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作者 陈明强 张勇 +2 位作者 冯树娟 周子杨 解靖涛 《电讯技术》 北大核心 2024年第3期382-389,共8页
为了解决在全球导航卫星系统(Global Navigation Satellite System)拒止情况下无人机导航能力缺失等问题,提出了一种基于改进快速提取旋转描述子(Oriented FAST and Rotated Brief,ORB)图像特征匹配的无人机视觉导航方法。首先,为了实... 为了解决在全球导航卫星系统(Global Navigation Satellite System)拒止情况下无人机导航能力缺失等问题,提出了一种基于改进快速提取旋转描述子(Oriented FAST and Rotated Brief,ORB)图像特征匹配的无人机视觉导航方法。首先,为了实现无人机的绝对定位,提出了一种特征图像基准数据库构建方法;其次,为提取图像数据集的特征点,采用了一种结合尺度不变特征变换(Scale Invariant Feature Transform,SIFT)的尺度空间优化ORB特征提取算法;最后,为了将图像特征与图像基准数据库快速匹配并提高其匹配精度,提出了一种改进ORB特征匹配算法——ORB+GMS+PROSAC算法。通过在ArcGIS中分割图像构建基准数据库并进行实验分析,结果表明,基于ORB+GMS+PROSAC特征匹配算法性能显著提升,其中匹配准确率上升5.05%,匹配时间减少41.61%,明显优于其他传统特征匹配算法。 展开更多
关键词 视觉导航 特征提取 特征匹配 orb
作者 曹现刚 王虎生 +3 位作者 王鹏 吴旭东 向敬芳 李虎 《煤炭工程》 北大核心 2024年第6期189-195,共7页
在煤矸石分拣过程中,传统方法通过视觉识别与胶带速度预测煤矸石实时位姿,然而,由于煤矸石随胶带高速长距离运输过程中常发生打滑和跑偏现象,预测位姿与分拣区域实际位姿不一致,导致机械臂空抓、误抓,影响分拣效率。针对这一问题,提出... 在煤矸石分拣过程中,传统方法通过视觉识别与胶带速度预测煤矸石实时位姿,然而,由于煤矸石随胶带高速长距离运输过程中常发生打滑和跑偏现象,预测位姿与分拣区域实际位姿不一致,导致机械臂空抓、误抓,影响分拣效率。针对这一问题,提出了一种改进的ORB匹配算法用于煤矸石在分拣区域的二次定位,首先引入局部自适应伽马校正的oFAST特征检测,提高低光照下的匹配准确率;此外,针对矸石在高速移动中由于动态干扰产生的较多误匹配点,结合BEBLID描述子和GMS算法进行快速特征匹配,并运用随机抽样一致性算法优化匹配点选择,增强算法鲁棒性;最终,通过得到的匹配点计算最小外接矩形完成位姿获取。实验结果显示,所提算法相较于传统ORB算法在尺度、光照、视角变化下煤矸石匹配正确率分别提升了16.7%、36%和22%,平均误差为1.29 mm,平均匹配耗时在40 ms以内,适用于复杂场景下煤矸石的匹配定位。 展开更多
关键词 图像处理 特征匹配 煤矸分拣机器人 BEBLID 网格运动统计 orb
作者 田丹 陈钰坤 《沈阳大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2024年第1期34-39,85,共7页
针对遥感图像匹配中存在的误匹配率高、匹配速度慢等问题,结合相似图像局部结构一致的思想,提出一种将ORB特征提取算子与BRISK特征描述算子相结合的遥感图像匹配算法。首先使用ORB算法的特征点提取算子对特征点进行检测,再使用BRISK算... 针对遥感图像匹配中存在的误匹配率高、匹配速度慢等问题,结合相似图像局部结构一致的思想,提出一种将ORB特征提取算子与BRISK特征描述算子相结合的遥感图像匹配算法。首先使用ORB算法的特征点提取算子对特征点进行检测,再使用BRISK算法的特征点描述算子对检测到的特征点建立特征描述符,然后基于汉明距离使用暴力匹配完成特征点匹配,最后使用LPM算法剔除错误匹配点。实验结果表明:本文算法提取的特征点数量、匹配精确度和运行速度都满足遥感图像匹配的要求;相较于ORB、BRISK算法,做到了速度和精度的较好平衡,展现出了良好的匹配性能。 展开更多
关键词 遥感图像 图像匹配 orb算法 BRISK算法 LPM算法
作者 符强 腾先云 +2 位作者 纪元法 任风华 孔健明 《测绘通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期77-82,共6页
针对ORB-SLAM3算法中特征点存在易丢失、精度低,进而导致双目在复杂场景下运动轨迹误差大的问题,本文设计了一种改进的ORB-SLAM3算法。首先,在ORB特征匹配算法中引入自适应角点检测技术,增加特征点的采集数量,并采用光流法跟踪图像特征... 针对ORB-SLAM3算法中特征点存在易丢失、精度低,进而导致双目在复杂场景下运动轨迹误差大的问题,本文设计了一种改进的ORB-SLAM3算法。首先,在ORB特征匹配算法中引入自适应角点检测技术,增加特征点的采集数量,并采用光流法跟踪图像特征,提高关键帧的创建成功率;其次,以特征点为中心,作区域搜索,提高实时性;然后,采用双向左右一致性检验筛选最优视差,应用Prosac算法去除误匹配点对;最后,结合深度信息对关键帧进行筛选,提高关键帧的质量,优化相机位姿。采用KITTI和EuRoc数据集进行了试验,验证了改进算法在绝对轨迹误差上具有良好的优化效果。 展开更多
关键词 双目视觉 orb-SLAM3 光流法 Prosac算法
作者 薛金林 褚阳阳 +2 位作者 宋悦 温瑜 张田煜 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期42-51,59,共11页
针对果园阴暗光照条件下图像特征点匹配数量少、易丢失以及点云稀疏问题,对ORB-SLAM2算法进行了改进,提出了基于自适应阈值ORB特征点提取的果园双目三维地图稠密建图算法。首先在跟踪线程中提出一种自适应阈值的FAST角点提取方法,通过... 针对果园阴暗光照条件下图像特征点匹配数量少、易丢失以及点云稀疏问题,对ORB-SLAM2算法进行了改进,提出了基于自适应阈值ORB特征点提取的果园双目三维地图稠密建图算法。首先在跟踪线程中提出一种自适应阈值的FAST角点提取方法,通过计算不同光照下图像平均像素求解阈值,对左右目图像提取ORB特征,增加了不同光照条件下的特征点匹配数量;然后根据特征点估计相机位姿完成局部地图跟踪,对跟踪线程产生的关键帧地图点进行BA优化完成局部地图构建。在原有算法基础上添加了基于ZED-stereo型相机双目深度融合的稠密建图模块,对左右目关键帧进行特征匹配获得图像对,利用图像对求解深度信息获取地图点,经过深度优化获取相机位姿,根据相机位姿进行局部点云的构建与拼接,最终对获得的点云地图进行全局BA优化,构建果园三维稠密地图。在KITTI数据集序列上进行测试,本文所改进的ORB-SLAM2算法的绝对轨迹误差更加收敛,轨迹误差标准差在00和07序列分别下降60.5%和62.6%,在其他序列上也有不同程度下降,表明本文算法定位精度较原始算法有所提高。不同光照环境下进行算法性能测试,结果表明本文算法较原始算法能更好地适应不同光照条件,在较强光照、正常光照、偏弱光照和阴雨天气下特征点平均匹配数量增加5.32%、4.53%、8.93%、12.91%。进行果园直线和稠密建图试验,结果表明直线行驶偏航角更加收敛,定位精确度高,关键帧提取数量较原始算法下降2.86%、平均跟踪时间减少39.3%;稠密建图效果好,能够很好地反映机器人位姿和果园真实环境信息,满足果园三维稠密点云地图构建需求,可为果园机器人导航路径规划提供支持。 展开更多
