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Effect of dissolved organic nitrogen on the bloom of Prorocentrum donghaiense and Karenia spp. in the East China Sea coastal waters
作者 Xiaoru Cui Guangming Zhen +2 位作者 Jing Zhao Keqiang Li Xiulin Wang 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第6期71-85,共15页
Understan ding the mechanism of harmful algal bloom formation is vital for effectively preventing algal bloom outbreaks in coastal environments.Karenia spp.blooms in the East China Sea show a significant correlation w... Understan ding the mechanism of harmful algal bloom formation is vital for effectively preventing algal bloom outbreaks in coastal environments.Karenia spp.blooms in the East China Sea show a significant correlation with nutrient regimes.However,the impact of key components of nutrients,especially dissolved organic nitrogen(DON),on the blooms of Karenia spp.is not clear.Quantitative research is still lacking.In this study,the cruise observations,field mesocosm-flask culture experiments,and a multinitrogen-tri-phytoplankton-detritus model(NTPD) are combined to reveal the quantitative influence of nutrient regimes on the shift of Prorocentrum donghaiense and Karenia spp.in the East China Sea.It has a synchronism rhythm of diatom-P.donghaienseKarenia spp.-diatom loop in the field culture experiment,which is consistent with the results of the cruise observation.The results showed that the processes of terrigenous DON(TeDON) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen(DIN:NO_(3)^(-)-N,NH_(4)^(+)-N) absorption promoted P.donghaiense to become the dominant algae in the community;whereas the processes of DON from P.donghaiense absorption promoted Karenia spp.to become the dominant algae in ambient DIN exhaustion.In addition,the three-dimensional fluorescence components of humus C,tyrosine and fulvic acid can indicate the processes of growth and extinction of P.donghaiense and Karenia spp.,respectively.This study infers that P.donghaiense and Karenia spp.regime shift mechanism associated with the nutrient regime in coastal waters,which provides a scientific basis for the environmental management of coastal eco system health. 展开更多
关键词 Karenia spp. prorocentrum donghaiense NUTRIENTS multinitrogen-tri-phytoplankton-detritus model three-dimensional fluorescence
东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)和海洋原甲藻APBM(P.micans APBM)的5.8S rDNA及其转录间隔区(ITS)的克隆和序列分析 被引量:22
作者 张宝玉 王广策 +5 位作者 张炎 韩笑天 吕颂辉 齐雨藻 邹景忠 曾呈奎 《海洋与湖沼》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期264-272,共9页
对东海原甲藻 (Prorocentrumdonghaiense)和海洋原甲藻APBM (P .micansAPBM)的5 8SrDNA及其转录间隔区 (ITS)序列进行了PCR扩增、克隆和序列测定 ,并分析了甲藻属 9株赤潮藻 ( 7株从GenBank获得 )的系统进化关系。结果表明 ,海洋原甲藻... 对东海原甲藻 (Prorocentrumdonghaiense)和海洋原甲藻APBM (P .micansAPBM)的5 8SrDNA及其转录间隔区 (ITS)序列进行了PCR扩增、克隆和序列测定 ,并分析了甲藻属 9株赤潮藻 ( 7株从GenBank获得 )的系统进化关系。结果表明 ,海洋原甲藻APBM的ITS片段 (含5 8S区 )为 631bp ,东海原甲藻的 (含 5 8S区 )为 5 5 2bp ;东海原甲藻与从GenBank中获得的微小原甲藻相似程度较高 ,与甲藻属其他原甲藻相似程度较低 ;本文研究的海洋原甲藻APBM的ITS序列与其他原甲藻相似程度都较低并且在进化树上距离也较远。用ITS1或ITS2序列构建的系统树与用ITS + 5 8SrDNA序列构建的系统树反映的结果基本一致 ,5 展开更多
关键词 东海原甲藻 海洋原甲藻 ITS 序列分析 系统进化
东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)和链状亚历山大藻(Alexandrium catenella)对模拟食物链物质传递的影响 被引量:7
作者 陈洋 颜天 周名江 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第10期3964-3972,共9页
研究了东海原甲藻的基本营养组成,并就赤潮密度下的东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)和链状亚历山大藻(Alexandrium catenella)在单一和混合情况下对赤潮藻→卤虫模拟食物链物质传递的影响进行了探讨。结果表明:与其它饵料微藻相比... 研究了东海原甲藻的基本营养组成,并就赤潮密度下的东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)和链状亚历山大藻(Alexandrium catenella)在单一和混合情况下对赤潮藻→卤虫模拟食物链物质传递的影响进行了探讨。结果表明:与其它饵料微藻相比,东海原甲藻必需氨基酸中的苯丙氨酸、赖氨酸和组氨酸含量明显偏低。东海原甲藻单独投喂时,卤虫对其的总物质转化效率随着藻密度的增加呈现先逐渐增加再逐渐降低的趋势。而当不同密度的东海原甲藻分别与一种硅藻小新月菱形藻(Nitzschia closterium)混合投喂时,随东海原甲藻密度的增加,卤虫选择性地增加对东海原甲藻的摄食,而降低对小新月菱形藻的摄食,并且其总物质转化效率逐渐降低。暴露于链状亚历山大藻藻液,卤虫体重减轻,且在其体内未检测到叶绿素a,表明卤虫未摄食该藻。当链状亚历山大藻藻细胞重悬液和去藻过滤液分别与小新月菱形藻或东海原甲藻混合时,卤虫对后两株藻的摄食量和总物质转化效率均有所降低。因此,在大规模赤潮发生时,东海原甲藻和链状亚历山大藻可能分别对浮游动物的营养和存活带来不利影响,并影响物质沿食物链的传递。 展开更多
关键词 有害赤潮(Harmful ALGAL BLOOMS HABs) 东海原甲藻 链状亚历山大藻 卤虫 总物质转化效率 营养组成
东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiensis)对原生动物群落结构影响的现场船基实验 被引量:5
作者 张利永 颜天 +1 位作者 韩刚 周名江 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期1926-1936,共11页
