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作者 罗鸣 裴建新 +1 位作者 段双敏 吴志强 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期1853-1865,共13页
黄海海相残留盆地因其地层结构和深部地质构造的复杂性,一直是我国海洋地球科学的一项研究重点,虽然针对该研究区已开展了一系列的地球物理调查,但由于高速碳酸盐岩层对地震波存在着一定的屏蔽作用,致使该海域深部地震资料品质受到较大... 黄海海相残留盆地因其地层结构和深部地质构造的复杂性,一直是我国海洋地球科学的一项研究重点,虽然针对该研究区已开展了一系列的地球物理调查,但由于高速碳酸盐岩层对地震波存在着一定的屏蔽作用,致使该海域深部地震资料品质受到较大影响.海洋电磁法不受高速屏蔽层影响,有利于获得高速屏蔽层内部及其下方的深部结构信息.海洋可控源电磁法(Controlled source electromagnetic method,CSEM)和海洋大地电磁测深(Magnetotelleric,MT)能够提供海底电性结构的互补信息,较于单一的电磁方法,二者联合可获得更为准确的海底电性分布.本文提出了基于乘积目标函数的层状垂直各向异性(Vertical anisotropic,VTI)介质海洋可控源电磁和大地电磁资料联合反演方法,该方法在迭代过程中根据数据的拟合情况自适应调整CSEM和MT数据的权重和正则化因子的权重,反演参数包括海底介质的横向电阻率、垂向电阻率和地层厚度.以南黄海地质地球物理资料为例,建立浅水环境地电模型,并结合浅水环境的高噪声背景特点进行合成数据模型测试及分析.将本文所提出算法应用于理论模型合成数据和南黄海实测资料反演,结果表明,较于单独的海洋CSEM和MT反演,联合反演方法能够较准确地重构海底地层的电性分布,提高对海底地层各向异性电阻率的分辨能力. 展开更多
关键词 电阻率各向异性 联合反演 CSEM mt 南黄海
作者 孙林平 杨忠良 +2 位作者 马卫华 罗世辉 王波 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第13期210-216,共7页
为了分析MT-2缓冲器在调车连挂作业时的容量需求问题,基于摩擦式缓冲器非线性力学特性及车辆调车冲击受力特点,建立了铁道货车纵向冲击动力学模型,对调车过程中不同车辆质量、不同速度、不同编组方式及不同车体刚度等工况下MT-2缓冲器... 为了分析MT-2缓冲器在调车连挂作业时的容量需求问题,基于摩擦式缓冲器非线性力学特性及车辆调车冲击受力特点,建立了铁道货车纵向冲击动力学模型,对调车过程中不同车辆质量、不同速度、不同编组方式及不同车体刚度等工况下MT-2缓冲器容量需求进行了分析。研究结果表明:缓冲器做功与车辆质量和连挂速度的平方成正比,冲击车和被冲击车数量都大于2辆时冲击面缓冲器的容量需求将与车辆数量无关。对同时考虑质量、速度、编组方式、车体刚度的缓冲器容量需求值进行了函数拟合,完成了比例系数κ、μ和λ的求解;不同车辆数量之间冲击时,不同车钩号的缓冲器做功值大小不一,在冲击面车钩号的缓冲器做功值均为最大,沿着冲击面前、后的车钩号逐渐递减,调车冲击时计算容量需求值时应不考虑车体刚度,以重车冲击重车模式时冲击面的缓冲器容量需求为准。 展开更多
关键词 调车冲击 mt-2缓冲器 车钩力 容量需求 做功值
作者 黄赟 朱金荣 +2 位作者 武忠鑫 金廷宇 李佳颖 《物联网技术》 2024年第5期52-56,共5页
针对网络摄像机不具备远程监控能力的问题,基于MT7620A设计了一种支持远程监控的智慧网关。网关使用MT7620A作为主控芯片,搭载OpenWrt系统。通过创建ONVIF客户端与同一局域网中支持ONVIF协议的监控设备进行通信,实现设备发现、信息获取... 针对网络摄像机不具备远程监控能力的问题,基于MT7620A设计了一种支持远程监控的智慧网关。网关使用MT7620A作为主控芯片,搭载OpenWrt系统。通过创建ONVIF客户端与同一局域网中支持ONVIF协议的监控设备进行通信,实现设备发现、信息获取、云台控制和视频流读取等功能;网关与云平台通过MQTT协议实现信令交互,云平台可以向网关发送设备管理、云台控制和视频流读取等命令;网关通过数据处理模块对命令进行解析和协议转换,实现对设备的管理,以及对监控设备云台的控制和视频流读取。网关在使用FFMPEG接口获取视频流之后,通过Socket TCP与云平台建立连接并发送视频流,保证视频流远程传输的稳定可靠。网关配有4G通信模块,避免了接入互联网受到有线网络通信的限制,双重通信方式更加有效地保障了网络传输。测试结果表明,所设计的网关能够支持云平台实现对设备的远程监控和控制。 展开更多
关键词 智慧监控网关 mt7620A OpenWrt ONVIF FFMPEG MQTT Socket TCP 4G模块
Baseline design of the KunLun Turbulence Profiler instrument
作者 Xiaohui Guo Yi Hu +2 位作者 Jing Li Xu Yang Zhengzhou Yan 《Astronomical Techniques and Instruments》 CSCD 2024年第4期218-226,共9页
Adaptive optics systems are the most powerful tools to counteract the image blurring caused by atmospheric turbulence,allowing ground-based telescopes to capture high-resolution images.A critical parameter influencing... Adaptive optics systems are the most powerful tools to counteract the image blurring caused by atmospheric turbulence,allowing ground-based telescopes to capture high-resolution images.A critical parameter influencing adaptive optics system performance is the atmospheric