The ECMWF has been assimilating Feng-Yun-3B (FY-3B) satellite microwave humidity sounder (MWHS) data over ocean in an operational forecasting system since 24 September 2014, It is more difficult, however, to assim...The ECMWF has been assimilating Feng-Yun-3B (FY-3B) satellite microwave humidity sounder (MWHS) data over ocean in an operational forecasting system since 24 September 2014, It is more difficult, however, to assimilate microwave observations over land and sea ice than over the open ocean due to higher uncertainties in land surface temperature, surface emissivity and less effective cloud screening. We compare approaches in which the emissivity is retrieved dynamically from MWHS channel l [150 GHz (vertical polarization)] with the use of an evolving emissivity atlas from 89 GHz observations from the MWHS onboard NOAA and EUMETSAT satellites. The assimilation of the additional data over land improves the fit of short-range forecasts to other observations, notably ATMS (Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder) humidity channels, and the forecast impacts are mainly neutral to slightly positive over the first five days. The forecast impacts are better in boreal summer and the Southern Hemisphere. These results suggest that the techniques tested allow for effective assimilation of MWHS/FY-3B data over land.展开更多
In operational data assimilation systems, observation-error covariance matrices are commonly assumed to be diagonal.However, inter-channel and spatial observation-error correlations are inevitable for satellite radian...In operational data assimilation systems, observation-error covariance matrices are commonly assumed to be diagonal.However, inter-channel and spatial observation-error correlations are inevitable for satellite radiances. The observation errors of the Microwave Temperature Sounder(MWTS) and Microwave Humidity Sounder(MWHS) onboard the FengYun-3A(FY-3A) and FY-3B satellites are empirically assigned and considered to be uncorrelated when they are assimilated into the WRF model's Community Variational Data Assimilation System(WRFDA). To assimilate MWTS and MWHS measurements optimally, a good characterization of their observation errors is necessary. In this study, background and analysis residuals were used to diagnose the correlated observation-error characteristics of the MWTS and MWHS. It was found that the error standard deviations of the MWTS and MWHS were less than the values used in the WRFDA. MWTS had small inter-channel errors, while MWHS had significant inter-channel errors. The horizontal correlation length scales of MWTS and MWHS were about 120 and 60 km, respectively. A comparison between the diagnosis for instruments onboard the two satellites showed that the observation-error characteristics of the MWTS or MWHS were different when they were onboard different satellites. In addition, it was found that the error statistics were dependent on latitude and scan positions.The forecast experiments showed that using a modified thinning scheme based on diagnosed statistics can improve forecast accuracy.展开更多
The relationship between differences in microwave humidity sounder(MHS)–channel biases which represent measured brightness temperatures and model-simulated brightness temperatures, and cloud ice water path(IWP) as we...The relationship between differences in microwave humidity sounder(MHS)–channel biases which represent measured brightness temperatures and model-simulated brightness temperatures, and cloud ice water path(IWP) as well as the influence of the cloud liquid water path(LWP) on the relationship is examined. Seven years(2011–17) of NOAA-18 MHS-derived measured brightness temperatures and IWP/LWP data generated by the NOAA Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System Microwave Surface and Precipitation Products System are used. The Community Radiative Transfer Model, version2.2.4, is used to simulate model-simulated brightness temperatures using European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts reanalysis data as background fields. Scan-angle deviations of the MHS window channel biases range from-1.7 K to1.0 