2005年在长江口赤潮频发海域调查期间,分别于4月27日、5月4日和5月8日,在zzf1、zc18a和ra5站位利用现场船基培养的方法,研究了添加到赤潮密度106cellsL-1的东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)对原生动物群落结构的影响。结果发现,赤... 2005年在长江口赤潮频发海域调查期间,分别于4月27日、5月4日和5月8日,在zzf1、zc18a和ra5站位利用现场船基培养的方法,研究了添加到赤潮密度106cellsL-1的东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)对原生动物群落结构的影响。结果发现,赤潮密度的东海原甲藻抑制了小型无壳纤毛虫的种群数量,而没有抑制中大型砂壳纤毛虫和夜光虫(Noctiluca scintillans)的种群数量,从而使得原生动物群落向中大型种类演替,这种影响的程度与原生动物本身的群落组成和浮游植物的组成密切相关。添加东海原甲藻72h后,在以小型无壳纤毛虫管游虫(Cyrtostrombidium sp.)为优势种的zzf1站位,演替为以大型原生动物夜光虫为优势种的群落;在以中大型原生动物百乐拟铃虫(Tintinnospsis beroidea)和夜光虫为优势种的zc18a站位,仍然是以此为优势种,且大型原生动物夜光虫在群落中的比例上升;在以小型无壳纤毛虫急游虫2(Strombidium sp.2)为优势种的ra5站位,演替为以中大型原生动物百乐拟铃虫和亚速岛网纹虫(Favella azorica)为优势种的群落。zzf1和ra5站位实验组中原生动物的总丰度都呈下降趋势,而zc18a站位变化不明显,这是由于前两个站位的最优势种管游虫(zzf1站位)和急游虫2(ra5站位)的丰度迅速下降,而zc18a站位的优势种百乐拟铃虫和夜光虫的丰度比较稳定造成的。在zzf1和zc18a站位,对照组和实验组中原生动物的总生物量在实验前后都没有大的变化,而在ra5站位却均呈下降的趋势。这可能与浮游植物的组成有关,zzf1和zc18a站位是以无毒的锥状斯氏藻(Scrippsiella trochoidea)和螺旋环沟藻(Gyrodinium spirale)为主,而ra5站位是以有毒的亚历山大藻(Alexandrium sp.)为主。综上可见,可预测当东海大规模赤潮爆发时,会使原生动物群落向中大型种类演替,进而可能影响海洋生态系统的结构和功能。 展开更多
关键词 东海原甲藻 赤潮 原生动物群落结构 现场培养实验
东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)对中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)摄食和消化酶活性的影响 被引量:7
作者 谢志浩 王悠 唐学玺 《海洋与湖沼》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期494-499,共6页
采用单养和混养的方法,在实验条件下研究了东海原甲藻对中华哲水蚤摄食和消化酶活性的影响。结果表明:(1)中华哲水蚤对东海原甲藻存在一定摄食行为,藻类密度对摄食率有明显的影响。实验密度下,中华哲水蚤对东海原甲藻的最大摄食率为930c... 采用单养和混养的方法,在实验条件下研究了东海原甲藻对中华哲水蚤摄食和消化酶活性的影响。结果表明:(1)中华哲水蚤对东海原甲藻存在一定摄食行为,藻类密度对摄食率有明显的影响。实验密度下,中华哲水蚤对东海原甲藻的最大摄食率为930cells/(ind·h)。滤水率随着藻密度的增加而呈单一性的下降;(2)混养条件下,中华哲水蚤对金藻和东海原甲藻的摄食率均较单养时下降,滤水率的变化与摄食率相似;(3)不同藻密度下,昆布多糖酶活性都明显高于麦芽糖酶和纤维二糖酶的活性,而麦芽糖酶活性又稍高于纤维二糖酶的活性。与金藻相比,东海原甲藻实验组中华哲水蚤3种消化酶活性明显升高(P<0.05)。 展开更多
关键词 东海原甲藻 中华哲水蚤 摄食 消化酶活性
东海原甲藻Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu生物学研究进展 被引量:17
作者 张秀芳 刘永健 《生态环境》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期1053-1057,共5页
东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu)是中国沿海频繁发生的大规模赤潮的原因种之一。文章对东海原甲藻的命名、生理生态和分子生物学等方面的研究成果作了综述。东海原甲藻与在日本、韩国等亚洲海域分布的被报道为Prorocentrum d... 东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu)是中国沿海频繁发生的大规模赤潮的原因种之一。文章对东海原甲藻的命名、生理生态和分子生物学等方面的研究成果作了综述。东海原甲藻与在日本、韩国等亚洲海域分布的被报道为Prorocentrum dentatum的原甲藻以及来自美国CCMP的具齿原甲藻(Prorocentrum dentatum)为同一种。东海原甲藻是一种喜长光照的赤潮藻类,其生长的最适温度为22℃,最适盐度为25-31。东海原甲藻能利用铵盐、硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐,最适生长的w(N)/w(P)比范围在8-20之间。作者构建了东海原甲藻cDNA文库并进行了EST分析,发现了22个与东海原甲藻生长发育、物质转换和能量代谢相关的基因标签。认为从基因表达及调控角度研究赤潮形成与消亡机制并阐明它与环境因子的关系是必要的。 展开更多
关键词 东海原甲藻 命名 生理生态 分子生物学
Optical detection of Prorocentrum donghaiense blooms based on multispectral reflectance 被引量:3
作者 TAO Bangyi PAN Delu +3 位作者 MAO Zhihua SHEN Yuzhang ZHU Qiankun CHEN Jianyu 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第10期48-56,共9页
Prorocentrum donghaiense is one of the most common red tide causative dinoflagellates in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Estuary and the adjacent area of the East China Sea. It causes large-scale blooms in late sprin... Prorocentrum donghaiense is one of the most common red tide causative dinoflagellates in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Estuary and the adjacent area of the East China Sea. It causes large-scale blooms in late spring and early summer that lead to widespread ecologic and economic damage. A means for distinguish- ing dinoflagellate blooms from diatom (Skeletonema costatum) blooms is desired. On the basis of measure- ments of remote sensing refectance [Rrs(λ)] and inherent optical parameters, the potential of using a mul- tispectral approach is assessed for discriminating the algal blooms due to P. donghaiense from those due to S. costatum. The behavior of two reflectance ratios [R1 = Rrs(560)/Rrs(532) and Re = Rrs(708)/Rrs(665)], suggests that differentiation of P. donghaiense blooms from diatom bloom types is possible from the current band setup of ocean color sensors. It is found that there are two reflectance ratio regimes that indicate a bloom is dominated by P. donghaiense; (1) R1 〉 1.55 and R2 〈 1.0 or (2) R1 〉 1.75 and R2 ≥ 1.0. Various sensitivity analyses are conducted to investigate the effects of the variation in varying levels of chlorophyll concentration and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) as well as changes in the backscattering ratio (bbp/bp) on the efficacy of this muitispectral approach. Results indicate that the intensity and inherent op- tical properties of the algal species explain much of the behavior of the two ratios. Although backscattering influences the amplitude of Rrs(λ), especially in the 530 and 560 nm bands, the discrimination between P. donghaiense and diatoms is not significantly affected by the variation of bbp/bp. Since aCDOM (440) in coastal areas of the ECS is typically lower than 1.0 m-1 in most situations, the presence of CDOM does not interfere with this discrimination, even as SCDOM varies from 0.01 to 0.026 nm-1. Despite all of these effects, the dis- crimination of P. donghaiense blooms from diatom blooms based on multispectral measurements of Rrs(λ) is feasible. 展开更多
