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作者 杜利 王闻雅 《中国医药导刊》 2024年第1期60-65,共6页
网络基因组医学(network genomic medicine,NGM)是利用基于二代测序的多重分子诊断来寻找有潜在治疗意义的基因组畸变。德国NGM肺癌项目致力于在常规临床实践中有效地实施个体化的肺癌治疗。该项目不断发展,目前已包括德国约300家转诊机... 网络基因组医学(network genomic medicine,NGM)是利用基于二代测序的多重分子诊断来寻找有潜在治疗意义的基因组畸变。德国NGM肺癌项目致力于在常规临床实践中有效地实施个体化的肺癌治疗。该项目不断发展,目前已包括德国约300家转诊机构,并已将多重分子检测纳入了德国主要医疗保险公司的常规报销范围。目前德国每年有超过5000例肺癌患者(约占德国肺癌患者的10%)接受基因分型。NGM的高通量分子诊断方法可对许多患者进行常规检测,使该项目能够有竞争力地参与改变全球临床实践的试验,而且还可以启动多中心临床试验。德国NGM肺癌项目建立了个体化的早期概念验证临床试验平台,包括针对所有可靶向突变的临床试验。德国的国家网络基因组医学(nNGM)肺癌项目于2018年启动。nNGM的理念是将NGM模式扩展到德国全国,从而为晚期肺癌患者提供高度创新的分子诊断和治疗。基于二代测序的分子诊断技术目前已经覆盖了65%的德国晚期肺癌患者。nNGM是目前在复杂和多样化的医疗系统中快速实现创新肿瘤基因组医学的最佳实践范例。本研究介绍了德国NGM肺癌项目的概况,以及nNGM肺癌项目的成功经验,旨在为我国将个性化癌症治疗纳入临床常规提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 肺癌 精准医疗 网络基因组医学 集中检测-分散治疗 基于二代测序的多重分子诊断
肺癌中医证型研究概况 被引量:23
作者 朱盼 李泽庚 董昌武 《实用中医内科杂志》 2017年第3期91-93,共3页
肺癌证型脏腑辨证发病率依次为肺阴虚、肺气虚、脾气虚、肾阴虚、肾气虚、瘀阻肺络等;也有报告为气阴两虚、阴虚内热、脾虚痰湿、气滞血瘀、气虚、痰湿蕴肺。舌苔脱落细胞MI、MV改变、肿瘤标志物表达与中医证型有关,可作为证型判断、微... 肺癌证型脏腑辨证发病率依次为肺阴虚、肺气虚、脾气虚、肾阴虚、肾气虚、瘀阻肺络等;也有报告为气阴两虚、阴虚内热、脾虚痰湿、气滞血瘀、气虚、痰湿蕴肺。舌苔脱落细胞MI、MV改变、肿瘤标志物表达与中医证型有关,可作为证型判断、微观辨证重要指标。肺癌多层螺旋CT表现与中医证型存在一定关系,可作为临床辨证分型客观依据。病理分型与中医证型互参,鳞癌多表现为气血瘀滞,大细胞肺癌多表现为阴虚痰热,未分化癌多表现为痰湿蕴肺,腺癌多表现为阴虚为本,兼有气虚或痰热。气虚、痰凝、血瘀是非小细胞肺癌最常见中医证候;TNM分期Ⅰ、Ⅱ期以实证居多,Ⅲ、Ⅳ期以虚实夹杂、虚证为主,Ⅳ期(M1b)期脾虚痰湿、气滞血瘀、痰热阻肺证肺癌较易出现耐药现象。血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)气血瘀滞高于气虚痰湿、阴虚热毒、气阴两虚;气虚痰湿免疫功能最好CD4+T细胞最高。化疗后1周内气虚痰湿出现最多,化疗后14~30d内气阴两虚最多。痰湿证候要素占多数,是肺癌发生发展证候基础,热毒要素出现在疾病晚期,有一定预后评价作用;对症治疗可提高患者生活质量,对预后有一定影响。目前证型评判没有统一规范标准,缺乏大样本和多中心研究,出现结果多样性和偏差性,结论不能相互得到认可。建立肺癌中医证型标准是当务之急,把舌象和脉象动态变化纳入研究范围,同时还可引入更多现代分子生物及免疫学等相关学科的微观指标和研究方法,期望能够促进肺癌微观辨证的发展。 展开更多
关键词 肺癌 恶性肿瘤 证型 脏腑辨证 舌苔脱落细胞 肿瘤标志物 多层螺旋CT 病理 TNM分期 血管内皮生长因子(VEGF) 分子生物学 免疫学 综述
作者 孙恒文 胡义德 《中华肿瘤防治杂志》 CAS 2006年第17期1281-1284,共4页
目的:分析七种常用肺癌细胞系线粒体DNA(mitochondrialDNA,mtDNA)非编码D-环区序列的微卫星不稳(mitochon-drialmicrosatelliteinstability,mtMSI)现象并探讨其意义。方法:培养七种常用肺癌细胞系,人肺腺癌A549、SPC-A-1、Calu-3和LTEP-... 目的:分析七种常用肺癌细胞系线粒体DNA(mitochondrialDNA,mtDNA)非编码D-环区序列的微卫星不稳(mitochon-drialmicrosatelliteinstability,mtMSI)现象并探讨其意义。方法:培养七种常用肺癌细胞系,人肺腺癌A549、SPC-A-1、Calu-3和LTEP-a-2,人肺扁平上皮癌QG-56,人高转移肺癌95-D,人小细胞肺癌NCI-H446。应用改良一步法提取七种肺癌细胞系mtDNA,设计引物扩增非编码区,PCR产物直接测序,以剑桥序列为标准,对比分析D-环区序列mtMSI情况。结果:七种常用肺癌细胞系mtDNAD-环区中,全部出现了mtMSI。在2个不同位点上共发现10个mtMSI。结论:肺癌细胞系mtMSI发生率高,D环区碱基序列的mtMSI可能与肿瘤的发生发展有关。 展开更多
关键词 肺肿瘤 DNA 线粒体 DNA引物 碱基序列 突变 序列分析 微卫星重复
作者 耿娜娜 吴明松 +2 位作者 郑翔 刘兴宇 李学英 《现代医药卫生》 2014年第16期2404-2406,2409,共4页
目的构建hERGIC3基因的原核表达载体,并对其进行生物信息学分析,以期全面地了解hERGIC3蛋白的生物学功能。方法采用实时半定量聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)方法获取人类hERGIC3基因的开放阅读框(ORF)框DNA序列插入pGEM-T Easy载体;选择多... 目的构建hERGIC3基因的原核表达载体,并对其进行生物信息学分析,以期全面地了解hERGIC3蛋白的生物学功能。方法采用实时半定量聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)方法获取人类hERGIC3基因的开放阅读框(ORF)框DNA序列插入pGEM-T Easy载体;选择多个软件对hERGIC3蛋白进行生物信息学分析。结果酶切结果显示,插入序列为目标序列,成功克隆了hERGIC3基因;生物信息学分析结果显示:hERGIC3蛋白由383个氨基酸残基组成,相对分子质量为43.2×10^3,理论等电点为5.68,蛋白比较稳定;hERGIC3为跨膜蛋白,跨膜区为20~42和345~367,膜外区域为1~19和368~383,膜内区域为43~344;二级结构含有110个α螺旋、94条延伸链、184个随机卷曲、15个潜在的磷酸化位点,hERGIC3可能参与了氨基酸、辅酶的生物合成以及脂肪、能量代谢和蛋白质翻译、转运等功能;hERGIC3含有ERGIC_N和COPⅡcoated_ERV 2个蛋白保守结构域,hERGIC3可能与PPKCSH、ERGIC1、ERGIC2、COPA、PSMD11等蛋白有相互作用。结论成功克隆了hERGIC3基因;深入地分析了hERGIC3的结构与功能,为下一步研究hERGIC3基因在肺癌中的病理生理功能奠定了理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 肺肿瘤 基因 克隆 分子 计算生物学
