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MIDAS/Building双塔大跨度连体建筑抗震设计 被引量:5
作者 杨子胜 李新明 杨毅辉 《中国测试》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第6期80-84,共5页
双塔大跨度连体建筑结构形式及受力较为复杂,其结构安全性设计特别是抗震设计尤为重要。以某双塔大跨度连体建筑为例,基于MIDAS/Building结构分析设计系统及SATWE对整体结构进行小震反应谱分析,考虑施工模拟及P-delta影响,计算其水平及... 双塔大跨度连体建筑结构形式及受力较为复杂,其结构安全性设计特别是抗震设计尤为重要。以某双塔大跨度连体建筑为例,基于MIDAS/Building结构分析设计系统及SATWE对整体结构进行小震反应谱分析,考虑施工模拟及P-delta影响,计算其水平及竖向地震作用,得到整体结构受力与位移参数,并进行设计验算。通过比较两种软件计算结果,可以看出该工程各项指标均符合规范要求,具有良好的抗震性能。基于计算结果,提出一些改进措施,为类似结构的计算与抗震性能分析提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 双塔 大跨度连体建筑 抗震设计 小震反应谱法
基于Midas GTS的某近海深基坑开挖三维有限元数值模拟分析
作者 张鹏 邓智平 +1 位作者 王磊 蔡亮亮 《甘肃科学学报》 2024年第1期125-129,共5页
为研究近海深基坑在桩锚支护体系下土体开挖变形规律,考虑水流渗透作用,运用Midas GTS对某深基坑开挖过程进行模拟,并结合已有资料进行分析。结果表明:该深基坑开挖后的第一步为最危险施工步,桩顶土体最大位移为13.97 mm,越往下开挖支... 为研究近海深基坑在桩锚支护体系下土体开挖变形规律,考虑水流渗透作用,运用Midas GTS对某深基坑开挖过程进行模拟,并结合已有资料进行分析。结果表明:该深基坑开挖后的第一步为最危险施工步,桩顶土体最大位移为13.97 mm,越往下开挖支护体系越完善,位移变化越小,实际监测最大位移值为15.36 mm;整个等效地连墙在钢腰梁与锚索位置处向基坑内部变形收缩程度最大,为6.6 mm,符合实际变形规律。Midas GTS能有针对性地指导现实施工阶段,可为基坑监测布置设置点提供参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 深基坑 三维有限元 midas GTS 基坑开挖
基于Midas GTS/NX的新疆沙漠输水明渠风积土岸坡稳定性分析
作者 朱佳宁 王建新 冯成明 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2024年第5期2036-2044,共9页
为了准确评估各类工况对新疆沙漠输水明渠风积土岸坡稳定性的影响。通过开展室内土工试验及对该渠道岸坡地质工况进行了调查,采取Midas GTS/NX软件中的强度折减法对输水明渠在未加固和加固两种工况下的竣工期、降雨期、输水期和水位骤降... 为了准确评估各类工况对新疆沙漠输水明渠风积土岸坡稳定性的影响。通过开展室内土工试验及对该渠道岸坡地质工况进行了调查,采取Midas GTS/NX软件中的强度折减法对输水明渠在未加固和加固两种工况下的竣工期、降雨期、输水期和水位骤降4个时期的二维岸坡进行稳定性计算,通过对比岸坡在未加固与加固两个工况下4个时期的整体位移量、等效塑性应变区和安全系数,对岸坡整体稳定及加固效果给出了分析及评价。结果表明:渠道未加固与加固两个工况下4个时期下风积土岸坡均处于稳定状态,安全系数均大于1.30;渠道位于输水期时,坡体前缘水压增加,有效提高渠道岸坡的安全系数,但水位骤降对风积土岸坡稳定性影响最大,降雨次之;未加固时,4个时期的岸坡等效塑性应变区呈圆弧状且已贯通;经加固后,岸坡等效塑性应变区大体沿衬砌呈直线分布,滑移带位移变形得到较好控制,极大程度降低了滑坡灾害发生的可能性。研究结果在一定程度上可以为新疆沙漠风积土输水渠道工程建设提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 midas GTS/NX 风积土 岸坡稳定性 位移 等效塑性应变
基于midas Gen的单层球形网壳结构分析及应用研究
作者 王亮 聂向东 +2 位作者 崔传峰 秦兴宽 梁思浩 《建筑技术》 2024年第5期583-587,共5页
基于midas Gen软件模型,在不同应力比下对实体工程金属网壳模型进行分析,获得了工程实体金属网壳模型静力荷载下铸钢铰支座反力、罕遇地震时铸钢铰支座反力、静力荷载销轴反力、罕遇地震销轴反力分布情况。将设计模型得到的实体工程金... 基于midas Gen软件模型,在不同应力比下对实体工程金属网壳模型进行分析,获得了工程实体金属网壳模型静力荷载下铸钢铰支座反力、罕遇地震时铸钢铰支座反力、静力荷载销轴反力、罕遇地震销轴反力分布情况。将设计模型得到的实体工程金属网壳荷载–位移曲线与有关设计模型网壳荷载–位移曲线进行对比,通过实体工程金属网壳模型设计实例,分析了不同应力下的杆件位移情况,从而证明了实体工程金属网壳模型设计的准确性及合理性。 展开更多
关键词 midas Gen 实体工程金属网壳 荷载–位移 设计实例 模型设计
作者 于磊 《科技创新与应用》 2024年第11期81-84,共4页
在桥梁工程中,临时具有减小顶推的标准跨径,从而减小梁顶推过程交替变化的正、负弯矩的作用。目前,在桥梁的顶推施工领域对临时的设计思路和计算方法的研究较少。该文根据某工程实例,基于有限元软件Midas对临时支架进行受力计算,并根据... 在桥梁工程中,临时具有减小顶推的标准跨径,从而减小梁顶推过程交替变化的正、负弯矩的作用。目前,在桥梁的顶推施工领域对临时的设计思路和计算方法的研究较少。该文根据某工程实例,基于有限元软件Midas对临时支架进行受力计算,并根据计算结果得出以下结论,该临时支架顶部最大位移为12.27 mm,△u/h=1/1222<1/550,支撑柱最大应力比为0.39,支撑短柱最大应力比为0.17,垫梁二最大应力比为0.33,垫梁三最大应力比为0.30;地基基础中最大的计算配筋率为0.0953%,各个方向均按构造配筋,各项计算指标均满足规范要求。 展开更多
关键词 顶推施工 临时支架 数值分析 工程实例 midas
作者 段新鸽 《建筑施工》 2024年第7期1125-1128,共4页
在公路桥梁工程中,盖梁往往具有不同的形式,并有多种支架方案。在使用Midas软件进行整体建模计算时,不同结构层关键连接点需要正确处理才能起到正确的指导作用。以浙江省丽石浦大桥主桥为项目背景,探讨了大直径独柱桥墩接倒梯形体盖梁... 在公路桥梁工程中,盖梁往往具有不同的形式,并有多种支架方案。在使用Midas软件进行整体建模计算时,不同结构层关键连接点需要正确处理才能起到正确的指导作用。以浙江省丽石浦大桥主桥为项目背景,探讨了大直径独柱桥墩接倒梯形体盖梁现浇支架设计问题,详细阐述了钢管桩立柱+贝雷梁+带隅角底模托架组合支架结构形式。采用Midas有限元软件对支架进行了整体建模分析,根据各构件应力状况,对支架杆件进行了优化调整,优化后的支架满足受力要求,经过施工实践检验安全可靠,可为类似结构设计提供参考实例和思路。 展开更多
关键词 大直径独柱盖梁 组合支架 优化设计 midas
基于Midas GTS分析的深基坑降水开挖变形特性研究
作者 温世聪 周汇智 《工程建设与设计》 2024年第6期16-19,共4页
基于Midas GTS软件对广州某深基坑开挖过程进行数值模拟,考虑渗流作用的影响,对比分析了两种情况下基坑开挖过程中周边地表沉降变形、围护结构水平位移的变化规律,并与现场地面沉降调查结果进行比较。结果表明,地下水渗流作用在基坑降... 基于Midas GTS软件对广州某深基坑开挖过程进行数值模拟,考虑渗流作用的影响,对比分析了两种情况下基坑开挖过程中周边地表沉降变形、围护结构水平位移的变化规律,并与现场地面沉降调查结果进行比较。结果表明,地下水渗流作用在基坑降水开挖过程中有显著影响。 展开更多
关键词 基坑降水 数值模拟 midas GTS 变形特性
基于MIDAS GTS的顶管下穿施工对高铁桥梁影响的数值分析
作者 陈祯 《城市道桥与防洪》 2024年第5期227-230,M0020,共5页
