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A Study on the Cross-Cultural Adaptation of International Chinese Teachers at Confucius Institutes in South Korea
作者 Fu Qiong 《国际中文教育(中英文)》 2024年第4期51-70,共20页
International Chinese teachers are one of the determinants of the quality development of Confucius Institutes,and their cross-cultural sociocultural adaption,psychological adaption,and job adaption are in need of in-d... International Chinese teachers are one of the determinants of the quality development of Confucius Institutes,and their cross-cultural sociocultural adaption,psychological adaption,and job adaption are in need of in-depth investigation and research.Based on previous research,this paper analyzed the cross-cultural adaptation of international Chinese teachers at Confucius Institutes in South Korea during 2022-2023 through surveys and personal interviews.The study found that the teachers’adaptation was best in terms of work,followed by sociocultural adaptation,and weakest in terms of psychological adaptation.In terms of work adaptation,attention should be focused on adapting to teaching language and teaching methods.In terms of sociocultural adaptation,the focus should be on adapting to personal communication.In terms of psychological adaptation,attention should be paid to feelings of loneliness and anxiety.The study also focused on the internal and external factors influencing their cross-cultural adaptation,as well as the true inner feelings of international Chinese teachers.The study found that factors such as English proficiency,gender,education,professional background,and overseas experience had little impact on teachers’cross-cultural adaptation,while factors such as Korean proficiency,participation in cross-cultural training before going to South Korea,understanding of Korean culture before going to South Korea,and length of time spent in working in South Korea had a greater impact on the cross-cultural adaptation of the research subjects.This study provides reliable reference materials for international Chinese teachers going to South Korea to improve their cross-cultural adaptation abilities and promote the reform and innovation of international Chinese education. 展开更多
关键词 international Chinese teachers cross-cultural adaptation South korea Confucius Institutes
Analyzing the Implications of Japan and the Republic of Korea Joining AUKUS for Asia and China
作者 Wenwei Huang 《Proceedings of Business and Economic Studies》 2024年第6期44-53,共10页
The potential inclusion of Japan and the Republic of Korea in the AUKUS(Australia,the United Kingdom,and the United States)trilateral security pact has sparked extensive debate and speculation regarding its implicatio... The potential inclusion of Japan and the Republic of Korea in the AUKUS(Australia,the United Kingdom,and the United States)trilateral security pact has sparked extensive debate and speculation regarding its implications for Asia’s delicate geopolitical dynamics and the region’s relationship with China.This essay explores the multifaceted consequences of such a development,analyzing its effects on the regional security architecture,economic ties,and the intricate network of alliances and rivalries.Employing a mixed-methods