作者 孟予城 《癌症进展》 2005年第2期127-133,101,共8页
利用痰标本通过对相关基因点突变的检测 ,是肺癌早期筛查的有效方法。随着基因芯片、PCR、DNA序列分析等多种分子生物学新技术的广泛应用 ,肺癌高危人群的筛查有了新的更多的选择。本文对此进行简要综述。
关键词 肺癌 点突变 分子生物学 基因芯片 PCR DNA序列分析
小细胞肺癌诊疗新进展 被引量:28
作者 崔晓霞 宋鹏 张力 《中国肺癌杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期355-362,共8页
小细胞肺癌(small cell lung cancer, SCLC)是一种恶性程度高、病情进展快、预后差、易复发的难治性癌症。在过去的30余年中,SCLC以化疗和放疗为主的传统治疗策略并未出现明显变化,临床需求的有效治疗方式迫在眉睫。精准医学的快速发展... 小细胞肺癌(small cell lung cancer, SCLC)是一种恶性程度高、病情进展快、预后差、易复发的难治性癌症。在过去的30余年中,SCLC以化疗和放疗为主的传统治疗策略并未出现明显变化,临床需求的有效治疗方式迫在眉睫。精准医学的快速发展揭示了SCLC的分子生物学特征,故其诊疗进入一个新的时代指日可待。目前已有研究显示抗新生血管生成药物、免疫治疗等一定程度上提高了SCLC治疗的疗效,并且有涌现出更多的关于SCLC诊疗方式的研究,从而开辟了SCLC治疗的新领域,给患者带来更多生存获益。针对SCLC分子病理的靶向治疗、抗新生血管生成药物、免疫治疗方面新的研究崭露头角,本文对SCLC新的诊疗方式进行综述,以示读者,为其临床治疗提供新的指导。 展开更多
关键词 肺肿瘤 分子生物学 抗新生血管生成药物 分子靶向治疗 免疫检查点抑制剂
细胞学在原发性肺癌诊断中的研究进展 被引量:1
作者 谢黎黎 李俊 《安徽医药》 CAS 2010年第8期966-968,共3页
目前,肺癌的发病率及病死率已跃居全球恶性肿瘤的首位,且早期诊断早期治疗已成为延长患者生存率的关键。细胞学检查在肺癌的诊断中占有极其重要的地位,而新兴的细胞学诊断技术及分子生物学的联合检测方法,可提高传统细胞学检查的敏感率... 目前,肺癌的发病率及病死率已跃居全球恶性肿瘤的首位,且早期诊断早期治疗已成为延长患者生存率的关键。细胞学检查在肺癌的诊断中占有极其重要的地位,而新兴的细胞学诊断技术及分子生物学的联合检测方法,可提高传统细胞学检查的敏感率,也为肺癌早期诊断的难题提供了可靠的解决途径。 展开更多
关键词 原发性肺癌 液基细胞学 分子生物学
Expression and identification of recombinant soluble single-chain variable fragment of monoclonal antibody MC3 被引量:13
作者 Feng-Tian He Rong-Fen Li Yun-Sheng Kang Yan Zhang,Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology,Third Military Medical University,Chongqing 400038,China Yong-Zhan Nie Bao-Jun Chen Tai-Dong Qiao Dai-Ming Fan,Institute of Digestive Disease,Xijing Hospital,Fourth Military Medical University,Xi’an 710032,Shaanxi Province,China 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第2期258-262,共5页
AIM: To generate soluble single chain variable fragments (ScFv) of monoclonal antibody MC3 recognizing colorectal and gastric carcinomas. METHODS: mRNA was isolated from the hybridoma cell line producing MC3 and the D... AIM: To generate soluble single chain variable fragments (ScFv) of monoclonal antibody MC3 recognizing colorectal and gastric carcinomas. METHODS: mRNA was isolated from the hybridoma cell line producing MC3 and the DNAs encoding variable domains of heavy and light chains (VH and VL) of the antibody were amplified separately by RT-PCR and assembled into ScFv DNA with a linker DNA. The ScFv DNA was ligated into the phagemid vector pCANTAB5E and the ligated sample was transformed into E.coli TG1.The transformed cells were infected with M13KO7 helper phage to yield recombinant phages. After two rounds of panning with gastric carcinoma cell line AGS highly expressing MC3-binding antigen, the phage clones displaying ScFv fragments of the antibody were selected by ELISA. 