为研究新建天然气管道下穿施工对京津城际铁路杨村特大桥的影响,以高压天然气管道穿越京津城际铁路防护套管工程为背景,对下穿京津城际铁路杨村特大桥段顶管施工进行设计,通过运用MIDAS GTS有限元软件对顶管施工下穿高铁桥梁进行有限元... 为研究新建天然气管道下穿施工对京津城际铁路杨村特大桥的影响,以高压天然气管道穿越京津城际铁路防护套管工程为背景,对下穿京津城际铁路杨村特大桥段顶管施工进行设计,通过运用MIDAS GTS有限元软件对顶管施工下穿高铁桥梁进行有限元数值分析,得出了采取顶管下穿高铁桥梁施工,会引起铁路桥墩的扰动和变形,进而引起结构受力的变化。在揭示了施工过程前后地层应力分布变化规律后,提出相关改进建议。 展开更多
关键词 顶管 下穿施工 midas GTS 数值模拟 受力变形
Role of outdoor trees on pedestrian wind and thermal conditions around a pre-education building for sustainable energy management
作者 LI Xiao-jie TANG Hui-li 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期2039-2053,共15页
Finding sustainable energy resources is essential to face the increasing energy demand.Trees are an important part of ancient architecture but are becoming rare in urban areas.Trees can control and tune the pedestrian... Finding sustainable energy resources is essential to face the increasing energy demand.Trees are an important part of ancient architecture but are becoming rare in urban areas.Trees can control and tune the pedestrian-level wind velocity and thermal condition.In this study,a numerical investigation is employed to assess the role of trees planted in the windward direction of the building complex on the thermal and pedestrian wind velocity conditions around/inside a pre-education building located in the center of the complex.Compared to the previous studies(which considered only outside buildings),this work considers the effects of trees on microclimate change both inside/outside buildings.Effects of different parameters including the leaf area density and number of trees,number of rows,far-field velocity magnitude,and thermal condition around the main building are assessed.The results show that the flow velocity in the spacing between the first-row buildings is reduced by 30%-40% when the one-row trees with 2 m height are planted 15 m farther than the buildings.Furthermore,two rows of trees are more effective in higher velocities and reduce the maximum velocity by about 50%.The investigation shows that trees also could reduce the temperature by about 1℃around the building. 展开更多
关键词 sustainable management energy trees urban area thermal condition building
Debris flow runout behaviors considering the influences of densely populated buildings
作者 ZHANG Shuai FANG Zhe +4 位作者 DAI Cong WANG Shuairong PENG Jingyu ZHOU Yiling SHEN Ping 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第8期2696-2712,共17页
Debris flows pose serious risks to communities in mountainous areas,often resulting in large losses of human life and property.The impeding presence of urban buildings often affects the runout behavior and deposition ... Debris flows pose serious risks to communities in mountainous areas,often resulting in large losses of human life and property.The impeding presence of urban buildings often affects the runout behavior and deposition of debris flows.But the impact of different building densities and sizes on debris flow dynamics has yet to be quantified to guide urban planning in debris flow risk zones.This study focused on a debris flow that occurred in Zhouqu County,Gansu Province,China on August 7th,2010,which was catastrophic and destroyed many buildings.The FLO-2D software was used to simulate this debris flow in two scenarios,i.e.the presence and the absence of buildings,to obtain debris-flow intensity parameters.The developed model was then used to further analyze the influence of large buildings and narrow channels within the urban environment.The simulation results show that considering the presence of buildings in the simulation is essential for accurate assessment of debris flow intensity and deposition distribution.The layout of buildings in the upstream urban area,such as large buildings or parallel buildings which form narrow channels,can affect the flow velocity and depth of debris flow heading towards downstream buildings.To mitigate damage to downstream buildings,the relative spacing(d/a)between upstream and downstream buildings should not exceed a value of two and should ideally be even lower.These findings provide valuable insights for improving the resistance of mountainous cities to urban debris flows. 展开更多
