This study investigates the distribution of black carbon (BC) and its correlation with total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (EPAH) in the surface sediments of China's marginal seas. BC content ranges from 〈0.1...This study investigates the distribution of black carbon (BC) and its correlation with total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (EPAH) in the surface sediments of China's marginal seas. BC content ranges from 〈0.10 to 2.45 mg/g dw (grams dry weight) in the sediments studied, and varied among the different coastal regions. The Bohai Bay sediments had the highest BC contents (average 2.18 mg/g dw), which comprises a significant fraction (27%-41%) of the total organic carbon (TOC) preserved in the sediments. In comparison, BC in the surface sediments of the North Yellow Sea, Jiaozhou Bay, East China Sea and the South China Sea is less abundant and accounted for an average of 6%, 8%, 14% and 5%, respectively, of the sedimentary organic carbon pool. The concentration of EPAH in the surface sediments ranges from 41 to 3 667 ng/g dw and showed large spatial variations among the sampling sites of different costal regions. The Bohai Bay has the highest ZPAH values, ranging from 79 to 3 667 ng/g dw. This reflects the high anthropogenically contaminated nature of the sediments in the bay. BC is positively correlated to TOC but a strong correlation is not found between BC and ZPAH in the surface sediments studied, suggesting that BC and PAHs preserved in the sediments are derived from different sources and controlled by different biogeochemical processes. Our study suggests that the abundance of BC preserved in the sediments could represent a significant sink pool of carbon cycling in China's marginal seas.展开更多
Diatom data of 192 surface sediment samples from the marginal seas in the western Pacific together with modern summer and winter sea surface temperature and salinity data were analyzed.The results of canonical corresp...Diatom data of 192 surface sediment samples from the marginal seas in the western Pacific together with modern summer and winter sea surface temperature and salinity data were analyzed.The results of canonical correspondence analysis show that summer sea-surface salinity(SSS) is highly positively correlated with winter SSS and so is summer sea-surface temperature(SST) with winter SST.The correlations between SSSs and SSTs are less positively correlated,which may be due to interactions of regional current pattern and monsoon climate.The correlations between diatom species,sample sites and environmental variables concur with known diatom ecology and regional oceanographic characters.The results of forward selection of the environmental variables and associated Monte Carlo permutation tests of the statistical significance of each variable suggest that summer SSS and winter SST are the main environmental factors affecting the diatom distribution in the area and therefore preserved diatom data from down core could be used for reconstructions of summer SSS and winter SST in the region.展开更多
In a study of surface monsoon winds over the China marginal seas, Sun et al. (2012) use singular value decomposition method to identify regional dominant modes and analyze their interdecadal variability. This paper ...In a study of surface monsoon winds over the China marginal seas, Sun et al. (2012) use singular value decomposition method to identify regional dominant modes and analyze their interdecadal variability. This paper continues to evaluate the interannual variability of each dominant mode and its relation to various atmospheric, oceanic and land factors. The findings include: 1) The intensity of the winter monsoon over the East China Sea is highly correlated with the Siberian High intensity and anti-correlated with the latitudinal position of the Aleutian Low as well as the rainfall in eastern China, Korean Peninsula and Japan; 2) The western Pacific subtropical high is significantly correlated with the summer monsoon intensity over the East China Sea and anti-correlated with the summer monsoon over the South China Sea; 3) The winter monsoon in a broad zonal belt through the Luzon Strait is dominated by the ENSO signal, strengthening in the La Nifia phase and weakening in the E1 Nifio phase. This inverse relation exhibits interdecadal shift with a period of weak correlation in the 1980s; 4) Analysis of tidal records validates the interdecadal weakening of the East Asian summer monsoon and reveals an atmospheric bridge that conveys the ENSO signal into the South China Sea via the winter monsoon.展开更多
Combined studies of latitudinal and interannual variations of annual phytoplankton bloom peak in East Asian marginal seas(17°–58°N, including the northern South China Sea(SCS), Kuroshio waters, the Sea of J...Combined studies of latitudinal and interannual variations of annual phytoplankton bloom peak in East Asian marginal seas(17°–58°N, including the northern South China Sea(SCS), Kuroshio waters, the Sea of Japan and the Okhotsk Sea) are rarely. Based on satellite-retrieved ten-year(2003–2012) median timing of the annual Chlorophyll a concentration(Chl a) climax, here we report that this annual spring bloom peak generally delays from the SCS in January to the Okhotsk Sea in June at a rate of(21.20±2.86) km/d(decadal median±SD). Spring bloom is dominant feature of the phytoplankton annual cycle over these regions, except for the SCS which features winter bloom. The fluctuation of the annual peak timing is mainly within ±48 d departured from the decadal median peak date, therefore this period(the decadal median peak date ±48 d) is defined as annual spring bloom period. As sea surface temperature rises, earlier spring bloom peak timing but decreasing averaged Chl a biomass in the spring bloom period due to insufficient light is evident in the Okhotsk Sea from 2003 to 2012. For the rest of three study domains, there are no significant interannual variance trend of the peak timing and the averaged Chl a biomass. Furthermore this change of spring phytoplankton bloom timing and magnitude in the Okhotsk Sea challenges previous prediction that ocean warming would enhance algal productivity at high latitudes.展开更多
The coal-forming characteristics,as well as the similarities and differences between epicontinental sea basins and continental marginal sea basins developed during different time periods,were analyzed in this study by...The coal-forming characteristics,as well as the similarities and differences between epicontinental sea basins and continental marginal sea basins developed during different time periods,were analyzed in this study by adopting comparative analysis thoughts and methods.The results obtained in this study revealed that epicontinental basins and marginal sea basins are both characterized by the main development of thin coal seams or extremely thin coal seams.In addition,changes in sea levels were determined to be the main controlling factors for coal formation,and there were similarities in the continent-sea interactions and coal-forming sedimentary systems of the different basins.However,there were also significant differences observed in the sea level change events,basin basement structural characteristics,coal seam stability levels,accumulation and aggregation characteristics,and the migration patterns of coal-forming materials.For example,the marginal sea basins in the South China Sea were found to be characterized by strong tectonic activities,diversity and complexity.The basin structures showed complex patterns of depressions,uplifts and concave or sag uplifts,which tended to lead to greater complexity in the paleogeographic patterns of the coal formations.This had subsequently resulted in complex coal-forming processes and paleogeographic characteristics,in which the coal-forming zones displayed bead-like distributions,and the enrichment areas and centers were scattered.The practical significance of studying the similarities and differences of the coal-forming characteristics between epicontinental basins and marginal sea basins is that the results can potentially be used to guide the predictions of coal-measure coal seam distributions in South China Sea,as well as provide valuable guidance for future explorations of natural gas reservoirs related to coal measures in the South China Sea area.展开更多
With sulfide increasingly recognized as an important parameter to assess the oxidation-reduction level in aqueous enviromnent, research on its geochemical behavior is becoming important. Water samples collected in Boh...With sulfide increasingly recognized as an important parameter to assess the oxidation-reduction level in aqueous enviromnent, research on its geochemical behavior is becoming important. Water samples collected in Bohai Sea (1-19 August, 2010), Yellow Sea (20-30 November, 2010) and East China Sea (3-17 June, 2010 and 1-10 November, 2010) were used to determine the occurrence and distribution of dissolved sulfide by methylene blue spectrophotometric method. Results show that: (1) horizontally, concentration of dissolved sulfide significantly varied from the coastal region to the open sea and profoundly influenced by physical processes. High values occurred in the river-sea boundary zone "marginal filter" due to rich riverine input, frequent upwelling and active exchange in shelf edge. Terrestrial input from adjacent rivers and the current cycling contributed to the high sulfide appeared in western Bohai Sea, eastern Shandong Peninsula, and northeast of Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary. Especially, relative higher sulfide values occurred in Yellow Sea, which is consistent with the variation of salinity largely due to the hydrodynamic feature; (2) vertically, measurement of dissolved sulfide in bottom water was higher and more variable than that in surface water caused by the wind-induced resuspension and dissimilatory sulfate reduction. Moreover, nutrient-type profile clearly identified that oxidation plays a major role in the biogeochemistry cycle of sulfide in water; (3) seasonally, investigation for East China Sea in June and November reflected seasonal variation of Changjiang River Diluted Water, Kuroshio Current, and Taiwan Warm Current. Concentration in June was much higher than that sampled in November at most stations. Mean concentration of dissolved sulfide varied seasonally from 2.26 μg/L (June) to 1.16 μg/L (November) in surface and 3.00 μg/L (June) to 1.56 μg/L (November) in bottom. Progress in the field is slow and more effort is needed to ensure the accuracy and reliability of determination and estimate the natural or anthropogenic contribution of dissolved sulfide in ecosystems.展开更多
