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作者 郑伟 蔡起田 《红河学院学报》 2024年第3期75-80,共6页
《月球皇帝》在阿芙拉·贝恩的所有剧作中的受欢迎程度仅次于《漫游者》。一些学者认为该剧不过是迎合观众低俗趣味的平庸之作。《月球皇帝》兼具景观戏剧和闹剧的特征。混合的体裁特征让研究者困惑不已。我们从巴赫金的狂欢化世界... 《月球皇帝》在阿芙拉·贝恩的所有剧作中的受欢迎程度仅次于《漫游者》。一些学者认为该剧不过是迎合观众低俗趣味的平庸之作。《月球皇帝》兼具景观戏剧和闹剧的特征。混合的体裁特征让研究者困惑不已。我们从巴赫金的狂欢化世界感受视角理解《月球皇帝》文本内蕴的严肃思想不失为有效的途径。贝恩在《月球皇帝》中以解构景观戏剧和梅尼普体集中展现了狂欢化世界感受,这是她之前的作品中没有出现的现象。对比约翰·德莱顿机械的、非辩证的形而上学缺陷,贝恩在《月球皇帝》中的狂欢化感受使之真正克服了独断的权力的束缚。 展开更多
关键词 《月球皇帝》 景观戏剧 闹剧 梅尼普体 狂欢化世界感受
作者 杜越 《镇江高专学报》 2024年第2期38-42,共5页
《太阳照常升起》中的人物刻画、情节设置等体现了巴赫金文学理论中的梅尼普讽刺特征,作家由此构建了完整而富有张力的情节结构,塑造了典型人物形象,深刻反映了第一次世界大战后青年一代精神状态和西方国家社会问题,小说对当代社会发展... 《太阳照常升起》中的人物刻画、情节设置等体现了巴赫金文学理论中的梅尼普讽刺特征,作家由此构建了完整而富有张力的情节结构,塑造了典型人物形象,深刻反映了第一次世界大战后青年一代精神状态和西方国家社会问题,小说对当代社会发展也具有积极的启发意义。 展开更多
关键词 海明威 《太阳照常升起》 梅尼普讽刺
辩证法对话向文学性对话的转变——关于“苏格拉底对话”与“梅尼普讽刺”的再探析 被引量:1
作者 廖慈惠 《温州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第4期29-34,共6页
在西方哲学史上,对话性影响深远。"苏格拉底对话"是辩证法对话,它认为真理产生于寻求真理的人们的对话中。作为智者发现真理的一种方法,它把深奥的人生哲理大众化,是"助产术"式的。"梅尼普讽刺"在传承&qu... 在西方哲学史上,对话性影响深远。"苏格拉底对话"是辩证法对话,它认为真理产生于寻求真理的人们的对话中。作为智者发现真理的一种方法,它把深奥的人生哲理大众化,是"助产术"式的。"梅尼普讽刺"在传承"苏格拉底对话"的同时将它做了民间还原,其言谈或创作方式更加世俗化;它以戏拟现实为手法展现的"非圣无法"、"疾虚妄"的喜剧性,显示其对话的文学性特征。从"苏格拉底对话"至"梅尼普讽刺",对话性经历了从初期辩证法的实践对话到文学性喜剧式对话的转变。 展开更多
关键词 对话性 辩证法对话 文学性对话 苏格拉底对话 梅尼普讽刺
Writing as Shamanic Consciousness in DainaChaviano's Fables of an Extraterrestrial Grandmother 被引量:1
作者 Robin McAllister 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第10期817-821,共5页
Chaviano's Fables of an Extraterrestrial Grandmother is a pioneering Cuban science fiction novel with four interconnected plots that manifest their separate worlds--the Havana of Ana, the protagonist writer, the Neol... Chaviano's Fables of an Extraterrestrial Grandmother is a pioneering Cuban science fiction novel with four interconnected plots that manifest their separate worlds--the Havana of Ana, the protagonist writer, the Neolithic Celtic world of Merlin and Stonehenge, Faidir, the planet of Ijj e and the winged psyches with three eyes, and Rybel, the world of Ana's character Arlena, the "jumen" on the run in an alien planet after being wrecked in a space ship---through Ana's writing. Ana uses mental exercises and automatic writing to temporarily regress to a pre-rational state of consciousness where these parallel universes interpenetrate and cross in the locus of her subconscious. Writing for her is a form of possession that withdraws her fi'om her immediate reality into a visionary state resembling that of a shaman. She is a writer being invented and written by her own characters. Her stories are not fictions, but