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作者 林家益 许闯 +1 位作者 简光煜 余杭涛 《大地测量与地球动力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期299-303,共5页
GRACE无约束月时变重力场球谐系数模型的反演结果存在明显的南北条带误差。为此,提出一种改进方法,通过对PnMl方法未作处理的高阶系数进行分层多项式拟合,以进一步减少条带误差,并分析其在空域、频域和时域的性能。结果表明,相比于PnMl(... GRACE无约束月时变重力场球谐系数模型的反演结果存在明显的南北条带误差。为此,提出一种改进方法,通过对PnMl方法未作处理的高阶系数进行分层多项式拟合,以进一步减少条带误差,并分析其在空域、频域和时域的性能。结果表明,相比于PnMl(P4M6)方法,改进方法可进一步减少30°S~30°N区域的残余条带误差,抑制50阶后信号阶方差的异常抬升,减少质量变化时间序列中的异常峰值。此外,采用信噪比指标和广义三角帽方法对改进方法进行定量评估。结果表明,CSR、GFZ、JPL发布的3种重力场模型经改进方法处理后均达到最优信噪比,分别为1.77、1.35和1.39;其结果的不确定性水平较P4M6方法分别降低20.50 mm、36.40 mm和19.61 mm。 展开更多
关键词 GRACE 条带误差 pnml方法 多项式拟合
Mapping AADL to Petri Net Tool-Sets Using PNML Framework
作者 Hassan Reza Amrita Chatterjee 《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》 2014年第11期920-933,共14页
Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL) has been utilized to specify and verify nonfunctional properties of Real-Time Embedded Systems (RTES) used in critical application systems. Examples of such critical ap... Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL) has been utilized to specify and verify nonfunctional properties of Real-Time Embedded Systems (RTES) used in critical application systems. Examples of such critical application systems include medical devices, nuclear power plants, aerospace, financial, etc. Using AADL, an engineer is enable to analyze the quality of a system. For example, a developer can perform performance analysis such as end-to-end flow analysis to guarantee that system components have the required resources to meet the timing requirements relevant to their communications. The critical issue related to developing and deploying safety critical systems is how to validate the expected level of quality (e.g., safety, performance, security) and functionalities (capabilities) at design level. Currently, the core AADL is extensively applied to analyze and verify quality of RTES embed in the safety critical applications. The notation lacks the formal semantics needed to reason about the logical properties (e.g., deadlock, livelock, etc.) and capabilities of safety critical systems. The objective of this research is to augment AADL with exiting formal semantics and supporting tools in a manner that these properties can be automatically verified. Toward this goal, we exploit Petri Net Markup Language (PNML), which is a standard acting as the intermediate language between different classes of Petri Nets. Using PNML, we interface AADL with different classes of Petri nets, which support different types of tools and reasoning. The justification for using PNML is that the framework provides a context in which interoperability and exchangeability among different models of a system specified by different types of Petri nets is possible. The contributions of our work include a set of mappings and mapping rules between AADL and PNML. To show the feasibility of our approach, a fragment of RT-Embedded system, namely, Cruise Control System has been used. 展开更多
关键词 Model-Based Engineering PETRI NETS AADL pnml Software Architecture Formal methods
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