随着工业化发展,环境污染物的种类和数量不断增加。环境污染物广泛存在于空气、食品和生活用品等传播介质中,妊娠期接触环境污染物不仅影响孕妇健康,还可能对分娩结果及胎儿的发育产生不利影响。胎盘作为母体和胎儿之间的屏障,对部分环...随着工业化发展,环境污染物的种类和数量不断增加。环境污染物广泛存在于空气、食品和生活用品等传播介质中,妊娠期接触环境污染物不仅影响孕妇健康,还可能对分娩结果及胎儿的发育产生不利影响。胎盘作为母体和胎儿之间的屏障,对部分环境污染物具有选择性阻隔作用,即一些污染物被阻留于母体血液,而另一些环境污染物通过被动扩散、胎盘转运蛋白或内吞作用穿过胎盘屏障,进入胎儿脐带血中。跨胎盘转移效率(transplacental transfer efficiency,TTE)即污染物在脐带血中与在母体血液中水平的比值,常用于评估环境污染物跨越胎盘屏障的能力。TTE与污染物的相对分子质量、脂溶性、极性和结构特征等理化性质有关;母体和胎儿的健康状况、胎盘血流量、胎盘成熟度、胎盘转运蛋白和代谢酶的功能也会显著影响污染物的转移过程。本文总结了TTE的研究方法以及近年来有关环境污染物(全氟和多氟烷基物质(PFASs)、多溴二苯醚(PBDEs)、多氯联苯(PCBs)和有机氯农药(OCPs)等)的TTE研究进展,并讨论了影响TTE的主要因素。本文对环境污染物的跨胎盘转移机制研究具有指导意义,并有助于评估环境污染物对孕妇和胎儿健康风险的影响。展开更多
Seventeen topsoil samples (9 urban, 4 suburban, 3 rural and 1 background) were collected in/around Harbin, a typical city in northeast of China, to measure concentration levels of organocholrine pesticides (OCPs) ...Seventeen topsoil samples (9 urban, 4 suburban, 3 rural and 1 background) were collected in/around Harbin, a typical city in northeast of China, to measure concentration levels of organocholrine pesticides (OCPs) in topsoil of Northeastern China in 2006. Hexachlorohexanes (HCH), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) were detected in soil samples with mean concentrations (in pg/g dry weight (dw)) of 7120, 5425, and 1039, respectively. The mean concentrations for other OCPs were very low, 4.8 pg/g dw for chlordane and 3.3 pg/g dw for endosulfan. Source identification analysis reveals that all OCPs found in soil samples were due to historical use of these chemicals or from other source regions through long- and short-range atmospheric transport. DDT was mainly used in the rural sites, whereas the sources of HCB, chlordane and endosulfan were mainly in the urban area. HCH was found almost equally in both urban and rural area. Soil concentrations of all detected OCPs, except HCHs, in and around Harbin were much lower than those in the southeast of China, which is expected since the use of these OCPs in the former was much lower than that in the latter, however higher HCH concentrations in and around Harbin than those found in most places of the Southeast China is not expected. It is suggested that high HCH concentration in soil of Northeast China was most likely due to long-range atmospheric transport (LRAT) from Southeast China and the cold condensation process.展开更多
Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) have been a major environmental issue, attracting much scientific concern because of their nature of toxicity, persistence, and endocrine disrupting effects. Soil samples were collecte...Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) have been a major environmental issue, attracting much scientific concern because of their nature of toxicity, persistence, and endocrine disrupting effects. Soil samples were collected from ten college school yards in Beijing in 2006 and analyzed to determine fifteen OCPs. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) were found to be the main pollutants, accounting for 93.70% of total OCPs, followed by hexachlorohexanes (HCHs) (2.25%) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) (1.82%). Content...展开更多
We evaluated organic pollution in Bosten Lake, Xinjiang, China, by measuring the concentrations and distributions of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Water and sediment...We evaluated organic pollution in Bosten Lake, Xinjiang, China, by measuring the concentrations and distributions of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Water and sediment samples were collected from 19 sites 031-1319) in the lake for analysis. Our analytical results show that the concentrations of total OCPs in water ranges from 30.3 to 91.6 ng/L and the concentrations of PAHs ranges from undetectable (ND) to 368.7 ng/L. The concentrations of total OCPs in surface (i.e., lake bottom) sediment ranges from 6.9 to 16.7 ng/g and the concentrations of PAHs ranges from 25.2 to 491.0 ng/g. Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) account for large proportions of the OCPs. Low α- to γ-HCH ratios in both water and sediment samples indicate possible contributions from both industrial products and lindane. DDTs in water are probably from historical input, whereas DDTs in sediments are from both historical and recent inputs. Moreover, DDT products in both water and sediments were from multiple sources in the northwestern part of the lake(B11, B12, B13, and B14). Fugacity ratios for DDT isomers (p,p'-DDE and p,p'-DDT) at these sites were generally higher than equilibrium values. These results suggest that the input from the Kaidu River and diffusion of DDTs from the sediment to the water are responsible for DDT pollution in the water. Lower-molecular-weight PAHs, which originate primarily from wood and coal combustion and petroleum sources, represent the major fraction of the PAHs in both water and sediment samples. Our findings indicate that OCPs and PAHs in Bosten Lake can be attributed primarily to human activities. A risk assessment of OCPs and PAHs in water and sediment from Bosten Lake, however, suggests that concentrations are not yet high enough to cause adverse biological effects on the aquatic ecosystem.展开更多