关键词 multispectral reflectance harmful algal blooms prorocentrum donghaiense Skeletonerna costatum DISCRIMINATION
Blooms of Prorocentrum donghaiense reduced the species diversity of dinoflagellate community 被引量:3
作者 Huan Wang Zhangxi Hu +3 位作者 Zhaoyang Chai Yunyan Deng Zifeng Zhan Ying Zhong Tang 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第4期110-119,共10页
Most of reported harmful algal blooms(HABs)of microalgae(75%)have been caused by dinoflagellates.Studies on the negative effects of HABs have generally focused on animals,valuable organisms in particular,and environme... Most of reported harmful algal blooms(HABs)of microalgae(75%)have been caused by dinoflagellates.Studies on the negative effects of HABs have generally focused on animals,valuable organisms in particular,and environmental factors such as dissolved oxygen and nutrients,but relatively fewer on community level,particularly that using metagenomic approach.In this study,we reported an investigation on the effects of a HAB caused by the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum donghaiense on the species diversity and community structure of the dinoflagellate sub-community via a pyrosequencing approach for the samples taken before,during,and after the bloom season of P.donghaiense in the East China Sea.We sequenced partial 28S rRNA gene of dinoflagellates for the field samples and evaluated the species richness and diversity indices of the dinoflagellate community,as a sub-community of the total phytoplankton.We obtained 800185 valid sequences(categorized into 560 operational taxonomic units,OTUs)of dinoflagellates from 50 samples and found that the biodiversity of dinoflagellate community was significantly reduced during the blooming period in comparison to that in pre-and after-blooming periods,as reflected in the four diversity indices:the species richness expressed as the number of OTUs,Chao1 index,Shannon index(evenness),and Gini-Simpson index.These four indices were all found to be negatively correlated to the cell density of the bloom species P.donghaiense.Correlation analyses also revealed that the P.donghaiense cell abundance was correlated negatively with NO3--N,and NO2--N,but positively with total nitrogen(TN)and total phosphorus(TP).Principal coordinates analysis(PCoA)showed that the community structure of dinoflagellates was markedly different among the different sampling periods,while the redundancy analysis(RDA)revealed P.donghaiense abundance,salinity,NO3--N,and SiO32-were the most four significant factors shaping the dinoflagellate community structure.Our results together demonstrated that HABs caused by the dinoflagellate P.donghaiense could strongly impact the aquatic ecosystem on the sub-community level which the blooming species belongs to. 展开更多
关键词 prorocentrum donghaiense dinoflagellate community DIVERSITY PYROSEQUENCING East China Sea
Three-dimensional fluorescence characteristics of dissolved organic matter produced by Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu 被引量:3
作者 赵卫红 王江涛 陈玫玫 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期564-569,共6页
Filtration and cross-flow ultrafiltration techniques were used to separate culture media of Prorocentrurn donghaiense at the exponential growth, stationary and decline stages into 〈0.45 μm filtrate, 100 kDa-0.45 μm... Filtration and cross-flow ultrafiltration techniques were used to separate culture media of Prorocentrurn donghaiense at the exponential growth, stationary and decline stages into 〈0.45 μm filtrate, 100 kDa-0.45 μm, 1%100 kDa and 1-10 kDa retentate and 〈1 kDa ultrafiltrate fractions. The fluorescence properties of different molecular weights of dissolved organic matter (DOM) were measured by excitation-emission matrix spectra. Protein-like and humic-like fluorophores were observed in the DOM produced by P. donghaiense. The central positions of protein-like fluorophores showed a red shift with prolonged growth duration, shifting from tyrosine-like properties at the exponential growth stage to tryptophan-like properties at the stationary and decline stages. The excitation wavelengths of protein-like fluorophores exhibited some change in the exponential growth and stationary stages with increased molecular size, but showed little change in the decline stage. However, the emission wavelengths in the decline stage exhibited a blue shift. Very distinct C type and A type peaks in humic-like fluorophores were observed. With a prolonged culture time, the intensities of both of the peaks became strong and the excitation wavelengths of peak A showed a red shift, while the A:C ratios fell. More than 94% of fluorescent DOM was in the lower than 1 kDa molecular weight fraction. 展开更多
