Based on the results of two dimension velo city structure, 1∶100 000 aeromagnetic anomaly, 1∶200 000 bouguer gravity anom aly and seismic anisotropy of Jiaodong and neighboring region in Shandong, China , the info...Based on the results of two dimension velo city structure, 1∶100 000 aeromagnetic anomaly, 1∶200 000 bouguer gravity anom aly and seismic anisotropy of Jiaodong and neighboring region in Shandong, China , the information of geophysical field was divided into two parts: deep and sh allow focus fields. And then, the information of two different fields was c ombined with that of deep seated geology and ore deposit features. The syntheti c result was adopted to analyze three dimension structure, to probe into crust mantle coupling effects of mineralization and dynamics of ore formation system .展开更多
The Himalayan-Tibetan orogen is the youngest and arguably most spectacular of all the continent-continent collisional belts on the Earth. There are not only north-south extrusions but also east-west extensions in the ...The Himalayan-Tibetan orogen is the youngest and arguably most spectacular of all the continent-continent collisional belts on the Earth. There are not only north-south extrusions but also east-west extensions in the Tibetan Plateau. All these phenomena are the results of the Indian plate subducting into the Eurasia plate about 70 Ma ago (Yin and Harrison, 2000), but the deep dynamics mechanism is still an enigma. Exploring the crust and upper mantle structure of Tibetan plateau and revealing the process and the effect of collision are crucial for solving the puzzle of the Tibet uplift and the continent-continent collision. This research is based on the data from the 360km-long Dagze-Deqen-Domar profile, which can be divided into two sections. The Dagze-Deqen section traverses the Nyainqntanglha Mountains and the Yadong-Gulu rift, the biggest rift in the Tibet. The Deqen-Domar section crosses Lhasa terrane and Qiangtang terrane. We study the transverse density structure of the crust and mantle beneath the Dagze-Deqen-Domar profile using a joint gravity-seismic inversion technique in order to obtain the Moho and the asthenospheric configuration beneath the profile and understand the deep dynamics mechanism of the Yadong-Gulu rift.展开更多
Using recent data of geoscience transaction in Northeast China, the author analyses and studies the crust-upper mantle structure feature of the North Tanlu fault zone. The result shows the crust-mantle structure are o...Using recent data of geoscience transaction in Northeast China, the author analyses and studies the crust-upper mantle structure feature of the North Tanlu fault zone. The result shows the crust-mantle structure are obvious difference at both sides of the North Tanlu fault zone. The fault activity and segmentation are closely related with abruptly change zone of the crust-upper mantle structure. There is a clear mirror image relationship between the big geomorphic shape and asthenosphere undulate, the former restricts tectonic stability and tectonic style of dif- ferent crustal units. The significantly strengthening seismicity of north set and south set in the North Tanlu fault zone just correspond to the low-velocity and high conductivity layer of crust-upper mantle. In the North Tanlu fault zone, the main controlling structure of the mid-strong seismic generally consists of the active fault sectors, whose crust-mantle structure is more complicated in rigidity massif.展开更多
The Earth’s lower mantle structure,as revealed by seismic tomography studies,is best characterized by two large low seismic velocity provinces(i.e.,LLSVP)beneath Africa and Pacific and their surrounding,circum-
From the 1960 s to 1970 s, North China has been hit by a series of large earthquakes. During the past half century,geophysicists have carried out numerous surveys of the crustal and upper mantle structure, and associa...From the 1960 s to 1970 s, North China has been hit by a series of large earthquakes. During the past half century,geophysicists have carried out numerous surveys of the crustal and upper mantle structure, and associated studies in North China.They have made significant progress on several key issues in the geosciences, such as the crustal and upper mantle structure and the seismogenic environment of strong earthquakes. Deep seismic profiling results indicate a complex tectonic setting in the strong earthquake areas of North China, where a listric normal fault and a low-angle detachment in the upper crust coexist with a high-angle deep fault passing through the lower crust to the Moho beneath the hypocenter. Seismic tomography images reveal that most of the large earthquakes occurred in the transition between the high-and low-velocity zones, and the Tangshan earthquake area is characterized by a low-velocity anomaly in the middle-lower crust. Comprehensive analysis of geophysical data identified that the deep seismogenic environment in the North China extensional tectonic region is generally characterized by a low-velocity anomalous belt beneath the hypocenter, inconsistency of the deep and shallow structures in the crust, a steep crustalal-scale fault,relative lower velocities in the uppermost mantle, and local Moho uplift, etc. This indicates that the lithospheric structure of North China has strong heterogeneities. Geologically, the North China region had been a stable craton named the North China Craton or in brief the NCC, containing crustal rocks as old as ~3.8 Ga. The present-day strong seismic activity and the lower velocity of the lower crust in the NCC are much different from typical stable cratons around the world. These findings provide significant evidence for the destruction of the NCC. Although deep seismic profiling and seismic tomography have greatly enhanced knowledge about the deep-seated structure and seismogenic environment, some fundamental issues still remain and require further work.展开更多
Another comparative interpretation was conducted with respect to the data from 5 DSS profiles in the central and southern parts of Shanxi, leading to the conclusion that in Linxian, Linfen and Xingtai earthquake regio...Another comparative interpretation was conducted with respect to the data from 5 DSS profiles in the central and southern parts of Shanxi, leading to the conclusion that in Linxian, Linfen and Xingtai earthquake regions, through which the five profiles pass, there exist anomalous crust mantle structure and abyssal crustal faults extending to Moho, all being regarded as the deep indications for earthquake occurrence.展开更多