The use of technical HCH (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-hexachlorocyclohexane), DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) and lindane in Heilongjiang River Basin (HRB) of China was studied. Between 1952 and 1984 the total usage ...The use of technical HCH (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-hexachlorocyclohexane), DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) and lindane in Heilongjiang River Basin (HRB) of China was studied. Between 1952 and 1984 the total usage in the HRB was 108900 t for technical HCH, and 4900 t for DDT, respectively, and the use of DDT due to dicofol application in the HRB was 220 t from 1984 to 2003. The usage of lindane in HRB was 109 t from 1991 to 2000. The results show that the highest technical HCH use (41800 t) in HRB was on maize, accounting for 38.3% of the total usage on all crops, followed by the use on wheat (28000 t, 25.7%) and on soybean (26600 t, 24.4%). The highest DDT use (2300 t) was on soybean, accounting for 46.8% of the total usage on all crops, followed by the use on maize (1500 t, 31.3%) and on sorghum (600 t, 13.2%). The major use of lindane was mainly on wheat. Gridded usage inventories of these three OCPs (organochlorine pesticides), in HRB with a 1/6° latitude by 1/4° longitude resolution have been created by using different gridded cropland as surrogates. Some soil samples have also been collected in HRB. Data of usage and soil concentrations of 5: HCH in HRB match quite well to those in Shanghai region, and much higher soil concentration of 5: DDT in Shanghai region could be due to much heavier dicofol use in this region.展开更多
Sixteen surface sediment samples were collected and analysed to evaluate the residues of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) from intertidal fiat in Jiangsu Province. Overall, 22 OCPs were detected with total concentra...Sixteen surface sediment samples were collected and analysed to evaluate the residues of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) from intertidal fiat in Jiangsu Province. Overall, 22 OCPs were detected with total concentrations of OCPs ranging widely from 0.96 to 12.14 ng/g (dry wt). Total hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and total dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) levels varied from 〈0.01 to 0.67 ng/g and from 0.23 to 4.85 ng/g, respectively. DDTs were the predominant compounds. The dominance of β-HCH indicated a history of HCH pollution. According to the ratios of (p,p'-DDD+p,p'-DDE)/p,p'DDT and o,p'-DDT/p,p'- DDT, new input of DDTs did not occur in most sites, and the main sources were historical usage of technical DDTs. OCPs such as dieldrin, endrin, p,p'-DDD, and p,p'-DDT exceeded the effects range low, showing adverse biological effects that would occasionally occur at some sites of the study area.展开更多
文摘随着工业化发展,环境污染物的种类和数量不断增加。环境污染物广泛存在于空气、食品和生活用品等传播介质中,妊娠期接触环境污染物不仅影响孕妇健康,还可能对分娩结果及胎儿的发育产生不利影响。胎盘作为母体和胎儿之间的屏障,对部分环境污染物具有选择性阻隔作用,即一些污染物被阻留于母体血液,而另一些环境污染物通过被动扩散、胎盘转运蛋白或内吞作用穿过胎盘屏障,进入胎儿脐带血中。跨胎盘转移效率(transplacental transfer efficiency,TTE)即污染物在脐带血中与在母体血液中水平的比值,常用于评估环境污染物跨越胎盘屏障的能力。TTE与污染物的相对分子质量、脂溶性、极性和结构特征等理化性质有关;母体和胎儿的健康状况、胎盘血流量、胎盘成熟度、胎盘转运蛋白和代谢酶的功能也会显著影响污染物的转移过程。本文总结了TTE的研究方法以及近年来有关环境污染物(全氟和多氟烷基物质(PFASs)、多溴二苯醚(PBDEs)、多氯联苯(PCBs)和有机氯农药(OCPs)等)的TTE研究进展,并讨论了影响TTE的主要因素。本文对环境污染物的跨胎盘转移机制研究具有指导意义,并有助于评估环境污染物对孕妇和胎儿健康风险的影响。
基金supported by the Heilongjiang Province Postdoctoral Research Funding (No AUGA41001074)the State Key Lab of Urban Water Resource and Envi-ronment, Harbin Institute of Technology (No 2008DX01)
文摘Seventeen topsoil samples (9 urban, 4 suburban, 3 rural and 1 background) were collected in/around Harbin, a typical city in northeast of China, to measure concentration levels of organocholrine pesticides (OCPs) in topsoil of Northeastern China in 2006. Hexachlorohexanes (HCH), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) were detected in soil samples with mean concentrations (in pg/g dry weight (dw)) of 7120, 5425, and 1039, respectively. The mean concentrations for other OCPs were very low, 4.8 pg/g dw for chlordane and 3.3 pg/g dw for endosulfan. Source identification analysis reveals that all OCPs found in soil samples were due to historical use of these chemicals or from other source regions through long- and short-range atmospheric transport. DDT was mainly used in the rural sites, whereas the sources of HCB, chlordane and endosulfan were mainly in the urban area. HCH was found almost equally in both urban and rural area. Soil concentrations of all detected OCPs, except HCHs, in and around Harbin were much lower than those in the southeast of China, which is expected since the use of these OCPs in the former was much lower than that in the latter, however higher HCH concentrations in and around Harbin than those found in most places of the Southeast China is not expected. It is suggested that high HCH concentration in soil of Northeast China was most likely due to long-range atmospheric transport (LRAT) from Southeast China and the cold condensation process.