Research and protection of biodiversity is generally started with species recognizing guided by achievement of cataloguing and illustration obtained through in situ investigation data accumulation and literature learn...Research and protection of biodiversity is generally started with species recognizing guided by achievement of cataloguing and illustration obtained through in situ investigation data accumulation and literature learning. Facing the shortage of taxonomist, it is getting harder to maintain important specimen collections and handle loans. The West Pacific Ocean has been operating as a center of the origin of global marine biodiversity result of the richest species diversity of marine taxa found in these waters. The present work is a compilation and summary of systematics, species diversity and new taxa of mesozooplankton major group known in West Pacific Ocean and its marginal seas (0°-45°N, 105°-152°E) according to 6 203 mesozooplankton samples acquired from 701 stations during 1965 and 2008. A total of 2 657 species belonging to 686 genera and 206 families of 10 mesozooplankton groups have been found through taxonomic identification and document consulting. In details, 697 species from 251 genera of 99 families belong to the Medusozoa, 59 species from 22 genera of 12 families to the Ctenophora, 85 species from 36 genera of 14 families to the pelagic Mollusca (Pteropoda and Heteropoda), 416 species from 91 genera of 8 families to the Ostracoda, 908 species from 156 genera of 51 families to the Copepoda, 202 species from 60 genera of 4 families to the Mysidacea, 56 species from 8 genera of 2 families to the Euphausiacea, 105 species from 23 genera of 8 families to the Decapoda, 48 species from 13 genera of 5 families to the Chaetognatha and 81 species from 26 genera of 5 families to the Tunicata. The dominant species of each group are enumerated. Moreover, 2 new species of Medusozoa, Tubulariidae, Ectopleura, 1 new species of Medusozoa, Protiaridae, Halitiarella, 1 new genus and 1 new species of Medusozoa, Corymorphidae are established. An amount of 806 species are expanded with an increase of 43.5% on the basis of 1 852 species recorded before 2008, including 1.4% increase from tropical sea around equator, 4.0% from the frigid water in high latitude region, and 3.0% of bathypelagic-associated waters. The authors also summarized future prospects into five major areas in marine mesozooplankton research in China. Such information of qualitative phyletic classification could be of high relevance to studies on biodiversity and biogeography of marine mesozooplankton, especially for monographs contributed to make an overall and systematic conclusion on the species of marine life in China after 2008.展开更多
Long term variability in the surface winds over the marginal seas of China is examined with a dominant-mode singular value decomposition method. Both interannual and interdecadal patterns are found to be seasonally an...Long term variability in the surface winds over the marginal seas of China is examined with a dominant-mode singular value decomposition method. Both interannual and interdecadal patterns are found to be seasonally and spatially dependent, with reanalyses and satellite remote sensing data yielding highly consistent results. The study reveals that summer monsoon winds over the East China Sea experienced an interdecadal weakening in the late 1960s and began a persistent recovery in 2005. The study also shows gradual weakening of the winter monsoon in the southern South China Sea by more than 2m/s since the 1960s, with corroboration from coastal climate stations in Borneo. This phenomenon has not been reported in previous monsoon studies.展开更多
The biogenic compound dimethylsulfide(DMS)produced by a range of marine biota is the major natural source of re-duced sulfur to the atmosphere and plays a major role in the formation and evolution of aerosols,potentia...The biogenic compound dimethylsulfide(DMS)produced by a range of marine biota is the major natural source of re-duced sulfur to the atmosphere and plays a major role in the formation and evolution of aerosols,potentially affecting climate.The spatio-temporal distribution of satellite-derived chlorophyll_a(CHL)and aerosol optical depth(AOD)for the recent years(2011-2019)in the Eastern China Marginal Seas(ECMS)(25°-40°N,120°-130°E)are studied.The seasonal CHL peaks occurred during late April and the CHL distribution displays a clear zonal gradient.Elevated CHL was also observed along the northern and western coastlines during summer and winter seasons.Trend analysis shows that mean CHL decreases by about 10%over the 9-year study period,while AOD was higher in south and lower in north during summertime.A genetic algorithm technique is used to calibrate the key model parameters and simulations are carried out for 2015,a year when field data was available.Our simulation results show that DMS seawater concentration ranges from 1.56 to 5.88 nmol L^(−1) with a mean value of 2.76 nmol L^(−1).DMS sea-air flux ranges from 2.66 to 5.00mmol m^(−2) d^(−1) with mean of 3.80mmol m^(−2) d^(−1).Positive correlations of about 0.5 between CHL and AOD were found in the study region,with higher correlations along the coasts of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces.The elevated CHL concentration along the west coast is correlated with increased sea-water concentrations of DMS in the region.Our results suggest a possible influ-ence of DMS-derived aerosol in the local ECMS atmosphere,especially along the western coastline of ECMS.展开更多
Long chain alkyl diols have shown important potential for the reconstruction of sea surface temperature,productivities and upwelling conditions in marine or lacustrine environments.However,little is known about the di...Long chain alkyl diols have shown important potential for the reconstruction of sea surface temperature,productivities and upwelling conditions in marine or lacustrine environments.However,little is known about the distribution and sources of the diols in eastern China marginal seas(CMS),which are areas of important organic carbon sink.Here the contents of C_(30) and C_(32)1,15-diols were analyzed in 181 surface sediments from eastern CMS.The similar distribution pattern and strong linear correlation between C_(30) and C_(32) diols indicated that they had similar biological source,with a dominance of C_(30) diol.Their contents ranged from 7-2726 ng g^(-1) for C_(30) diol and 5-669 ng g^(-1) for C_(32) diol,and both showed higher values mainly in the mud area of the Yellow Sea,while the TOC normalized contents showed a more obvious seaward increasing trend.The similar distribution pattern and significant positive correlation between diols and the other marine biomarkers(brassicasterol,dinosterol,C_(37) alkenones) indicated C_(30) and C_(32) diols in eastern CMS were mainly from marine algae.This conclusion was also supported by principal component analysis(PCA).Our results also showed that sediment diol contents were generally related to marine productivity,suggesting that diols could be applied for marine productivity reconstruction in eastern CMS.展开更多
Sr-Nd isotopes are widely utilized as reliable tracers in sediment provenance studies.In this study,we compiled 304 Sr and 335 Nd isotope data of fine-grained surface sediments collected from major rivers in eastern C...Sr-Nd isotopes are widely utilized as reliable tracers in sediment provenance studies.In this study,we compiled 304 Sr and 335 Nd isotope data of fine-grained surface sediments collected from major rivers in eastern China,including the Huanghe River,Changjiang River,southeastern coastal rivers,and rivers in Taiwan Island,as well as from marginal seas(Yellow Sea and East China Sea)and the Okinawa Trough.This comprehensive dataset allowed us to examine the spatial distribution patterns of these isotopes and their implications for provenance analysis.The variations ofεNd values in the sediments in Changjiang and Huanghe Basins primarily reflect the diversity of sediment sources,whereas the^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr ratios are influenced by both grain size and source provenance.Moreover,the reduction in^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr ratios observed in the middle and lower Changjiang River is attributed to the inputs of sources characterized by distinct^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr signatures beyond mere grain size effects.In the southeastern coastal and Taiwan rivers,sediments in the tidal reaches of the Jiao River exhibit hybrid characteristics,a mix of Changjiang-derived sediment and those originating from local catchments.Conversely,the Min River and Jiulong River sediments predominantly reflect local sources,with minimal influence from the Changjiang River.The significant isotopic variation of Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics observed between riverine sediments on the eastern and western sides of Taiwan Island underscores the diverse provenance heterogeneity of source rocks in the region.For the marginal seas,our data indicates that the surface sediments in the central mud area of the South Yellow Sea and the southern Yellow Sea are predominantly sourced from the Changjiang River catchment,potentially augmented by inputs from Korean rivers.The inner shelf sediments of the East China Sea are primarily influenced by Changjiang River inputs,whereas rivers in eastern Taiwan Island contribute to the sediments on the middle and outer shelves.Overall,the sediment Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics from the principal sources entering the eastern China marginal seas exhibit considerable similarity,presenting a substantial challenge for quantifying individual river end-member contributions based solely on the Sr-Nd isotopic signatures.To enhance the precision of quantitative assessments in sediment source-to-sink processes,it is imperative to define a narrower range of Sr-Nd isotopic signatures for potential end-members and to expand Sr-Nd isotopic investigations in these marginal seas,with a particular emphasis on regions beyond the current scope of investigations(such as mud areas).展开更多