K. The relationships between channels 2, 4, and 5 biases and scan angle are symmetrical about the nadir. The latitudedependent deviations of MHS window channel biases are positive and range from 0–7 K. For MHS non-window channels,the latitudinal deviations between measured brightness temperatures and model-simulated brightness temperatures are larger when the detection height is higher. No systematic warm or cold deviations are found in the global spatial distribution of difference between measured brightness temperatures and model-simulated brightness temperatures over oceans after removing scan-angle and latitudinal deviations. The corrected biases of five different MHS channels decrease differently with respect to the increase in IWP. This decrease is stronger when LWP values are higher.展开更多
China's FengYnn 3 (FY-3) polar orbiting satellites axe set to become an important sonrce of observational data for nu- merical weather prediction (NWP), atmospheric reanalyses, and climate monitoring studies over...China's FengYnn 3 (FY-3) polar orbiting satellites axe set to become an important sonrce of observational data for nu- merical weather prediction (NWP), atmospheric reanalyses, and climate monitoring studies over the next two decades. As part of the Climate Science for Service Partnership China (CSSP China) prograln, FY-3B Microwave Humidity Sounder 1 (MWHS-1) and FY-3C MWHS-2 observations have been thoroughly assessed and prepared for operational assimilation. This represents the first time observations from China's polar orbiting satellites have been used in the UK's global NWP model. Since 2016, continuous data quality monitoring has shown occasional bias changes found to be correlated to changes in the energy supply scheme regulating the platform heating system and other transient anomalies. Nonetheless, MWHS-1 and MWHS-2 significantly contribute to the 24-h forecast error reduction by 0.3% and 0.6%, respectively, and the combination of both instruments is shown to improve the fit to the model background of independent sounders by up to 1%. The observations from the Microwave Radiation Imager (MWRI) also are a potentially significant source of benefits for NWP models, but a solar-dependent bias observed in the instrument half-orbits has prevented their assimilation. This paper presents the bases of a correction scheme developed at the Met Office for the purpose of a future assimilation of MWRI data.展开更多
随着风云三号系列卫星的成功发射,越来越多的卫星微波直接观测资料应用于数值天气预报的资料同化系统。并且由于卫星微波全天候同化技术可以充分利用晴天及云雨区微波观测资料,在增加同化使用的观测数据的基础上,有效提高数值天气预报...随着风云三号系列卫星的成功发射,越来越多的卫星微波直接观测资料应用于数值天气预报的资料同化系统。并且由于卫星微波全天候同化技术可以充分利用晴天及云雨区微波观测资料,在增加同化使用的观测数据的基础上,有效提高数值天气预报准确率,该技术在卫星资料同化领域也颇受瞩目。本研究选取2018年7月的台风玛莉亚,利用WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式及其同化系统WRFDA(WRF Data Assimilation)中三维变分方法,探讨风云三号C星微波湿度计观测资料的全天候同化技术在区域模式中的适用性,以及其在不同模式驱动场中的预报表现。通过对比仅同化晴空区域卫星资料的试验和全天候同化的试验结果发现,全天候条件下更多的云雨区域观测资料被有效利用,能够更好地模拟出台风玛莉亚核心区域的暖心和对称风速结构,有效改善湿度场的预报,对台风路径的预报误差平均降低了大约34%~62%,且这种正面影响均能在不同模式驱动场中得到体现。展开更多
This paper describes a new quality control (QC) scheme for microwave humidity sounder (MHS) data assimilation. It consists of a cloud detection step and an O-B (i.e., differences of brightness temperatures betwee...This paper describes a new quality control (QC) scheme for microwave humidity sounder (MHS) data assimilation. It consists of a cloud detection step and an O-B (i.e., differences of brightness temperatures between observations and model simulations) check. Over ocean, cloud detection can be carried out based on two MHS window channels and two Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-A) window channels, which can be used for obtaining cloud ice water path (IWP) and liquid water path (LWP), respectively. Over land, cloud detection of microwave data becomes much more challenging due to a much larger emission contribution from land surface than that from cloud. The current MHS cloud detection over land employs an 0-]3 based method, which could fail to identify cloudy radiances when there is mismatch between actual clouds and model clouds. In this study, a new MHS observation based index is developed for identifying MHS cloudy radiances over land. The new land index for cloud detection exploits the large variability of brightness temperature observations among MHS channels over different clouds, It is shown that those MHS cloudy radiances that were otherwise missed by the current O-B based QC method can be successfully identified by the new land index. An O-B check can then be employed to the remaining data after cloud detection to remove additional outliers with model simulations deviated greatly from observations. It is shown that MHS channel correlations are significantly reduced by the newly proposed QC scheme.展开更多