A method of three dimensional (3-D) model parameterization is presented that makes forward and inverse problems become easy. The velocity and interface structure of crust and upper mantle are described by a set of hig...A method of three dimensional (3-D) model parameterization is presented that makes forward and inverse problems become easy. The velocity and interface structure of crust and upper mantle are described by a set of highly smoothed functions. Shooting ray tracing method is chosen to calculate the ray paths for both forward and inverse problems. The partial derivatives of traveltime with respect to parameters of the model grids are calculated analytically while rays are being traced. Because velocity and interface functions have second-order continuous partial derivatives, the geometrical shadow zones at the surface caused by scattering and focusing of ray paths can be prevented. After ray tracing, an equation consisting of matrix and vectors for inverse problem is obtained. We use singular value decomposition method with damped factor to solve the equation. A synthetic data set which consists of several in-line profiles is used to test the methods. The results show that the methods are robust. Compared with the two dimensional method, the 3-D inversion method can give the right position of interfaces and the velocity structure when the crustal model is complicated.展开更多
Mantle branch structure is the third tectonic unit of multiple evolution of a mantle branch. It is not only the main mechanism of intercontinental orogeny, but also an important ore-forming and ore-control structure. ...Mantle branch structure is the third tectonic unit of multiple evolution of a mantle branch. It is not only the main mechanism of intercontinental orogeny, but also an important ore-forming and ore-control structure. Studies on geotectonic evolution, regional geological characteristics and oreforming and ore-control structures have shown that since the Mesozoic the Da Hinggan Mts. region has entered a typical intercontinental orogenic stage, and it is closely related to mantle branch activities. The south-central segment of the Da Hinggan Mts. is a typical mantle branch structure and possesses obvious magmatic-metamorphic complexes in the core, detachment slip beds in the periphery and overlapped fault depression basins. Moreover, all of these are the principal factors leading to ore formation and ore control in the region. This paper also further explores the mechanism of mineralization in the south-central segment of the Da Hinggan, summaries the rules of mineralization, puts forward the models of mineralization and points out future ore-exploring orientation.展开更多
In order to investigate the interrelations of crust and upper mantle tectonics and its velocity distribution as well as seismicity in the Yanhuai basin and its surrounding area, a nearly EW trending Beijing Huailai ...In order to investigate the interrelations of crust and upper mantle tectonics and its velocity distribution as well as seismicity in the Yanhuai basin and its surrounding area, a nearly EW trending Beijing Huailai Fengzhen wide angle reflection/refraction profile, which obliquely passes through seismic zone of Zhangjiakou Bohai Sea and coincides with a deep reflection profile in the Yanhuai basin, was completed recently. The results show: The crust presents layered structures and its thickness gradually increases from 35.0 km in Shunyi to 42.0 km in the west end of the profile; the interior crustal interfaces appear approximately horizontal or slowly sloping down from east to west; In the Yanhuai basin, the crust presents the characteristics of higher velocities alternating with the lower ones and the low velocity bodies obviously exist in the lower part of upper crust. Moreover, there are two deep crustal fault zones which stretch to the Moho discontinuity, are closely related with the seismicity in the Yanhuai area.展开更多
Cenozoic basalt in eastern China contains abundant ultramafic xenoliths which are specimens of pyrolitesreleased during basaltic magma eruption. A total of 405 P-T data of pyroxene in the ultramafic rocks have beencol...Cenozoic basalt in eastern China contains abundant ultramafic xenoliths which are specimens of pyrolitesreleased during basaltic magma eruption. A total of 405 P-T data of pyroxene in the ultramafic rocks have beencollected, which present a more precise pyroxene geotherm. The average geothermal gradient in the upper man-tle represented by the pyroxene geotherm is about 3.3℃ / km, which is much less than that derived from theconductive thermal model (≈14℃ / km), implying the great significance of convective heat transfer. The calcu-lation shows that the contributions of convective and conductive heat transfers are 79% and 21%, respectively.The perturbation in the thermal structure of the upper mantle is an important manifestation of thetectonothermal event of Cenozoic continental rifting and intense basaltic volcanism in eastern China. Based onthe pyroxene geotherm and its comparison with the current geothermal field derived from the measurements ofthe surface heat flows, it is suggested that the Moho may be a secondary thermal boundary. The currentgeothermal field and the thermal structure of the lithosphere in eastern China may mainly reflect the result ofthe tectonothermal disturbance in the Neogene-Quaternary, in other words, the lithosphere has just begun toCool.展开更多
Based on the long period surface wave data recorded by the China Digital Seismograph Network (CDSN), the Q R of fundamental mode Rayleigh wave with periods from 10 s to 146 s is determined for the eastern Sino ...Based on the long period surface wave data recorded by the China Digital Seismograph Network (CDSN), the Q R of fundamental mode Rayleigh wave with periods from 10 s to 146 s is determined for the eastern Sino Korean paraplatform in this paper. The Q β models of the crust and upper mantle are respectively obtained for the 4 paths, with the aid of stochastic inverse method. It shows that in the eastern Sino Korean paraplatform, the average crustal Q β is about 200, and that there exists a weak attenuation layer in the middle crust (about 10~20 km deep) which is possibly related to earthquake prone layer. A strong attenuation layer (low Q ) of 70 km thick extensively exists in the uppermost mantle, with the buried depth about 80 km. The average Q R of fundamental mode Rayleigh wave is between the value of stable tectonic region and that of active tectonic region, and much close to the latter.展开更多
The Benzilan-Tangke deep seismic sounding profile in the western Sichuan region passes through the Song-pan-Garze orogenic belt with trend of NNE. Based on the travel times and the related amplitudes of phases in the ...The Benzilan-Tangke deep seismic sounding profile in the western Sichuan region passes through the Song-pan-Garze orogenic belt with trend of NNE. Based on the travel times and the related amplitudes of phases in the record sections, the 2-D P-wave crustal structure was ascertained in this paper. The velocity structure has quite strong lateral variation along the profile. The crust is divided into 5 layers, where the first, second and third layer belong to the upper crust, the forth and fifth layer belong to the lower crust. The low velocity anomaly zone gener-ally exists in the central part of the upper crust on the profile, and it integrates into the overlying low velocity basement in the area to the north of Ma'erkang. The crustal structure in the section can be divided into 4 parts: in the south of Garze-Litang fault, between Garze-Litang fault and Xianshuihe fault, between Xianshuihe fault and Longriba fault and in the north of Longriba fault, which are basically coincided with the regional tectonics division. The crustal thickness decreases from southwest to northeast along the profile, that is, from 62 km in the region of the Jinshajiang River to 52 km in the region of the Yellow River. The Moho discontinuity does not obviously change across the Xianshuihe fault based on the PmP phase analysis. The crustal average velocity along the profile is lower, about 6.30 km/s. The Benzilan-Tangke profile reveals that the crust in the study area is orogenic. The Xianshuihe fault belt is located in the central part of the profile, and the velocity is positive anomaly on the upper crust, and negative anomaly on the lower crust and upper mantle. It is considered as a deep tectonic setting in favor of strong earthquake's accumulation and occurrence.展开更多
