A remarkable marine heatwave,known as the“Blob”,occurred in the Northeast Pacific Ocean from late 2013 to early 2016,which displayed strong warm anomalies extending from the surface to a depth of 300 m.This study em...A remarkable marine heatwave,known as the“Blob”,occurred in the Northeast Pacific Ocean from late 2013 to early 2016,which displayed strong warm anomalies extending from the surface to a depth of 300 m.This study employed two assimilation schemes based on the global Climate Forecast System of Nanjing University of Information Science(NUIST-CFS 1.0)to investigate the impact of ocean data assimilation on the seasonal prediction of this extreme marine heatwave.The sea surface temperature(SST)nudging scheme assimilates SST only,while the deterministic ensemble Kalman filter(EnKF)scheme assimilates observations from the surface to the deep ocean.The latter notably improves the forecasting skill for subsurface temperature anomalies,especially at the depth of 100-300 m(the lower layer),outperforming the SST nudging scheme.It excels in predicting both horizontal and vertical heat transport in the lower layer,contributing to improved forecasts of the lower-layer warming during the Blob.These improvements stem from the assimilation of subsurface observational data,which are important in predicting the upper-ocean conditions.The results suggest that assimilating ocean data with the EnKF scheme significantly enhances the accuracy in predicting subsurface temperature anomalies during the Blob and offers better understanding of its underlying mechanisms.展开更多
The development and application of a regional ocean data assimilation system are among the aims of the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment. The ocean data assimilation system in the regions including the Indian ...The development and application of a regional ocean data assimilation system are among the aims of the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment. The ocean data assimilation system in the regions including the Indian and West Pacific oceans is an endeavor motivated by this goal. In this study, we describe the system in detail. Moreover, the reanalysis in the joint area of Asia, the Indian Ocean, and the western Pacific Ocean (hereafter AIPOcean) constructed using multi-year model integration with data assimilation is used to test the performance of this system. The ocean model is an eddy-resolving, hybrid coordinate ocean model. Various types of observations including in-situ temperature and salinity profiles (mechanical bathythermograph, expendable bathythermograph, Array for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanography, Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Array, conductivity-temperature-depth, station data), remotely-sensed sea surface temperature, and altimetry sea level anomalies, are assimilated into the reanalysis via the ensemble optimal interpolation method. An ensemble of model states sampled from a long-term integration is allowed to change with season, rather than remaining stationary. The estimated background error covariance matrix may reasonably reflect the seasonality and anisotropy. We evaluate the performance of AIPOcean during the period 1993-2006 by comparisons with independent observations, and some reanalysis products. We show that AIPOcean reduces the errors of subsurface temperature and salinity, and reproduces mesoscale eddies. In contrast to ECCO and SODA products, AIPOcean captures the interannual variability and linear trend of sea level anomalies very well. AIPOcean also shows a good consistency with tide gauges.展开更多
A weakly coupled assimilation system, in which SST observations are assimilated into a coupled climate model (CAS- ESM-C) through an ensemble optimal interpolation scheme, was established. This system is a useful to...A weakly coupled assimilation system, in which SST observations are assimilated into a coupled climate model (CAS- ESM-C) through an ensemble optimal interpolation scheme, was established. This system is a useful tool for historical climate simulation, showing substantial advantages, including maintaining the atmospheric feedback, and keeping the oceanic tields from drifting far away from the observation, among others. During the coupled model integration, the bias of both surface and subsurface oceanic fields in the analysis can be reduced compared to unassimilated fields. Based on 30 model years of ot.tput fiom the system, the climatology and imerannual variability of the climate system were evaluated. The results showed that the system can reasonably reproduce the climatological global precipitation and SLP, bul it still sutters from the double ITCZ problem. Besides, the ENSO footprint, which is revealed by ENSO-related surface air temperature, geopotential height and precipitation during El Nifio evolution, is basically reproduced by the system. The system can also simulate the observed SST-rainfall relationships well on both interannual and intraseasonal timescales in the western North Pacific region, in which atmospheric feedback is crucial for climate simulation.展开更多
