This paper delves into and assesses the differences in biological traits and fruit nutritional composition of 3 varieties of Prunus humilis introduced from 2 different regions.Results showed that(i)the contents of pro...This paper delves into and assesses the differences in biological traits and fruit nutritional composition of 3 varieties of Prunus humilis introduced from 2 different regions.Results showed that(i)the contents of protein,total sugar,and calcium of No.5 variety were higher those of the other 2 varieties,which was recognized as the most suitable variety for fresh fruit;(ii)the comparison of leaf areas index and fruit shape index of 3 varieties shows that the fruit shape index and individual fruit weight of the introduced varieties were higher than those of the control,the diameter of individual fruit of the introduced varieties higher than that of the control indicated that they had a higher fruit hardness,more dry matter accumulation and better fruit quality,and that the introduction region was more suitable for scale-up of P.humilis;(iii)there was a positive correlation with the number of fruiting branches and there was a significant negative correlation with individual fruit weight,while the leaf area had a significant negative correlation with the number of fruiting branches.The introduced varieties can develop normally in the 2 testing areas,notably,No.5 variety performed better than No.4 and No.6.Improving management is the prerequisite for maintaining proper number of fruiting branches and high yield.展开更多
The stem barks of Prunus africana are used in the treatment of the benign prostate. Cameroon is one of the important exporters of the barks. Despite the important measures adopted in Cameroon for sustaining its harves...The stem barks of Prunus africana are used in the treatment of the benign prostate. Cameroon is one of the important exporters of the barks. Despite the important measures adopted in Cameroon for sustaining its harvesting, some many chalenges still remain. The objective of this work is to refine the forest management parameters in relation to P. africana in the regions of Adamaoua and the South-West by developing a volume rate which makes it possible to estimate the production for a new stem. The work took place in two phases: in the South-West in 2010 and in Adamaoua in 2011. Data collection used the semi-direct method, while the cubing equation was deduced by the multiple linear regression method. Two models for volume estimation and three models for mass prediction were developed. The predictive parameters retained are diameter, height of the bole and thickness of the bark. Results show that the average mass of the dry bark for a given P. africana tree species is 27.55 ± 14.44 kg and this varies according to the site. The strong adjusted coefficient of determination (adjusted R2) observed illustrates the reliability of the proposed models. These models provide a reliable tool that can be adopted as a standard in Cameroon for P. africana.展开更多
Population-wide genetic structure was studied using fluorescent-AFLP markers on 85 apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars collected from Kuche, Kashi, Hetian in the Tarim Basin, southern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous R...Population-wide genetic structure was studied using fluorescent-AFLP markers on 85 apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars collected from Kuche, Kashi, Hetian in the Tarim Basin, southern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. The purpose of this study was to determine the genetic structure and genotypic diversity among the different eco-geographical populations. Based on the results from this study, 8 pairs of fluorescent-AFLP primers showed clear electrophoregram and high polymorphism amongst the 64 pairs of EcoR Ⅰ/Mse Ⅰ (Mse Ⅰ - a FAM fluorescent marked primer) primers screened. There was a significant polymorphic difference for the same primer pair in different populations and for the same population with different primer pairs. The percentage of polymorphic loci (P) at species level was higher than Kuche, Hetian, Kashi population levels, respectively. The Nei's gene diversity index (H) and Shannon's information index (I) at species level were higher than those of Kuche, Hetian, and Kashi at population level, respectively. H and I of Kuche population were the highest amongst the three populations. Apricot population genetic diversity was found mainly within the population, Genetic differentiation coefficient between populations (GST) was 0.0882. Gene flow Nm between the populations was 5.1689. Population genetic identity was between 0.9772-0.9811 and genetic distance was between 0.0191-0.0232. These results further indicated that the similarity between populations was higher and the genetic distance between populations was smaller. The UPGMA cluster analysis indicates that the geographical populations at Kuche, Kashi, Hetian were relatively independent Mendelian populations. Concurrently, there was also partial gene exchange between the populations. All the evidences indicated that the genetic diversity in Kuche population was the highest, suggesting that it could be a transition population from wild apricot to cultivated apricot. There were abundant genetic diversities in apricot cultivar populations in southern Xinjiang, China, which provide promising germplasm for further breeding and theoretical basis for biodiversity conservation and utilization for apricot population in this area.展开更多