The three-dimension crustal and upper mantle structures in the region around Beijing were studied by seismic tomography. We used the P wave arrival times from local and teleseismic events. These events were recorded b...The three-dimension crustal and upper mantle structures in the region around Beijing were studied by seismic tomography. We used the P wave arrival times from local and teleseismic events. These events were recorded by 250 stations of the North China Seismic Array and 108 stations of the Beijing Telemetry Seismic Network. 118 869 P wave arrivals from 10 285 local events and 12 189 P wave arrivals from 107 teleseismic events were used in the inversion. We obtained the 3-D P wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle with the horizontal resolution of 0.3° in the studied region. The tomographic imaging shows the remarkably heterogeneous velocity variation. The velocity anomalies are in well agreement with the geological structure in the shallow crust. The different relationships between seismic activities and velocity anomalies may imply the different seismogenic structure and mechanism. Beneath the Moho under Taihangshan mountain and Yanshan mountain, we found the high velocity anomalies deep to 120 km and 200 km, respectively. The deep high velocity zone may be explained by the existence of the mountain root under Yanshan mountain. The high velocity anomalies in the upper mantle of North China basin may be the relics of the de-rooting from the former craton mantle lithosphere.展开更多
In this paper the fine structure of crust mantle transition zone in Western Yunnan Province is analysed and discussed based on the reflection phases from Moho discontinuity in Project Western Yunnan 86~87. ...In this paper the fine structure of crust mantle transition zone in Western Yunnan Province is analysed and discussed based on the reflection phases from Moho discontinuity in Project Western Yunnan 86~87. It shows that in two points: in the north 27.64 km from shot point Jinggu and south 58.74 km from shot point Zhiti, there are transition zones of group of thin layers with inverse velocity.These two reflection points are both situated in the lower velocity anomaly zone in the top of upper mantle. The crust of this region is more seismicity. Maybe the unusual structure of this transition zone is related with the characteristics of this region. This paper discusses the possible geological interpretation model for this transition zone, and also makes suggestion about its application in earthquake prediction.展开更多
Generally speaking, the factors of both medium and tectonic that give rise to heterogeneity of the earth crust and mantle structures should be taken into account simultaneously in three dimensional seismic ray tracin...Generally speaking, the factors of both medium and tectonic that give rise to heterogeneity of the earth crust and mantle structures should be taken into account simultaneously in three dimensional seismic ray tracing. In this paper, the three dimensional structure models are constructed with the model similar to generation system in computer aid design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM). Based on the algorithm proposed by Cerveny et al . for complete seismic ray tracing in complex three dimensional structures, a new technique called the indirect approach method for two point seismic ray tracing in three dimensional laterally heterogeneous media has been put forward, and its numerical computing examples were given.展开更多
This paper introduces 8 major discoveries and new understandings with regard to the deep structure and tectonics of the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau obtained in Project INDEPTH, They are mainly as follows. (1) The up...This paper introduces 8 major discoveries and new understandings with regard to the deep structure and tectonics of the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau obtained in Project INDEPTH, They are mainly as follows. (1) The upper crust, lower crust and mantle lithosphere beneath the blocks of the plateau form a 'sandwich' structure with a relatively rigid-brittle upper crust, a visco-plastic lower crust and a relatively rigid-ductile mantle lithosphere. This structure is completely different from that of monotonous, cold and more rigid oceanic plates. (2) In the process of north-directed collision-compression of the Indian subcontinent, the upper crust was attached to the foreland in the form of a gigantic foreland accretionary wedge. The interior of the accretionary wedge thickened in such tectonic manners as large-scale thrusting, backthrusting and folding, and magmatic masses and partially molten masses participated in the crustal thickening. Between the upper crust and lower crust lies a large detachment (e.g. the Main Himalayan Thrust in southern Tibet, 5-8 km thick) or a very thick shear-schistose zone (e.g. the Main Qiangtang Thrust-MQT in northern Tibet, up to 20 km thick), which causes the decoupling of the upper crust and lower crust and separation of tectonic activities. (3) During the collision-compression, the Indian mantle lithosphere was delaminated into two layers from where the crust thickened most rapidly (beneath the High Himalayas). The upper layer extends to 34.5°N and the lower layer to 33.5°. They have been underthrust to depths of 250-300 km into the asthenosphere. Meanwhile the Asian lithosphere (possibly the Qaidam terrane) has also been subducted southwards. Very thick mantle lithosphere does not exist beneath the plateau. (4) The oceanic lithosphere, in light of its lithology and dynamic behaviour, might be close to those of the continental lithosphere and its front might enter the asthenosphere before the continental lithosphere. (5) A 150-200 km deep low-velocity body below 35°N and a wide low-velocity zone below the area between 33.5° and 35°N dip north at very steep angles. Volcanism took place frequently in northern Tibet and anisotropy variations are prominent at depths, which might indicate a zone of large-scale eastward transfer of deep-seated materials.展开更多
