludian Ms 6.5 earthquake and the Jinggu Ms 6.6 earthquake occurred in Yunnan province in 2014. There is a question of why the two events with almost the same level of magnitude caused differences in earthquake damage. To understand the uniqueness of the phenomenon, this paper focuses on the characteristics of the ground motions and post-earthquake field investigation for the two events. Firstly, we present an overview of the residuals between the Ludian earthquake and the Jinggu earthquake based on the YW06 Ground Motion Prediction Equation (GMPE), and explain the unusual destructiveness of the strong ground motion. Then we analyze the ground motion recordings at selected typical station, based on the strong motion parameters: equivalent predominant frequency and Arias intensity. The result exhibits a good agreement with the Chinese seismic intensity scale. This study would be helpful to gain a better knowledge of the characteristics and variability of ground motions for Ms6 class earthquakes in China and to understand the implications to future earthquakes with similar focal mechanism and local condition.
基金funded by a grant from the National Key R&D Program of China(Grant No.2018YFC0604106 and 2016YFC0600305)the Program of the China Geological Survey(Grant No.DD20190053)。
文摘The Jiangda–Deqen–Weixi continental margin arc(DWCA) developed along the base of the Changdu–Simao Block and was formed as a result of the subduction of the Jinsha River Ocean Slab and the subsequent collision. The Ludian batholith is located in the southern part of the DWCA and is the largest batholith in northwest Yunnan. Granite samples from the Ludian batholith yield an early Middle Permian age of 271.0 ± 2.8 Ma. The geochemical data of the early Middle Permian granitoids show high Si2 O, low P2 O5 and MgO contents that belong to calc-alkaline series and peraluminous I-type rocks. Their εHf(t) values range from-5.01 to +0.58, indicating that they were formed by hybrid magmas related to the subduction of the Jinsha River Tethys Ocean. The monzonite and monzogranite samples yield Late Permian ages of 250.6 ± 1.8 Ma and 252.1 ± 1.3 Ma, respectively. The Late Permian granitoids are high-K calc alkaline and shoshonite series metaluminous I-type rocks. Their εHf(t) values range from-4.12 to-1.68 and from-7.88 to-6.64, respectively. The mixing of crustal and mantle melts formed the parental magma of the Late Permian granitoids. This study, combined with previous work, demonstrates the process from subduction to collision of the Jinsha River Paleo-Tethys Ocean.
基金supported by the Science Foundation of the Institute of Engineering Mechanics,China Earthquake Administration(No.2018B03)National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51808514).
文摘The stochastic finite-fault simulation method was applied to synthesize the horizontal ground acceleration seismograms produced by the MW6.1 Ludian earthquake on August 3,2014.For this purpose,we produced first a total of 200 kinematic source models for the Ludian event,which are characterized by the heterogeneous slip on the conjugated ruptured fault and the slip-dependent spreading of the rupture front.The results indicated that the heterogeneous slip and the spatial extent of the ruptured fault play dominant roles in the spatial distribution of ground motions in the near-fault area.The peak ground accelerations(PGAs)and 5%-damped pseudospectral accelerations(PSAs)at periods shorter than 0.5 s estimated on the resulting synthetics generally match well with the observations at stations with Joyner-Boore distances(RJB)greater than 20 km.The synthetic PGVs and PSAs at periods of 0.5 s and 0.75 s are in good agreement with predicted medians by the Yu14 model(Yu et al.,2014).However,the synthetic results are generally much lower than the predicted medians by BSSA14 model(Boore et al.,2014).Moreover,the ground motion variability caused by the randomness in the source rupture process was evaluated by these synthetics.The standard deviations of PSAs on the base-10 logarithmic scale,Sigma[log10(PSA)],are closely dependent on either the spectral period or the RJB.The Sigma[log10(PSA)]remains a constant approximately 0.55 at periods shorter than 0.1 s,and then increase continuously up to^0.13 as the period increases from 0.1 to 2.0 s.The Sigma[log10(PSA)]values at periods of 0.1‒2.0 s show the downward tendency as the RJB values increase.However,the Sigma[log10(PSA)]values at periods shorter than 0.1 s decrease as the RJB values increase up to^50 km,and then increase with the increasing RJB.Furthermore,we found that the ground-motion variability shows the significant dependence on the azimuth.