An ensemble optimal interpolation(EnOI)data assimilation method is applied in the BCCCSM1.1 to investigate the impact of ocean data assimilations on seasonal forecasts in an idealized twin experiment framework.Pseudoo...An ensemble optimal interpolation(EnOI)data assimilation method is applied in the BCCCSM1.1 to investigate the impact of ocean data assimilations on seasonal forecasts in an idealized twin experiment framework.Pseudoobservations of sea surface temperature(SST),sea surface height(SSH),sea surface salinity(SSS),temperature and salinity(T/S)profiles were first generated in a free model run.Then,a series of sensitivity tests initialized with predefined bias were conducted for a one-year period;this involved a free run(CTR)and seven assimilation runs.These tests allowed us to check the analysis field accuracy against the"truth".As expected,data assimilation improved all investigated quantities;the joint assimilation of all variables gave more improved results than assimilating them separately.One-year predictions initialized from the seven runs and CTR were then conducted and compared.The forecasts initialized from joint assimilation of surface data produced comparable SST root mean square errors to that from assimilation of T/S profiles,but the assimilation of T/S profiles is crucial to reduce subsurface deficiencies.The ocean surface currents in the tropics were better predicted when initial conditions produced by assimilating T/S profiles,while surface data assimilation became more important at higher latitudes,particularly near the western boundary currents.The predictions of ocean heat content and mixed layer depth are significantly improved initialized from the joint assimilation of all the variables.Finally,a central Pacific El Ni?o was well predicted from the joint assimilation of surface data,indicating the importance of joint assimilation of SST,SSH,and SSS for ENSO predictions.展开更多
A four-dimensional variational data assimilation (4DVar) system of the LASG/IAP Climate Ocean Model, version 1.0 (LICOM1.0), named LICOM-3DVM, has been developed using the three-dimensional variational data assimi...A four-dimensional variational data assimilation (4DVar) system of the LASG/IAP Climate Ocean Model, version 1.0 (LICOM1.0), named LICOM-3DVM, has been developed using the three-dimensional variational data assimilation of mapped observation (3DVM), a 4DVar method newly proposed in the past two years. Two experiments with 12-year model integrations were designed to validate it. One is the assimilation run, called ASSM, which incorporated the analyzed weekly sea surface temperature (SST) fields from Reynolds and Smith (OISST) between 1990 and 2001 once a week by the LICOM-3DVM. The other is the control run without any assimilation, named CTL. ASSM shows that the simulated temperatures of the upper ocean (above 50 meters), especially the SST of equatorial Pacific, coincide with the Tropic Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) mooring data, the World Ocean Atlas 2001 (WOA01) data and the Met Office Hadley Centre's sea ice and sea surface temperature (HadISST) data. It decreased the cold bias existing in CTL in the eastern Pacific and produced a Nifio index that agrees with observation well. The validation results suggest that the LICOM-3DVM is able to effectively adjust the model results of the ocean temperature, although it's hard to correct the subsurface results and it even makes them worse in some areas due to the incorporation of only surface data. Future development of the LICOM-3DVM is to include subsurface in situ observations and satellite observations to further improve model simulations.展开更多
The first version of the Brazilian Oceano- graphic Modeling and Observation Network (REMO) ocean data assimilation system into the Hybrid Coordi- nate Ocean Model (HYCOM) (RODAS H) has recently been constructed ...The first version of the Brazilian Oceano- graphic Modeling and Observation Network (REMO) ocean data assimilation system into the Hybrid Coordi- nate Ocean Model (HYCOM) (RODAS H) has recently been constructed for research and operational purposes. The system is based on a multivariate Ensemble Optimal Interpolation (EnOI) scheme and considers the high fre- quency variability of the model error co-variance matrix. The EnOl can assimilate sea surface temperature (SST), satellite along-track and gridded sea level anomalies (SLA), and vertical profiles of temperature (T) and salinity (S) from Argo. The first observing system experiment was carried out over the Atlantic Ocean (78°S-50°N, 100°W-20°E) with HYCOM forced with atmospheric reanalysis from 1 January to 30 June 2010. Five integra- tions were performed, including the control run without assimilation. In the other four, different observations were assimilated: SST only (A SST); Argo T-S profiles only (AArgo); along-track SLA only (A_SLA); and all data employed in the previous runs (A_All). The A_SST, A_Argo, and A_SLA runs were very effective in improv- ing the representation of the assimilated variables, but they had relatively little impact on the variables that were not assimilated. In particular, only the assimilation of S was able to reduce the deviation of S with respect to ob- servations. Overall, the A_All run produced a good analy- sis by reducing the deviation of SST, T, and S with respect to the control run by 39%, 18%, and 30%, respectively, and by increasing the correlation of SLA by 81%.展开更多
