As a specific region most abundant in bamboo species and their natural forests i n the world, China's Yunnan Province harbors over 250 bamboo species belongin g to 28 genera in its 331 000?hm\+2 of bamboo fore...As a specific region most abundant in bamboo species and their natural forests i n the world, China's Yunnan Province harbors over 250 bamboo species belongin g to 28 genera in its 331 000?hm\+2 of bamboo forests,thus forming a unique macro\| ba ckground of its ecotourist landscape resources.Not only is it acknowledged as on e of the original places and modern distribution centers of bamboo by scientists ,but it is a region with diverse ethnical and bamboo cultures nurtured out of th e peculiar ethnical customs and wide bamboo utilization of its 26 nationalities. Based on the analyses of the ornamental bamboo and its value in landscape resour ces,5 aesthetic characteristics are microscopically and morphologically approach ed as a material base of the formation of bamboo culture.By reexamining the macr o\|background of the specific natural and humanity landscape,4 categories are de scribed as fundamental macro\|landscape resources of Yunnan's bamboo culture eco tourism.After researching the ethnical ecological ethics and cultural symbolism, 3 typical ethnical traditions are summarized as traditional ecological awareness ,and 3 cultural features of bamboo are revealed as essence of ethnical bamboo cu lture preserved in Yunnan.Borrowing some theories from the new economic developm ent,innovation and successful ecotourist management experience at home and abroa d with wide academic vision,the authors have synthetically studied the substanti al,conceptual and symbolic landscapes in a broad field involving bamboo science, ethnology,ecology,ecoeconomics and tourist management.A preliminary theory of e thnical bamboo culture is thus constructed,and its peculiarities are briefly dis cussed while the correlation between ethnical bamboo culture and the natural res ources,other cultures as well as ecotourist development are systematically analy zed to lay a solid theoretical foundation and reliable scientific basis for ecoe conomy\|oriented forestry,cultural economics and ecotourist practice.Accordingly ,3 primary strategies and certain related principles are suggested for the susta inable development of ecotourism in Yunnan via effective protection and rational exploitation of abundant natural landscape resources and colorful humanity land scape resources including ethnical bamboo culture.展开更多
Consistent with previous research, results showed men get more paragraphs and photography coverage. Interestingly, women's factual information is always associated with relevant men report, including P.E relevant ...Consistent with previous research, results showed men get more paragraphs and photography coverage. Interestingly, women's factual information is always associated with relevant men report, including P.E relevant with personal information.展开更多
The regional policy in the innovation development of private P.E economy plays better role in management according to law,guidance and escort;increase the macro quality of main body of private P.E entrepreneurs and th...The regional policy in the innovation development of private P.E economy plays better role in management according to law,guidance and escort;increase the macro quality of main body of private P.E entrepreneurs and the overall staff quality,develop P.E vocational P.E to provide P.E talents for private P.E economy.展开更多
The portal is characterized with large amount of information, high stability and interaction, while "Online Journal of Physical P.E" is to publicize the academic pure value, spread the achievement influence ...The portal is characterized with large amount of information, high stability and interaction, while "Online Journal of Physical P.E" is to publicize the academic pure value, spread the achievement influence in daily life, and advocate an academic atmosphere of utilitarianism with a slogan of "article issued online can be published in journal with the recommendation of experts" and practical action. It is the first academic journal under network operation.展开更多
With globalization there is an increasing need for spoken English for Chinese college students. However, the situation of the teaching system of spoken English in most universities in China is not satisfactory. Influe...With globalization there is an increasing need for spoken English for Chinese college students. However, the situation of the teaching system of spoken English in most universities in China is not satisfactory. Influenced by the exam-oriented teaching system, great importance has been put on English grammar and the skills of reading and writing. As a result, students'enthusiasm in improving their spoken English is diminished. Actually, students need some knowledge about English culture background before they can communicate effectively. It is significant for teachers to find out the students'wants and lacks during their spoken English study. Besides, attentions should be paid to English culture background in spoken English classes by both teachers and students. This paper mainly aimed at finding out the needs of students for English culture background in spoken English classes based on the theory of needs analysis.展开更多