approach that integrates qualitative analysis of expert opinions with quantitative assessments of economic and military data,the study seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the potential ramifications.The findings indicate that while AUKUS expansion could enhance deterrence against perceived threats,it may also escalate tensions,disrupt economic interdependencies,and trigger a regional arms race.The essay emphasizes the importance of nuanced diplomacy and dialogue to address these challenges and preserve regional stability. 展开更多
关键词 AUKUS JAPAN Republic of korea China Regional security Economic interdependence Alliances Arms race
作者 赵连锋 谢小碧 +3 位作者 何熹 张蕾 杨庚 姚振兴 《地球与行星物理论评(中英文)》 2025年第2期148-156,共9页
根据朝鲜6次地下核试验在中国东北及邻近地区产生的宽频带区域地震资料,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所地震学学科组发展了一套用于监测地下核试验的地震学方法,主要包括震级测量和当量估计、高精度震中定位以及爆炸与天然地震事件识别... 根据朝鲜6次地下核试验在中国东北及邻近地区产生的宽频带区域地震资料,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所地震学学科组发展了一套用于监测地下核试验的地震学方法,主要包括震级测量和当量估计、高精度震中定位以及爆炸与天然地震事件识别等.在全球范围内,存在多个用于震级-当量转换的经验公式,确定何种公式适合于朝鲜半岛地区至关重要.通过搜集一组用于地震测深的化学爆炸的当量和埋深,并以这些已知爆炸源作为量规事件,能够标定朝鲜地下核试验场的震级-当量关系,从而实现对朝鲜地下核爆进行当量估计.在精确定位方面,发展了利用多事件之间波形互相关方法精确测定它们之间的走时差从而完成高精度相对震中定位.通过进一步利用Pn和Pg等多震相数据还实现了对核爆深度的相对定位.在爆炸震源识别方面,利用统计处理方法分析研究了不同类型事件所产生地震波的特征,包括6次地下核试验、4次天然地震和3次化学爆炸,以及一些矿区塌陷等.结果发现P和S类型波的振幅比,例如Pn/Lg、Pg/Lg和Pn/Sn等,在2 Hz以上能够较好区分各类震源.其中爆炸震源产生的振幅比显著高于天然地震的值.特别是,通过计算谱振幅比的台网平均值能够显著提高识别的可靠性.利用中国东北和附近地区地震台网所提供的数据可以准确地将朝鲜地下核试验从周边天然地震事件中识别出来.该方法同时得到化学爆炸的P/S谱振幅比值介于核爆炸和天然地震的群组之间. 展开更多
关键词 爆炸当量估计 震源相对定位 爆炸和天然地震识别 朝鲜地下核试验
作者 林敏洁 吴凯 《东疆学刊》 2025年第1期1-11,143,共12页
在全球化进程加速与世界格局深刻变动的背景下,区域国别学作为新兴学科,已然成为中国融入全球治理体系、构建人类命运共同体的关键战略支撑。从中国区域国别学的背景与现状、困境与试炼、邻国成熟经验借鉴、远景期许、构建通途以及学科... 在全球化进程加速与世界格局深刻变动的背景下,区域国别学作为新兴学科,已然成为中国融入全球治理体系、构建人类命运共同体的关键战略支撑。从中国区域国别学的背景与现状、困境与试炼、邻国成熟经验借鉴、远景期许、构建通途以及学科交叉跨界研析六个维度展开剖析,可以发现,中国区域国别学在理论体系构建、研究方法创新、人才培养模式优化等关键方面仍有较大提升空间。通过借鉴日韩经验,中国区域国别学应深度推进跨学科研究,着力培育具备国际化视野的专业人才,积极拓展国际交流合作,以精准契合国家战略需求与全球治理变革趋势,最终为构建人类命运共同体贡献独特的中国学术智慧与力量。 展开更多
关键词 中国区域国别学 构建路径 学科发展 日韩经验
作者 王生 杨思恩 《东疆学刊》 2025年第1期39-46,143,144,共10页
“全球枢纽国家”是尹锡悦政府的外交总目标,也是其外交话语的总括。尹锡悦政府的外交战略可以概括为“全球枢纽国家”战略。《尹锡悦政府120大国政课题》凸显了该战略的内涵。考察尹锡悦政府外交话语和外交实践,可分析“全球枢纽国家... “全球枢纽国家”是尹锡悦政府的外交总目标,也是其外交话语的总括。尹锡悦政府的外交战略可以概括为“全球枢纽国家”战略。《尹锡悦政府120大国政课题》凸显了该战略的内涵。考察尹锡悦政府外交话语和外交实践,可分析“全球枢纽国家”战略的实施特点并对该战略进行评估。“全球枢纽国家”战略的实施推进集中表现出韩国价值观外交和经济外交两大特点。该战略表面上取得了包括美日韩戴维营峰会的举办、韩国总统受邀参加北约峰会等成果,但实际上在地缘政治、地缘安全、经济和文化等领域存在透支韩国战略力量的问题。“全球枢纽国家”战略导致东北亚乃至亚太地区的对立,进而恶化地区安全局势,并加剧了世界局势的动荡。 展开更多
关键词 尹锡悦政府 韩国外交战略 “全球枢纽国家” 价值观外交 战略透支
A Systematic Study on the Genus Aphytis Howard (Hymenoptera:Aphelinidae) from South Korea 被引量:1
作者 李成德 杨庆寅 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期307-312,共6页
The present paper deals with the systematic study on the genus Aphytis Howard from South Korea. Five species of Aphytis are recognized, including one new species (Aphytis albus sp. nov.) and four new records (A. diasp... The present paper deals with the systematic study on the genus Aphytis Howard from South Korea. Five species of Aphytis are recognized, including one new species (Aphytis albus sp. nov.) and four new records (A. diaspidis, A. japonicus, A. proclia and A. vandenboschi). A key to the female species of Aphytis from South Korea is provided. The type specimens are respectively deposited in Korea National Arboretum and the Insect Collection of Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, China. 展开更多
