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Probabilistic Global Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm for Continuously Varying Partial Shading Conditions on Autonomous PV Systems
作者 Kha Bao Khanh Cao Vincent Boitier 《Energy and Power Engineering》 2024年第1期21-42,共22页
A photovoltaic (PV) string with multiple modules with bypass diodes frequently deployed on a variety of autonomous PV systems may present multiple power peaks under uneven shading. For optimal solar harvesting, there ... A photovoltaic (PV) string with multiple modules with bypass diodes frequently deployed on a variety of autonomous PV systems may present multiple power peaks under uneven shading. For optimal solar harvesting, there is a need for a control schema to force the PV string to operate at global maximum power point (GMPP). While a lot of tracking methods have been proposed in the literature, they are usually complex and do not fully take advantage of the available characteristics of the PV array. This work highlights how the voltage at operating point and the forward voltage of the bypass diode are considered to design a global maximum power point tracking (GMPPT) algorithm with a very limited global search phase called Fast GMPPT. This algorithm successfully tracks GMPP between 94% and 98% of the time under a theoretical evaluation. It is then compared against Perturb and Observe, Deterministic Particle Swarm Optimization, and Grey Wolf Optimization under a sequence of irradiance steps as well as a power-over-voltage characteristics profile that mimics the electrical characteristics of a PV string under varying partial shading conditions. Overall, the simulation with the sequence of irradiance steps shows that while Fast GMPPT does not have the best convergence time, it has an excellent convergence rate as well as causes the least amount of power loss during the global search phase. Experimental test under varying partial shading conditions shows that while the GMPPT proposal is simple and lightweight, it is very performant under a wide range of dynamically varying partial shading conditions and boasts the best energy efficiency (94.74%) out of the 4 tested algorithms. 展开更多
关键词 PHOTOVOLTAIC PV Global Maximum power point Tracking GMPPT Fast Varying Partial Shading Conditions Autonomous PV Systems GMPPT Review
Analysis of Maximum PowerPoint Tracking (MPPT) Adaptability in Inverters of the Three-Phase Photovoltaic Systems Integrated into the Electrical Grid of Congo-Brazzaville
作者 Rostand Martialy Davy Loembe Souamy Mavie Grace Mimiesse +4 位作者 Brel Levallois Ndzah Yombi Zonzolo   Guoping Jiang Wanghong Hua Xubao Wen 《Journal of Power and Energy Engineering》 2024年第11期125-152,共28页
This paper investigates the adaptability of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithms in single-stage three-phase photovoltaic (PV) systems connected to the grid of Congo-Brazzaville and compares the attributes o... This paper investigates the adaptability of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithms in single-stage three-phase photovoltaic (PV) systems connected to the grid of Congo-Brazzaville and compares the attributes of various conventional, significance and novelty of controller system of the proposed of method and improved Incremental Conductance algorithms, Perturbation and Observation Techniques, and other Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithms in normal and partial shading conditions. Performance evaluation techniques are discussed on the basis of the dynamic parameters of the PV system although the control of this structure is relatively advanced technology but the conversion efficiency is difficult to improve due to increase in transformation series. The single stage topology has a simple topology with high reliability and efficiency because of high power consumption, but control algorithm is more complex because of its power convert main circuit a new strategy is being developed. This paper describes a method for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) in the single-stage and three single-phase PV grid-connected system. In the paper, the nonlinear output characteristics of the PV including I-V & P-V are obtained in changed solar insulations or temperature based on MATLAB, and the MPPT algorithm which is based on the P & O algorithm method, compared with Incremental Conductance, is also described, a dimensioning of the impedance adapter for better stabilization. A comparison SPWM and SVPWM control methods in the case of a grid connection applied to the electrical grid of Republic of Congo and their influences on the dynamic performance of the system and their impact in reducing the harmonic rate for better injection into the grid. The simulation model of three single-phase PV grid-connected system is built, and simulation results show the MPPT algorithm has excellent dynamic and static performances, which verifies the Incremental Conductance is effective for MPPT in the single-stage and three single-phase PV grid-connected system. 展开更多
关键词 Photovoltaic Array CONGO Maximum power point Tracking Perturbation Observation Incremental Conductance Partial Shading Conditions Performance Evaluation State Flow
利用POWER POINT制作计算机信息检索课件 被引量:5
作者 吕娟 毛有桂 《农业图书情报学刊》 2000年第6期70-71,共2页
关键词 power point 计算机信息检索 课件制作
使用控件在PowerPoint课件制作中实现交互功能 被引量:8
作者 林何 《实验科学与技术》 2007年第1期62-64,共3页
在教学领域中,PowerPoint作为课件制作工具被广泛地采用,深受广大教师和开发人员欢迎,但其提供的现有交互功能十分有限。文章以“黑板”功能和“阅读计时器”为例,介绍了利用该软件提供的ActiveX控件,并结合基础的VBA知识,可为课件设计... 在教学领域中,PowerPoint作为课件制作工具被广泛地采用,深受广大教师和开发人员欢迎,但其提供的现有交互功能十分有限。文章以“黑板”功能和“阅读计时器”为例,介绍了利用该软件提供的ActiveX控件,并结合基础的VBA知识,可为课件设计出符合教学实情的交互式功能。 展开更多
关键词 power point课件 交互功能 控件
PowerPoint动画功能在虚拟物理实验中的应用 被引量:2
作者 李兴毅 陈富立 +3 位作者 陈英花 牛佩红 郭奇宏 杜瑞霞 《河南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期60-62,共3页
介绍了PowerPoint对象动画和动画组合的分类、作用及使用方法,并以交互动画和模拟动画为例说明了基于PowerPoint 2007的虚拟物理实验开发过程.
