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The Community Structure of Macrozoobenthos and Its Temporal Change on the Gapo Artificial Tidal Flat in Masan Bay, Korea
作者 Jin-Woo Choi Jin-Young Seo Soonmo An 《Open Journal of Marine Science》 2013年第4期190-200,共11页
This study was conducted to get some basic information on the community structure of macrozoobenthos and its temporal change at 3 sites on the Gapo artificial tidal flat within Masan Bay from March 2002 to April 2004 ... This study was conducted to get some basic information on the community structure of macrozoobenthos and its temporal change at 3 sites on the Gapo artificial tidal flat within Masan Bay from March 2002 to April 2004 when 8 years passed after the construction. The Gapo artificial tidal flat was constructed by filling the dredged contaminated sediments of MasanBayfrom 1990 to 1993. The surface sediment consisted of fine particles, but the grain size at the tidal flat has changed from mud to muddy sand by adding coarse particles for manila clam aquaculture by local fishermen from 2002. A total of 35 faunal species including 23 species at the upper tidal flat, 28 species at the lower tidal flat and 30 species in the tidal channel were collected during the study period. Polychaete worms were the most dominant fauna in species number and total faunal density, but mollusks were the most dominant in biomass. There was a specific species composition along tidal level. At the upper tidal flat, Prionospio japonicus, Sigambra tentaculata, and Neanthes succinea were dominant and at the lower tidal flat, N. succinea, P. japonicus, Corophium sinensis, and Ruditapes philipinarum were dominant while S. tentaculata, Paraprionospio coora, and C. sinensis were dominant at the tidal channel. In the feeding guild composition of the community, the surface deposit feeder (SDF) was the most abundant functional group followed by carnivores. The abundance and biomass showed a seasonal fluctuation;they decreased during summer seasonal and recovered in autumn. The Benthic Pollution Index (BPI) reflecting the trophic composition of macrozoobenthic community at each site remained in a very low level during most study period, which indicates the macrobenthic community of the Gapo artificial tidal flat has been in a disturbed environmental condition. The MDS plots also indicated that the species composition has changed seasonally and a large change in it was shown from spring to summer at all three stations. These results indicated that the benthic community in the constructed mud flat area has not reached on a stable structure until the spring of 2004 for 10 years after the artificial tidal flat construction. 展开更多
关键词 Artificial TIDAL FLAT Macrozoobenthic COMMUNITY Structure Change masan BAY SOUTH Korea
作者 余泽全 《中国钨业》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第3期78-78,共1页
2016年5月12日,中国钨业协会秘书长刘良先会见了到访的越南马山(MASAN)集团总运营官Chetan Baxi先生。双方就当前国际钨市场形势进行了广泛交流和探讨,并就共同促进钨市场平稳运行、进一步加强双方的交流与合作等深入交换了意见,达成... 2016年5月12日,中国钨业协会秘书长刘良先会见了到访的越南马山(MASAN)集团总运营官Chetan Baxi先生。双方就当前国际钨市场形势进行了广泛交流和探讨,并就共同促进钨市场平稳运行、进一步加强双方的交流与合作等深入交换了意见,达成了广泛共识。 展开更多
关键词 中国钨业协会 masan 团总 钨市场 钨矿 周国宝 开采总量 钨精矿 钨品 数据交换
岩溶山区农业生态系统的能值动态分析 被引量:5
作者 卢远 韦燕飞 +1 位作者 邓兴礼 王娟 《水土保持学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期166-169,178,共5页
以广西马山县为例.采用能值分析方法,研究了岩溶山区典型县域农业生态系统的能值动态变化。结果表明,1994~2004年期间,马山县的农业生态系统能值总投入呈现小幅下降,而能值总产出呈快速增长。其中能值投入以有机辅助能投入占绝对... 以广西马山县为例.采用能值分析方法,研究了岩溶山区典型县域农业生态系统的能值动态变化。结果表明,1994~2004年期间,马山县的农业生态系统能值总投入呈现小幅下降,而能值总产出呈快速增长。其中能值投入以有机辅助能投入占绝对主导地位,由于劳动力和畜力数量减少,有机辅助能投入呈明显减少趋势;系统以外的工业辅助投能快速增长,主要表现在化肥、饲料投入上。能值总产出以种植业和畜牧业能值产出为主,畜牧业产出增长快速,其占能值总产出的比重增加;种植业增长缓慢,其占能值总产出的比重下降;畜牧业与种植业的耦合度有所增强,但对外依赖程度有增加;农业结构不甚合理.农业生产力仍比较低下,处于传统农业向现代农业发展的初级阶段;并据此提出了若干措施,以改善农业结构与功能,发展农业生产力,提高农业生态系统的整体效益。 展开更多
关键词 岩溶山区 农业生态系统 能值分析 广西马山县
中国东海和韩国马山湾海域2株原甲藻的形态结构和分子序列比较 被引量:2
作者 王红霞 陆斗定 +4 位作者 黄海燕 夏平 戴鑫烽 Jeanette GOEBEL 鄭海■ 《海洋学研究》 2011年第1期42-48,共7页
对采自我国东海温岭海域和韩国南部马山湾海域的2株原甲藻进行了藻种分离、纯化培养及rDNA ITS分子序列的PCR扩增与测序,并运用显微镜、扫描电镜、Jukes-Cantor距离矩阵及构建的系统发育树,比较研究了2株原甲藻的形态结构和分子序列。... 对采自我国东海温岭海域和韩国南部马山湾海域的2株原甲藻进行了藻种分离、纯化培养及rDNA ITS分子序列的PCR扩增与测序,并运用显微镜、扫描电镜、Jukes-Cantor距离矩阵及构建的系统发育树,比较研究了2株原甲藻的形态结构和分子序列。结果表明:温岭藻株(LAMB090508)和马山湾藻株(PDKS0206)具有十分相近的形态结构,细胞均呈不对称梨形,大部分细胞底部呈圆卵形,老化细胞在两侧壳面连接处形成间接带,细胞核位于细胞下半部,呈圆球形,细胞内存在不规则板块状叶绿体。温岭藻株和马山湾藻株的rDNA ITS分子序列总长度均为591 bp,GC含量均为49%,相似度为99.83%,核苷酸差异值为0.002。系统发育树显示,温岭藻株、马山湾藻株和东海原甲藻Pro-rocentrum donghaiense(AY465116)聚在一起,应属同一物种,支持率为100%。综合形态结构和分子序列的比较结果表明,分布于我国东海温岭海域和韩国马山湾海域的2株原甲藻属于同一物种,且均为东海原甲藻Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu。 展开更多
关键词 原甲藻 形态特征 RDNA ITS分子序列 东海 韩国马山湾
作者 王勤 《科技情报开发与经济》 2010年第31期215-217,共3页
介绍了110 kV马三线电缆的基本情况,阐述了故障发生后现场检查情况及处理情况,分析了故障成因,提出了今后应采取的措施。
关键词 110kV马三线 电缆故障 分析报告
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