Last-instar Larval Descriptions of Three Species of Pyraustinae (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) from Korea 被引量:1
作者 朴美花 李灿镛 方志刚 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期297-302,共6页
The last-stage larval external morphologies of Pleuroptya rulalis (Scopoli), Pleuroptya harutai (Inoue) and Botyodes diniasalis (Walker) of Pyraustinae are described and illustrated. All specimens are deposited ... The last-stage larval external morphologies of Pleuroptya rulalis (Scopoli), Pleuroptya harutai (Inoue) and Botyodes diniasalis (Walker) of Pyraustinae are described and illustrated. All specimens are deposited in the Insect Collection of Department of Forest Resources Protection, Kangwon National University, Korea. 展开更多
关键词 LEPIDOPTERA PYRALIDAE PYRAUSTINAE larval description korea
Last-instar Larval Descriptions of Three Species of Zygaenidae (Lepidoptera) from Korea 被引量:1
作者 朴美花 李燦镛 方志刚 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期126-131,共6页
The last-instar larval external morphologies of Illiberis tenuis (Butler), Chalcosia remota (Walker) and Pryeria sinica Moore of Zygaenidae are described and illustrated. All the specimens are deposited in the Insect ... The last-instar larval external morphologies of Illiberis tenuis (Butler), Chalcosia remota (Walker) and Pryeria sinica Moore of Zygaenidae are described and illustrated. All the specimens are deposited in the Insect Collection of Department of Forest Resources Protection, Kangwon National University, Korea. 展开更多
关键词 LEPIDOPTERA ZYGAENIDAE larval morphology korea
Larval Descriptions of Three Species of Larentiinae (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) in Korea
作者 朴美花 李灿镛 陈学新 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期131-140,共10页
The larval external morphologies of Eupithecia abietaria debrunneata Stau dinger, Eupithecia spadix Inoue and Telenomeuta punctimarginaria (Leech) of Larentiinae are described.
Morphological Descriptions of Three Species Larvae of Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) from Korea
作者 朴美花 李灿镛 陈学新 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期201-208,共8页
The mature larval external morphologies of Ancylis partitana (Christoph), Ancylis hylaea Meyrick and Hoshinoa longicellana (Walsingham) of Tortricidae were described and illustrated. All specimens are deposited in... The mature larval external morphologies of Ancylis partitana (Christoph), Ancylis hylaea Meyrick and Hoshinoa longicellana (Walsingham) of Tortricidae were described and illustrated. All specimens are deposited in the Insect Collection of Department of Forest Resources Protection, Kangwon National University, Korea. 展开更多
关键词 LEPIDOPTERA TORTRICIDAE larval morphology korea
Larval Description of Three Species of Ennominae (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) in Korea
作者 朴美花 李灿镛 陈学新 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期135-142,共8页
This study was made to describe the morphological features of larvae of Pachyligia dolosa Butle r, Cystidia stratonice (Stoll) and Planociampa antipala Prout of Ennomin ae.