Archaeal and bacterial glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers(GDGTs) play a unique role in discerning the biogeochemical processes and climate change in terrestrial(e.g. soil, peat, stalagmites, lakes, rivers, hot spri...Archaeal and bacterial glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers(GDGTs) play a unique role in discerning the biogeochemical processes and climate change in terrestrial(e.g. soil, peat, stalagmites, lakes, rivers, hot springs) and marine environments. Organic proxies based on GDGTs(e.g. TEX_(86), MBT/CBT and BIT) have made impressive applications in the open ocean and terrestrial environments. However, the applicability of these proxies in marginal seas has not been thoroughly evaluated, which is necessary given the complexity and dynamics of these systems, such as organic matter(OM) flux, hydrodynamic conditions, and human impact. This review aims to summarize recent studies of GDGTs and GDGT-based proxies in the Chinese marginal seas(CMS), which are characterized by diverse gradient in terrigenous supplies and ocean productivity and hold rich information on climate and sea level changes, ocean current dynamics, sedimentary evolution and biogeochemical processes.展开更多
Overall abundance and species composition of radiolarian faunas were analyzed in surface sediment samples from representative areas of South China Sea, East China Sea, Sea of Japan, Sea of Okhotsk, Bering Sea, Philipp...Overall abundance and species composition of radiolarian faunas were analyzed in surface sediment samples from representative areas of South China Sea, East China Sea, Sea of Japan, Sea of Okhotsk, Bering Sea, Philippine Sea, and the western boundary current regions of the North Pacific, in order to understand the biogeographic distribution ofradiolarians in the Northwest Pacific and explore its relationship with the main environmental factors and the North Pacific circulation. The results showed that radiolarians in the Northwest Pacific surface sediments can be divided into two large biogeographic provinces---cluster A and cluster B. Cluster A is characterized by the dominance of warm-water species and distributed primarily in tropical and subtropical seas with high radiolarian abundance and diversity; whereas cluster B is predominated by cold water species and distributed mainly in the Arctic and subarctic seas with comparably low abundance and diversity. Cluster A is further divided into five subclusters, AI to A5, which correspond to East China Sea, Philippine Sea, South China Sea, Sea of Japan, and Kuroshio Current, respectively; cluster B is divided into three subclusters, B1 to B3, which correspond to Sea of Okhotsk, Bering Sea, and subarctic gyre area, respectively. Based on the relationships between radiolarian faunas and major environment parameters in different biogeographic provinces, we suggest that the sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface salinity (SSS) are primary factors that influence productivity, composition, and distribution pattern of the radiolarian fauna in the Northwest Pacific regions, while water depth is likely responsible for regional differences in the radiolarian fauna in each marginal sea. In addition, according to the distribution and abundance patterns of common radiolarian species in different areas, we identified five special radiolarian assemblages, which may be used as indicators for main Kuroshio Current, Kuroshio-East China Sea Branch, Kuroshio-South China Sea Branch, Tsushima Current, and Oyashio Current water masses.展开更多
The tectonic cycle of the marginal sea basins in South China Sea(SCS)includes two cycles,i.e.,the formation and contraction of Palaeo-SCS and Neo-SCS.The northern part of SCS is a rift basin on a passive continental m...The tectonic cycle of the marginal sea basins in South China Sea(SCS)includes two cycles,i.e.,the formation and contraction of Palaeo-SCS and Neo-SCS.The northern part of SCS is a rift basin on a passive continental margin,while the the Nansha Block is a drifting rift basin.The southern part is a compound compressional basin on an active continental margin;the western part is a shear-extensional basin on a transform continental margin;the eastern part is an accretionary wedge basin on a subduction continental margin.The deep-water basins are mainly distributed on the continental slope and the the Nansha Block.There are three sets of source rocks in the deep-water areas of the northern continental margin in SCS,i.e.,Eocene terrestrial facies,early Oligocene transitional facies and late Oligocene marine facies.A set of Late Cretaceous-Early Oligocene terrestrial marine facies source rocks are developed in the drift-rift basin of SCS.Three sets of Oligocene,early Miocene and Mid-Miocene marine-terrestrial transitional facies source rocks are developed in the deep-water areas of both the southern and western continental margins of SCS.Four sets of reservoirs developed in the northern deep waters of SCS are dominated by deep sea fans.Two sets of reservoirs developed in the the Nansha Block are dominated by delta and biogenic reef.The southern part of SCS is dominated by deep sea fan and biogenic reef.Reservoirs of large channels and other clastic facies were developed in front of the estuaries,while biogenic reef bank was formed in the uplift zone.The hydrocarbon accumulation assemblages are mainly presented as Oligocene-Pliocene in the deep waters on the northern continental margin of SCS,Eocene-Lower Oligocene in the the Nansha Block,Oligocene-Pliocene and Oligocene-Miocene in the deep waters on the southern and western continental margin of SCS,respectively.The major hydrocarbon reservoir types in the deep waters of SCS are related to structural traps,deep water fans and biogenic reefs.The formation of basin,hydrocarbon and reservoir in the deep waters of SCS are controlled by the tectonic cycles of the marginal sea basins,revealing a great potential for hydrocarbon exploration.展开更多
The quality of altimeter data and ocean tide model is critical to the recovery of coastal gravity anomalies. In this contribution, three retracking methods (threshold, improved threshold and Beta-5) are investigated w...The quality of altimeter data and ocean tide model is critical to the recovery of coastal gravity anomalies. In this contribution, three retracking methods (threshold, improved threshold and Beta-5) are investigated with the aim of improving the altimeter data over a shallow water area. Comparison indicates that the improved threshold is the best retracking method over China Sea. Two ocean tide models, NAO99b and CSR4.0, are analyzed. Results show that different tide models used in the processing of altimeter data may result in differences more than 10 mGal in recovered coastal gravity anomalies. Also, NAO99b is more suitable than CSR4.0 over the shallow water area of China Sea. Finally, gravity anomalies over China Sea are calculated from retracked Geosat/GM and ERS-1/GM data by least squares collocation. Comparison with shipborne gravimetry data demonstrates that gravity anomalies from retracked data are significantly superior to those from non-retracked data. Our results have the same order as the other two altimeter-derived gravity models: Sandwell&Smith(V16) and DNSC08.展开更多
The majority of marine ammonia oxidizers belong to Thaumarchaeota,a phylum of Archaea,which is distributed throughout the water column.Marine surface waters contain distinct thaumarchaeotal phylotypes compared to the ...The majority of marine ammonia oxidizers belong to Thaumarchaeota,a phylum of Archaea,which is distributed throughout the water column.Marine surface waters contain distinct thaumarchaeotal phylotypes compared to the deeper ocean,but spatial dynamics of the surface-associated lineages are largely unsolved.This study of 120 seawater samples from the eastern Chinese marginal seas identifed contrasting distribution and association patterns among thaumarchaeotal phylotypes across diferent dimensions.Horizontally,Nitrosopumilus-like and Nitrosopelagicus-like phylotypes dominated the surface water(3 m)of the Yellow Sea(YS)and East China Sea(ECS),respectively,along with increased abundance of total free-living Thaumarchaeota in ECS.Similar compositional changes were observed in the surface microlayer.The spatial heterogeneity of particle-attached Thaumarchaeota was less clear in surface microlayers than in surface waters.Vertically,the Nitrosopelagicus-like phylotype increased in abundance from surface to 90 m in ECS,which led to an increase in the proportion of Thaumarchaeota relative to total prokaryotes.This occurred mainly in the free-living fraction.These results indicate a clear size-fractionated niche partitioning,which is more pronounced at lower depths than in the surface water/surface microlayer.In addition,associations of Thaumarchaeota with other microbial taxa varied between phylotypes and size fractions.Our results show that a phylotype-resolved and size-fractionated spatial heterogeneity of the thaumarchaeotal community is present in surface oceanic waters and a vertical variation of the Nitrosopelagicus-like phylotype is present in shallow shelf waters.展开更多