关键词 Debris flow Risk building blockage effect Zhouqu Urban layout
Deterioration Reason and Improvement Measure of the Retarding Effect of Protein Retarder on Phosphorus Building Gypsum
作者 刘志刚 TANG Zezheng +3 位作者 杨立荣 WANG Chunmei XIE Yuantao LIU Yisen 《Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期962-967,共6页
The retarding effect of protein retarder on phosphorus building gypsum(PBG)and desulfurization building gypsum(DBG)was investigated,and the results show that protein retarder for DBG can effectively prolong the settin... The retarding effect of protein retarder on phosphorus building gypsum(PBG)and desulfurization building gypsum(DBG)was investigated,and the results show that protein retarder for DBG can effectively prolong the setting time and displays a better retarding effect,but for PBG shows a poor retarding effect.Furthermore,the deterioration reason of the retarding effect of protein retarder on PBG was investigated by measuring the pH value and the retarder concentration of the liquid phase from vacuum filtration of PBG slurry at different hydration time,and the measure to improve the retarding effect of protein retarding on PBG was suggested.The pH value of PBG slurry(<5.0)is lower than that of DBG slurry(7.8-8.5).After hydration for 5 min,the concentration of retarder in liquid phase of DBG slurry gradually decreases,but in liquid phase of PBG slurry continually increases,which results in the worse retarding effect of protein retarder on PBG.The liquid phase pH value of PBG slurry can be adjusted higher by sodium silicate,which is beneficial to improvement in the retarding effect of the retarder.By adding 1.0%of sodium silicate,the initial setting time of PBG was efficiently prolonged from 17 to 210 min,but little effect on the absolute dry flexural strength was observed. 展开更多
关键词 protein retarder phosphorus building gypsum deterioration reason improvement measure
Study on Evacuation Strategy of Commercial High-Rise Building under Fire Based on FDS and Pathfinder
作者 Zheng Yan Ying Wang +1 位作者 Longxiao Chao Jian Guo 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第2期1077-1102,共26页
With the development of economy and society and the growth of population,the high-rise and multi-function of commercial buildings have become an international trend.But it also poses huge fire hazards.Most of the exis... With the development of economy and society and the growth of population,the high-rise and multi-function of commercial buildings have become an international trend.But it also poses huge fire hazards.Most of the existing studies’research objects are predominantly high-rise residential buildings,without considering the impact of different functional zones(Standard floor,entertainment zone,office zone,equipment room and so on)and personnel distribution of commercial buildings evacuation.And the influence of using elevators to carry evacuees on the refuge floor on personnel evacuation is rarely studied.In this work,the fire scenario of the Yangtze River InternationalConferenceCenter,a high-rise commercial building,is simulated with the Pyrosim programto get the necessary parameters under various fire scenarios and to calculate the