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作者 L.M.Partt 谢荣举 《地质科技情报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1989年第S1期40-40,共1页
北美大西洋边缘大陆裂谷盆地的三叠—侏罗系湖相沉积为面积、水深、水化学及存在历史变化都很大的湖泊系统的沉积物。Newark盆地三叠系Lockatong组中含有数百米厚的富含有机质的纹层状页岩,其中夹有贫有机质的泥裂状或块状泥岩,这套岩... 北美大西洋边缘大陆裂谷盆地的三叠—侏罗系湖相沉积为面积、水深、水化学及存在历史变化都很大的湖泊系统的沉积物。Newark盆地三叠系Lockatong组中含有数百米厚的富含有机质的纹层状页岩,其中夹有贫有机质的泥裂状或块状泥岩,这套岩层沉积于湿-干气候周期性变化的古湖泊或潮坪环境中。在三叠一侏罗系之上为厚层冲积与河流沉积成因的砾岩。 展开更多
关键词 裂谷盆地 三叠 newark 湖相 沉积成因 潮坪 气候周期性变化 泥裂 热成熟度 河流沉积
Characterization of Organic Matter Preserved in the Triassic Lockatong Formation in the Newark Basin
作者 Diana Beatriz Tinoco Larbi Rddad 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2015年第3期215-219,共5页
This study is aimed at characterizing the organic matter preserved in the Triassic Lockatong formation deposited in the Newark Basin. On the basis of the TOC (Total Organic Carbon), the Lockatong formation was depos... This study is aimed at characterizing the organic matter preserved in the Triassic Lockatong formation deposited in the Newark Basin. On the basis of the TOC (Total Organic Carbon), the Lockatong formation was deposited in a reducing environment in the deep NW part of the basin, which is favorable to the accumulation of organic matter. However, the Lockatong formation of the SE border of the basin was deposited in oxic conditions that prevented the preservation of organic matter if there is any. The structuration of the basin into deep subsiding NW section due to the reactivation of the NE-SW striking faults and the development of anoxic conditions were favorable for the accumulation and preservation of the organic matter in the deep part of the basin. 展开更多
关键词 newark basin organic matter Lockatong formation.
试从彼得·纽马克的翻译批评理论解读诗歌翻译——以《黑人话河》为例 被引量:1
作者 曾迎春 《怀化学院学报》 2011年第9期93-95,共3页
诗之可译本是不言而喻的。但是译诗也确实很难,因为译诗首先是内容的准确把握,其次是形式,形式是内容的延伸,所以既要准确把握内容,又要兼顾形式。在评价一篇译诗的好坏时,往往要运用翻译批评理论,彼得.纽马克的翻译批评理论恰恰是很好... 诗之可译本是不言而喻的。但是译诗也确实很难,因为译诗首先是内容的准确把握,其次是形式,形式是内容的延伸,所以既要准确把握内容,又要兼顾形式。在评价一篇译诗的好坏时,往往要运用翻译批评理论,彼得.纽马克的翻译批评理论恰恰是很好的方法指导,文章就将尝试着运用其理论对傅浩所译的兰斯顿·休斯的一篇诗歌进行简要的分析。 展开更多
关键词 彼得·纽马克 翻译批评 诗歌翻译
End-Triassic nonmarine biotic events 被引量:3
作者 Spencer G.Lucas Lawrence H.Tanner 《Journal of Palaeogeography》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期331-348,共18页
The Late Triassic was a prolonged interval of elevated extinction rates and low origination rates that manifested themselves in a series of extinctions during Carnian, Norian and Rhaetian time. Most of these extinctio... The Late Triassic was a prolonged interval of elevated extinction rates and low origination rates that manifested themselves in a series of extinctions during Carnian, Norian and Rhaetian time. Most of these extinctions took place in the marine realm, particularly affecting radiolarians, conodonts, bivalves, ammonoids and reef-building organisms. On land, the case for a Late Triassic mass extinction is much more tenuous and has largely focused on tetrapod vertebrates(amphibians and reptiles), though some workers advocate a sudden endTriassic(TJB) extinction