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基于NB-IoT技术的天然气管道泄漏监测系统 被引量:1
作者 路敬祎 王志桥 +1 位作者 彭朝霞 钱颖 《化工自动化及仪表》 CAS 2024年第2期222-226,共5页
为了对天然气管道运行情况进行实时监测,在发生泄漏时能够及时做出反应,设计了基于NBIoT技术的天然气管道泄漏监测系统。系统利用压力变送器、DHT11温湿度传感器和GPS/北斗定位系统分别对管道的内部压力、设备周围的温湿度和经纬度位置... 为了对天然气管道运行情况进行实时监测,在发生泄漏时能够及时做出反应,设计了基于NBIoT技术的天然气管道泄漏监测系统。系统利用压力变送器、DHT11温湿度传感器和GPS/北斗定位系统分别对管道的内部压力、设备周围的温湿度和经纬度位置进行采集,将采集的数据通过STM32控制NBIoT物联网模块上传至OneNET物联网云平台,最终通过云平台对天然气管道进行实时监测。实验表明:该系统能够对天然气管道的数据进行实时上传,能够通过云平台进行天然气管道状态的实时监测。 展开更多
关键词 nb-iot技术 物联网 云平台 天然气 管道泄漏监测
作者 郑慧君 彭勇 《微型电脑应用》 2024年第7期15-18,共4页
人口老龄化导致慢性非传染性的患病率会越来越高,智慧健康养老成为国家应对老龄化的战略目标。针对我国目前的人口结构现状,提出一种基于窄带物联网技术(NB-IoT)的智慧健康监测系统。该系统结合NB-IoT技术、传感器技和软件技术,系统主... 人口老龄化导致慢性非传染性的患病率会越来越高,智慧健康养老成为国家应对老龄化的战略目标。针对我国目前的人口结构现状,提出一种基于窄带物联网技术(NB-IoT)的智慧健康监测系统。该系统结合NB-IoT技术、传感器技和软件技术,系统主要包括可穿戴数据采集终端、云服务平台、远程监测平台等3部分。数据采集终端以STM32作为主控制器,实现对用户生理信息的采集,通过NB-IoT网络传输到云平台上,通过远程监测平台实现健康的远程监测,对健康问题进行预警。实验结果表明:系统可以实时采集老年人的生理信息(血压、血氧、心率)、运动轨迹以及定位信息,对老年人进行实时全方位健康监控,提前预防并降低慢性疾病发病率、减小死亡率、延长寿命。 展开更多
关键词 健康监测 nb-iot 低功耗
作者 郑慧君 彭勇 +2 位作者 梁月华 杜铭俊 胡文德 《科学技术创新》 2024年第5期82-85,共4页
城市地下管廊内布设了大量的管线,如燃气管道、网络通讯线路、电力线路等,由于地下环境复杂多变,存在着气体泄漏、爆炸、火灾等安全风险。针对这些问题,提出一种基于窄带物联网技术(Narrow Band Internet of Things,NB-IoT)的地下管廊... 城市地下管廊内布设了大量的管线,如燃气管道、网络通讯线路、电力线路等,由于地下环境复杂多变,存在着气体泄漏、爆炸、火灾等安全风险。针对这些问题,提出一种基于窄带物联网技术(Narrow Band Internet of Things,NB-IoT)的地下管廊环境监测系统。该系统采用先进的传感器技术、NB-IoT技术、软件技术,系统主要分为数据采集模块、物联网云平台、远程监测系统三部分。数据采集模块以STM32作为主控单元连接各个传感器,采集温度、湿度、水位、可燃气体等数据,经过处理后利用NB-IoT网络上传到物联网云平台,远程监测系统调用物联网云平台的数据接口进行远程显示与预警。实验结果表明,系统在降低系统总体功耗的同时,能够实时、稳定地进行地下管廊环境监测,提前预防可能存在的风险。 展开更多
关键词 环境监测 nb-iot 低功耗
作者 张悦 梁珊珊 《电力科学与工程》 2024年第5期72-78,共7页
针对温度场特征参数差异引发的锅炉温度场分割准确性的问题,以维持温度场特征为目标,引入图结构表达场数据,通过改进Node2vec算法进行聚类分析,进而实现锅炉温度场的最佳分割。该方法基于多维度的特征信息对锅炉温度场实现分割,能够更... 针对温度场特征参数差异引发的锅炉温度场分割准确性的问题,以维持温度场特征为目标,引入图结构表达场数据,通过改进Node2vec算法进行聚类分析,进而实现锅炉温度场的最佳分割。该方法基于多维度的特征信息对锅炉温度场实现分割,能够更准确地保留流场特征。在标准数据集上进行了实验验证,结果表明在具有多维度特征的数据集上,所提方法相比其他对比算法在分割效果方面有提升显著。最后将提出的方法用于分割电站锅炉温度场,结果表明该方法可以很好地捕捉温度场数据中的局部和全局特征,且结果具有较好的精确性。 展开更多
关键词 燃煤锅炉 温度场 流场分割 图结构 node2vec
作者 苏兴龙 《粘接》 CAS 2024年第3期185-188,共4页
为进一步提升工业生产过程的安全系数,提出一种基于窄带物联网NB-IoT的环境监测系统。其中,以NB-IoT技术作为系统的主要通信,以传感器为主要的环境数据采集工具,以改进的BP神经网络作为预测方法进行环境风险预测。实验结果表明,与传统... 为进一步提升工业生产过程的安全系数,提出一种基于窄带物联网NB-IoT的环境监测系统。其中,以NB-IoT技术作为系统的主要通信,以传感器为主要的环境数据采集工具,以改进的BP神经网络作为预测方法进行环境风险预测。实验结果表明,与传统的BP神经网络相比,经过粒子群算法PSO优化的BP神经网络具有更高的预测精度,且稳定性较好,将其应用于环境风险的预测时误差始终保持在1%的误差范围内。设计的基于NB-IoT的环境监测系统能够进行准确的数据采集和风险预测,能够进一步保障生产安全,可行性较高。 展开更多
关键词 环境监测 nb-iot技术 BP神经网络 PSO算法
作者 段英宏 闫魁 +2 位作者 王鑫蕊 张立松 周檀君 《工业控制计算机》 2024年第2期27-28,31,共3页
为了便于管理人员及时准确地采集到用户电能消耗数据,提高工作效率,基于嵌入式与NB-IoT物联网技术,设计出一种无线抄表系统,能够实时采集和监测用户用电情况。该系统以低功耗的STM32系列微控制器作为主控芯片,利用RS485接口的Modbus-RT... 为了便于管理人员及时准确地采集到用户电能消耗数据,提高工作效率,基于嵌入式与NB-IoT物联网技术,设计出一种无线抄表系统,能够实时采集和监测用户用电情况。该系统以低功耗的STM32系列微控制器作为主控芯片,利用RS485接口的Modbus-RTU通信协议采集电能信息;运用RFID无线射频识别技术进行Mifare卡识别,读取用户信息。基于BC35-G通信模块结合UART串口及AT指令,建立起主控芯片与华为云平台的联系,利用4G网络传输的MQTT通信协议将采集到的数据上传至华为云平台,提高了数据传输的实时性和可靠性,为实现及时准确地采集用户电能消耗数据,提供了解决方案。 展开更多