Eutrophication, which is the enrichment of a water mass with inorganic and organic nutrients that support plant growth, is a key factor in stimulating phytoplankton growth. In this study, we determined the effects of ...Eutrophication, which is the enrichment of a water mass with inorganic and organic nutrients that support plant growth, is a key factor in stimulating phytoplankton growth. In this study, we determined the effects of various nitrogen sources, different nitrogen concentrations in the culture medium, and two culture methods on the growth of the green alga, Enteromorpha prolifera. The relationship between the specific growth rate of E. prolifera and NO3-N concentration was consistent with that estimated using the Monod equation (R2=0.9713, P〈0.01). In the N O3-N medium, the maximum specific growth rate was calculated to be 0.1634/d and the semi-saturation constant was calculated to be 16.86 μmol/L. Our results show that E. prolijkra can effectively utilize NH4^+-N, NO3^-N, and NO^2-N and urea-N in the range of 5 to 50 μmol/L. NH4^+-N was preferentially assimilated by E. prolifera, and urea-N was favorable for long-term growth.展开更多
The primary routes of potential human exposure to N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) are ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact. Air, diet and smoking contribute to potential human exposure at levels of a few μg of NDEA...The primary routes of potential human exposure to N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) are ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact. Air, diet and smoking contribute to potential human exposure at levels of a few μg of NDEA/day. Potential exposure depends on the ability of the nitrosamines to migrate from the product into the body. The first step in the metabolic degradation of NDEA by cytochrome oxidase (CYPs) enzymes is the introduction of a hydroxyl group and in human esophage and liver CYP2A3 and CYP2E1 participate on this metabolism. Measuring cytotoxicity in female rat primary hepatocytes cultures, were used to understand the CYP induction and metaboli-zation correlated with low NDEA concentrations. We observed that NDEA at different concentrations in the absence of CYPs inducers, was able to induce CYP2B1, CYP2B2, CYP2E1, CYP3A1 and CYP4A3. A positive NDEA synergistic effect on the levels of mRNA, was observed in the presence of pyrazole (300 μM) for CYP2B1 and CYP2B2 and for pregnenolone 16- carbonitrile (0.15 μM) for CYP2E1. Negative NDEA synergistic effects were observed for ethanol (0.3%) for CYP3A1, pyrazol (300 μM) for CYP2A1 and CYP2E1, and phenobarbital (1 mM) for CYP2A1. These facts are extremally important once that these metabolites can be directly related to the primary DNA lesions. We consider that studies to elucidate the biological factors that determine the shape of the dose-response curve are crucial for low-dose extrapolations of risk.展开更多
C.P.E巴赫(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach,1714~1788)上承巴洛克时代下启古典主义风格,无论在古钢琴奏鸣曲还是交响曲等体裁的创作上,都无疑是位举足轻重的人物。他作为柏林歌曲乐派的代表人物,一生创作了近300首德文歌曲,奠定了18世纪德...C.P.E巴赫(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach,1714~1788)上承巴洛克时代下启古典主义风格,无论在古钢琴奏鸣曲还是交响曲等体裁的创作上,都无疑是位举足轻重的人物。他作为柏林歌曲乐派的代表人物,一生创作了近300首德文歌曲,奠定了18世纪德文歌曲写作手法,并推动了19世纪艺术歌曲的发展。以其一生的三部大型歌曲集为叙述重点,论述其德文歌曲创作的几个阶段,分析其歌曲特点,进而阐释与探析18世纪德文歌曲的写作风格。展开更多
Objective:To conduct a comparative analysis of the VP4 gene sequences of Indian wild type (06361,0613158,061060 and 0715880) and cell culture adapted(06361-CA,0613158-CA.061060- CA and 0715880-CA) G1P[8]rotavirus stra...Objective:To conduct a comparative analysis of the VP4 gene sequences of Indian wild type (06361,0613158,061060 and 0715880) and cell culture adapted(06361-CA,0613158-CA.061060- CA and 0715880-CA) G1P[8]rotavirus strains.Methods:Full-length VP4 genes of each of the four wild type G1P[8]rotavirus strains and their cell culture adapted counterparts displaying consistent cytopathic effect were subjected to RT-PCR amplification and nucleotide sequencing. Results:All four cell culture adapted G1P[8]rotavirus strains showed nucleotide and amino acid substitutions in the VP4 gene as compared to their wild type strains.The number of substitutions however,varied from 1-64 and 1-13 respectively.The substitutions were distributed in both VP5* and VP8* subunits of VP4 gene respectively of permeabilizalion and hemagglutinaling activity. The presence of unique amino acid substitutions was