refractive index structure constant,C_(n)^(2),which characterizes the intensity of atmospheric optical turbulence as a function of altitude.Given its simplicity,the lunar scintillometer is the preferred method for detecting atmospheric turbulence in challenging environments like Dome A in Antarctica,where sites are still in the developmental stages and local environmental conditions are extremely harsh.However,optimizing the performance of such instruments requires carefully determining the baseline configuration of photon sensors according to each site's specific optical turbulence profile characteristics.This study uses a Monte Carlo method to identify the optimal configuration for the KunLun Turbulence Profiler(KLTP),an instrument comparable to the lunar scintillometer,developed for use at Dome A.Simulations conducted using the obtained optimal baseline configuration recovered three different model optical turbulence profiles,demonstrating the effectiveness of our method in obtaining an optimal baseline configuration.Our approach can be easily applied to baseline design for similar turbulence profilers at other sites. 展开更多
关键词 kunlun Turbulence Profiler Monte Carlo Simulation Turbulence profile
作者 郭国强 《世界有色金属》 2024年第1期1-3,共3页
目前,在矿山地质勘探中广泛采用CSAMT、MT等电磁法,但该类电磁法均存在电磁干扰影响因素,都存在其所对应地质条件的最佳工作技术参数,为了降低野外数据采集工作过程中电磁干扰并达到最佳工作目标任务要求,本文通过作者十几年来积累的关... 目前,在矿山地质勘探中广泛采用CSAMT、MT等电磁法,但该类电磁法均存在电磁干扰影响因素,都存在其所对应地质条件的最佳工作技术参数,为了降低野外数据采集工作过程中电磁干扰并达到最佳工作目标任务要求,本文通过作者十几年来积累的关于CSAMT、MT在各种不同矿山地质条件下的工作经验及试验结论,总结得出该类电磁法在一定地质条件下的最佳工作技术参数,将为今后在不同矿山、不同地质条件下开展该相关方法提供参考示范。 展开更多
关键词 矿山 技术参数 试验 CSAmt mt
作者 周静 卢军浩 +4 位作者 赵映灿 徐永辉 李湘茹 巫佳俊 权金强 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期96-103,共8页
为了探究水体中铜离子胁迫对虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)MT2基因表达模式的影响,开发Metallothioneins作为检测水域生态中重金属铜污染的分子标志,该研究利用TA克隆法获得了虹鳟MT2基因的CDS序列,检测了MT2基因在虹鳟不同组织中的表达模... 为了探究水体中铜离子胁迫对虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)MT2基因表达模式的影响,开发Metallothioneins作为检测水域生态中重金属铜污染的分子标志,该研究利用TA克隆法获得了虹鳟MT2基因的CDS序列,检测了MT2基因在虹鳟不同组织中的表达模式,以及Cu^(2+)胁迫(Cu^(2+)浓度75、150和300μg/L)后1、2、3和4 d和胁迫恢复1、2 d时间点的MT2基因表达动态。结果表明,虹鳟MT2基因CDS区长186 bp,编码62个氨基酸,具有典型的半胱氨酸(Cys)-X(1~3个)-半胱氨酸结构,属不稳定亲水性蛋白。虹鳟MT2基因序列与大西洋鲑的同源性最高且在肝脏中表达量最高,其次是脑和肠道。胁迫试验结果显示,MT2基因在肝脏和鳃中呈现先升高后降低的趋势,在头肾、脾脏和脑中呈现逐渐升高的趋势,且呈现一定的剂量依赖性,肠道MT2基因在胁迫2、3和4 d被显著抑制。胁迫恢复后,处理组肝脏、头肾、鳃、脑MT2基因表达量仍显著升高。综上,虹鳟MT2基因能在不同组织中被Cu^(2+)诱导表达,推测MT2基因在虹鳟抗重金属毒性中可能发挥着重要作用,且MT2基因表达量与铜离子的浓度相关,可以作为分子生物标志检测水域生态中的重金属铜污染。 展开更多
关键词 虹鳟 mt2基因 铜离子胁迫 基因克隆 表达模式
Spatial differences of Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)among counties(cities)on the northern slope of the Kunlun Mountains
作者 WANG Tao ZHOU Daojing FAN Jie 《Regional Sustainability》 2024年第1期1-10,共10页