Based on the wave velocity potential of sea water and marginal sea ice, a modified formula about damped traveling wave is proposed. From this formula, it is obvious that the propagation characteristics of ocean wave i...Based on the wave velocity potential of sea water and marginal sea ice, a modified formula about damped traveling wave is proposed. From this formula, it is obvious that the propagation characteristics of ocean wave in marginal sea ice are affected by ice thickness, temperature, salinity and ice growth rate. Attenuation coefficient approaches a limit value of 0.99 when ice thickness increases in the range of 0.5-50 m. When ice temperature increases in the range from 18 ℃ to 3 ℃, attenuation coeffi- cient slowly decreases, while it rapidly decreases when ice temperatures is above a critical ice temperature of 3 ℃. Both attenuation coefficient and wavelengths of damped traveling wave nearly increase linearly with the increase of ice salinity and ice growth rate.展开更多
Based on the new seismic and drilling data and the recent related research results,this paper systematically analyzes the diversity and complexity of evolution process of crustal lithosphere structure and basin struct...Based on the new seismic and drilling data and the recent related research results,this paper systematically analyzes the diversity and complexity of evolution process of crustal lithosphere structure and basin structure in the Pearl River Mouth Basin on the northern margin of the South China Sea.Three types of detachment faults of different structural levels exist:crust-mantle detachment,inter-crust detachment and upper crust detachment.It is considered that different types of extensional detachment control different subbasin structures.Many fault depressions controlled by upper crust detachment faults have been found in the Zhu I Depression located in the proximal zone.These detachment faults are usually reformed by magma emplacement or controlled by preexisting faults.Baiyun-Liwan Sag located in the hyperextension area shows different characteristics of internal structure.The Baiyun main sag with relative weak magmatism transformation is a wide-deep fault depression,which is controlled by crust-mantle detachment system.Extensive magmatism occurred in the eastern and southwest fault steps of the Baiyun Sag after Middle Eocene,and the crust ductile extensional deformation resulted in wide-shallow fault depression controlled by the upper crust detachment fault.Based on the classical lithosphere extensional breaking and basin tectonic evolution in the Atlantic margin,it is believed that the magmatic activities and pre-existing structures in the Mesozoic subduction continental margin background are important controlling factors for the diversified continental margin faulted structures in the northern South China Sea.展开更多
Based on the interpretations of three seismic profiles and one wide-angle seismic profile across the Northwest Sub-basin,South China Sea.stratigraphic sequences,deformation characteristics and an extension model for t...Based on the interpretations of three seismic profiles and one wide-angle seismic profile across the Northwest Sub-basin,South China Sea.stratigraphic sequences,deformation characteristics and an extension model for this sub-basin have been worked out.Three tectonic-stratigraphic units are determined.Detailed analyses of extension show that the event occurred mainly during the Paleogene and resulted in the formation of half-grabens or grabens distributed symmetrically around the spreading center.Sediments are characterized by chaotic and discontinuous reflectors,indicating clastic sediments. Farther to the southwest,the sub-basin features mainly continental rifting instead of sea-floor spreading. The rifting would have been controlled by the shape of the massif and developed just along the northern edge of the Zhongsha-Xisha Block,rather than joined the Xisha Trough.After 25 Ma.a southward ridge jump triggered the opening of the Southwest Sub-basin.The NW-directed stress caused by the sea-floor spreading of the Northwest Sub-basin may have prevented the continuous opening of the sub-basin.After that the Northwest Sub-basin experienced thermal cooling and exhibited broad subsidence.The deep crustal structure shown by the velocity model from a wide-angle seismic profile is also symmetrical around the spreading center,which indicates that the Northwest Sub-basin might have opened in a pure shear model.展开更多
There are known to be enormous Cenozoic coal-type oil and gas resources located in the basins of the South China Sea,among which the Paleogene coal-measure source rock are one of the main source rock.In order to more ...There are known to be enormous Cenozoic coal-type oil and gas resources located in the basins of the South China Sea,among which the Paleogene coal-measure source rock are one of the main source rock.In order to more effectively analyze the distribution laws of coal-measure source rock in marginal sea basins and guide coal-type oil and gas explorations,the Oligocene coal-measure source rock in the Qiongdongnan Basin were selected as examples in order to systematically analyze the types,development characteristics,control factors,and distribution prediction methods of coalmeasure source rock in marginal sea basins.The Qiongdongnan Basin is located in the northern region of the South China Sea.Previous explorations of the area have determined that the Oligocene coal-measure source rock in the Qiongdongnan Basin have typical"binary structures",which include coal seams and terrigenous marine mudstone.Among those,the terrigenous marine mudstone has been found to greatly expand the scope of the coal-measure source rock.In addition,the coal seams which have been exposed by drilling have been observed to have the characteristics of thin single layer thickness,many layers,and poor stability.Meanwhile,the terrigenous marine mudstone has the characteristics of large thickness and wide distribution.The development of coal-measure source rock is known to be controlled by many factors,such as paleoclimate and paleobotany condition,paleo-structure and topography,paleo-geography,rise and fall of base level,and so on.In accordance with the comprehensive analyses of various control factors of coal-measure source rock,and the changes in water body energy in sedimentary environments,a genetic model of the"energy belt"for the development and distribution of coal-measure source rock was proposed.Also,the development and distribution characteristics of coalmeasure source rock in different types of energy belts were clarified.Then,based on the development and distribution characteristics of coal-measure source rock and their controlling factors,prediction methods of the distribution ranges of coal-measure source rock were proposed from both qualitative and(semi-)quantitative aspects.That is to say,a method for(semi-)quantitative predictions of the distribution ranges of coal-bearing intervals based on model wave impedance inversion and neural network wave impedance inversion,along with a method for(semi-)quantitative predictions of the distribution ranges of terrigenous marine mudstone based on topographical slopes,were introduced in this study.展开更多
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40476038 and 40576039)
文摘This study investigates the distribution of black carbon (BC) and its correlation with total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (EPAH) in the surface sediments of China's marginal seas. BC content ranges from 〈0.10 to 2.45 mg/g dw (grams dry weight) in the sediments studied, and varied among the different coastal regions. The Bohai Bay sediments had the highest BC contents (average 2.18 mg/g dw), which comprises a significant fraction (27%-41%) of the total organic carbon (TOC) preserved in the sediments. In comparison, BC in the surface sediments of the North Yellow Sea, Jiaozhou Bay, East China Sea and the South China Sea is less abundant and accounted for an average of 6%, 8%, 14% and 5%, respectively, of the sedimentary organic carbon pool. The concentration of EPAH in the surface sediments ranges from 41 to 3 667 ng/g dw and showed large spatial variations among the sampling sites of different costal regions. The Bohai Bay has the highest ZPAH values, ranging from 79 to 3 667 ng/g dw. This reflects the high anthropogenically contaminated nature of the sediments in the bay. BC is positively correlated to TOC but a strong correlation is not found between BC and ZPAH in the surface sediments studied, suggesting that BC and PAHs preserved in the sediments are derived from different sources and controlled by different biogeochemical processes. Our study suggests that the abundance of BC preserved in the sediments could represent a significant sink pool of carbon cycling in China's marginal seas.