4 phage clones showing strong signal in ELISA were used to infect E.coli HB2151 to express soluble ScFvs. The soluble ScFvs were identified by Dot blot and Western blot, and their antigen-binding activity was assayed by ELISA. The VH and VL DNAs of the ScFv DNA derived from phage clone 19 were sequenced. RESULTS: The VH,VL and ScFv DNAs were about 340 bp, 320 bp and 750 bp respectively. After two rounds of panning to the recombinant phages, 18 antigen-positive phage clones were selected from 30 preselected phage clones by ELISA. All the soluble ScFvs derived from the 4 out of the 18 antigen-positive phage clones were about M(r)32000 and concentrated in periplasmatic space under the given culture condition. The soluble ScFvs could bind the antigen, and they shared the same binding site with MC3. The sequences of the VH and VL DNAs of the MC3 ScFv showed that the variable antibody genes belonged to the IgG1 subgroup,kappa-type. CONCLUSION: The soluble ScFv of MC3 is successfully produced, which not only provides a possible novel targeting vehicle for in vivo and in vitro study on associated cancers, but also offers the antibody a stable genetic source. 展开更多
关键词 Animals Antibodies Monoclonal base sequence Carcinoma Colorectal neoplasms Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Humans Immunoglobulin Fragments Immunoglobulin Variable Region Mice molecular sequence Data Recombinant Proteins Stomach neoplasms Tumor Cells Cultured
Applying a highly specific and reproducible cDNA RDA method to clone garlic up-regulated genes in human gastric cancer cells 被引量:24
作者 Yong Li You-Yong Lu,Beijing Institute for Cancer Research,Beijing Laboratory of Molecular Oncology,School of Oncology,Peking University,Beijing 100034,China 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第2期213-216,共4页
AIM: To develop and optimize cDNA representational difference analysis (cDNA RDA) method and to identify and clone garlic up-regulated genes in human gastric cancer (HGC) cells. METHODS: We performed cDNA RDA method b... AIM: To develop and optimize cDNA representational difference analysis (cDNA RDA) method and to identify and clone garlic up-regulated genes in human gastric cancer (HGC) cells. METHODS: We performed cDNA RDA method by using abundant double-stranded cDNA messages provided by two self-constructed cDNA libraries (Allitridi-treated and paternal HGC cell line BGC823 cells cDNA libraries respectively). Bam H I and Xho I restriction sites harbored in the library vector were used to select representations. Northern and Slot blots analyses were employed to identify the obtained difference products. RESULTS: Fragments released from the cDNA library vector after restriction endonuclease digestion acted as good marker indicating the appropriate digestion degree for library DNA. Two novel expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and a recombinant gene were obtained. Slot blots result showed a 8-fold increase of glia-derived nexin/protease nexin 1 (GDN/PN1) gene expression level and 4-fold increase of hepatitis B virus x-interacting protein (XIP) mRNA level in BGC823 cells after Allitridi treatment for 72h. CONCLUSION: Elevated levels of GDN/PN1 and XIP mRNAs induced by Allitridi provide valuable molecular evidence for elucidating the garlic's efficacies against neurodegenerative and inflammatory diseases. Isolation of a recombinant gene and two novel ESTs further show cDNA RDA based on cDNA libraries to be a powerful method with high specificity and reproducibility in cloning differentially expressed genes. 展开更多
