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从《漂亮的三丫头》与“Miss U.S.A.”原、译文的交叉比较看口述实录文学的特点
作者 魏芳 《北京印刷学院学报》 2011年第3期50-53,共4页
口述实录文学作品主要通过口语形式表达,属于谈话语体,其特点是句子结构简洁,语言通俗流畅、形象生动,有强烈的生活气息。《漂亮的三丫头》和"Miss U.S.A."是题材风格非常接近,极有可比性的两篇口述实录文学作品。通过对《漂... 口述实录文学作品主要通过口语形式表达,属于谈话语体,其特点是句子结构简洁,语言通俗流畅、形象生动,有强烈的生活气息。《漂亮的三丫头》和"Miss U.S.A."是题材风格非常接近,极有可比性的两篇口述实录文学作品。通过对《漂亮的三丫头》与"Miss U.S.A."的原、译文作交叉对照评析,能很好地检验各自译文在语体风格上对原文的忠实程度。 展开更多
关键词 miss u.s.a 漂亮的三丫头 翻译 语体风格
Commentary on "Association of daily sitting time and leisure-time physical activity with body fat among U.S.adults"
作者 Barbara E.Ainsworth 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第2期127-129,共3页
In their study,association of daily sitting time and leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) with body fat among U.S.Adults,Liao et al.^(1) analyzed data from the 2011-2018 National Health and Examination Survey to exam... In their study,association of daily sitting time and leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) with body fat among U.S.Adults,Liao et al.^(1) analyzed data from the 2011-2018 National Health and Examination Survey to examine associations between h/day sitting,meeting (or not meeting) the U.S.Physical Activity Guidelines of≥150 min/week of moderate-and vigorous-intensity LTPA,and combinations of sitting time and LTPA on totaland trunk percent body fat (BF%). 展开更多
作者 张菁华 《湖北师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2001年第4期87-91,共5页
本文从语音、词汇、语法和句法结构四个层面 ,对 Miss U .S.A与《漂亮的三丫头》的原、译文作了对照评价 ,说明文体风格的对应在翻译中具有重要的意义和作用。
关键词 翻译 文体风格 对应性 miss u.s.a 《漂亮的三丫头》
湘西沃溪金锑钨矿床燕山期幕式成矿作用:来自原位白钨矿U-Pb定年与黄铁矿元素-同位素的约束 被引量:1
作者 李彬 许德如 +5 位作者 柏道远 陈旭 邹少浩 代俊峰 马文 曾广乾 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期215-240,共26页
沃溪矿床位于江南造山带中段,是一座同时具有金、锑、钨大规模成矿的大型金矿,近年的研究揭示其主要形成于燕山期,但该矿的成矿物质源区及矿床成因尚存争议。基于此,本文利用SEM、EPMA、LA-MC-IF-ICP-MS等原位分析技术,对该矿床多世代... 沃溪矿床位于江南造山带中段,是一座同时具有金、锑、钨大规模成矿的大型金矿,近年的研究揭示其主要形成于燕山期,但该矿的成矿物质源区及矿床成因尚存争议。基于此,本文利用SEM、EPMA、LA-MC-IF-ICP-MS等原位分析技术,对该矿床多世代黄铁矿的结构、成分及同位素组成和成矿期白钨矿的U-Pb年代学进行了研究。在沃溪矿床中,识别出3个世代5种类型黄铁矿(Py),即成矿前Py1,成矿第二阶段Py2和第三阶段的Py3a、Py3b和Py3c。黄铁矿微区成分及围岩蚀变特征指示,成矿期Au、As和Cu耦合,Au主要以固溶体(Au+)的形式存在于Py3b的晶格中;As-取代S-进入黄铁矿是促进晶格金富集的主要因素;而强烈的水-岩反应是导致成矿期热液黄铁矿Co/Ni<1的原因。黄铁矿的原位微量元素和S-Pb同位素组成(δ34 S V-CDT值:Py2为-4.33‰~-1.61‰,Py3a为-6.36‰~3.59‰,Py3b为-4.36‰~3.59‰,Py3c为-2.21‰~-0.65‰;206 Pb/204 Pb、207 Pb/204 Pb、208 Pb/204 Pb值:Py2分别为18.029、15.618和38.653,Py3a分别为18.047~18.341、15.594~15.698、38.781~39.394)及其在环带结构中的变化,指示第二及第三成矿阶段流体性质存在显著差异。成矿第三阶段白钨矿的LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年结果为132.7±7.9Ma(1σ,n=31,MSWD=0.43)。结合前人研究成果,我们认为沃溪金锑钨矿床主要形成于燕山期148~140Ma的黑钨矿(少量白钨矿、黄铁矿和金)和~130Ma的金-锑-白钨矿两阶段幕式成矿作用。早阶段成矿为下伏基底岩石重熔岩浆演化出的相对高温的还原性流体;晚阶段金-锑-白钨矿成矿以脉冲性幔源流体为主,金主要具地幔来源,而锑和钨可能来源于壳源与幔源流体混合演化出的富矿热液,成矿的脉动性可能与深部断层阀机制有关。金的主要沉淀机制为水岩反应和硫化作用,流体混合是辉锑矿与白钨矿的沉淀机制。富集交代的岩石圈地幔活化和古太平洋板块俯冲后撤、拆沉导致的岩石圈大规模伸展是江南造山带中段(湖南)燕山晚期金多金属大规模成矿的关键因素及构造背景,区域上具有进一步寻找陆内弧后伸展背景金多金属矿床的潜力。 展开更多
关键词 江南造山带 沃溪Au-Sb-W矿 白钨矿U-Pb定年 黄铁矿 S-Pb同位素
作者 戚学通 袁红春 《湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期108-114,共7页