关键词 果园 稠密建图 自适应阈值 特征提取 orb-SLAM2 双目相机
作者 李冰 赖祖龙 +1 位作者 孙杰 丁开华 《测绘通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期126-130,149,共6页
针对ORB算法面对光照变化时提取特征点数量不稳定及特征点定位精度仅有像素级的问题,本文设计了一种基于前背景对比的自适应阈值方法,且结合现有的亚像素定位方法对ORB算法进行了改进。同时为了避免RANSAC算法因需人工设置阈值导致误差... 针对ORB算法面对光照变化时提取特征点数量不稳定及特征点定位精度仅有像素级的问题,本文设计了一种基于前背景对比的自适应阈值方法,且结合现有的亚像素定位方法对ORB算法进行了改进。同时为了避免RANSAC算法因需人工设置阈值导致误差的问题,将MAGSAC++算法引入特征匹配过程,用于误匹配剔除。试验结果表明,改进算法能够获取数量较多的匹配数目,对光照变化具有更好的稳健性,且匹配精度提高了7%以上。 展开更多
关键词 orb算法 特征提取 自适应阈值 影像匹配 误匹配剔除
作者 张钧程 柯福阳 王旭 《电子测量技术》 北大核心 2024年第3期91-101,共11页
由于传统的ORB特征点提取匹配方法在图像纹理信息不丰富或者光照变化剧烈时极易产生特征点丢失、分布不均等问题,不利于SLAM系统的定位与建图。为此本文提出了一套较为鲁棒、精度较高的提取匹配算法。首先基于ORB特征点对其提取算法进... 由于传统的ORB特征点提取匹配方法在图像纹理信息不丰富或者光照变化剧烈时极易产生特征点丢失、分布不均等问题,不利于SLAM系统的定位与建图。为此本文提出了一套较为鲁棒、精度较高的提取匹配算法。首先基于ORB特征点对其提取算法进行改进,计算自适应阈值并基于网格模型提取特征点,可提高特征点提取的鲁棒性并使其分布均匀。此外还提出了G-R图像匹配算法,基于网格特征计算邻域支持估计量来区分正误匹配点,再结合引入评价函数的RANSAC算法进一步剔除误匹配点,相比ORB-SLAM2原始匹配算法提高匹配精度9.36%,并减少时间消耗约13.6%。最后将本文提出的特征点提取匹配算法加入到ORB-SLAM2算法框架,经数据集与实际场景验证本文方法能有效提高ORB-SLAM2系统定位精度36.6%以上,使系统更具鲁棒性。 展开更多
关键词 数字图像处理 orb特征点 视觉SLAM 四叉树 GMS匹配
作者 仝保国 刘凌云 《包装与食品机械》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第1期60-66,共7页
针对传统的图像识别算法识别多品种工件,存在运行时间长、识别率低等问题,提出基于改进ORB-SVM的工件图像识别方法。在传统ORB算法的特征点检测基础上,采用SIFT算法获得具有旋转尺度不变性的图像特征描述,并利用词袋模型将图像特征转化... 针对传统的图像识别算法识别多品种工件,存在运行时间长、识别率低等问题,提出基于改进ORB-SVM的工件图像识别方法。在传统ORB算法的特征点检测基础上,采用SIFT算法获得具有旋转尺度不变性的图像特征描述,并利用词袋模型将图像特征转化为特征直方图,进而构建支持向量机(SVM)的分类模型,实现对工件的识别分类。试验结果表明:改进的ORB-SVM在应对旋转变换、光照变换、尺度变换时更具鲁棒性,且工件识别准确率高达98.89%,单个工件的识别时间低于0.43 s,具有良好的高效性和实用性。研究为多领域的工件识别提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 工件识别 特征检测 orb算法 词袋模型 支持向量机
作者 朱志浩 鹿志旭 +1 位作者 郭毓 高直 《电子科技》 2024年第4期55-61,共7页
针对传统图像识别算法匹配正确率低、运行时间较长等问题,文中提出了基于改进ORB-FLANN(Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF-Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors)的工件图像识别方法。对ORB算法特征描述、图像特征匹配算法... 针对传统图像识别算法匹配正确率低、运行时间较长等问题,文中提出了基于改进ORB-FLANN(Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF-Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors)的工件图像识别方法。对ORB算法特征描述、图像特征匹配算法进行修改,解决传统图像识别算法在图像存在尺度和旋转变换情况下存在的弊端并降低误匹配率。该方法对ORB算法检测到的特征点采用SURF(Speeded Up Robust Features)算法添加方向信息并完成特征描述,得到旋转尺度不变性的特征点,结合FLANN算法并引入双向匹配策略进行特征点粗匹配,最后利用渐进采样一致算法进一步剔除误匹配点对完成精匹配。实验结果表明,与其他方法相比,改进算法在处理尺度、旋转等变换图像时,匹配正确率分别提高了2.6%~18.8%和29.5%~43.9%,运行时长均在4 s以内,提高了对工件图像的识别效率和精准性。 展开更多
关键词 图像识别 orb算法 SURF算法 FLANN算法 双向匹配 渐进采样一致 匹配正确率 工件图像
作者 尹书林 董峦 +1 位作者 尤永鹏 李佳航 《湖北农业科学》 2024年第8期96-103,共8页
针对当前生产环境下难以对植物进行精细三维重建的问题,提出一种基于ORB-SLAM3的番茄植株三维重建方法,利用深度相机采集RGB-D图像信息,根据前后帧图像特征点信息进行位姿估计,设计点云稠密重建模块,实现温室环境下番茄植株三维重建。... 针对当前生产环境下难以对植物进行精细三维重建的问题,提出一种基于ORB-SLAM3的番茄植株三维重建方法,利用深度相机采集RGB-D图像信息,根据前后帧图像特征点信息进行位姿估计,设计点云稠密重建模块,实现温室环境下番茄植株三维重建。结果表明,该方法在轨迹估计上整体表现较好,估计的轨迹没有重大漂移,较Elasticfusion方法、BadSlam方法估计的轨迹更贴合实际轨迹,位姿跟踪具有一定鲁棒性,且使用的关键帧数量较少,降低了冗余信息对算法的干扰;该方法重建的点云果径与实际果径平均绝对误差为1.48 mm,与实际情况十分接近,点云还原度高,重建品质较好,滤波算法没有对果实表型信息造成破坏,信息保留完整;该方法能够在温室环境下获取准确的位姿信息,并生成番茄植株三维模型,三维重建精度高,可以满足温室环境下番茄植株三维重建及番茄采摘机器人目标定位需要。 展开更多
关键词 三维重建 RGB-D orb-SLAM3 番茄植株 温室环境
作者 季莘翔 王宇钢 林一鸣 《机械工程师》 2024年第3期26-30,33,共6页