关键词 Gene Expression Regulation Neoplastic sequence Analysis DNA Allyl Compounds Amyloid beta-Protein Precursor base sequence Carrier Proteins Cloning molecular Expressed sequence Tags GARLIC Gene Library Humans molecular sequence Data Plasminogen Inactivators Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors Receptors Cell Surface Research Support Non-U.S. Gov't Stomach neoplasms Sulfides Tumor Cells Cultured Viral Nonstructural Proteins
Expression of liver cancer associated gene HCCA3 被引量:9
作者 Zheng-Xu Wang~1 Gui-Fang Hu~1 Hong-Yang Wang~2 Meng-Chao Wu~2 1 Department of General Surgery,Chinese PEA General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Command,Lanzhou 730050,Gansu Province,China2 Eastern Hepatobilliary Surgical Hospital,Second Military Medical University,Shanghai 200438,China 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第6期821-825,共5页
AIM: To study and clone a novel liver cancer related gene, and to explore the molecular basis of liver cancer genesis. METHODS: Using mRNA differential display polymerase chain reaction (DDPCR), we investigated the di... AIM: To study and clone a novel liver cancer related gene, and to explore the molecular basis of liver cancer genesis. METHODS: Using mRNA differential display polymerase chain reaction (DDPCR), we investigated the difference of mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and paired surrounding liver tissues, and got a gene probe. By screening a human placenta cDNA library and genomic homologous extend, we obtained a full-length cDNA named HCCA3. We analyzed the expression of this novel gene in 42 pairs of HCC and the surrounding liver tissues, and distribution in human normal tissues by means of Northern blot assay. RESULTS: A full-length cDNA of liver cancer associated gene HCCA3 has been submitted to the GeneBank nucleotide sequence databases (Accession No. AF276707). The positive expression rate of this gene was 78.6% (33/42) in HCC tissues, and the clinical pathological data showed that the HCCA3 was closely associated with the invasion of tumor capsule (P=0.023) and adjacant small metastasis satellite nodules lesions (P=0.041). The HCCA3 was widely distributed in the human normal tissues, which was intensively expressed in lungs, brain and colon tissues, while lowly expressed in the liver tissues. CONCLUSION: A novel full-length cDNA was cloned and differentiated, which was highly expressed in liver cancer tissues. The high expression was closely related to the tumor invasiveness and metastasis,that may be the late heredited change in HCC genesis. 展开更多
关键词 Gene Expression ADULT Aged Amino Acid sequence base sequence FEMALE Humans Liver neoplasms Male Middle Aged molecular sequence Data PROTEINS Research Support Non-U.S. Gov't
The point mutation of p53 gene exon7 in hepatocellular carcinoma from Anhui Province,a non HCC prevalent area in China 被引量:13
作者 LiuH WangY 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第3期480-482,共3页