identified in two of the four wild type(V377G. S387N in 061060 and 1644L in 0715880) and all four cell culture adapted(A46V in 0613158-CA. T60R in 06361-CA,L237V.G389V and Q480H in 061060-CA and S615G and T625P in 0715880-CA) strains for the first time in the VP4 gene of P[8]specificity.Amino acid substitutions generated increase in the hydrophilicity in the cell culture adapted rotavirus strains as compared to their corresponding wild type strains.Conclusions:Amino acid substitutions detected in the VP4 genes of G1P[8]rotavirus strains from this study together with those from other studies highlight occurrence of only strain and/or host specific substitutions during cell culture adaptation. Further evaluation of such substitutions for their role in attenuation,immunogenicity and conformation is needed for the development of newer rolavirus vaccines.展开更多
Primary rat hepatocytes were cultured using different in vitro models and the enzym e leakage,albumin secretion,and cytochrome P4 5 0 1A(CYP1A) activity were observed.The re- sults showed that the level of L DH was ...Primary rat hepatocytes were cultured using different in vitro models and the enzym e leakage,albumin secretion,and cytochrome P4 5 0 1A(CYP1A) activity were observed.The re- sults showed that the level of L DH was decreased over time in culture.However,on day5 ,L DH showed a significant increase in monolayer culture (MC) while after day 8no L DH was detectable in sandwich culture (SC) . The levels of AST and AL T did not change significantly over the inves- tigated time. The CYP 1A activity was gradually decreased in a time- dependent manner in MC and SC.The decline of CYP1A was faster in MC than in SC.This effectwas partially reversed by us- ing cytochrom e P4 5 0 (CYP4 5 0 ) inducer such as Omeprazol and3- m ethylcholanthrene(3- MC) and the CYP1A induction was always higher in MC than in SC.In bioreactor basic CYP1A activity was preserved over2 weeks and the highest album in production was observed in bioreactor fol- lowed by SC and MC. Taken together,it was indicated each investigated model had its advantages and disadvantages. It was also underlined thatvarious in vitro models may address different ques- tions.展开更多
There are many reports that cells (protoplasts) separated from the thallus of Porphyra by enzyme can develop to normal leafy thalli in the same way as monospores. But there are few investigations on the subcellular st...There are many reports that cells (protoplasts) separated from the thallus of Porphyra by enzyme can develop to normal leafy thalli in the same way as monospores. But there are few investigations on the subcellular structure of the isolated vegetative cell for comparison with the subcellular structure of monospores. To clarify whether the separated and cultured cells undergo the same or similar ultrastructure changes during culture and germination as monospores undergo in their formation and germination, we observed their ultrastructure, compared them with those of the monospore and found that the ultrastructure of separated and cultured cells did not have the characteristic feature as that of monospore formation, such as production of small and large fibrous vesicles, but was accompanied by vacuolation and starch mobilization like that in monospore germination. The paper also discusses the relations between monospores and separated and cultured cells.展开更多
The Wister fat-storing cells were isolated by perfusion with collagenase and centrifugation with metrizamide density cushion technique and cultured in vitro. The fatstoring cells were confirmed by the presentation of ...The Wister fat-storing cells were isolated by perfusion with collagenase and centrifugation with metrizamide density cushion technique and cultured in vitro. The fatstoring cells were confirmed by the presentation of the lipid drop in the cytoplasm and the visualization of dismin with anti-dismin antibody by using indirect immunofluorescence method. By the videotape recorder (VIR) and the imagine analysis system, we observed the wandering immigration, the abrupt contraction of fat-storing cells with spike, then becoming a ball-like shape in its division phase. After that the cell began to extend and the contraction of these cells can be induced by the presence of 10-2 mmol/L endothelin-1 , 1 mmol/L of substance P and 2×10-5 mmol/L noradrenalin. After removal of these agents the contracted cells would become extended. All these findings indicate that the fat-storing cells have ability of contraction and movement.展开更多