针对传统ORB(Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF)算法提取图像特征时存在的特征点数量不足且分布不均匀问题,提出了一种基于四叉树的ORB特征阶梯分布算法。通过四叉树算法分割出特征点疏密不同的区域,对每个区域采用逐步降低阈值的方法,... 针对传统ORB(Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF)算法提取图像特征时存在的特征点数量不足且分布不均匀问题,提出了一种基于四叉树的ORB特征阶梯分布算法。通过四叉树算法分割出特征点疏密不同的区域,对每个区域采用逐步降低阈值的方法,实现FAST(Features from Accelerated Segment Test)角点自适应提取;同时依据分割区域设置逐次递减的分割深度和特征点提取比例,以减少运算时间和特征冗余,使特征点分布更均匀。采用覆盖均匀度对特征点的均匀性进行量化。试验结果表明,该算法比传统ORB算法单幅图片的特征点提取数量平均多10.45%,覆盖均匀度平均低20%,运行时间比Mur-Artal算法平均减少20.54%,有效地提高了提取特征点的数量和均匀性,提升了运算效率。 展开更多
关键词 orb算法 四叉树 阶梯分布 覆盖均匀度 视觉同步定位与建图
作者 伍朗 易诗 +1 位作者 陈梦婷 李立 《红外技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期419-426,共8页
异源图像配准中,由于图像的成像机理差异,图像像素强度关联和旋转畸变是不可避免的两大问题,针对图像像素强度关联问题,提出了基于辐射不变特征变换(radiation-variation insensitive feature transform,RIFT)的图像配准算法,对图像间... 异源图像配准中,由于图像的成像机理差异,图像像素强度关联和旋转畸变是不可避免的两大问题,针对图像像素强度关联问题,提出了基于辐射不变特征变换(radiation-variation insensitive feature transform,RIFT)的图像配准算法,对图像间像素关联差异小的图像对配准有良好的精度,但对旋转畸变图像会产生较多错误匹配。对于旋转畸变问题,传统的ORB(oriented fast and rotated brief)算法,对旋转图像的配准有一定的稳定性,但对于强度变化不明显的图像对,特征点检测质量较低,配准精度不理想。因此本文将相位一致性(phase consistency,PC)融合进ORB算法,利用相位信息代替传统的图像强度信息,再构造旋转不变性BRIEF特征描述子,对图像像素强度变化和旋转畸变均具有鲁棒性。用图像像素强度关联不明显的红外图像和可见光图像进行配准实验,本文算法针对不同旋转幅度的图像的配准精度较高,RMSE稳定在1.7~2.1,优于RIFT算法,在特征点检测数量、配准精度和效率等性能上均有良好性能。 展开更多
关键词 图像配准 特征匹配 相位一致性 旋转不变性 orb算法
作者 李淮周 王帅军 +3 位作者 王宏 曹祥红 白振鹏 李森 《红外技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期831-837,共7页
针对传统特征匹配算法计算效率低、误匹配率高和双目视觉测量精度不足等问题,提出了一种基于自适应几何约束和随机抽样一致性方法的ORB(Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF)红外双目测距方法。首先,通过FAST(Features from Accelerated Se... 针对传统特征匹配算法计算效率低、误匹配率高和双目视觉测量精度不足等问题,提出了一种基于自适应几何约束和随机抽样一致性方法的ORB(Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF)红外双目测距方法。首先,通过FAST(Features from Accelerated Segment Test)算法与BRIEF(Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features)算法检测并描述关键点,采用快速最近邻搜索的算法完成特征点初始匹配。然后,根据初始匹配点对的斜率与距离选择相应的阈值,构建基于斜率与距离的几何约束,剔除明显错误匹配点对。最后利用随机抽样一致性方法去除异常点完成精匹配,结合热像仪标定参数计算出目标物体的距离。实验结果表明,改进的ORB算法与传统算法相比,具有较好的特征点质量和较高的测量精度,测距平均绝对误差为1.64%,具有较好的实用价值。 展开更多
关键词 orb算法 热红外 双目测距 自适应阈值 几何约束
作者 周晓睿 杨磊 +2 位作者 娄莉娟 宋欣 陈江涛 《天津农学院学报》 CAS 2024年第1期88-94,共7页
随着SLAM系统的不断发展,人们对定位服务的要求越来越高,提高定位精度是一直以来不断研究的课题。为了能以更高定位精度的方式来获取图像中的语义信息,本文首先通过对比One stage算法中的网络模型选用了YOLOV5网络模型对目标物体进行检... 随着SLAM系统的不断发展,人们对定位服务的要求越来越高,提高定位精度是一直以来不断研究的课题。为了能以更高定位精度的方式来获取图像中的语义信息,本文首先通过对比One stage算法中的网络模型选用了YOLOV5网络模型对目标物体进行检测和识别,提出一种基于动态区域内剔除动态特征点的SLAM算法,利用训练的网络提取图像中语义信息并对动态目标特征点进行剔除,在公开TUM数据集上进行验证,通过对比真实轨迹和本文算法的估计轨迹来进行误差分析。试验结果表明,本文提出的改进算法相对位移误差的均方根误差减小了97.83%,相对旋转误差的均平方根误差减小了96.80%。 展开更多
关键词 orb-SLAM2 目标检测 语义信息 SLAM系统 动态区域
Enhanced Object Detection and Classification via Multi-Method Fusion
作者 Muhammad Waqas Ahmed Nouf Abdullah Almujally +2 位作者 Abdulwahab Alazeb Asaad Algarni Jeongmin Park 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第5期3315-3331,共17页
Advances in machine vision systems have revolutionized applications such as autonomous driving,robotic navigation,and augmented reality.Despite substantial progress,challenges persist,including dynamic backgrounds,occ... Advances in machine vision systems have revolutionized applications such as autonomous driving,robotic navigation,and augmented reality.Despite substantial progress,challenges persist,including dynamic backgrounds,occlusion,and limited labeled data.To address these challenges,we