关键词 华为云 BC35-G MQTT STM32F103 nb-iot
作者 吴坤芳 贾怡婧 《通信电源技术》 2024年第11期194-196,共3页
随着物联网技术的飞速发展,窄带物联网(Narrow Band Internet of Things,NB-IoT)作为一种低功耗、广覆盖、大连接的无线通信技术,逐渐成为连接物理世界与数字世界的桥梁。然而,在实际应用中,NB-IoT信号面临着诸如信号衰减、干扰、覆盖... 随着物联网技术的飞速发展,窄带物联网(Narrow Band Internet of Things,NB-IoT)作为一种低功耗、广覆盖、大连接的无线通信技术,逐渐成为连接物理世界与数字世界的桥梁。然而,在实际应用中,NB-IoT信号面临着诸如信号衰减、干扰、覆盖不均等挑战。这些挑战不仅影响用户体验,还限制了物联网应用的进一步发展。因此,研究面向物联网的NB-IoT信号优化方法具有重要意义。文章深入研究面向物联网的NB-IoT信号优化方法,提出多种有效的优化策略和技术手段。 展开更多
关键词 物联网 窄带物联网(nb-iot) 信号优化
作者 赫宜 付卫国 《电脑知识与技术》 2024年第2期135-137,共3页
针对解决诸多应用场景环境监测系统的疑难问题,结合窄带物联网(NB-IoT)技术和传感器技术,有效地对环境质量进行综合评价。系统以STM32嵌入式芯片为主控制器,感知端使用温度、湿度、氨气浓度、光照强度等传感器采集数据;传输端使用移远... 针对解决诸多应用场景环境监测系统的疑难问题,结合窄带物联网(NB-IoT)技术和传感器技术,有效地对环境质量进行综合评价。系统以STM32嵌入式芯片为主控制器,感知端使用温度、湿度、氨气浓度、光照强度等传感器采集数据;传输端使用移远物联网模块SIM7000C将感知端数据传输到管理云平台;应用层使用手机App实时观看监测数据,并远程监控。 展开更多
关键词 窄带物联网 环境监测 nb-iot 传感器 实时监测 远程控制
作者 宋汝浩 李成 +3 位作者 张泽 李科遥 马锦毅 朱代先 《计算机测量与控制》 2024年第3期57-62,70,共7页
针对UPS机房在运行过程中无人监守,工作人员无法及时排查故障的问题,设计并实现了一套基于ARM和NB-IoT的UPS智能在线监测系统,由检测终端、云服务器和监管中心组成;检测终端使用各类传感器和检测电路获取多个UPS设备的输入输出电压和电... 针对UPS机房在运行过程中无人监守,工作人员无法及时排查故障的问题,设计并实现了一套基于ARM和NB-IoT的UPS智能在线监测系统,由检测终端、云服务器和监管中心组成;检测终端使用各类传感器和检测电路获取多个UPS设备的输入输出电压和电流、负载率、蓄电池电量等数据以及机房温湿度环境参数,通过无线模块发送给云服务器,监管中心从云服务器获取数据,用户可以登录监管中心远程查询UPS的工作数据;经测试,系统能够实现对UPS各项数据的采集和无线传输,可以通过监管中心实时查询UPS工作状态以及下发指令,能达到实时监控的效果;具有数据测量准确,实时性响应良好等特点,减少了管理人员的工作量,提高了UPS的管理效率。 展开更多
关键词 UPS ARM nb-iot 监管 服务器
作者 莫文洁 赵之喻 +4 位作者 王江涛 王宇晨 张家爽 蔡燕 许鹏 《物联网技术》 2024年第2期27-28,32,共3页
随着井道系统成为城镇防汛的关键因素,本文提出了一种基于NB-IoT技术的智能井道监测装置。装置以STM32嵌入式处理器为核心,采用超声波和非接触电容式液位传感器实现井道液位检测,同时监测井盖姿态角和井道可燃气体浓度,并通过NB-IoT将... 随着井道系统成为城镇防汛的关键因素,本文提出了一种基于NB-IoT技术的智能井道监测装置。装置以STM32嵌入式处理器为核心,采用超声波和非接触电容式液位传感器实现井道液位检测,同时监测井盖姿态角和井道可燃气体浓度,并通过NB-IoT将信息进行定时上报处理,能够极大提高监测效率并降低人工成本,为窨井井盖的监测维护工作提供了重要数据支撑。 展开更多
关键词 nb-iot技术 STM32 液位检测 超声波 非接触电容式液位传感器 GNSS
作者 周武云 陈福彬 +1 位作者 李曼华 朱嘉林 《传感器世界》 2024年第3期27-31,共5页
针对各种水上无人系统在运行过程中容易出现各种失控,导致其无法正常完成任务,甚至造成安全事故,文章设计并实现了一种用于监测水面清洁机器人运行状态的监测系统,实时监测机器人的运行参数是否正常。系统主体是在水面清洁机器人的基础... 针对各种水上无人系统在运行过程中容易出现各种失控,导致其无法正常完成任务,甚至造成安全事故,文章设计并实现了一种用于监测水面清洁机器人运行状态的监测系统,实时监测机器人的运行参数是否正常。系统主体是在水面清洁机器人的基础上添加一个STM32G07的最小系统板,通过配备NB-IoT(窄带物联网)技术的BC26模块,将机器人运行状态数据通过MQTT协议上传至阿里云物联网云平台,实现数据可视化,方便开发人员对机器人的各项运行状态参数进行监测,并且对采集到的数据进行数据分析,从而避免机器人失控,造成事故。 展开更多
关键词 nb-iot STM32 阿里云
作者 杨立宏 袁夫全 《现代信息科技》 2024年第2期177-181,共5页
随着智慧城市建设步伐的加快,各大城市必然要对城市路灯照明系统进行节能化和智能化升级。文章针对传统路灯能耗大、人力维护成本高、智能化程度低等问题,设计一种基于NB-IoT的智慧路灯控制器。单灯控制器以微控制器STM32为控制核心,通... 随着智慧城市建设步伐的加快,各大城市必然要对城市路灯照明系统进行节能化和智能化升级。文章针对传统路灯能耗大、人力维护成本高、智能化程度低等问题,设计一种基于NB-IoT的智慧路灯控制器。单灯控制器以微控制器STM32为控制核心,通过NB-IoT通信模组实现路灯与控制中心的组网,从而实现路灯的远程开关及调光控制、路灯数据采集、故障定位等功能。该路灯控制器以实际LED路灯进行测试验证,基于NB-IoT路灯控制器能够满足路灯照明系统的节能化和智能化以及集中管理的需求。 展开更多
关键词 nb-iot 智慧路灯 调光控制 数据采集 故障定位
作者 吴游龙 彭晨 +2 位作者 席云 李龙祥 李军 《电子制作》 2024年第6期60-63,共4页
