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3.8 MV快前沿电磁脉冲模拟器脉冲驱动源研制 被引量:1
作者 贾伟 陈志强 +9 位作者 吴伟 郭帆 谢霖燊 吴刚 梅锴盛 程乐 肖晶 孙楚昱 朱湘琴 陈伟 《现代应用物理》 2024年第1期110-115,共6页
为满足强电磁脉冲试验的需求,研制了一台输出电压可达3.8 MV的全气体绝缘快前沿脉冲驱动源。该脉冲源采用二级脉冲压缩技术路线,由Marx发生器、中储电容、中储开关、陡化电容及陡化开关等组件构成。内部各组件均采用模块化、紧凑型设计... 为满足强电磁脉冲试验的需求,研制了一台输出电压可达3.8 MV的全气体绝缘快前沿脉冲驱动源。该脉冲源采用二级脉冲压缩技术路线,由Marx发生器、中储电容、中储开关、陡化电容及陡化开关等组件构成。内部各组件均采用模块化、紧凑型设计思路,并整体放置在一个层层嵌套的腔体中,各层之间充有不同压力的SF_(6)气体。整机具有输出电压高、结构紧凑、重量轻及便于移动等优点。测试结果表明,在驱动75Ω倒立圆锥天线负载时,初级源最大输出电压大于3.8 MV,负载处输出电场波形的脉冲前沿小于2 ns。通过开关导通时刻的调节,在天线处生成的辐射场波形满足IEC 61000-4-25标准中关于电磁脉冲试验波形的规定,因此可将其作为电磁脉冲模拟器的脉冲驱动源,开展系统级电磁脉冲试验,用于电磁脉冲效应及加固防护技术研究等工作。 展开更多
关键词 电磁脉冲 环境模拟 3.8 mv快前沿脉冲源 脉冲压缩 损伤与防护
作者 佘维 孔祥基 +2 位作者 郭淑明 田钊 李英豪 《郑州大学学报(工学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第4期11-18,共8页
针对基于深度学习的MVS方法存在网络参数量大、显存占用较高的问题,提出一种基于轻量化深度卷积循环网络的MVS方法。首先,采用轻量化多尺度特征提取网络提取图像的高层语义特征图,构建稀疏代价体减小计算体积;其次,使用卷积循环网络对... 针对基于深度学习的MVS方法存在网络参数量大、显存占用较高的问题,提出一种基于轻量化深度卷积循环网络的MVS方法。首先,采用轻量化多尺度特征提取网络提取图像的高层语义特征图,构建稀疏代价体减小计算体积;其次,使用卷积循环网络对代价体进行正则化,一次平面扫描完成正则化过程,减少显存占用;最后,通过深度图扩展模块扩展稀疏深度图为稠密深度图,并结合优化算法保证重建精度。在DTU数据集上与最近的方法进行对比,包括传统MVS方法Camp、Furu、Tola、Gipuma,基于深度学习的MVS方法SurfaceNet、PU-Net、MVSNet、R-MVSNet、Point-MVSNet、Fast-MVSNet、GBI-Net、TransMVSNet。实验结果表明:所提方法在精度上与其他方法保持较小差距的前提下,能够将预测时显存开销降低至3.1 GB。 展开更多
关键词 轻量化 深度卷积循环网络 mvS方法 正则化 DTU数据集
作者 蔡晓芳 刘璀灿 《河南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第1期117-124,共8页
黄中平是华语领域颇具影响力的导演之一,他的创作几乎经历了整个华语MV史。在其长达20余年的创作生涯中,600余部作品以具有强烈现代性的诗意风格将其打造成了一位MV界的“抒情诗人”。黄中平的作品在非线性叙事、表现主体与审美意境三... 黄中平是华语领域颇具影响力的导演之一,他的创作几乎经历了整个华语MV史。在其长达20余年的创作生涯中,600余部作品以具有强烈现代性的诗意风格将其打造成了一位MV界的“抒情诗人”。黄中平的作品在非线性叙事、表现主体与审美意境三个方向上形成了独具民族文化特色的审美形态,同时也一以贯之地承袭着我国诗性电影的美学底色。以黄中平的作品为代表的华语MV既实现了对艺术“舶来品”在现代创作观念上的在地性超越,也展现了对中国传统美学观念的回归与守望。 展开更多
关键词 华语mv 黄中平 诗意美学 诗性电影 传统美学 极简主义
Some results on derivations of MV-algebras 被引量:1
作者 WANG Jun-tao HE Peng-fei SHE Yan-hong 《Applied Mathematics(A Journal of Chinese Universities)》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第1期126-143,共18页
In this paper, we review some of their related properties of derivations on MValgebras and give some characterizations of additive derivations. Then we prove that the fixed point set of Boolean additive derivations an... In this paper, we review some of their related properties of derivations on MValgebras and give some characterizations of additive derivations. Then we prove that the fixed point set of Boolean additive derivations and that of their adjoint derivations are isomorphic.In particular, we prove that every MV-algebra is isomorphic to the direct product of the fixed point set of Boolean additive derivations and that of their adjoint derivations. Finally we show that every Boolean algebra is isomorphic to the algebra of all Boolean additive(implicative)derivations. These results also give the negative answers to two open problems, which were proposed in [Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 303(2016), 97-113] and [Information Sciences, 178(2008),307-316]. 展开更多
关键词 mv-algebra DERIVATION fixed point set IDEAL Boolean algebra
Lattice Implication Algebrasand MV-algebras
作者 郭天榜 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 1999年第3期17-23, ,共7页
