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风沙流中气固两相速度场的PIV-PLIF测量 被引量:8
作者 杨斌 王元 张洋 《西安交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第7期101-104,共4页
结合粒子图像测速技术与平面激光诱导荧光法,对风沙流中气固两相的速度场同时进行了测量.实验采用罗丹明B溶液作荧光剂,通过超声雾化方式产生平均直径为2μm的气相荧光示踪粒子.使用两组滤镜分别过滤荧光(橙色)与激光(绿色),通过两个CC... 结合粒子图像测速技术与平面激光诱导荧光法,对风沙流中气固两相的速度场同时进行了测量.实验采用罗丹明B溶液作荧光剂,通过超声雾化方式产生平均直径为2μm的气相荧光示踪粒子.使用两组滤镜分别过滤荧光(橙色)与激光(绿色),通过两个CCD相机分别获得气固两相示踪粒子图像对.采用互相关算法及相应的图像处理方法进行后处理,从而获得两相的速度场.结果显示:风沙流两相的速度廓线在上部均满足对数分布;随着高度的降低,在床面附近风速梯度单调递减,风速廓线下凹,而沙粒与风场不断交换动量,相应地沙粒相速度廓线也会出现向下的偏离;6组沙样的速度廓线发生偏离的高度基本一致;沙粒粒径不仅影响沙粒本身的运动速度,同时对气相风场也有一定的影响. 展开更多
关键词 风沙流 粒子图像测速技术 激光诱导荧光法 荧光示踪粒子 粒径 风速廓线
作者 梁越 何慧汝 +2 位作者 许彬 张鑫强 冉裕星 《河海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期60-66,共7页
为探究水力梯度对土体内部渗流侵蚀的影响规律,利用熔融石英砂作为透明土材料,以十五号白油与正十二烷按一定比例配置孔隙溶液,采用自研的PIV-PLIF(粒子图像测速-平面激光诱导荧光)渗流侵蚀试验系统研究了水力梯度对渗流侵蚀过程中孔隙... 为探究水力梯度对土体内部渗流侵蚀的影响规律,利用熔融石英砂作为透明土材料,以十五号白油与正十二烷按一定比例配置孔隙溶液,采用自研的PIV-PLIF(粒子图像测速-平面激光诱导荧光)渗流侵蚀试验系统研究了水力梯度对渗流侵蚀过程中孔隙溶液流速分布以及细颗粒运动的影响。结果表明:随着水力梯度的增大,示踪粒子流速也随之增大且不规则运动现象加剧,直到试样发生破坏流速才趋于稳定;同一水力梯度下,宏观流速略大于微观流速,两者之间的差距也随水力梯度的增大而不断缩小;当水力梯度达到临界水力梯度时,骨架颗粒中的细颗粒开始流失,渗透系数也开始发生变化,继续提升水头会使细颗粒大量流失而导致渗流通道不断发展扩大,最终达到破坏临界水力梯度,试样发生渗透破坏。 展开更多
关键词 渗流侵蚀 水力梯度 透明土 平面激光诱导荧光(plif) 粒子图像测速(piv)
贫燃预混旋流火焰PIV和OH-PLIF瞬态同步测量 被引量:6
作者 张俊 涂晓波 +3 位作者 陈爽 李玉栋 王林森 齐新华 《航空动力学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第10期2046-2055,共10页
为了研究贫燃预混旋流火焰流场与火焰结构特性,设计了强受限预混旋流燃烧器,搭建了PIV(粒子图像测速)和OH-PLIF(平面激光诱导荧光)瞬态同步测量系统。针对典型贫燃工况开展了瞬态同步测量研究,获得了多个截面的瞬态和时均流场速度和OH... 为了研究贫燃预混旋流火焰流场与火焰结构特性,设计了强受限预混旋流燃烧器,搭建了PIV(粒子图像测速)和OH-PLIF(平面激光诱导荧光)瞬态同步测量系统。针对典型贫燃工况开展了瞬态同步测量研究,获得了多个截面的瞬态和时均流场速度和OH分布信息。研究表明:低当量比不稳定燃烧工况下,伴随着角涡回火现象,燃烧室底部角落存在明显火焰反应区;由于旋流拉扯效应导致OH分布结构边缘产生褶皱,并出现多个OH"孤岛";旋流火焰外沿位于喷嘴射流的内侧剪切层;增加当量比,火焰流场结构与反应区分布与低当量比类似,但燃烧更稳定,火焰高度有所增加;内部回流区的经典双涡结构分裂为多个旋涡,存在旋涡进动、破碎的现象。 展开更多
关键词 火焰流场结构 火焰反应区 贫燃预混 瞬态同步 粒子图像测速(piv) 平面激光诱导荧光(plif)
现代流动测量技术用于撞击流混合器内流动特性的研究进展 被引量:5
作者 张建伟 马彦东 冯颖 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期268-273,共6页
分别介绍了几种现代典型的流动测量技术包括热线风速仪(HWA)、激光多普勒测速技术(LDV)、相位激光多普勒技术(PDA)、激光粒子图像测速技术(PIV)及平面激光诱导荧光技术(PLIF)的基本工作原理。在对这些技术在近几年的应用状况进行了介绍... 分别介绍了几种现代典型的流动测量技术包括热线风速仪(HWA)、激光多普勒测速技术(LDV)、相位激光多普勒技术(PDA)、激光粒子图像测速技术(PIV)及平面激光诱导荧光技术(PLIF)的基本工作原理。在对这些技术在近几年的应用状况进行了介绍和分析,指出使用这些测量技术对撞击流混合器内流场进行测试的重要意义。同时介绍了一种新型撞击流装置,并对撞击流的进一步研究进行展望。 展开更多
关键词 热线风速仪 激光多普勒测速技术 相位激光多普勒技术 激光粒子图像测速技术 平面激光诱导荧光技术 撞击流
作者 王震 王雅瑶 刘训臣 《实验流体力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期1-14,共14页
在横向射流流场中,各种涡结构运动对射流轨迹变化和标量混合有着决定性影响,但目前仍然缺乏输运过程中剪切层涡高频动态特性的相关研究。本文基于40 kHz高频粒子图像测速(Particle Image Velocimetry,PIV)技术和20 kHz丙酮平面激光诱导... 在横向射流流场中,各种涡结构运动对射流轨迹变化和标量混合有着决定性影响,但目前仍然缺乏输运过程中剪切层涡高频动态特性的相关研究。本文基于40 kHz高频粒子图像测速(Particle Image Velocimetry,PIV)技术和20 kHz丙酮平面激光诱导荧光(Acetone Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence,Acetone PLIF)技术研究了不同直径喷嘴、不同速度比下的横向射流高频动态流场特征和标量场浓度分布规律,以及湍流细微结构的形成和破碎过程。速度场和标量场的实验测量表明增大速度比对回流区的生长起促进作用;通过拟合得到了射流轨迹、速度分布及剪切层涡运动轨迹方程,射流速度沿轨迹呈指数下降,剪切层涡强度与涡运动频率也呈下降趋势,且迎风侧剪切层涡运动频率略低于背风侧;随着射流速度增大,剪切层涡运动频率逐渐增大,斯特劳哈尔数降低。 展开更多
关键词 横向射流 piv 丙酮plif 剪切层涡 流场特征
Formation of Gel-Like Shear-Induced Structure with Dosing of Dilute Surfactant Solution and Its Effect on Turbulent Channel Flow
作者 Shumpei Hara Kazuki Ishii Yasuo Kawaguchi 《Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics》 CAS 2022年第3期249-262,共14页