近年来,深度学习在电力负荷预测中的应用越来越受到研究者的关注。但目前多用于电网和大型负载情况的预测,校园应用仍然有限。主要困难在于用电采集设备成本的限制,使采集到的校园用电数据往往存在部分异常点和空白时段,再加上校园级的... 近年来,深度学习在电力负荷预测中的应用越来越受到研究者的关注。但目前多用于电网和大型负载情况的预测,校园应用仍然有限。主要困难在于用电采集设备成本的限制,使采集到的校园用电数据往往存在部分异常点和空白时段,再加上校园级的小型负载用电情况规律性不强,使预测结果往往存在较大偏差。为了解决此问题,本研究先利用皮尔逊相关性与斯皮尔曼相关性分析技术等进行多层次数据分析与清理,再使用Informer神经网络模型进行负荷预测。实验结果显示该方法能有效预测多段时间内的用电情况,可以推广到相关的电力负荷预测工作中。 展开更多
关键词 深度学习 电力负荷预测 nb-iot 数据分析与清理 INFORMER
作者 倪鹏程 严利 +1 位作者 陈红 陈慧琴 《信息与电脑》 2024年第3期60-63,共4页
文章的研究目的在于提出基于Node.js的物联网应用平台设计方案,解决物联网实际运行过程中数据上传存在的问题,提出并设计一种基于Node.js的农业物联网应用平台,可以实现对农业生产环境参数的监测与控制。首先介绍农业物联网的背景与需求... 文章的研究目的在于提出基于Node.js的物联网应用平台设计方案,解决物联网实际运行过程中数据上传存在的问题,提出并设计一种基于Node.js的农业物联网应用平台,可以实现对农业生产环境参数的监测与控制。首先介绍农业物联网的背景与需求,明确研究目标,其次详细描述本平台的设计思路与架构,主要应用层平台软件的设计与实现。平台的实际应用显示,本平台能够在实现物联网常见功能的同时,支持更大的数据并发处理需求,对于农业物联网的应用特点有着更好的支持作用。 展开更多
关键词 农业物联网 环境监测 node.js
作者 李城州 赵文豪 陈美玲 《物联网技术》 2024年第6期142-144,共3页
针对公共垃圾桶数量众多,环卫人员有限且不能及时了解各垃圾桶使用情况,导致垃圾桶内垃圾溢出无人打扫的情况时有发生和垃圾桶内部发生火灾不能及时灭火的问题,文中设计了一种基于NB-IoT的智能垃圾桶系统。系统以STM32F103作为主控单元... 针对公共垃圾桶数量众多,环卫人员有限且不能及时了解各垃圾桶使用情况,导致垃圾桶内垃圾溢出无人打扫的情况时有发生和垃圾桶内部发生火灾不能及时灭火的问题,文中设计了一种基于NB-IoT的智能垃圾桶系统。系统以STM32F103作为主控单元,由温度检测模块、烟雾检测模块、测距模块组成数据采集系统,通过NB-IoT模块传输数据至阿里云平台,以实时监测垃圾桶状态。经验证,该系统能够准确检测垃圾桶状态,具有较大的实际应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 智能垃圾桶 nb-iot技术 云平台 实时监测 传感器 STM32
Analysis of the optimal target node to reduce seizure-like discharge in networks
作者 闫璐瑶 张红慧 孙中奎 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第5期712-720,共9页
Network approaches have been widely accepted to guide surgical strategy and predict outcome for epilepsy treatment.This study starts with a single oscillator to explore brain activity,using a phenomenological model ca... Network approaches have been widely accepted to guide surgical strategy and predict outcome for epilepsy treatment.This study starts with a single oscillator to explore brain activity,using a phenomenological model capable of describing healthy and epileptic states.The ictal number of seizures decreases or remains unchanged with increasing the speed of oscillator excitability and in each seizure,there is an increasing tendency for ictal duration with respect to the speed.The underlying reason is that the strong excitability speed is conducive to reduce transition behaviors between two attractor basins.Moreover,the selection of the optimal removal node is estimated by an indicator proposed in this study.Results show that when the indicator is less than the threshold,removing the driving node is more possible to reduce seizures significantly,while the indicator exceeds the threshold,the epileptic node could be the removal one.Furthermore,the driving node is such a potential target that stimulating it is obviously effective in suppressing seizure-like activity compared to other nodes,and the propensity of seizures can be reduced 60%with the increased stimulus strength.Our results could provide new therapeutic ideas for epilepsy surgery and neuromodulation. 展开更多
关键词 EPILEPSY driving node epileptic node seizure regulation