In this paper, the physical education information teaching design system is researched and developed based on VB6.0 optimization platform. According to the national physical education and health course standards and t...In this paper, the physical education information teaching design system is researched and developed based on VB6.0 optimization platform. According to the national physical education and health course standards and the fundamental theories of the constructivisrn, the author adopts the modular-design development method to design two functional areas which are the displaying of the teaching design contents and the online information database (nine modules in total) on the basis of the P.E. teaching design flow. Importantly, this system features the compatibility, scalability and practical applicability, and can effectively improve the ability of P.E. teachers to design their teaching, and hence provides a guarantee for the improvement of teaching quality and efficiency.展开更多
文摘As a specific region most abundant in bamboo species and their natural forests i n the world, China's Yunnan Province harbors over 250 bamboo species belongin g to 28 genera in its 331 000?hm\+2 of bamboo forests,thus forming a unique macro\| ba ckground of its ecotourist landscape resources.Not only is it acknowledged as on e of the original places and modern distribution centers of bamboo by scientists ,but it is a region with diverse ethnical and bamboo cultures nurtured out of th e peculiar ethnical customs and wide bamboo utilization of its 26 nationalities. Based on the analyses of the ornamental bamboo and its value in landscape resour ces,5 aesthetic characteristics are microscopically and morphologically approach ed as a material base of the formation of bamboo culture.By reexamining the macr o\|background of the specific natural and humanity landscape,4 categories are de scribed as fundamental macro\|landscape resources of Yunnan's bamboo culture eco tourism.After researching the ethnical ecological ethics and cultural symbolism, 3 typical ethnical traditions are summarized as traditional ecological awareness ,and 3 cultural features of bamboo are revealed as essence of ethnical bamboo cu lture preserved in Yunnan.Borrowing some theories from the new economic developm ent,innovation and successful ecotourist management experience at home and abroa d with wide academic vision,the authors have synthetically studied the substanti al,conceptual and symbolic landscapes in a broad field involving bamboo science, ethnology,ecology,ecoeconomics and tourist management.A preliminary theory of e thnical bamboo culture is thus constructed,and its peculiarities are briefly dis cussed while the correlation between ethnical bamboo culture and the natural res ources,other cultures as well as ecotourist development are systematically analy zed to lay a solid theoretical foundation and reliable scientific basis for ecoe conomy\|oriented forestry,cultural economics and ecotourist practice.Accordingly ,3 primary strategies and certain related principles are suggested for the susta inable development of ecotourism in Yunnan via effective protection and rational exploitation of abundant natural landscape resources and colorful humanity land scape resources including ethnical bamboo culture.
文摘Consistent with previous research, results showed men get more paragraphs and photography coverage. Interestingly, women's factual information is always associated with relevant men report, including P.E relevant with personal information.
文摘The regional policy in the innovation development of private P.E economy plays better role in management according to law,guidance and escort;increase the macro quality of main body of private P.E entrepreneurs and the overall staff quality,develop P.E vocational P.E to provide P.E talents for private P.E economy.
文摘The portal is characterized with large amount of information, high stability and interaction, while "Online Journal of Physical P.E" is to publicize the academic pure value, spread the achievement influence in daily life, and advocate an academic atmosphere of utilitarianism with a slogan of "article issued online can be published in journal with the recommendation of experts" and practical action. It is the first academic journal under network operation.
文摘With globalization there is an increasing need for spoken English for Chinese college students. However, the situation of the teaching system of spoken English in most universities in China is not satisfactory. Influenced by the exam-oriented teaching system, great importance has been put on English grammar and the skills of reading and writing. As a result, students'enthusiasm in improving their spoken English is diminished. Actually, students need some knowledge about English culture background before they can communicate effectively. It is significant for teachers to find out the students'wants and lacks during their spoken English study. Besides, attentions should be paid to English culture background in spoken English classes by both teachers and students. This paper mainly aimed at finding out the needs of students for English culture background in spoken English classes based on the theory of needs analysis.
