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作者 颜娟 《微型电脑应用》 2021年第8期173-175,共3页
针对国内高校英语口语考试形式过于单一且效率较低的问题,提出并设计了一种基于Node.is的英语口语考试平台,在Node.is运行环境下采用Node.Webkit兼容框架利用Javascript进行软件开发。通过采集、编码、缓存等环节对参试人员的音频进行处... 针对国内高校英语口语考试形式过于单一且效率较低的问题,提出并设计了一种基于Node.is的英语口语考试平台,在Node.is运行环境下采用Node.Webkit兼容框架利用Javascript进行软件开发。通过采集、编码、缓存等环节对参试人员的音频进行处理,实现了在线口语考试的功能。测试结果表明,平台运行稳定、抗压能力强,能够大幅提高口语考试的效率,适用于在高校推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 node.is 口语考试 Node.Webkit 编码
作者 杨鹏飞 王姝祺 +3 位作者 黄嘉阳 张文娟 王泉 钟昊迪 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期153-161,共9页
新高考改革使得越来越多的高校从专业招生向大类招生迈进。相关研究指出,学生在专业分流选择时存在盲目性。如何解决由专业选择不平衡问题所导致的“冷门专业过冷,热门专业过热”的局面,成为大类培养模式面临的核心难题。文中提出了一... 新高考改革使得越来越多的高校从专业招生向大类招生迈进。相关研究指出,学生在专业分流选择时存在盲目性。如何解决由专业选择不平衡问题所导致的“冷门专业过冷,热门专业过热”的局面,成为大类培养模式面临的核心难题。文中提出了一种结合特征相似性和杰卡德中值理论的学习路径推荐方法CFSJM,旨在为学生在选择专业时提供方向导航和学习路径推荐。该方法利用图嵌入模型Node2vec学习学生与知识点之间的交互,以获取学生节点的特征表示。通过训练线性回归模型预测学生的专业方向,并根据特征相似性生成学习路径候选集,进而引入杰卡德中值理论生成学习路径。实验结果表明,CFSJM方法在大类招生模式下的线下教学数据中的准确率优于现有方法,为充分发挥大类招生在培养创新型人才和提升高校办学质量方面的优势提供了新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 大类招生 高校专业分流 学习路径 杰卡德 Node2vec
作者 蒋白懿 牟天蔚 +3 位作者 李维轲 王康 肖敏 王鑫 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期152-158,共7页
以深度学习框架为基础,提出了一种时空联合供水管网漏损检测模型。该模型首先运用Node2Vec算法求解不同时间段内节点特征;其次,通过模糊C-均值聚类法,利用管网模型节点特征进行分区。最后,以不同时间段的压力敏感度作为输入,漏损位置的... 以深度学习框架为基础,提出了一种时空联合供水管网漏损检测模型。该模型首先运用Node2Vec算法求解不同时间段内节点特征;其次,通过模糊C-均值聚类法,利用管网模型节点特征进行分区。最后,以不同时间段的压力敏感度作为输入,漏损位置的分区号作为标签,通过深度信念神经网络进行训练,并通过训练后的模型对管网漏损位置进行检测。在实例分析中,以A市实际供水管网拓扑结构进行验证,利用MATLAB-Open Water Analytics toolbox联合编程建模,结果表明,各个时间段的检测效果均较优,正确率均达到为80%以上。因此,该模型能够有效地检测管网漏损。 展开更多
关键词 Node2Vec 深度学习 漏损定位 随机游走 图嵌入
作者 张悦 梁珊珊 《电力科学与工程》 2024年第5期72-78,共7页
针对温度场特征参数差异引发的锅炉温度场分割准确性的问题,以维持温度场特征为目标,引入图结构表达场数据,通过改进Node2vec算法进行聚类分析,进而实现锅炉温度场的最佳分割。该方法基于多维度的特征信息对锅炉温度场实现分割,能够更... 针对温度场特征参数差异引发的锅炉温度场分割准确性的问题,以维持温度场特征为目标,引入图结构表达场数据,通过改进Node2vec算法进行聚类分析,进而实现锅炉温度场的最佳分割。该方法基于多维度的特征信息对锅炉温度场实现分割,能够更准确地保留流场特征。在标准数据集上进行了实验验证,结果表明在具有多维度特征的数据集上,所提方法相比其他对比算法在分割效果方面有提升显著。最后将提出的方法用于分割电站锅炉温度场,结果表明该方法可以很好地捕捉温度场数据中的局部和全局特征,且结果具有较好的精确性。 展开更多
关键词 燃煤锅炉 温度场 流场分割 图结构 Node2vec
作者 许雪晶 林辰玮 《现代计算机》 2024年第3期102-106,120,共6页
为了满足电商网站所需的各项功能和要求,基于React框架和Node.js进行了电商网站的前后端分离式开发,并设计了关键模块,如用户认证、商品展示、购物车管理及订单处理等。采用了React的组件化开发理念,有效提升了代码的可维护性和可重用... 为了满足电商网站所需的各项功能和要求,基于React框架和Node.js进行了电商网站的前后端分离式开发,并设计了关键模块,如用户认证、商品展示、购物车管理及订单处理等。采用了React的组件化开发理念,有效提升了代码的可维护性和可重用性。通过系统测试和性能调优,网站性能和稳定性得到显著提升,包括页面加载时间缩短、数据库查询速度优化以及系统响应性能改善。 展开更多
关键词 React框架 Node.js 组件化开发 MVVM
作者 王玉丽 《电脑编程技巧与维护》 2024年第7期63-65,93,共4页
针对传统的健康饮食管理程序存在的用户体验差、缺乏个性化推荐等问题,创新融合AI与微信小程序,设计开发了一款"膳食智多星"微信小程序。该小程序集多种功能于一体,可实现自动卡路里计算、食物营养成分分析、个性化食谱推荐... 针对传统的健康饮食管理程序存在的用户体验差、缺乏个性化推荐等问题,创新融合AI与微信小程序,设计开发了一款"膳食智多星"微信小程序。该小程序集多种功能于一体,可实现自动卡路里计算、食物营养成分分析、个性化食谱推荐、智能问答等功能,能够为用户提供智能、便捷的饮食指导。该小程序主要使用WXML+WXSS+ColorUI实现前端视图层,使用node.js实现后端逻辑层功能及数据交换。 展开更多
关键词 AI技术 ColorUI技术 node.js技术
作者 滕明星 张恒 李超 《北京测绘》 2024年第3期318-324,共7页
数据可视化已成为变形监测中数据分析的重要环节之一。ECharts具有丰富的可视化表达方式和高度个性化的定制功能,且兼容当前绝大多数浏览器及多种设备,目前广泛应用于各类信息系统。本文基于ECharts、Vue和Node.js技术,构建了多端图表... 数据可视化已成为变形监测中数据分析的重要环节之一。ECharts具有丰富的可视化表达方式和高度个性化的定制功能,且兼容当前绝大多数浏览器及多种设备,目前广泛应用于各类信息系统。本文基于ECharts、Vue和Node.js技术,构建了多端图表可视化引擎,实现了多种变形监测数据在前端网页应用平台的图形展示和后端服务器的可视化流输出。测试结果表明,本文研发的可视化引擎能更加快速、形象、直观、有效地展示出监测体的变形情况,丰富了变形分析的研判手段,辅助管理人员开展决策,具有重要的实用价值和现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 ECharts 变形监测数据 Vue Node.js 可视化
