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Systematic bibliometric analysis of research hotspots and trends on the application of premium IOLs in the past 2 decades
作者 Liang-Pin Li Li-Yun Yuan +2 位作者 De-Shen Mao Xia Hua Xiao-Yong Yuan 《International Journal of Ophthalmology(English edition)》 SCIE CAS 2024年第4期736-747,共12页
AIM:To analysis of research hotspots and trends on the application of premium intraocular lens(PIOLs)in the past 2 decades.METHODS:The literature search was performed on the Web of Science and included PIOLs studies p... AIM:To analysis of research hotspots and trends on the application of premium intraocular lens(PIOLs)in the past 2 decades.METHODS:The literature search was performed on the Web of Science and included PIOLs studies published between January 2000 and December 2022.The retrieved literature was collated and analyzed by R-tool’s Bibliometrix package,CitNetExplorer,CiteSpace and other software.RESULTS:A total of 1801 articles about PIOLs were obtained,most of which were published in Spain and the United States.The organization that published the most articles was the University of Valencia in Spain.Alió JL,and Montés-Micó R,from Spain were the most influential authors in this field.The Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery and Journal of Refractive Surgery were the core journals for this field;the top 10 cited articles mainly focus on postoperative satisfaction with multifocal intraocular lens(IOLs)and postoperative results of toric IOLs.Through the keyword analysis,we found that trifocal IOLs,astigmatism and extended depth of focus(EDoF)IOLs are the most discussed topics at present,and the importance of astigmatism and the clinical application of the new generation of PIOLs are the emerging research trends.CONCLUSION:Bibliometric analysis can effectively help to identify multilevel concerns in PIOLs research and the prevailing research trends in the realm of PIOLs encompass the adoption of EDoF IOLs,trifocal IOLs,and their respective Toric models. 展开更多
关键词 premium intraocular lens BIBLIOMETRIC H-INDEX cataract surgery global trends
作者 陈东景 高广瑞 《调研世界》 2025年第1期42-56,共15页
厘清绿色溢价推动产业绿色转型的内在机理,有助于建立绿色低碳的现代产业体系。本文构建企业、消费者与政府为参与主体的演化博弈模型,将绿色溢价作为重要博弈点,分析各参与方综合自身效益的行为决策,借助数值仿真技术模拟绿色溢价在“... 厘清绿色溢价推动产业绿色转型的内在机理,有助于建立绿色低碳的现代产业体系。本文构建企业、消费者与政府为参与主体的演化博弈模型,将绿色溢价作为重要博弈点,分析各参与方综合自身效益的行为决策,借助数值仿真技术模拟绿色溢价在“政企消”协同演化博弈中达成绿色转型均衡。机制分析发现,绿色溢价主要通过有效劳动力人均资本及社会效率水平的增长推动实现全社会层面的绿色转型,前者体现为社会环保意识的提升,后者则通过绿色溢价对于资源整合及产业升级的影响推动绿色转型。博弈研究发现,在政府有效监管下,企业及消费者借助绿色溢价这一中介能够实现自身效益最大化与社会绿色发展期盼的“双赢”。 展开更多
关键词 绿色溢价 绿色转型 演化博弈 绿色索洛模型
作者 李向红 《江苏商论》 2025年第2期112-116,141,共6页
数智技术的发展是职业教育数字化转型的基础。发展新质生产力离不开高质量人才的培养。本文基于黄炎培职业教育教师观视角,数字化赋能在线精品课程建设。践行以学习者为中心的育人理念,有效激发学习者创新思维、自信心和自豪感。提升职... 数智技术的发展是职业教育数字化转型的基础。发展新质生产力离不开高质量人才的培养。本文基于黄炎培职业教育教师观视角,数字化赋能在线精品课程建设。践行以学习者为中心的育人理念,有效激发学习者创新思维、自信心和自豪感。提升职业教育教师数字化教学能力,促进创新性高质量新质人才的价值培育。推动职业教育数字化改革和产业升级,满足数字经济时代新质生产力发展下的创新链、产业链、人才链和教育链新需求。 展开更多
关键词 新质生产力 数智技术 数字化赋能 在线精品课程 黄炎培教师观