基金Supported by the support by the NSFC (No 40676027)the Fund for Creative Research Groups of China (No 40721004)the 111 Project (No B08022)
文摘Diatom data of 192 surface sediment samples from the marginal seas in the western Pacific together with modern summer and winter sea surface temperature and salinity data were analyzed.The results of canonical correspondence analysis show that summer sea-surface salinity(SSS) is highly positively correlated with winter SSS and so is summer sea-surface temperature(SST) with winter SST.The correlations between SSSs and SSTs are less positively correlated,which may be due to interactions of regional current pattern and monsoon climate.The correlations between diatom species,sample sites and environmental variables concur with known diatom ecology and regional oceanographic characters.The results of forward selection of the environmental variables and associated Monte Carlo permutation tests of the statistical significance of each variable suggest that summer SSS and winter SST are the main environmental factors affecting the diatom distribution in the area and therefore preserved diatom data from down core could be used for reconstructions of summer SSS and winter SST in the region.
基金Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (973Program) (No. 2012CB417400)the Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX2-YW-Q11-02)
文摘In a study of surface monsoon winds over the China marginal seas, Sun et al. (2012) use singular value decomposition method to identify regional dominant modes and analyze their interdecadal variability. This paper continues to evaluate the interannual variability of each dominant mode and its relation to various atmospheric, oceanic and land factors. The findings include: 1) The intensity of the winter monsoon over the East China Sea is highly correlated with the Siberian High intensity and anti-correlated with the latitudinal position of the Aleutian Low as well as the rainfall in eastern China, Korean Peninsula and Japan; 2) The western Pacific subtropical high is significantly correlated with the summer monsoon intensity over the East China Sea and anti-correlated with the summer monsoon over the South China Sea; 3) The winter monsoon in a broad zonal belt through the Luzon Strait is dominated by the ENSO signal, strengthening in the La Nifia phase and weakening in the E1 Nifio phase. This inverse relation exhibits interdecadal shift with a period of weak correlation in the 1980s; 4) Analysis of tidal records validates the interdecadal weakening of the East Asian summer monsoon and reveals an atmospheric bridge that conveys the ENSO signal into the South China Sea via the winter monsoon.
基金The scientific research fund of the Second Institute of Oceanography,State Oceanic Administration,China under contract No.JG1417the Public Science and Technology Research Funds Projects of Ocean under contract No.201005030the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 41476156 and 41321004
文摘Combined studies of latitudinal and interannual variations of annual phytoplankton bloom peak in East Asian marginal seas(17°–58°N, including the northern South China Sea(SCS), Kuroshio waters, the Sea of Japan and the Okhotsk Sea) are rarely. Based on satellite-retrieved ten-year(2003–2012) median timing of the annual Chlorophyll a concentration(Chl a) climax, here we report that this annual spring bloom peak generally delays from the SCS in January to the Okhotsk Sea in June at a rate of(21.20±2.86) km/d(decadal median±SD). Spring bloom is dominant feature of the phytoplankton annual cycle over these regions, except for the SCS which features winter bloom. The fluctuation of the annual peak timing is mainly within ±48 d departured from the decadal median peak date, therefore this period(the decadal median peak date ±48 d) is defined as annual spring bloom period. As sea surface temperature rises, earlier spring bloom peak timing but decreasing averaged Chl a biomass in the spring bloom period due to insufficient light is evident in the Okhotsk Sea from 2003 to 2012. For the rest of three study domains, there are no significant interannual variance trend of the peak timing and the averaged Chl a biomass. Furthermore this change of spring phytoplankton bloom timing and magnitude in the Okhotsk Sea challenges previous prediction that ocean warming would enhance algal productivity at high latitudes.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.42072188,41872172,41672096)。
文摘The coal-forming characteristics,as well as the similarities and differences between epicontinental sea basins and continental marginal sea basins developed during different time periods,were analyzed in this study by adopting comparative analysis thoughts and methods.The results obtained in this study revealed that epicontinental basins and marginal sea basins are both characterized by the main development of thin coal seams or extremely thin coal seams.In addition,changes in sea levels were determined to be the main controlling factors for coal formation,and there were similarities in the continent-sea interactions and coal-forming sedimentary systems of the different basins.However,there were also significant differences observed in the sea level change events,basin basement structural characteristics,coal seam stability levels,accumulation and aggregation characteristics,and the migration patterns of coal-forming materials.For example,the marginal sea basins in the South China Sea were found to be characterized by strong tectonic activities,diversity and complexity.The basin structures showed complex patterns of depressions,uplifts and concave or sag uplifts,which tended to lead to greater complexity in the paleogeographic patterns of the coal formations.This had subsequently resulted in complex coal-forming processes and paleogeographic characteristics,in which the coal-forming zones displayed bead-like distributions,and the enrichment areas and centers were scattered.The practical significance of studying the similarities and differences of the coal-forming characteristics between epicontinental basins and marginal sea basins is that the results can potentially be used to guide the predictions of coal-measure coal seam distributions in South China Sea,as well as provide valuable guidance for future explorations of natural gas reservoirs related to coal measures in the South China Sea area.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.41121064,41306055)the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.XDA05030402)the National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program)(No.2011CB403602)
文摘With sulfide increasingly recognized as an important parameter to assess the oxidation-reduction level in aqueous enviromnent, research on its geochemical behavior is becoming important. Water samples collected in Bohai Sea (1-19 August, 2010), Yellow Sea (20-30 November, 2010) and East China Sea (3-17 June, 2010 and 1-10 November, 2010) were used to determine the occurrence and distribution of dissolved sulfide by methylene blue spectrophotometric method. Results show that: (1) horizontally, concentration of dissolved sulfide significantly varied from the coastal region to the open sea and profoundly influenced by physical processes. High values occurred in the river-sea boundary zone "marginal filter" due to rich riverine input, frequent upwelling and active exchange in shelf edge. Terrestrial input from adjacent rivers and the current cycling contributed to the high sulfide appeared in western Bohai Sea, eastern Shandong Peninsula, and northeast of Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary. Especially, relative higher sulfide values occurred in Yellow Sea, which is consistent with the variation of salinity largely due to the hydrodynamic feature; (2) vertically, measurement of dissolved sulfide in bottom water was higher and more variable than that in surface water caused by the wind-induced resuspension and dissimilatory sulfate reduction. Moreover, nutrient-type profile clearly identified that oxidation plays a major role in the biogeochemistry cycle of sulfide in water; (3) seasonally, investigation for East China Sea in June and November reflected seasonal variation of Changjiang River Diluted Water, Kuroshio Current, and Taiwan Warm Current. Concentration in June was much higher than that sampled in November at most stations. Mean concentration of dissolved sulfide varied seasonally from 2.26 μg/L (June) to 1.16 μg/L (November) in surface and 3.00 μg/L (June) to 1.56 μg/L (November) in bottom. Progress in the field is slow and more effort is needed to ensure the accuracy and reliability of determination and estimate the natural or anthropogenic contribution of dissolved sulfide in ecosystems.