AIM: In hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) prevalent areas of China, the point mutation of p53 exon7 is highly correlated with Hepatitis B virus(HBV) infection and aflatoxin B intake. While in non-HCC-prevalent areas of C... AIM: In hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) prevalent areas of China, the point mutation of p53 exon7 is highly correlated with Hepatitis B virus(HBV) infection and aflatoxin B intake. While in non-HCC-prevalent areas of China, these factors are not so important in the etiology of HCC. Therefore, the point mutation of p53 exon7 may also be different than that in HCC-prevalent areas of China. The aim of this study is to investigate the status and carcinogenic role of the point mutation of p53 gene exon7 in hepatocellular carcinoma from Anhui Province, a non-HCC-prevalent area in China. METHODS: PCR PCR-SSCP and PCR-RFLP were applied to analyze the homozygous deletion and point mutation of p53 exon7 in HCC samples from Anhui, which were confirmed by DNA sequencing and Genbank comparison. RESULTS: In the 38 samples of hepatocellular carcinoma, no homozygous deletion of p53 exon7 was detected and point mutations of p53 exon7 were found in 4 cases, which were found to be heterozygous mutation of codon 249 with a mutation rate of 10.53%(4/38). The third base mutation(G-T) of p53 codon 249 was found by DNA sequencing and Genbank comparison. CONCLUSION: The incidence of point mutation of p53 codon 249 is lower in hepatocellular carcinoma and the heterozygous mutation of p53 exon7 found in these patients only indicate that they have genetic susceptibility to HCC. p53 codon 249 is a hotspot of p53 exon7 point mutation, suggesting that the point mutation of p53 exon 7 may not play a major role in the carcinogenesis of HCC in Anhui Province, a non-HCC-prevalent area in China. 展开更多
关键词 Genes p53 base sequence Carcinoma Hepatocellular China DNA Neoplasm EXONS Humans Liver neoplasms molecular sequence Data Point Mutation Polymerase Chain Reaction Polymorphism Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Single-Stranded Conformational Research Support Non-U.S. Gov't sequence Homology Nucleic Acid
Three new alternative splicing variants of human cytochrome P450 2D6 mRNA in human extratumoral liver tissue 被引量:2
作者 JianZhuge Ying-NianYu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第22期3356-3360,共5页
AIM: To identify the new alternative splicing variants of human CYP2D6 in human extratumoral liver tissue with RT-PCR and sequencing. METHODS: Full length of human CYP2D6 cDNAs was amplificated by reverse transcriptio... AIM: To identify the new alternative splicing variants of human CYP2D6 in human extratumoral liver tissue with RT-PCR and sequencing. METHODS: Full length of human CYP2D6 cDNAs was amplificated by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) from a human extratumoral liver tissue and cloned into pGEM-T vector. The cDNA was sequenced. Exons from 1 to 4 of human CYP2D6 cDNAs were also amplificated by RT-PCR from extratumoral liver tissues of 17 human hepatocellular carcinomas. Some RT-PCR products were sequenced. Exons 1 to 4 of CYP2D6 gene were amplified by PCR from extratumoral liver tissue DNA. Two PCR products from extratumoral liver tissues expressing skipped mRNA were partially sequenced. RESULTS: One of the CYP2D6 cDNAs had 470 nucleotides