作者 陈哲 李晓静 司伟 《西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期89-100,共12页
基于2022年山东和陕西2省6县(市、区)1 248户苹果种植户的微观调查数据,在使用有限混合模型(FMM)测度农户绿色生产转型程度的基础上,实证检验参与食品可追溯体系对农户绿色生产转型的影响。研究结果表明:(1)参与食品可追溯体系会显著促... 基于2022年山东和陕西2省6县(市、区)1 248户苹果种植户的微观调查数据,在使用有限混合模型(FMM)测度农户绿色生产转型程度的基础上,实证检验参与食品可追溯体系对农户绿色生产转型的影响。研究结果表明:(1)参与食品可追溯体系会显著促进农户绿色生产转型,这一结论在解决潜在的内生性问题和经过多种稳健性检验后依然成立;(2)异质性分析表明,参与食品可追溯体系对大规模种植户、参与组织和受教育水平更高的农户绿色生产转型的促进作用更为明显;(3)机制分析结果表明,参与食品可追溯体系可以通过产品收益激励、绿色认知提升、社会声誉维护三条路径影响农户绿色生产转型。据此提出加大食品可追溯体系建设,提高农户参与比率;明晰转型关键制约因素,增强农户绿色生产转型意愿;充分考虑不同资源禀赋农户特征,给予针对性的政策引导等对策建议。 展开更多
关键词 食品可追溯体系 绿色生产转型 溢价激励 随机前沿模型 苹果种植户
作者 朱彩霞 秦涛 孙浩琳 《中国农业气象》 2025年第1期23-37,共15页
根据2003-2017年果洛州年降水量和牧草单产数据,选取降水距平百分率(Precipitation anomaly in percentage,PA)构建干旱指数(DI_(q)),采用Hodrick prescott filter(HP滤波)方法测算牧草趋势产量从而计算减产率(YLR_(q)),利用固定效应模... 根据2003-2017年果洛州年降水量和牧草单产数据,选取降水距平百分率(Precipitation anomaly in percentage,PA)构建干旱指数(DI_(q)),采用Hodrick prescott filter(HP滤波)方法测算牧草趋势产量从而计算减产率(YLR_(q)),利用固定效应模型拟合牧草干旱指数与单产减产率的相关关系,最后构建损失率期望值模型,实现牧草干旱天气指数保险产品的设计,并厘定保险纯费率。结果表明:(1)果洛州牧草干旱致灾危险性呈东南向西北逐渐增加的空间分布特征,其中玛多县为干旱致灾危险性高值区,应重点加强干旱防范;(2)2003−2017年果洛州6个县牧草单产均呈波动上升趋势,其中班玛县牧草单产最高,15a平均单产为11126.67kg·hm^(−2);(3)果洛州牧草干旱指数(DI_(q))与减产率(YLR_(q))呈显著的线性相关关系,即YLR_(q)=0.311DI_(q)+0.035(P<0.050),干旱指数每增加一单位,牧草减产率增加0.311个百分点,当干旱指数为0时,其他因素导致牧草减产3.500%;(4)通过EasyFit软件筛选干旱指数概率分布最优模型,分别给出果洛州6个县牧草干旱指数的4种最优分布函数,即Gen.Pareto模型、Error模型、Johnson SB模型和Gen.Extreme Value模型,且Anderson Darling(A−D)检验统计量均小于0.3。果洛州各县牧草轻旱、中旱、重旱与特旱发生概率分别处于8.750%~30.350%、13.000%~34.530%、0~13.790%和0~0.820%;(5)果洛州牧草干旱天气指数保险产品在100%保障水平下,6个县纯费率在2.259%~3.748%波动,西北部玛多县的纯费率最高,为3.748%,东南部达日县纯费率最低,为2.259%,牧草干旱天气指数保险纯费率呈东南向西北逐渐增大的空间分布格局。根据果洛州牧草空间分布及干旱情况,建议保险纯费率较高的玛多县、玛沁县等地区可作为试点先行县,制定差异化保费财政补贴政策。 展开更多
关键词 牧草保险 干旱天气指数 产品设计 费率厘定 果洛州
酶制剂Citrozym Premium L和Cellubrix L在胡萝卜汁生产中的应用效果比较 被引量:8
作者 俞中 林春国 +1 位作者 朱风涛 周元炘 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期86-87,共2页
CitrozymPremiumL和CellubrixL这两种酶分别具有分解酯化果胶和纤维素的作用,通过试验证明:在胡萝卜汁生产工艺中,CitrozymPremiumL和CellubrixL具有提高出汁率和β-胡萝卜素含量的作用,其中CitrozymPremiumL效果非常明显。它们的合理... CitrozymPremiumL和CellubrixL这两种酶分别具有分解酯化果胶和纤维素的作用,通过试验证明:在胡萝卜汁生产工艺中,CitrozymPremiumL和CellubrixL具有提高出汁率和β-胡萝卜素含量的作用,其中CitrozymPremiumL效果非常明显。它们的合理用量均为50×10-6。 展开更多
关键词 酶制剂 Citrozym premium L Cellubrix L 胡萝卜汁生产 应用 出汁率
基于Premium PLC的PI_B调节器在变频恒压供水系统中的应用 被引量:2
作者 薛芹 吕国芳 《电子设计工程》 2015年第14期142-145,共4页
针对传统供水系统普遍存在的迟滞性和非线性特点,设计了一种基于Premium PLC的变频恒压供水控制系统,以变频器与PLC为核心,采用一拖一的配置方式,通过变频器输出频率值控制水泵的转速,实现了恒压供水的目的。介绍了压力传感器的滤波设... 针对传统供水系统普遍存在的迟滞性和非线性特点,设计了一种基于Premium PLC的变频恒压供水控制系统,以变频器与PLC为核心,采用一拖一的配置方式,通过变频器输出频率值控制水泵的转速,实现了恒压供水的目的。介绍了压力传感器的滤波设置以及PI_B调节器的实现。通过实践证明该系统具有较高的稳定性与可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 premium PLC 变频 恒压供水 PI—B调节器
超级豪华——华硕P5WD2 Premium
作者 魔之左手 《大众硬件》 2005年第11期57-57,共1页
关键词 premium 华硕 豪华 超级 领导者 高端 主板
Premium PLC在污水处理中的应用
作者 刘增祥 《电气时代》 2008年第11期116-117,共2页
工艺与功能要求 江苏省大丰市城北污水处理厂设计规模为3万t/d,一期工程1.5万t/d,为国家“三河、三湖”污染防治项目。根据设计要求,污水处理采取了CASS工艺,其工艺流程如图1所示。图2为系统配置图。
关键词 城北污水处理厂 premium PLC CASS工艺 应用 一期工程 污染防治 工艺流程
无线上网三驾马车——华硕WL-500g Premium无线路由器WL-100gE PCMCIA无线网卡WL-138gE PCI无线网卡