A shear-induced structure (SIS) is formed under appropriate concentration and shear conditions in a surfactant micellar solution. In this study, we performed experiments of surfactant solution dosing in a fully develo... A shear-induced structure (SIS) is formed under appropriate concentration and shear conditions in a surfactant micellar solution. In this study, we performed experiments of surfactant solution dosing in a fully developed two-dimensional turbulent channel flow from a sintered metallic wire mesh plate attached to a side wall. We investigated the behavior of the solution under the elongation during its passing through the wire mesh and under the strong shear due to the channel flow. It was confirmed that the dosed solution containing a laser dye was visualized by a laser sheet, and the accumulated gel from the wire mesh formed a layer and developed with time. Consequently, on dosing the dilute surfactant solution from the wire mesh, a gel-like SIS layer was formed, which majorly covered the wire mesh plate. The gel-like SIS layer on the wire mesh plate acted as a sticky solid and restricted the flow in the channel. This layer continued to grow while dosing, owing to which the pressure drop of the channel flow significantly increased. The gel-like SIS layer grew rapidly even in the turbulent flow and reached the equilibrium thickness. After the termination of the dosing, the gel layer collapsed gradually. In addition, the thickness of the gel-like SIS layer (indicating the strength indirectly) strongly depended on the surfactant concentration and the elongation rate in the wire mesh. 展开更多
关键词 Turbulent Channel Flow Viscoelastic Fluid GELATION Scalar Transfer piv/plif
浅海中海水淡化高盐度尾液排放的试验研究 被引量:2
作者 邵冬冬 罗永强 《长江流域资源与环境》 CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期37-41,共5页
近年来由于淡水资源短缺和海水淡化处理成本的显著下降,海水淡化产业在全球范围内蓬勃发展。出于环境保护考虑,保证海水淡化后产生的高盐度尾液能够迅速与受纳海水掺混的排放口设计显得尤为重要。目前实践中广泛采用的型式是圆形倾斜淹... 近年来由于淡水资源短缺和海水淡化处理成本的显著下降,海水淡化产业在全球范围内蓬勃发展。出于环境保护考虑,保证海水淡化后产生的高盐度尾液能够迅速与受纳海水掺混的排放口设计显得尤为重要。目前实践中广泛采用的型式是圆形倾斜淹没式排放,而之前的研究建议倾角设计与水平方向成60°为最佳。但伴随60°倾角的射流上升高度相对较高,可能不适用于排放入浅海海域。应用先进的粒子图像测速(PIV)和平面激光诱导荧光(PLIF)技术在实验室模拟较小角度(30°和45°)的排放,从而研究其掺混及稀释特性。通过实验数据整理得到相应的射流最大上升高度、碰撞点水平距离、碰撞点稀释度等属性,从而为浅海区的海水淡化高盐度尾液排放的工程设计以及相关规定的制定提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 海水淡化 尾液排放 浅海 粒子图像测速 平面激光诱导荧光
Mixing Enhancement in a Coaxial Jet Mixer
作者 Valery Zhdanov Egon Hassel 《Advances in Materials Physics and Chemistry》 2012年第4期134-137,共4页
Experimental investigations of mixing in a coaxial jet mixer have been carried out applying Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) methods simultaneously. A developed turbulent j... Experimental investigations of mixing in a coaxial jet mixer have been carried out applying Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) methods simultaneously. A developed turbulent jet of an aqueous solution of Rhodamine 6G issued from the nozzle was mixed with co-flow water. Velocity and scalar fields were studied quite far downstream flow to control the formation of a quasi homogeneous mixture. The intensity of mixing was varied by mouthpieces with rectangular and triangular vortex generators of different sizes installed in the nozzle. The formation length of the quasi homogeneous mixture was reduced about 10 jet diameters by the tabs. The triangular tabs were more effective than the rectangular ones. 展开更多