Microwave Humidity Sounders (MHS) onboard NOAA- 15, - 16, - 17, - 18, - 19, and EUMETSAT MetOp-A/B satellites provide radiance measurements at a single polarization state at any of five observed frequen- cies. The M...Microwave Humidity Sounders (MHS) onboard NOAA- 15, - 16, - 17, - 18, - 19, and EUMETSAT MetOp-A/B satellites provide radiance measurements at a single polarization state at any of five observed frequen- cies. The Microwave Humidity Sounder (MWHS) onboard the FengYun-3 (FY-3) satellite has a unique instrument design that provides dual polarization measurements at 150 GHz. In this study, the MWHS polarization signal was investigated using observed and modeled data. It is shown that the quasi-polarization brightness temperatures at 150GHz display a scan angle dependent bias. Under calm ocean conditions, the polarization difference at 150 GHz becomes non-negligible when the scan angle varies from 10° to 45° and reaches a maximum when the scan angle is about 30°. Also, the polarization state is sensitive to surface parameters such as surface wind speed. Under clear-sky conditions, the differences between horizontal and vertical polarization states at 150GHz increase with decreasing surface wind speed. Therefore, the polarization signals from the cross-track scanning microwave measurements at window channels contain useful information about surface parameters. In addition, the availability of dual polarization measurements allows a one-to-one conversion from antenna brightness temperature to sensor brightness temperature ifa cross-polarization spill-over exists.展开更多
Calibration is a key issue for quantitative application of meteorological satellite data. The complex space environment may cause many uncertainties in data calibration. A highly stable and reliable calibrator in flig...Calibration is a key issue for quantitative application of meteorological satellite data. The complex space environment may cause many uncertainties in data calibration. A highly stable and reliable calibrator in flight is needed. Because the Moon has no atmosphere and no environmental variation, the physical and chemical properties of its surface are stable in the long term. The Moon might be an ideal candidate for in-flight thermal calibration. In advanced satellite-borne microwave remote sensing such as NOAA-18, the deep space view(DSV) of the microwave humidity sounder(MHS) has viewed the Moon many times every year.Using the thermal-physical properties of the lunar regolith derived from the Diviner infrared(IR) brightness temperature(TB) data,we solve the one-dimensional heat conduction equation to obtain the temperature profile of the near side of the lunar regolith medium. The loss tangents of the regolith medium are retrieved from microwave TB data of the Chinese satellite Chang’e-2. The integrated radiative transfer equation is used to simulate the weighted disk-average TB of the lunar surface for the MHS channels at89, 157, and 183 GHz for the year 2011. The Moon is taken as an extended circular target. The simulated TBs are used to correct the full width at half maximum(FWHM) fitted with the MHS counts. We analyze the influences of the distance between the satellite and the Moon, the lunar phase angle, and the FWHM of the radiometer on the inverted FWHM. The corrected TB data are compared with the simulation. This paper presents a new method for thermal calibration of spaceborne in-flight microwave and millimeter-wave radiometers with the weighted disk-average TB of the lunar surface.展开更多