关键词 dissolved organic matter FLUORESCENCE excitation-emission matrix spectrum prorocentrum donghaiense Lu
Vertical development of a Prorocentrum donghaiense bloom in the coastal waters of the East China Sea: coupled biophysical numerical modeling 被引量:2
作者 SUN Ke QIU Zhongfeng +2 位作者 HE Yijun FAN Wei WEI Zexun 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第6期23-33,共11页
Algal blooms caused by Prorocentrum donghaiense occurred frequently in the East China Sea (ECS) during spring in recent years. In this study, a coupled biophysical model was used to hindcast a massive P. donghaiense... Algal blooms caused by Prorocentrum donghaiense occurred frequently in the East China Sea (ECS) during spring in recent years. In this study, a coupled biophysical model was used to hindcast a massive P. donghaiense bloom that occurred in 2005 and to determine the factors influencing bloom initiation and development. The model comprised the Regional Ocean Modeling System tailored for the ECS that utilized a multi-nested configuration and a population dynamics model for 19. donghaiense. Comparisons between simulations and observations revealed that the biological model is capable of reproducing the characteristics of 19. donghaiense growth under different irradiances and phosphorus limitation scenarios. The variation of intracellular phosphorus and the effects of 19. donghaiense on ambient nutrients conditions were also reproduced. The biophysical model hindcasted the hydrodynamics and spatiotemporal distributions of the P. donghaiense bloom reasonably well. Bloom development was consistent with observations reported in earlier studies. The results demonstrate the capability of the model in capturing subsurface incubation during bloom initiation. Then model's hindcast solutions were further used to diagnose the factors controlling the vertical distribution. Phosphate appeared to be one of the factors controlling the subsurface incubation, whereas surface wind fields played an important role in determining P. donghaiense distribution. The results highlight the importance of nutrient-limitation as a mechanism in the formation of P. donghaiense subsurface layers and the dispersing of P. donghaiense blooms. This coupled biophysical model should be improved and used to investigate 19. donghaiense blooms occurring in different scenarios. 展开更多
关键词 prorocentrum donghaiense algal blooms biophysical model subsurface incubation East China Sea
Detection of Prorocentrum donghaiense using sandwich hybridization integrated with nuclease protection assay 被引量:2
作者 CHEN Jie ZHEN Yu +1 位作者 MI Tiezhu YU Zhigang 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期121-126,共6页
Prorocentrum donghaiense is an important harmful algae bloom (HAB) causing creature in China's seas, and the conventional visual detection can not cope with long-term monitoring and highthroughput sampling projects... Prorocentrum donghaiense is an important harmful algae bloom (HAB) causing creature in China's seas, and the conventional visual detection can not cope with long-term monitoring and highthroughput sampling projects. An assay for P. donghaiense with sandwich hybridization integrated with nuclease protection assay (NPA-SH) was established. Tests with mixed samples and spiked field ones confirmed its good specificity and sensitivity. The cell number of P. donghaiense correlated well with the optical density, and the regression equation is y=4× 10^- 6x+ 0.694 9, in which x is the cell number, and y is the optical density, with r2=0.953 5. These results show that the NPA-SH method has good feasibility in the detection of P. donghaiense. Results of NPA-SH and microscopy are excellent for each sample. The NPA-SH method was a simple way in quantitative detection of P. donghaiense, and the whole process could be finished in about six hours, which provided a new approach in high-throughput sampling and long-term monitoring of P. donghaiense. 展开更多
关键词 prorocentrum donghaiense ribosomal RNA S1 enzyme sandwich hybridization integrated with nuclease protection assay (NPA-SH)
Cloning, characterization, and expression of Cytochrome b (Cytb)——a key mitochondrial gene from Prorocentrum donghaiense 被引量:2
作者 赵丽媛 米铁柱 +1 位作者 甄毓 于志刚 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第3期424-432,共9页
