The cDNA fragment encoding caffeic acid 3_O_methyltransferase (COMT) in Chinese white poplar ( Populus tomentosa Carr.) was isolated and cloned by RT_PCR technique. The size of the cDNA fragment is 1 080 bp, which alm...The cDNA fragment encoding caffeic acid 3_O_methyltransferase (COMT) in Chinese white poplar ( Populus tomentosa Carr.) was isolated and cloned by RT_PCR technique. The size of the cDNA fragment is 1 080 bp, which almost covers the whole cDNA_encoding region. Authors’ cDNA fragment in P. tomentosa shares 98.7% homology with the reported corresponding cDNA in the P. tremuloids at nucleotide level, 99.4% homology at amino acid level, respectively. The analysis of Northern dot hybridization showed that COMT is expressed specifically in the developing secondary xylem of stem during the season of xylem differentiation, which means the linkage between the gene expression for a monolignol biosynthetic enzyme and seasonal regulation of xylem development in woody plant.展开更多
Through five years (1996-2000) experiment, the growth characteristics and resistance to insect and cold of the seven poplar varieties including P. po pularis, P. opera, P. pseudo-simonii, P. beijinensis, P. bolleana,...Through five years (1996-2000) experiment, the growth characteristics and resistance to insect and cold of the seven poplar varieties including P. po pularis, P. opera, P. pseudo-simonii, P. beijinensis, P. bolleana, P. ( eurameri cana and P. simonii, which were planted in loess hilly land in northwest Shanxi Province, were tested under different planting densities and site conditions. A randomized block design and three times repetition were adopted in the test. Bas ed on the test results in arid and cold area of the northwest Shanxi, the hybrid poplar trees taking Populus cathaysna as their female parent could be selected for afforestation, such as P. popularis and P. opera, and the growing space of s ingle plant should be larger than 20 m2. P. bolleana as an introduced tree speci es grows well in this area, but its growth is likely affected by ground water co ndition. On the site with relatively abundant soil water, P. bolleana usually su ffer from frost crack at its trunk base. As a result, P. bolleara is suited to p lanting in the site where is short of soil water. P. x euramericana is not suita ble for large-scale afforestation, especially in arid slopes and ridges of loess hilly land .展开更多
Estimation of the transpiration rate for a tree is generally based on sap flow measurements within the hydro-active stem xylem. In this study, radial variation of sap flow velocity(Js) was investigated at five depth...Estimation of the transpiration rate for a tree is generally based on sap flow measurements within the hydro-active stem xylem. In this study, radial variation of sap flow velocity(Js) was investigated at five depths of the xylem(1, 2, 3, 5 and 8 cm under the cambium) in three mature Xinjiang poplar(Populus alba L. var. pyramidalis) trees grown at the Gansu Minqin National Studies Station for Desert Steppe Ecosystem from May to October 2011. Thermal dissipation probes of various lengths manufactured according to the Granier's design were installed into each tree for simultaneous observation of the radial patterns of Js through the xylem. The radial patterns were found to fit the four-parameter GaussAmp equation. The peak Js was about 27.02±0.95 kg/(dm2?d) at approximately 3 to 5 cm deep from the cambium of the three trees,and the lowest Js appeared at 1 cm deep in most of the time. Approximately 50% of the total sap flow in Xinjiang poplar occurred within one-third of the xylem from its outer radius, whereas 90% of the total sap flow occurred within two-fifth of the xylem. In addition, the innermost point of the xylem(at 8-cm depth), which appeared as the penultimate sap flow in most cases during the study period, was hydro-active with Js,8 of 7.55±3.83 kg/(dm2?d). The radial pattern of Js was found to be steeper in midday than in other time of the day, and steeper diurnal fluctuations were recorded in June, July and August(the mid-growing season). Maximum differences between the lowest Js(Js,1 or Js,8) and the highest Js(Js,3 or Js,5) from May through October were 12.41, 17.35, 16.30, 18.52, 12.60 and 16.04 g/(cm2?h), respectively. The time-dependent changes of Js along the radial profile(except at 1-cm depth) were strongly related to the reference evapotranspiration(ET0). Due to significant radial variability of Js, the mean daily sap flow at the whole-tree level could be over-estimated by up to 29.69% when only a single probe at depth of 2 cm was used. However, the accuracy of the estimation of sap flow in Xinjiang poplar could be significantly improved using a correction coefficient of 0.885.展开更多
Populus species are important resources for industry and in scientific study on biological and agricul- tural systems. Our objective was to enhance the frequency of plant regeneration in Himalayan poplar (Populus cil...Populus species are important resources for industry and in scientific study on biological and agricul- tural systems. Our objective was to enhance the frequency of plant regeneration in Himalayan poplar (Populus ciliata wall. ex Royle). The effect of TDZ alone and in combi- nation with adenine and NAA was studied on the regen- eration potential of petiole explants. The explants were excised from Himalayan poplar plants grown in glass- houses. After surface sterilization the explants were cul- tured on shoot induction medium. High percentage shoot regeneration (86 %) was recorded on MS medium sup- plemented with 0.004 mg L-1 TDZ and 79.7 mg L-1 adenine. The regenerated shoots for elongation and multi- plication were transferred to MS + 0.5 mg L-1 BAP + 0.2 mg L-1 IAA + 0.3 mg L-1 GA3. Root re- generation from shoots developed in vitro was observed on MS medium supplemented with 0.10 mg L-1 IBA. Hi- malayan poplar plantlets could be produced within 2 months after acclimatization in a sterile mixture of sand and soil. We developed a high efficiency plant regeneration protocol from petiole explants of P. ciliata.展开更多
We developed a system for the regeneration of Lombardy poplar (Populus nigra L. var. italica) shoots from internodal stem explants. Using this system, shoots regenerated from 87% of the stem explants placed on Murashi...We developed a system for the regeneration of Lombardy poplar (Populus nigra L. var. italica) shoots from internodal stem explants. Using this system, shoots regenerated from 87% of the stem explants placed on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/L indole-3-acetic acid and 0.5 mg/L benzylaminopurine without undergoing callus formation. About 80% of the in vitro regenerated shoots developed roots on MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L indole-3-butyric acid and 0.02 mg/L 1-naphthylacetic acid. Well-rooted seven-to eight-week-old regenerated plants could be transferred to soil for further growth and the survival rate of such plants after three weeks was 88%. The protocol presented here is simple and economical because it does not rely on pre-incubation in callus induction medium or repeated subculture in shoot induction medium containing trans-zeatin, an expensive substance. The in vitro regeneration system presented here could be used for evaluation of radiation sensitivity for Lombardy poplar tissues.展开更多