The Shihu gold deposit, located in the middlesouth section of the core of the Fuping mantle branch structure, is hosted in the Archean Fuping Group and adjacent to the quartz diorite porphyrite. The gold deposit is th...The Shihu gold deposit, located in the middlesouth section of the core of the Fuping mantle branch structure, is hosted in the Archean Fuping Group and adjacent to the quartz diorite porphyrite. The gold deposit is the only large gold deposit with reserves of more than 30 tons gold discovered in western Hebei Province so far. In order to constrain the timing of mineralization of this ore deposit, this paper focuses on the isotopic dating of zircon and pyrite. Zircons in gold-bearing quartz veins are magmatic in origin and no hydrothermal zircon has been found in such quartz veins, indicating that zircons were derived from the wall rocks. U–Pb ages of zircons fall mainly in the two domains: 2492 ± 82 and 136 ± 4 Ma, respectively,indicative of the contribution of the Fuping-Group TTG gneiss and Yanshanian igneous rocks, respectively. The Re–Os isotopic compositions of pyrites in the gold-bearing quartz veins yield an isochron age of 127 ± 31 Ma. Combined with other dating results, we suggest that the main metallogenic age of the Shihu gold deposit is 120–127 Ma.展开更多
The geochemical study of the Earth's mantle provides important constraints on our understanding of the formation and evolution of Earth, its internal structure, and the mantle dynamics. The bulk Earth composition ...The geochemical study of the Earth's mantle provides important constraints on our understanding of the formation and evolution of Earth, its internal structure, and the mantle dynamics. The bulk Earth composition is inferred by comparing terrestrial mantle rocks with chondrites, which leads to the chondritic Earth model. That is, Earth has the same relative proportions of refractory elements as that in chondrites, but it is depleted in volatiles. Ocean island basalts(OIB) may be produced by mantle plumes with possible deep origins; consequently, they provide unique opportunity to study the deep Earth. Isotopic variations within OIB can be described using a limited number of mantle endmembers, such as EM1, EM2 and HIMU, and they have been used to decipher important mantle processes. Introduction of crustal material into the deep mantle via subduction and delamination is important in generating mantle heterogeneity; however, there is active debate on how they were sampled by mantle melting, i.e.,the role of olivine-poor lithologies in the OIB petrogenesis. The origin and location of high 3He/4He mantle remain controversial,ranging from unprocessed(or less processed) primitive material in the lower mantle to highly processed materials with shallow origins, including ancient melting residues, mafic cumulates under arcs, and recycled hydrous minerals. Possible core-mantle interaction was hypothesized to introduce distinctive geochemical signatures such as radiogenic 186 Os and Fe and Ni enrichment in the OIB. Small but important variations in some short-lived nuclides, including 142 Nd, 182 W and several Xe isotopes, have been reported in ancient and modern terrestrial rocks, implying that the Earth's mantle must have been differentiated within the first 100 Myr of its formation, and the mantle is not efficiently homogenized by mantle convection.展开更多
We apply ambient noise tomography to continuous three-component broadband seismic data between January 1,2008 and December 31,2008 from the regional networks of 76 stations de-ployed by China Earthquake Administration...We apply ambient noise tomography to continuous three-component broadband seismic data between January 1,2008 and December 31,2008 from the regional networks of 76 stations de-ployed by China Earthquake Administration.Ambient noise cross-correlations were performed to produce the Green's functions of each station-pair.Within the period from 6 to 50 s,Rayleigh and Love wave dispersion curves were measured using the multiple filter analysis method.Then three-dimensional(3-D) S-wave velocity structures from the surface down to 70 km are inverted from both Rayleigh and Love wave dispersion results.The obtained S-wave velocity maps show strong lateral variations and correlate well with the distinct geological and tectonic features in the study area.The Sichuan basin displays low velocity in shallow depth due to thick sedimentary deposits but high velocity in the mid-lower crust;the eastern Tibetan plateau is clearly featured with a low-velocity zone in its mid-to-lower crust which is consistent with the crustal flow model proposed to explain the mechanism of uplift and pattern of deformation for the Tibetan plateau.Meanwhile,our results also exhibit that the crustal thickness decreased from the eastern Tibetan plateau to the Sichuan basin.展开更多
Seismic tomography observations have shown that there are two large low shear velocity provinces(LLSVPs)above the core-mantle boundary beneath Africa and the Pacific.The thermal and compositional properties of these t...Seismic tomography observations have shown that there are two large low shear velocity provinces(LLSVPs)above the core-mantle boundary beneath Africa and the Pacific.The thermal and compositional properties of these two LLSVPs may differ from those of the ambient mantle,and they are suggested to be thermochemical piles of primordial material in the lower mantle.Their evolution is of great importance to our understanding of mantle dynamics.In this study,we systematically conducted numerical experiments to investigate the effects of the buoyancy ratio(B),compositional viscosity ratio(Δη_(c)),and heat-producing ratio(Λ)of the primordial material on the long-term evolution of thermochemical piles.Our results show that the buoyancy ratio plays the most important role in the stability of these piles.When the buoyancy ratio is small,and the primordial material is enriched in heat-producing elements(Λ>1),the stability of these piles decreases with increasing compositional viscosity ratio or heat-producing ratio.For cases with homogeneous heat production(Λ=1),the stability of these piles increases with increasingΔηc.We further compare constant internal heating with radioactive decay internal heating,and find that the longterm stability of thermochemical piles slightly decreases with radioactive decay heating,but the overall differences between these two internal heating modes are relatively small.展开更多
文摘Based on the results of two dimension velo city structure, 1∶100 000 aeromagnetic anomaly, 1∶200 000 bouguer gravity anom aly and seismic anisotropy of Jiaodong and neighboring region in Shandong, China , the information of geophysical field was divided into two parts: deep and sh allow focus fields. And then, the information of two different fields was c ombined with that of deep seated geology and ore deposit features. The syntheti c result was adopted to analyze three dimension structure, to probe into crust mantle coupling effects of mineralization and dynamics of ore formation system .