Clinical Study of Double Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Combined with Dye Method and Marker Placement to Identify and Locate Sentinel Lymph Nodes in Patients with Breast Cancer
作者 Dayan Yang Lini Gao 《Advances in Breast Cancer Research》 CAS 2024年第3期49-58,共10页
Objective: To explore the value of percutaneous ultrasonography combined with transvenous ultrasonography for accurate localization of sentinel lymph nodes and diagnosis of metastatic lymph nodes in patients with brea... Objective: To explore the value of percutaneous ultrasonography combined with transvenous ultrasonography for accurate localization of sentinel lymph nodes and diagnosis of metastatic lymph nodes in patients with breast cancer. Methods: 18 cases of patients with breast cancer attending the Hainan General Hospital from May 2022 to June 2024 who were proposed to undergo axillary lymph node dissection were selected, and the ultrasonographic agent was injected subcutaneously through the areola on the 1st day before the operation, and the marker localization of the manifestation of the Sentinel lymph nodes and draw the lymphatic vessel alignment for drainage on the body surface, and record the manifestation of SLN by conventional ultrasound and dual ultrasonography. At the time of surgery, intraoperative melphalan localization was used to identify the SLN, the difference between the number of ultrasound and melphalan localization was observed, and resection was performed for pathological examination to determine whether they were metastatic or not. Results: There were 8 metastatic lymph nodes and 18 non-metastatic lymph nodes among 31 SLN. A total of 62 SLN were localized by intraoperative melphalan, of which 31 were consistent with ultrasound localization and 31 were not identified by ultrasound. The diagnostic sensitivity of SLN metastasis diagnosed by transcutaneous ultrasonography was 62.50%, specificity was 91.30%, positive predictive value was 71.43%, negative predictive value 87.50%, accuracy was 83.87%, and the AUC was 0.769;the diagnostic sensitivityof transvenous ultrasonography diagnosed was 75.00%, specificity was 75.00%, and the accuracy was 83.87%, 75.00%, specificity 91.30%, positive predictive value 75.00%, negative predictive value 91.30%, accuracy 87.10%, AUC 0.832;dual ultrasonography diagnostic sensitivity 87.50%, specificity 91.30%, positive predictive value 77.78%, negative predictive value 95.45%, accuracy 90.32%. The AUC was 0.894. Conclusion: Transcutaneous ultrasonography combined with transvenous ultrasonography can accurately localize sentinel lymph nodes and improve the sensitivity and accuracy of the diagnosis of metastatic SLN. 展开更多
关键词 Sentinel Lymph nodes Breast Cancer ULTRASOUND ULTRASONOGRAPHY Axillary Lymph nodes
Fifty-five cases of hepatic alveolar echinococcosis combined with lymph node metastasis:A retrospective study