关键词 LEPIDOPTERA Geometrid ae ENNOMINAE larval morphology korea
作者 石建国 《韩国研究论丛》 2010年第1期131-141,共11页
在近代朝鲜,发生了英文拼写法由"Korea"取代"Corea"的问题。探索是何时、何种原因造成的,《教务杂志》的线索极有价值。它说明"Corea"和"Korea"用法的变更,是美国介入朝鲜事务,将国际上英语世... 在近代朝鲜,发生了英文拼写法由"Korea"取代"Corea"的问题。探索是何时、何种原因造成的,《教务杂志》的线索极有价值。它说明"Corea"和"Korea"用法的变更,是美国介入朝鲜事务,将国际上英语世界原本存在的"Corea"和"Korea"混用现象,逐步引向政治性方向造成的。后来,日本主导朝鲜事务后,接受了美国人的用法,从而进一步确立和强化了"Korea"这一用法的地位。 展开更多
关键词 “Corea” korea 教务杂志
作者 张录洺 石慧 《太原学院学报(社会科学版)》 2025年第1期44-57,共14页
为应对生育率下降危机,日本和韩国分别就生育政策进行转型,其包容性生育支持政策对我国优化生育支持措施具有借鉴意义。日韩的包容性生育支持政策可归纳为经济支持、保育支持和就业支持三大类,涵盖税收减免、经济补贴、住房优惠、托育... 为应对生育率下降危机,日本和韩国分别就生育政策进行转型,其包容性生育支持政策对我国优化生育支持措施具有借鉴意义。日韩的包容性生育支持政策可归纳为经济支持、保育支持和就业支持三大类,涵盖税收减免、经济补贴、住房优惠、托育服务、就业帮扶等方面,这些政策在一定程度上缓解了女性的工作和育儿冲突,减轻了家庭育儿负担。但截至目前,日韩的生育支持政策并未真正解决两国生育率不断下降的问题,亦未扭转日益严重的生育危机。我国正处于生育政策转型的关键时期,应借鉴日韩两国的经验,吸取两国的教训,立足人口发展规律,把握好政策前瞻性与灵活性,加强财政保障生育支持的普惠性,在社会层面多维度鼓励生育,培育积极的婚育观念和社会风尚,加快构建以人为本的生育配套支持体系,从而积极应对低生育水平和少子化社会的困境。 展开更多
关键词 包容性生育支持 生育政策 三孩政策 日韩研究
作者 付宇 《亚太安全与海洋研究》 北大核心 2025年第1期1-18,I0002,共19页
冷战结束远未消弭朝鲜半岛的安全困境与军事对峙。自1993年第一次朝核危机爆发以来,美国不断加大对朝鲜的围堵施压,却未能阻止朝鲜跨越“核门槛”。当前,美朝核政策重点正从强制朝鲜弃核转向管控朝核风险、维护美在大国竞争与东北亚格... 冷战结束远未消弭朝鲜半岛的安全困境与军事对峙。自1993年第一次朝核危机爆发以来,美国不断加大对朝鲜的围堵施压,却未能阻止朝鲜跨越“核门槛”。当前,美朝核政策重点正从强制朝鲜弃核转向管控朝核风险、维护美在大国竞争与东北亚格局中的主导权,但亦未取得预想成效。冷战后美国的朝核政策同时包含了强制外交与威慑的意涵,其困境主要源于对朝政权基本安全诉求的严重忽视,以及对朝鲜半岛复杂情势与历史纠葛的简单化处理。文章在借鉴罗伯特·杰维斯等人对西方传统强制外交与威慑理论局限性批判的基础上,进一步将影响美朝核政策嬗变的因素区分为国内、地区和国际三个层级,以期更好解析与评估美国朝核政策嬗变的内在机理和走向。 展开更多
关键词 强制外交 威慑理论 美朝关系 深层困境 东北亚格局
作者 孙颢 《通化师范学院学报》 2025年第1期15-24,共10页
韩国学界始终关注高句丽陶器研究问题。20世纪90年代后,汉江流域发现了高句丽陶器。这一发现促使韩国加强对其境内高句丽陶器的调查与研究。目前,发现高句丽陶器的典型遗址有九宜洞堡垒、峨嵯山堡垒群、红莲峰堡垒群等,这些陶器的年代... 韩国学界始终关注高句丽陶器研究问题。20世纪90年代后,汉江流域发现了高句丽陶器。这一发现促使韩国加强对其境内高句丽陶器的调查与研究。目前,发现高句丽陶器的典型遗址有九宜洞堡垒、峨嵯山堡垒群、红莲峰堡垒群等,这些陶器的年代范围绝大多数在5世纪末到6世纪中叶。韩国的高句丽陶器研究可以分为初始、发展、繁荣三个阶段。目前,韩国学者试图从不同视角开展多元研究,但并未突破“以自身占有材料为中心”的局限,需要探索陶器的分布与形制变化所体现的高句丽社会发展重心的转移,细化高句丽社会政治经济生活的图景。 展开更多
关键词 高句丽 韩国 汉江流域 陶器研究
作者 付筱娜 樊悦桐 《沈阳师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2025年第1期81-87,共7页
韩国和日本作为中国的近邻,其国家和民族文化从古代开始就深受中国文化的影响。加之近年来文化强国战略的实施和“汉语热”浪潮的高涨,中国文化典籍的海外传播备受关注。《论语》作为最具代表性的儒家学派核心经典之一,研究其在日韩地... 韩国和日本作为中国的近邻,其国家和民族文化从古代开始就深受中国文化的影响。加之近年来文化强国战略的实施和“汉语热”浪潮的高涨,中国文化典籍的海外传播备受关注。《论语》作为最具代表性的儒家学派核心经典之一,研究其在日韩地区的传播及影响,既有助于了解中国文化典籍与东亚地区文化碰撞、交织与融合的过程及其对东亚地区社会文化带来的影响,又能够为中国文化典籍在东亚地区的传播提供新途径与新思路。 展开更多
关键词 《论语》 文化典籍 日本 韩国 文化传播
Korean Hip-hop Economy and Cultural Construction
作者 王丽娜 《科技视界》 2013年第5期110-110,共1页
Dance movement as constitution element in Korea hip-hop variant culture is the most distinctive part. Please allow us to use the phenomenon in real life of image creation of scientific papers to lively present.
关键词 英语教学 教学方法 阅读教学 阅读知识
Significant risk and associated factors of active tuberculosis infection in Korean patients with inflammatory bowel disease using anti-TNF agents 被引量:5