The county(city)located on the northern slope of the Kunlun Mountains is the primary area to solidify and extend the success of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,China in poverty alleviation.Its Sustainable Development... The county(city)located on the northern slope of the Kunlun Mountains is the primary area to solidify and extend the success of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,China in poverty alleviation.Its Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)are intertwined with the concerted economic and social development of Xinjiang and the objective of achieving shared prosperity within the region.This study established a sustainable development evaluation framework by selecting 15 SDGs and 20 secondary indicators from the United Nations’SDGs.The aim of this study is to quantitatively assess the progress of SDGs at the county(city)level on the northern slope of the Kunlun Mountains.The results indicate that there are substantial variations in the scores of SDGs among the nine counties and one city located on the northern slope of the Kunlun Mountains.Notable high scores of SDGs are observed in the central and eastern regions,whereas lower scores are prevalent in the western areas.The scores of SDGs,in descending order,are as follows:62.22 for Minfeng County,54.22 for Hotan City,50.21 for Qiemo County,42.54 for Moyu County,41.56 for Ruoqiang County,41.39 for Qira County,39.86 for Lop County,38.25 for Yutian County,38.10 for Pishan County,and 36.87 for Hotan County.The performances of SDGs reveal that Hotan City,Lop County,Minfeng County,and Ruoqiang County have significant sustainable development capacity because they have three or more SDGs ranked as green color.However,Hotan County,Moyu County,Qira County,and Yutian County show the poorest performance,as they lack SDGs with green color.It is important to establish and enhance mechanisms that can ensure sustained income growth among poverty alleviation beneficiaries,sustained improvement in the capacity of rural governance,and the gradual improvement of social security system.These measures will facilitate the effective implementation of SDGs.Finally,this study offers a valuable support for governmental authorities and relevant departments in their decision-making processes.In addition,these results hold significant reference value for assessing SDGs at the county(city)level,particularly in areas characterized by low levels of economic development. 展开更多
关键词 SUSTAINABLE Development Goals(SDGs) Northern slope of the kunlun Mountains Poverty alleviation Arid lands SUSTAINABLE development capacity
Assessment of sediment connectivity using modelling and field-based approaches in the Slavíč River catchment(MoravskoslezskéBeskydy Mts,Czech Republic)
作者 MACUROVÁ Tereza ŠKARPICH Václav 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第3期734-753,共20页