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.40404011 and 40774051)National Probing Project (SinoProbe-02)the Basic outlay of scientific research work from the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China in 2007, 2008, 2009
文摘The Himalayan-Tibetan orogen is the youngest and arguably most spectacular of all the continent-continent collisional belts on the Earth. There are not only north-south extrusions but also east-west extensions in the Tibetan Plateau. All these phenomena are the results of the Indian plate subducting into the Eurasia plate about 70 Ma ago (Yin and Harrison, 2000), but the deep dynamics mechanism is still an enigma. Exploring the crust and upper mantle structure of Tibetan plateau and revealing the process and the effect of collision are crucial for solving the puzzle of the Tibet uplift and the continent-continent collision. This research is based on the data from the 360km-long Dagze-Deqen-Domar profile, which can be divided into two sections. The Dagze-Deqen section traverses the Nyainqntanglha Mountains and the Yadong-Gulu rift, the biggest rift in the Tibet. The Deqen-Domar section crosses Lhasa terrane and Qiangtang terrane. We study the transverse density structure of the crust and mantle beneath the Dagze-Deqen-Domar profile using a joint gravity-seismic inversion technique in order to obtain the Moho and the asthenospheric configuration beneath the profile and understand the deep dynamics mechanism of the Yadong-Gulu rift.
文摘Using recent data of geoscience transaction in Northeast China, the author analyses and studies the crust-upper mantle structure feature of the North Tanlu fault zone. The result shows the crust-mantle structure are obvious difference at both sides of the North Tanlu fault zone. The fault activity and segmentation are closely related with abruptly change zone of the crust-upper mantle structure. There is a clear mirror image relationship between the big geomorphic shape and asthenosphere undulate, the former restricts tectonic stability and tectonic style of dif- ferent crustal units. The significantly strengthening seismicity of north set and south set in the North Tanlu fault zone just correspond to the low-velocity and high conductivity layer of crust-upper mantle. In the North Tanlu fault zone, the main controlling structure of the mid-strong seismic generally consists of the active fault sectors, whose crust-mantle structure is more complicated in rigidity massif.
文摘The Earth’s lower mantle structure,as revealed by seismic tomography studies,is best characterized by two large low seismic velocity provinces(i.e.,LLSVP)beneath Africa and Pacific and their surrounding,circum-
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 91014006, 90914005 & 41474073)
文摘From the 1960 s to 1970 s, North China has been hit by a series of large earthquakes. During the past half century,geophysicists have carried out numerous surveys of the crustal and upper mantle structure, and associated studies in North China.They have made significant progress on several key issues in the geosciences, such as the crustal and upper mantle structure and the seismogenic environment of strong earthquakes. Deep seismic profiling results indicate a complex tectonic setting in the strong earthquake areas of North China, where a listric normal fault and a low-angle detachment in the upper crust coexist with a high-angle deep fault passing through the lower crust to the Moho beneath the hypocenter. Seismic tomography images reveal that most of the large earthquakes occurred in the transition between the high-and low-velocity zones, and the Tangshan earthquake area is characterized by a low-velocity anomaly in the middle-lower crust. Comprehensive analysis of geophysical data identified that the deep seismogenic environment in the North China extensional tectonic region is generally characterized by a low-velocity anomalous belt beneath the hypocenter, inconsistency of the deep and shallow structures in the crust, a steep crustalal-scale fault,relative lower velocities in the uppermost mantle, and local Moho uplift, etc. This indicates that the lithospheric structure of North China has strong heterogeneities. Geologically, the North China region had been a stable craton named the North China Craton or in brief the NCC, containing crustal rocks as old as ~3.8 Ga. The present-day strong seismic activity and the lower velocity of the lower crust in the NCC are much different from typical stable cratons around the world. These findings provide significant evidence for the destruction of the NCC. Although deep seismic profiling and seismic tomography have greatly enhanced knowledge about the deep-seated structure and seismogenic environment, some fundamental issues still remain and require further work.
文摘Another comparative interpretation was conducted with respect to the data from 5 DSS profiles in the central and southern parts of Shanxi, leading to the conclusion that in Linxian, Linfen and Xingtai earthquake regions, through which the five profiles pass, there exist anomalous crust mantle structure and abyssal crustal faults extending to Moho, all being regarded as the deep indications for earthquake occurrence.