Mitochondrial cytochrome b (Cytb), one of the few proteins encoded by the mitochondrial DNA, plays an important role in transferring electrons. As a mitochondrial gene, it has been widely used for phylogenetic analy... Mitochondrial cytochrome b (Cytb), one of the few proteins encoded by the mitochondrial DNA, plays an important role in transferring electrons. As a mitochondrial gene, it has been widely used for phylogenetic analysis. Previously, a 949-bp fragment of the coding gene and mRNA editing were characterized from Prorocentrum donghaiense, which might prove useful for resolving P. donghaiense from closely related species. However, the full-length coding region has not been characterized. Ih this study, we used rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) to obtain full-length, 1 124 bp cDNA. Cytb transcript contained a standard initiation codon ATG, but did not have a recognizable stop codon. Homology comparison showed that the P. donghaiense Cytb had a high sequence identity to Cytb sequences from other dinoflagellate species. Phylogenetic analysis placed Cytb from P. donghaiense in the clade of dinoflagellates and it clustered together strongly with that from P. minimum. Based on the full-length sequence, we inferred 32 editing events at different positions, accounting for 2.93% of the Cytb gene. 34.4% (11) of the changes were A to G, 25% (8) were T to C, and 25% (8) were C to U, with smaller proportions of G to C and G to A edits (9.4% (3) and 6.2% (2), respectively). The expression level of the Cytb transcript was quantified by real-time PCR with a TaqMan probe at different times during the whole growth phase. The average Cytb transcript was present at 39.277.46 copies of cDNA per cell during the whole growth cycle, and the expression of Cytb was relatively stable over the different phases. These results deepen our understanding of the structure and characteristics of Cytb in P. donghaiense, and confirmed that Cytb in P. donghaiense is a candidate reference gene for studying the expression of other genes. 展开更多
关键词 Cytochrome b (Cytb) prorocentrum donghaiense real-time PCR red tide reference gene 'RNA editing
Harmful algal bloom-forming dinofl agellate Prorocentrum donghaiense inhibits the growth and photosynthesis of seaweed Sargassum fusiformis embryos 被引量:1
作者 Caixia WANG Min WANG +7 位作者 Binbin CHEN Wenli QIN Lidong LIN Chuanjun DAI Hengguo YU Renhui LI Min ZHAO Zengling MA 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第6期2237-2251,共15页
Harmful algal bloom(HAB)is an ecological disaster to local mariculture.At present,its impact on macrophytes has not been well studied.In this study,we cultivated sexually propagated embryos of S argassum fusiformis-an... Harmful algal bloom(HAB)is an ecological disaster to local mariculture.At present,its impact on macrophytes has not been well studied.In this study,we cultivated sexually propagated embryos of S argassum fusiformis-an edible seaweed-in Prorocentrum donghaiense suspensions at different cell densities(0,0.50×10^(5),0.75×10^(5),1.00×10^(5),and 1.50×10^(5) cells/mL)for 10 days,during which growth and photosynthetic activities of the embryos were determined,and a monocultivation was set up for comparison.Results show that the relative growth rate and photosynthetic activities of the embryos co-cultivated with P.donghaiense were inhibited mostly and significantly in the cell densities of 0.75×10^(5),1.00×10^(5),and 1.50×10^(5) cells/mL,and the inhibitory effects increased in overall with increased cell densities.The maximum relative electron transport rates(rETR max)and apparent photosynthetic efficiency(a)of co-cultivated embryos were all significantly lower than monocultivation ones on the 10 th day.Furthermore,the photosynthetic activity detected by chlorophyll-a fluorescence transient(i.e.,OJIP),the electron transport among electron transfer accepters of PSII(photosystem II)and that from PSII to PSI(photosystem I)was restricted,which is probably responsible for the decreases of rETR max andain the co-cultivated embryos.In addition,parts of the photosynthetic reaction centers of PSII in the co-cultivated embryos were inactivated.Therefore,P.donghaiense bloom could restrain the development and photosynthetic activities of S.fusiformis embryos,reduce the seedlings stock,and eventually hinder the development of S.fusiformis production industry. 展开更多
关键词 EMBRYO JIP-TEST PHOTOSYNTHESIS prorocentrum donghaiense Sargassum fusiformis harmful algal bloom
The Inhibitory Degree Between Skeletonema costatum and Dinoflagllate Prorocentrum donghaiense at Different Concentrations of Phosphate and Nitrate/Phosphate Ratios 被引量:1
作者 CAO Jing WANG Jiangtao 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2012年第2期153-158,共6页
