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Temporo-spatial Coordinates of Evolution of the Ordos Basin and Its Mineralization Responses 被引量:23
作者 LIU Chiyang ZHAO Hongge +3 位作者 ZHAO Junfeng WANG Jianqiang ZHANG Dongdong YANG Minghui 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第6期1229-1243,共15页
The Ordos basin was developed from Mid-Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous, and then entered into its later reformation period since the Late Cretaceous. Its main body bears the features of an intra-cratonic basin. The ... The Ordos basin was developed from Mid-Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous, and then entered into its later reformation period since the Late Cretaceous. Its main body bears the features of an intra-cratonic basin. The basin also belongs to a multi-superposed basin which has overlapped on the large-scale basins of the Early and Late Paleozoic. Currently, Ordos basin has become a residual basin experienced reformation of various styles since the Late Cretaceous. It's suggested that there were at least four obvious stages of tectonic deformations existing during the basin's evolution, dividing the evolution and sedimentation into four stages. The prior two stages were of the most prosperous, during which the lake basin was broad, the deposition range was more than twice larger than the current residual basin, resulting in major oil- and coal-bearing strata. The two stages were separated by regional uplift fluctuations in the area. At the end of the Yan'an Stage, the depositional interruption and erosion were lasting for a short period of time. The third one is the Mid- Jurassic Zhiluo-Anding stage, in which the sedimentation extent was still broad but the lake area was obviously reduced. In the Late Jurassic tectonic deformation was intensive. A thrust-nappe belt was formed on the basin's western margin while conglomerate of different thickness were accumulated within the foredeep of the eastern side. The central and eastern parts of the basin were subject to erosion and reformation. A regional framework with "uplift in the east and depression in the west" took shape in the area west of the Yellow River. In the Early Cretaceous sediments were widely distributed, unconformably overlapping the former western margin thrust belt and the ridges on the northern and southern borders. There are abundant energy resources such as oil, natural gas, coal and uranium deposits formed in Ordos Basin. The main stages of generation, mineralization and positioning of the multiple energy resources have obvious responding connection and close coupling relationships with those of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic evolution and reformation in Ordos Basin. 展开更多
关键词 ordos basin basin evolution prototype basin topography late reformation mineralization response
鄂尔多斯盆地演化-改造的时空坐标及其成藏(矿)响应 被引量:521
作者 刘池洋 赵红格 +3 位作者 桂小军 岳乐平 赵俊峰 王建强 《地质学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期617-638,共22页
鄂尔多斯盆地的发育时限为中晚三叠世—早白垩世,晚白垩世以来为盆地的后期改造时期;盆地主体具克拉通内盆地特征;现今盆地为经过多期不同形式改造的残留盆地。该盆地叠加在早、晚古生代大型盆地之上,又属多重叠合型盆地。鄂尔多斯盆地... 鄂尔多斯盆地的发育时限为中晚三叠世—早白垩世,晚白垩世以来为盆地的后期改造时期;盆地主体具克拉通内盆地特征;现今盆地为经过多期不同形式改造的残留盆地。该盆地叠加在早、晚古生代大型盆地之上,又属多重叠合型盆地。鄂尔多斯盆地集油气、煤和铀于一盆,多种能源矿产丰富。根据盆地及周缘地区主要地质构造特征和地质事件,结合对盆地各区裂变径迹年龄的综合研究认为,在盆地发育时期(T2—K1)至少发生了4期明显的构造变动,将盆地的沉积-演化过程划分为4个阶段:中晚三叠世和早中侏罗世富县—延安期为盆地发育的两个鼎盛阶段,广泛接受沉积,湖盆宽阔,沉积范围为今残留盆地面积的2倍多;形成重要的含油和成煤岩系。这两个阶段被期间发生的区域抬升变动(J1)所分隔。抬升导致沉积间断,延长组顶部遭受强烈而不均匀的侵蚀下切,形成起伏较大的侵蚀地貌。延安期末盆地抬升变动不强烈,沉积间断和剥蚀延续时间短。随后又复沉降,进入盆地发育的第三阶段中侏罗世直罗-安定期:沉积范围仍较广阔,但湖区面积明显减小。晚侏罗世构造变动强烈,在盆地西缘形成逆冲-推覆构造带,在其东侧前渊局限堆积厚度不等的砾岩,盆地中东部地区遭受剥蚀改造;今黄河以西地区初显东隆西坳格局。在早白垩世阶段,沉积分布仍较广阔,不整合超覆在前期西缘冲断带和南、北边部隆起之上。在盆地演化的前三个阶段,沉积中心均分布在延安附近及其以东;而堆积中心则位于邻近物源的盆地西部,且不同阶段位置有别;直到早白垩世,盆地的沉积中心和堆积中心的分布位置才大体一致,主要位于盆地西部的中南段。早白垩世末,鄂尔多斯盆地整体抬升,大型盆地消亡;盆地开始进入后期改造时期。在晚白垩世以来的盆地后期改造时期,鄂尔多斯盆地主要发生了以下重要地质事件:1盆地主体持续幕式、差异性整体抬升和强烈而不均匀的剥蚀,东部黄河附近被剥蚀的中生界厚度最大可达2000m;2盆地本部长期幕式整体的差异抬升和剥蚀,形成3期区域侵蚀-夷平面(E32—E12,E23和N21);3地块边部裂陷,周缘断陷盆地相继形成,接受巨厚沉积;4持续达2亿多年的东隆西降运动于中新世晚期(8MaBP)反转易位;东部开始沉降,广泛接受红黏土沉积;六盘山、地块西缘和西部相继隆升;标志着中国西部区域构造运动对该区的影响更为重要;5分别在8MaBP和2.5MaBP,风成红黏土、黄土开始广泛堆积,先后形成红土准高原和黄土高原及黄土高原面;6黄河水系的发育、外流和侵蚀地貌的形成。根据各主要地质事件的发生和动力学环境的演变,将该区晚白垩世以来划分为5个演化阶段(K2—E1;E2-3;N1-21;N31—N2;Q)。这些地质事件的发生和构造变动,与周邻各构造域,特别是中国东、西部(含青藏高原)重大构造运动的复合、叠加及其与时彼此消长变化密切相关;其活动和改造,使中生代盆地的原始面貌大为改观。鄂尔多斯盆地多种能源矿产成生—成藏(矿)和定位的主要期次,与盆地中新生代演化和改造的阶段有明显的响应联系和密切的耦合关系。盆地演化末(晚)期及之后的整体差异隆升和区域剥蚀,对鄂尔多斯盆地多种能源矿产的成藏(矿)和分布及其相互作用的影响最为重要。 展开更多
关键词 鄂尔多斯盆地 盆地演化 原盆面貌 后期改造 裂陷盆地 隆降反转 沉积中心 堆积中心 侵蚀-夷平面 风尘红黏土-黄土 成藏(矿)响应
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