Atmospheric water vapor is an essential climate variable(ECV)with extensive spatial and temporal variations.Microwave humidity observations from meteorological satellites provide important information for climate syst...Atmospheric water vapor is an essential climate variable(ECV)with extensive spatial and temporal variations.Microwave humidity observations from meteorological satellites provide important information for climate system variables,including atmospheric water vapor and precipitable water,and assimilation in numerical weather prediction(NWP)and reanalysis.As one of the payloads onboard China’s second-generation polar-orbiting operational meteorological Fengyun-3(FY-3)satellites,the Microwave Humidity Sounder(MWHS)has been continuously observing the global humidity since 2008.The reprocessing of historical FY-3 MWHS data is documented in detail in this study.After calibrating and correcting the data,the quality of the reprocessed dataset is evaluated and the improvement is shown in this study.The results suggest that MWHS observations bias is reduced to approximately 0.8 K,compared with METOP-A Microwave Humidity Sounder(MHS).The temporal variability of MWHS is highly correlated with the instrument temperature.After reprocessing,the scene temperature dependency is mitigated for all 183 GHz channels,and the consistency and stability between FY-3A/B/C are also improved.展开更多
风云三号C星(FY-3C)已经于2013年9月23日发射升空,其上装载的微波湿温探测仪(MWHTS)已于9月30日开机正常工作.MWHTS具有对大气温度和湿度垂直分布进行同步探测的能力.MWHTS为跨轨扫描式微波辐射计,在89-191GHz毫米波段内设置了十五...风云三号C星(FY-3C)已经于2013年9月23日发射升空,其上装载的微波湿温探测仪(MWHTS)已于9月30日开机正常工作.MWHTS具有对大气温度和湿度垂直分布进行同步探测的能力.MWHTS为跨轨扫描式微波辐射计,在89-191GHz毫米波段内设置了十五个探测通道,其中包括118.75GHz氧气吸收线附近的8个大气温度探测通道,183.31GHz水汽吸收线附近的5个大气湿度探测通道,以及89GHz和150GHz两个窗区通道.设置在118.75GHz的一组毫米波探测通道是国际上业务卫星首次使用的大气探测通道,这组通道和183.31GHz通道对大气进行联合探测,将获得更加精细的大气温湿度垂直分布数据,为数值预报和气候研究提供丰富信息.为保证MWHTS观测资料的定量应用,对仪器性能和定标精度进行了在轨测试.利用MWHTS在轨正常工作后的三个月数据,对仪器在轨定标的基础数据:冷空和黑体计数值,黑体和仪器温度进行监测分析和质量检验,经过质量检验的在轨定标基础数据,结合发射前真空试验得到的非线性订正项在轨定标生成MWHTS观测亮温数据.评估MWHTS在轨辐射定标结果的精度和偏差特性使用了三种方法:1通过场地定标试验获取大气温湿廓线和地面温度等大气参数信息,结合微波逐线正演辐射传输模式MonoRTM(Monochromatic Radiative Transfer Model)模拟MWHTS的上行微波辐射亮温,与MWHTS实际观测结果进行对比分析;2两个通道特性一致的同类星载被动微波载荷同时观测同一目标,观测亮温的差异主要取决于两个载荷的定标系统偏差.选取美国SNPP上搭载的微波探测仪器ATMS作为MWHTS的参考载荷,基于SNO(simultaneous nadir overpass)技术,对两个仪器的观测亮温进行交叉比对,观测亮温时空匹配及均匀性检验的条件为:观测时间差异小于20min,观测像元中心距离小于3km,观测角度在星下点附近差异小于5°,观测像元周围3×3像元内的亮温标准差小于1K;3基于美国国家环境预测中心的全球数据同化系统GDAS(Global Data Assimilation System)数据,利用快速辐射传输模式CRTM(Community Radiative Transfer Model)对MWHTS各通道亮温进行正演模拟,模拟结果(O)和仪器实际观测的亮温(B)之间的差异记为"O-B",对偏差值"O-B"进行统计特征分析.仪器中心频率的变化、正演模式模拟精度和模式输入廓线自身的误差都会对"O-B"产生影响.但是对于首次使用的探测频点而言(如118.75GHz通道),由于国际上没有同类载荷可以进行交叉比对,借助于正演辐射传输模式计算得到"O-B"偏差的分析结果可以在一定程度上反映仪器整体定标情况.外场地定标试验结果显示除通道14外,其他14个通道的亮温差都在1.3K以内;与同类载荷ATMS的在轨观测进行直接交叉比对表明通道14与ATMS的亮温偏差最大,但中心频点一致的5个水汽探测通道的标准差都小于1K;将MWHTS观测结果和正演辐射传输模式模拟结果即"O-B"进行偏差分析显示,靠近118.75GHz吸收线中心的通道2—6"O-B"标准差小于0.5K,其他通道"O-B"标准差和ATMS相应通道的结果相当;MWHTS观测和模拟偏差随角度变化的研究表明通道1,7-13和15观测结果对角度有一定依赖性.展开更多
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41505014)
文摘The ECMWF has been assimilating Feng-Yun-3B (FY-3B) satellite microwave humidity sounder (MWHS) data over ocean in an operational forecasting system since 24 September 2014, It is more difficult, however, to assimilate microwave observations over land and sea ice than over the open ocean due to higher uncertainties in land surface temperature, surface emissivity and less effective cloud screening. We compare approaches in which the emissivity is retrieved dynamically from MWHS channel l [150 GHz (vertical polarization)] with the use of an evolving emissivity atlas from 89 GHz observations from the MWHS onboard NOAA and EUMETSAT satellites. The assimilation of the additional data over land improves the fit of short-range forecasts to other observations, notably ATMS (Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder) humidity channels, and the forecast impacts are mainly neutral to slightly positive over the first five days. The forecast impacts are better in boreal summer and the Southern Hemisphere. These results suggest that the techniques tested allow for effective assimilation of MWHS/FY-3B data over land.