关键词 虚拟物理实验 powerpoint 动画 开发
演示文稿软件Prezi与PowerPoint的比较分析 被引量:3
作者 田原嫄 刘晶晶 《科技风》 2016年第18期293-293,共1页
通过对演示文稿软件Prezi与Power Point的发展背景、功能、特点等进行分析比较,在日常教学中颠覆了传统PPT的线性思维,使Prezi逐渐走入大众视野。
关键词 Prezi power point(PPT) 演示文稿
在Power Point中利用VBA控件实现断层医学图像集的手控浏览
作者 周子恩 许建荣 《中国医学计算机成像杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期561-564,共4页
介绍了一种在Power Point(Microsoft公司)中利用VBA控件实现断层医学图像集(如CT、M RI)手控浏览的方法。从而增强医学类电子演示文稿在教学、演讲、汇报等场合中的交互性及手控性。
关键词 power point VBA控件 磁共振成像 体层摄影术 X线计算机
利用Power Point2000所制课件中的导航问题与解决方案
作者 张有录 《甘肃广播电视大学学报》 2001年第4期58-60,共3页
PowerPoint 2 0 0 0是制作多媒体课件的最简单的工具 ,也是教师必须掌握的核心工具之一 使用该工具的核心是导航问题 根据教学及制作经验 ,说明导航在课件制作中的重要性。
关键词 power point 2000 课件 导航
作者 李霞 《宜春学院学报》 2006年第3期140-142,共3页
关键词 power point 现代教育媒体 英语教学
PowerPoint动画信息化教学设计 被引量:1
作者 石利平 《九江职业技术学院学报》 2017年第4期28-29,32,共3页
关键词 信息化 任务驱动 powerpoint动画
作者 李晓飞 朱荣 《中国信息技术教育》 2015年第18期65-67,共3页
PPT课件版式的设计决定着整个课件的外观形式,是制作一个好的PPT课件不可或缺的环节,而首页是课件的封面,其设计的重要性更是不言而喻。文字、图形、图片是版式设计的构成要素,本文从这三大要素出发提出PPT首页设计的三种经典版式:文... PPT课件版式的设计决定着整个课件的外观形式,是制作一个好的PPT课件不可或缺的环节,而首页是课件的封面,其设计的重要性更是不言而喻。文字、图形、图片是版式设计的构成要素,本文从这三大要素出发提出PPT首页设计的三种经典版式:文字+图形、文字+图标、文字+图片,并为每种版式设计了典型案例。 展开更多
关键词 power point 课件 首页 版式
用Power Point制作教学课件常见问题探讨
作者 杨琳 陈锦 《四川省卫生管理干部学院学报》 2001年第3期226-226,共1页
关键词 power point 多媒体形态学 物理教学课件
多媒体文件在Power Point中引用地址问题的解决方案
作者 赵明炬 李桂娟 《吉林化工学院学报》 CAS 2004年第3期59-61,共3页
关键词 powerpoint 视频 地址 脚本编辑器
Excel和Power Point在物理实验中的应用
作者 申莉华 《邵阳学院学报(自然科学版)》 2005年第3期16-17,共2页
物理实验离不开填表、计算和作图,我们利用Excel进行快速填充表格和快速计算;Power Point具有田字型虚线网格线,即坐标纸,且可根据需要调整网格的大小,使得作图快速准确,从而,提高物理实验的质量.