The purpose of the present study was to establish a regeneration procedure for Populus × euramericana 'Neva' by using in vitro shoots tips and leaves. For sterilization, 0.1% (w/v) mercuric chloride (HgCl2)...The purpose of the present study was to establish a regeneration procedure for Populus × euramericana 'Neva' by using in vitro shoots tips and leaves. For sterilization, 0.1% (w/v) mercuric chloride (HgCl2) solution for 8 to 10 min was the optimal treatment for this poplar cultivation. The effects of benzyladenine (BA) and α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) added to Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium were tested on organogenesis. The highest regeneration rate and numbers of shoots/explant from shoot tips (96.7%, 9.8) and leaves (90.0%, 8.7) were obtained on the half-strength MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L BA and 0.1 mg/L NAA. The optimal medium for in vitro rooting of shoots was on a half-strength MS medium containing 1 mg/L indolebutyric acid (IBA) with the highest rooting frequency (93.3%) and numbers of roots/explant (8.2). For acclimatization, in vitro rooted plantlets were transferred to plastic cups containing vermiculite and peat (1: 1). After acclimatization, transplanted plantlets grew well in a shade house. Therefore, we believe that this efficient plant regeneration protocol especially by leaf explants is very important for in vitro clonal propagation of Populus×euramericana 'Neva'.展开更多
A reliable,efficient anther culture system,the dominant technique for generating haploid plants in breeding programs,that can be used for generating transgenic poplar plants has been needed.In the present study,theref...A reliable,efficient anther culture system,the dominant technique for generating haploid plants in breeding programs,that can be used for generating transgenic poplar plants has been needed.In the present study,therefore,an anther culture system was developed using isolated mid-and late-uninucleate anthers of poplar(Populus simonii x P.nigra).From a combination of SSR and ploidy analyses,six double haploid and two haploid lines were characterized from 86 plants grown from 16 regenerated anther cultured lines.After 48 months of development,two plant lines from the regenerated plants maintained their haploid level in vitro for over 2 years.A number of haploid plants from the different lines weretransferred to soil.The leaves of these transplants were then used as explants for transformation with the APETALA1(AP1) gene using Agrobacterium tumefaciens.Overexpression of AP1 in haploid poplar induced early flowering with obvious petals when ectopically expressed.To our knowledge,this is the first report on changes in flowering time in AP1-trangenic poplar,which is important for elucidating the regulatory mechanism of tree flower development.展开更多
We determined the calorific value of white poplar(Populus alba L.) woody biomass to use it as firewood. The value of 19.133 MJ kg-1obtained experimentally shows that the white poplar can be quite successfully used a...We determined the calorific value of white poplar(Populus alba L.) woody biomass to use it as firewood. The value of 19.133 MJ kg-1obtained experimentally shows that the white poplar can be quite successfully used as firewood. Being of a lower quality in comparison with usual beech firewood, the white poplar has similar calorific value. The white poplar has a calorific density of 30.7 % lower than that of current firewood. That is why the price of this firewood from white poplar is lower accordingly. Also, the prognosis of calorific value on the basis of the main chemical elements, being very close to the experimental value(+2.6 %), indicates an appropriate value can be achieved to be used for investigation with the chemical element analysis.展开更多
Leaves are important‘source’organs that synthesize organic matter,providing carbon sources for plant growth.Here,we used Populus talassica×Populus euphratica,the dominant species in ecological and timber forest...Leaves are important‘source’organs that synthesize organic matter,providing carbon sources for plant growth.Here,we used Populus talassica×Populus euphratica,the dominant species in ecological and timber forests,to simulate carbon limitation through artificial 25%,50%,and 75%defoliation treatments and explore the effects on root,stem,and leaf morphology,biomass accumulation,and carbon allocation strategies.At the 60th d after treat-ment,under 25%defoliation treatment,the plant height,specific leaf weight,root surface area and volume,and concentrations of non-structural carbohydrates in stem and root were significantly increased by 9.13%,20.00%,16.60%,31.95%,5.12%,and 9.34%,respectively,relative to the control.There was no significant change in the growth indicators under 50%defoliation treatment,but the concentrations of non-structural carbohydrates in the leaf and stem significantly decreased,showing mostly a negative correlation between them.The opposite was observed in the root.Under 75%defoliation treatment,the plant height,ground diameter,leaf number,single leaf area,root,stem,and total biomass were significantly reduced by 14.15%,10.24%,14.86%,11.31%,11.56%,21.87%,and 16.82%,respectively,relative to the control.The concentrations of non-structural carbohydrates in various organs were significantly reduced,particularly in the consumption of the starch concentrations in the stem and root.These results indicated that carbon allocation strategies can be adjusted to increase the con-centration of non-structural carbohydrates in root and meet plant growth needs under 25%and 50%defoliation.However,75%defoliation significantly limited the distribution of non-structural carbohydrates to roots and stems,reduced carbon storage,and thus inhibited plant growth.Defoliation-induced carbon limitation altered the carbon allocation pattern of P.talassica×P.euphratica,and the relationship between carbon reserves in roots and tree growth recovery after defoliation was greater.This study provides a theoretical basis for the comprehen-sive management of P.talassica×P.euphratica plantations,as well as a reference for the study of plantation car-bon allocation strategies in the desert and semi-desert regions of Xinjiang under carbon-limitation conditions.展开更多
Poplar is useful in different climates for bioenergy production and carbon sequestration when planted as a single species or in agroforestry. Europe has large areas potentially suitable for poplar forestry and a bioen...Poplar is useful in different climates for bioenergy production and carbon sequestration when planted as a single species or in agroforestry. Europe has large areas potentially suitable for poplar forestry and a bioenergy policy that would encourage poplar forestry. In this study I estimated biomass production and carbon sequestration in poplar monoculture plantation and poplar-wheat agroforestry, in the Mediterranean region of France. A single-tree harvesting method was used to estimate biomass and an empirical conversion factor was adopted to calculate sequestered carbon. Total biomass was higher in agroforestry trees(1223 kg tree) than in monoculture plantation trees(1102 kg tree).Aboveground and belowground biomass distributions were similar in both cases(89 and 88% aboveground, and 11 and12% belowground, respectively in agroforestry and monoculture). The partitioning of total biomass in an agroforestry tree in leaves, branch, and trunk(aboveground), and fine roots, medium roots, coarse roots and underground stem(belowground) was 1,22,and 77,and 6,9, 44 and 40%,respectively. Except for branch and trunk, all other compartments were similarly distributed in a monoculture tree.Storage of C was higher in agroforestry trees(612 kg tree)than in monoculture trees(512 kg tree). In contrast, C storage on a per hectare basis was lower in agroforestry(85 Mg ha) than in monoculture(105 Mg ha) due to the lower density of trees per hectare in agroforestry(139 trees in agroforestry vs 204 trees in monoculture). On a per hectare basis, soil C stocks pattern were similar to per tree stocking:They were higher in agroforestry at 330 Mg hathan in monoculture 304 Mg ha. Higher C accumulation by agroforestry has a direct management implication in the sense that expanding agroforestry into agriculture production areas with short rotation and fast growing trees like poplar would encourage quicker and greater C sequestration. This could simultaneously fulfil the requirement of bioenergy plantation in Europe.展开更多