introduce a comprehensive methodology toenhance image classification and object detection accuracy.The proposed approach involves the integration ofmultiple methods in a complementary way.The process commences with the application of Gaussian filters tomitigate the impact of noise interference.These images are then processed for segmentation using Fuzzy C-Meanssegmentation in parallel with saliency mapping techniques to find the most prominent regions.The Binary RobustIndependent Elementary Features(BRIEF)characteristics are then extracted fromdata derived fromsaliency mapsand segmented images.For precise object separation,Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF(ORB)algorithms areemployed.Genetic Algorithms(GAs)are used to optimize Random Forest classifier parameters which lead toimproved performance.Our method stands out due to its comprehensive approach,adeptly addressing challengessuch as changing backdrops,occlusion,and limited labeled data concurrently.A significant enhancement hasbeen achieved by integrating Genetic Algorithms(GAs)to precisely optimize parameters.This minor adjustmentnot only boosts the uniqueness of our system but also amplifies its overall efficacy.The proposed methodologyhas demonstrated notable classification accuracies of 90.9%and 89.0%on the challenging Corel-1k and MSRCdatasets,respectively.Furthermore,detection accuracies of 87.2%and 86.6%have been attained.Although ourmethod performed well in both datasets it may face difficulties in real-world data especially where datasets havehighly complex backgrounds.Despite these limitations,GAintegration for parameter optimization shows a notablestrength in enhancing the overall adaptability and performance of our system. 展开更多
关键词 BRIEF features saliency map fuzzy c-means object detection object recognition
Floating Waste Discovery by Request via Object-Centric Learning
作者 Bingfei Fu 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第7期1407-1424,共18页
Discovering floating wastes,especially bottles on water,is a crucial research problem in environmental hygiene.Nevertheless,real-world applications often face challenges such as interference from irrelevant objects an... Discovering floating wastes,especially bottles on water,is a crucial research problem in environmental hygiene.Nevertheless,real-world applications often face challenges such as interference from irrelevant objects and the high cost associated with data collection.Consequently,devising algorithms capable of accurately localizing specific objects within a scene in scenarios where annotated data is limited remains a formidable challenge.To solve this problem,this paper proposes an object discovery by request problem setting and a corresponding algorithmic framework.The proposed problem setting aims to identify specified objects in scenes,and the associated algorithmic framework comprises pseudo data generation and object discovery by request network.Pseudo-data generation generates images resembling natural scenes through various data augmentation rules,using a small number of object samples and scene images.The network structure of object discovery by request utilizes the pre-trained Vision Transformer(ViT)model