Interactions between Skeletonema costatum (S. costatum) and Prorocentrum donghaiense (P. donghaiiense) were inves-tigated using bi-algal cultures at different concentrations of phosphate (PO4-P) and nitrate/phosphate ... Interactions between Skeletonema costatum (S. costatum) and Prorocentrum donghaiense (P. donghaiiense) were inves-tigated using bi-algal cultures at different concentrations of phosphate (PO4-P) and nitrate/phosphate (N/P) ratios. Experiments were conducted under P-limited conditions and the Lotka-Volterra mathematical model was used to simulate the growth of S. costatum and P. donghaiense in the bi-algal cultures. Both of these two species were inhibited significantly in bi-algal culture. The results of the simulation showed that the inhibitory degree of S. costaum by P. donghaiense was high when the concentration of PO4-P was low (0.1μmolL-1/2 d), but that of P. donghaiense by S. costaum was high with increased PO4-P supply (0.6μmolL-1/2 d). At low concen-tration of PO4-P (0.1μmolL-1/2 d), or high concentration of PO4-P (0.6μmolL-1/2 d) with high N/P ratio (160), the interactions be-tween S. costatum and P. donghaiense were dependent on the initial cell densities of both species. At high concentration of PO4-P (0.6μmolL-1/2 d) with low N/P ratio (25 or 80), S. costatum exhibited a survival strategy superior to that of P. donghaiense. The de-gree of inhibition of P. donghaiense by S. costaum increased with elevated N/P ratio when the medium was supplemented with con-centration 0.1μmolL-1/2 d of PO4-P. The degree of inhibition to P. donghaiense by S. costaum increased with elevated N/P ratio at low concentration of PO4-P (0.1 μmolL-1/2 d). This trend was conversed at high concentration of PO4-P (0.6μmolL-1/2 d). However, the degree of inhibition of S. costaum by P. donghaiense increased with the increased N/P ratio at different PO4-P concentrations (0.1μmolL-1/2 d and 0.6μmolL-1/2 d). These results suggested that both phosphate concentration and N/P ratio affected the competition between S. costaum and P. donghaiense: P. donghaiense is more competitive in environments with low phosphate or high N/P ratio and the influence of N/P ratio on the competition was more significant with lower phosphate concentration. 展开更多
关键词 Skeletonema costatum prorocentrum donghaiense inhibitory effect PHOSPHATE species competition N/P ratio
Death of Prorocentrum donghaiense May Be a Programmed Autolysis 被引量:1
作者 YANG Guanpin LIU Yongjian LI Bingjun 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2008年第3期276-280,共5页
Prorocentrum donghaiense,one of the dinoflagellate,has continuously caused large scale red tides along the Chinese coast in recent years. These red tides have brought tremendous loss to the local economy and serious i... Prorocentrum donghaiense,one of the dinoflagellate,has continuously caused large scale red tides along the Chinese coast in recent years. These red tides have brought tremendous loss to the local economy and serious impacts to the local environment. Unfortunately,little was known about the mechanism of the fast appearance and extinction of the red tide caused by this alga. In this study,the full-length cDNA of a caspase encoding gene of P. donghaiense was cloned and characterized,and the transcription of this gene during the senescence of the alga was semi-quantitatively determined. The cDNA was 520 bp in length. It contained a 258 bp open reading frame(ORF) which encoded a peptide of 85 amino acids. The amount of transcripts of the caspase encoding gene increased with the senescence of P. donghaiense and started to decrease gradually when the autolysis of P. donghaiense cells took place. We proposed that the death of P. donghaiense may be a caspase mediated programmed autolysis. 展开更多
关键词 CASPASE programmed autolysis prorocentrum donghaiense RT-PCR
Quantitative proteomics provides insight into the response of the marine dinoflagellate Prorocentrum donghaiense to changes in ambient phosphorus 被引量:1
作者 Shufeng ZHANG Chunjuan YUAN +2 位作者 Ying CHEN Lin LIN Dazhi WANG 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第2期563-576,共14页