As an important ecological tree species in northern China, Populus simonii plays a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance and promoting environmental sustainability. The academic community has conducted a seri...As an important ecological tree species in northern China, Populus simonii plays a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance and promoting environmental sustainability. The academic community has conducted a series of in-depth studies on this species, covering key areas such as genomics, survival mechanisms, and genetic breeding. Through the analysis of the genomic structure and function of P. simonii, we have not only revealed the molecular basis for its adaptation to harsh environments but also identified key genes that promote its growth and resistance to pests and diseases. Furthermore, exploring the survival mechanisms of P. simonii has deepened our understanding of its stress resistance traits, including how it effectively copes with abiotic stresses such as drought, salinization, and heavy metal pollution. In genetic breeding, significant progress has been made through the application of modern biotechnology, improving the growth rate and wood quality of P. simonii and enhancing its environmental adaptability and disease resistance. These research findings have not only enriched our knowledge of the biological characteristics of P. simonii but also provided a solid scientific foundation for its application in ecological restoration, forestry production, and environmental management.展开更多
Aldehydes play an important role in atmospheric chemistry and plant direct and indirect defense against environmental stresses.In this study,the emissions of saturated C6-C10 aldehydes from Populus simonii × play an important role in atmospheric chemistry and plant direct and indirect defense against environmental stresses.In this study,the emissions of saturated C6-C10 aldehydes from Populus simonii × P.pyramidalis 'Opera 8277' cuttings were examined by using a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry(GC/MS) technique at three levels of light intensity(400,800 and 1 200 μmol·m-2·s-1).A positive correlation between the emissions of these aldehydes and light intensity was found.Moreover,nordi-hydroguaiaretic acid(NDGA),a special inhibitor of lipoxygenase(LOX),significantly inhibited the emissions of C6-C9 aldehydes at three levels of light intensity,but did not influence the emission of decanal(C10).The emissions of C6-C10 aldehydes in NDGA treated poplar cuttings,exhibited the same positive correlation with light intensity.The results indicated that LOX pathway contributes to the emissions of C6-C9 aldehydes,whereas some pathways regulated by light intensity might be a universal mechanism for emissions of C6-C10 aldehydes.展开更多
Populus alba‘Berolinensis’is a fast-growing,high-yielding species with strong biotic and abiotic stress resistance,and widely planted for timber,shelter belts and aesthetic purposes.In this study,molecular developme...Populus alba‘Berolinensis’is a fast-growing,high-yielding species with strong biotic and abiotic stress resistance,and widely planted for timber,shelter belts and aesthetic purposes.In this study,molecular development is explored and the important genes regulating xylem forma-tion in P.alba‘Berolinensis’under artificial bending treat-ments was identified.Anatomical investigation indicated that tension wood(TW)was characterized by eccentric growth of xylem and was enriched in cellulose;the degree of ligni-fication was lower than for normal wood(NW)and oppo-site wood(OW).RNA-Seq-based transcriptome analysis was performed using developing xylem from three wood types(TW,OW and NW).A large number of differentially expressed genes(DEGs)were screened and 4889 counted.In GO and KEGG enrichment results,genes involved in plant hormone signal transduction,phenylpropanoid biosynthesis,and cell wall and secondary cell wall biogenesis play major roles in xylem development under artificial bending.Eight expansin(PalEXP)genes were identified from the RNA-seq data;four were differentially expressed during tension wood formation.Phylogenetic analysis indicated that PalEXLB1 belongs to the EXPB subfamily and that the other PalEXPs are members of the EXPA subfamily.A transcriptional regulatory network construction showed 10 transcription factors located in the first and second layers upstream of EXP,including WRKY,ERF and bHLH.RT‒qPCR analy-sis in leaves,stems and roots combined with transcriptome analysis suggests that PalEXPA2,PalEXPA4 and PalEXPA15 play significant regulatory roles in cell wall formation during tension wood development.The candidate genes involved in xylem cell wall development during tension wood formation marks an important step toward identifying the molecular regulatory mechanism of xylem development and wood property improvement in P.alba‘Berolinensis’.展开更多
Biogeographical barriers to gene flow are central to plant phylogeography.In East Asia,plant distribution is greatly influenced by two phylogeographic breaks,the Mekong-Salween Divide and Tanaka-Kaiyong Line,however,f...Biogeographical barriers to gene flow are central to plant phylogeography.In East Asia,plant distribution is greatly influenced by two phylogeographic breaks,the Mekong-Salween Divide and Tanaka-Kaiyong Line,however,few studies have investigated how these barriers affect the genetic diversity of species that are distributed across both.Here we used 14 microsatellite loci and four chloroplast DNA fragments to examine genetic diversity and distribution patterns of 49 populations of Populus rotundifolia,a species that spans both the Mekong-Salween Divide and the Tanaka-Kaiyong Line in southwestern China.Demographic and migration hypotheses were tested using coalescent-based approaches.Limited historical gene flow was observed between the western and eastern groups of P.rotundifolia,but substantial flow occurred across both the Mekong-Salween Divide and Tanaka-Kaiyong Line,manifesting in clear admixture and high genetic diversity in the central group.Wind-borne pollen and seeds may have facilitated the dispersal of P.rotundifolia following prevalent northwest winds in the spring.We also found that the Hengduan Mountains,where multiple genetic barriers were detected,acted on the whole as a barrier between the western and eastern groups of P.rotundifolia.Ecological niche modeling suggested that P.rotundifolia has undergone range expansion since the last glacial maximum,and demographic reconstruction indicated an earlier population expansion around 600 Ka.The phylogeographic pattern of P.rotundifolia reflects the interplay of biological traits,wind patterns,barriers,niche differentiation,and Quaternary climate history.This study emphasizes the need for multiple lines of evidence in understanding the Quaternary evolution of plants in topographically complex areas.展开更多
Microbe communities in rhizosphere ecosystems are important for plant health but there is limited knowledge of them in the rhizospheres of genetically modified(GM) plants, especial for tree species. We used the ampl...Microbe communities in rhizosphere ecosystems are important for plant health but there is limited knowledge of them in the rhizospheres of genetically modified(GM) plants, especial for tree species. We used the amplitude sequencing method to analyze the V4 regions of the 16 S r RNA gene to identify changes in bacterial diversity and community structure in two GM lines(D520 and D521), one non-genetically modified(nonGM) line and in uncultivated soil. After chimera filtering,468.133 sequences in the domain Bacteria remained. There were ten dominant taxonomic groups(with [1 % of all sequences) across the samples. 241 of 551 genera(representing a ratio of 97.33 %) were common to all samples.A Venn diagram showed that 1.926 operational taxonomic units(OTUs) were shared by all samples. We found a specific change, a reduction in Chloroflexi, in the microorganisms in the rhizosphere soil planted with poplars. Taken together, the results showed few statistical differences in the bacterial diversity and community structure between the GM line and non-GM line, this suggests that there was no or very limited impact of this genetic modification on the bacterial communities in the rhizosphere.展开更多