基金funded by the National Basic Research (973) Program of China (Grant No. 2015CB452802)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41230421, 41605075, and 41675058)
文摘In operational data assimilation systems, observation-error covariance matrices are commonly assumed to be diagonal.However, inter-channel and spatial observation-error correlations are inevitable for satellite radiances. The observation errors of the Microwave Temperature Sounder(MWTS) and Microwave Humidity Sounder(MWHS) onboard the FengYun-3A(FY-3A) and FY-3B satellites are empirically assigned and considered to be uncorrelated when they are assimilated into the WRF model's Community Variational Data Assimilation System(WRFDA). To assimilate MWTS and MWHS measurements optimally, a good characterization of their observation errors is necessary. In this study, background and analysis residuals were used to diagnose the correlated observation-error characteristics of the MWTS and MWHS. It was found that the error standard deviations of the MWTS and MWHS were less than the values used in the WRFDA. MWTS had small inter-channel errors, while MWHS had significant inter-channel errors. The horizontal correlation length scales of MWTS and MWHS were about 120 and 60 km, respectively. A comparison between the diagnosis for instruments onboard the two satellites showed that the observation-error characteristics of the MWTS or MWHS were different when they were onboard different satellites. In addition, it was found that the error statistics were dependent on latitude and scan positions.The forecast experiments showed that using a modified thinning scheme based on diagnosed statistics can improve forecast accuracy.
基金supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2018YFC1507302)the Mathematical Theories and Methods of Data Assimilation supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 91730304)
文摘The relationship between differences in microwave humidity sounder(MHS)–channel biases which represent measured brightness temperatures and model-simulated brightness temperatures, and cloud ice water path(IWP) as well as the influence of the cloud liquid water path(LWP) on the relationship is examined. Seven years(2011–17) of NOAA-18 MHS-derived measured brightness temperatures and IWP/LWP data generated by the NOAA Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System Microwave Surface and Precipitation Products System are used. The Community Radiative Transfer Model, version2.2.4, is used to simulate model-simulated brightness temperatures using European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts reanalysis data as background fields. Scan-angle deviations of the MHS window channel biases range from-1.7 K to1.0 K. The relationships between channels 2, 4, and 5 biases and scan angle are symmetrical about the nadir. The latitudedependent deviations of MHS window channel biases are positive and range from 0–7 K. For MHS non-window channels,the latitudinal deviations between measured brightness temperatures and model-simulated brightness temperatures are larger when the detection height is higher. No systematic warm or cold deviations are found in the global spatial distribution of difference between measured brightness temperatures and model-simulated brightness temperatures over oceans after removing scan-angle and latitudinal deviations. The corrected biases of five different MHS channels decrease differently with respect to the increase in IWP. This decrease is stronger when LWP values are higher.
基金supported by the UK-China Research&Innovation Partnership Fund through the Met Office Climate Science for Service Partnership(CSSP)China as part of the Newton Fund
文摘China's FengYnn 3 (FY-3) polar orbiting satellites axe set to become an important sonrce of observational data for nu- merical weather prediction (NWP), atmospheric reanalyses, and climate monitoring studies over the next two decades. As part of the Climate Science for Service Partnership China (CSSP China) prograln, FY-3B Microwave Humidity Sounder 1 (MWHS-1) and FY-3C MWHS-2 observations have been thoroughly assessed and prepared for operational assimilation. This represents the first time observations from China's polar orbiting satellites have been used in the UK's global NWP model. Since 2016, continuous data quality monitoring has shown occasional bias changes found to be correlated to changes in the energy supply scheme regulating the platform heating system and other transient anomalies. Nonetheless, MWHS-1 and MWHS-2 significantly contribute to the 24-h forecast error reduction by 0.3% and 0.6%, respectively, and the combination of both instruments is shown to improve the fit to the model background of independent sounders by up to 1%. The observations from the Microwave Radiation Imager (MWRI) also are a potentially significant source of benefits for NWP models, but a solar-dependent bias observed in the instrument half-orbits has prevented their assimilation. This paper presents the bases of a correction scheme developed at the Met Office for the purpose of a future assimilation of MWRI data.