作者 小虫 《大众硬件》 2006年第11期54-55,共2页
关键词 PCMCIA无线网卡 无线上网 premium 无线路由器 华硕 PCI 无线网络套件
施耐德Premium PLC在大峡门机改造中的运用
作者 张煜明 《电气时代》 2007年第11期I0018-I0019,共2页
黄河大峡水电站坝顶1^#4000kN双向门机设有独立运行的小车,在小车内顶部设50kN的检修吊,在坝顶门机门架上部结构左岸侧设160kN的电动葫芦并沿垂直坝顶门机轨道方向运行。该门机主要用于泄水闸事故检修门、机组进口检修门、机组进口事... 黄河大峡水电站坝顶1^#4000kN双向门机设有独立运行的小车,在小车内顶部设50kN的检修吊,在坝顶门机门架上部结构左岸侧设160kN的电动葫芦并沿垂直坝顶门机轨道方向运行。该门机主要用于泄水闸事故检修门、机组进口检修门、机组进口事故门、主拦污栅、副拦污栅、右灌溉孔的拦污栅和事故检修门、排沙孔事故检修门的启闭、安装和吊运。 展开更多
关键词 双向门机 premium PLC 事故检修门 改造 坝顶门机 大峡水电站 拦污栅
作者 刘瑞娜 王晓东 +3 位作者 刘洪民 杨太明 张慧 赵兴宇 《中国农业气象》 2025年第1期122-132,共11页
基于历史灾情数据细化修订黄山市茶叶霜冻害气象指标,应用ANUSPLIN插值软件,建立基于地形的黄山市茶叶霜冻害指标模型;基于历史气象观测数据,借助地理信息系统,开展黄山市精细化茶叶霜冻害风险评估;以黄山毛峰茶叶为研究对象,综合考虑... 基于历史灾情数据细化修订黄山市茶叶霜冻害气象指标,应用ANUSPLIN插值软件,建立基于地形的黄山市茶叶霜冻害指标模型;基于历史气象观测数据,借助地理信息系统,开展黄山市精细化茶叶霜冻害风险评估;以黄山毛峰茶叶为研究对象,综合考虑霜冻害风险评估结果和茶叶经济产出,确定茶叶霜冻害保险区域和可保时段,计算不同时段不同海拔黄山毛峰茶的霜冻害天气指数保险纯费率。结果表明:黄山市茶叶霜冻害辨识阈值为极端最低气温(T_(d))3℃,按间隔1℃划分为2℃<T_(d)≤3℃、1℃<T_(d)≤2℃、0<T_(d)≤1℃、−1℃<T_(d)≤0、−2℃<T_(d)≤−1℃、−3℃<T_(d)≤−2℃和T_(d)≤−3℃共7个霜冻灾害等级,对应茶芽平均损失率分别为5%、15%、25%、35%、50%、70%和90%。黄山市茶叶霜冻害风险地域特征明显,海拔越高霜冻害风险越高,随时间推移,灾害风险表现为波动降低趋势。黄山毛峰茶叶霜冻害天气指数保险区域为海拔400−1000m,可保时段为3月16日−4月15日,极端最低气温达2℃触发赔付。可保时段海拔400−500m、500−600m、600−700m、700−800m、800−900m和900−1000m保险区域内黄山毛峰茶叶霜冻害天气指数保险纯费率分别为1.4%、1.9%、2.7%、3.7%、4.9%和6.4%。3月16日−3月30日、3月21日−4月4日、3月26日−4月9日和3月31日−4月15日4个保险时段保险纯费率分别为1.2%~5.0%、0.9%~3.8%、0.6%~2.2%和0.3%~1.5%。黄山毛峰茶叶霜冻害天气指数保险纯费率随海拔升高呈增加趋势,随时间推迟呈下降趋势。 展开更多
关键词 茶叶 霜冻害 天气指数 风险度 保险纯费率
Crop Insurance, Premium Subsidy and Agricultural Output 被引量:24
作者 XU Jing-feng LIAO Pu 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第11期2537-2545,共9页
This paper studied the effects of crop insurance on agricultural output with an economic growth model. Based on Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans (RCK) model, a basic model of agriculture economic growth was developed. Extending... This paper studied the effects of crop insurance on agricultural output with an economic growth model. Based on Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans (RCK) model, a basic model of agriculture economic growth was developed. Extending the basic model to incorporate uncertainty and insurance mechanism, a risk model and a risk-insurance model were built to study the inlfuences of risk and crop insurance on agricultural output. Compared with the steady states of the three models, the following results are achieved:(i) agricultural output decreases if we introduce uncertainty into the risk-free model;(ii) crop insurance promotes agriculture economic growth if insurance mechanism is introduced into the risk model;(iii) premium subsidy constantly improves agricultural output. Our contribution is that we studied the effects of crop insurance and premium subsidy from the perspective of economic growth in a dynamic framework, and proved the output promotion of crop insurance theoretically. 展开更多
关键词 economic growth agriculture risk crop insurance premium subsidy
Is the “One Province One Rate” premium policy reasonable for Chinese crop insurance? The case in Jilin Province 被引量:4