作者 Eun Soo Kim Geun Am Song +16 位作者 Kwang Bum Cho Kyung Sik Park Kyeong Ok Kim Byung Ik Jang Eun Young Kim Seong Woo Jeon Hyun Seok Lee Chang Heon Yang Yong Kook Lee Dong Wook Lee Sung Kook Kim Tae Oh Kim Jonghun Lee Hyung Wook Kim Sam Ryong Jee Seun Ja Park Hyun Jin Kim 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2015年第11期3308-3316,共9页
AIM:To evaluate the incidence and risk factors of Korean tuberculosis(TB) infection in patients with inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) undergoing anti-TNF treatment.METHODS:The data of IBD patients treated with anti-TNF... AIM:To evaluate the incidence and risk factors of Korean tuberculosis(TB) infection in patients with inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) undergoing anti-TNF treatment.METHODS:The data of IBD patients treated with anti-TNFs in 13 tertiary referral hospitals located in the southeastern region of Korea were collected retrospectively.They failed to show response or were intolerant to conventional treatments,including steroids or immunomodulators.Screening measures for latent TB infection(LTBI)and the incidence and risk factors ofactive TB infection after treatment with anti-TNFs were identified.RESULTS:Overall,376 IBD patients treated with antiTNF agents were recruited(male 255,mean age of anti-TNF therapy 32.5±13.0 years);277 had Crohn’s disease,99 had ulcerative colitis,294 used infliximab,and 82 used adalimumab.Before anti-TNF treatment,screening tests for LTBI including an interferon gamma release assay or a tuberculin skin test were performed in 82.2%of patients.Thirty patients(8%)had LTBI.Sixteen cases of active TB infection including one TB-related mortality occurred during 801 personyears(PY)follow-up(1997.4 cases per 100000 PY)after anti-TNF treatment.LTBI(OR=5.76,95%CI:1.57-21.20,P=0.008)and WBC count<5000 mm3(OR=4.5,95%CI:1.51-13.44,P=0.007)during follow-up were identified as independently associated risk factors.CONCLUSION:Anti-TNFs significantly increase the risk of TB infection in Korean patients with IBD.The considerable burden of TB and marked immunosuppression might be attributed to this risk. 展开更多
Research on the Korean Street Dance
作者 王丽娜 《科技视界》 2013年第7期103-103,共1页
Determine whether a superstructure is advanced or backward, mainly to see whether it can promote the development of productive forces, whether it helps the growth and consolidation of production relations which adapt ... Determine whether a superstructure is advanced or backward, mainly to see whether it can promote the development of productive forces, whether it helps the growth and consolidation of production relations which adapt to productivity situation, impressive performance of Korean society nearly 30 years rightly reflects the good momentum of development. Developed Korean hip-hop variants culture persists ideological content which is very characteristic, sketched out the framework curve of Korea superstructure. 展开更多