Dinofl agellates are the major causative agents of harmful algal blooms in the global ocean and they usually form blooms under conditions of very low dissolved inorganic phosphorus(DIP).However,the mechanisms underpin... Dinofl agellates are the major causative agents of harmful algal blooms in the global ocean and they usually form blooms under conditions of very low dissolved inorganic phosphorus(DIP).However,the mechanisms underpinning the dinofl agellate blooms remain unclear.Here,we quantitatively compared protein expression profi les of a marine dinofl agellate,Prorocentrum donghaiense,grown in inorganic P-replete,P-defi cient,and DIP-and dissolved organic phosphorus(DOP)-resupplied conditions by employing a Tandem Mass Tag(TMT)-based quantitative proteomic approach.Proteins involved in intracellular P reallocation,organic P,and non-P lipid utilization were up-regulated under the P-defi cient condition,while inorganic phosphate transporters varied insignifi cantly.In response to the P resupplementation,nitrogen metabolism,ribosome,porphyrin,and chlorophyll metabolism were up-regulated,while lysosome,and starch and sucrose metabolism were down-regulated.Notably,photosynthesis was up-regulated and secondary metabolism was down-regulated only in the DIP-resupplied cells,whereas amino acid metabolism and vitamin B6 metabolism were up-regulated in the DOP-resupplied cells,indicating diff erential response mechanisms of P.donghaiense to DIP or DOP resupplementation.Our results indicated that P.donghaiense initiated multiple strategies in response to an ambient inorganic P-defi ciency,and its efficient DOP assimilation by providing both P and carbon sources might be a key factor driving bloom formations of P.donghaiense in a low DIP environment. 展开更多
关键词 marine dinofl agellates harmful algal blooms prorocentrum donghaiense PHOSPHORUS quantitative proteomics
Effects of different phosphorus concentrations and N/P ratios on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of Skeletonema costatum and Prorocentrum donghaiense 被引量:1
作者 李俊磊 孙晓霞 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第6期1158-1172,共15页
The effects of different phosphorus(P) concentrations(0.36, 3.6, and 36 μmol/L corresponding to low-, middle-, and high-P concentration groups, respectively) and nitrogen(N)/P ratios on the growth and photosynthetic ... The effects of different phosphorus(P) concentrations(0.36, 3.6, and 36 μmol/L corresponding to low-, middle-, and high-P concentration groups, respectively) and nitrogen(N)/P ratios on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of S keletonema costatum and Prorocentrum donghaiense were studied. For both species, the high-P(HP) concentration group showed the greatest algal density and highest specifi c growth rate. Changes in the maximum effi ciency of photosystem Ⅱ(F _v/F_m) were monitored under the various P and N/P conditions. The largest decrease in F _v/F_m was in the low-P(LP) group in S. costatum and in the HP group in P. donghaiense. There were high rapid light curves and photochemical quantum yields(Φ _(PSⅡ)) for S. costatum in the HP group, while the actual photosynthetic capacity was higher in P. donghaiense than in S. costatum in the MP group. Under eutrophic but relatively P-restricted conditions, P. donghaiense had higher photosynthetic activity and potential, which could cause this dinofl agellate to increasingly dominate the phytoplankton community in these conditions. Under the same P concentration and N/P ratio, P. donghaiense had a larger relative maximum rate of electron transport and higher Φ _(PSⅡ) values than those of S. costatum. These differences between P. donghaiense and S. costatum may explain the interaction and succession patterns of these two species in the Changjiang(Yangtze) River estuary from a photosynthesis perspective. 展开更多
关键词 Skeletonema costatum prorocentrum donghaiense nutrients algae growth photosynthetic characteristics
Development of a Real-Time PCR Method (Taqman) for Rapid Identification and Quantification of Prorocentrum donghaiense 被引量:1
作者 YUAN Jian MI Tiezhu +1 位作者 ZHEN Yu YU Zhigang 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2012年第3期366-374,共9页
Prorocentrum donghaiense is a dinoflagellate that is widely distributed in the East China Sea and has become increasingly involved in Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs). Therefore, it is necessary to study this dinoflagellat... Prorocentrum donghaiense is a dinoflagellate that is widely distributed in the East China Sea and has become increasingly involved in Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs). Therefore, it is necessary to study this dinoflagellate to monitor HABs. In this study, 13 pairs of primers specific to P. donghaiense (within its internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions) were designed for SYBR Green I real-time PCR. As the SYBR Green I real-time PCR could not identify P. donghaiense in a specific manner, a Taqman real-time PCR method was developed by designing a set of specific primers and a Taqman probe. A 10-fold serial dilution of recombinant plasmid containing ITS regions of P. donghaiense was prepared as standard samples and the standard curve was established. Additionally, we quantified the genomic DNA in