为了快速准确地检测出小目标生物(海参、扇贝、海星和海胆)在复杂水下环境的位置及所属种类,提出一种基于改进YOLOv5s的小目标生物检测算法。在特征提取阶段,引入基于多头自注意力设计的自注意力残差模块,强化网络全局建模能力的同时,... 为了快速准确地检测出小目标生物(海参、扇贝、海星和海胆)在复杂水下环境的位置及所属种类,提出一种基于改进YOLOv5s的小目标生物检测算法。在特征提取阶段,引入基于多头自注意力设计的自注意力残差模块,强化网络全局建模能力的同时,强化目标特征信息;在特征融合阶段,将特征融合网络调整为添加横向连接的双向特征金字塔结构,增强网络融合不同阶段特征信息的能力;在检测阶段,舍弃大目标检测尺度并添加小目标的检测尺度,提升小目标生物的检测精度;最后,引入α–CIo U损失函数作为模型边界框回归损失函数,提高边界框回归精度,进而提高算法检测准确率。定性试验中,几乎所有肉眼可见的水产品目标都被改进模型检出,并正确标记,体现了改进算法的有效性。α值选取试验中,α值为2.0时效果最佳,平均精度均值(mAP)均优于其他值的,达到0.857,较α值为1.0时的提升了0.016。消融试验中,添加任一优化方法均会提升改进模型的检测精度,最终改进模型的m AP达0.873,较原模型的提升了0.032,模型参数量减少了26.8%,仅有5 M。对比试验中,改进模型的m AP较Faster RCNN、YOLOv3、YOLOv4、YOLOv5s、YOLOvX、SSD、NAS–FCOS、改进YOLOv5等的提升了0.020以上;改进模型在本地服务器的检测速度达139帧/s,较YOLOv5s的提升了14帧/s,略逊于以检测速度著称的SSD模型的。可见,改进模型能满足轻量和实时性要求。改进模型也成功部署到安卓移动设备中。 展开更多
关键词 小目标生物检测 YOLOv5s 自注意力机制 α–CIo U损失 双向特征金字塔 移动设备部署
作者 孙天阳 胡宇 +2 位作者 徐林志 孙亮 易涛 《武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版)》 2024年第2期309-314,共6页
以船舶主轴为实验对象,研究34CrNi3Mo合金钢作为船舶主轴时法兰与主轴连接处的疲劳寿命.利用实验将法兰与主轴连接处简化成带U型缺口的扭转疲劳试样,基于小样本量中值S-N实验法对应力集中系数为1.45的34CrNi3Mo合金钢在扭转荷载作用下... 以船舶主轴为实验对象,研究34CrNi3Mo合金钢作为船舶主轴时法兰与主轴连接处的疲劳寿命.利用实验将法兰与主轴连接处简化成带U型缺口的扭转疲劳试样,基于小样本量中值S-N实验法对应力集中系数为1.45的34CrNi3Mo合金钢在扭转荷载作用下进行疲劳分析,测定其在不同应力幅值下的疲劳寿命并绘制S-N曲线,估算其疲劳极限.将绘制出的S-N曲线与光滑试样的S-N曲线进行对比,结果发现疲劳寿命差别较大.利用ABAQUS软件和Fe-safe软件进行数值模拟,将试验结果与所绘的S-N曲线对比表明,S-N曲线的方程与试验结果很接近,验证了所建立的数值模型的正确性. 展开更多
关键词 船舶主轴 34CrNi3Mo合金钢 U型缺口 S-N曲线 应力集中系数 疲劳寿命 疲劳极限
作者 关强兵 刘俊辰 +5 位作者 王义天 胡乔青 何猛 段志辉 党顺安 史新 《矿产勘查》 2024年第4期526-539,共14页
内蒙古根河三道桥大型铅锌银矿床位于大兴安岭得尔布干成矿带中北段,矿体主要呈脉状赋存于火山岩地层中。氢氧同位素研究表明,成矿期石英和绢云母的δD值变化范围为-149.1‰~-156.7‰,δ^(18)OH_(2)O值变化范围为-13.6‰~3.4‰;成矿后... 内蒙古根河三道桥大型铅锌银矿床位于大兴安岭得尔布干成矿带中北段,矿体主要呈脉状赋存于火山岩地层中。氢氧同位素研究表明,成矿期石英和绢云母的δD值变化范围为-149.1‰~-156.7‰,δ^(18)OH_(2)O值变化范围为-13.6‰~3.4‰;成矿后期石英δD值变化范围为-131.9‰~-147.7‰,δ^(18)OH_(2)O值变化范围为-16.5‰~-18.2‰。碳同位素分析结果表明,与矿化有关的方解石δ^(13)C值变化范围为-1.8‰~-3.1‰,δ^(18)O值变化范围为5.3‰~8.6‰。原位S同位素分析结果表明,硫化物的δ^(34)S值变化范围为2.3‰~5.6‰,与其西南侧下护林矽卡岩型铅锌银矿床中的硫化物的δ^(34)S值(1.2‰~5.9‰)基本一致。上述同位素组成特征指示成矿物质主要来源于岩浆热液,在上升到地壳浅部时有一定量的大气降水混入。锆石U-Pb年代学研究表明,矿化的闪长玢岩脉年龄为(136.0±0.7)Ma(MSWD=0.44);未矿化、穿切硫化物微细脉的闪长玢岩脉的锆石U-Pb年龄为(120.8±0.6)Ma(MSWD=0.49)。结合前人相关研究进展,认为三道桥铅锌银矿床形成于136.0~120.8 Ma期间(早白垩世),为伸展构造背景下与浅成侵入岩有关的中温热液型铅锌银矿床。 展开更多
关键词 C-H-O-S同位素 锆石U-Pb定年 成矿物质来源 三道桥铅锌银矿床 内蒙古
作者 魏宝宝 杜海蓉 席海容 《当代教育论坛》 北大核心 2024年第3期83-91,共9页
教育高质量发展呼吁高质量教学。研究选取结构化理论作为分析视角,通过演绎方法从“结构”推衍得出“教学结构”。基于教学结构分析得出:建构高质量教学的实质就是在时代新人培育要求下,组成教学结构的各种教学规则与教学资源以“调整... 教育高质量发展呼吁高质量教学。研究选取结构化理论作为分析视角,通过演绎方法从“结构”推衍得出“教学结构”。基于教学结构分析得出:建构高质量教学的实质就是在时代新人培育要求下,组成教学结构的各种教学规则与教学资源以“调整”或“补充”的方式发展变化,从而使教学具有时代赋予的应有功能。建构高质量教学实践需要“点线面结合”推进。教师作为高质量教学建构的“核心点”,需要通过理论学习等途径将存在于学科课程标准等文本中的高质量教学建构图景转化为个人认知;研究者与教师连成U-S“关键线”,在合作行动研究中将高质量教学理论转化为实践;学校教育相关能动者联动形成“联动面”,使高质量教学建构实践从局部逐渐扩展至日常。 展开更多
关键词 结构化理论 高质量教学 教学结构 U—S合作 能动者
作者 陆超 金辉召 黄雪君 《教育参考》 2024年第6期43-52,84,共11页
本文选取美国、澳大利亚、新加坡等创新人才机制相对成熟的国家,探究其创新人才多主体早期培育项目经验,分析、归纳得出主要培养路径有四:首先,“丰富和加速”是主要培养手段,以高阶课程助力超前学习、以缩短学制促进加速学习、以暑期... 本文选取美国、澳大利亚、新加坡等创新人才机制相对成熟的国家,探究其创新人才多主体早期培育项目经验,分析、归纳得出主要培养路径有四:首先,“丰富和加速”是主要培养手段,以高阶课程助力超前学习、以缩短学制促进加速学习、以暑期项目丰富课程学习;其次,以信息技术搭建资优教育平台,扩展资源网络渠道,推进创新人才培养的机会均等;再次,注重教育体系衔接,以大中小衔接体系为创新人才接续培养枢纽,确保培养质量;最后,以分类培养理念创新人才和技术创新人才为目标,建立针对性培养体系。据此,本文提出改进我国创新人才早期培养U-G-S协作机制的建议:加强政策顶层设计、扶持校企联合、增强创新人才网络资源建设、推进校本创新人才培养项目建设等。 展开更多
关键词 创新人才 早期培养 U-G-S
作者 尹婷婷 蒋丽 高鹏飞 《唐山师范学院学报》 2024年第3期106-109,共4页
从“优师计划”背景下师范生U-G-S培养模式价值分析入手,剖析“优师计划”背景下师范生U-G-S培养模式中地方政府、师范院校、中小学校、师范生四个基本要素各自存在问题,提出“四位一体”师范生U-G-S培养模式提升对策,以当地政府为主导... 从“优师计划”背景下师范生U-G-S培养模式价值分析入手,剖析“优师计划”背景下师范生U-G-S培养模式中地方政府、师范院校、中小学校、师范生四个基本要素各自存在问题,提出“四位一体”师范生U-G-S培养模式提升对策,以当地政府为主导、以师范院校为引领、以中小学校为核心、以师范生为主体,统筹各方培养资源和优势力量,激活多方利益主体意愿,助力乡村卓越教师的培养。 展开更多