The addition of ectomycorrhizal fungi(ECMF),beneficial rhizosphere microorganisms,to the soil can pro-mote plant growth and resistance.Here,Populus davidi-ana×Populus bolleana tissue culture seedlings were grown ...The addition of ectomycorrhizal fungi(ECMF),beneficial rhizosphere microorganisms,to the soil can pro-mote plant growth and resistance.Here,Populus davidi-ana×Populus bolleana tissue culture seedlings were grown for 3 months in soils inoculated with one of the species,then seedlings were assessed for mycorrhizal colonization rate and growth,physiological and root traits.Suillus luteus and Populus involutus each formed ectomycorrhizal associa-tions with the seedlings.Seedling height,ground diameter,biomass,and leaf area were significantly greater after treat-ment with ECMF than in the non-inoculated controls.Treat-ment improved all physiological and root variables assessed(chlorophylls and carotenoids,cellulose,and soluble sugars and proteins;root length,surface area,projected area,mean diameter,volume,number of root tips).Seedlings inocu-lated with S.luteus outperformed those inoculated with P.involutus.展开更多
The European black poplar(Populus nigra L.)has been used as a germplasm resource for the breeding of new poplar varieties around the world.The identification and screening of its high nitrogen use efficiency genotypes...The European black poplar(Populus nigra L.)has been used as a germplasm resource for the breeding of new poplar varieties around the world.The identification and screening of its high nitrogen use efficiency genotypes could enable the breeding of new resource-efficient poplar varieties.The accessions were screened using MALDI-TOF MS genotyping technology for ammonium transporter(AMT)and nitrate transporters(NRT)genes against phenotypic data for seedling height and ground diameter traits,in both low and high nitrogen environments.Allele re-sequencing of seven genes related to root development was carried out using the minisequencing method.By cluster analysis,101 accessions of black poplar were divided into 4 populations,and it was concluded that Central Europe is the origin of the evolution of low-nitrogen and high-efficiency populations of European black poplar.Association study between SNP typing and seedling height and ground diameter traits showed that there were significant correlations between four SNP loci and growth traits under the contrasting N levels.We found that SNP3 and SNP4 in the PttAMT1;3 gene were significantly associated with seedling height traits,and that SNP2 and SNP7 in the PttAMT1;2 and PttAMT1;5 genes,respectively,were significantly associated with ground diameter traits.Thus,considerable allelic diversity is present within the candidate genes studied and can be utilized to develop functional markers to select for poplars with improved growth under N stress conditions.展开更多
Connection plays an important role in structural components and end jointing is one of the most common connections in structural applications. This study was designed to investigate some mechanical properties (MOE an...Connection plays an important role in structural components and end jointing is one of the most common connections in structural applications. This study was designed to investigate some mechanical properties (MOE and MOR) of solid wood samples manufactured from poplar (Populus nigra), joined together through end jointing. As well, we studied combinations of lumber manufactured from 10-mm veneer, using a polyvinyl acetate adhesive. The results show that non-jointed lumber (control samples) have better bending properties (MOE and MOR) than jointed specimens and lumber made from laminated layers. On the whole, side-by- side joints have a negative effect on the MOR and MOE of laminated products, which is more pronounced in the MOR. By increasing the number of joints, the properties of combination of three-ply, i.e., bending strength and modulus of elasticity, decreased.展开更多
Bud flushing is very important for the survival and growth of trees, a phenomenon matched each year with the annual course of temperature and the timing of bud flushing in the spring. Essentially it represents a serio...Bud flushing is very important for the survival and growth of trees, a phenomenon matched each year with the annual course of temperature and the timing of bud flushing in the spring. Essentially it represents a serious ecological and evolutionary tradeoff between survival and growth. The most suitable timing of bud burst permits trees to begin growth sufficiently early to take advantage of favorable spring conditions, but late enough to decrease the risks of tissue damage from late frost. In the present study bud burst spring phenology of poplar (Populus tremula and P. tremuloides) from eight different provenances, originating from Eu- rope and the USA, was observed during March and April, 2009. The experimental plot was located at Solling, Germany (51~44'0" N, 9036'0'' E). A six stage subjective scoring system of bud burst phenology was used to identify the phenological stages of the seed- lings, where each plant was observed twice a week. The aim of the study was to predict phenotypic variation in poplar, originating from regions between 42~ and 60~ N latitude, growing in similar environments. Timing of bud flushing of poplar was recorded. It was found that seedlings of provenance 3, which originated from 42.35~ N latitude, started and completed flushing significantly earlier than those of other provenances, while seedlings of provenance 5, originating from 54.29~ N latitude, started flushing very late and only a few plants reached top scoring at the end of the experimental period. Analysis of variance showed statistically highly signifi- cant differences (p 〈 0.05) in bud flushing among the provenances. The correlation between scoring and flushing periods was very strong within provenances although the flushing pattern differed among provenances (origin of the planted seedlings). Bud flushing showed a negative correlation with the origin of the planted seedlings. Given the field experience gained with this experiment, it is recommended that seedlings from provenances 5 and 8 could be used for future plantations where late frost may be a problem for the young shoots of seedlings.展开更多
Adventive regenerants of Populus × berolinensis Dipp. were obtained on 1/2 MS salts with sucrose, vitamins, BA, TDZ and NAA using stem, petiole and leaf explants. They differed from each other in plantlet dimensi...Adventive regenerants of Populus × berolinensis Dipp. were obtained on 1/2 MS salts with sucrose, vitamins, BA, TDZ and NAA using stem, petiole and leaf explants. They differed from each other in plantlet dimensions. More than 50 clones were produced from initial regenerants by excision and rooting of apexes and lateral shoots. Differences in stem length and thickness were observed between 200 field plants produced from in vitro plantlets. Differences in stem length were conditioned mainly due to different number of internodes and not by internodes’ lengths. Plants grown from cuttings excised from highest and smallest plants retained the abilities of mother plants to grow with different rates. It is concluded that somaclonal variability can be used for selection of fast growing poplar plants which are necessary for industrial plantations. These plants can be used for this purpose without the limitations existing for transgenic plants.展开更多
文摘The cDNA fragment encoding caffeic acid 3_O_methyltransferase (COMT) in Chinese white poplar ( Populus tomentosa Carr.) was isolated and cloned by RT_PCR technique. The size of the cDNA fragment is 1 080 bp, which almost covers the whole cDNA_encoding region. Authors’ cDNA fragment in P. tomentosa shares 98.7% homology with the reported corresponding cDNA in the P. tremuloids at nucleotide level, 99.4% homology at amino acid level, respectively. The analysis of Northern dot hybridization showed that COMT is expressed specifically in the developing secondary xylem of stem during the season of xylem differentiation, which means the linkage between the gene expression for a monolignol biosynthetic enzyme and seasonal regulation of xylem development in woody plant.