from 79 to 548 (3' portion of exons 1 to 5' portion of exon 4), and was skipped. Exons 1 to 4 of CYP2D6 cDNA were assayed with RT-PCR in 17 extratumoral liver tissues. Both wild type and skipped mRNAs were expressed in 4 samples, only wild type mRNA was expressed in 5 samples, and only skipped mRNA was expressed in 8 samples. Two more variants were identified by sequencing the RT-PCR products of exons 1 to 4 of CYP2D6 cDNA. The second variant skipped 411 nucleotides from 175 to 585. This variant was identified in 4 different liver tissues by sequencing the RT-PCR products. We sequenced partially 2 of the PCR products amplified of CYP2D6 exon 1 to exon 4 from extratumoral liver tissue genomic DNA that only expressed skipped mRNA by RT-PCR. No point mutations around exon 1, intron 1, and exon 4, and no deletion in CYP2D6 gene were detected. The third variant was the skipped exon 3, and 153 bp was lost. CONCLUSION: Three new alternative splicing variants of CYP2D6 mRNA have been identified. They may not be caused by gene mutation and may lose CYP2D6 activity and act as a down-regulator of CYP2D6. 展开更多
关键词 Alternative Splicing base sequence Carcinoma Hepatocellular Cytochrome P-450 CYP2D6 DNA Complementary EXONS Humans Liver Liver neoplasms molecular sequence Data Mutation RNA Messenger Research Support Non-U.S. Gov't Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction
肿瘤基因测序技术在非小细胞肺癌临床分子诊断中的应用 被引量:1
作者 朱鲲博 袁梦馨 +4 位作者 王京伟 顾剑 吴茜 徐万洲 童永清 《中华检验医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第11期1242-1247,共6页
非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)居我国乃至全球恶性肿瘤首位,近年来基因检测技术,尤其是肿瘤基因测序技术的发展,为NSCLC的临床分子诊断提供了坚实的依据,极大地提高了患者从靶向治疗或免疫治疗中获益的可能性,显著延长了患者的生存期。如何规范... 非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)居我国乃至全球恶性肿瘤首位,近年来基因检测技术,尤其是肿瘤基因测序技术的发展,为NSCLC的临床分子诊断提供了坚实的依据,极大地提高了患者从靶向治疗或免疫治疗中获益的可能性,显著延长了患者的生存期。如何规范化利用肿瘤基因测序技术为NSCLC精准医疗提供依据尤为重要。本文就肿瘤基因测序技术在NSCLC临床分子诊断路径中应用的规范化进行了探讨,有利于推动肿瘤基因测序技术在NSCLC患者靶向治疗或免疫治疗药物的选择、毒副作用预测、疗效监测、复发及预后评价等中的规范化应用,也为肿瘤基因测序技术在其他实体瘤中的规范化应用提供了依据。 展开更多
关键词 肿瘤 测序 非小细胞肺 分子靶向治疗
肺癌分子生物学特性与转移和预后的关系 被引量:60
作者 毛友生 高燕宁 +2 位作者 赫捷 张德超 程书钧 《中华肿瘤杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第8期632-634,共3页
目前,我国肺癌的发病率正迅速增高,已经跃居城市人口恶性肿瘤死亡原因的第一位。虽然早期(pIa~pIb)肺癌手术治疗后患者的5年生存率可达60%~70%,但大部分患者(约75%)就诊时已经处于中晚期,失去了手术治疗的机会,Ⅰ~Ⅳ期患... 目前,我国肺癌的发病率正迅速增高,已经跃居城市人口恶性肿瘤死亡原因的第一位。虽然早期(pIa~pIb)肺癌手术治疗后患者的5年生存率可达60%~70%,但大部分患者(约75%)就诊时已经处于中晚期,失去了手术治疗的机会,Ⅰ~Ⅳ期患者总体5年生存率仅为10%左右。造成这种状况的原因是肺癌在诊断和治疗方面均存在一些亟待解决的难题。 展开更多
关键词 肺肿瘤 分子生物学 肿瘤转移 预后
肺癌分子分期的循证医学研究 被引量:1
作者 李成继 李敬龙 姚达 《中华临床医师杂志(电子版)》 CAS 2012年第4期I0018-I0023,共6页
目的评估常见的非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)基因标记物与NSCLC预后的关系,在TNM分期的基础上,进行分子分期,提供有预见性、针对性的个性化量体裁衣式的治疗方案。方法计算机检索PubMed、Ovid、Cochrane library online,查找与NSCLC预后有关的... 目的评估常见的非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)基因标记物与NSCLC预后的关系,在TNM分期的基础上,进行分子分期,提供有预见性、针对性的个性化量体裁衣式的治疗方案。方法计算机检索PubMed、Ovid、Cochrane library online,查找与NSCLC预后有关的基因标记物的临床随机对照试验、系统评价、Meta分析等,循证评价检索得到的相关文献。结果检索到原始文献83篇,相关参考文献266篇。在NSCLC中检测p53突变率为45%~75%。p53基因突变在Ⅰ~Ⅳ期NSCLC中出现提示预后不良,尤其对Ⅰ期腺癌患者预后意义更强;K-ras在NSCLC中突变率为15%~50%。对于各期NSCLC中的腺癌,应用PCR方法检测到K-ras突变,提示预后不良;血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)在NSCLC中表达率为66%~72%。VEGF是NSCLC的不良预后因素;Cyclin E在NSCLC中表达率为41%~53%。Cyclin E高表达与NSCLC预后不良相关,尤其是Ⅰ~Ⅱ期肺腺癌更有意义;Survivin在NSCLC中表达率为40%~85%。Survivin在Ⅰ~ⅢA期NSCLC高表达提示患者预后不良,且对鳞癌的预后意义更大。结论将p53、K-ras、VEGF、Survivin、Cyclin E组成一个分子分期模型系统进行分子分期是切实可行的。 展开更多