作者 ZHOU Xian-hua LIAO Pu WANG Ke 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第8期1900-1911,共12页
Crop insurance in China is currently adopting the premium pricing strategy of "One Province One Rate", which appears to be in line with the systematic risk characteristics within crop insurance. This researc... Crop insurance in China is currently adopting the premium pricing strategy of "One Province One Rate", which appears to be in line with the systematic risk characteristics within crop insurance. This research aims to investigate the theoretical rationalization of this pricing strategy and its implications using the spatial lag model and the county-level data from the 45 corn plant counties of Jilin Province, China. Results corroborate that:(1) the spatial spillover effect of the corn yield risk is significant in Jilin but decreases rapidly when the risk unit includes more than eight counties; and(2) separating Jilin Province into eight risk zones for corn insurance will significantly reduce the high cross-subsidy phenomenon arising from the "One Province One Rate" strategy and shall benefit poor peasants in the region as well. This paper not only proves the existence of a systematic risk of crop insurance but also reveals that the spatial correlation and systemic features of the crop yield risk do not create a solid foundation for the current pricing strategy of "One Province One Rate". These conclusions will undoubtedly provide important references and empirical evidence for the role of China’s crop insurance in poverty alleviation. 展开更多
关键词 crop insurance premium spatial correlation spatial lag model
Ruin Probability with Variable Premium Rate and Disturbed by Diffusion in a Markovian Environment 被引量:2
作者 LIUYan HUYi-jun 《Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences》 EI CAS 2004年第4期399-403,共5页
We consider a risk model with a premium rate which varies with the level of free reserves. In this model, the occurrence of claims is described by a Cox process with Markov intensity process, and the influence of stoc... We consider a risk model with a premium rate which varies with the level of free reserves. In this model, the occurrence of claims is described by a Cox process with Markov intensity process, and the influence of stochastic factors is considered by adding a diffusion process. The integro-differential equation for the ruin probability is derived by a infinitesimal method. Key words ruin probability - variable premium rate - diffusion process - Markov intensity CLC number O 211.9 Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10071058, 70273029) 展开更多
关键词 ruin probability variable premium rate diffusion process Markov intensity
Study on Reasonable Premium Rate of Pension Insurance in China 被引量:1
作者 孙涛 陈晓慧 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2000年第2期99-102,共4页