The Argo(Array for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanography) data from 1998 to 2003 were used in the Beijing Climate Center-Global Ocean Data Assimilation System(BCC-GODAS). The results show that the utilization of Argo glo...The Argo(Array for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanography) data from 1998 to 2003 were used in the Beijing Climate Center-Global Ocean Data Assimilation System(BCC-GODAS). The results show that the utilization of Argo global ocean data in BCC-GODAS brings about remarkable improvements in assimilation effects. The assimilated sea surface temperature(SST) of BCC-GODAS can well represent the climatological states of observational data. Comparison experiments based on a global coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model(AOCGM) were conducted for exploring the roles of ocean data assimilation system with or without Argo data in improving the climate predictability of rainfall in boreal summer. Firstly, the global ocean data assimilation system BCC-GODAS was used to obtain ocean assimilation data under the conditions with or without Argo data. Then, the global coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model(AOCGM) was utilized to do hindcast experiments with the two sets of the assimilation data as initial oceanic fields. The simulated results demonstrate that the seasonal predictability of rainfall in boreal summer, particularly in China, increases greatly when initial oceanic conditions with Argo data are utilized. The distribution of summer rainfall in China hindcast by the AOGCM under the condition when Argo data are used is more in accordance with observation than that when no Agro data are used. The area of positive correlation between hindcast and observation enlarges and the hindcast skill of rainfall over China in summer improves significantly when Argo data are used.展开更多
With the motivation to improve the simulation of the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM) in coupled climate models, oceanic data assimilation(DA) was used in CAS-ESM-C(Chinese Academy of Sciences–Earth System Model–Clim...With the motivation to improve the simulation of the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM) in coupled climate models, oceanic data assimilation(DA) was used in CAS-ESM-C(Chinese Academy of Sciences–Earth System Model–Climate Component) in this study. Observed sea surface temperature was assimilated into CAS-ESM-C. The climatology and interannual variability of the EASM simulated in CAS-ESM-C with DA were compared with a traditional AMIP-type run.Results showed that the climatological spatial pattern and annual cycle of precipitation in the western North Paci?c, and the ENSO-related and EASM-related EASM circulation and precipitation, were largely improved. As shown in this study, air–sea coupling is important for EASM simulation. In addition, oceanic DA synchronizes the coupled model with the real world without breaking the air–sea coupling process. These two successful factors make the assimilation experiment a more reasonable experimental design than traditional AMIP-type simulations.展开更多
The Indonesian Throughflow(ITF), which connects the tropical Pacific and Indian oceans, plays important roles in the inter-ocean water exchange and regional or even global climate variability. The Makassar Strait is t...The Indonesian Throughflow(ITF), which connects the tropical Pacific and Indian oceans, plays important roles in the inter-ocean water exchange and regional or even global climate variability. The Makassar Strait is the main inflow passage of the ITF, carrying about 77% of the total ITF volume transport. In this study, we analyze the simulated ITF in the Makassar Strait in the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation version 3(SODA3) datasets. A total of nine ensemble members of the SODA3 datasets, of which are driven by different surface forcings and bulk formulas, and with or without data assimilation, are used in this study. The annual mean water transports(i.e.,volume, heat and freshwater) are related to the combination of surface forcing and bulk formula, as well as whether data assimilation is employed. The phases of the seasonal and interannual variability in water transports cross the Makassar Strait, are basically consistent with each other among the SODA3 ensemble members. The interannual variability in Makassar Strait volume and heat transports are significantly correlated with El Ni?oSouthern Oscillation(ENSO) at time lags of-6 to 7 months. There is no statistically significant correlation between the freshwater transport and the ENSO. The Makassar Strait water transports are not significantly correlated with the Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD), which may attribute to model deficiency in simulating the propagation of semiannual Kelvin waves from the Indian Ocean to the Makassar Strait.展开更多
