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作者 Sun Zhonghua Qi Wenfeng 《Applied Mathematics(A Journal of Chinese Universities)》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第4期469-477,共9页
Let Z/(p^e) be the integer residue ring modulo p^e with p an odd prime and integer e ≥ 3. For a sequence a over Z/(p^e), there is a unique p-adic decomposition a- = a-0 +a-1 .p +… + a-e-l .p^e-1 where each a-... Let Z/(p^e) be the integer residue ring modulo p^e with p an odd prime and integer e ≥ 3. For a sequence a over Z/(p^e), there is a unique p-adic decomposition a- = a-0 +a-1 .p +… + a-e-l .p^e-1 where each a-i can be regarded as a sequence over Z/(p), 0 ≤ i ≤ e - 1. Let f(x) be a primitive polynomial over Z/(p^e) and G'(f(x),p^e) the set of all primitive sequences generated by f(x) over Z/(p^e). For μ(x) ∈ Z/(p)[x] with deg(μ(x)) ≥ 2 and gad(1 + deg(μ(x)),p- 1) = 1, setφe-1 (x0, x1,… , xe-1) = xe-1. [μ(xe-2) + ηe-3(x0, X1,…, xe-3)] + ηe-2(x0, X1,…, xe-2) which is a function of e variables over Z/(p). Then the compressing mapφe-1 : G'(f(x),p^e) → (Z/(p))^∞ ,a-→φe-1(a-0,a-1, … ,a-e-1) is injective. That is, for a-,b-∈ G'(f(x),p^e), a- = b- if and only if φe-1 (a-0,a-1, … ,a-e-1) = φe-1(b-0, b-1,… ,b-e-1). As for the case of e = 2, similar result is also given. Furthermore, if functions φe-1 and ψe-1 over Z/(p) are both of the above form and satisfy φe-1(a-0,a-1,…,a-e-1)=ψe-1(b-0, b-1,… ,b-e-1) for a-,b-∈G'(f(x),p^e), the relations between a- and b-, φe-1 and ψe-1 are discussed 展开更多
关键词 integer residue ring linear recurring sequence primitive sequence injective map.
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