By analyzing the cause of too high premium rate of pension insurance at present and discussing the current practice of Chinese Pension Insurance System, three models to determine the reasonable paying level of premium... By analyzing the cause of too high premium rate of pension insurance at present and discussing the current practice of Chinese Pension Insurance System, three models to determine the reasonable paying level of premium, returning level of retirement pay and premium rate are established. Comparatively speaking, these models solve the problem of the determination of the premium rate more scientifically and offer an effective analyzing means to the improvement of the Chinese Pension Insurance System. 展开更多
作者 Jingwei LI Guoxin LIU Jinyan ZHAO 《Acta Mathematica Scientia》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第1期170-198,共29页
This paper concerns an optimal dividend-penalty problem for the risk models with surplus-dependent premiums.The objective is to maximize the difference of the expected cumulative discounted dividend payments received ... This paper concerns an optimal dividend-penalty problem for the risk models with surplus-dependent premiums.The objective is to maximize the difference of the expected cumulative discounted dividend payments received until the moment of ruin and a discounted penalty payment taken at the moment of ruin.Since the value function may be not smooth enough to be the classical solution of the HJB equation,the viscosity solution is involved.The optimal value function can be characterized as the smallest viscosity supersolution of the HJB equation and the optimal dividend-penalty strategy has a band structure.Finally,some numerical examples with gamma distribution for the claims are analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 band strategy risk models with surplus-dependent premiumS HJB equation VISCOSITY solution Gerber-shiu function
Sealing Reliability and Sensitivity Analysis for a Premium Threaded Connection Based on Kriging Model 被引量:2
作者 郭伟 崔卫民 +2 位作者 何勃 刘敬一 宋笔锋 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2016年第5期791-796,共6页
In order to analyze the sealing performance of a new designed premium threaded connection,this paper studies the sealing reliability and sensitivity of the premium threaded connection at its most dangerous load condit... In order to analyze the sealing performance of a new designed premium threaded connection,this paper studies the sealing reliability and sensitivity of the premium threaded connection at its most dangerous load condition based on Kriging model.The load condition of premium threaded connection in deep well is so complex that the most dangerous load point of premium threaded connection under the typical series loads is studied by finite element analysis(FEA) method firstly.Since the FEA of the premium threaded connection is too time-consuming,Kriging model which is accurate and efficient for multidimensional and highly nonlinear problems is built to calculate the sealing reliability of the premium threaded connection at the most dangerous load point.Finally,the sealing sensitivity analysis of the premium threaded connection is performed by the method of variance-based global sensitivity analysis.The work in this paper could contribute for the analysis and further improvement of the premium threaded connection. 展开更多