Using Ensemble Adjustment Kalman Filter(EAKF), two types of ocean satellite datasets were assimilated into the First Institute of Oceanography Earth System Model(FIO-ESM), v1.0. One control experiment without data ass...Using Ensemble Adjustment Kalman Filter(EAKF), two types of ocean satellite datasets were assimilated into the First Institute of Oceanography Earth System Model(FIO-ESM), v1.0. One control experiment without data assimilation and four assimilation experiments were conducted. All the experiments were ensemble runs for 1-year period and each ensemble started from different initial conditions. One assimilation experiment was designed to assimilate sea level anomaly(SLA); another, to assimilate sea surface temperature(SST); and the other two assimilation experiments were designed to assimilate both SLA and SST but in different orders. To examine the effects of data assimilation, all the results were compared with an objective analysis dataset of EN3. Different from the ocean model without coupling, the momentum and heat fluxes were calculated via air-sea coupling in FIO-ESM, which makes the relations among variables closer to the reality. The outputs after the assimilation of satellite data were improved on the whole, especially at depth shallower than 1000 m. The effects due to the assimilation of different kinds of satellite datasets were somewhat different. The improvement due to SST assimilation was greater near the surface, while the improvement due to SLA assimilation was relatively great in the subsurface. The results after the assimilation of both SLA and SST were much better than those only assimilated one kind of dataset, but the difference due to the assimilation order of the two kinds of datasets was not significant.展开更多
The abyssal circulation in the Philippine Sea(PS)is investigated,with outputs from the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation version 2.2.4(SODA224).The deep-water currents in SODA224 are carefully evaluated,with sparse in si...The abyssal circulation in the Philippine Sea(PS)is investigated,with outputs from the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation version 2.2.4(SODA224).The deep-water currents in SODA224 are carefully evaluated,with sparse in situ observations in the North Pacific Ocean.In the upper deep layer(20003000 m)of the PS,a strong westward current,which originates from the Northeast Pacific Basin and enters the PS through the Yap-Mariana Junction,exists along 1114 N.This strong westward current bifurcates into two western boundary currents off the Philippines.The northward-flowing current flows out of the PS around 2021 N,whereas the southward-flowing current transports deep water from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere.In the lower deep layer(30004500 m),the inflow water first flows northward to the east of the Western Mariana Basin and then turns westward at approximately 18 N.The inflow water mainly enters the Philippine Basin(PB),with a small part turning southward to constitute a weak cyclonic circulation.The water entering the PB mainly merges into a strong southward western boundary current in the south-ern PB.In the bottom layer(below 4500 m),both the northeast and northwest PB show single cyclonic gyres,whereas the south PB shows a single anticyclonic gyre.Moreover,comparisons with the observations indicate the possible existence of a cyclonic sense of circulation over the Philippine Trench.The current study provides the implications for future observations,which are needed to fur-ther investigate the temporospatial variations of the abyssal circulation in the PS on multiple scales.展开更多
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [grant number 42030605]the National Key R&D Program of China [grant number 2020YFA0608004]。
文摘A remarkable marine heatwave,known as the“Blob”,occurred in the Northeast Pacific Ocean from late 2013 to early 2016,which displayed strong warm anomalies extending from the surface to a depth of 300 m.This study employed two assimilation schemes based on the global Climate Forecast System of Nanjing University of Information Science(NUIST-CFS 1.0)to investigate the impact of ocean data assimilation on the seasonal prediction of this extreme marine heatwave.The sea surface temperature(SST)nudging scheme assimilates SST only,while the deterministic ensemble Kalman filter(EnKF)scheme assimilates observations from the surface to the deep ocean.The latter notably improves the forecasting skill for subsurface temperature anomalies,especially at the depth of 100-300 m(the lower layer),outperforming the SST nudging scheme.It excels in predicting both horizontal and vertical heat transport in the lower layer,contributing to improved forecasts of the lower-layer warming during the Blob.These improvements stem from the assimilation of subsurface observational data,which are important in predicting the upper-ocean conditions.The results suggest that assimilating ocean data with the EnKF scheme significantly enhances the accuracy in predicting subsurface temperature anomalies during the Blob and offers better understanding of its underlying mechanisms.