文摘Through five years (1996-2000) experiment, the growth characteristics and resistance to insect and cold of the seven poplar varieties including P. po pularis, P. opera, P. pseudo-simonii, P. beijinensis, P. bolleana, P. ( eurameri cana and P. simonii, which were planted in loess hilly land in northwest Shanxi Province, were tested under different planting densities and site conditions. A randomized block design and three times repetition were adopted in the test. Bas ed on the test results in arid and cold area of the northwest Shanxi, the hybrid poplar trees taking Populus cathaysna as their female parent could be selected for afforestation, such as P. popularis and P. opera, and the growing space of s ingle plant should be larger than 20 m2. P. bolleana as an introduced tree speci es grows well in this area, but its growth is likely affected by ground water co ndition. On the site with relatively abundant soil water, P. bolleana usually su ffer from frost crack at its trunk base. As a result, P. bolleara is suited to p lanting in the site where is short of soil water. P. x euramericana is not suita ble for large-scale afforestation, especially in arid slopes and ridges of loess hilly land .
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31070628)Field support for this research was provided by Gansu Minqin National Studies Station for Desert Steppe Ecosystem
文摘Estimation of the transpiration rate for a tree is generally based on sap flow measurements within the hydro-active stem xylem. In this study, radial variation of sap flow velocity(Js) was investigated at five depths of the xylem(1, 2, 3, 5 and 8 cm under the cambium) in three mature Xinjiang poplar(Populus alba L. var. pyramidalis) trees grown at the Gansu Minqin National Studies Station for Desert Steppe Ecosystem from May to October 2011. Thermal dissipation probes of various lengths manufactured according to the Granier's design were installed into each tree for simultaneous observation of the radial patterns of Js through the xylem. The radial patterns were found to fit the four-parameter GaussAmp equation. The peak Js was about 27.02±0.95 kg/(dm2?d) at approximately 3 to 5 cm deep from the cambium of the three trees,and the lowest Js appeared at 1 cm deep in most of the time. Approximately 50% of the total sap flow in Xinjiang poplar occurred within one-third of the xylem from its outer radius, whereas 90% of the total sap flow occurred within two-fifth of the xylem. In addition, the innermost point of the xylem(at 8-cm depth), which appeared as the penultimate sap flow in most cases during the study period, was hydro-active with Js,8 of 7.55±3.83 kg/(dm2?d). The radial pattern of Js was found to be steeper in midday than in other time of the day, and steeper diurnal fluctuations were recorded in June, July and August(the mid-growing season). Maximum differences between the lowest Js(Js,1 or Js,8) and the highest Js(Js,3 or Js,5) from May through October were 12.41, 17.35, 16.30, 18.52, 12.60 and 16.04 g/(cm2?h), respectively. The time-dependent changes of Js along the radial profile(except at 1-cm depth) were strongly related to the reference evapotranspiration(ET0). Due to significant radial variability of Js, the mean daily sap flow at the whole-tree level could be over-estimated by up to 29.69% when only a single probe at depth of 2 cm was used. However, the accuracy of the estimation of sap flow in Xinjiang poplar could be significantly improved using a correction coefficient of 0.885.
文摘Populus species are important resources for industry and in scientific study on biological and agricul- tural systems. Our objective was to enhance the frequency of plant regeneration in Himalayan poplar (Populus ciliata wall. ex Royle). The effect of TDZ alone and in combi- nation with adenine and NAA was studied on the regen- eration potential of petiole explants. The explants were excised from Himalayan poplar plants grown in glass- houses. After surface sterilization the explants were cul- tured on shoot induction medium. High percentage shoot regeneration (86 %) was recorded on MS medium sup- plemented with 0.004 mg L-1 TDZ and 79.7 mg L-1 adenine. The regenerated shoots for elongation and multi- plication were transferred to MS + 0.5 mg L-1 BAP + 0.2 mg L-1 IAA + 0.3 mg L-1 GA3. Root re- generation from shoots developed in vitro was observed on MS medium supplemented with 0.10 mg L-1 IBA. Hi- malayan poplar plantlets could be produced within 2 months after acclimatization in a sterile mixture of sand and soil. We developed a high efficiency plant regeneration protocol from petiole explants of P. ciliata.
文摘We developed a system for the regeneration of Lombardy poplar (Populus nigra L. var. italica) shoots from internodal stem explants. Using this system, shoots regenerated from 87% of the stem explants placed on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/L indole-3-acetic acid and 0.5 mg/L benzylaminopurine without undergoing callus formation. About 80% of the in vitro regenerated shoots developed roots on MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L indole-3-butyric acid and 0.02 mg/L 1-naphthylacetic acid. Well-rooted seven-to eight-week-old regenerated plants could be transferred to soil for further growth and the survival rate of such plants after three weeks was 88%. The protocol presented here is simple and economical because it does not rely on pre-incubation in callus induction medium or repeated subculture in shoot induction medium containing trans-zeatin, an expensive substance. The in vitro regeneration system presented here could be used for evaluation of radiation sensitivity for Lombardy poplar tissues.