作者 Yilizhati Aimaitijiang Tie-Min Jiang +1 位作者 Ying-Mei Shao Tuerganaili Aji 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2024年第23期2981-2990,共10页
BACKGROUND Lymph node metastasis is a specific type of metastasis in hepatic alveolar echinococcosis(AE).Currently,there is a scarcity of describing the clinical characteristics and lymph node metastasis rules of pati... BACKGROUND Lymph node metastasis is a specific type of metastasis in hepatic alveolar echinococcosis(AE).Currently,there is a scarcity of describing the clinical characteristics and lymph node metastasis rules of patients with hepatic AE combined with lymph node metastasis and its mechanism and management are still controversial.Radical hepatectomy combined with regional lymph node dissection is a better treatment.AIM To analyse the clinical features of hepatic AE combined with lymph node metastasis to explore its treatment and efficacy.METHODS A total of 623 patients with hepatic AE admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University from 1 January 2012 to 1 January 2022 were retrospectively analysed.Fifty-five patients with combined lymph node metastasis were analysed for their clinical data,diagnosis and treatment methods,follow-up efficacy,and characteristics of lymph node metastasis.Finally,we comparatively analysed the lymph node metastasis rates at different sites.Categorical variables are expressed as frequencies and percentages,and the analysis of difference was performed using theχ2 test.The Bonferroni method was used for pairwise comparisons when statistical differences existed between multiple categorical variables.RESULTS A lymph node metastasis rate of 8.8%(55/623)was reported in patients with hepatic AE,with a female predilection(69.1%)and a statistically significant sex difference(χ2=8.018,P=0.005).Of the 55 patients with lymph node metastasis,72.7%had a parasite lesion,neighbouring organ invasion,and metastasis stage of P3N1M0 and above,of which 67.3%,78.2%,and 34.5%of hepatic AE lesions invaded the bile ducts,blood vessels,and distant metastases,respectively.Detection rates of lymph node metastasis of 16.4%,21.7%,and 34.2%were reported for a preoperative abdominal ultrasound,magnetic resonance imaging,and computed tomography examinations.All patients were intraoperatively suspected with enlarged lymph nodes and underwent radical hepatectomy combined with regional lymph node dissection.After surgery,a routine pathological examination was conducted on the resected lymph nodes.A total of 106 positive lymph nodes were detected in six groups at various sites,including 51 single-group metastasis cases and four multi-group metastasis cases.When the metastasis rates at different sites were statistically analysed,we observed that the metastasis rate in the para-hepatoduodenal ligament lymph nodes was significantly higher than that of the other sites(χ^(2)=128.089,P=0.000<0.05).No statistical difference was observed in the metastasis rate