关键词 “优师计划” 师范生 U-G-S培养模式
The Reception Commemorating the 45th Anniversary of China-U.S.Diplomatic Ties Held in Beijing
《International Understanding》 2024年第1期40-40,共1页
On January 5,the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs jointly hosted a reception commemorating the 45th anniversary of the es... On January 5,the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs jointly hosted a reception commemorating the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relationship between China and the United States in Beijing.Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the commemoration and delivered aspeech.David Meale,ChargédAffaires at the U.S.Embassy in China,addressed the reception.He extended on behalf of the U.S.side congratulations on the anniversary,expressing the readiness of the U.S.to implement the consensus reached by the two heads of state and promote the steady development of U.S.-China relations.More than 350 people from all walks of life of both countries attended the reception. 展开更多
关键词 jointly U.S. behalf
作者 Anthony Moretti 《China Report ASEAN》 2024年第4期63-64,共2页
The 100 men and women who make up the U.S.Senate will soon have an important choice.They will either affirm that the First Amendment matters or they will surrender to fear.The senators must decide whether to go along ... The 100 men and women who make up the U.S.Senate will soon have an important choice.They will either affirm that the First Amendment matters or they will surrender to fear.The senators must decide whether to go along with their colleagues in the House of Representatives and require the popular social media app TikTok to be sold to an American company.If they do endorse the House vote,then ByteDance must divest itself of TikTok or see the app will be banned on U.S.-based social media platforms. 展开更多
Cross-Cultural Adjustment and Coping:U.S.Students in Taiwan Residents Higher Education
作者 Wen-Ling Lou 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2024年第1期26-42,共17页
The aim of this study was to investigate the adjustment problems of students from the United States enrolled in universities in the East,specifically in Taiwan,their problems related to cultural adaptation,and the pro... The aim of this study was to investigate the adjustment problems of students from the United States enrolled in universities in the East,specifically in Taiwan,their problems related to cultural adaptation,and the process of adjustment to student life in Taiwan.Under investigation were cultural adjustment and coping skills as these students transitioned from West to East.Qualitative data were collected from interviews with participants and faculty members as well as participant observations.Results indicated that U.S.students found their own ways to acclimate to their new academic setting as well as to social relations,cross-cultural issues,and the linguistic environment in Taiwan to achieve effective adaptation.They made changes in themselves to cope with all situations they encountered.This study provides suggestions for international students abroad in Taiwan,for the Taiwan Residents government,and for universities or colleges in terms of what they should offer to current and future international students. 展开更多