基金Supported by the Major Projects of Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX2-SW-208-01)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40976047)National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) (No. 2010CB428701)
文摘Eutrophication, which is the enrichment of a water mass with inorganic and organic nutrients that support plant growth, is a key factor in stimulating phytoplankton growth. In this study, we determined the effects of various nitrogen sources, different nitrogen concentrations in the culture medium, and two culture methods on the growth of the green alga, Enteromorpha prolifera. The relationship between the specific growth rate of E. prolifera and NO3-N concentration was consistent with that estimated using the Monod equation (R2=0.9713, P〈0.01). In the N O3-N medium, the maximum specific growth rate was calculated to be 0.1634/d and the semi-saturation constant was calculated to be 16.86 μmol/L. Our results show that E. prolijkra can effectively utilize NH4^+-N, NO3^-N, and NO^2-N and urea-N in the range of 5 to 50 μmol/L. NH4^+-N was preferentially assimilated by E. prolifera, and urea-N was favorable for long-term growth.
文摘The primary routes of potential human exposure to N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) are ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact. Air, diet and smoking contribute to potential human exposure at levels of a few μg of NDEA/day. Potential exposure depends on the ability of the nitrosamines to migrate from the product into the body. The first step in the metabolic degradation of NDEA by cytochrome oxidase (CYPs) enzymes is the introduction of a hydroxyl group and in human esophage and liver CYP2A3 and CYP2E1 participate on this metabolism. Measuring cytotoxicity in female rat primary hepatocytes cultures, were used to understand the CYP induction and metaboli-zation correlated with low NDEA concentrations. We observed that NDEA at different concentrations in the absence of CYPs inducers, was able to induce CYP2B1, CYP2B2, CYP2E1, CYP3A1 and CYP4A3. A positive NDEA synergistic effect on the levels of mRNA, was observed in the presence of pyrazole (300 μM) for CYP2B1 and CYP2B2 and for pregnenolone 16- carbonitrile (0.15 μM) for CYP2E1. Negative NDEA synergistic effects were observed for ethanol (0.3%) for CYP3A1, pyrazol (300 μM) for CYP2A1 and CYP2E1, and phenobarbital (1 mM) for CYP2A1. These facts are extremally important once that these metabolites can be directly related to the primary DNA lesions. We consider that studies to elucidate the biological factors that determine the shape of the dose-response curve are crucial for low-dose extrapolations of risk.
文摘C.P.E巴赫(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach,1714~1788)上承巴洛克时代下启古典主义风格,无论在古钢琴奏鸣曲还是交响曲等体裁的创作上,都无疑是位举足轻重的人物。他作为柏林歌曲乐派的代表人物,一生创作了近300首德文歌曲,奠定了18世纪德文歌曲写作手法,并推动了19世纪艺术歌曲的发展。以其一生的三部大型歌曲集为叙述重点,论述其德文歌曲创作的几个阶段,分析其歌曲特点,进而阐释与探析18世纪德文歌曲的写作风格。
基金supported by National Institute of Virology(NIV,Indian Council of Medical Research, Govt.of India),Pune
文摘Objective:To conduct a comparative analysis of the VP4 gene sequences of Indian wild type (06361,0613158,061060 and 0715880) and cell culture adapted(06361-CA,0613158-CA.061060- CA and 0715880-CA) G1P[8]rotavirus strains.Methods:Full-length VP4 genes of each of the four wild type G1P[8]rotavirus strains and their cell culture adapted counterparts displaying consistent cytopathic effect were subjected to RT-PCR amplification and nucleotide sequencing. Results:All four cell culture adapted G1P[8]rotavirus strains showed nucleotide and amino acid substitutions in the VP4 gene as compared to their wild type strains.The number of substitutions however,varied from 1-64 and 1-13 respectively.The substitutions were distributed in both VP5* and VP8* subunits of VP4 gene respectively of permeabilizalion and hemagglutinaling activity. The presence of unique amino acid substitutions was identified in two of the four wild type(V377G. S387N in 061060 and 1644L in 0715880) and all four cell culture adapted(A46V in 0613158-CA. T60R in 06361-CA,L237V.G389V and Q480H in 061060-CA and S615G and T625P in 0715880-CA) strains for the first time in the VP4 gene of P[8]specificity.Amino acid substitutions generated increase in the hydrophilicity in the cell culture adapted rotavirus strains as compared to their corresponding wild type strains.Conclusions:Amino acid substitutions detected in the VP4 genes of G1P[8]rotavirus strains from this study together with those from other studies highlight occurrence of only strain and/or host specific substitutions during cell culture adaptation. Further evaluation of such substitutions for their role in attenuation,immunogenicity and conformation is needed for the development of newer rolavirus vaccines.