文摘The purpose of the present study was to establish a regeneration procedure for Populus × euramericana 'Neva' by using in vitro shoots tips and leaves. For sterilization, 0.1% (w/v) mercuric chloride (HgCl2) solution for 8 to 10 min was the optimal treatment for this poplar cultivation. The effects of benzyladenine (BA) and α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) added to Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium were tested on organogenesis. The highest regeneration rate and numbers of shoots/explant from shoot tips (96.7%, 9.8) and leaves (90.0%, 8.7) were obtained on the half-strength MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L BA and 0.1 mg/L NAA. The optimal medium for in vitro rooting of shoots was on a half-strength MS medium containing 1 mg/L indolebutyric acid (IBA) with the highest rooting frequency (93.3%) and numbers of roots/explant (8.2). For acclimatization, in vitro rooted plantlets were transferred to plastic cups containing vermiculite and peat (1: 1). After acclimatization, transplanted plantlets grew well in a shade house. Therefore, we believe that this efficient plant regeneration protocol especially by leaf explants is very important for in vitro clonal propagation of Populus×euramericana 'Neva'.
基金supported by The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2572015EA01)the Innovation Project of State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding(Northeast Forestry University+1 种基金grant number 2013A04)Natural Science Fund of Heilongjiang Province(No.QC2015035)
文摘A reliable,efficient anther culture system,the dominant technique for generating haploid plants in breeding programs,that can be used for generating transgenic poplar plants has been needed.In the present study,therefore,an anther culture system was developed using isolated mid-and late-uninucleate anthers of poplar(Populus simonii x P.nigra).From a combination of SSR and ploidy analyses,six double haploid and two haploid lines were characterized from 86 plants grown from 16 regenerated anther cultured lines.After 48 months of development,two plant lines from the regenerated plants maintained their haploid level in vitro for over 2 years.A number of haploid plants from the different lines weretransferred to soil.The leaves of these transplants were then used as explants for transformation with the APETALA1(AP1) gene using Agrobacterium tumefaciens.Overexpression of AP1 in haploid poplar induced early flowering with obvious petals when ectopically expressed.To our knowledge,this is the first report on changes in flowering time in AP1-trangenic poplar,which is important for elucidating the regulatory mechanism of tree flower development.
基金supported by the Doctoral Department of ‘‘Transylvania’’ University of Brasov for its material and financial support of Romaniathe Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development(SOP HRD),ID134378financed from the European Social Fund and by the Romanian Government
文摘We determined the calorific value of white poplar(Populus alba L.) woody biomass to use it as firewood. The value of 19.133 MJ kg-1obtained experimentally shows that the white poplar can be quite successfully used as firewood. Being of a lower quality in comparison with usual beech firewood, the white poplar has similar calorific value. The white poplar has a calorific density of 30.7 % lower than that of current firewood. That is why the price of this firewood from white poplar is lower accordingly. Also, the prognosis of calorific value on the basis of the main chemical elements, being very close to the experimental value(+2.6 %), indicates an appropriate value can be achieved to be used for investigation with the chemical element analysis.
基金funded by the Talents ans its Youth Project of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps(38000020924,380000358).
文摘Leaves are important‘source’organs that synthesize organic matter,providing carbon sources for plant growth.Here,we used Populus talassica×Populus euphratica,the dominant species in ecological and timber forests,to simulate carbon limitation through artificial 25%,50%,and 75%defoliation treatments and explore the effects on root,stem,and leaf morphology,biomass accumulation,and carbon allocation strategies.At the 60th d after treat-ment,under 25%defoliation treatment,the plant height,specific leaf weight,root surface area and volume,and concentrations of non-structural carbohydrates in stem and root were significantly increased by 9.13%,20.00%,16.60%,31.95%,5.12%,and 9.34%,respectively,relative to the control.There was no significant change in the growth indicators under 50%defoliation treatment,but the concentrations of non-structural carbohydrates in the leaf and stem significantly decreased,showing mostly a negative correlation between them.The opposite was observed in the root.Under 75%defoliation treatment,the plant height,ground diameter,leaf number,single leaf area,root,stem,and total biomass were significantly reduced by 14.15%,10.24%,14.86%,11.31%,11.56%,21.87%,and 16.82%,respectively,relative to the control.The concentrations of non-structural carbohydrates in various organs were significantly reduced,particularly in the consumption of the starch concentrations in the stem and root.These results indicated that carbon allocation strategies can be adjusted to increase the con-centration of non-structural carbohydrates in root and meet plant growth needs under 25%and 50%defoliation.However,75%defoliation significantly limited the distribution of non-structural carbohydrates to roots and stems,reduced carbon storage,and thus inhibited plant growth.Defoliation-induced carbon limitation altered the carbon allocation pattern of P.talassica×P.euphratica,and the relationship between carbon reserves in roots and tree growth recovery after defoliation was greater.This study provides a theoretical basis for the comprehen-sive management of P.talassica×P.euphratica plantations,as well as a reference for the study of plantation car-bon allocation strategies in the desert and semi-desert regions of Xinjiang under carbon-limitation conditions.
基金financially supported by European Union and INRA
文摘Poplar is useful in different climates for bioenergy production and carbon sequestration when planted as a single species or in agroforestry. Europe has large areas potentially suitable for poplar forestry and a bioenergy policy that would encourage poplar forestry. In this study I estimated biomass production and carbon sequestration in poplar monoculture plantation and poplar-wheat agroforestry, in the Mediterranean region of France. A single-tree harvesting method was used to estimate biomass and an empirical conversion factor was adopted to calculate sequestered carbon. Total biomass was higher in agroforestry trees(1223 kg tree) than in monoculture plantation trees(1102 kg tree).Aboveground and belowground biomass distributions were similar in both cases(89 and 88% aboveground, and 11 and12% belowground, respectively in agroforestry and monoculture). The partitioning of total biomass in an agroforestry tree in leaves, branch, and trunk(aboveground), and fine roots, medium roots, coarse roots and underground stem(belowground) was 1,22,and 77,and 6,9, 44 and 40%,respectively. Except for branch and trunk, all other compartments were similarly distributed in a monoculture tree.Storage of C was higher in agroforestry trees(612 kg tree)than in monoculture trees(512 kg tree). In contrast, C storage on a per hectare basis was lower in agroforestry(85 Mg ha) than in monoculture(105 Mg ha) due to the lower density of trees per hectare in agroforestry(139 trees in agroforestry vs 204 trees in monoculture). On a per hectare basis, soil C stocks pattern were similar to per tree stocking:They were higher in agroforestry at 330 Mg hathan in monoculture 304 Mg ha. Higher C accumulation by agroforestry has a direct management implication in the sense that expanding agroforestry into agriculture production areas with short rotation and fast growing trees like poplar would encourage quicker and greater C sequestration. This could simultaneously fulfil the requirement of bioenergy plantation in Europe.