关键词 premium dangerous sealing consuming variance Connection premium oilfield torque thread
China's Premium Chauffeured Car Market Has Potential 被引量:1
作者 Jenny Hu 《China's Foreign Trade》 2016年第2期46-47,共2页
After the initial surge in market growth,platforms began reducing subsidies to passengers and drivers in response to the inevitable pressure from cash-flow concerns.According to Roland Berger’s recently released"... After the initial surge in market growth,platforms began reducing subsidies to passengers and drivers in response to the inevitable pressure from cash-flow concerns.According to Roland Berger’s recently released"Analysis of China’s premium chauffeured car market",it shows that premium 展开更多
关键词 premium premium inevitable Berger SURGE currently COMPANIES RELEASED HELPING PRIVATE
Price distortions and municipal bonds premiums:evidence from Switzerland 被引量:1
作者 Darko B.Vukovic Carlos J.Rincon Moinak Maiti 《Financial Innovation》 2021年第1期1359-1379,共21页
This study examines the pricing of municipal bonds before and after a currency shock in Switzerland.Two approaches are used to decompose the municipal to treasuries bond spreads into liquidity,maturity,and default ris... This study examines the pricing of municipal bonds before and after a currency shock in Switzerland.Two approaches are used to decompose the municipal to treasuries bond spreads into liquidity,maturity,and default risk premiums.The first approach is the model of the cross-sectional instrumental variables,and the second approach is the model of the instrumental variables with panel data.This study examines the composition of spreads for both approaches,in three scenarios:before,throughout,and after the currency shock.The study performed Durbin-Wu-Hausman tests for each decisive model to verify endogeneity issues,including the Lagrangian Multiplier test,the Cragg-Donald Wald F statistic to confirm the relationship of instrumental and endogenous variables,and the structural break test(Bai-Perron test)to determine the existence of structural breaks in bond distortions.This study finds that the currency price distortions of the Swiss franc in January 2015 made long-run changes in the composition of the municipal bond spreads.This research contributes to the understanding of municipal bond pricing by showing that default risk accounts for a large portion of the municipal bond spread,while maturity risk plays a lesser role.According to our empirical findings,unexpected large currency price shocks may have long-term implications on the municipal bond spreads. 展开更多
关键词 Municipal bonds Risk premiums Bond spreads Price distortions
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