available evacuation time TASET.At the same time,according to the complex functional zone of the commercial high-rise building and the distribution of people in different time periods,a reasonable evacuation strategy is developed and simulated by Pathfinder software.The results indicate that unorganized evacuation will lead individuals to take the erroneous evacuation route,resulting in a vast region of congestion;comprehensive consideration of the time staggering and the reasonable distribution of evacuation routes can significantly improve evacuation efficiency,and the TRSET of night and working hours is 36.6%–55.3%and 49.9%–79.6%of unorganized evacuation,respectively.For the night fire,60%of the people use elevator-refuge floor to evacuate is the optimal strategy;for the fire during working hours,half of the people on standard floors use the elevator to evacuate and people on multifunctional floors evacuate in four batches is the best plan.The results of this study can provide viable solutions and a foundation for analyzing the fire evacuation and safety of big commercial high-rise buildings. 展开更多
关键词 High-rise building fire personnel evacuation refuge floor safety analysis
Farm buildings and agri-food transitions in Southern France:Mapping dynamics using a stakeholder-based diagnosis
作者 Orlane Rouquier Coline Perrin +1 位作者 Michaël Pouzenc Valérie Olivier-Salvagnac 《Geography and Sustainability》 CSCD 2024年第1期108-120,共13页
This study's goal is to present a dynamic portrait of the farm-buildings environment in Occitania,in Southern France,in order to better identify the transitions underway in agri-food chains.To this end,we undertoo... This study's goal is to present a dynamic portrait of the farm-buildings environment in Occitania,in Southern France,in order to better identify the transitions underway in agri-food chains.To this end,we undertook a ter-ritorial diagnosis based on actor statements,using 28 semi-structured interviews across Occitania.This diagnosis was enriched by graphic modelling,which enabled the spatialization of the dynamics described.We show that the process of standardisation of farm buildings prevails in the majority of the territories studied.This phenomenon has intensified in recent years with the development of vast photovoltaic-roofed sheds,accentuating the farm-land conversion and soil sealing.At the same time,in areas with strong environmental,landscape and heritage contexts,a'new adventure in farm buildings'(2022 survey)is taking shape.It is primarily driven by local short food chains,which rely on self-construction,repurposing and refurbishment,the sharing of tools and equipment,and which favour the use and reuse of local resources.This study shows that farm-buildings dynamics crystallise many challenges confronting the reterritorialisation of agriculture and food production. 展开更多
关键词 Farm buildings TRANSITION Local food systems Occitania Cartographic modelling
Controllable thermal rectification design for buildings based on phase change composites
作者 Hengbin Ding Xiaoshi Li +2 位作者 Tianhang Li Xiaoyong Zhao He Tian 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期40-45,共6页