Lattice implication algebras is an algebraic structure which is established by combining lattice and implication algebras. In this paper,the relationship between lattice implication algebras and MV algebra was discuss... Lattice implication algebras is an algebraic structure which is established by combining lattice and implication algebras. In this paper,the relationship between lattice implication algebras and MV algebra was discussed,and then proved that both of the categorys of the two algebras are categorical equivalence. Finally,the infinitely distributivity in lattice implication algebras were proved. 展开更多
关键词 lattice implication algebras mv algebras lattice order groups categorical equivalence
作者 沙俊良 曹景胜 +2 位作者 董翼宁 袁增千 李刚 《现代电子技术》 北大核心 2024年第19期175-180,共6页
针对3D目标检测精度低、在复杂工况下检测效果差的问题,利用图像和点云数据作为输入,引入深度补全增加点云前视图特征,并对MV3D目标检测模型进行改进,提出混合融合方式,将全局信息较多的图片特征拼接到融合完成后的点云特征中,最后再进... 针对3D目标检测精度低、在复杂工况下检测效果差的问题,利用图像和点云数据作为输入,引入深度补全增加点云前视图特征,并对MV3D目标检测模型进行改进,提出混合融合方式,将全局信息较多的图片特征拼接到融合完成后的点云特征中,最后再进行融合。文中所提出的混合融合方案兼顾了深度融合的特征又增加了全局的特征信息,利用DETR模块对原模型的非极大值抑制操作进行优化,使得模型轻量化。最后在KITTI数据集上对文中模型进行了实验分析,结果表明,所提出的模型可以实现复杂工况下的3D目标检测,且在精度上与原模型相比,在三种不同检测难度的工况下平均提升了7.19%。 展开更多
关键词 3D目标检测 mv3D 模型改进 深度补全 混合融合 DETR
100 mV阴极极化准则在煤层气阴保工程中的应用
作者 朱云伟 《山东石油化工学院学报》 2024年第1期84-89,共6页
山西作为煤层气资源大省,煤层气产量占全国同期的80%以上,同时建有庞大的管道输送体系。由于管道建设需穿越复杂多样的地形,输气阶段的煤层气管道腐蚀主要是由土壤环境介质和微生物活动引起的外腐蚀,需要通过阴极保护的方法来有效控制... 山西作为煤层气资源大省,煤层气产量占全国同期的80%以上,同时建有庞大的管道输送体系。由于管道建设需穿越复杂多样的地形,输气阶段的煤层气管道腐蚀主要是由土壤环境介质和微生物活动引起的外腐蚀,需要通过阴极保护的方法来有效控制管道腐蚀。极化电位-850~-1 150 mVcse准则作为目前国内外应用最普遍的阴极保护准则,其有效性已得到广泛认可,然而随着阴极保护应用的不断推广和发展,其在某些情况下已无法满足现场的准确性和经济性要求。基于此对100 mV阴极极化准则开展分析研究,并于山西某煤层气管道阴极保护工程中进行应用验证,结果表明100 mV阴极极化准则应用于老旧管线和腐蚀状态较差的管道时,能够实现有效的腐蚀防护,具有一定借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 100 mv 极化电位准则 阴极极化准则 阴极保护
紧组合惯导系统精度分析——以Applanix POS MV为例
作者 冯国正 叶飞 +2 位作者 孙振勇 费新龙 聂君伟 《测绘通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期177-181,共5页
随着移动测量技术发展,对高精度、连续、可靠、稳定的导航定位数据需求日益增多。本文针对复杂动态环境下单独GNSS导航定位难题,利用Applanix POS MV开展紧组合惯导系统精度试验研究。结论为:①紧组合导航定位精度明显优于单独GNSS PPK... 随着移动测量技术发展,对高精度、连续、可靠、稳定的导航定位数据需求日益增多。本文针对复杂动态环境下单独GNSS导航定位难题,利用Applanix POS MV开展紧组合惯导系统精度试验研究。结论为:①紧组合导航定位精度明显优于单独GNSS PPK定位模型,尤其在角速率、姿态变化较大区域,组合导航定位精度优势更为显著;②紧组合导航定位系统跟踪所有卫星精度最高,关闭北斗卫星与仅跟踪GPS卫星精度相当,关闭GPS卫星精度损失严重;③紧组合导航定位系统PPK辅助定位精度优于RTX辅助定位精度,但RTX精度均优于0.05 cm,可满足大比例尺测图精度要求。结果表明,利用PPK或RTX辅助紧组合惯导系统在复杂情况下仍可提供高精度、连续、可靠、稳定导航定位数据。 展开更多
关键词 紧组合 惯导系统 Applanix POS mv 导航定位数据 精度分析
作者 Fatemeh ABTAHI Ali REJALI Farshad SAYAF 《Acta Mathematica Scientia》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第5期1945-1954,共10页
In this paper,X is a locally compact Hausdorff space and A is a Banach algebra.First,we study some basic features of C0(X,A)related to BSE concept,which are gotten from A.In particular,we prove that if C0(X,A)has the ... In this paper,X is a locally compact Hausdorff space and A is a Banach algebra.First,we study some basic features of C0(X,A)related to BSE concept,which are gotten from A.In particular,we prove that if C0(X,A)has the BSE property then A has so.We also establish the converse of this result,whenever X is discrete and A has the BSE-norm property.Furthermore,we prove the same result for the BSE property of type I.Finally,we prove that C0(X,A)has the BSE-norm property if and only if A has so. 展开更多
关键词 BSE algebras BSE-function BSE norm multiplier algebra SEMISIMPLE without order