作者 吴楷元 黄琦 +3 位作者 邬振华 谢如姣 周磊 王淼 《中国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科》 CSCD 2024年第2期129-130,共2页
目的探讨原发性颈淋巴结结核的临床特征、确诊方式及诊疗方案。方法回顾性分析宁波市医疗中心李惠利医院确诊的39例原发性颈淋巴结结核患者临床资料,总结其临床特点、治疗方法及随访情况。结果所有患者均以颈部无痛性质韧肿块为首发症状... 目的探讨原发性颈淋巴结结核的临床特征、确诊方式及诊疗方案。方法回顾性分析宁波市医疗中心李惠利医院确诊的39例原发性颈淋巴结结核患者临床资料,总结其临床特点、治疗方法及随访情况。结果所有患者均以颈部无痛性质韧肿块为首发症状,肿块多位于颈部Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ区,部分位于Ⅰ、Ⅱ区,均完善CT、MRI或B超等检查。根据影像学检查和临床经验,21例患者行结核菌素试验(PPD)或结核感染T细胞斑点试验(T-SPOT),其中2例PPD阳性,13例T-SPOT阳性,15例均经穿刺病理结果确诊,6例经手术病理确诊;1例经细针穿刺细菌培养发现结核杆菌确诊;17例影像学考虑肿瘤性病变,经颈淋巴结清扫或肿块部分切除术后病理确诊结核。39例患者均予标准抗结核治疗半年,随访1年未见复发。结论原发性颈淋巴结结核缺乏特异性症状,初步诊断可借助T-SPOT检查,确诊仍需结核杆菌培养阳性、穿刺细胞学或组织病理结果,治疗应采用世界卫生组织(WHO)推荐的6个月治疗方案,当伴有脓肿、窦道或溃疡型结核时,应结合手术治疗,可有效缩短术后抗结核治疗时间、减少药物用量及不良反应。 展开更多
关键词 颈(Neck) 结核 淋巴结(Tuberculosis Lymph Node) 结核菌素试验(Tuberculin Test)
作者 刘杰 于景超 +3 位作者 王猛 李卫 鲁金乐 陈雅婷 《中国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科》 CSCD 2024年第7期470-473,共4页
目的 分析甲状腺乳头状癌(PTC)超声图像表现在预测颈部Ⅵ区淋巴结转移(lymph node metastasis in the cervicalregion Ⅵ,CLNM-Ⅵ)危险度的临床价值。方法 选取2022年4月~2023年6月在河北省沧州中西医结合医院接受手术治疗并经病理证实... 目的 分析甲状腺乳头状癌(PTC)超声图像表现在预测颈部Ⅵ区淋巴结转移(lymph node metastasis in the cervicalregion Ⅵ,CLNM-Ⅵ)危险度的临床价值。方法 选取2022年4月~2023年6月在河北省沧州中西医结合医院接受手术治疗并经病理证实的350例PTC患者,根据术后病理结果,将患者分为CLNM-Ⅵ组和非CLNM-Ⅵ组。收集并对比两组术前超声图像表现及临床病理特征,应用Logistic回归分析PTC患者CLNM-Ⅵ危险因素,受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线分析PTC超声图像表现对CLNM-Ⅵ的预测价值。结果 单因素分析显示,CLNM-Ⅵ组男性、实性或囊实性、年龄≤45岁、低回声、甲状腺背景正常、点状强回声的构成比均大于非CLNM-Ⅵ组(P均<0.05)。Logistic回归分析显示,男性、实性或囊实性、年龄≤45岁、低回声、甲状腺背景正常、病灶内可见点状强回声是CLNM-Ⅵ的独立危险因素(P均<0.05);进一步经ROC曲线分析显示,以上预测CLNM-Ⅵ的AUC分别为0.565、0.580、0.529、0.585、0.582、0.582,联合预测AUC为0.708。结论PTC超声图像表现在CLNM-Ⅵ风险评估中具有重要意义,可为PTC的预后判断提供一定的参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 甲状腺肿瘤(Thyroid Neoplasms) 超声检查(Ultrasonography) 风险评估(Risk Assessment) 预测(Forecasting) 颈部Ⅵ区(regionⅥof the neck) 淋巴结转移(lymph node metastasis)
Tumor deposits in axillary adipose tissue in patients with breast cancer:Do they matter? 被引量:1
作者 Muhammed Mubarak Rahma Rashid Shaheera Shakeel 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2024年第6期1045-1049,共5页
Tumor deposits(TDs)are defined as discrete,irregular clusters of tumor cells lying in the soft tissue adjacent to but separate from the primary tumor,and are usually found in the lymphatic drainage area of the primary... Tumor deposits(TDs)are defined as discrete,irregular clusters of tumor cells lying in the soft tissue adjacent to but separate from the primary tumor,and are usually found in the lymphatic drainage area of the primary tumor.By definition,no residual lymph node structure should be identified in these tumor masses.At present,TDs are mainly reported in colorectal cancer,with a few reports in gastric cancer.There are very few reports on breast cancer(BC).For TDs,current dominant theories suggest that these are the result of lymph node metastasis of the tumor with complete destruction of the lymph nodes by the tumor tissue.Even some pathologists classify a TD as two lymph node metastases for calculation.Some pathologists also believe that TDs belong to the category of disseminated metastasis.Therefore,regardless of the origin,TDs are an indicator of poor prognosis.Moreover,for BC,sentinel lymph node biopsy is generally used at present.Whether radical axillary lymph node dissection should be adopted for BC with TDs in axillary lymph nodes is still inconclusive.The present commentary of this clinical issue has certain guiding significance.It is aimed to increase the awareness of the scientific community towards this under-recognized problem in BC pathology. 展开更多