Mountain streams act as conveyors of sediments within the river continuum,where the physical transport of sediments between river reaches through the catchment or between individual parts(e.g.,between hillslopes and c... Mountain streams act as conveyors of sediments within the river continuum,where the physical transport of sediments between river reaches through the catchment or between individual parts(e.g.,between hillslopes and channels)of the catchment is assumed.This study focused on sediment connectivity analysis in the SlavíčRiver catchment in the MoravskoslezskéBeskydy Mts in the eastern part of the Czech Republic.The connectivity index and connectivity index target modelling were combined with an analysis of anthropogenic interventions.Additionally,field mapping,grain size of bed sediments and stream power analysis were used to obtain information about connectivity in the catchment.Based on the analysis and obtained results,terrain topography is the current main driving factor affecting the connectivity of sediment movement in the SlavíčRiver catchment.However,the modelling provided valuable information about high sediment connectivity despite different recent land use conditions(highly forested area of the catchment)than those in historical times from the 16th to 19th centuries when the SlavíčRiver catchment was highly deforested and sediment connectivity was probably higher.The analysis of anthropogenic interventions,field mapping,grain size of bed sediments and stream power analysis revealed more deceleration of sediment movement through the catchment,decreased sediment connectivity with bed erosion,and gradual river channel process transformation in some reaches.Field mapping has identified various natural formations and human-induced changes impacting the longitudinal and lateral connectivity in the SlavíčRiver.For instance,embankments along 48%of the river's length,both on the right and left banks,significantly hinder lateral sediment supply to the channel.Stream power index analysis indicates increased energy levels in the flowing water in the river's upper reaches(up to 404.8 W m^(-2)).This high energy is also observed in certain downstream sections(up to 337.6 W m^(-2)),where it is influenced by human activities.These conditions lead to intensified erosion processes,playing a crucial role in sediment connectivity.Similar observations were described in recent studies that pointed out the long-term human interventions on many streams draining European mountains,where a decrease in sediment connectivity in these streams is linked with sediment deficits and the transformation of processes forming channels. 展开更多
关键词 Mountain stream Connectivity analysis MODELLING Grain size analysis SlavíčRiver MoravskoslezskéBeskydy mts