关键词 MIXING TURBULENT Flow VORTEX Generators piv plif
Mass Transfer around a Rising CO2 Bubble in an Air Lift Column Applied to Aquaculture
作者 Djimako Bongo Edith Kadjagaba +1 位作者 Nekoulnang Djetounako Clarisse Jean-Yves Champagne 《Natural Resources》 2020年第5期205-217,共13页
He mentioned in the 18th century the possibility of injecting gas bubbles into a column of liquid to create a displacement of this liquid due to the rise of bubbles. This system takes the name of Air Lift and the firs... He mentioned in the 18th century the possibility of injecting gas bubbles into a column of liquid to create a displacement of this liquid due to the rise of bubbles. This system takes the name of Air Lift and the first publications around this process appear at the beginning of the 20th century. There are many economic and ecological interests: CO2 from industrial production is valued because it is consumed by algae, which once they reach maturity can be converted into fuel. It is therefore a very good energy balance thanks to a low consumption of gray energy and the system is simple to set up. In this study, we will delve deeper into the description of the bubble column and the theory that accompanies it. We will then describe our experiences and the work done. 展开更多
关键词 Mass Transfer plif piv Transverse Velocity CO2
Diffusion Process of High Concentration Spikes in a Quasi-Homogeneous Turbulent Flow
作者 Masaya Endo Qianqian Shao +1 位作者 Takahiro Tsukahara Yasuo Kawaguchi 《Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics》 2016年第4期371-390,共21页
When a mass spreads in a turbulent flow, areas with obviously high concentration of the mass compared with surrounding areas are formed by organized structures of turbulence. In this study, we extract the high concent... When a mass spreads in a turbulent flow, areas with obviously high concentration of the mass compared with surrounding areas are formed by organized structures of turbulence. In this study, we extract the high concentration areas and investigate their diffusion process. For this purpose, a combination of Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) techniques was employed to obtain simultaneously the two fields of the concentration of injected dye and of the velocity in a water turbulent channel flow. With focusing on a quasi-homogeneous turbulence in the channel central region, a series of PLIF and PIV images were acquired at several different downstream positions. We applied a conditional sampling technique to the PLIF images to extract the high concentration areas, or spikes, and calculated the conditional-averaged statistics of the extracted areas such as length scale, mean concentration, and turbulent diffusion coefficient. We found that the averaged length scale was constant with downstream distance from the diffusion source and was smaller than integral scale of the turbulent eddies. The spanwise distribution of the mean concentration was basically Gaussian, and the spanwise width of the spikes increased linearly with downstream distance from the diffusion source. Moreover, the turbulent diffusion coefficient was found to increase in proportion to the spanwise distance from the source. These results reveal aspects different from those of regular mass diffusion and let us conclude that the diffusion process of the spikes differs from that of regular mass diffusion. 展开更多