between the five other groups.Clavien-Dindo grade IIIa complication occurred in 14 cases,which improved after administering symptomatic treatment.Additionally,lymph node dissection-related complications were not observed.Recurrence after 2 years was observed in one patient.CONCLUSION Lymph node metastasis is a rare form of metastasis in hepatic AE,which is more frequent in women.Parahepatoduodenal ligament lymph nodes are commonly observed.Radical hepatectomy combined with regional lymph node dissection is a safe,effective,and feasible treatment for liver AE combined with lymph node metastasis. 展开更多
关键词 ECHINOCOCCOSIS Radical hepatectomy Lymph node metastasis Lymph node dissection Alveolar echinococcosis HEPATIC
Robotic-assisted retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for stage II testicular cancer
作者 George McClintock Ahmed S.Goolam +6 位作者 Don Perera Ryan Downey Scott Leslie Peter Grimison Henry Woo Peter Ferguson Nariman Ahmadi 《Asian Journal of Urology》 CSCD 2024年第1期121-127,共7页
Objective:To evaluate the perioperative as well as early oncological outcomes of patients undergoing robotic retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for treatment of testicular cancer.Methods:We conducted a prospective ... Objective:To evaluate the perioperative as well as early oncological outcomes of patients undergoing robotic retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for treatment of testicular cancer.Methods:We conducted a prospective consecutive case series of patients undergoing robotic assisted retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for metastatic testicular cancer between May 2018 and July 2021 at our institution.Data were collected on patient and tumour characteristics,intraoperative and postoperative parameters,and functional and oncological outcomes.Descriptive statistics are presented.Results:Nineteen patients were identified;18(94.7%)completed the procedure robotically and one was converted to open surgery;78.9%of patients had stage≥IIB and 12(63.2%)patients had undergone prior chemotherapy.The median operative time was 300(interquartile range[IQR]240-315)min.Median blood loss was 100(IQR 50-175)mL.Median length of stay was 2(range 1-11)days.All robotically completed patients commenced diet and passed flatus on Day 1 and were discharged by Day 3.The median lymph node yield was 40.5(IQR 38-51)nodes.All patients undergoing nerve-sparing procedures recovered antegrade ejaculatory function.One patient had a Clavien-Dindo III complication(chylous ascites requiring drainage).At a median follow-up of 22.3(IQR 16.3-24.9)months,one patient developed retroperitoneal recurrence,which was successfully treated with second-line chemotherapy;no other patients have had recurrences.Conclusion:Robotic retroperitoneal lymph node dissection is a safe and feasible alternative to open surgery in appropriately selected patients,offering low morbidity.Early oncological outcomes are promising.Larger cohorts and longer follow-ups are required to validate our institution's findings. 展开更多
