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Considerations on the Unification of Quantum Physics with the General Theory of Relativity
作者 Guido Zbiral 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2016年第10期1160-1165,共7页
From a holistic perspective of a physical space of any given size1, it is invariably necessary to consider its energy content, since no physical means exists of making a physical space completely devoid of energy. Suc... From a holistic perspective of a physical space of any given size1, it is invariably necessary to consider its energy content, since no physical means exists of making a physical space completely devoid of energy. Such a space would therefore only be a fictive “geometric space”—that can be intellectually conceived and treated according to the rules of the appropriate geometry—although not existing in reality in the cosmos. Cosmic space always contains energy in one form or another, limited by the space under consideration. Therefore, each space possesses an energy density—no matter how low, which never becomes zero. Because of the mass-energy equivalence relationship , cosmic space also possesses a mass equivalent and is therefore “materialistic” in nature. If this is considered in association with Einstein’s space-time, what is obtained instead is an “energy-time”, i.e. an energy effect, which is based on Planck’s action quantum h. Under this condition, a close relationship would appear to exist between the General Theory of Relativity and Quantum Physics. Furthermore, it will be shown that the physical conditions of space are such that a natural quantisation of space and time exists, thus obviating the need for any artificial or arbitrary quantisation. 展开更多
关键词 sPACETIME Energy Effect planck’s action quantum h Adapted spacetime Quantisation of space and Time
Quantum Gravity and Dark Energy Using Fractal Planck Scaling 被引量:3
作者 L. Marek Crnjac M. S. El Naschie 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2013年第11期31-38,共8页
Following an inspiring idea due to D. Gross, we arrive at a topological Planck energy Ep and a corresponding topological Planck length effectively scaling the Planck scale from esoterically large and equally esoterica... Following an inspiring idea due to D. Gross, we arrive at a topological Planck energy Ep and a corresponding topological Planck length effectively scaling the Planck scale from esoterically large and equally esoterically small numbers to a manageably where P(H) is the famous Hardy’s probability for quantum entanglement which amounts to almost 9 percent and Based on these results, we conclude the equivalence of Einstein-Rosen “wormhole” bridges and Einstein’s Podolsky-Rosen’s spooky action at a distance. In turn these results are shown to be consistent with distinguishing two energy components which results in , namely the quantum zero set particle component which we can measure and the quantum empty set wave component which we cannot measure , i.e. the missing dark energy. Together the two components add to where E is the total energy, m is the mass and c is the speed of light. In other words, the present new derivation of the world’s most celebrated formula explains in one stroke the two most puzzling problems of quantum physics and relativistic cosmology, namely the physicomathematical meaning of the wave function and the nature of dark energy. In essence they are one and the same when looked upon from the view point of quantum-fractal geometry. 展开更多
关键词 sCALING the planck scale quantum Entanglement Dark ENERGY KALUZA-KLEIN space-Time Worm hOLE action at a Distance Unruh Temperature hawking’s Negative ENERGY Black hOLE PhYsICs Cantorian Geometry Fractals in PhYsICs
黑体辐射公式的多种推导及其在近代物理构建中的意义(Ⅰ) 被引量:1
作者 曹则贤 《物理》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第11期761-766,共6页
黑体辐射是近代物理史上一只会下金蛋的鹅,是近代物理的摇篮。黑体辐射研究的意义还在于这是唯一一个涉及c,k,h三个普适常数的物理情景。黑体辐射谱抗测量误差的特性带来了辐射标准和绝对温度参照,谱分布公式对模型的不敏感则使得黑体... 黑体辐射是近代物理史上一只会下金蛋的鹅,是近代物理的摇篮。黑体辐射研究的意义还在于这是唯一一个涉及c,k,h三个普适常数的物理情景。黑体辐射谱抗测量误差的特性带来了辐射标准和绝对温度参照,谱分布公式对模型的不敏感则使得黑体辐射成为独特的物理研究母题。黑体辐射谱分布公式,普朗克多角度推导过,德拜推导过,艾伦菲斯特推导过,劳厄推导过,洛伦兹和庞加莱深入讨论过,泡利推导过,玻色推导过,爱因斯坦在20多年的时间里多角度推导过且产出最为丰硕,近代还有从相对论角度的推导,每一个角度的推导都带来了物理学的新内容,这包括量子力学、固体量子论、受激辐射、量子统计、相对论统计,等等。认真回顾黑体辐射研究的历史细节,考察其中的思想概念演化,不啻于体验一次教科书式的学(做)物理之旅,比如也可以尝试给出能量局域分立化的简单新证明。 展开更多
关键词 黑体 黑体辐射 热辐射 空腔辐射 气体运动论 热平衡 不可逆过程 绝对温度 基尔霍夫定律 斯特藩—玻尔兹曼公式 维恩位移公式 维恩谱分布 瑞利—金斯谱分布 能量均分原理 普朗克方程 普朗克函数 普朗克谱分布 振子 能量量子 不连续性 量子力学 作用量量子化 相空间体积量子化 零点能 全同粒子 玻尔兹曼统计 光电效应 受激辐射 玻色—爱因斯坦统计 玻色—爱因斯坦凝聚 费米—狄拉克统计 热力学 电磁学 统计力学 量子 光子 涨落 波粒二象性
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