关键词 Breast cancer Tumor deposits Lymph node metastasis STAGING
作者 严爱军 和世潇 汤健 《北京工业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期1188-1197,共10页
针对孤立森林(isolation forest, iForest)无法有效检测局部异常值且异常值分数阈值难以精确设定的问题,提出一种基于节点评估(node evaluation, NE)与最大类间方差(Otsu)的iForest异常值检测方法。首先,在样本评估过程中将节点深度与... 针对孤立森林(isolation forest, iForest)无法有效检测局部异常值且异常值分数阈值难以精确设定的问题,提出一种基于节点评估(node evaluation, NE)与最大类间方差(Otsu)的iForest异常值检测方法。首先,在样本评估过程中将节点深度与相对质量同时引入评分机制,使算法对全局和局部异常值敏感;然后,为了准确设定分数阈值,采用Otsu自适应设定异常值分数阈值;最后,在不同数据集上验证所提方法的有效性。实验结果表明,该方法可以有效兼顾全局和局部异常值的检测,提高iForest检测异常值的准确性。 展开更多
关键词 孤立森林(isolation forest iForest) 异常值检测 最大类间方差(Otsu) 节点评估(node evaluation NE) 分数阈值 节点深度
作者 徐东伟 朱宏俊 +1 位作者 周磊 杨艳芳 《武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版)》 2024年第2期211-217,共7页
文中提出了一种基于节点向量-生成对抗网络的交通流预测方法.通过Node2vec方法实现路网邻接关系的重构,实现路网空间相关性的深度挖掘.基于残差图聚合机制构建了路网数据空间特征的生成器,实现了根据路网中的部分已知数据推演未来路网... 文中提出了一种基于节点向量-生成对抗网络的交通流预测方法.通过Node2vec方法实现路网邻接关系的重构,实现路网空间相关性的深度挖掘.基于残差图聚合机制构建了路网数据空间特征的生成器,实现了根据路网中的部分已知数据推演未来路网交通流数据.采用西雅图高速路网速度数据集(Seattle)和加州路网速度数据集(PEMS)验证模型的有效性.结果表明:该模型在不同数据缺失模式、不同数据缺失率下均可以保持鲁棒的交通流预测表现. 展开更多
关键词 智能交通 交通流预测 Node2vec 数据缺失 生成对抗网络
"Five steps four quadrants" modularized en bloc dissection technique for accessing hepatic hilum lymph nodes in laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy 被引量:1
作者 Xiao-Si Hu Yong Wang +5 位作者 Hong-Tao Pan Chao Zhu Shi-Lei Chen Hui-Chun Liu Qing Pang Hao Jin 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery》 SCIE 2024年第2期503-510,共8页
BACKGROUND Although en bloc dissection of hepatic hilum lymph nodes has many advantages in radical tumor treatment,the feasibility and safety of this approach for laparo-scopic pancreaticoduodenectomy(LPD)require furt... BACKGROUND Although en bloc dissection of hepatic hilum lymph nodes has many advantages in radical tumor treatment,the feasibility and safety of this approach for laparo-scopic pancreaticoduodenectomy(LPD)require further clinical evaluation and investigation.AIM To explore the application value of the"five steps four quadrants"modularized en bloc dissection technique for accessing hepatic hilum lymph nodes in LPD patients.METHODS A total of 52 patients who underwent LPD via the"five steps four quadrants"modularized en bloc dissection technique for hepatic hilum lymph nodes from April 2021 to July 2023 in our department were analyzed retrospectively.The patients'body mass index(BMI),preoperative laboratory indices,intraoperative variables and postoperative complications were recorded.The relationships between preoperative data and intraoperative lymph node dissection time and blood loss were also analyzed.RESULTS Among the 52 patients,36 were males and 16 were females,and the average age was 62.2±11.0 years.There were 26 patients with pancreatic head cancer,16 patients with periampullary cancer,and 10 patients with distal bile duct