cases suffering from different kinds of headache were treated by the authors with scalp acupuncture with movement. The results of instant and long term therapeutic effects show that the scalp acupuncture with movement...cases suffering from different kinds of headache were treated by the authors with scalp acupuncture with movement. The results of instant and long term therapeutic effects show that the scalp acupuncture with movement is a simple and effective skill. The instant therapeutic effects: the headache in 163 cases disappeared; in 9 cases the effect was quite obvious; and in 7 cases it was effective; the total effective rate amounted to 98.9%. The long term therapeutic effects: 135 cases (74.6%) were cured. The toral effective rate was 77.2%.展开更多
文摘cases suffering from different kinds of headache were treated by the authors with scalp acupuncture with movement. The results of instant and long term therapeutic effects show that the scalp acupuncture with movement is a simple and effective skill. The instant therapeutic effects: the headache in 163 cases disappeared; in 9 cases the effect was quite obvious; and in 7 cases it was effective; the total effective rate amounted to 98.9%. The long term therapeutic effects: 135 cases (74.6%) were cured. The toral effective rate was 77.2%.