基金The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 41506217 and 41506136the Basic Research of the National Department of Science and Technology under contract Nos GASI-01-02-04 and 201105022-2
文摘Research and protection of biodiversity is generally started with species recognizing guided by achievement of cataloguing and illustration obtained through in situ investigation data accumulation and literature learning. Facing the shortage of taxonomist, it is getting harder to maintain important specimen collections and handle loans. The West Pacific Ocean has been operating as a center of the origin of global marine biodiversity result of the richest species diversity of marine taxa found in these waters. The present work is a compilation and summary of systematics, species diversity and new taxa of mesozooplankton major group known in West Pacific Ocean and its marginal seas (0°-45°N, 105°-152°E) according to 6 203 mesozooplankton samples acquired from 701 stations during 1965 and 2008. A total of 2 657 species belonging to 686 genera and 206 families of 10 mesozooplankton groups have been found through taxonomic identification and document consulting. In details, 697 species from 251 genera of 99 families belong to the Medusozoa, 59 species from 22 genera of 12 families to the Ctenophora, 85 species from 36 genera of 14 families to the pelagic Mollusca (Pteropoda and Heteropoda), 416 species from 91 genera of 8 families to the Ostracoda, 908 species from 156 genera of 51 families to the Copepoda, 202 species from 60 genera of 4 families to the Mysidacea, 56 species from 8 genera of 2 families to the Euphausiacea, 105 species from 23 genera of 8 families to the Decapoda, 48 species from 13 genera of 5 families to the Chaetognatha and 81 species from 26 genera of 5 families to the Tunicata. The dominant species of each group are enumerated. Moreover, 2 new species of Medusozoa, Tubulariidae, Ectopleura, 1 new species of Medusozoa, Protiaridae, Halitiarella, 1 new genus and 1 new species of Medusozoa, Corymorphidae are established. An amount of 806 species are expanded with an increase of 43.5% on the basis of 1 852 species recorded before 2008, including 1.4% increase from tropical sea around equator, 4.0% from the frigid water in high latitude region, and 3.0% of bathypelagic-associated waters. The authors also summarized future prospects into five major areas in marine mesozooplankton research in China. Such information of qualitative phyletic classification could be of high relevance to studies on biodiversity and biogeography of marine mesozooplankton, especially for monographs contributed to make an overall and systematic conclusion on the species of marine life in China after 2008.
基金Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (973Program) (No. 2012CB956000)the Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX2-YW-Q11-02)
文摘Long term variability in the surface winds over the marginal seas of China is examined with a dominant-mode singular value decomposition method. Both interannual and interdecadal patterns are found to be seasonally and spatially dependent, with reanalyses and satellite remote sensing data yielding highly consistent results. The study reveals that summer monsoon winds over the East China Sea experienced an interdecadal weakening in the late 1960s and began a persistent recovery in 2005. The study also shows gradual weakening of the winter monsoon in the southern South China Sea by more than 2m/s since the 1960s, with corroboration from coastal climate stations in Borneo. This phenomenon has not been reported in previous monsoon studies.
基金the Naval Research Laboratory Remote Sensing Divisionthe Naval Center for Space Technology,and the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System(NPOESS)Integrated Program Office(IPO)for providing satel lite-based WIND and SST data.
文摘The biogenic compound dimethylsulfide(DMS)produced by a range of marine biota is the major natural source of re-duced sulfur to the atmosphere and plays a major role in the formation and evolution of aerosols,potentially affecting climate.The spatio-temporal distribution of satellite-derived chlorophyll_a(CHL)and aerosol optical depth(AOD)for the recent years(2011-2019)in the Eastern China Marginal Seas(ECMS)(25°-40°N,120°-130°E)are studied.The seasonal CHL peaks occurred during late April and the CHL distribution displays a clear zonal gradient.Elevated CHL was also observed along the northern and western coastlines during summer and winter seasons.Trend analysis shows that mean CHL decreases by about 10%over the 9-year study period,while AOD was higher in south and lower in north during summertime.A genetic algorithm technique is used to calibrate the key model parameters and simulations are carried out for 2015,a year when field data was available.Our simulation results show that DMS seawater concentration ranges from 1.56 to 5.88 nmol L^(−1) with a mean value of 2.76 nmol L^(−1).DMS sea-air flux ranges from 2.66 to 5.00mmol m^(−2) d^(−1) with mean of 3.80mmol m^(−2) d^(−1).Positive correlations of about 0.5 between CHL and AOD were found in the study region,with higher correlations along the coasts of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces.The elevated CHL concentration along the west coast is correlated with increased sea-water concentrations of DMS in the region.Our results suggest a possible influ-ence of DMS-derived aerosol in the local ECMS atmosphere,especially along the western coastline of ECMS.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.41521064 and 41630966)
文摘Long chain alkyl diols have shown important potential for the reconstruction of sea surface temperature,productivities and upwelling conditions in marine or lacustrine environments.However,little is known about the distribution and sources of the diols in eastern China marginal seas(CMS),which are areas of important organic carbon sink.Here the contents of C_(30) and C_(32)1,15-diols were analyzed in 181 surface sediments from eastern CMS.The similar distribution pattern and strong linear correlation between C_(30) and C_(32) diols indicated that they had similar biological source,with a dominance of C_(30) diol.Their contents ranged from 7-2726 ng g^(-1) for C_(30) diol and 5-669 ng g^(-1) for C_(32) diol,and both showed higher values mainly in the mud area of the Yellow Sea,while the TOC normalized contents showed a more obvious seaward increasing trend.The similar distribution pattern and significant positive correlation between diols and the other marine biomarkers(brassicasterol,dinosterol,C_(37) alkenones) indicated C_(30) and C_(32) diols in eastern CMS were mainly from marine algae.This conclusion was also supported by principal component analysis(PCA).Our results also showed that sediment diol contents were generally related to marine productivity,suggesting that diols could be applied for marine productivity reconstruction in eastern CMS.