cancer.The BMI was 22.3±3.3 kg/m²,and the median total bilirubin(TBIL)concentration was 57.7(16.0-155.7)µmol/L.All patients successfully underwent the"five steps four quadrants"modularized en bloc dissection technique without lymph node clearance-related complications such as postoperative bleeding or lymphatic leakage.Correlation analysis revealed significant associations between preoperative BMI(r=0.3581,P=0.0091),TBIL level(r=0.2988,P=0.0341),prothrombin time(r=0.3018,P=0.0297)and lymph node dissection time.Moreover,dissection time was significantly correlated with intraoperative blood loss(r=0.7744,P<0.0001).Further stratified analysis demonstrated that patients with a preoperative BMI≥21.9 kg/m²and a TIBL concentration≥57.7μmol/L had significantly longer lymph node dissection times(both P<0.05).CONCLUSION The"five steps four quadrants"modularized en bloc dissection technique for accessing the hepatic hilum lymph node is safe and feasible for LPD.This technique is expected to improve the efficiency of hepatic hilum lymph node dissection and shorten the learning curve;thus,it is worthy of further clinical promotion and application. 展开更多
关键词 Five steps four quadrants Hepatic hilum lymph node Modularized en bloc clearance Laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy
作者 倪鹏程 严利 +1 位作者 陈红 陈慧琴 《信息与电脑》 2024年第3期60-63,共4页
文章的研究目的在于提出基于Node.js的物联网应用平台设计方案,解决物联网实际运行过程中数据上传存在的问题,提出并设计一种基于Node.js的农业物联网应用平台,可以实现对农业生产环境参数的监测与控制。首先介绍农业物联网的背景与需求... 文章的研究目的在于提出基于Node.js的物联网应用平台设计方案,解决物联网实际运行过程中数据上传存在的问题,提出并设计一种基于Node.js的农业物联网应用平台,可以实现对农业生产环境参数的监测与控制。首先介绍农业物联网的背景与需求,明确研究目标,其次详细描述本平台的设计思路与架构,主要应用层平台软件的设计与实现。平台的实际应用显示,本平台能够在实现物联网常见功能的同时,支持更大的数据并发处理需求,对于农业物联网的应用特点有着更好的支持作用。 展开更多
关键词 农业物联网 环境监测 Node.js
作者 王波 尹帅 +2 位作者 杜晓昕 张剑飞 周振宇 《高师理科学刊》 2024年第2期36-41,47,共7页
环状RNA(CircRNA)广泛参与人类疾病的进程,其突变和失调与许多人类疾病密切相关.因此,建立一个高效准确的CircRNA与疾病之间的预测算法对于提前对疾病的发生做出预防以及发病后的治疗方案具有重要意义.提出了一种新的基于图神经网络和... 环状RNA(CircRNA)广泛参与人类疾病的进程,其突变和失调与许多人类疾病密切相关.因此,建立一个高效准确的CircRNA与疾病之间的预测算法对于提前对疾病的发生做出预防以及发病后的治疗方案具有重要意义.提出了一种新的基于图神经网络和随机森林的算法预测CircRNA-疾病关联算法,在分层网络表示嵌入部分通过构建异构网络,根据网络图的邻近性,对网络图的节点和边缘进行分层,递归地合并原始图中的节点和边,得到若干具有相似特征的较小子网络.子网络规模随着分层的深入而递减,直至得到最小子网络后,使用node2vec网络图游走算法对其进行预处理,然后将全部节点的特征向量输入至随机森林分类器来识别潜在的CircRNA-疾病关联,从而进行预测. 展开更多
关键词 CircRNA-疾病关联预测 图神经网络 node2vec 随机森林
Analysis of the optimal target node to reduce seizure-like discharge in networks
作者 闫璐瑶 张红慧 孙中奎 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第5期712-720,共9页
Network approaches have been widely accepted to guide surgical strategy and predict outcome for epilepsy treatment.This study starts with a single oscillator to explore brain activity,using a phenomenological model ca... Network approaches have been widely accepted to guide surgical strategy and predict outcome for epilepsy treatment.This study starts with a single oscillator to explore brain activity,using a phenomenological model capable of describing healthy and epileptic states.The ictal number of seizures decreases or remains unchanged with increasing the speed of oscillator excitability and in each seizure,there is an increasing tendency for ictal duration with respect to the speed.The underlying reason is that the strong excitability speed is conducive to reduce transition behaviors between two attractor