基金supported by the 973 Program (Grant No.2010CB950401)the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Project"Western Pacific Ocean System:Structure,Dynamics and Consequences"(Grant No.XDA11010405)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.41176015)
文摘The development and application of a regional ocean data assimilation system are among the aims of the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment. The ocean data assimilation system in the regions including the Indian and West Pacific oceans is an endeavor motivated by this goal. In this study, we describe the system in detail. Moreover, the reanalysis in the joint area of Asia, the Indian Ocean, and the western Pacific Ocean (hereafter AIPOcean) constructed using multi-year model integration with data assimilation is used to test the performance of this system. The ocean model is an eddy-resolving, hybrid coordinate ocean model. Various types of observations including in-situ temperature and salinity profiles (mechanical bathythermograph, expendable bathythermograph, Array for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanography, Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Array, conductivity-temperature-depth, station data), remotely-sensed sea surface temperature, and altimetry sea level anomalies, are assimilated into the reanalysis via the ensemble optimal interpolation method. An ensemble of model states sampled from a long-term integration is allowed to change with season, rather than remaining stationary. The estimated background error covariance matrix may reasonably reflect the seasonality and anisotropy. We evaluate the performance of AIPOcean during the period 1993-2006 by comparisons with independent observations, and some reanalysis products. We show that AIPOcean reduces the errors of subsurface temperature and salinity, and reproduces mesoscale eddies. In contrast to ECCO and SODA products, AIPOcean captures the interannual variability and linear trend of sea level anomalies very well. AIPOcean also shows a good consistency with tide gauges.
基金supported by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(Grant No.2015M571095)the Chinese Academy of Sciences Project“Western Pacific Ocean System:Structure,Dynamics and Consequences”(Grant No.XDA10010405)
文摘A weakly coupled assimilation system, in which SST observations are assimilated into a coupled climate model (CAS- ESM-C) through an ensemble optimal interpolation scheme, was established. This system is a useful tool for historical climate simulation, showing substantial advantages, including maintaining the atmospheric feedback, and keeping the oceanic tields from drifting far away from the observation, among others. During the coupled model integration, the bias of both surface and subsurface oceanic fields in the analysis can be reduced compared to unassimilated fields. Based on 30 model years of ot.tput fiom the system, the climatology and imerannual variability of the climate system were evaluated. The results showed that the system can reasonably reproduce the climatological global precipitation and SLP, bul it still sutters from the double ITCZ problem. Besides, the ENSO footprint, which is revealed by ENSO-related surface air temperature, geopotential height and precipitation during El Nifio evolution, is basically reproduced by the system. The system can also simulate the observed SST-rainfall relationships well on both interannual and intraseasonal timescales in the western North Pacific region, in which atmospheric feedback is crucial for climate simulation.