关键词 adjustment cultural adjustment cross-cultural adaptation COPING U.S.students
作者 胡艳蓓 《继续教育研究》 2024年第4期13-17,共5页
推动教师教育高质量发展是推进我国教育现代化建设的前提基础,是优化教育生态、推进教育改革的必经之路。新时代,推动教师教育高质量发展,要厘清教师教育高质量发展的内涵要义,明确教师教育高质量发展的基本要求,认真审视教师教育发展... 推动教师教育高质量发展是推进我国教育现代化建设的前提基础,是优化教育生态、推进教育改革的必经之路。新时代,推动教师教育高质量发展,要厘清教师教育高质量发展的内涵要义,明确教师教育高质量发展的基本要求,认真审视教师教育发展质量缺乏保障、区域教师教育的不均衡发展、教育发展机构职能的弱化、教师教育实践基地不完善等教师教育面临的现实困境。基于此,探寻出以“构建发展体系”“优质均衡发展”“强化机构职能”“建设U-S-G联合实践基地”为主的推进策略。 展开更多
关键词 新时代 教师教育 高质量发展 U-S-G联合实践基地
Digital Disparities:How Artificial Intelligence Can Facilitate Anti-Black Racism in the U.S.Healthcare Sector
作者 Anthony Victor Onwuegbuzia 《International Relations and Diplomacy》 2024年第1期40-50,共11页
This paper delves into the intricate interplay between artificial intelligence(AI)systems and the perpetuation of Anti-Black racism within the United States medical industry.Despite the promising potential of AI to en... This paper delves into the intricate interplay between artificial intelligence(AI)systems and the perpetuation of Anti-Black racism within the United States medical industry.Despite the promising potential of AI to enhance healthcare outcomes and reduce disparities,there is a growing concern that these technologies may inadvertently/advertently exacerbate existing racial inequalities.Focusing specifically on the experiences of Black patients,this research investigates how the following AI components:medical algorithms,machine learning,and natural learning processes are contributing to the unequal distribution of medical resources,diagnosis,and health care treatment of those classified as Black.Furthermore,this review employs a multidisciplinary approach,combining insights from computer science,medical ethics,and social justice theory to analyze the mechanisms through which AI systems may encode and reinforce racial biases.By dissecting the three primary components of AI,this paper aims to present a clear understanding of how these technologies work,how they intersect,and how they may inherently perpetuate harmful stereotypes resulting in negligent outcomes for Black patients.Furthermore,this paper explores the ethical implications of deploying AI in healthcare settings and calls for increased transparency,accountability,and diversity in the development and implementation of these technologies.Finally,it is important that I prefer the following paper with a clear and concise definition of what I refer to as Anti-Black racism throughout the text.Therefore,I assert the following:Anti-Black racism refers to prejudice,discrimination,or antagonism directed against individuals or communities of African descent based on their race.It involves the belief in the inherent superiority of one race over another and the systemic and institutional practices that perpetuate inequality and disadvantage for Black people.Furthermore,I proclaim that this form of racism can be manifested in various ways,such as unequal access to opportunities,resources,education,employment,and fair treatment within social,economic,and