文摘Primary rat hepatocytes were cultured using different in vitro models and the enzym e leakage,albumin secretion,and cytochrome P4 5 0 1A(CYP1A) activity were observed.The re- sults showed that the level of L DH was decreased over time in culture.However,on day5 ,L DH showed a significant increase in monolayer culture (MC) while after day 8no L DH was detectable in sandwich culture (SC) . The levels of AST and AL T did not change significantly over the inves- tigated time. The CYP 1A activity was gradually decreased in a time- dependent manner in MC and SC.The decline of CYP1A was faster in MC than in SC.This effectwas partially reversed by us- ing cytochrom e P4 5 0 (CYP4 5 0 ) inducer such as Omeprazol and3- m ethylcholanthrene(3- MC) and the CYP1A induction was always higher in MC than in SC.In bioreactor basic CYP1A activity was preserved over2 weeks and the highest album in production was observed in bioreactor fol- lowed by SC and MC. Taken together,it was indicated each investigated model had its advantages and disadvantages. It was also underlined thatvarious in vitro models may address different ques- tions.
基金Project 39770593 supported by NSFCProject 96-001-05-01 of the 9th Five-Year Plan supported by Science and Technology Commision of China
文摘There are many reports that cells (protoplasts) separated from the thallus of Porphyra by enzyme can develop to normal leafy thalli in the same way as monospores. But there are few investigations on the subcellular structure of the isolated vegetative cell for comparison with the subcellular structure of monospores. To clarify whether the separated and cultured cells undergo the same or similar ultrastructure changes during culture and germination as monospores undergo in their formation and germination, we observed their ultrastructure, compared them with those of the monospore and found that the ultrastructure of separated and cultured cells did not have the characteristic feature as that of monospore formation, such as production of small and large fibrous vesicles, but was accompanied by vacuolation and starch mobilization like that in monospore germination. The paper also discusses the relations between monospores and separated and cultured cells.
文摘The Wister fat-storing cells were isolated by perfusion with collagenase and centrifugation with metrizamide density cushion technique and cultured in vitro. The fatstoring cells were confirmed by the presentation of the lipid drop in the cytoplasm and the visualization of dismin with anti-dismin antibody by using indirect immunofluorescence method. By the videotape recorder (VIR) and the imagine analysis system, we observed the wandering immigration, the abrupt contraction of fat-storing cells with spike, then becoming a ball-like shape in its division phase. After that the cell began to extend and the contraction of these cells can be induced by the presence of 10-2 mmol/L endothelin-1 , 1 mmol/L of substance P and 2×10-5 mmol/L noradrenalin. After removal of these agents the contracted cells would become extended. All these findings indicate that the fat-storing cells have ability of contraction and movement.
文摘In this paper, the physical education information teaching design system is researched and developed based on VB6.0 optimization platform. According to the national physical education and health course standards and the fundamental theories of the constructivisrn, the author adopts the modular-design development method to design two functional areas which are the displaying of the teaching design contents and the online information database (nine modules in total) on the basis of the P.E. teaching design flow. Importantly, this system features the compatibility, scalability and practical applicability, and can effectively improve the ability of P.E. teachers to design their teaching, and hence provides a guarantee for the improvement of teaching quality and efficiency.