基金supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(Grant No.2022YFF0800504)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.42273057,42076063)the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai(Grant No.21590712700)。
文摘Sr-Nd isotopes are widely utilized as reliable tracers in sediment provenance studies.In this study,we compiled 304 Sr and 335 Nd isotope data of fine-grained surface sediments collected from major rivers in eastern China,including the Huanghe River,Changjiang River,southeastern coastal rivers,and rivers in Taiwan Island,as well as from marginal seas(Yellow Sea and East China Sea)and the Okinawa Trough.This comprehensive dataset allowed us to examine the spatial distribution patterns of these isotopes and their implications for provenance analysis.The variations ofεNd values in the sediments in Changjiang and Huanghe Basins primarily reflect the diversity of sediment sources,whereas the^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr ratios are influenced by both grain size and source provenance.Moreover,the reduction in^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr ratios observed in the middle and lower Changjiang River is attributed to the inputs of sources characterized by distinct^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr signatures beyond mere grain size effects.In the southeastern coastal and Taiwan rivers,sediments in the tidal reaches of the Jiao River exhibit hybrid characteristics,a mix of Changjiang-derived sediment and those originating from local catchments.Conversely,the Min River and Jiulong River sediments predominantly reflect local sources,with minimal influence from the Changjiang River.The significant isotopic variation of Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics observed between riverine sediments on the eastern and western sides of Taiwan Island underscores the diverse provenance heterogeneity of source rocks in the region.For the marginal seas,our data indicates that the surface sediments in the central mud area of the South Yellow Sea and the southern Yellow Sea are predominantly sourced from the Changjiang River catchment,potentially augmented by inputs from Korean rivers.The inner shelf sediments of the East China Sea are primarily influenced by Changjiang River inputs,whereas rivers in eastern Taiwan Island contribute to the sediments on the middle and outer shelves.Overall,the sediment Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics from the principal sources entering the eastern China marginal seas exhibit considerable similarity,presenting a substantial challenge for quantifying individual river end-member contributions based solely on the Sr-Nd isotopic signatures.To enhance the precision of quantitative assessments in sediment source-to-sink processes,it is imperative to define a narrower range of Sr-Nd isotopic signatures for potential end-members and to expand Sr-Nd isotopic investigations in these marginal seas,with a particular emphasis on regions beyond the current scope of investigations(such as mud areas).
基金supported by the Project of Shanghai Engineering Technology Research Center of Hadal Science (Grant No. 14DZ2250900)the Joint Project of Shanghai "Shutong" Hadal Science and Technology Special Foundation and Shanghai Ocean University Discipline Construction (Grant No. HAST-S-2015-01)+1 种基金the National Key Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2013CB955703)the South China Sea-Deep Program of the Natural National Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 91028005 & 91428308)
文摘Archaeal and bacterial glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers(GDGTs) play a unique role in discerning the biogeochemical processes and climate change in terrestrial(e.g. soil, peat, stalagmites, lakes, rivers, hot springs) and marine environments. Organic proxies based on GDGTs(e.g. TEX_(86), MBT/CBT and BIT) have made impressive applications in the open ocean and terrestrial environments. However, the applicability of these proxies in marginal seas has not been thoroughly evaluated, which is necessary given the complexity and dynamics of these systems, such as organic matter(OM) flux, hydrodynamic conditions, and human impact. This review aims to summarize recent studies of GDGTs and GDGT-based proxies in the Chinese marginal seas(CMS), which are characterized by diverse gradient in terrigenous supplies and ocean productivity and hold rich information on climate and sea level changes, ocean current dynamics, sedimentary evolution and biogeochemical processes.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41476037,41606046&91228207)the Guangdong Natural Science Foundation(Grant No.2016A030310014)+2 种基金the Strategic Special Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.XDA11030104)the National Key Basic Research Program of China(Grant No.2013CB956102)Key Laboratory of Marine Mineral Resources,Ministry of Land and Resources(Grant No.KLMMR-2015-B-08)
文摘Overall abundance and species composition of radiolarian faunas were analyzed in surface sediment samples from representative areas of South China Sea, East China Sea, Sea of Japan, Sea of Okhotsk, Bering Sea, Philippine Sea, and the western boundary current regions of the North Pacific, in order to understand the biogeographic distribution ofradiolarians in the Northwest Pacific and explore its relationship with the main environmental factors and the North Pacific circulation. The results showed that radiolarians in the Northwest Pacific surface sediments can be divided into two large biogeographic provinces---cluster A and cluster B. Cluster A is characterized by the dominance of warm-water species and distributed primarily in tropical and subtropical seas with high radiolarian abundance and diversity; whereas cluster B is predominated by cold water species and distributed mainly in the Arctic and subarctic seas with comparably low abundance and diversity. Cluster A is further divided into five subclusters, AI to A5, which correspond to East China Sea, Philippine Sea, South China Sea, Sea of Japan, and Kuroshio Current, respectively; cluster B is divided into three subclusters, B1 to B3, which correspond to Sea of Okhotsk, Bering Sea, and subarctic gyre area, respectively. Based on the relationships between radiolarian faunas and major environment parameters in different biogeographic provinces, we suggest that the sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface salinity (SSS) are primary factors that influence productivity, composition, and distribution pattern of the radiolarian fauna in the Northwest Pacific regions, while water depth is likely responsible for regional differences in the radiolarian fauna in each marginal sea. In addition, according to the distribution and abundance patterns of common radiolarian species in different areas, we identified five special radiolarian assemblages, which may be used as indicators for main Kuroshio Current, Kuroshio-East China Sea Branch, Kuroshio-South China Sea Branch, Tsushima Current, and Oyashio Current water masses.
文摘The tectonic cycle of the marginal sea basins in South China Sea(SCS)includes two cycles,i.e.,the formation and contraction of Palaeo-SCS and Neo-SCS.The northern part of SCS is a rift basin on a passive continental margin,while the the Nansha Block is a drifting rift basin.The southern part is a compound compressional basin on an active continental margin;the western part is a shear-extensional basin on a transform continental margin;the eastern part is an accretionary wedge basin on a subduction continental margin.The deep-water basins are mainly distributed on the continental slope and the the Nansha Block.There are three sets of source rocks in the deep-water areas of the northern continental margin in SCS,i.e.,Eocene terrestrial facies,early Oligocene transitional facies and late Oligocene marine facies.A set of Late Cretaceous-Early Oligocene terrestrial marine facies source rocks are developed in the drift-rift basin of SCS.Three sets of Oligocene,early Miocene and Mid-Miocene marine-terrestrial transitional facies source rocks are developed in the deep-water areas of both the southern and western continental margins of SCS.Four sets of reservoirs developed in the northern deep waters of SCS are dominated by deep sea fans.Two sets of reservoirs developed in the the Nansha Block are dominated by delta and biogenic reef.The southern part of SCS is dominated by deep sea fan and biogenic reef.Reservoirs of large channels and other clastic facies were developed in front of the estuaries,while biogenic reef bank was formed in the uplift zone.The hydrocarbon accumulation assemblages are mainly presented as Oligocene-Pliocene in the deep waters on the northern continental margin of SCS,Eocene-Lower Oligocene in the the Nansha Block,Oligocene-Pliocene and Oligocene-Miocene in the deep waters on the southern and western continental margin of SCS,respectively.The major hydrocarbon reservoir types in the deep waters of SCS are related to structural traps,deep water fans and biogenic reefs.The formation of basin,hydrocarbon and reservoir in the deep waters of SCS are controlled by the tectonic cycles of the marginal sea basins,revealing a great potential for hydrocarbon exploration.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.40704003)the National 973 Program of China(No.2007CB714405)the Key Laboratory of Surveying and Mapping Technology on Island and Reef,State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping,China(No.2009B04)
文摘The quality of altimeter data and ocean tide model is critical to the recovery of coastal gravity anomalies. In this contribution, three retracking methods (threshold, improved threshold and Beta-5) are investigated with the aim of improving the altimeter data over a shallow water area. Comparison indicates that the improved threshold is the best retracking method over China Sea. Two ocean tide models, NAO99b and CSR4.0, are analyzed. Results show that different tide models used in the processing of altimeter data may result in differences more than 10 mGal in recovered coastal gravity anomalies. Also, NAO99b is more suitable than CSR4.0 over the shallow water area of China Sea. Finally, gravity anomalies over China Sea are calculated from retracked Geosat/GM and ERS-1/GM data by least squares collocation. Comparison with shipborne gravimetry data demonstrates that gravity anomalies from retracked data are significantly superior to those from non-retracked data. Our results have the same order as the other two altimeter-derived gravity models: Sandwell&Smith(V16) and DNSC08.