关键词 Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection Robotic surgery Testicular cancer Retroperitoneal node dissection
Different lymph node staging systems for predicting the prognosis of colorectal neuroendocrine neoplasms
作者 Yuan-Yi Zhang Yue-Wei Cai Xia Zhang 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology》 SCIE 2024年第5期1745-1755,共11页
BACKGROUND Colorectal neuroendocrine neoplasms(NENs)are a rare malignancy that primarily arises from the diffuse distribution of neuroendocrine cells in the colon and rectum.Previous studies have pointed out that the ... BACKGROUND Colorectal neuroendocrine neoplasms(NENs)are a rare malignancy that primarily arises from the diffuse distribution of neuroendocrine cells in the colon and rectum.Previous studies have pointed out that the status of lymph node may be used to predict the prognosis.AIM To investigate the predictive values of lymph node ratio(LNR),positive lymph node(PLN),and log odds of PLNs(LODDS)staging systems on the prognosis of colorectal NENs treated surgically,and compare their predictive values.METHODS This cohort study included 895 patients with colorectal NENs treated surgically from the Surveillance,Epidemiology,and End Results database.The endpoint was mortality of patients with colorectal NENs treated surgically.X-tile software was utilized to identify most suitable thresholds for categorizing the LNR,PLN,and LODDS.Participants were selected in a random manner to form training and testing sets.The prognosis of surgically treating colorectal NENs was examined using multivariate cox analysis to assess the associations of LNR,PLN,and LODDS with the prognosis of colorectal NENs.C-index was used for assessing the predictive effectiveness.We conducted a subgroup analysis to explore the different lymph node staging systems’predictive values.RESULTS After adjusting all confounding factors,PLN,LNR and LODDS staging systems were linked with mortality in patients with colorectal NENs treated surgically(P<0.05).We found that LODDS staging had a higher prognostic value for patients with colorectal NENs treated surgically than PLN and LNR staging systems.Similar results were obtained in the different G staging subgroup analyses.Furthermore,the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve values for LODDS staging system remained consistently higher than those of PLN or LNR,even at the 1-,2-,3-,4-,5-and 6-year follow-up periods.CONCLUSION LNR,PLN,and LODDS were found to significantly predict the prognosis of patients with colorectal NENs treated surgically. 展开更多
关键词 Positive lymph node Lymph node ratio Log odds of positive lymph nodes PROGNOSIS Colorectal neuroendocrine neoplasms
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