基金The National Key Research and Development Program of China under contract Nos 2016YFA0602102 and2016YFC1401702the Key Special Project for Introduced Talents Team of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory(Guangzhou)under contract No.GML2019ZD0306+1 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No.41306005CAS Pioneer Hundred Talents Program Startup Fund by South China Sea Institute of Oceanology under contract No.Y9SL011001。
文摘An ensemble optimal interpolation(EnOI)data assimilation method is applied in the BCCCSM1.1 to investigate the impact of ocean data assimilations on seasonal forecasts in an idealized twin experiment framework.Pseudoobservations of sea surface temperature(SST),sea surface height(SSH),sea surface salinity(SSS),temperature and salinity(T/S)profiles were first generated in a free model run.Then,a series of sensitivity tests initialized with predefined bias were conducted for a one-year period;this involved a free run(CTR)and seven assimilation runs.These tests allowed us to check the analysis field accuracy against the"truth".As expected,data assimilation improved all investigated quantities;the joint assimilation of all variables gave more improved results than assimilating them separately.One-year predictions initialized from the seven runs and CTR were then conducted and compared.The forecasts initialized from joint assimilation of surface data produced comparable SST root mean square errors to that from assimilation of T/S profiles,but the assimilation of T/S profiles is crucial to reduce subsurface deficiencies.The ocean surface currents in the tropics were better predicted when initial conditions produced by assimilating T/S profiles,while surface data assimilation became more important at higher latitudes,particularly near the western boundary currents.The predictions of ocean heat content and mixed layer depth are significantly improved initialized from the joint assimilation of all the variables.Finally,a central Pacific El Ni?o was well predicted from the joint assimilation of surface data,indicating the importance of joint assimilation of SST,SSH,and SSS for ENSO predictions.
基金Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank Mr. R. W. Reynolds for providing the guess error variance of the OISST data. All computations of this work were completed on IAP1801 computer. This work was supported jointly by the Key Direction Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Knowledge Innovation Program (Grant No. KZCX-SW-230), the 973 Project (Grant No. 2005CB321703), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40221503).
文摘A four-dimensional variational data assimilation (4DVar) system of the LASG/IAP Climate Ocean Model, version 1.0 (LICOM1.0), named LICOM-3DVM, has been developed using the three-dimensional variational data assimilation of mapped observation (3DVM), a 4DVar method newly proposed in the past two years. Two experiments with 12-year model integrations were designed to validate it. One is the assimilation run, called ASSM, which incorporated the analyzed weekly sea surface temperature (SST) fields from Reynolds and Smith (OISST) between 1990 and 2001 once a week by the LICOM-3DVM. The other is the control run without any assimilation, named CTL. ASSM shows that the simulated temperatures of the upper ocean (above 50 meters), especially the SST of equatorial Pacific, coincide with the Tropic Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) mooring data, the World Ocean Atlas 2001 (WOA01) data and the Met Office Hadley Centre's sea ice and sea surface temperature (HadISST) data. It decreased the cold bias existing in CTL in the eastern Pacific and produced a Nifio index that agrees with observation well. The validation results suggest that the LICOM-3DVM is able to effectively adjust the model results of the ocean temperature, although it's hard to correct the subsurface results and it even makes them worse in some areas due to the incorporation of only surface data. Future development of the LICOM-3DVM is to include subsurface in situ observations and satellite observations to further improve model simulations.