基金We thank the scientists and crews on the R/V Dongfanghong 2 for their assistance with sampling during the cruises.We thank Chunying Liu and Guipeng Yang both of the Ocean University of China for providing pH and DO data,respectively.This work was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(92051115,41976101,92251303 and 41730530)the Scientifc and Technological Innovation Project of Laoshan Laboratory(LSKJ202203206 and LSKJ202203201)+2 种基金the Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation(ZR2022YQ38)the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2018YFE0124100)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(202141009 and 202172002).
文摘The majority of marine ammonia oxidizers belong to Thaumarchaeota,a phylum of Archaea,which is distributed throughout the water column.Marine surface waters contain distinct thaumarchaeotal phylotypes compared to the deeper ocean,but spatial dynamics of the surface-associated lineages are largely unsolved.This study of 120 seawater samples from the eastern Chinese marginal seas identifed contrasting distribution and association patterns among thaumarchaeotal phylotypes across diferent dimensions.Horizontally,Nitrosopumilus-like and Nitrosopelagicus-like phylotypes dominated the surface water(3 m)of the Yellow Sea(YS)and East China Sea(ECS),respectively,along with increased abundance of total free-living Thaumarchaeota in ECS.Similar compositional changes were observed in the surface microlayer.The spatial heterogeneity of particle-attached Thaumarchaeota was less clear in surface microlayers than in surface waters.Vertically,the Nitrosopelagicus-like phylotype increased in abundance from surface to 90 m in ECS,which led to an increase in the proportion of Thaumarchaeota relative to total prokaryotes.This occurred mainly in the free-living fraction.These results indicate a clear size-fractionated niche partitioning,which is more pronounced at lower depths than in the surface water/surface microlayer.In addition,associations of Thaumarchaeota with other microbial taxa varied between phylotypes and size fractions.Our results show that a phylotype-resolved and size-fractionated spatial heterogeneity of the thaumarchaeotal community is present in surface oceanic waters and a vertical variation of the Nitrosopelagicus-like phylotype is present in shallow shelf waters.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41276187the Global Change Research Program of China(2015CB953901)+2 种基金the Startup Foundation for Introducing Talent of NUIST(20110310)Program for Innovation Research and Entrepreneurship Team in Jiangsu Provincethe CFOSAT Project and the Canadian Program on Energy Research and Development
文摘Based on the wave velocity potential of sea water and marginal sea ice, a modified formula about damped traveling wave is proposed. From this formula, it is obvious that the propagation characteristics of ocean wave in marginal sea ice are affected by ice thickness, temperature, salinity and ice growth rate. Attenuation coefficient approaches a limit value of 0.99 when ice thickness increases in the range of 0.5-50 m. When ice temperature increases in the range from 18 ℃ to 3 ℃, attenuation coeffi- cient slowly decreases, while it rapidly decreases when ice temperatures is above a critical ice temperature of 3 ℃. Both attenuation coefficient and wavelengths of damped traveling wave nearly increase linearly with the increase of ice salinity and ice growth rate.
基金Supported by the China National Science and Technology Major Project(2016ZX05026-003,2011ZX05025-003)Science and Technology Project of CNOOC Limited(YXKY-2012-SHENHAI-01)CNOOC-KJ 135 ZDXM 37 SZ 01 SHENHAI。
文摘Based on the new seismic and drilling data and the recent related research results,this paper systematically analyzes the diversity and complexity of evolution process of crustal lithosphere structure and basin structure in the Pearl River Mouth Basin on the northern margin of the South China Sea.Three types of detachment faults of different structural levels exist:crust-mantle detachment,inter-crust detachment and upper crust detachment.It is considered that different types of extensional detachment control different subbasin structures.Many fault depressions controlled by upper crust detachment faults have been found in the Zhu I Depression located in the proximal zone.These detachment faults are usually reformed by magma emplacement or controlled by preexisting faults.Baiyun-Liwan Sag located in the hyperextension area shows different characteristics of internal structure.The Baiyun main sag with relative weak magmatism transformation is a wide-deep fault depression,which is controlled by crust-mantle detachment system.Extensive magmatism occurred in the eastern and southwest fault steps of the Baiyun Sag after Middle Eocene,and the crust ductile extensional deformation resulted in wide-shallow fault depression controlled by the upper crust detachment fault.Based on the classical lithosphere extensional breaking and basin tectonic evolution in the Atlantic margin,it is believed that the magmatic activities and pre-existing structures in the Mesozoic subduction continental margin background are important controlling factors for the diversified continental margin faulted structures in the northern South China Sea.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program(973) of China (No.2007CB41170403)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.40806023)the Scientific Research Fund of the SIO,SOA(No.1404-10)
文摘Based on the interpretations of three seismic profiles and one wide-angle seismic profile across the Northwest Sub-basin,South China Sea.stratigraphic sequences,deformation characteristics and an extension model for this sub-basin have been worked out.Three tectonic-stratigraphic units are determined.Detailed analyses of extension show that the event occurred mainly during the Paleogene and resulted in the formation of half-grabens or grabens distributed symmetrically around the spreading center.Sediments are characterized by chaotic and discontinuous reflectors,indicating clastic sediments. Farther to the southwest,the sub-basin features mainly continental rifting instead of sea-floor spreading. The rifting would have been controlled by the shape of the massif and developed just along the northern edge of the Zhongsha-Xisha Block,rather than joined the Xisha Trough.After 25 Ma.a southward ridge jump triggered the opening of the Southwest Sub-basin.The NW-directed stress caused by the sea-floor spreading of the Northwest Sub-basin may have prevented the continuous opening of the sub-basin.After that the Northwest Sub-basin experienced thermal cooling and exhibited broad subsidence.The deep crustal structure shown by the velocity model from a wide-angle seismic profile is also symmetrical around the spreading center,which indicates that the Northwest Sub-basin might have opened in a pure shear model.
基金granted by the National Natural Science Foudation of China(Grant No.4207218841872172)the SDUST Research Fund(2018TDJH101)。
文摘There are known to be enormous Cenozoic coal-type oil and gas resources located in the basins of the South China Sea,among which the Paleogene coal-measure source rock are one of the main source rock.In order to more effectively analyze the distribution laws of coal-measure source rock in marginal sea basins and guide coal-type oil and gas explorations,the Oligocene coal-measure source rock in the Qiongdongnan Basin were selected as examples in order to systematically analyze the types,development characteristics,control factors,and distribution prediction methods of coalmeasure source rock in marginal sea basins.The Qiongdongnan Basin is located in the northern region of the South China Sea.Previous explorations of the area have determined that the Oligocene coal-measure source rock in the Qiongdongnan Basin have typical"binary structures",which include coal seams and terrigenous marine mudstone.Among those,the terrigenous marine mudstone has been found to greatly expand the scope of the coal-measure source rock.In addition,the coal seams which have been exposed by drilling have been observed to have the characteristics of thin single layer thickness,many layers,and poor stability.Meanwhile,the terrigenous marine mudstone has the characteristics of large thickness and wide distribution.The development of coal-measure source rock is known to be controlled by many factors,such as paleoclimate and paleobotany condition,paleo-structure and topography,paleo-geography,rise and fall of base level,and so on.In accordance with the comprehensive analyses of various control factors of coal-measure source rock,and the changes in water body energy in sedimentary environments,a genetic model of the"energy belt"for the development and distribution of coal-measure source rock was proposed.Also,the development and distribution characteristics of coalmeasure source rock in different types of energy belts were clarified.Then,based on the development and distribution characteristics of coal-measure source rock and their controlling factors,prediction methods of the distribution ranges of coal-measure source rock were proposed from both qualitative and(semi-)quantitative aspects.That is to say,a method for(semi-)quantitative predictions of the distribution ranges of coal-bearing intervals based on model wave impedance inversion and neural network wave impedance inversion,along with a method for(semi-)quantitative predictions of the distribution ranges of terrigenous marine mudstone based on topographical slopes,were introduced in this study.