文摘As an important ecological tree species in northern China, Populus simonii plays a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance and promoting environmental sustainability. The academic community has conducted a series of in-depth studies on this species, covering key areas such as genomics, survival mechanisms, and genetic breeding. Through the analysis of the genomic structure and function of P. simonii, we have not only revealed the molecular basis for its adaptation to harsh environments but also identified key genes that promote its growth and resistance to pests and diseases. Furthermore, exploring the survival mechanisms of P. simonii has deepened our understanding of its stress resistance traits, including how it effectively copes with abiotic stresses such as drought, salinization, and heavy metal pollution. In genetic breeding, significant progress has been made through the application of modern biotechnology, improving the growth rate and wood quality of P. simonii and enhancing its environmental adaptability and disease resistance. These research findings have not only enriched our knowledge of the biological characteristics of P. simonii but also provided a solid scientific foundation for its application in ecological restoration, forestry production, and environmental management.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (30871727 31071817)+1 种基金the Funding Project for Academic Human Resources Development in Institutions of Higher Learning under the Jurisdiction of Beijing Municipality (PXM20090142076309)the Beijing Science and Technology Plan Program (Z080005032508017)
文摘Aldehydes play an important role in atmospheric chemistry and plant direct and indirect defense against environmental stresses.In this study,the emissions of saturated C6-C10 aldehydes from Populus simonii × P.pyramidalis 'Opera 8277' cuttings were examined by using a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry(GC/MS) technique at three levels of light intensity(400,800 and 1 200 μmol·m-2·s-1).A positive correlation between the emissions of these aldehydes and light intensity was found.Moreover,nordi-hydroguaiaretic acid(NDGA),a special inhibitor of lipoxygenase(LOX),significantly inhibited the emissions of C6-C9 aldehydes at three levels of light intensity,but did not influence the emission of decanal(C10).The emissions of C6-C10 aldehydes in NDGA treated poplar cuttings,exhibited the same positive correlation with light intensity.The results indicated that LOX pathway contributes to the emissions of C6-C9 aldehydes,whereas some pathways regulated by light intensity might be a universal mechanism for emissions of C6-C10 aldehydes.
基金funded by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2572019CT02)Heilongjiang Touyan Innovation Team Program(Tree Genetics and Breeding Innovation Team)The Overseas Expertise Introduction Project for Discipline Innovation(B16010).
文摘Populus alba‘Berolinensis’is a fast-growing,high-yielding species with strong biotic and abiotic stress resistance,and widely planted for timber,shelter belts and aesthetic purposes.In this study,molecular development is explored and the important genes regulating xylem forma-tion in P.alba‘Berolinensis’under artificial bending treat-ments was identified.Anatomical investigation indicated that tension wood(TW)was characterized by eccentric growth of xylem and was enriched in cellulose;the degree of ligni-fication was lower than for normal wood(NW)and oppo-site wood(OW).RNA-Seq-based transcriptome analysis was performed using developing xylem from three wood types(TW,OW and NW).A large number of differentially expressed genes(DEGs)were screened and 4889 counted.In GO and KEGG enrichment results,genes involved in plant hormone signal transduction,phenylpropanoid biosynthesis,and cell wall and secondary cell wall biogenesis play major roles in xylem development under artificial bending.Eight expansin(PalEXP)genes were identified from the RNA-seq data;four were differentially expressed during tension wood formation.Phylogenetic analysis indicated that PalEXLB1 belongs to the EXPB subfamily and that the other PalEXPs are members of the EXPA subfamily.A transcriptional regulatory network construction showed 10 transcription factors located in the first and second layers upstream of EXP,including WRKY,ERF and bHLH.RT‒qPCR analy-sis in leaves,stems and roots combined with transcriptome analysis suggests that PalEXPA2,PalEXPA4 and PalEXPA15 play significant regulatory roles in cell wall formation during tension wood development.The candidate genes involved in xylem cell wall development during tension wood formation marks an important step toward identifying the molecular regulatory mechanism of xylem development and wood property improvement in P.alba‘Berolinensis’.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grants 41571054 and 31622015)the National Basic Research Program of China(grant 2014CB954100)+1 种基金Sichuan University(Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,SCU2021D006 and SCU2022D003Institutional Research Funds,2021SCUNL102).
文摘Biogeographical barriers to gene flow are central to plant phylogeography.In East Asia,plant distribution is greatly influenced by two phylogeographic breaks,the Mekong-Salween Divide and Tanaka-Kaiyong Line,however,few studies have investigated how these barriers affect the genetic diversity of species that are distributed across both.Here we used 14 microsatellite loci and four chloroplast DNA fragments to examine genetic diversity and distribution patterns of 49 populations of Populus rotundifolia,a species that spans both the Mekong-Salween Divide and the Tanaka-Kaiyong Line in southwestern China.Demographic and migration hypotheses were tested using coalescent-based approaches.Limited historical gene flow was observed between the western and eastern groups of P.rotundifolia,but substantial flow occurred across both the Mekong-Salween Divide and Tanaka-Kaiyong Line,manifesting in clear admixture and high genetic diversity in the central group.Wind-borne pollen and seeds may have facilitated the dispersal of P.rotundifolia following prevalent northwest winds in the spring.We also found that the Hengduan Mountains,where multiple genetic barriers were detected,acted on the whole as a barrier between the western and eastern groups of P.rotundifolia.Ecological niche modeling suggested that P.rotundifolia has undergone range expansion since the last glacial maximum,and demographic reconstruction indicated an earlier population expansion around 600 Ka.The phylogeographic pattern of P.rotundifolia reflects the interplay of biological traits,wind patterns,barriers,niche differentiation,and Quaternary climate history.This study emphasizes the need for multiple lines of evidence in understanding the Quaternary evolution of plants in topographically complex areas.