Phase-change material(PCM)is widely used in thermal management due to their unique thermal behavior.However,related research in thermal rectifier is mainly focused on exploring the principles at the fundamental device... Phase-change material(PCM)is widely used in thermal management due to their unique thermal behavior.However,related research in thermal rectifier is mainly focused on exploring the principles at the fundamental device level,which results in a gap to real applications.Here,we propose a controllable thermal rectification design towards building applications through the direct adhesion of composite thermal rectification material(TRM)based on PCM and reduced graphene oxide(rGO)aerogel to ordinary concrete walls(CWs).The design is evaluated in detail by combining experiments and finite element analysis.It is found that,TRM can regulate the temperature difference on both sides of the TRM/CWs system by thermal rectification.The difference in two directions reaches to 13.8 K at the heat flow of 80 W/m^(2).In addition,the larger the change of thermal conductivity before and after phase change of TRM is,the more effective it is for regulating temperature difference in two directions.The stated technology has a wide range of applications for the thermal energy control in buildings with specific temperature requirements. 展开更多
关键词 phase change composites controllable thermal rectification building applications
A Stroke-Limitation AMD Control System with Variable Gain and Limited Area for High-Rise Buildings
作者 Zuo-Hua Li Qing-Gui Wu +1 位作者 Jun Teng Chao-Jun Chen 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第1期865-884,共20页
Collisions between a moving mass and an anti-collision device increase structural responses and threaten structural safety.An active mass damper(AMD)with stroke limitations is often used to avoid collisions.However,a ... Collisions between a moving mass and an anti-collision device increase structural responses and threaten structural safety.An active mass damper(AMD)with stroke limitations is often used to avoid collisions.However,a strokelimited AMD control system with a fixed limited area shortens the available AMD stroke and leads to significant control power.To solve this problem,the design approach with variable gain and limited area(VGLA)is proposed in this study.First,the boundary of variable-limited areas is calculated based on the real-time status of the moving mass.The variable gain(VG)expression at the variable limited area is deduced by considering the saturation of AMD stroke.Then,numerical simulations of a stroke-limited AMD control system with VGLA are conducted on a high-rise building structure.These numerical simulations show that the proposed approach has superior strokelimitation performance compared with a stroke-limited AMD control system with a fixed limited area.Finally,the proposed approach is validated through experiments on a four-story steel frame. 展开更多
关键词 High-rise buildings active control stroke limitations variable gain variable limited area
Dynamic response of buildings under debris flow impact
作者 LIU Huan FAN Xiaoyi +1 位作者 TIAN Shujun DENG Xin 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第5期1581-1597,共17页
This study employs the smoothed particle hydrodynamics–finite element method(SPH–FEM) coupling numerical method to investigate the impact of debris flow on reinforced concrete(RC)-frame buildings. The methodology co... This study employs the smoothed particle hydrodynamics–finite element method(SPH–FEM) coupling numerical method to investigate the impact of debris flow on reinforced concrete(RC)-frame buildings. The methodology considers the variables of debris flow depth and velocity and introduces the intensity index IDV(IDV = DV) to evaluate three different levels of debris flow impact intensity. The primary focus of this study is to investigate the dynamic response and failure mechanism of RC-frame buildings under debris flow impact, including structural failure patterns, impact force and column displacement. The results show that under a highintensity impact, a gradual collapse process of the RCframe building can be