文摘A method of three dimensional (3-D) model parameterization is presented that makes forward and inverse problems become easy. The velocity and interface structure of crust and upper mantle are described by a set of highly smoothed functions. Shooting ray tracing method is chosen to calculate the ray paths for both forward and inverse problems. The partial derivatives of traveltime with respect to parameters of the model grids are calculated analytically while rays are being traced. Because velocity and interface functions have second-order continuous partial derivatives, the geometrical shadow zones at the surface caused by scattering and focusing of ray paths can be prevented. After ray tracing, an equation consisting of matrix and vectors for inverse problem is obtained. We use singular value decomposition method with damped factor to solve the equation. A synthetic data set which consists of several in-line profiles is used to test the methods. The results show that the methods are robust. Compared with the two dimensional method, the 3-D inversion method can give the right position of interfaces and the velocity structure when the crustal model is complicated.
基金co-supported by the National Natural Science Foundation Project (No.40872137,40372103)Crisis Mines Study Project (No.20089948)Inner Mongolia Geological Exploring Important Project (No.2004-05)
文摘Mantle branch structure is the third tectonic unit of multiple evolution of a mantle branch. It is not only the main mechanism of intercontinental orogeny, but also an important ore-forming and ore-control structure. Studies on geotectonic evolution, regional geological characteristics and oreforming and ore-control structures have shown that since the Mesozoic the Da Hinggan Mts. region has entered a typical intercontinental orogenic stage, and it is closely related to mantle branch activities. The south-central segment of the Da Hinggan Mts. is a typical mantle branch structure and possesses obvious magmatic-metamorphic complexes in the core, detachment slip beds in the periphery and overlapped fault depression basins. Moreover, all of these are the principal factors leading to ore formation and ore control in the region. This paper also further explores the mechanism of mineralization in the south-central segment of the Da Hinggan, summaries the rules of mineralization, puts forward the models of mineralization and points out future ore-exploring orientation.
文摘In order to investigate the interrelations of crust and upper mantle tectonics and its velocity distribution as well as seismicity in the Yanhuai basin and its surrounding area, a nearly EW trending Beijing Huailai Fengzhen wide angle reflection/refraction profile, which obliquely passes through seismic zone of Zhangjiakou Bohai Sea and coincides with a deep reflection profile in the Yanhuai basin, was completed recently. The results show: The crust presents layered structures and its thickness gradually increases from 35.0 km in Shunyi to 42.0 km in the west end of the profile; the interior crustal interfaces appear approximately horizontal or slowly sloping down from east to west; In the Yanhuai basin, the crust presents the characteristics of higher velocities alternating with the lower ones and the low velocity bodies obviously exist in the lower part of upper crust. Moreover, there are two deep crustal fault zones which stretch to the Moho discontinuity, are closely related with the seismicity in the Yanhuai area.
文摘Cenozoic basalt in eastern China contains abundant ultramafic xenoliths which are specimens of pyrolitesreleased during basaltic magma eruption. A total of 405 P-T data of pyroxene in the ultramafic rocks have beencollected, which present a more precise pyroxene geotherm. The average geothermal gradient in the upper man-tle represented by the pyroxene geotherm is about 3.3℃ / km, which is much less than that derived from theconductive thermal model (≈14℃ / km), implying the great significance of convective heat transfer. The calcu-lation shows that the contributions of convective and conductive heat transfers are 79% and 21%, respectively.The perturbation in the thermal structure of the upper mantle is an important manifestation of thetectonothermal event of Cenozoic continental rifting and intense basaltic volcanism in eastern China. Based onthe pyroxene geotherm and its comparison with the current geothermal field derived from the measurements ofthe surface heat flows, it is suggested that the Moho may be a secondary thermal boundary. The currentgeothermal field and the thermal structure of the lithosphere in eastern China may mainly reflect the result ofthe tectonothermal disturbance in the Neogene-Quaternary, in other words, the lithosphere has just begun toCool.
文摘Based on the long period surface wave data recorded by the China Digital Seismograph Network (CDSN), the Q R of fundamental mode Rayleigh wave with periods from 10 s to 146 s is determined for the eastern Sino Korean paraplatform in this paper. The Q β models of the crust and upper mantle are respectively obtained for the 4 paths, with the aid of stochastic inverse method. It shows that in the eastern Sino Korean paraplatform, the average crustal Q β is about 200, and that there exists a weak attenuation layer in the middle crust (about 10~20 km deep) which is possibly related to earthquake prone layer. A strong attenuation layer (low Q ) of 70 km thick extensively exists in the uppermost mantle, with the buried depth about 80 km. The average Q R of fundamental mode Rayleigh wave is between the value of stable tectonic region and that of active tectonic region, and much close to the latter.
基金National Key Research Development Project (No. G1998 040700/sub-project 95-13-02-03).
文摘The Benzilan-Tangke deep seismic sounding profile in the western Sichuan region passes through the Song-pan-Garze orogenic belt with trend of NNE. Based on the travel times and the related amplitudes of phases in the record sections, the 2-D P-wave crustal structure was ascertained in this paper. The velocity structure has quite strong lateral variation along the profile. The crust is divided into 5 layers, where the first, second and third layer belong to the upper crust, the forth and fifth layer belong to the lower crust. The low velocity anomaly zone gener-ally exists in the central part of the upper crust on the profile, and it integrates into the overlying low velocity basement in the area to the north of Ma'erkang. The crustal structure in the section can be divided into 4 parts: in the south of Garze-Litang fault, between Garze-Litang fault and Xianshuihe fault, between Xianshuihe fault and Longriba fault and in the north of Longriba fault, which are basically coincided with the regional tectonics division. The crustal thickness decreases from southwest to northeast along the profile, that is, from 62 km in the region of the Jinshajiang River to 52 km in the region of the Yellow River. The Moho discontinuity does not obviously change across the Xianshuihe fault based on the PmP phase analysis. The crustal average velocity along the profile is lower, about 6.30 km/s. The Benzilan-Tangke profile reveals that the crust in the study area is orogenic. The Xianshuihe fault belt is located in the central part of the profile, and the velocity is positive anomaly on the upper crust, and negative anomaly on the lower crust and upper mantle. It is considered as a deep tectonic setting in favor of strong earthquake's accumulation and occurrence.