作者 张克亮 《中国矿业》 北大核心 2024年第6期137-142,共6页
为实现矿井带式输送机输煤量检测的信息化、智能化,提出基于MT-CNN的矿井带式输送机输煤量检测技术。为了全面提升输煤量检测技术,从而提高矿井效益,选取了多任务卷积神经网络(MT-CNN)对检测目标进行多核心识别检测,优化了图像直线信息... 为实现矿井带式输送机输煤量检测的信息化、智能化,提出基于MT-CNN的矿井带式输送机输煤量检测技术。为了全面提升输煤量检测技术,从而提高矿井效益,选取了多任务卷积神经网络(MT-CNN)对检测目标进行多核心识别检测,优化了图像直线信息和边缘信息的提取效率,构建了良好的网络层次结构,优化了信息连接通道,从而全面提高图像识别分析和数据检测处理的效果。通过MT-CNN技术对输煤量的轮廓形态和荷载状态进行分析运算,经过图像样本数据训练获取矿井带式输送机输煤量的相关数据。研究结果表明,该技术能够有效提高输煤量图像识别的真实性,而检测时间缩短49%,计算结果准确率提高到98%,有效提高了输煤量检测的效率和准确度,具有较好的应用性能和良好的使用效果。加强矿井带式输送机的输煤量检测,可以为后续研究提供依据,很大程度上推动了相关技术发展,实现矿井信息化、智能化、现代化发展。 展开更多
关键词 mt-CNN 卷积神经网络 带式输送机 激光测距 输煤量检测
作者 陈浩波 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)工程技术》 2024年第2期122-125,共4页
伴随着科学技术的快速发展与社会的进步,卡车已经在现代物流与运输领域中发挥着举足轻重的作用。为提高卡车运行效率,减少能源消耗,加强安全性与驾驶舒适性等,车辆控制系统日趋复杂与智能化。其中MT5500B卡车控制系统这一先进技术的应... 伴随着科学技术的快速发展与社会的进步,卡车已经在现代物流与运输领域中发挥着举足轻重的作用。为提高卡车运行效率,减少能源消耗,加强安全性与驾驶舒适性等,车辆控制系统日趋复杂与智能化。其中MT5500B卡车控制系统这一先进技术的应用给卡车行业带了一场革命。MT5500B卡车控制系统因其卓越的性能和强大的功能而受到赞誉,它是一种高度智能化的系统,集成了先进的传感器、电子控制单元(ECU)和执行器。本论文将对MT5500B卡车控制系统原理及控制功能进行深入探究,目的是为了给读者对于该技术有一个深刻的认识。通过对它的原理进行解剖,将展示它是怎样通过对车辆各方面进行实时监测与精确控制,从而达到更加有效,更加安全,更加连续地进行运输。 展开更多
关键词 重型卡车辆 mt5500B 交流电动轮卡车 控制原理 控制功能
MTS-05 PDM多频代播机核心技术及应用
作者 方少青 《电视技术》 2024年第7期144-146,150,共4页
深入探讨MTS-05 PDM 5 kW多频代播机的研发背景、核心技术、应用价值及其对广播技术领域的影响。在中波广播技术面临频率固定性和调频机制局限的挑战背景下,MTS-05 PDM 5 kW多频代播机作为技术创新的产物,通过集成复杂可编程逻辑器件(Co... 深入探讨MTS-05 PDM 5 kW多频代播机的研发背景、核心技术、应用价值及其对广播技术领域的影响。在中波广播技术面临频率固定性和调频机制局限的挑战背景下,MTS-05 PDM 5 kW多频代播机作为技术创新的产物,通过集成复杂可编程逻辑器件(Complex Programmable Logic Device,CPLD)逻辑频率选通技术、直接数字合成(Direct Digital Synthesizer,DDS)高频激励机制和智能多频网络切换技术,实现了多频次高效、安全播出。设备不仅克服了传统发射机的调频烦琐和空间限制问题,还提升了播出质量和安全播出效率,展示了智能化运维与资源优化的典范。 展开更多
关键词 mtS-05 PDM 5 kW多频代播机 高频激励机制 多频网络切换 智能监控管理
作者 胡亚轩 赵凌强 +2 位作者 庄文泉 梁国经 綦伟 《地球与行星物理论评(中英文)》 2023年第6期633-642,共10页
位于吉林长白山西麓龙岗山脉中段的龙岗火山群是中国近代主要火山活动区之一.通过对火山区2010—2020年多期GNSS(Global Navigation Satallite System)观测资料及1970—2010年多个时段的一、二等水准资料进行解算,获取现今三维地壳运动... 位于吉林长白山西麓龙岗山脉中段的龙岗火山群是中国近代主要火山活动区之一.通过对火山区2010—2020年多期GNSS(Global Navigation Satallite System)观测资料及1970—2010年多个时段的一、二等水准资料进行解算,获取现今三维地壳运动速度场.GNSS获取的水平运动速率从西向东增大,东部主要以拉张运动为主,连续面应变率场结果反映火山区位于膨胀区;一等水准路线长抚线和丹抚线资料显示火山区以垂直上升运动为主,主要速率为0.55~1.83 mm/a,其中抚松—仙人桥—老山队一带为主要隆升区,速率多大于1.0 mm/a;该区域分布丰富的地热资源,也是地震多发地区.邻近区域的二等水准路线梅通线速率相对较小,为0.23~0.77 mm/a.结合对99个测点大地电磁数据三维反演得到的火山区深部电性结构:与隆升区对应的中下地壳赋存相对较浅的岩浆系统,电性边界带推测的浑江断裂北向延伸.断裂附近的低阻体规模最大,向下延伸至地幔尺度.最浅的低阻体位于最年轻的金龙顶子火山大约10 km以下位置,以上的高阻结构认为是岩浆溢流结束后的后撤和固结.综合分析认为现今火山区地壳的膨胀隆升、地震活动与幔源物质的上涌、间断性的运移引起断层活动有关. 展开更多
关键词 水平运动 垂直运动 面膨胀率 mt 地震 隆升机理
求解无人驾驶车辆路径规划问题的QPC-MT-RRT算法 被引量:1
作者 苏莹莹 谢冬冰 《沈阳大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2023年第3期231-238,共8页