observed, and the damage mode of the frame column reflects shear failure or plastic hinge failure mechanism. First, the longitudinal infill walls are damaged owing to their low out-of-plane flexural capacity;the critical failure intensity index IDV value is approximately 7.5 m2/s. The structure cannot withstand debris flows with an intensity index IDV greater than 16 m2/s, and it is recommended that the peak impact force should not exceed 2100 k N. The impact damage ability of debris flow on buildings mostly originates from the impact force of the frontal debris flow, with the impact force of the debris flow body being approximately 42% lower than that of the debris flow head. Finally, a five-level classification system for evaluating the damage status of buildings is proposed based on the numerical simulation and investigation results of the disaster site. 展开更多
关键词 SPH–FEM method Debris flow buildingS The intensity index Dynamic response
Studies of an event-building algorithm of the readout system for the twin TPCs in HFRS
作者 Jing Tian Zhi-Peng Sun +4 位作者 Song-Bo Chang Yi Qian Hong-Yun Zhao Zheng-Guo Hu Xi-Meng Chen 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期82-95,共14页
The High-energy Fragment Separator(HFRS),which is currently under construction,is a leading international radioactive beam device.Multiple sets of position-sensitive twin time projection chamber(TPC)detectors are dist... The High-energy Fragment Separator(HFRS),which is currently under construction,is a leading international radioactive beam device.Multiple sets of position-sensitive twin time projection chamber(TPC)detectors are distributed on HFRS for particle identification and beam monitoring.The twin TPCs'readout electronics system operates in a trigger-less mode due to its high counting rate,leading to a challenge of handling large amounts of data.To address this problem,we introduced an event-building algorithm.This algorithm employs a hierarchical processing strategy to compress data during transmission and aggregation.In addition,it reconstructs twin TPCs'events online and stores only the reconstructed particle information,which significantly reduces the burden on data transmission and storage resources.Simulation studies demonstrated that the algorithm accurately matches twin TPCs'events and reduces more than 98%of the data volume at a counting rate of 500 kHz/channel. 展开更多
关键词 High counting rate Twin TPCs Trigger-less Readout electronics Event building Hierarchical data processing
Progress in Resource Utilization of River Sediment in the Field of Building Materials
作者 Chenhao LIANG Qiangbin CHENG +2 位作者 Xiaohong XIONG Ruqi YI Chen WANG 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2024年第6期22-24,共3页
At present,there is a great demand for building materials in the market,and the market prospect of building materials is relatively considerable.Through studying the composition of river sediment and its resource util... At present,there is a great demand for building materials in the market,and the market prospect of building materials is relatively considerable.Through studying the composition of river sediment and its resource utilization in the field of building materials,this paper expounds the current domestic scholars research on river sediment in building materials,and summarizes the current problems and challenges,so as to provide a reference for the sustainable development of river sediment in the field of building materials. 展开更多
Progress of semitransparent emerging photovoltaics for building integrated applications
作者 Zhisheng Zhou Zhangyu Yuan +3 位作者 Zhipeng Yin Qifan Xue Ning Li Fei Huang 《Green Energy & Environment》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期992-1015,共24页