of land plants. Nevertheless, an extensive literature does not identify a major extinction of land plants at the TJB, and a comprehensive review of palynological records concluded that TJB vegetation changes were non-uniform(different changes in different places), not synchronous and not indicative of a mass extinction of land plants. Claims of a substantial perturbation of plant ecology and diversity at the TJB in East Greenland are indicative of a local change in the paleoflora largely driven by lithofacies changes resulting in changing taphonomic filters. Plant extinctions at the TJB were palaeogeographically localized events, not global in extent. With new and more detailed stratigraphic data, the perceived TJB tetrapod extinction is mostly an artifact of coarse temporal resolution, the compiled correlation effect. The amphibian, archosaur and synapsid extinctions of the Late Triassic are not concentrated at the TJB, but instead occur stepwise, beginning in the Norian and extending into the Hettangian. There was a disruption of the terrestrial ecosystem across the TJB, but it was more modest than generally claimed. The ecological severity of the end-Triassic nonmarine biotic events are relatively low on the global scale. Biotic turnover at the end of the Triassic was likely driven by the CAMP(Central Atlantic Magmatic Province) eruptions, which caused significant environmental perturbations(cooling, warming, acidification) through outgassing, but the effects on the nonmarine biota appear to have been localized, transient and not catastrophic. Long-term changes in the terrestrial biota across the TJB are complex,diachronous and likely climate driven evolutionary changes in the context of fluctuating background extinction rates, not a single, sudden or mass extinction. 展开更多
关键词 Triassic-Jurassic boundary mass extinction land plants East Greenland TETRAPODS newark Supergroup CAMP volcanism
作者 赵艾东 《外国语言文学与文化论丛12——区域与国别研究专辑》 2016年第1期1-16,共16页
美国基督会传教士史德文1904至1910年在康定与巴塘从事医疗活动期间收集了150件藏族文物,并于1911年将其送往美国新泽西州纽华克市纽华克(或纽瓦克)博物馆。本文在该博物馆提供的这150件文物的描述信息基础上,进一步整理并将目录编... 美国基督会传教士史德文1904至1910年在康定与巴塘从事医疗活动期间收集了150件藏族文物,并于1911年将其送往美国新泽西州纽华克市纽华克(或纽瓦克)博物馆。本文在该博物馆提供的这150件文物的描述信息基础上,进一步整理并将目录编译为中文,对部分文物来源做了考证。 展开更多
关键词 史德文 藏族文物 1911年 纽华克博物馆 巴塘
作者 苏鑫 《都市文化研究》 2023年第1期40-49,共10页
美国犹太作家菲利普·罗斯笔下新泽西州的纽瓦克是作家挥之不去的故乡,他笔下的人物以叛逆者的姿态离开纽瓦克,却发现离开的和再也回不去的才是最不舍的“犹太圣殿”。本文将罗斯的纽瓦克城市书写置放于犹太民族流散历史和美国多元... 美国犹太作家菲利普·罗斯笔下新泽西州的纽瓦克是作家挥之不去的故乡,他笔下的人物以叛逆者的姿态离开纽瓦克,却发现离开的和再也回不去的才是最不舍的“犹太圣殿”。本文将罗斯的纽瓦克城市书写置放于犹太民族流散历史和美国多元文化视野中,梳理其审美表达方式的嬗变,展现纽瓦克作为美国犹太人家园的生成与失落,揭示在犹太民族历史和美国城市化进程中纽瓦克之于美国犹太人身份认知的核心地位,凸显纽瓦克作为美国犹太人民族志的地理和历史意义。 展开更多
关键词 菲利普·罗斯 纽瓦克 家园 犹太圣殿
作者 苏鑫 《都市文化研究》 2017年第2期100-110,共11页
美国犹太作家菲利普·罗斯的小说大多都以他出生和成长的故乡新泽西州的纽瓦克市为背景。'美国三部曲'被称为'纽瓦克三部曲',其中罗斯赋予了纽瓦克以政治含义,以犹太移民融入美国社会的过程折射出纽瓦克城市繁荣和... 美国犹太作家菲利普·罗斯的小说大多都以他出生和成长的故乡新泽西州的纽瓦克市为背景。'美国三部曲'被称为'纽瓦克三部曲',其中罗斯赋予了纽瓦克以政治含义,以犹太移民融入美国社会的过程折射出纽瓦克城市繁荣和城市问题。本文从城市书写角度解读'美国三部曲',结合作家创作历程和背景考察作者独特的城市书写动因和特点,分析美国多元文化融合发展的内在机理,揭示少数族裔追求美国身份所遭遇的困境。 展开更多
关键词 菲利普·罗斯 美国三部曲 纽瓦克 城市书写
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