as the backbone,employs object-centric methods to learn the latent representations of foreground objects,and applies patch-level reconstruction constraints to the model.During the validation phase,we use the generated pseudo datasets as training sets and evaluate the performance of our model on the original test sets.Experiments have proved that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles-Bottle Detection(UAV-BD)dataset and self-constructed dataset Bottle,especially in multi-object scenarios. 展开更多
关键词 Unsupervised object discovery object-centric learning pseudo data generation real-world object discovery by request
Two-Layer Attention Feature Pyramid Network for Small Object Detection
作者 Sheng Xiang Junhao Ma +2 位作者 Qunli Shang Xianbao Wang Defu Chen 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第10期713-731,共19页
Effective small object detection is crucial in various applications including urban intelligent transportation and pedestrian detection.However,small objects are difficult to detect accurately because they contain les... Effective small object detection is crucial in various applications including urban intelligent transportation and pedestrian detection.However,small objects are difficult to detect accurately because they contain less information.Many current methods,particularly those based on Feature Pyramid Network(FPN),address this challenge by leveraging multi-scale feature fusion.However,existing FPN-based methods often suffer from inadequate feature fusion due to varying resolutions across different layers,leading to suboptimal small object detection.To address this problem,we propose the Two-layerAttention Feature Pyramid Network(TA-FPN),featuring two key modules:the Two-layer Attention Module(TAM)and the Small Object Detail Enhancement Module(SODEM).TAM uses the attention module to make the network more focused on the semantic information of the object and fuse it to the lower layer,so that each layer contains similar semantic information,to alleviate the problem of small object information being submerged due to semantic gaps between different layers.At the same time,SODEM is introduced to strengthen the local features of the object,suppress background noise,enhance the information details of the small object,and fuse the enhanced features to other feature layers to ensure that each layer is rich in small object information,to improve small object detection accuracy.Our extensive experiments on challenging datasets such as Microsoft Common Objects inContext(MSCOCO)and Pattern Analysis Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning,Visual Object Classes(PASCAL VOC)demonstrate the validity of the proposedmethod.Experimental results show a significant improvement in small object detection accuracy compared to state-of-theart detectors. 展开更多
关键词 Small object detection two-layer attention module small object detail enhancement module feature pyramid network
A Secure and Cost-Effective Training Framework Atop Serverless Computing for Object Detection in Blasting
作者 Tianming Zhang Zebin Chen +4 位作者 Haonan Guo Bojun Ren Quanmin Xie Mengke Tian Yong Wang 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第5期2139-2154,共16页