针对无人驾驶车辆路径规划问题,基于快速扩展随机树(rapidly-exploring random tree,RRT)算法,提出了1种5次多项式曲线(quintic polynomial curve)与MT-RRT(multi-targeting rapidly-exploring random tree)的融合算法,即QPC-MT-RRT算... 针对无人驾驶车辆路径规划问题,基于快速扩展随机树(rapidly-exploring random tree,RRT)算法,提出了1种5次多项式曲线(quintic polynomial curve)与MT-RRT(multi-targeting rapidly-exploring random tree)的融合算法,即QPC-MT-RRT算法。该算法根据无人驾驶车辆路径规划的相关理论,建立无人驾驶车辆路径规划问题的车辆运动学模型,为规划无人驾驶车辆最优、最高效、最安全路径提供理论依据。将上述算法在MATLAB上仿真,并在平均路径长度、平均路径规划时间、平均采样节点个数及节点利用率4个方面与基本RRT算法及MT-RRT算法进行了对比。仿真结果表明:5次多项式曲线与MT-RRT算法的融合算法具有最高的性能,可以规划出最优路径。 展开更多
关键词 无人驾驶车辆 路径规划 QPC-mt-RRT算法 车辆运动学模型 路径平滑
作者 Wu Yongqiu 1,2 , Cui Zhijiu 3, Ge Daokai 3, Liu Gengnian 3 Fax:+86(10)62208178 +1 位作者 E\|mail: yqwu@bnu.edu.cn 2 Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 2000年第S1期201-202,共2页
Introduction There are big disputes on the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. Some scientists believe the plateau uplifted to its highest elevation by 14Ma BP,and it decreased in elevation afterward. The second idea about... Introduction There are big disputes on the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. Some scientists believe the plateau uplifted to its highest elevation by 14Ma BP,and it decreased in elevation afterward. The second idea about the uplift of the plateau was similar to the first one in tectonic theory, but they consider the time of C3 plant change to C4 in the South Asia, as the time when the plateau reached its highest elevation. This time is 8Ma BP. The third idea, the most Chinese scientists believed, the nearest uplift of the plateau took place since 3 4Ma BP. The occurrence of fault depression and gravel deposit with large thickness in the inner and the marge of the plateau represented the speed uplift. After the collision of the India plate and the Eurasia plateau by the 36Ma, the Tibetean area uplifted several times, but it had been planed to lower area. The plateau with 4500m elevation formed in the Quaternary. While our recent research in the Kunlun Pass area suggest , the nearest uplift occurred at the border of the Early and Middle Pleistocene, and before that time, the elevation of this area was no more than 1500 m. 展开更多
An Early Aged Ophiolite in the Western Kunlun Mts., NW Tibetan Plateau and Its Tectonic Implications 被引量:1
作者 XIAO Xuchang WANG Jun +2 位作者 SU Li JI Wenhua SONG Shuguang 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第6期778-786,共9页
The early aged ophiolites have attracted attention of many geologists in recent decades, because the early aged ophiolites can provide the information about the ancient oceanic processes relevant to the evolution of p... The early aged ophiolites have attracted attention of many geologists in recent decades, because the early aged ophiolites can provide the information about the ancient oceanic processes relevant to the evolution of plate tectonics in the early period of the earth, and also concern such problems as whether there existed a "Proto-Tethys" and the break-up and convergence