basins.Moreover,the selection of the optimal removal node is estimated by an indicator proposed in this study.Results show that when the indicator is less than the threshold,removing the driving node is more possible to reduce seizures significantly,while the indicator exceeds the threshold,the epileptic node could be the removal one.Furthermore,the driving node is such a potential target that stimulating it is obviously effective in suppressing seizure-like activity compared to other nodes,and the propensity of seizures can be reduced 60%with the increased stimulus strength.Our results could provide new therapeutic ideas for epilepsy surgery and neuromodulation. 展开更多
关键词 EPILEPSY driving node epileptic node seizure regulation
作者 蒲金龙 任川 《光电技术应用》 2024年第4期58-62,共5页
近几年各种小程序兴起,与之而来的后端资源管理功能变得越来越普遍,设计一款通用性、扩展性和可靠性都不错的后端资源管理框架变得很重要。针对这种情况,提出使用全新的基于Node.js服务的Koa架构,结合最新开源的非关系型数据mongodb搭... 近几年各种小程序兴起,与之而来的后端资源管理功能变得越来越普遍,设计一款通用性、扩展性和可靠性都不错的后端资源管理框架变得很重要。针对这种情况,提出使用全新的基于Node.js服务的Koa架构,结合最新开源的非关系型数据mongodb搭建通用的资源管理服务,该服务可用于快速搭建通用的资源管理服务,在此通用服务基础上进行二次开发,可高效的完成相关后端项目。 展开更多
关键词 Node.jsKoa架构 MongoDB数据库 通用型后端资源管理框架
Advances in regional nodal management of early-stage breast cancer
作者 Zhao Bi Yongsheng Wang 《Chinese Journal of Cancer Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第2期215-225,共11页
With the continuous improvement of systemic treatment, reasonable local regional control of early-stage breast cancer can be translated into survival benefits. The optimization of regional nodal management in patients... With the continuous improvement of systemic treatment, reasonable local regional control of early-stage breast cancer can be translated into survival benefits. The optimization of regional nodal management in patients with limited sentinel lymph node(SLN) metastasis needs to be weighed by surgical complications, regional recurrence risk, and lymph node status, as well as other escalating treatment(systemic/radiotherapy) that may result from deescalating surgery. With the effective support and supplementation of systemic therapy and radiotherapy, the management of axillary surgery is developing in a de-escalating trend. The widespread application of neoadjuvant therapy has contributed to optimizing the management of patients with clinically node-negative/imaging nodepositive disease. In clinical practice, it is necessary to consider the residual tumor burden of regional lymph nodes when formulating the optimal irradiation fields in patients with limited positive SLN without axillary lymph node dissection. The combined application of genomic tests and American College of Surgeons Oncology Group Z0011/AMAROS criteria could provide patients with a better strategy of dual de-escalation treatment, which includes the de-escalation of both axillary surgery and systemic treatment. In the era of sentinel lymph node biopsy(SLNB), the regional nodal management of breast cancer should adhere to the concept of “updating ideas, making bold assumptions, and carefully seeking proof”, make full use of the benefits of systemic therapy and radiotherapy to reduce the scope of surgery and complications, and expand the “net benefit” of efficacy and quality of life. This review discusses the optimization of regional nodal management in the era of SLNB, in order to provide reference information for clinicians. 展开更多