The data analysis of blasting sites has always been the research goal of relevant researchers.The rise of mobile blasting robots has aroused many researchers’interest in machine learning methods for target detection ... The data analysis of blasting sites has always been the research goal of relevant researchers.The rise of mobile blasting robots has aroused many researchers’interest in machine learning methods for target detection in the field of blasting.Serverless Computing can provide a variety of computing services for people without hardware foundations and rich software development experience,which has aroused people’s interest in how to use it in the field ofmachine learning.In this paper,we design a distributedmachine learning training application based on the AWS Lambda platform.Based on data parallelism,the data aggregation and training synchronization in Function as a Service(FaaS)are effectively realized.It also encrypts the data set,effectively reducing the risk of data leakage.We rent a cloud server and a Lambda,and then we conduct experiments to evaluate our applications.Our results indicate the effectiveness,rapidity,and economy of distributed training on FaaS. 展开更多
关键词 Serverless computing object detection BLASTING
Learning Discriminatory Information for Object Detection on Urine Sediment Image
作者 Sixian Chan Binghui Wu +2 位作者 Guodao Zhang Yuan Yao Hongqiang Wang 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第1期411-428,共18页
In clinical practice,the microscopic examination of urine sediment is considered an important in vitro examination with many broad applications.Measuring the amount of each type of urine sediment allows for screening,... In clinical practice,the microscopic examination of urine sediment is considered an important in vitro examination with many broad applications.Measuring the amount of each type of urine sediment allows for screening,diagnosis and evaluation of kidney and urinary tract disease,providing insight into the specific type and severity.However,manual urine sediment examination is labor-intensive,time-consuming,and subjective.Traditional machine learning based object detection methods require hand-crafted features for localization and classification,which have poor generalization capabilities and are difficult to quickly and accurately detect the number of urine sediments.Deep learning based object detection methods have the potential to address the challenges mentioned above,but these methods require access to large urine sediment image datasets.Unfortunately,only a limited number of publicly available urine sediment datasets are currently available.To alleviate the lack of urine sediment datasets in medical image analysis,we propose a new dataset named UriSed2K,which contains 2465 high-quality images annotated with expert guidance.Two main challenges are associated with our dataset:a large number of small objects and the occlusion between these small objects.Our manuscript focuses on applying deep learning object detection methods to the urine sediment dataset and addressing the challenges presented by this dataset.Specifically,our goal is to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the