基金supported by the National Special Fund of Science and Technological Basic Work under grant No. 2006FY110100partially by the 2007 Special Fund of Seismological Industry "Seismic Travel Time Table in the Capital Area" under grant No. 200708009Contribution No. is 09FE3003 of Institute of Geophysics,China Earthquake Administration
文摘The three-dimension crustal and upper mantle structures in the region around Beijing were studied by seismic tomography. We used the P wave arrival times from local and teleseismic events. These events were recorded by 250 stations of the North China Seismic Array and 108 stations of the Beijing Telemetry Seismic Network. 118 869 P wave arrivals from 10 285 local events and 12 189 P wave arrivals from 107 teleseismic events were used in the inversion. We obtained the 3-D P wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle with the horizontal resolution of 0.3° in the studied region. The tomographic imaging shows the remarkably heterogeneous velocity variation. The velocity anomalies are in well agreement with the geological structure in the shallow crust. The different relationships between seismic activities and velocity anomalies may imply the different seismogenic structure and mechanism. Beneath the Moho under Taihangshan mountain and Yanshan mountain, we found the high velocity anomalies deep to 120 km and 200 km, respectively. The deep high velocity zone may be explained by the existence of the mountain root under Yanshan mountain. The high velocity anomalies in the upper mantle of North China basin may be the relics of the de-rooting from the former craton mantle lithosphere.
文摘In this paper the fine structure of crust mantle transition zone in Western Yunnan Province is analysed and discussed based on the reflection phases from Moho discontinuity in Project Western Yunnan 86~87. It shows that in two points: in the north 27.64 km from shot point Jinggu and south 58.74 km from shot point Zhiti, there are transition zones of group of thin layers with inverse velocity.These two reflection points are both situated in the lower velocity anomaly zone in the top of upper mantle. The crust of this region is more seismicity. Maybe the unusual structure of this transition zone is related with the characteristics of this region. This paper discusses the possible geological interpretation model for this transition zone, and also makes suggestion about its application in earthquake prediction.
文摘Generally speaking, the factors of both medium and tectonic that give rise to heterogeneity of the earth crust and mantle structures should be taken into account simultaneously in three dimensional seismic ray tracing. In this paper, the three dimensional structure models are constructed with the model similar to generation system in computer aid design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM). Based on the algorithm proposed by Cerveny et al . for complete seismic ray tracing in complex three dimensional structures, a new technique called the indirect approach method for two point seismic ray tracing in three dimensional laterally heterogeneous media has been put forward, and its numerical computing examples were given.
基金This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant 49254002) the former Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources key projects"Deep Profile Test and Integrated Study of the Himalayas and Qinghai Tibet Plateau"(8506206)+1 种基金"Study of the Deep Structure beneath the Y arlung Zangbo Suture Zone of the Southern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau"(8506215)"Structure and Formation Mechanism of the Lithosphere beneath the Interior of the Tibetan Plateaul"(9501207).
文摘This paper introduces 8 major discoveries and new understandings with regard to the deep structure and tectonics of the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau obtained in Project INDEPTH, They are mainly as follows. (1) The upper crust, lower crust and mantle lithosphere beneath the blocks of the plateau form a 'sandwich' structure with a relatively rigid-brittle upper crust, a visco-plastic lower crust and a relatively rigid-ductile mantle lithosphere. This structure is completely different from that of monotonous, cold and more rigid oceanic plates. (2) In the process of north-directed collision-compression of the Indian subcontinent, the upper crust was attached to the foreland in the form of a gigantic foreland accretionary wedge. The interior of the accretionary wedge thickened in such tectonic manners as large-scale thrusting, backthrusting and folding, and magmatic masses and partially molten masses participated in the crustal thickening. Between the upper crust and lower crust lies a large detachment (e.g. the Main Himalayan Thrust in southern Tibet, 5-8 km thick) or a very thick shear-schistose zone (e.g. the Main Qiangtang Thrust-MQT in northern Tibet, up to 20 km thick), which causes the decoupling of the upper crust and lower crust and separation of tectonic activities. (3) During the collision-compression, the Indian mantle lithosphere was delaminated into two layers from where the crust thickened most rapidly (beneath the High Himalayas). The upper layer extends to 34.5°N and the lower layer to 33.5°. They have been underthrust to depths of 250-300 km into the asthenosphere. Meanwhile the Asian lithosphere (possibly the Qaidam terrane) has also been subducted southwards. Very thick mantle lithosphere does not exist beneath the plateau. (4) The oceanic lithosphere, in light of its lithology and dynamic behaviour, might be close to those of the continental lithosphere and its front might enter the asthenosphere before the continental lithosphere. (5) A 150-200 km deep low-velocity body below 35°N and a wide low-velocity zone below the area between 33.5° and 35°N dip north at very steep angles. Volcanism took place frequently in northern Tibet and anisotropy variations are prominent at depths, which might indicate a zone of large-scale eastward transfer of deep-seated materials.