P. donghaiense cells and utilized this DNA to prepare another 10-fold serial dilution of standard sample and accordingly set up the standard curve. The mathematic correlation between the cell number and its corresponding plasmid copy number was also established. In order to test the efficiency of the real-time PCR method, laboratory samples and P. donghaiense HAB field samples were employed for identification and quantitative analysis. As to laboratory samples, as few as 102 cells of P. donghaiense could be quantified precisely utilizing both centrifugation and filtration techniques. The quantification results from field samples by real-time PCR were highly similar to those by light microscopy. In conclusion, the real-time PCR could be applied to identify and quantify P. donghaiense in HABs. 展开更多
关键词 prorocentrum donghaiense Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) internal transcribed spacer (ITS) recombinant plasmid real-time PCR
Microbial Communities in Water during Red Tides along the Coast of China-A Case Study of Prorocentrum Donghaiense Red Tide in the East China Sea 被引量:1
作者 Bei Huang Na Wei +1 位作者 Yuheng Hu Hongyue Mao 《Journal of Marine Science》 2021年第1期29-38,共10页
Red tides are a major public hazard in the global oceans.The coast of the East China Sea is the sea area where red tide disasters are the most frequent and serious in China.In order to accurately grasp the occurrence ... Red tides are a major public hazard in the global oceans.The coast of the East China Sea is the sea area where red tide disasters are the most frequent and serious in China.In order to accurately grasp the occurrence of red tides in the coastal waters of the East China Sea,and to understand the microbial communities in the waters during the occurrence of red tides in the East China Sea,a special survey of red tides in the coastal waters of Zhejiang,China was carried out in June 2018.The results showed that nutrient concentrations of N and P were generally high in this area,DIN concentrations in most areas exceeded the permitted limit of Chinese seawater quality grade I.There were significant differences in dissolved oxygen,pH,COD,chlorophyll and phytoplankton abundance of red tides.During the investigation,red tides were found in the waters near the Yushan Islands.The content of chlorophyll a was 42.12mg/m3,the cell abundance of phytoplankton was 8.16×108/L,and the abundance of Prorocentrum edulis accounted for 98.5%.The Illumina MiSeq sequencing platform was used for 16s high-throughput sequencing of water microorganisms,and a total of 16 bacteria were identified.Proteobacteria is the first dominant phylum,followed by Cyanobacteria and Bacteroides.Some differences in bacterial community compositions between HAB and the nearby seawater were observed.The predominant bacteria in the red tide occurrence area were Proteobacteria,comprising 46.1%of the relative abundance;while the predominant bacteria in the nearby sea area,comprising 42.0%of the relative abundance. 展开更多
关键词 East China Sea Red tide prorocentrum donghaiense High throughout sequencing
Variability of Prorocentrum donghaiense response to allelopathic action from Alexandrium pacificum in laboratory culture
作者 Hongjia HUANG Chuqiao GAN +4 位作者 Jiahui HUANG Chen ZOU Hongye LI Jiesheng LIU Weidong YANG 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第4期1305-1315,共11页
The dinoflagellates Alexandrium pacificum and Prorocentrum donghaiense are two well-known harmful algal blooms(HABs)-forming species,both were usually found in the same sea areas in form of HABs in China.To date,there... The dinoflagellates Alexandrium pacificum and Prorocentrum donghaiense are two well-known harmful algal blooms(HABs)-forming species,both were usually found in the same sea areas in form of HABs in China.To date,there is no mechanistic model that can fully explain the occurrence of P.donghaiense blooms with A.pacificum.We found that different strains of P.donghaiense had different intrinsic growth rates of 0.107-0.215/d,and these strains exhibited different responses to the allelopathic action from A.pacificum.Some strains of P.donghaiense could grow well despite some degrees of inhibition in a short period,suggesting the two algal species P.donghaiense and A.pacificum could coexist,even if A.pacificum was allelopathic.Our findings may advance the understanding of phenotypes in P.donghaiense and provide a potential mechanism involved in the coexistence of P.donghaiense and A.pacificum in the same area. 展开更多
关键词 prorocentrum donghaiense ALLELOPATHY Lotka-Volterra model algal bloom PHENOTYPE
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