关键词 Turbulent Transport High Concentration Spikes Quasi-Homogeneous Turbulent Flow Conditional Sampling Technique piv and plif Measurements Passive Scalar Diffusion
Analysis of High Concentration Spikes Appearing in Mass Plume in Nearly Homogeneous Turbulent Flow Based on the PDF Transport Equation
作者 Masaya Endo Qianqian Shao +1 位作者 Takahiro Tsukahara Yasuo Kawaguchi 《Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics》 2016年第4期472-495,共24页
To evaluate the pollutant dispersion in background turbulent flows, most researches focus on statistical variation of concentrations or its fluctuations. However, those time-averaged quantities may be insufficient for... To evaluate the pollutant dispersion in background turbulent flows, most researches focus on statistical variation of concentrations or its fluctuations. However, those time-averaged quantities may be insufficient for risk assessment, because there emerge many high-intensity pollutant areas in the instantaneous concentration field. In this study, we tried to estimate the frequency of appearance of the high concentration areas in a turbulent flow based on the Probability Density Function (PDF) of concentration. The high concentration area was recognized by two conditions based on the concentration and the concentration gradient values. We considered that the estimation equation for the frequency of appearance of the recognized areas consisted of two terms based on each condition. In order to represent the two terms with physical quantities of velocity and concentration fields, simultaneous PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) and PLIF (Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence) measurement and PLIF time-serial measurement were performed in a quasi-homogeneous turbulent flow. According to the experimental results, one of the terms, related to the condition of the concentration, was found to be represented by the concentration PDF, while the other term, by the streamwise mean velocity and the integral length scale of the turbulent flow. Based on the results, we developed an estimation equation including the concentration PDF and the flow features of mean velocity and integral scale of turbulence. In the area where the concentration PDF was a Gaussian one, the difference between the frequencies of appearance estimated by the equation and calculated from the experimental data was within 25%, which showed good accuracy of our proposed estimation equation. Therefore, our proposed equation is feasible for estimating the frequency of appearance of high concentration areas in a limited area in turbulent mass diffusion. 展开更多
关键词 High Concentration Spikes Quasi-Homogeneous Turbulence Turbulent Mass Diffusion Concentration PDF Transport Equation piv and plif Simultaneous Measurement
梯形断面水槽中横向扩散系数的实验 被引量:7
作者 李玲 李玉梁 陈嘉范 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第8期1124-1126,1152,共4页
为研究南水北调中线工程总干渠梯形断面明渠水流中污染物质混合输移,对斜边边坡分别为2.5:1和4:1的梯形断面水槽中物质的横向扩散系数进行了实验研究。采用粒子图像测速(PIV)技术和平面激光诱导荧光(PLIF)技术测量了水槽中水流的流场和... 为研究南水北调中线工程总干渠梯形断面明渠水流中污染物质混合输移,对斜边边坡分别为2.5:1和4:1的梯形断面水槽中物质的横向扩散系数进行了实验研究。采用粒子图像测速(PIV)技术和平面激光诱导荧光(PLIF)技术测量了水槽中水流的流场和污染物质扩散输移的浓度场,得到了梯形断面水槽中物质的横向扩散系数。研究表明:梯形断面水槽中的横向扩散系数是相应的矩形断面的1.2倍,污染物质进入水槽中所形成的污染带宽是矩形断面的1.1倍。 展开更多