基金financially supported by the Brazilian State oil company Petróleo Brasileiro S. A. (Petrobras) and Agência Nacional de Petróleo (ANP), Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis, Brazil, via the Oceanographic Modeling and Observation Network (REMO)support of the Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Ministry of Education of Brazil (Proc. BEX 3957/13-6)
文摘The first version of the Brazilian Oceano- graphic Modeling and Observation Network (REMO) ocean data assimilation system into the Hybrid Coordi- nate Ocean Model (HYCOM) (RODAS H) has recently been constructed for research and operational purposes. The system is based on a multivariate Ensemble Optimal Interpolation (EnOI) scheme and considers the high fre- quency variability of the model error co-variance matrix. The EnOl can assimilate sea surface temperature (SST), satellite along-track and gridded sea level anomalies (SLA), and vertical profiles of temperature (T) and salinity (S) from Argo. The first observing system experiment was carried out over the Atlantic Ocean (78°S-50°N, 100°W-20°E) with HYCOM forced with atmospheric reanalysis from 1 January to 30 June 2010. Five integra- tions were performed, including the control run without assimilation. In the other four, different observations were assimilated: SST only (A SST); Argo T-S profiles only (AArgo); along-track SLA only (A_SLA); and all data employed in the previous runs (A_All). The A_SST, A_Argo, and A_SLA runs were very effective in improv- ing the representation of the assimilated variables, but they had relatively little impact on the variables that were not assimilated. In particular, only the assimilation of S was able to reduce the deviation of S with respect to ob- servations. Overall, the A_All run produced a good analy- sis by reducing the deviation of SST, T, and S with respect to the control run by 39%, 18%, and 30%, respectively, and by increasing the correlation of SLA by 81%.
基金National Program on Key Basic Research Project of China(2012CB955203,2013CB430202)National Natural Science Foundation of China(40231014,41175065)+1 种基金China Meteorological Administration R&D Special Fund for Public Welfare(meteorology)(GYHY201306021)National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(2010AA012404)
文摘The Argo(Array for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanography) data from 1998 to 2003 were used in the Beijing Climate Center-Global Ocean Data Assimilation System(BCC-GODAS). The results show that the utilization of Argo global ocean data in BCC-GODAS brings about remarkable improvements in assimilation effects. The assimilated sea surface temperature(SST) of BCC-GODAS can well represent the climatological states of observational data. Comparison experiments based on a global coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model(AOCGM) were conducted for exploring the roles of ocean data assimilation system with or without Argo data in improving the climate predictability of rainfall in boreal summer. Firstly, the global ocean data assimilation system BCC-GODAS was used to obtain ocean assimilation data under the conditions with or without Argo data. Then, the global coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model(AOCGM) was utilized to do hindcast experiments with the two sets of the assimilation data as initial oceanic fields. The simulated results demonstrate that the seasonal predictability of rainfall in boreal summer, particularly in China, increases greatly when initial oceanic conditions with Argo data are utilized. The distribution of summer rainfall in China hindcast by the AOGCM under the condition when Argo data are used is more in accordance with observation than that when no Agro data are used. The area of positive correlation between hindcast and observation enlarges and the hindcast skill of rainfall over China in summer improves significantly when Argo data are used.
基金supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences [grant number XDA19030403]the National Natural Science Foundation of China [grant numbers 41606027 and 41706028]+1 种基金the National Key R&D Program of China [grant number2017YFA0604201]the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation [grant number 2015M571095]
文摘With the motivation to improve the simulation of the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM) in coupled climate models, oceanic data assimilation(DA) was used in CAS-ESM-C(Chinese Academy of Sciences–Earth System Model–Climate Component) in this study. Observed sea surface temperature was assimilated into CAS-ESM-C. The climatology and interannual variability of the EASM simulated in CAS-ESM-C with DA were compared with a traditional AMIP-type run.Results showed that the climatological spatial pattern and annual cycle of precipitation in the western North Paci?c, and the ENSO-related and EASM-related EASM circulation and precipitation, were largely improved. As shown in this study, air–sea coupling is important for EASM simulation. In addition, oceanic DA synchronizes the coupled model with the real world without breaking the air–sea coupling process. These two successful factors make the assimilation experiment a more reasonable experimental design than traditional AMIP-type simulations.