political systems.It is also pertinent to acknowledge that Anti-Black racism is deeply rooted in historical and societal structures throughout the U.S.borders and beyond,leading to systemic disadvantages and disparities that impact the well-being and life chances of Black individuals and communities.Addressing Anti-Black racism involves recognizing and challenging both individual attitudes and systemic structures that contribute to discrimination and inequality.Efforts to combat Anti-Black racism include promoting awareness,education,advocacy for policy changes,and fostering a culture of inclusivity and equality. 展开更多
关键词 Bias in algorithms Racial disparities in U.S.healthcare Discriminatory healthcare practices Black patient outcomes Automated decision-making and racism Machine Learning Natural language processing
The impacts of U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on the carbon emission space and mitigation cost of China, EU, and Japan under the constraints of the global carbon emission space 被引量:2
作者 DAI Han-Cheng ZHANG Hai-Bin WANG Wen-Tao 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第4期226-234,共9页
Based on the Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model and scenario analysis, the impacts of the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on the carbon emission space and mitigation cost in China, European Union (EU)... Based on the Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model and scenario analysis, the impacts of the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on the carbon emission space and mitigation cost in China, European Union (EU), and Japan are assessed under Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and 2 C scenarios due to the changed emission pathway of the U.S. The results show that, under the condition of constant global cumulative carbon emissions and a fixed burden-sharing scheme among countries, the failure of the U.S. to honor its NDC commitment to different degrees will increase the U.S. carbon emission space and decrease its mitigation cost. However, the carbon emission space of other parties, including China, EU, and Japan, will be reduced and their mitigation costs will be increased. In 2030, under the 2 C target, the carbon price will increase by 4.4e14.6 US$ t1 in China, by 9.7e35.4 US$ t1 in the EU, and by 16.0e53.5 US$ t1 in Japan. In addition, China, EU, and Japan will incur additional Gross Domestic Production (GDP) loss. Under the 2 C target, the GDP loss of China would increase by US$22.0e71.1 billion (equivalent to 16.4e53.1 US$ per capita), the EU's GDP loss would increase by US$9.4e32.1 billion (equivalent to 20.7e71.1 US$ per capita), and Japan's GDP loss will increase by US$4.1e13.5 billion (equivalent to 34.3e111.6 US$ per capita). 展开更多
Von Misses Pure Shear in Kirchhoff’s Plate Buckling 被引量:1
作者 Tonye Ngoji Johnarry Francis Williams Ebitei 《Open Journal of Civil Engineering》 2020年第2期105-116,共12页
