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颗石藻Pleurochrysis carterae不同细胞状态对卤虫的致死效应研究 被引量:6
作者 蒋莹 周成旭 +1 位作者 骆其君 马斌 《生态毒理学报》 CAS CSCD 2009年第4期561-568,共8页
颗石藻Pleurochrysis carterae对卤虫具有显著的致死效应,但其机理尚未明确.P.carterae的细胞生活史中会出现钙化细胞、非钙化细胞以及分枝丝状体的细胞状态.为了探明该种颗石藻对卤虫的致死原因,通过人为干预,分别获取了几种状态的细... 颗石藻Pleurochrysis carterae对卤虫具有显著的致死效应,但其机理尚未明确.P.carterae的细胞生活史中会出现钙化细胞、非钙化细胞以及分枝丝状体的细胞状态.为了探明该种颗石藻对卤虫的致死原因,通过人为干预,分别获取了几种状态的细胞或相关组分,包括:钙化细胞(指钙化单细胞C-cell)、从非钙化单细胞N-cell动态释放的钙化细胞(N-C-cell)、非钙化单细胞(N-cell)、非钙化分枝丝状体(F)、带有机质基板的颗石粒外壳(L)、钙化细胞的冻干藻粉(Ly).以喂养组和饥饿组为对照,比较研究了P.carterae不同细胞状态或组分在作用密度和作用时间上对卤虫(Artemia salina nauplii)无节幼虫的致死效应差异.结果显示:钙化细胞和非钙化单细胞可以对卤虫幼虫产生显著的致死效应,这种致死效应显著差异于饥饿致死效应(p<0.05).致死效应与作用时间及藻密度显著相关,钙化细胞对卤虫的半致死密度为72hLD50=6.16×103cells·mL-1,96hLD50=2.19×103cells·mL-1,高密度时(105、106cells·mL-1)的卤虫半致死时间分别为68.4h和53.3h.非钙化丝状体、颗石粒和冻干藻粉对卤虫的致死效应与饥饿致死效应一致.非钙化丝状体、颗石粒、冻干藻粉以及裸露细胞重新钙化过程均不向水中释放有害物质.颗石藻P.carterae对卤虫的致死效应与卤虫对生活颗石藻单细胞的摄食过程有关. 展开更多
关键词 颗石藻 pleurochrysis carterae 细胞状态 卤虫 致死率
低温和高温下颗石藻(Pleurochrysis sp.)种群生长特征及生化变化 被引量:3
作者 周成旭 严小军 +1 位作者 骆其君 马斌 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期2587-2594,共8页
以浙江省象山港虾塘藻华中分离的一种颗石藻(Pleurochrysis sp.)为对象,对温度差异造成的藻类在种群水平上的增殖特征,以及相应增殖过程中细胞的生化特征变化进行了比较研究,包括:差异温度(低温7℃,高温25℃)下,盐度(5,15,30,45)和光照... 以浙江省象山港虾塘藻华中分离的一种颗石藻(Pleurochrysis sp.)为对象,对温度差异造成的藻类在种群水平上的增殖特征,以及相应增殖过程中细胞的生化特征变化进行了比较研究,包括:差异温度(低温7℃,高温25℃)下,盐度(5,15,30,45)和光照(低光照<2μE·m-2s-1,高光照100μE·m-2s-1)不同组合条件影响下的种群增殖特征;差异温度下,种群生长过程中的氮、磷消耗特征,细胞Chl-a的变化特征,以及细胞总多糖变化特征比较。结果显示:颗石藻在低温低光照条件下,不同盐度水平中均维持存活,没有种群增殖;低温高光照下,经低温适应期后,种群可以增殖。高温低光照导致各组种群迅速衰退。高温高光照下颗石藻快速增殖。相同光、温条件下,盐度15,30,45的种群增殖趋势相似,盐度5不利于种群增殖。在其它环境因子相同的条件下,温度差异导致颗石藻在种群增殖策略上不同,其间相应的生化特征也存在差异:低温中,颗石藻耐受适应期长,种群生长率低下,期间的氮、磷消耗率低,细胞Chl-a含量降低,细胞总多糖含量高于高温组;低温适应后,颗石藻种群增殖,且达到稳定的增殖速率,增殖期间大量消耗氮、磷营养盐,细胞Chl-a含量渐增,细胞总多糖含量维持相对稳定。高温中,颗石藻快速增殖,初期生长率高,大量氮、磷营养盐在此期中消耗,细胞Chl-a含量渐增,细胞总多糖含量低于低温组,种群生长后期细胞总多糖出现累积。 展开更多
关键词 颗石藻(pleurochrysis sp.) 温度 种群生长 营养盐 多糖 叶绿素A
颗石藻Pleurochrysis carterae形成休眠体的环境诱因分析 被引量:1
作者 周成旭 蒋莹 +1 位作者 湛交 严小军 《海洋与湖沼》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期834-841,共8页
利用实验生理生态学方法对Pleurochrysis carterae种群增殖过程中出现丝状体的环境诱因进行了研究,从营养胁迫、钙化抑制胁迫、低温胁迫以及外源α-酮戊二酸的影响等几个方面,探讨了环境因子对P.carterae细胞休眠的诱导作用。结果表明,... 利用实验生理生态学方法对Pleurochrysis carterae种群增殖过程中出现丝状体的环境诱因进行了研究,从营养胁迫、钙化抑制胁迫、低温胁迫以及外源α-酮戊二酸的影响等几个方面,探讨了环境因子对P.carterae细胞休眠的诱导作用。结果表明,氮营养盐水平在P.carterae形成丝状体过程中有重要的作用,氮缺乏和氮限制会明显诱导丝状体的早期大量形成,即细胞快速进入休眠期。磷缺乏和磷限制对颗石藻丝状体形成的短期诱导作用不显著。正常钙化的颗石藻在缺钙环境中钙壳逐渐脱落、细胞裸露、没有种群增殖、不形成丝状体。低温胁迫下,颗石藻细胞不分裂,但细胞维持游泳的钙化单细胞状态,不形成丝状体。外源α-酮戊二酸对颗石藻形成丝状体具有浓度相关的效应,小于1.2mmol/L的浓度抑制丝状体的早期发生;1.2mmol/L及以上浓度的α-酮戊二酸能诱导丝状体早期发生。 展开更多
关键词 pleurochrysis carterae 细胞休眠 环境诱因
Localization and Associative Strength of Acid Polysaccharides in Coccoliths of <i>Pleurochrysis haptonemofera</i>(Haptophyta) Predicted from Their Extractability from Partially Decalcified Coccoliths
作者 Yasutaka Hirokawa Satoru Matsuzuka +5 位作者 Sho Itayama Tatsuya Uchida Shoko Fujiwara Noriaki Ozaki Hiromichi Nagasawa Mikio Tsuzuki 《Open Journal of Marine Science》 2013年第1期48-54,共7页