基金funded by NSFC (No. 40872137)Hebei Natural Foundation (No. D2015403013)+1 种基金Science and Technology Research Project of Colleges and Universities in Hebei Province (No. ZC2016060)Doctor Foundation of Hebei GEO University (No. BQ201320)
文摘The Shihu gold deposit, located in the middlesouth section of the core of the Fuping mantle branch structure, is hosted in the Archean Fuping Group and adjacent to the quartz diorite porphyrite. The gold deposit is the only large gold deposit with reserves of more than 30 tons gold discovered in western Hebei Province so far. In order to constrain the timing of mineralization of this ore deposit, this paper focuses on the isotopic dating of zircon and pyrite. Zircons in gold-bearing quartz veins are magmatic in origin and no hydrothermal zircon has been found in such quartz veins, indicating that zircons were derived from the wall rocks. U–Pb ages of zircons fall mainly in the two domains: 2492 ± 82 and 136 ± 4 Ma, respectively,indicative of the contribution of the Fuping-Group TTG gneiss and Yanshanian igneous rocks, respectively. The Re–Os isotopic compositions of pyrites in the gold-bearing quartz veins yield an isochron age of 127 ± 31 Ma. Combined with other dating results, we suggest that the main metallogenic age of the Shihu gold deposit is 120–127 Ma.
基金supported by the National Science Foundation (Grant No. NSF EAR-1524387)National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41590620)
文摘The geochemical study of the Earth's mantle provides important constraints on our understanding of the formation and evolution of Earth, its internal structure, and the mantle dynamics. The bulk Earth composition is inferred by comparing terrestrial mantle rocks with chondrites, which leads to the chondritic Earth model. That is, Earth has the same relative proportions of refractory elements as that in chondrites, but it is depleted in volatiles. Ocean island basalts(OIB) may be produced by mantle plumes with possible deep origins; consequently, they provide unique opportunity to study the deep Earth. Isotopic variations within OIB can be described using a limited number of mantle endmembers, such as EM1, EM2 and HIMU, and they have been used to decipher important mantle processes. Introduction of crustal material into the deep mantle via subduction and delamination is important in generating mantle heterogeneity; however, there is active debate on how they were sampled by mantle melting, i.e.,the role of olivine-poor lithologies in the OIB petrogenesis. The origin and location of high 3He/4He mantle remain controversial,ranging from unprocessed(or less processed) primitive material in the lower mantle to highly processed materials with shallow origins, including ancient melting residues, mafic cumulates under arcs, and recycled hydrous minerals. Possible core-mantle interaction was hypothesized to introduce distinctive geochemical signatures such as radiogenic 186 Os and Fe and Ni enrichment in the OIB. Small but important variations in some short-lived nuclides, including 142 Nd, 182 W and several Xe isotopes, have been reported in ancient and modern terrestrial rocks, implying that the Earth's mantle must have been differentiated within the first 100 Myr of its formation, and the mantle is not efficiently homogenized by mantle convection.
基金supported by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China (No. 40804007)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. 2010ZD06)
文摘We apply ambient noise tomography to continuous three-component broadband seismic data between January 1,2008 and December 31,2008 from the regional networks of 76 stations de-ployed by China Earthquake Administration.Ambient noise cross-correlations were performed to produce the Green's functions of each station-pair.Within the period from 6 to 50 s,Rayleigh and Love wave dispersion curves were measured using the multiple filter analysis method.Then three-dimensional(3-D) S-wave velocity structures from the surface down to 70 km are inverted from both Rayleigh and Love wave dispersion results.The obtained S-wave velocity maps show strong lateral variations and correlate well with the distinct geological and tectonic features in the study area.The Sichuan basin displays low velocity in shallow depth due to thick sedimentary deposits but high velocity in the mid-lower crust;the eastern Tibetan plateau is clearly featured with a low-velocity zone in its mid-to-lower crust which is consistent with the crustal flow model proposed to explain the mechanism of uplift and pattern of deformation for the Tibetan plateau.Meanwhile,our results also exhibit that the crustal thickness decreased from the eastern Tibetan plateau to the Sichuan basin.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41888101,41625016)the International Partnership Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.132A11KYSB20200019)+2 种基金the Innovation Group Project of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory(Zhuhai)(Grant No.311021003)the Key Research Program of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics CAS(Grant No.IGGCAS-201904)the Pioneer Hundred Talents Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
文摘Seismic tomography observations have shown that there are two large low shear velocity provinces(LLSVPs)above the core-mantle boundary beneath Africa and the Pacific.The thermal and compositional properties of these two LLSVPs may differ from those of the ambient mantle,and they are suggested to be thermochemical piles of primordial material in the lower mantle.Their evolution is of great importance to our understanding of mantle dynamics.In this study,we systematically conducted numerical experiments to investigate the effects of the buoyancy ratio(B),compositional viscosity ratio(Δη_(c)),and heat-producing ratio(Λ)of the primordial material on the long-term evolution of thermochemical piles.Our results show that the buoyancy ratio plays the most important role in the stability of these piles.When the buoyancy ratio is small,and the primordial material is enriched in heat-producing elements(Λ>1),the stability of these piles decreases with increasing compositional viscosity ratio or heat-producing ratio.For cases with homogeneous heat production(Λ=1),the stability of these piles increases with increasingΔηc.We further compare constant internal heating with radioactive decay internal heating,and find that the longterm stability of thermochemical piles slightly decreases with radioactive decay heating,but the overall differences between these two internal heating modes are relatively small.