关键词 输水建筑物 梯形断面水槽 横向扩散系数 污染物质扩散 污染带宽 粒子图像测速 平面激光诱导荧光
氨气/甲烷旋流火焰结构及NO_(x)排放规律研究 被引量:2
作者 卫旭涛 王金华 +4 位作者 张猛 苏利天 安振华 黄佐华 谭厚章 《工程热物理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期1108-1115,共8页
氨气是一种十分具有前景的燃料,其优势在于完全的去碳化以及成熟的制取储藏运输工艺,其面临的主要问题是燃烧稳定性差以及NO_(x)排放比较高。本研究基于半封闭空间旋流燃烧器,对氨气火焰和低甲烷掺混比氨气/甲烷火焰的流场和火焰结构进... 氨气是一种十分具有前景的燃料,其优势在于完全的去碳化以及成熟的制取储藏运输工艺,其面临的主要问题是燃烧稳定性差以及NO_(x)排放比较高。本研究基于半封闭空间旋流燃烧器,对氨气火焰和低甲烷掺混比氨气/甲烷火焰的流场和火焰结构进行测量。流场的主要区别是两工况火焰位置处的湍流强度的差别,90%NH_(4)火焰的湍流强度明显大于NH_(4)火焰。在相同流速下,当量比对氨气火焰结构的影响,主要集中于对火焰高度的改变。采用气体分析仪对火焰主要燃烧产物的排放特性进行测量,CH_(4)掺混使浓燃时未燃NH_(4)排放增加,同时有较大的CO及CO_(x)排放;稀燃时90%NH_(4)火焰的NO_(x)排放高于NH_(4)火焰。在当量比1.1附近存在一个各项排放均比较低的位置,低的掺甲烷比并不会明显对该位置有所影响。 展开更多
关键词 氨气甲烷掺混 旋流 piv OH-plif NO_(x)排放
Experimental investigations of the spray structure and interactions between sectors of a double-swirl low-emission combustor 被引量:11
作者 Xiongjie FAN Cunxi LIU +3 位作者 Gang XU Chi ZHANG Jianchen WANG Yuzhen LIN 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第2期589-597,共9页
In this paper,the spray characteristics of a double-swirl low-emission combustor are analyzed by using Particle Imaging Velocimetry(PIV)and Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence(PLIF)technologies in an optical three-secto... In this paper,the spray characteristics of a double-swirl low-emission combustor are analyzed by using Particle Imaging Velocimetry(PIV)and Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence(PLIF)technologies in an optical three-sector combustor test rig.Interactions between sectors and the influence of main stage swirl intensity on spray structure are explained.The results illustrate that the swirl intensity has great effect on the flow field and spray structure.The spray cone angle is bigger when the swirl number is 0.7,0.9 than that when the swirl number is 0.5.The fuel distribution zone is larger and the distribution is more uniform when the swirl number is 0.5.The fuel concentration in the center area of the center plane of side sector(Plane 5)is larger than that of the center plane of middle sector(Plane 1).The spray cone angle in Plane 5 is larger than that in Plane 1.The width of spray cone becomes larger with the increase of Fuel-Air Ratio(FAR),whereas the spray cone angle under different fuel-air ratios are absolutely the same.The results of the mechanism of spray organization in this study can be used to support the design of new low-emission combustor. 展开更多
关键词 COMBUSTOR Fuel-air ratio piv plif Pressure DROP SWIRL intensity
作者 林文隽 毛润泽 +4 位作者 张玮杰 张猛 李金玮 王金华 黄佐华 《航空动力学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第7期1443-1451,共9页
在受限空间预混钝体燃烧器中,利用OH-PLIF(平面激光诱导荧光)、PIV(粒子图像测速)和瑞利散射测温技术实验研究了火焰结构、流场和温度场之间的相互影响关系。对比分析了贫燃稳定与富燃抬升状态下甲烷/空气预混火焰的燃烧场特性。实验结... 在受限空间预混钝体燃烧器中,利用OH-PLIF(平面激光诱导荧光)、PIV(粒子图像测速)和瑞利散射测温技术实验研究了火焰结构、流场和温度场之间的相互影响关系。对比分析了贫燃稳定与富燃抬升状态下甲烷/空气预混火焰的燃烧场特性。实验结果表明:火焰结构、流场和温度场分布之间均存在直接联系。贫燃(当量比为0.8)火焰钝体上方为膨胀的高温低速回流区,利于火焰维持稳定;富燃(当量比为1.2)火焰倾向在受限空间出口与外界空气卷吸后着火,其钝体上方为类似冷态的低速低温回流区,无法点燃混合气,因而形成抬升火焰。分析各场局部分布信息获得火焰场间相互依赖规律:钝体火焰中,高温和低速对应已燃区,低温和高速对应未燃区。 展开更多
关键词 受限空间 预混钝体火焰 平面激光诱导荧光(plif) 粒子图像测速(piv) 瑞利散射测温
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