Groupoid Approach to Ergodic Dynamical System of Commutative von Neumann Algebra
作者 Nicholas O. Okeke Murphy E. Egwe 《Advances in Pure Mathematics》 2024年第3期167-184,共18页
Given a compact and regular Hausdorff measure space (X, μ), with μ a Radon measure, it is known that the generalised space M(X) of all the positive Radon measures on X is isomorphic to the space of essentially bound... Given a compact and regular Hausdorff measure space (X, μ), with μ a Radon measure, it is known that the generalised space M(X) of all the positive Radon measures on X is isomorphic to the space of essentially bounded functions L<sup>∞</sup>(X, μ) on X. We confirm that the commutative von Neumann algebras M⊂B(H), with H=L<sup>2</sup>(X, μ), are unitary equivariant to the maximal ideals of the commutative algebra C(X). Subsequenly, we use the measure groupoid to formulate the algebraic and topological structures of the commutative algebra C(X) following its action on M(X) and define its representation and ergodic dynamical system on the commutative von Neumann algebras of M of B(H) . 展开更多
关键词 Measure Groupoid Groupoid Equivalence Ergodic Action Convolution algebra von Neumann algebra Generalized Space
Enhancing Precision in Radiotherapy Delivery: Validating Monte Carlo Simulation Models for 6 MV Elekta Synergy Agility LINAC Photon Beam Using Two Models of the GAMOS Code
作者 Nogaye Ndiaye Oumar Ndiaye +7 位作者 Papa Macoumba Faye Kodjo Joël Fabrice N’Guessan Djicknack Dione Khady Sy Moussa Hamady Sy Jean Paul Latyr Faye Alassane Traoré Ababacar Sadikhe Ndao 《World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》 CAS 2024年第2期146-163,共18页
The most crucial requirement in radiation therapy treatment planning is a fast and accurate treatment planning system that minimizes damage to healthy tissues surrounding cancer cells. The use of Monte Carlo toolkits ... The most crucial requirement in radiation therapy treatment planning is a fast and accurate treatment planning system that minimizes damage to healthy tissues surrounding cancer cells. The use of Monte Carlo toolkits has become indispensable for research aimed at precisely determining the dose in radiotherapy. Among the numerous algorithms developed in recent years, the GAMOS code, which utilizes the Geant4 toolkit for Monte Carlo simula-tions, incorporates various electromagnetic physics models and multiple scattering models for simulating particle interactions with matter. This makes it a valuable tool for dose calculations in medical applications and throughout the patient’s volume. The aim of this present work aims to vali-date the GAMOS code for the simulation of a 6 MV photon-beam output from the Elekta Synergy Agility linear accelerator. The simulation involves mod-eling the major components of the accelerator head and the interactions of the radiation beam with a homogeneous water phantom and particle information was collected following the modeling of the phase space. This space was po-sitioned under the X and Y jaws, utilizing three electromagnetic physics mod-els of the GAMOS code: Standard, Penelope, and Low-Energy, along with three multiple scattering models: Goudsmit-Saunderson, Urban, and Wentzel-VI. The obtained phase space file was used as a particle source to simulate dose