关键词 Breast cancer sentinel lymph node biopsy internal mammary lymph node RADIOTHERAPY SURGERY
Fifty-five cases of hepatic alveolar echinococcosis combined with lymph node metastasis:A retrospective study
作者 Yilizhati Aimaitijiang Tie-Min Jiang +1 位作者 Ying-Mei Shao Tuerganaili Aji 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2024年第23期2981-2990,共10页
BACKGROUND Lymph node metastasis is a specific type of metastasis in hepatic alveolar echinococcosis(AE).Currently,there is a scarcity of describing the clinical characteristics and lymph node metastasis rules of pati... BACKGROUND Lymph node metastasis is a specific type of metastasis in hepatic alveolar echinococcosis(AE).Currently,there is a scarcity of describing the clinical characteristics and lymph node metastasis rules of patients with hepatic AE combined with lymph node metastasis and its mechanism and management are still controversial.Radical hepatectomy combined with regional lymph node dissection is a better treatment.AIM To analyse the clinical features of hepatic AE combined with lymph node metastasis to explore its treatment and efficacy.METHODS A total of 623 patients with hepatic AE admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University from 1 January 2012 to 1 January 2022 were retrospectively analysed.Fifty-five patients with combined lymph node metastasis were analysed for their clinical data,diagnosis and treatment methods,follow-up efficacy,and characteristics of lymph node metastasis.Finally,we comparatively analysed the lymph node metastasis rates at different sites.Categorical variables are expressed as frequencies and percentages,and the analysis of difference was performed using theχ2 test.The Bonferroni method was used for pairwise comparisons when statistical differences existed between multiple categorical variables.RESULTS A lymph node metastasis rate of 8.8%(55/623)was reported in patients with hepatic AE,with a female predilection(69.1%)and a statistically significant sex difference(χ2=8.018,P=0.005).Of the 55 patients with lymph node metastasis,72.7%had a parasite lesion,neighbouring organ invasion,and metastasis stage of P3N1M0 and above,of which 67.3%,78.2%,and 34.5%of hepatic AE lesions invaded the bile ducts,blood vessels,and distant metastases,respectively.Detection rates of lymph node metastasis of 16.4%,21.7%,and 34.2%were reported for a preoperative abdominal ultrasound,magnetic resonance imaging,and computed tomography examinations.All patients were intraoperatively suspected with enlarged lymph nodes and underwent radical hepatectomy combined with regional lymph node dissection.After surgery,a routine pathological examination was conducted on the resected lymph nodes.A total of 106 positive lymph nodes were detected in six groups at various sites,including 51 single-group metastasis cases and four multi-group metastasis cases.When the metastasis rates at different sites were statistically analysed,we observed that the metastasis rate in the para-hepatoduodenal ligament lymph nodes was significantly higher than that of the other sites(χ^(2)=128.089,P=0.000<0.05).No statistical difference was observed in the metastasis