关键词 肺肿瘤 循证医学 分子分期
Genetic instability in cancer tissues analyzed by random amplified polymorphic DNA PCR
作者 王建勋 叶锋 王倩文 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第3期430-432,共3页
OBJECTIVE: To detect DNA and chromosomes instabilities during the progression of tumors and screen new molecular markers coupled to putative or unknown oncogenes and/or tumor suppressor genes. METHODS: Five kinds of t... OBJECTIVE: To detect DNA and chromosomes instabilities during the progression of tumors and screen new molecular markers coupled to putative or unknown oncogenes and/or tumor suppressor genes. METHODS: Five kinds of tumors, in a total of 128 specimens, were analyzed by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) PCR. Bands representing instabilities were recovered, purified, and cloned, labeled as probes for Southern and Northern blot analysis and DNA sequencing. RESULTS: Sample 5 and 3 of the gastric cancer tissues showed the highest genomic changes and the average detectability in five cancers was up to at least 40% (42.2% - 49.4%). There were significant differences in the ability of each primer to detect genomic instability, which ranged from 27% (primer 8) to 68% (primer 2). Band B is a single copy fragment, and was found to be an allelic loss in gastric and colon cancers. It is a novel sequence and was registered in GenBank with Accession Number AF151005. Further analysis revealed that it might be part of a cis-regulatory element of a new tumor suppressor gene, containing a promoter of cis-action 'CACA' box, an enhancer of 'GATA' family and a start codon. CONCLUSIONS: It was impossible or difficult to get great achievements for cancer treatments with the procedure of gene therapy only to one oncogene or one tumor suppressor gene because the extensive DNA variations occurred during the progression of tumor. RAPD assay connected with other techniques was a good tool for the detection of genomic instabilities and direct screening of some new molecular markers related to tumor suppressor genes or oncogenes. 展开更多
关键词 Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Technique sequence Analysis DNA base sequence Blotting Southern Colonic neoplasms Humans Liver neoplasms lung neoplasms molecular sequence Data neoplasms Polymorphism Restriction Fragment Length Stomach neoplasms
肺癌中p53基因突变分析及人乳头瘤病毒检测 被引量:7
作者 朱元珏 +3 位作者 李龙芸 赵蔚明 司静懿 李昆 《中华内科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第10期673-675,共3页
拟从分子生物学水平探讨肺癌的早期诊断问题。实验采用p53基因中第6,7,8外显子各设计一对引物,对34例肺癌手术标本进行聚合酶链反应扩增(PCR),产物经聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳进行单链构象多态性分析(single-str... 拟从分子生物学水平探讨肺癌的早期诊断问题。实验采用p53基因中第6,7,8外显子各设计一对引物,对34例肺癌手术标本进行聚合酶链反应扩增(PCR),产物经聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳进行单链构象多态性分析(single-strand-conformation-polymor-phism,SSCP),发现30例发生突变,突变率为88.2%,其中鳞癌10/12例,腺癌8/10例,小细胞癌3/3例,大细胞癌1/1例,肺泡细胞癌5/5例,腺鳞癌3/3例。在突变的1例鳞癌中同时伴有杂合性缺失。统计学分析表明,p53突变与组织分型、分化程度、临床分期及吸烟史无密切相关。提示p53突变在肺癌发生过程中起某种作用,可能主要影响肺癌发生的早期。本实验还运用多重引物PCR方法对34例肺癌标本进行人乳头瘤病毒(HPVDNA)检测,发现4例阳性,且皆为鳞癌;而其中3例检测出p53突变。 展开更多