A semi-greenhouse study was conducted to understand the effects of soil burial depth on seed germination and seedling development. The seeds of wild apricot (Prunus armeniaca) were buried at the soil depths of 0-cm,...A semi-greenhouse study was conducted to understand the effects of soil burial depth on seed germination and seedling development. The seeds of wild apricot (Prunus armeniaca) were buried at the soil depths of 0-cm, 4-cm, 8-cm, and 12-cm, respectively, to simulate the seed hoarding behavior of rodents in the field. The results revealed that the rates of seed germination and established seedlings from buried seeds were both the highest in 4-cm burial depth group, and then decreased with increasing soil depth. The number of rotten seeds increased in deeper burial depth. It is unfavourable for seed germination at 0-cm burial depth (i.e., seeds were laid on soil surface). There was insignificant effect of burial depth on growth of established seedlings. The results from this study indicated that proper burial depth in soil would be helpful for the seed germination and seedling growth. The seedlings derived from buried seeds at shallower depth (4 cm) in this research have advantage in their early development.展开更多
Polygalacturonase (PG,EC3.2.1.15) is the key cell wall hydrolase in fruit ripening. The identification and characterization of a full length cDNA (pMT18) encoding for PG from Feicheng peach (Prunus persica (L.) Bat...Polygalacturonase (PG,EC3.2.1.15) is the key cell wall hydrolase in fruit ripening. The identification and characterization of a full length cDNA (pMT18) encoding for PG from Feicheng peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch cv. Feicheng) is described. The pMT18 clone is 1188 bp in length, with an open reading frame of 393 amino acids. The homology and phylogenetic analyses indicate a remarkable similarity between peach PG and other ripening related PG. And seven consensus sequences have revealed in peach PG compared to the PG from other plants. However, the profound divergence with other PG and the unique structure features suggest that peach PG probably belongs to a new evolutionary class. In RT PCR analysis, pMT18 related RNA was undetectable in leaves, and was much abundant in ripe fruits. The ripening specific expression pattern of this cDNA will be useful in investigating the roles of PG in fruit ripening and developing a transgenic peach with the improved post harvesting quality in the future.展开更多
One-year-old seedlings of Amur maple (Acer ginnala Maxim), Ussurian pear (Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim) and David peach (Prunus davidiana Carr) were planted in pots in greenhouse and treated with four different soil moistu...One-year-old seedlings of Amur maple (Acer ginnala Maxim), Ussurian pear (Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim) and David peach (Prunus davidiana Carr) were planted in pots in greenhouse and treated with four different soil moisture contents (75.0%, 61.1%, 46.4% and 35.4%). The results showed that net photosynthesis rate (NPR), transpiration rate (TR) and stomatal conductance (Sc) of seedlings of the three species decreased with the decease of soil moisture content, and Amur maple seedlings had the greatest change in those physiological indices, followed by Ussurian pear, David peach. Amur maple and Ussurian pear seedlings also presented a decrease tendency in water use efficiency (WUE) under lower soil moisture content, whereas this was reversed for David peach. Under water stress the biomass allocation to seedling root had a significant increase for all the experimental species. As to root/shoot ratio, Amur maple seedlings had the biggest increase, while David peach had the smallest increase. The leaf plasticity of Amur maple seedlings was greater, the leaf size and total leaf area decreased significantly as the stress was intensified. No significant change of leaf size and total leaf area was found in seedlings of Ussurian pear and David peach. It was concluded that Amur maple was more tolerant to soil moisture stress in comparison with David peach and Ussurian pear.展开更多