基金the National Basic Re-search Program (973) of China (No. 2003CB415005)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.20607026/B0702, 20437020)
文摘Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) have been a major environmental issue, attracting much scientific concern because of their nature of toxicity, persistence, and endocrine disrupting effects. Soil samples were collected from ten college school yards in Beijing in 2006 and analyzed to determine fifteen OCPs. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) were found to be the main pollutants, accounting for 93.70% of total OCPs, followed by hexachlorohexanes (HCHs) (2.25%) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) (1.82%). Content...
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(4147117341671200+1 种基金U1603242)the Specific Scientific Research Fund from the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People’s Republic of China(201309041)
文摘We evaluated organic pollution in Bosten Lake, Xinjiang, China, by measuring the concentrations and distributions of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Water and sediment samples were collected from 19 sites 031-1319) in the lake for analysis. Our analytical results show that the concentrations of total OCPs in water ranges from 30.3 to 91.6 ng/L and the concentrations of PAHs ranges from undetectable (ND) to 368.7 ng/L. The concentrations of total OCPs in surface (i.e., lake bottom) sediment ranges from 6.9 to 16.7 ng/g and the concentrations of PAHs ranges from 25.2 to 491.0 ng/g. Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) account for large proportions of the OCPs. Low α- to γ-HCH ratios in both water and sediment samples indicate possible contributions from both industrial products and lindane. DDTs in water are probably from historical input, whereas DDTs in sediments are from both historical and recent inputs. Moreover, DDT products in both water and sediments were from multiple sources in the northwestern part of the lake(B11, B12, B13, and B14). Fugacity ratios for DDT isomers (p,p'-DDE and p,p'-DDT) at these sites were generally higher than equilibrium values. These results suggest that the input from the Kaidu River and diffusion of DDTs from the sediment to the water are responsible for DDT pollution in the water. Lower-molecular-weight PAHs, which originate primarily from wood and coal combustion and petroleum sources, represent the major fraction of the PAHs in both water and sediment samples. Our findings indicate that OCPs and PAHs in Bosten Lake can be attributed primarily to human activities. A risk assessment of OCPs and PAHs in water and sediment from Bosten Lake, however, suggests that concentrations are not yet high enough to cause adverse biological effects on the aquatic ecosystem.
文摘The use of technical HCH (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-hexachlorocyclohexane), DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) and lindane in Heilongjiang River Basin (HRB) of China was studied. Between 1952 and 1984 the total usage in the HRB was 108900 t for technical HCH, and 4900 t for DDT, respectively, and the use of DDT due to dicofol application in the HRB was 220 t from 1984 to 2003. The usage of lindane in HRB was 109 t from 1991 to 2000. The results show that the highest technical HCH use (41800 t) in HRB was on maize, accounting for 38.3% of the total usage on all crops, followed by the use on wheat (28000 t, 25.7%) and on soybean (26600 t, 24.4%). The highest DDT use (2300 t) was on soybean, accounting for 46.8% of the total usage on all crops, followed by the use on maize (1500 t, 31.3%) and on sorghum (600 t, 13.2%). The major use of lindane was mainly on wheat. Gridded usage inventories of these three OCPs (organochlorine pesticides), in HRB with a 1/6° latitude by 1/4° longitude resolution have been created by using different gridded cropland as surrogates. Some soil samples have also been collected in HRB. Data of usage and soil concentrations of 5: HCH in HRB match quite well to those in Shanghai region, and much higher soil concentration of 5: DDT in Shanghai region could be due to much heavier dicofol use in this region.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.40871216,41271466)
文摘Sixteen surface sediment samples were collected and analysed to evaluate the residues of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) from intertidal fiat in Jiangsu Province. Overall, 22 OCPs were detected with total concentrations of OCPs ranging widely from 0.96 to 12.14 ng/g (dry wt). Total hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and total dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) levels varied from 〈0.01 to 0.67 ng/g and from 0.23 to 4.85 ng/g, respectively. DDTs were the predominant compounds. The dominance of β-HCH indicated a history of HCH pollution. According to the ratios of (p,p'-DDD+p,p'-DDE)/p,p'DDT and o,p'-DDT/p,p'- DDT, new input of DDTs did not occur in most sites, and the main sources were historical usage of technical DDTs. OCPs such as dieldrin, endrin, p,p'-DDD, and p,p'-DDT exceeded the effects range low, showing adverse biological effects that would occasionally occur at some sites of the study area.