基金The Fund of Laoshan Laboratory under contract No. LSKJ202202700the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 42076023, 42076024 and 41876027the Global Change and Air-Sea Interaction Ⅱ Project under contract No.GASI-01-AIP-STwin。
文摘The Indonesian Throughflow(ITF), which connects the tropical Pacific and Indian oceans, plays important roles in the inter-ocean water exchange and regional or even global climate variability. The Makassar Strait is the main inflow passage of the ITF, carrying about 77% of the total ITF volume transport. In this study, we analyze the simulated ITF in the Makassar Strait in the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation version 3(SODA3) datasets. A total of nine ensemble members of the SODA3 datasets, of which are driven by different surface forcings and bulk formulas, and with or without data assimilation, are used in this study. The annual mean water transports(i.e.,volume, heat and freshwater) are related to the combination of surface forcing and bulk formula, as well as whether data assimilation is employed. The phases of the seasonal and interannual variability in water transports cross the Makassar Strait, are basically consistent with each other among the SODA3 ensemble members. The interannual variability in Makassar Strait volume and heat transports are significantly correlated with El Ni?oSouthern Oscillation(ENSO) at time lags of-6 to 7 months. There is no statistically significant correlation between the freshwater transport and the ENSO. The Makassar Strait water transports are not significantly correlated with the Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD), which may attribute to model deficiency in simulating the propagation of semiannual Kelvin waves from the Indian Ocean to the Makassar Strait.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China-Shandong Joint Fund for Marine Science Research Centers (Grant No. U1406404)the Public Science and Technology Research Funds Projects of Ocean (Grant No. 201505013)Scientific Research Foundation of the First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration (Grant No. 2012G24)
文摘Using Ensemble Adjustment Kalman Filter(EAKF), two types of ocean satellite datasets were assimilated into the First Institute of Oceanography Earth System Model(FIO-ESM), v1.0. One control experiment without data assimilation and four assimilation experiments were conducted. All the experiments were ensemble runs for 1-year period and each ensemble started from different initial conditions. One assimilation experiment was designed to assimilate sea level anomaly(SLA); another, to assimilate sea surface temperature(SST); and the other two assimilation experiments were designed to assimilate both SLA and SST but in different orders. To examine the effects of data assimilation, all the results were compared with an objective analysis dataset of EN3. Different from the ocean model without coupling, the momentum and heat fluxes were calculated via air-sea coupling in FIO-ESM, which makes the relations among variables closer to the reality. The outputs after the assimilation of satellite data were improved on the whole, especially at depth shallower than 1000 m. The effects due to the assimilation of different kinds of satellite datasets were somewhat different. The improvement due to SST assimilation was greater near the surface, while the improvement due to SLA assimilation was relatively great in the subsurface. The results after the assimilation of both SLA and SST were much better than those only assimilated one kind of dataset, but the difference due to the assimilation order of the two kinds of datasets was not significant.
基金sponsored by the Aoshan Science and Technology Innovation Project(No.2016ASKJ12)the Open Fund of the Key Laboratory of Ocean Circula-tion and Waves,Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.KLO CW1503)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.41606107,41506008,41776012,41476002)
文摘The abyssal circulation in the Philippine Sea(PS)is investigated,with outputs from the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation version 2.2.4(SODA224).The deep-water currents in SODA224 are carefully evaluated,with sparse in situ observations in the North Pacific Ocean.In the upper deep layer(20003000 m)of the PS,a strong westward current,which originates from the Northeast Pacific Basin and enters the PS through the Yap-Mariana Junction,exists along 1114 N.This strong westward current bifurcates into two western boundary currents off the Philippines.The northward-flowing current flows out of the PS around 2021 N,whereas the southward-flowing current transports deep water from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere.In the lower deep layer(30004500 m),the inflow water first flows northward to the east of the Western Mariana Basin and then turns westward at approximately 18 N.The inflow water mainly enters the Philippine Basin(PB),with a small part turning southward to constitute a weak cyclonic circulation.The water entering the PB mainly merges into a strong southward western boundary current in the south-ern PB.In the bottom layer(below 4500 m),both the northeast and northwest PB show single cyclonic gyres,whereas the south PB shows a single anticyclonic gyre.Moreover,comparisons with the observations indicate the possible existence of a cyclonic sense of circulation over the Philippine Trench.The current study provides the implications for future observations,which are needed to fur-ther investigate the temporospatial variations of the abyssal circulation in the PS on multiple scales.