关键词 肺肿瘤 乳头状瘤病毒 P53基因 基因突变
海南岛两株甲病毒基因组3′末端核苷酸序列的克隆与分析 被引量:28
作者 赵文忠 周国林 +8 位作者 何海怀 付士红 金奇 赵春生 方美玉 蒋廉华 林立辉 梁国栋 侯云德 《中华实验和临床病毒学杂志》 CSCD 2000年第3期213-217,共5页
目的 从分子水平鉴定海南省分离的两株甲病毒 (HBb17和M1病毒 )。方法 采用RT-PCR方法 ,分别扩增两株病毒基因组的 3′末端核苷酸序列 ,扩增产物经亚克隆 ,筛选重组子并测定核苷酸序列对序列进行分析。结果 HBb17和M1病毒分别扩增出... 目的 从分子水平鉴定海南省分离的两株甲病毒 (HBb17和M1病毒 )。方法 采用RT-PCR方法 ,分别扩增两株病毒基因组的 3′末端核苷酸序列 ,扩增产物经亚克隆 ,筛选重组子并测定核苷酸序列对序列进行分析。结果 HBb17和M1病毒分别扩增出约 1 6kb和 1 3kb的特异片段。序列分析表明 ,在 3′末端非翻译区HBb17病毒与罗斯河病毒 (国际标准株T48病毒 )核苷酸同源性为99 % ,M1病毒与鹭山病毒 (SAG)同源性为 98% ;两病毒结构基因的E1区序列 ,HBb17病毒与罗斯河病毒核苷酸 (氨基酸 )同源性为 99% (99% ) ,M1病毒与鹭山病毒核苷酸 (氨基酸 )同源性为 97% (99% ) ,M1病毒与盖塔病毒同源性为 94% (98% )。结论 序列分析表明 ,海南岛分离的HBb17病毒属于罗斯河病毒 。 展开更多
关键词 甲病毒属 罗斯河病毒 鹭山病毒 克隆 分子生物学
基于二代测序技术的循环肿瘤DNA检测在表皮生长因子受体酪氨酸激酶抑制剂耐药肺癌患者耐药基因检测中的应用 被引量:11
作者 李研 张繁霜 +1 位作者 郭蕾 应建明 《中华病理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第12期904-909,共6页
目的通过对晚期肺癌初治及耐药患者的血浆循环肿瘤DNA(ctDNA)标本应用高通量二代测序(NGS)技术进行基因检测分析来评估基于ctDNA的NGS技术的临床应用价值。方法共纳入381例2017年3月至2018年5月期间在中国医学科学院肿瘤医院就诊的肺部... 目的通过对晚期肺癌初治及耐药患者的血浆循环肿瘤DNA(ctDNA)标本应用高通量二代测序(NGS)技术进行基因检测分析来评估基于ctDNA的NGS技术的临床应用价值。方法共纳入381例2017年3月至2018年5月期间在中国医学科学院肿瘤医院就诊的肺部恶性肿瘤患者的血液标本,采用基于杂交捕获法的NGS技术,检测患者血浆ctDNA中与肺癌相关的10个驱动基因的变异状态。通过对比分析39例血浆-组织/细胞学配对标本,分析基于NGS方法检测ctDNA中驱动基因变异的灵敏度及特异度。另外分析了一代及三代表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(TKI)靶向耐药患者的ctDNA检测基因变异的耐药机制。结果该研究中39例血液标本有抽血2周内的组织/细胞学配对标本,均来自非小细胞肺癌患者,其中21例为女性,18例男性;年龄最小者29岁,最大者82岁,平均年龄59岁。血浆与组织NGS检测一致率为84.62%(33/39);39例配对标本中有34例为Ⅲ~Ⅳ期的晚期肺癌患者,晚期病例血浆与组织NGS检测一致率为88.24%(30/34)。未接受过靶向治疗的基线检测患者231例,其中10例为肺鳞癌,未检出驱动基因突变;221例肺腺癌中EGFR基因突变最为常见(32.58%,72/221),其次为ALK基因变异(7.69%,17/221)及KRAS基因突变(5.81%,13/221)。接受过一代TKI治疗并已耐药的病例133例,其中39.10%(52/133)的患者检出T790M突变;另外有3.01%(4/133)的患者检出耐药原因为旁路激活。在能够检测出原敏感突变的耐药患者中,约53.06%(52/98)的患者能检测出T790M突变。接受过三代TKI治疗并已耐药的病例17例,其中4例患者检出耐药原因为出现与原T790M突变位点顺式的C797S错义突变。结论虽然基于血浆ctDNA的二代测序检测存在一定的假阴性率,但其与组织基因突变检测的一致性较高。EGFR-TKI耐药肺癌患者中约有近一半可通过血浆ctDNA二代测序检测找到耐药原因,为基于二代测序的液体活检技术在临床的应用提供了直接证据。 展开更多
关键词 非小细胞肺 分子靶向治疗 抗药性 肿瘤 序列分析 DNA DNA 肿瘤:液体活检
中国单中心肺腺癌患者基因突变特征及与欧美肺腺癌人群比较分析 被引量:2
作者 张亚年 董文韬 肖雯 《肿瘤研究与临床》 CAS 2020年第1期36-41,共6页
目的 探讨肺腺癌的基因突变特征及其意义,为靶向用药提供依据。方法 利用高通量测序平台靶向捕获测序技术,检测昆山市第一人民医院2017年5月至2018年8月确诊的104例肺腺癌患者的56个癌相关基因突变情况。分析肺腺癌基因突变特征并与欧... 目的 探讨肺腺癌的基因突变特征及其意义,为靶向用药提供依据。方法 利用高通量测序平台靶向捕获测序技术,检测昆山市第一人民医院2017年5月至2018年8月确诊的104例肺腺癌患者的56个癌相关基因突变情况。分析肺腺癌基因突变特征并与欧美肺腺癌人群基因突变特征进行比较,分析基因突变与临床特征相关性并筛查靶向用药位点。结果 104例肺腺癌患者中,84例(81%)检测到34种基因突变,前4位高频突变基因包括表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)(49%,51/104)、TP53(21%,22/104)、KRAS(13%,14/104)、BRAF(6%,6/104)。检测到的187个突变中,76%(142个)为错义点突变,13%(24个)为小片段缺失,6%(12个)为拷贝数扩增,3%(5个)为小片段插入,2%(4个)为无义突变。104例肺腺癌患者中,68例(65%)检测到涉及13个基因的34种靶向用药相关基因的突变,其中19例(18%)检测到≥2种靶向用药相关基因突变。女性患者比男性患者更容易发生EGFR基因突变[62%(34/55)比35%(17/49),χ2=7.629,P=0.006],男性患者比女性患者更容易发生KRAS基因突变[22%(11/49)比5%(3/55),χ2=6.424,P=0.011]。EGFR、TP53、KRAS、CDKN2A基因在昆山市第一人民医院与欧美肺腺癌人群中的突变率差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论 肺腺癌的基因突变特征较为复杂,且在不同人群中的差异较大。基于高通量测序技术的多基因联合检测可相对全面地揭示患者肿瘤相关基因突变特征,对个体化的靶向用药指导、耐药监测及预后评估有一定的意义。 展开更多
关键词 肺肿瘤 腺癌 高通量核苷酸测序 突变 分子靶向治疗
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