The pure shear strength for the all-simply supported plate has not yet been found<span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="font-family: ... The pure shear strength for the all-simply supported plate has not yet been found<span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;" capt",serif;"="" pro="" minion="">;</span></span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;" capt",serif;"="" pro="" minion="">what is described as pure shear in that plate, is, in</span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:" capt",serif;"="" pro="" minion=""> </span></span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;" capt",serif;"="" pro="" minion="">fact, a pure-shear solution for another plate clamped on the “Y-Y” and simply</span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:" capt",serif;"="" pro="" minion=""> </span></span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;" capt",serif;"="" pro="" minion="">supported on the long side, X-X. A new solution for the simply supported case is presented here and is found to be only 60-percent of the currently believed results. Comparative results are presented for the all-clamped plate which exhibits great accuracy. The von Misses yield relation is adopted and through incremental deflection-rating the effective shear curvature is targeted in aspect-ratios. For a set of boundary conditions the Kirchhoff’s plate capacity is finite and invariant for bending, buckling in axial and pure-shear and in vibration.</span></span></span> 展开更多
关键词 Rectangular Plate Kirchhoff’s Plate-Differentials DEFLECTION BUCKLING Pure-Shear Von misses
Chinese Classical Music Charms U.S.Audiences
《China Today》 2019年第3期9-9,共1页
A concert by the China National Traditional Orchestra(CNTO)held in the northeast U.S.state of New Jersey on January 29,enthralled thousands of spectators with its music and performance.
关键词 CHINESE CLASSICAL MUSIC u.s.audiences spectators
Judicial Politicization in U.S.Abortion Ruling
作者 Liu Weidong 《Contemporary World》 2022年第5期45-48,共4页
On June 24,2022,the U.S.Su­preme Court overturned its 1973 landmark Roe v.Wade ruling made by the preceding Chief Justice and held that the right to abortion was not a natural civil right under the U.S.Constituti... On June 24,2022,the U.S.Su­preme Court overturned its 1973 landmark Roe v.Wade ruling made by the preceding Chief Justice and held that the right to abortion was not a natural civil right under the U.S.Constitution,but should be left to the states to decide,which means that the right to abor­tion will be denied for over half the number of women in the United States.In the United States which adopts the case law,the Supreme Court rarely overturns its own prec­edents,and it is even rarer to deprive individuals of their established rights by overturning precedents. 展开更多
关键词 U.S. dents TURNS
“Enchanting Paradise” in the U.S.A
作者 李美娜 《杂技与魔术》 2006年第4期23-,共1页
A 33-member performing group from Zhejiang Acrobatic Troupe went to the U.S.A on May 6, 2006. During their 11-day trip, they at- tended“06 Zhejiang Week”in New York,“Zhejiang Cultral Week”in Los Angeles and“Asia ... A 33-member performing group from Zhejiang Acrobatic Troupe went to the U.S.A on May 6, 2006. During their 11-day trip, they at- tended“06 Zhejiang Week”in New York,“Zhejiang Cultral Week”in Los Angeles and“Asia Arts Festival” 展开更多
关键词 SHOW in the u.s.a Enchanting Paradise
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