distributions (depth-dose and dose profile) for field sizes of 5 × 5 cm<sup>2</sup> and 10 × 10 cm<sup>2</sup> at depths of 10 cm and 20 cm in a water phantom, with a source-surface distance (SSD) of 90 cm from the target. We compared the three electromagnetic physics models and the three multiple scattering mod-els of the GAMOS code to experimental results. Validation of our results was performed using the gamma index, with an acceptability criterion of 3% for the dose difference (DD) and 3 mm for the distance-to-agreement (DTA). We achieved agreements of 94% and 96%, respectively, between simulation and experimentation for the three electromagnetic physics models and three mul-tiple scattering models, for field sizes of 5 × 5 cm<sup>2</sup> and 10 × 10 cm<sup>2</sup> for depth-dose curves. For dose profile curves, a good agreement of 100% was found between simulation and experimentation for the three electromagnetic physics models, as well as for the three multiple scattering models for a field size of 5 × 5 cm<sup>2</sup> at 10 cm and 20 cm depths. For a field size of 10 × 10 cm<sup>2</sup>, the Penelope model dominated with 98% for 10 cm, along with the three multiple scattering models. The Penelope model and the Standard model, along with the three multiple scattering models, dominated with 100% for 20 cm. Our study, which compared these different GAMOS code models, can be crucial for enhancing the accuracy and quality of radiotherapy, contributing to more effective patient treatment. Our research compares various electro-magnetic physics models and multiple scattering models with experimental measurements, enabling us to choose the models that produce the most reli-able results, thereby directly impacting the quality of simulations. This en-hances confidence in using these models for treatment planning. Our re-search consistently contributes to the progress of Monte Carlo simulation techniques in radiation therapy, enriching the scientific literature. 展开更多
关键词 GAMOS Monte Carlo LINAC RADIOTHERAPY Dose Distribution Phase Space Gamma Index 6 mv Photon Beam
Representations of Hom-Jacobi-Jordan Algebras
作者 LIU Zhiqing ZHANG Xiufu 《湖州师范学院学报》 2024年第10期7-13,共7页
Some relationships between the representation of Hom-Jacobi-Jordan algebra and that of Jacobi-Jordan algebra are studied.Moreover,by using the notion ofαk-anti-derivation,a property theorem of multiplicative Hom-Jaco... Some relationships between the representation of Hom-Jacobi-Jordan algebra and that of Jacobi-Jordan algebra are studied.Moreover,by using the notion ofαk-anti-derivation,a property theorem of multiplicative Hom-Jacobi-Jordan algebras is also given. 展开更多
关键词 Jacobi-Jordan algebra Hom-Jacobi-Jordan algebra REPRESENTATION anti-derivation
作者 ZHANG Zhao-de LIU Jun-ming 《数学杂志》 2024年第6期485-493,共9页
In this paper,we consider the algebraic structure of derivative Hardy Spaces.By using the method of[6,12,15],we get the Duhamel product forming Banach algebra in derivative Hardy Spaces,and invertibility criterion,and... In this paper,we consider the algebraic structure of derivative Hardy Spaces.By using the method of[6,12,15],we get the Duhamel product forming Banach algebra in derivative Hardy Spaces,and invertibility criterion,and describe the extended eigenvalue of the integral operator V.We generalize the results in[1,2,6,11,16]. 展开更多