Using ISSR technique to analyze the diversity and genetic relationship of germplasm resources in 39 Prunus mume Sibe. et Zucc., the result showed that 10 primers were screened with high resolution from 51 primers, 120...Using ISSR technique to analyze the diversity and genetic relationship of germplasm resources in 39 Prunus mume Sibe. et Zucc., the result showed that 10 primers were screened with high resolution from 51 primers, 120 fragments were amplified, of which 98 were polymorphic loci, accounting for 81.67% of total. Tested materials were divided into 3 classes, as was fundamentally accorded with the traditional classification base on horticulture. There was no obvious difference in geographic relationship among the clustering results.展开更多
[Objective] The aim of this study was to explore the daily change of photosyntheticratefor Prunus domestica ×armeniacain different growing seasons. The study can provide theoretical basis for arid area high yield...[Objective] The aim of this study was to explore the daily change of photosyntheticratefor Prunus domestica ×armeniacain different growing seasons. The study can provide theoretical basis for arid area high yield and quality cultivation.[Method] The photosynthetic physiological properties of leaves of different types of Prunus domestica × armeniaca were measured by the Li-6400 portable photosynthesis system indifferent seasons. By this method could analysis of photosyntheticcharacteristicsfor different types of Prunus domestica×armeniaca in different seasons.[Result] Daily change of photosyntheticrate(Pn) for Prunus domestica×armeniaca in differentseasons showed a "double-peak" curve. The peak values were at 10:00 and16:00. The Pn of ‘Fengweihuanghou', ‘Konglongdan', ‘Weihou', ‘Weiwang' and‘Weidi' reached the maximum in July, theywere 13.75, 14.76, 12.96, 13.3, and 11.9μmol/(m^2·s), respectively. The Pn of Prunus domestica×armeniaca reached minimumin August, they were 9.78, 10.71, 12.02, 10.43 μmol/(m^2·s). The Pn overall average of ‘Konglongdan' was highest,it reached 12.65 μmol/(m^2·s).The Pn overall average of ‘Weiwang' was lowest, it reached 11.31μmol/(m^2·s). There were extremely significant positive correlation between the Pn and Gs(P0.01). [Conclusion] Daily change of photosyntheticrate for Prunus domestica ×armeniaca in differentseasons showed a "double-peak" curve, showing significant phenomenon of "midday depression".The photosynthesis intensity of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca was strongest in July, and the photosynthesis intensity was weakest in August. ‘Konglongdan'showed the strongest photosynthesis capacity, ‘Weihou' and ‘Weiwang', followed.There were highest correlation between the Pn and stoma conductance(Gs).展开更多
Leaves from three_year_old solar greenhouse nectarine trees ( Prunus persica L. var. nectarina Ait. “Zao Hong Yan”) were used as materials in this study. It was the first time that the ultrastructural charact...Leaves from three_year_old solar greenhouse nectarine trees ( Prunus persica L. var. nectarina Ait. “Zao Hong Yan”) were used as materials in this study. It was the first time that the ultrastructural characteristics of phloem tissues of source leaves were observed and compared in normal and weak light intensities using the transmission electron microscopy. Results showed that the average diameters of companion cells (CC) and sieve elements (SE) of all kinds of veins were bigger in normal than that in weak light intensity, indicating that light could influence the cell development and growth. Dense cytoplasm with abundant mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulums, multivesicular bodies, vesicles and plastids were observed in normal light intensity. On the contrary, CC with small vacuolar structures and few mitochondrias, endoplasmic reticulums were shown in weak light. Misalignment of grana thylakoid margins of nectarine leaves also was seen in weak light. The sieve pores of SEs were obstructed in weak light. Chloroplasts with numerous starch grains and few mitochondrias were noticed in the mesophyll cell (MES) surrounding the bundle sheath in weak light. The storage of starch grains appeared to result from an unbalance between photosynthate production and export of photosynthates. This observation provided a strong support to the point that most leaves export the most of assimilates in the light time. Plasmodesmal densities between SE/CC, CC/PP (phloem parenchyma cell), PP/PP and PP/BSC (bundle_sheath cell) decreased in weak light. Plasmodesmata were observed between CC/SE (NS) (nacreous_walled sieve element), PP/BSC in branch veins in normal light intensity, but not in weak light. Thus apoplasmic pathway may be the main mode of transport of assimilates in weak light, however symplasmic pathway may be the main mode of transport of assimilates in normal light intensity. These results demonstrated that the solar greenhouse nectarine trees could be adapted to the weak light via the ultrastructure variation of phloem tissues of the source leaves.展开更多