of the Rodinian Supercontinent. This paper reveals a definite complete ophiolite of Neoproterozoic-Early Paleozoic, named Kuda ophiolite in the western Kunlun Mrs., NW Tibetan Plateau, and reports the recent reasonable SHRIMP zircon U-Pb ages of 510±4 Ma, and 502±13 Ma for the cumulates of the Kuda ophiolite, using the most powerful dating tool, the SHRIMP-Ⅱ. The geochemical and geochronology data integrating with the geological setting suggest that the Kuda ophiolite might have formed in an archipelago oceanic basin, not in a vast ocean, the so-called "Proto-Tethys", and was tectonically emplaced during the Early Paleozoic. 展开更多
关键词 Kuda ophiolite western kunlun mts. SHRIMP U-Pb isotopic dating TECTONICS NEOPROTEROZOIC Early Paleozoic
作者 翟清永 冯一帆 《英语广场(学术研究)》 2023年第22期41-45,共5页
全球化和数字化下的翻译服务正在飞速发展,“MT+CAT+PE”翻译模式在科技文本的翻译活动中切实可行。本文在“信达切”翻译原则的指导下,研究“MT+CAT+PE”翻译模式下的科技英语文本翻译,描述MT、CAT出现的误译和计算机辅助翻译的应用方... 全球化和数字化下的翻译服务正在飞速发展,“MT+CAT+PE”翻译模式在科技文本的翻译活动中切实可行。本文在“信达切”翻译原则的指导下,研究“MT+CAT+PE”翻译模式下的科技英语文本翻译,描述MT、CAT出现的误译和计算机辅助翻译的应用方法,并提出译后编辑的方法,以期为译员提高翻译活动的质量和效率提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 mt+CAT+PE”模式 科技英语 译后编辑 计算机辅助翻译
基于FPGA和B61580S3的1553B总线RT/MT功能的设计与验证 被引量:2
作者 王越涛 赵冬青 武慧军 《电子设计工程》 2023年第2期179-183,共5页
1553B总线协议因具有优越的实时性、高度的数据可靠性以及可同时挂载多个终端等优势,在国内航空航天领域的电子交互网络中得到广泛使用。文中基于B61580S3协议芯片内置的16位缓冲模式实现了MIL-STD-1553B总线功能。采用VHDL硬件描述语言... 1553B总线协议因具有优越的实时性、高度的数据可靠性以及可同时挂载多个终端等优势,在国内航空航天领域的电子交互网络中得到广泛使用。文中基于B61580S3协议芯片内置的16位缓冲模式实现了MIL-STD-1553B总线功能。采用VHDL硬件描述语言为FPGA设计了总线接口控制电路,通过FPGA对协议芯片的控制以及协议芯片内部数据自动解析和强大的中断机制,实现了RT/MT功能;通过测试台上位机软件对设计的1553B总线接口的测试与验证,结果表明接口设计可靠,传输误码率低,有较高的应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 1553B总线 B61580S3协议芯片 接口设计 RT/mt
作者 Li Qiusheng 1,Lu Deyuan 1,Gao Rui 1,Li Jingwei 2,Fan Jingyi 2,Zhang Zhiying 2,Liu wen 2 (1 Lithosphere Research Center, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037,China 2 562 institute, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Hebei 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 2000年第S1期221-222,共2页
The Tarim basin, located in the northern margin of Tibet, plays a key role in comprehending Tibetan plateau rapid uplift process. Focuses have been on the contribution of basin block to create high mountain (e.g.,Chen... The Tarim basin, located in the northern margin of Tibet, plays a key role in comprehending Tibetan plateau rapid uplift process. Focuses have been on the contribution of basin block to create high mountain (e.g.,Chen and Molnar,1977, Molnar et al.,1993, Ph. Matte, Tapponnier et al.,1996) since 1970. The models, which mainly depend on result of geological survey and other geophysical observation in the region excepted Deep Seismic Sounding, remained unsure because of blank(or absence ) of DSS data until our experiment was performed. How Tarim and west Kunlun to contact in depth ? What different is in crust structure between Tarim and west Kunlun Mt.? This is what we will reply to in our program.We finished the program in 1997. A total of 120 set seismograms (with 3\|component sensors) and 18000kg (AT and TNT) dynamos were used for the DSS field project. 