文摘随着风云三号系列卫星的成功发射,越来越多的卫星微波直接观测资料应用于数值天气预报的资料同化系统。并且由于卫星微波全天候同化技术可以充分利用晴天及云雨区微波观测资料,在增加同化使用的观测数据的基础上,有效提高数值天气预报准确率,该技术在卫星资料同化领域也颇受瞩目。本研究选取2018年7月的台风玛莉亚,利用WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式及其同化系统WRFDA(WRF Data Assimilation)中三维变分方法,探讨风云三号C星微波湿度计观测资料的全天候同化技术在区域模式中的适用性,以及其在不同模式驱动场中的预报表现。通过对比仅同化晴空区域卫星资料的试验和全天候同化的试验结果发现,全天候条件下更多的云雨区域观测资料被有效利用,能够更好地模拟出台风玛莉亚核心区域的暖心和对称风速结构,有效改善湿度场的预报,对台风路径的预报误差平均降低了大约34%~62%,且这种正面影响均能在不同模式驱动场中得到体现。
基金Supported by the NOAA Hurricane Forecast Improvement Program(NA15NWS4680002)China Meteorological Administration Special Public Welfare Research Fund(GYHY201406008)National Natural Science Foundation of China(91337218)
文摘This paper describes a new quality control (QC) scheme for microwave humidity sounder (MHS) data assimilation. It consists of a cloud detection step and an O-B (i.e., differences of brightness temperatures between observations and model simulations) check. Over ocean, cloud detection can be carried out based on two MHS window channels and two Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-A) window channels, which can be used for obtaining cloud ice water path (IWP) and liquid water path (LWP), respectively. Over land, cloud detection of microwave data becomes much more challenging due to a much larger emission contribution from land surface than that from cloud. The current MHS cloud detection over land employs an 0-]3 based method, which could fail to identify cloudy radiances when there is mismatch between actual clouds and model clouds. In this study, a new MHS observation based index is developed for identifying MHS cloudy radiances over land. The new land index for cloud detection exploits the large variability of brightness temperature observations among MHS channels over different clouds, It is shown that those MHS cloudy radiances that were otherwise missed by the current O-B based QC method can be successfully identified by the new land index. An O-B check can then be employed to the remaining data after cloud detection to remove additional outliers with model simulations deviated greatly from observations. It is shown that MHS channel correlations are significantly reduced by the newly proposed QC scheme.
文摘Microwave Humidity Sounders (MHS) onboard NOAA- 15, - 16, - 17, - 18, - 19, and EUMETSAT MetOp-A/B satellites provide radiance measurements at a single polarization state at any of five observed frequen- cies. The Microwave Humidity Sounder (MWHS) onboard the FengYun-3 (FY-3) satellite has a unique instrument design that provides dual polarization measurements at 150 GHz. In this study, the MWHS polarization signal was investigated using observed and modeled data. It is shown that the quasi-polarization brightness temperatures at 150GHz display a scan angle dependent bias. Under calm ocean conditions, the polarization difference at 150 GHz becomes non-negligible when the scan angle varies from 10° to 45° and reaches a maximum when the scan angle is about 30°. Also, the polarization state is sensitive to surface parameters such as surface wind speed. Under clear-sky conditions, the differences between horizontal and vertical polarization states at 150GHz increase with decreasing surface wind speed. Therefore, the polarization signals from the cross-track scanning microwave measurements at window channels contain useful information about surface parameters. In addition, the availability of dual polarization measurements allows a one-to-one conversion from antenna brightness temperature to sensor brightness temperature ifa cross-polarization spill-over exists.
文摘Calibration is a key issue for quantitative application of meteorological satellite data. The complex space environment may cause many uncertainties in data calibration. A highly stable and reliable calibrator in flight is needed. Because the Moon has no atmosphere and no environmental variation, the physical and chemical properties of its surface are stable in the long term. The Moon might be an ideal candidate for in-flight thermal calibration. In advanced satellite-borne microwave remote sensing such as NOAA-18, the deep space view(DSV) of the microwave humidity sounder(MHS) has viewed the Moon many times every year.Using the thermal-physical properties of the lunar regolith derived from the Diviner infrared(IR) brightness temperature(TB) data,we solve the one-dimensional heat conduction equation to obtain the temperature profile of the near side of the lunar regolith medium. The loss tangents of the regolith medium are retrieved from microwave TB data of the Chinese satellite Chang’e-2. The integrated radiative transfer equation is used to simulate the weighted disk-average TB of the lunar surface for the MHS channels at89, 157, and 183 GHz for the year 2011. The Moon is taken as an extended circular target. The simulated TBs are used to correct the full width at half maximum(FWHM) fitted with the MHS counts. We analyze the influences of the distance between the satellite and the Moon, the lunar phase angle, and the FWHM of the radiometer on the inverted FWHM. The corrected TB data are compared with the simulation. This paper presents a new method for thermal calibration of spaceborne in-flight microwave and millimeter-wave radiometers with the weighted disk-average TB of the lunar surface.