already existing realities, and she is a channel by which they are able to manifest their existence through her writing. This science fiction vision of worlds within worlds suggests another origin of science fiction in the ancient literary genre of Menippean satire, a type of fiction that appeals to highly cosmopolitan, alienated readers who seek to renew contact with the sources of consciousness from which technological and social change have alienated them. 展开更多
关键词 DainaChaviano science fiction SHAMAN menippean satire
Lazarillo de Tormes and Rhetorical Paradox
作者 Robin McAllister 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第2期227-232,共6页
Picaresque novel as a genre is usually traced back to the anonymous Lazarillo de Tormes, but mystery surrounds the origin of this paradoxical narrative that appeared in 1554. In particular, the techniques of irony and... Picaresque novel as a genre is usually traced back to the anonymous Lazarillo de Tormes, but mystery surrounds the origin of this paradoxical narrative that appeared in 1554. In particular, the techniques of irony and paradox employed in Lazarillo as vehicles for moral and social satire are influenced by an extremely widespread classical tradition, the rhetorical paradox, recently revived and made popular by Erasmus in his Praise of Folly. Lazarillo's ties with a humanist revival of literary genres suited to social satire and self-inquiry extends to other forms of Menippean satire of which the rhetorical paradox and mock oration are only specialized forms. The Golden Ass by Apuleius, a 2nd Century A.D. prose Menippean satire, alluded to in Cervantes' Don Quixote, and Lazarillo both employ a frame-story motif, "the servant of many masters," as a vehicle for social and moral commentary. A fundamental conflict between how people appear and what in fact they are runs through the narrative, first exemplified by Lazaro's clever exposure of others, then extended to Lazaro himself. Paradox extends from Lazaro himself and his actions to the very form and style of the narrative itself. In Paradoxia Epidemica: The Renaissance Tradition of Paradox, Rosalie Colie traces the influence of rhetorical paradox through the literatures of the 16th and 17th century. Rhetorical paradox is a formal defense of an unexpected, unworthy, or indefensible subject, as in Erasmus' mock encomium of folly. Rhetorical paradox criticizes and calls into question traditionally received opinion by appearing to assert one position while in fact asserting another by implication. By placing his praise in the mouth of the