基金financially supported by the National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China,863Program(Grant No.2011AA100201)the National Forestry Public Welfare Research Project of China(Grant No.201004004)
文摘Microbe communities in rhizosphere ecosystems are important for plant health but there is limited knowledge of them in the rhizospheres of genetically modified(GM) plants, especial for tree species. We used the amplitude sequencing method to analyze the V4 regions of the 16 S r RNA gene to identify changes in bacterial diversity and community structure in two GM lines(D520 and D521), one non-genetically modified(nonGM) line and in uncultivated soil. After chimera filtering,468.133 sequences in the domain Bacteria remained. There were ten dominant taxonomic groups(with [1 % of all sequences) across the samples. 241 of 551 genera(representing a ratio of 97.33 %) were common to all samples.A Venn diagram showed that 1.926 operational taxonomic units(OTUs) were shared by all samples. We found a specific change, a reduction in Chloroflexi, in the microorganisms in the rhizosphere soil planted with poplars. Taken together, the results showed few statistical differences in the bacterial diversity and community structure between the GM line and non-GM line, this suggests that there was no or very limited impact of this genetic modification on the bacterial communities in the rhizosphere.
基金part of the Liaoning Provincial Department of Education project LJKZ0684supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31800542)
文摘The addition of ectomycorrhizal fungi(ECMF),beneficial rhizosphere microorganisms,to the soil can pro-mote plant growth and resistance.Here,Populus davidi-ana×Populus bolleana tissue culture seedlings were grown for 3 months in soils inoculated with one of the species,then seedlings were assessed for mycorrhizal colonization rate and growth,physiological and root traits.Suillus luteus and Populus involutus each formed ectomycorrhizal associa-tions with the seedlings.Seedling height,ground diameter,biomass,and leaf area were significantly greater after treat-ment with ECMF than in the non-inoculated controls.Treat-ment improved all physiological and root variables assessed(chlorophylls and carotenoids,cellulose,and soluble sugars and proteins;root length,surface area,projected area,mean diameter,volume,number of root tips).Seedlings inocu-lated with S.luteus outperformed those inoculated with P.involutus.
基金This study was financially supported by the national key research and development program of China(Grant No.2016YFD060040)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31870662)the Natural Science Foundation of key University of Fujian Province(JZ160477).
文摘The European black poplar(Populus nigra L.)has been used as a germplasm resource for the breeding of new poplar varieties around the world.The identification and screening of its high nitrogen use efficiency genotypes could enable the breeding of new resource-efficient poplar varieties.The accessions were screened using MALDI-TOF MS genotyping technology for ammonium transporter(AMT)and nitrate transporters(NRT)genes against phenotypic data for seedling height and ground diameter traits,in both low and high nitrogen environments.Allele re-sequencing of seven genes related to root development was carried out using the minisequencing method.By cluster analysis,101 accessions of black poplar were divided into 4 populations,and it was concluded that Central Europe is the origin of the evolution of low-nitrogen and high-efficiency populations of European black poplar.Association study between SNP typing and seedling height and ground diameter traits showed that there were significant correlations between four SNP loci and growth traits under the contrasting N levels.We found that SNP3 and SNP4 in the PttAMT1;3 gene were significantly associated with seedling height traits,and that SNP2 and SNP7 in the PttAMT1;2 and PttAMT1;5 genes,respectively,were significantly associated with ground diameter traits.Thus,considerable allelic diversity is present within the candidate genes studied and can be utilized to develop functional markers to select for poplars with improved growth under N stress conditions.
文摘Connection plays an important role in structural components and end jointing is one of the most common connections in structural applications. This study was designed to investigate some mechanical properties (MOE and MOR) of solid wood samples manufactured from poplar (Populus nigra), joined together through end jointing. As well, we studied combinations of lumber manufactured from 10-mm veneer, using a polyvinyl acetate adhesive. The results show that non-jointed lumber (control samples) have better bending properties (MOE and MOR) than jointed specimens and lumber made from laminated layers. On the whole, side-by- side joints have a negative effect on the MOR and MOE of laminated products, which is more pronounced in the MOR. By increasing the number of joints, the properties of combination of three-ply, i.e., bending strength and modulus of elasticity, decreased.
基金supported by the Institute of Forest Genetics and Forest Tree Breedingthe Institute of Forest Botany, Georg-August-University, Gttingen,Germanyprovided by the university and a scholarship from the European Union
文摘Bud flushing is very important for the survival and growth of trees, a phenomenon matched each year with the annual course of temperature and the timing of bud flushing in the spring. Essentially it represents a serious ecological and evolutionary tradeoff between survival and growth. The most suitable timing of bud burst permits trees to begin growth sufficiently early to take advantage of favorable spring conditions, but late enough to decrease the risks of tissue damage from late frost. In the present study bud burst spring phenology of poplar (Populus tremula and P. tremuloides) from eight different provenances, originating from Eu- rope and the USA, was observed during March and April, 2009. The experimental plot was located at Solling, Germany (51~44'0" N, 9036'0'' E). A six stage subjective scoring system of bud burst phenology was used to identify the phenological stages of the seed- lings, where each plant was observed twice a week. The aim of the study was to predict phenotypic variation in poplar, originating from regions between 42~ and 60~ N latitude, growing in similar environments. Timing of bud flushing of poplar was recorded. It was found that seedlings of provenance 3, which originated from 42.35~ N latitude, started and completed flushing significantly earlier than those of other provenances, while seedlings of provenance 5, originating from 54.29~ N latitude, started flushing very late and only a few plants reached top scoring at the end of the experimental period. Analysis of variance showed statistically highly signifi- cant differences (p 〈 0.05) in bud flushing among the provenances. The correlation between scoring and flushing periods was very strong within provenances although the flushing pattern differed among provenances (origin of the planted seedlings). Bud flushing showed a negative correlation with the origin of the planted seedlings. Given the field experience gained with this experiment, it is recommended that seedlings from provenances 5 and 8 could be used for future plantations where late frost may be a problem for the young shoots of seedlings.
文摘Adventive regenerants of Populus × berolinensis Dipp. were obtained on 1/2 MS salts with sucrose, vitamins, BA, TDZ and NAA using stem, petiole and leaf explants. They differed from each other in plantlet dimensions. More than 50 clones were produced from initial regenerants by excision and rooting of apexes and lateral shoots. Differences in stem length and thickness were observed between 200 field plants produced from in vitro plantlets. Differences in stem length were conditioned mainly due to different number of internodes and not by internodes’ lengths. Plants grown from cuttings excised from highest and smallest plants retained the abilities of mother plants to grow with different rates. It is concluded that somaclonal variability can be used for selection of fast growing poplar plants which are necessary for industrial plantations. These plants can be used for this purpose without the limitations existing for transgenic plants.