rate between the five other groups.Clavien-Dindo grade IIIa complication occurred in 14 cases,which improved after administering symptomatic treatment.Additionally,lymph node dissection-related complications were not observed.Recurrence after 2 years was observed in one patient.CONCLUSION Lymph node metastasis is a rare form of metastasis in hepatic AE,which is more frequent in women.Parahepatoduodenal ligament lymph nodes are commonly observed.Radical hepatectomy combined with regional lymph node dissection is a safe,effective,and feasible treatment for liver AE combined with lymph node metastasis. 展开更多
关键词 ECHINOCOCCOSIS Radical hepatectomy Lymph node metastasis Lymph node dissection Alveolar echinococcosis HEPATIC
Robotic-assisted retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for stage II testicular cancer
作者 George McClintock Ahmed S.Goolam +6 位作者 Don Perera Ryan Downey Scott Leslie Peter Grimison Henry Woo Peter Ferguson Nariman Ahmadi 《Asian Journal of Urology》 CSCD 2024年第1期121-127,共7页
Objective:To evaluate the perioperative as well as early oncological outcomes of patients undergoing robotic retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for treatment of testicular cancer.Methods:We conducted a prospective ... Objective:To evaluate the perioperative as well as early oncological outcomes of patients undergoing robotic retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for treatment of testicular cancer.Methods:We conducted a prospective consecutive case series of patients undergoing robotic assisted retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for metastatic testicular cancer between May 2018 and July 2021 at our institution.Data were collected on patient and tumour characteristics,intraoperative and postoperative parameters,and functional and oncological outcomes.Descriptive statistics are presented.Results:Nineteen patients were identified;18(94.7%)completed the procedure robotically and one was converted to open surgery;78.9%of patients had stage≥IIB and 12(63.2%)patients had undergone prior chemotherapy.The median operative time was 300(interquartile range[IQR]240-315)min.Median blood loss was 100(IQR 50-175)mL.Median length of stay was 2(range 1-11)days.All robotically completed patients commenced diet and passed flatus on Day 1 and were discharged by Day 3.The median lymph node yield was 40.5(IQR 38-51)nodes.All patients undergoing nerve-sparing procedures recovered antegrade ejaculatory function.One patient had a Clavien-Dindo III complication(chylous ascites requiring drainage).At a median follow-up of 22.3(IQR 16.3-24.9)months,one patient developed retroperitoneal recurrence,which was successfully treated with second-line chemotherapy;no other patients have had recurrences.Conclusion:Robotic retroperitoneal lymph node dissection is a safe and feasible alternative to open surgery in appropriately selected patients,offering low morbidity.Early oncological outcomes are promising.Larger cohorts and longer follow-ups are required to validate our institution's findings. 展开更多
关键词 Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection Robotic surgery Testicular cancer Retroperitoneal node dissection
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