基金jointly supported by the Director Foundation of Institute of Seismology,China Earthquake Administration(IS201326121)the special earthquake research grant offered by the China Earthquake Administration(201208009,201308009)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41304059)
文摘Using mobile gravity data from the central area of Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces, the relationship between gravity variation and earthquakes was studied based on the Ludian Ms6.5 earthquake that occurred on August 3rd, 2014, and the Kangding Ms6.3 earthquake that occurred on November 22 nd, 2014; the mechanism of gravity variation was also explored. The results are as follows:(1) Prior to both earthquakes, gravity variation exhibited similar characteristics as those observed before both the Tangshan and Wenchuan earthquakes, in which typical precursor anomalies were positive gravity variation near the epicenter and the occurrence of a high-gravity-gradient zone across the epicenter prior to the earthquake.(2) A relatively accurate prediction of the occurrence locations of the two earthquakes was made by the Gravity Network Center of China(GNCC) based on these precursor anomalies. In the gravity study report on the 2014 earthquake trends submitted at the end of 2013, the Daofu-Shimian section at the junction of the Xianshuihe and Longmenshan fault zones was noted as an earthquake-risk region with a predicted magnitude of 6.5, which covered the epicenter of the Kangding Ms6.3 earthquake. In another report on earthquake trends in southwestern China submitted in mid-2014, the Lianfeng, Zhaotong fault zone was also classified as an earthquake-risk region with a magnitude of 6.0, and the central area of this region basically overlapped with the epicenter of the Ludian Ms6.5 earthquake.(3) The gravity variation characteristics are reasonably consistent with crustal movements, and deep material migration is likely the primary cause of gravity variation.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant No.41572194)the Institute of Geology,China Earthquake Administration(grant No.IGCEA1604)the National Key Basic Research Program of China(grant No.2013CB733205)
文摘Objective The 2014 Ludian Mw6.1 earthquake in Yunnan occurred in a mountainous area with complex tectonics and topography, which caused serious damage as well as co-seismic landslides of an unusual large scale. Because the suspected seismogenic faults on the surface, distribution of aftershocks and focal mechanism solutions are not consistent, it remains difficult to determine what is the real causal fault or seismogenic structure for this event. Actually, it may imply the complicity of the seismic source at depth. In addition, the distribution of the co- seismic landslides also exhibits some diffusion that is different from general eases, likely associated with the seismic focus structure.
基金funded by the operational object of China Earthquake Science Experiment
文摘A seismic array of twenty four seismometers(Qiaojia array) operated by the Institute of Geophysics,China Earthquake Administration was situated along the Zemuhe fault and the north end of Xiaojiang fault,which is a part of the east boundary of the Chuan-Dian( Sichuan-Yunnan) rhombus crustal mass. The Qiaojia array started operation at the end of February,2012. Since then the April 20,2013 Lushan MS7. 0 earthquake and the August 3,2014 Ludian MS6. 5 earthquake have occurred in the vicinity of the Qiaojia array. The earthquake catalogue recorded by the Qiaojia array since March,2012 is used in this study. The temporal variation of the earthquake count before the Lushan event and the Ludian event is analyzed. The results are as follows:(1) A very clear gradually increasing variation of the count of M ≥ 2. 0 earthquakes within the region,where all earthquakes recorded by the Qiaojia array coverage can be found before the Lushan event and the Ludian event,and the increasing range and duration of the count before the Ludian event are both larger than those before the Lushan event.(2) In the region covered by the Qiaojia array,for earthquakes with depth h ≤10 km a rising process of the count was manifested before both events,along with a nearly same duration of about five and a half months,and for earthquakes with depths h > 10 km a rising-dropping process of the count was manifest before the Lushan event,before which the rising-dropping process appeared again. The variation of the count for earthquakes with depth h ≤ 10 km is the reverse of that for earthquakes with depth h > 10 km.(3) Within and near the region covered by the Qiaojia array,the variation of the count manifests a rising process for earthquakes with depth h ≤ 10 km or h > 10 km before the Lushan event and only for earthquakes with depth h ≤ 10 km before the Ludian event. The variation of the count manifests a weakening process for earthquakes with depth h > 10 km before the Lushan event. It is shown from the above results that the seismicity within and near the regioncovered by the Qiaojia array showed a steeply rising change before both the Lushan event and the Ludian event. This phenomenon could be revelatory to understanding the process of seismicity development.