关键词 Duhamel product banach algebra extended eigenvalue
Split-Tetraquaternion Algebra and Applications
作者 Grégoire Lutanda Panga 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2024年第7期2682-2690,共9页
In this paper, from the spacetime algebra associated with the Minkowski space ℝ3,1by means of a change of signature, we describe a quaternionic representation of the split-tetraquaternion algebra which incorporates th... In this paper, from the spacetime algebra associated with the Minkowski space ℝ3,1by means of a change of signature, we describe a quaternionic representation of the split-tetraquaternion algebra which incorporates the Pauli algebra, the split-biquaternion algebra and the split-quaternion algebra, we relate these algebras to Clifford algebras and we show the emergence of the stabilized Poincaré-Heisenberg algebra from the split-tetraquaternion algebra. We list without going into details some of their applications in Physics and in Born geometry. 展开更多
关键词 Tetraquaternion algebra Split-Tetraquaternion algebra Split Quaternion algebra Clifford algebra
Discussion on the Homology Theory of Lie Algebras
作者 Lilong Kang Yu Wang Caiyu Du 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2024年第7期2367-2376,共10页
Because homology on compact homogeneous nilpotent manifolds is closely related to homology on Lie algebras, studying homology on Lie algebras is helpful for further studying homology on compact homogeneous nilpotent m... Because homology on compact homogeneous nilpotent manifolds is closely related to homology on Lie algebras, studying homology on Lie algebras is helpful for further studying homology on compact homogeneous nilpotent manifolds. So we start with the differential sequence of Lie algebras. The Lie algebra g has the differential sequence E0,E1,⋯,Es⋯, which leads to the chain complex Es0→Δs0Ess→Δs1⋯→ΔsiEs(i+1)s→Δsi+1⋯of Esby discussing the chain complex E10→Δ10E11→Δ11⋯→Δ1r−1E1r→Δ1r⋯of E1and proves that Es+1i≅Hi(Es)=KerΔsi+1/ImΔsiand therefore Es+1≅H(Es)by the chain complex of Es(see Theorem 2). 展开更多
关键词 Lie algebra Differential Sequence Differential Fractional algebra COHOMOLOGY
Derivations and 2-Local Derivations on the BMS-Weyl Algebra
作者 LU Weizhao HU Xindan GAO Shoulan 《湖州师范学院学报》 2024年第10期1-6,共6页
Using the theory of derivations on finitely generated and graded Lie algebras, we determine that derivations of the BMS-Weyl algebra are all inner. On this basis, it is proved that every 2-local derivation of the BMS-... Using the theory of derivations on finitely generated and graded Lie algebras, we determine that derivations of the BMS-Weyl algebra are all inner. On this basis, it is proved that every 2-local derivation of the BMS-Weyl algebra is a derivation. 展开更多
关键词 BMS-Weyl algebra DERIVATION inner derivation 2-local derivation
Relations Between BZMV^(dM)-Algebra and Other Algebras
作者 高淑萍 邓方安 刘三阳 《Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(English Edition)》 2003年第2期182-188,共7页