With the rapid development of emerging photovoltaics technology in recent years,the application of building-integrated photovoltaics(BIPVs)has attracted the research interest of photovoltaic communities.To meet the pr... With the rapid development of emerging photovoltaics technology in recent years,the application of building-integrated photovoltaics(BIPVs)has attracted the research interest of photovoltaic communities.To meet the practical application requirements of BIPVs,in addition to the evaluation indicator of power conversion efficiency(PCE),other key performance indicators such as heat-insulating ability,average visible light transmittance(AVT),color properties,and integrability are equally important.The traditional Si-based photovoltaic technology is typically limited by its opaque properties for application scenarios where transparency is required.The emerging PV technologies,such as organic and perovskite photovoltaics are promising candidates for BIPV applications,owing to their advantages such as high PCE,high AVT,and tunable properties.At present,the PCE of semitransparent perovskite solar cells(ST-PSCs)has attained 14%with AVT of 22–25%;for semitransparent organic solar cells(ST-OSCs),the PCE reached 13%with AVT of almost 40%.In this review article,we summarize recent advances in material selection,optical engineering,and device architecture design for high-performance semitransparent emerging PV devices,and discuss the application of optical modeling,as well as the challenges of commercializing these semitransparent solar cells for building-integrated applications. 展开更多
关键词 building integrated photovoltaics Emerging photovoltaics Semitransparent solar cells Perovskite solar cells Organic solar cells
A novel control strategy for reproducing the floor motions of high-rise buildings by earthquake-simulating shake tables
作者 Yuteng Cao Zhe Qu Xiaodong Ji 《Earthquake Research Advances》 CSCD 2024年第1期67-75,共9页
To enable the experimental assessment of the seismic performance of full-scale nonstructural elements with multiple engineering parameters(EDPs),a three-layer testbed named Nonstructural Element Simulator on Shake Tab... To enable the experimental assessment of the seismic performance of full-scale nonstructural elements with multiple engineering parameters(EDPs),a three-layer testbed named Nonstructural Element Simulator on Shake Table(NEST)has been developed.The testbed consists of three consecutive floors of steel structure.The bottom two floors provide a space to accommodate a full-scale room.To fully explore the flexibility of NEST,we propose a novel control strategy to generate the required shake table input time histories for the testbed to track the target floor motions of the buildings of interest with high accuracy.The control strategy contains two parts:an inverse dynamic compensation via simulation of feedback control systems(IDCS)algorithm and an offline iteration procedure based on a refined nonlinear numerical model of the testbed.The key aspects of the control strategy were introduced in this paper.Experimental tests were conducted to simulate the seismic responses of a full-scale office room on the 21^(st)floor of a 42-story high-rise building.The test results show that the proposed control strategy can reproduce the target floor motions of the building of interest with less than 20%errors within the specified frequency range. 展开更多
关键词 Shake table test Nonstructural element High-rise building Open-loop IDCS algorithm Off-line iteration
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