关键词 EXCEL power point 趋势线 误差线 快速 准确
关于Power Point教学中的几个问题
作者 赵晓英 《晋中师范高等专科学校学报》 2004年第4期341-342,共2页
关键词 power point 演示文稿 幻灯片 母版 版式
Power Point在手术室护理教学中的应用
作者 肖燕华 《黑龙江医学》 2011年第4期312-313,共2页
手术室护理实习生教学由于其固有特点和传统教学方法存在缺陷与不足,教学质量和效果差强人意。根据手术室护理实习生教学特点,我们利用Power Point进行手术室护理实习生教学,使教学质量得到了明显提高。现报告如下。1手术室护理实习生... 手术室护理实习生教学由于其固有特点和传统教学方法存在缺陷与不足,教学质量和效果差强人意。根据手术室护理实习生教学特点,我们利用Power Point进行手术室护理实习生教学,使教学质量得到了明显提高。现报告如下。1手术室护理实习生教学特点1.1时间少、内容多手术室护理实习生由于实习时间短,而手术室临床护理操作及理论知识多,实习生想要在短时间内掌握困难较大。 展开更多
关键词 护理 power point 临床教学
作者 韩晓东 陈杰 周园园 《宁波广播电视大学学报》 2019年第4期74-82,共9页
本文采用多模态社会符号学的方法与视角来研究大学英语课堂中所使用的幻灯片。研究方法以两个前提为中心:(1) PowerPoint是一种符号技术,可以整合到课堂教学话语中;(2) PowerPoint技术包含了社会符号学实践的三个相互关联的维度:软件设... 本文采用多模态社会符号学的方法与视角来研究大学英语课堂中所使用的幻灯片。研究方法以两个前提为中心:(1) PowerPoint是一种符号技术,可以整合到课堂教学话语中;(2) PowerPoint技术包含了社会符号学实践的三个相互关联的维度:软件设计、幻灯片组成和幻灯片支持的文稿演示。运用这种方法,我们探究了PowerPoint是如何在宁波一所大学的英语课堂教学中使用的。本文的分析展示了PowerPoint中的多模态资源是如何被用于语言教学话语再语境化。更具体地说,它展示了不同的符号学资源是如何在课堂话语空间中被运用和组合,来重新语境化知识构架,以及教学框架的不同优势是如何通过多模态创新实现的。 展开更多
关键词 powerpoint幻灯片 大学课堂 教学话语 符号技术 社会符号学 多模态创新
作者 李琳 《武汉工程职业技术学院学报》 2013年第2期86-88,共3页
关键词 powerpoint 演示软件 大学生 英语学习
Variable Parameter Nonlinear Control for Maximum Power Point Tracking Considering Mitigation of Drive-train Load 被引量:2
作者 Zaiyu Chen Minghui Yin +3 位作者 Lianjun Zhou Yaping Xia Jiankun Liu Yun Zou 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第2期252-259,共8页
Since mechanical loads exert a significant influence on the life span of wind turbines, the reduction of transient load on drive-train shaft has received more attention when implementing a maximum power point tracking... Since mechanical loads exert a significant influence on the life span of wind turbines, the reduction of transient load on drive-train shaft has received more attention when implementing a maximum power point tracking U+0028 MPPT U+0029 controller. Moreover, a trade-off between the efficiency of wind energy extraction and the load level of drive-train shaft becomes a key issue. However, for the existing control strategies based on nonlinear model of wind turbines, the MPPT efficiencies are improved at the cost of the intensive fluctuation of generator torque and significant increase of transient load on drive train shaft. Hence, in this paper, a nonlinear controller with variable parameter is proposed for improving MPPT efficiency and mitigating transient load on drive-train simultaneously. Then, simulations on FAST U+0028 Fatigue, Aerodynamics, Structures, and Turbulence U+0029 code and experiments on the wind turbine simulator U+0028 WTS U+0029 based test bench are presented to verify the efficiency improvement of the proposed control strategy with less cost of drive-train load. © 2017 Chinese Association of Automation. 展开更多
关键词 AERODYNAMICS Controllers Economic and social effects Maximum power point trackers Wind power Wind turbines
Comparative assessment of maximum power point tracking procedures for photovoltaic systems 被引量:3
作者 Mohammed Aslam Husain Abu Tariq +2 位作者 Salman Hameed M.Saad Bin Arif Abhinandan Jain 《Green Energy & Environment》 SCIE 2017年第1期5-17,共13页
The fast growing demands and increasing awareness for the environment, PV systems are being rapidly installed for numerous applications.However, one of the important challenges in utilizing a PV source is the maximum ... The fast growing demands and increasing awareness for the environment, PV systems are being rapidly installed for numerous applications.However, one of the important challenges in utilizing a PV source is the maximum power harnessing using various maximum power point tracking techniques available. With the large number of MPPT techniques, each having some merits and demerits, confusion is always there for their proper selection. Discussion on various proposed procedures for maximum power point tracking of photovoltaic array has been done. Based on different parameters analysis of MPPT techniques is carried out. This assessment will serve as a suitable reference for selection, understanding different ways and means of MPPT. 展开更多
关键词 Maximum power point tracking(MPPT) Photovoltaic(PV) SOLAR Perturb and observe OPTIMIZATION
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