The coccolithophorids have calcified scales called coccoliths on their surface that include abundant acid polysaccharides. To determine the localization and associative strength of acid polysaccharides Ph-PS-1, -2, an... The coccolithophorids have calcified scales called coccoliths on their surface that include abundant acid polysaccharides. To determine the localization and associative strength of acid polysaccharides Ph-PS-1, -2, and -3 incoccoliths of Pleurochrysis haptonemofera, we analyzed the acid polysaccharides extracted with urea from partially decalcified coccoliths. On treatment of coccoliths with8.0 Murea at pH8.0 inboiling water, Ph-PS-2 was not extracted, but parts of Ph-PS-1 and -3 were from the surface without the crystal morphology being affected. When coccoliths were partially decalcified at various pHs (pH 8.0 - 5.0), Ph-PS-1, -3, and -2 were extracted with urea in that order as the calcite crystals dissolved. Detection of the acid polysaccharides using fluorescein-isothiocyanate-labeled lectin (ConA) and anti-Ph-PS-2 antibodies demonstrated that Ph-PS-2 exists on the surfaces of both untreated and urea-treated coccoliths. Moreover, NaClO-treatment under moderate conditions extracted only Ph-PS-1, -3, and part of Ph-PS-2 from coccoliths, without separation of the crystal units, suggesting that at least some part of Ph-PS-2 acts as a glue connecting crystal units and/or a crystal unit and a base plate inside coccoliths. These results suggest that Ph-PS-2 exists not only on the surface but also inside of the coccoliths, most of it being strongly bound to coccoliths, while Ph-PS-1 and -3 are weakly associated close to the coccolith surface, in that order from the surface. This strongly supports a scheme in which PS-2 type acid polysaccharides play an important role in the crystal nucleation and PS-3 type functions during crystal growth. 展开更多
关键词 ACID Polysaccharide Calcification COCCOLITHOPHORID LOCALIZATION pleurochrysis haptonemofera Urea-Extraction
Calcification response of Pleurochrysis carterae to iron concentrations in batch incubations: implication for the marine biogeochemical cycle 被引量:1
作者 Xiang ZOU Shiyong SUN +6 位作者 Sen LIN Kexuan SHEN Faqin DONG Daoyong TAN Xiaoqin NIE Mingxue LIU Jie WEI 《Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第4期682-688,共7页
Calcified coccolithophores, a diverse and widely distributed group of marine microalgae, produce biogenic calcite in the form ofcoccoliths located on the cell surface. Using batch incubations of the coccolithophorid P... Calcified coccolithophores, a diverse and widely distributed group of marine microalgae, produce biogenic calcite in the form ofcoccoliths located on the cell surface. Using batch incubations of the coccolithophorid Pleurochrysis carterae, we investigated the responses of this calcification process to iron concentrations by changing the iron supply in the initial culture media from a normal concentration to 1 ppm (parts per million), 5 ppm, and 10 ppm. Time-dependent measurements of cell population, production of inorganic carbon (coccoliths), and organic carbon (organic cellular components) showed that elevated iron supply in the growth medium of P. carterae stimulates carbon sequestration by increasing growth along enhanced photosynthetic activity and calcification. In addition, the acquired time-dependent UV-Vis and FT-IR spectra revealed that iron fertilization- enhanced coccolith calcification is accompanied by a crystalline phase transition from calcite to aragonite or amorphous phase. Our results suggest that iron concentration has a significant influence on the marine carbon cycle of coccolithophores. 展开更多
关键词 CALCIFICATION COCCOLITHOPHORES iron fertiliza- tion pleurochrysis carterae
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