关键词 韩国 街舞 文化研究 生产关系
Low skeletal muscle mass is associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in Korean adults: the Fifth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 被引量:12
作者 hee yeon kim chang wook kim +4 位作者 chung-hwa park jong young choi kyungdo han anwar t merchant yong-moon park 《Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第1期39-47,共9页
BACKGROUND: Sarcopenia and non-alcoholic fatty liver dis- ease (NAFLD) share similar pathophysiological mechanisms, and the relationship between sarcopenia and NAFLD has been recently investigated. The study invest... BACKGROUND: Sarcopenia and non-alcoholic fatty liver dis- ease (NAFLD) share similar pathophysiological mechanisms, and the relationship between sarcopenia and NAFLD has been recently investigated. The study investigated whether low skel- etal muscle mass is differentially associated with NAFLD by gender in Korean adults. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of the data from the Fifth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The skeletal muscle index (SMI) was obtained by the appendicular skeletal muscle mass divided by the weight. NAFLD was defined as a fatty liver index (FLI) 〉60 in the absence of other chronic liver disease. RESULTS: Among the included subjects, 18.3% (SE: 1.4%) in men and 7.0% (SE: 0.7%) in women were classified as having FLI-defined NAFLD. Most of the risk factors for FLI-defined NAFLD showed a significant negative correlation with the SMI in both genders. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that low SMI was associated with FLI-defined NAFLD, inde- pendent of other metabolic and lifestyle parameters in both genders [males: odds ratio (OR)=1.35; 95% confidence inter- val (CI): 1.17-1.54; females: OR=1.36; 95% CI: 1.18-1.55]. The magnitude of the association between FLI-defined NAFLD and low SMI was higher in middle aged to elderly males (OR-1.50; 95% CI: 1.22-1.84) than in males less than 45 years of age (OR=1.25; 95% CI: 1.02-1.52) and in premenopausal females (OR=l.50; 95% CI: 1.12-2.03) than in postmenopausal females (OR-1.36; 95% CI: 1.20-1.54).CONCLUSIONS: Low SMI is associated with the risk of FLI- defined NAFLD independent of other well-known metabolic risk factors in both genders. This association may differ ac- cording to age group or menopausal status. Further studies are warranted to confirm this relationship. 展开更多
关键词 korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey non-alcoholic fatty liver disease SARCOPENIA skeletal muscle
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