基金Science for Earthquake Resilience-Based on the Application of Atmospheric Temperature Vertical Stratification 3D Remote Sensing Technology in Earthquake Prediction(Project number:XH15050)
文摘The cycle process of the tidal force niche for the Ludian M_S6.5 earthquake occurring in Ludian County, Yunnan Province, China on August 3, 2014 was calculated. The earthquake occurred near the middle point phase. It indicates that the type of seismogenic fault that the tide force acted on belongs to the thrust fault. According to the tidal niche cycle,the abnormal OLR( Outgoing Long-wave Radiation) change was analyzed based on NOAA satellite data around the whole land area of China before and after the earthquake.The result shows that the OLR changed evidently with tide force change. Temporally,the change went through the evolution process of initial OLR rise → strengthening → abnormal peaking → attenuation → returning to normal; and spatially,the abnormal area wound its way along the Zhaotong-Ludian fault and went through a scattered → conversion →scattered process. This process is similar to the change process of rock breaking under stress loading. The results indicate that the tidal force of a celestial body could trigger an earthquake when the tectonic stress reaches its critical breaking point and the OLR anomaly is proportional to the seismic tectonic stress change. It is of great use to combine OLR and tidal force in earthquake precursory observation.
基金sponsored by the Spark Program for Earthquake Science and Technology,China Earthquake Administration(Serial No.XH17010Y)the Seismic Tracking and Orientation Task,China Earthquake Administration(Serial No.2018010401)Major Scientific and Technical Project of Science and Technology Department of Inner Mongolia in 2016(Strong Earthquake Track in the Short Stage and Integration Innovation of Stereoscopic Observation Technology in Space and Ground)
文摘Significant anomalies were observed at the geomagnetic stations in the southwest region of China before the Yingjiang M_S6. 1 earthquake and the Ludian M_S6. 5 earthquake in 2014.We processed the geomagnetic vertical component diurnal variation data by the spatial correlation method. The results show that during the period from April 1 to May 20,2014,there existed quasi-synchronous decrease changes in the coefficient curves between the five geomagnetic stations of Guiyang,Hechi,Nanshan,Muli,Yongning and Xinyi and Hongshan stations. Furthermore,there was a high gradient zone in the normalized correlation coefficient contour map with background values removed. The epicenters of the Yingjiang M_S6. 1 earthquake and the Ludian M_S6. 5 earthquake are located in the gradient zone or near the gradient zone.
文摘1 Geography Location At 16:30 on August 3rd, 2014, Ludian County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province (27.1°N, 103.3°E) was hit by Ms 6.5 earthquake, with the maximum intensity is 9 and epicenter depth is around 12 km (Figs. 1 and 2).
基金supported by the“Catalogue of Earthquake Sequence in the Chinese Mainland”of Department of Monitoring and Prediction,China Earthquake Administration(1740503502)
文摘The earthquake stress-drop values of two sequences were accurately calculated after taking away the effects due to regional earthquake anelastic attenuation and station site response,using waveform data and seismic phase data of sequences of the Jinggu M_S6. 6,and Ludian M_S6. 5 earthquakes in Yunnan. These results show that the stress drop with magnitude increases within the scope of this study of magnitude. After eliminating the influence of the magnitude,the average value of stress-drop in the Jinggu sequence is higher than that of the Ludian sequence at the same magnitude range. This may be related to the stress state in different regions. In terms of the changes of time and space of stress-drop,before M_S5. 8 strong aftershock,the stress-drop is "slowing down-turning up-keeping a high value"after the mainshock,meanwhile,almost all of the abnormally high stress drop value is distributed around the M_S5. 8 strong aftershock, showing that the stress environment in the region was increasing after the mainshock. And after the M_S5. 9 strong aftershock,stress-drop rapidly declines to a relatively stable state,meanwhile,the high value of stress-drop is distributed around the strong aftershock,showing that the regional tectonic stress gets more fully release,its stress environment begins to rapidly decrease.For the Ludian sequence without a strong aftershock occurring,the average value of stress drop is lower than that of the Jinggu earthquake sequence at the same magnitude range,while at the same time,the stress-drop of the aftershock sequence almost hasn't changed much. In the time after the mainshock,combined with the release characteristics of the main energy,the stress in the region is excessively released,the subsequent stress in the region gradually returns to normal. This may be the reason why the activity of Ludianaftershocks significantly was weaker and subsequently there were no strong aftershocks occurred.