detection algorithm and,in doing so,provide medical professionals with an automatic detector that saves time and effort.We propose an improved lightweight one-stage object detection algorithm called Discriminatory-YOLO.The proposed algorithm comprises a local context attention module and a global background suppression module,which aid the detector in distinguishing urine sediment features in the image.The local context attention module captures context information beyond the object region,while the global background suppression module emphasizes objects in uninformative backgrounds.We comprehensively evaluate our method on the UriSed2K dataset,which includes seven categories of urine sediments,such as erythrocytes(red blood cells),leukocytes(white blood cells),epithelial cells,crystals,mycetes,broken erythrocytes,and broken leukocytes,achieving the best average precision(AP)of 95.3%while taking only 10 ms per image.The source code and dataset are available at https://github.com/binghuiwu98/discriminatoryyolov5. 展开更多
关键词 object detection attention mechanism medical image urine sediment
Enhancing Dense Small Object Detection in UAV Images Based on Hybrid Transformer
作者 Changfeng Feng Chunping Wang +2 位作者 Dongdong Zhang Renke Kou Qiang Fu 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第3期3993-4013,共21页
Transformer-based models have facilitated significant advances in object detection.However,their extensive computational consumption and suboptimal detection of dense small objects curtail their applicability in unman... Transformer-based models have facilitated significant advances in object detection.However,their extensive computational consumption and suboptimal detection of dense small objects curtail their applicability in unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)imagery.Addressing these limitations,we propose a hybrid transformer-based detector,H-DETR,and enhance it for dense small objects,leading to an accurate and efficient model.Firstly,we introduce a hybrid transformer encoder,which integrates a convolutional neural network-based cross-scale fusion module with the original encoder to handle multi-scale feature sequences more efficiently.Furthermore,we propose two novel strategies to enhance detection performance without incurring additional inference computation.Query filter is designed to cope with the dense clustering inherent in drone-captured images by counteracting similar queries with a training-aware non-maximum suppression.Adversarial denoising learning is a novel enhancement method inspired by adversarial learning,which improves the detection of numerous small targets by counteracting the effects of artificial spatial and semantic noise.Extensive experiments on the VisDrone and UAVDT datasets substantiate the effectiveness of our approach,achieving a significant improvement in accuracy with a reduction in computational complexity.Our method achieves 31.9%and 21.1%AP on the VisDrone and UAVDT datasets,respectively,and has a faster inference speed,making it a competitive model in UAV image object detection. 展开更多
关键词 UAV images TRANSFORMER dense small object detection
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