Some properties of BZMV dM -algebra are proved, and a new operator is introduced. It is shown that the substructure of BZMV dM -algebra can produce a quasi-lattice implication algebra. The relations between BZMV... Some properties of BZMV dM -algebra are proved, and a new operator is introduced. It is shown that the substructure of BZMV dM -algebra can produce a quasi-lattice implication algebra. The relations between BZMV dM -algebra and other algebras are discussed in detail. A pseudo-distance function is defined in linear BZMV dM -algebra, and its properties are derived. 展开更多
关键词 BZmvdM-algebra Kleene orthocomplementation Brouwerion orthocomple-mentation OPERATOR pseudo-distance function
The Report of Homological Algebra
作者 Junhui Zhang 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2024年第9期2749-2767,共19页
The current article intends to introduce the reader to the concept of injective and projective modules and to describe the CFT. We present a clear view to show the homological algebra and injective and projective modu... The current article intends to introduce the reader to the concept of injective and projective modules and to describe the CFT. We present a clear view to show the homological algebra and injective and projective modules. 展开更多
关键词 Homological algebra CATEGORY Projective and Injective Module
Quantum Computingvia Entanglement in Geometric Algebra Approach
作者 Alexander Soiguine 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2024年第2期445-457,共13页
The superiority of hypothetical quantum computers is not due to faster calculations but due to different scheme of calculations running on special hardware. At the same time, one should realize that quantum computers ... The superiority of hypothetical quantum computers is not due to faster calculations but due to different scheme of calculations running on special hardware. At the same time, one should realize that quantum computers would only provide dramatic speedups for a few specific problems, for example, factoring integers and breaking cryptographic codes in the conventional quantum computing approach. The core of quantum computing follows the way a state of a quantum system is defined when basic things interact with each other. In the conventional approach, it is implemented through the tensor product of qubits. In the suggested geometric algebra formalism simultaneous availability of all the results for non-measured observables is based on the definition of states as points on a three-dimensional sphere, which is very different from the usual Hilbert space scheme. 展开更多
关键词 Geometric algebra Wave Functions ENTANGLEMENT Maxwell Equations Three-Dimensional Sphere
Nonadditive Skew(Anti-)commuting Maps on Operator Algebras
作者 Zhang Ting Feng Liqin Qi Xiaofei 《数学理论与应用》 2024年第3期83-93,共11页
In this paper,we first give the general forms of skew commuting maps and skew anti-commuting maps by the Peirce decomposition on a unital ring with a nontrivial idempotent,respectively,and then,as applications,we obta... In this paper,we first give the general forms of skew commuting maps and skew anti-commuting maps by the Peirce decomposition on a unital ring with a nontrivial idempotent,respectively,and then,as applications,we obtain the concrete characterizations of all nonadditive skew(anti-)commuting maps on some operator algebras. 展开更多
关键词 Commuting map Skew commuting map Anti-commuting map Operator algebra
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