subject itself of that praise, the praise of folly in the mouth of Folly in Erasmus, or the praise of Lazaro the self-made man in the mouth of Lazaro, the satirist ironically undercuts the reliability of the speaker and removes all objective standards by which the discourse can be measured, Lazaro's self-justification is as duplicitous and unreliable as Folly's self-praise of folly or the ancient paradox of the Liar: "Epimenides the Cretan said, 'All Cretans are liars.'" The ultimate function of irony and paradox in rhetorical paradox is to stimulate in the reader a process of self-examination and reflection. Lazarillo appears to have been written by a trained humanist, and, further, a humanist familiar with Menippean satire, whether the dialogues of Lucian, the prose satire of Apuleius, or rhetorical paradox as a vehicle of moral and social satire. 展开更多
关键词 rhetorical paradox menippean satire Lazarillo de Tormes
作者 朱玲玲 《蚌埠学院学报》 2014年第5期97-100,共4页
关键词 梅尼普讽刺 《圣殿》 人物刻画 场面描绘
作者 张龙 《哈尔滨学院学报》 2015年第5期95-97,共3页
关键词 《欲望号街车》 加冕脱冕 梅尼普体 人物形象
从“瓦尔普吉斯之夜”看《浮士德》中的“狂欢化”现象 被引量:1
作者 裴蓓 《周口师范学院学报》 CAS 2006年第3期35-38,共4页
关键词 瓦尔普吉斯之夜” 《浮士德》 狂欢节 狂欢化 梅尼普讽刺
作者 胡颖 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2022年第1期94-103,159,共11页
维涅季克特·叶罗费耶夫的小说《从莫斯科到佩图什基》是俄罗斯后现代主义文学的"原始文本"之一,其极具颠覆性和杂糅性的文学风格在很大程度上秉承欧洲古典文学中的"梅尼普体"传统,将荒诞癫狂的虚构与深刻敏锐... 维涅季克特·叶罗费耶夫的小说《从莫斯科到佩图什基》是俄罗斯后现代主义文学的"原始文本"之一,其极具颠覆性和杂糅性的文学风格在很大程度上秉承欧洲古典文学中的"梅尼普体"传统,将荒诞癫狂的虚构与深刻敏锐的哲理相结合,进行了一场充满讽刺与哲思的精神心理实验。根据巴赫金对"梅尼普体"的定义与阐释,《从莫斯科到佩图什基》在文本内容和形式上全面呈现了该体裁的重要特征,但并非对这一体裁的简单摹仿和重现,其内在对话性、争辩性、反抗性和自由度都更为鲜明,并且体现出强烈的反体裁性和反崇高性。这部作品在丰富"梅尼普体"内涵的同时亦进一步扩大它的外延,使之在当代文学中焕发新的生机。 展开更多
关键词 《从莫斯科到佩图什基》 维涅季克特·叶罗费耶夫 梅尼普体 巴赫金
作者 王佳 杨芬 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期53-59,共7页
拉封丹的《寓言集》体现出了诸多不同于古典主义和同时代其它文学流派的艺术特征。作品独特的创作风格十分类似于巴赫金在《陀思妥耶夫斯基诗学问题》中所论述的"梅尼普讽刺"体:虚构、怪诞的故事内容,诙谐、幽默的语言,作品... 拉封丹的《寓言集》体现出了诸多不同于古典主义和同时代其它文学流派的艺术特征。作品独特的创作风格十分类似于巴赫金在《陀思妥耶夫斯基诗学问题》中所论述的"梅尼普讽刺"体:虚构、怪诞的故事内容,诙谐、幽默的语言,作品外在与内在的对话性,多变的体裁与丰富的政论性,以及狂欢化氛围等。《寓言集》是自"苏格拉底对话"发展而来的"梅尼普讽刺"体写作的成功实践。这使拉封丹寓言成为了法国文学史上的经典。 展开更多
关键词 《寓言集》 拉封丹 梅尼普讽刺体
作者 王丽丹 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期138-149,共12页
作为当代俄罗斯实验派剧作家,维雷帕耶夫从剧作形式的表达到内容的书写,均体现其创作的求新求变。维雷帕耶夫的剧本不仅有诠释生命过程的舞蹈仪式,也有饱含悲剧意识的宗教仪式;在其非戏剧性倾向的戏剧结构中,梅尼普体起着主导作用;剧作... 作为当代俄罗斯实验派剧作家,维雷帕耶夫从剧作形式的表达到内容的书写,均体现其创作的求新求变。维雷帕耶夫的剧本不仅有诠释生命过程的舞蹈仪式,也有饱含悲剧意识的宗教仪式;在其非戏剧性倾向的戏剧结构中,梅尼普体起着主导作用;剧作家戏剧的仪式化及梅尼普体狂欢化形式与暴力行为与"卑贱"哲学密不可分;剧作家创作形式与内容上的非理性成分均反映作家的存在主义宗教意识。维雷帕耶夫以悖论的剧本展示暴力横行、圣经戒律庸俗化的当今世界,其非理性戏剧成分不仅说明其特有的艺术思想与哲学观念,也反映当代俄罗斯人的文化心理与价值取向。 展开更多
关键词 维雷帕耶夫 仪式化 梅尼普体 暴力行为 存在主义
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