基金Supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2018YFB0504900 and 2018YFB0504902)National Natural Science Foundation of China(41775020,42005105,and 41905034)。
文摘Atmospheric water vapor is an essential climate variable(ECV)with extensive spatial and temporal variations.Microwave humidity observations from meteorological satellites provide important information for climate system variables,including atmospheric water vapor and precipitable water,and assimilation in numerical weather prediction(NWP)and reanalysis.As one of the payloads onboard China’s second-generation polar-orbiting operational meteorological Fengyun-3(FY-3)satellites,the Microwave Humidity Sounder(MWHS)has been continuously observing the global humidity since 2008.The reprocessing of historical FY-3 MWHS data is documented in detail in this study.After calibrating and correcting the data,the quality of the reprocessed dataset is evaluated and the improvement is shown in this study.The results suggest that MWHS observations bias is reduced to approximately 0.8 K,compared with METOP-A Microwave Humidity Sounder(MHS).The temporal variability of MWHS is highly correlated with the instrument temperature.After reprocessing,the scene temperature dependency is mitigated for all 183 GHz channels,and the consistency and stability between FY-3A/B/C are also improved.
文摘风云三号C星(FY-3C)已经于2013年9月23日发射升空,其上装载的微波湿温探测仪(MWHTS)已于9月30日开机正常工作.MWHTS具有对大气温度和湿度垂直分布进行同步探测的能力.MWHTS为跨轨扫描式微波辐射计,在89-191GHz毫米波段内设置了十五个探测通道,其中包括118.75GHz氧气吸收线附近的8个大气温度探测通道,183.31GHz水汽吸收线附近的5个大气湿度探测通道,以及89GHz和150GHz两个窗区通道.设置在118.75GHz的一组毫米波探测通道是国际上业务卫星首次使用的大气探测通道,这组通道和183.31GHz通道对大气进行联合探测,将获得更加精细的大气温湿度垂直分布数据,为数值预报和气候研究提供丰富信息.为保证MWHTS观测资料的定量应用,对仪器性能和定标精度进行了在轨测试.利用MWHTS在轨正常工作后的三个月数据,对仪器在轨定标的基础数据:冷空和黑体计数值,黑体和仪器温度进行监测分析和质量检验,经过质量检验的在轨定标基础数据,结合发射前真空试验得到的非线性订正项在轨定标生成MWHTS观测亮温数据.评估MWHTS在轨辐射定标结果的精度和偏差特性使用了三种方法:1通过场地定标试验获取大气温湿廓线和地面温度等大气参数信息,结合微波逐线正演辐射传输模式MonoRTM(Monochromatic Radiative Transfer Model)模拟MWHTS的上行微波辐射亮温,与MWHTS实际观测结果进行对比分析;2两个通道特性一致的同类星载被动微波载荷同时观测同一目标,观测亮温的差异主要取决于两个载荷的定标系统偏差.选取美国SNPP上搭载的微波探测仪器ATMS作为MWHTS的参考载荷,基于SNO(simultaneous nadir overpass)技术,对两个仪器的观测亮温进行交叉比对,观测亮温时空匹配及均匀性检验的条件为:观测时间差异小于20min,观测像元中心距离小于3km,观测角度在星下点附近差异小于5°,观测像元周围3×3像元内的亮温标准差小于1K;3基于美国国家环境预测中心的全球数据同化系统GDAS(Global Data Assimilation System)数据,利用快速辐射传输模式CRTM(Community Radiative Transfer Model)对MWHTS各通道亮温进行正演模拟,模拟结果(O)和仪器实际观测的亮温(B)之间的差异记为"O-B",对偏差值"O-B"进行统计特征分析.仪器中心频率的变化、正演模式模拟精度和模式输入廓线自身的误差都会对"O-B"产生影响.但是对于首次使用的探测频点而言(如118.75GHz通道),由于国际上没有同类载荷可以进行交叉比对,借助于正演辐射传输模式计算得到"O-B"偏差的分析结果可以在一定程度上反映仪器整体定标情况.外场地定标试验结果显示除通道14外,其他14个通道的亮温差都在1.3K以内;与同类载荷ATMS的在轨观测进行直接交叉比对表明通道14与ATMS的亮温偏差最大,但中心频点一致的5个水汽探测通道的标准差都小于1K;将MWHTS观测结果和正演辐射传输模式模拟结果即"O-B"进行偏差分析显示,靠近118.75GHz吸收线中心的通道2—6"O-B"标准差小于0.5K,其他通道"O-B"标准差和ATMS相应通道的结果相当;MWHTS观测和模拟偏差随角度变化的研究表明通道1,7-13和15观测结果对角度有一定依赖性.