6 shot in Tarim basin and 1 shot in west Kunlun Mt. (Quanshuigou) had been shoot successfully. One shot (Pishan shot) is used as fan\|shape observation (offset is from 150km to 220km) in 6 shots located in Tarim basin. The survey line is along Hotan river across the Tarim basin from the north to the south. In particular, we carried 20 set seismic recorders to Kunlun Mt. to make a short line about 60 km as the southern tendency of our line. The seismic recorders were placed in an interval of 3km from one stations to the next and covered a distance of more than 300km. The stations have to be moved their location per 2\|shotting to form a meeting system or a tracing system (layout). Fig.1 showed our survey line and location of shot as well as recorder stations. Finally we gained 625 cassettes with original seismic record (include cassettes of shooting time recorder et al.). After data process total 1147 quite high\|quality three\|component digital records have been used to analyze. Here, only results of analyzing P wave data is given. 展开更多
SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age and O isotopic analysis of the dunite from Kudi ophiolite in the West Kunlun,China 被引量:2
作者 Geng-biao Qiao Wen-ming Li Tian-hu Li 《China Geology》 CAS CSCD 2023年第1期171-173,共3页
1.Objective The West Kunlun in Xinjiang is located on the northwestern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(Fig.1a)and at the junction of the Paleo-Asian tectonic domain and the Tethys tectonic domain.It serves as an i... 1.Objective The West Kunlun in Xinjiang is located on the northwestern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(Fig.1a)and at the junction of the Paleo-Asian tectonic domain and the Tethys tectonic domain.It serves as an important area for the study on the geologic evolution of the Karakorum-West Kunlun due to its special tectonic position. 展开更多
作者 吴岳洋 覃方君 +1 位作者 李冬毅 黄春福 《仪表技术与传感器》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期73-77,共5页
针对调制转移光谱稳频(MTS)系统中,温度波动会影响激光频率稳定性的问题,设计出多点测温系统。该系统以FPGA为核心,通过基准电压源激励电桥电路,将三线制PT1000温度变化转换为电压变化,利用同步采样ADC对转换电压进行采集,最后在LabVIE... 针对调制转移光谱稳频(MTS)系统中,温度波动会影响激光频率稳定性的问题,设计出多点测温系统。该系统以FPGA为核心,通过基准电压源激励电桥电路,将三线制PT1000温度变化转换为电压变化,利用同步采样ADC对转换电压进行采集,最后在LabVIEW中将采集电压转换为温度实时显示和存储。信号调理电路中的抗射频干扰滤波和FPGA中的均值滤波,可降低噪声干扰,提高测温精度。实验结果表明:该系统具备线性度好、精度高、重复性好的优点,可对10~80℃的温度进行监测和存储,采用分段线性拟合后,其测温误差不超过0.02℃,可以满足实验需求。 展开更多
关键词 mtS PT1000 温度采集 FPGA LABVIEW
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