[Objective] The aims of this study were to understand the flowering biological characteristics of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca and analyze its differences with other apricot varieties and plum varieties. [Method] ...[Objective] The aims of this study were to understand the flowering biological characteristics of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca and analyze its differences with other apricot varieties and plum varieties. [Method] Taking three varieties of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca as the research object, the phenophase of blooming,morphology characteristics of floral organs and development characteristics of floral organs were observed, pollen amount, pollen viability and stigma receptivity were measured. [Result] The results showed that three varieties of Prunus domestica×armeniaca were in blossom in early April, the florescence were relatively late for 8-12 d comparing with the varieties of apricot, the florescence were relatively similar to the P. domestica L. Morphology characteristics of floral organs of three varieties of Prunus domestica×armeniaca had few differences, were relatively similar to two varieties of plum, and they all had high percent of middle-style and long-style flower.The pollen amount of three varieties of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca had a little differences comparing with two varieties of plum, but were lower than three varieties of apricot. There were some differences in pollen viability, the germination percentage of pollen of ‘Konglongdan' was relatively high, was 51.6%; The pollen amount of ‘Fengweihuanghou' was relatively high, was 880.8 per anther; ‘Weidi' had fewer pollen amount, and the pollen viability was just 2.1%; Three varieties of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca all had strong stigma receptivity on the bloom day, and the stigma receptivity continued exist until the day that 5 days after blooming. [Conclusion] The florescence of three varieties of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca were relatively concentrated, and the rate of pistil abortion was lowest, the variation intensity of stigma receptivity and sustainable time of three varieties of Prunus domestica×armeniaca almost had a little differences comparing with a variety of plum, but slightly more than three varieties of apricot.展开更多
[Objective] This paper aimed to explore the genetic relationships among different types of Prunus domestica L. in Xinjiang. [Method] The inter-simple se- quence repeat (ISSR) markers were applied to analyze the gene...[Objective] This paper aimed to explore the genetic relationships among different types of Prunus domestica L. in Xinjiang. [Method] The inter-simple se- quence repeat (ISSR) markers were applied to analyze the genetic diversity and relationships among 30 individual plants from 5 types of P. domestica germpiasm resources in Xinjiang. [Result] A total of 317 bands were amplified by 16 selected IS- SR primers. Among the amplified bands, there were 246 polymorphic bands, accounting for 77.60% of the total. The Nei's gene diversity index (H) of individuals was 0.266 6. The average Shannon's information index (I) of individuals was 0.399 1. And most of the genetic similarity coefficients ranged from 0.555 2 to 0.996 8. It is indicated that the P. domestica germplasm resources have a certain genetic diversity in Xinjiang. The cluster analysis showed that, at the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.719, the 30 individuals were divided into 3 major groups, including a group of introduced European plum varieties, a group of Tacheng Smoked Plum and Tacheng Binzi and a group of Jiashi Smoked Plum and Wild European Plum. While at the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.949, Jiashi Smoked Plum and Wild European Plum were divided into two small groups. [Conclusion] There are very close genetic relationships between Jiashi Smoked Plum and Wild European Plum, and among the introduced European plum varieties, Tacheng Smoked Plum and Tacheng Binzi.展开更多
Genetic relationships among Prunus mume var. pendula were studied by using AFLP markers. 18 accessions representing 14 cultivars of Prunus mume var. pendula were selected from the germplasm collection at the Research ...Genetic relationships among Prunus mume var. pendula were studied by using AFLP markers. 18 accessions representing 14 cultivars of Prunus mume var. pendula were selected from the germplasm collection at the Research Center of China Mei Flower. Seven Mse I-EcoR I AFLP primer combinations revealed 450 legible bands, and 269 of which were polymorphic markers. A similarity matrix was prepared using the simple matching coefficient of similarity and Neis (72) distance coefficient. A UPGMA dendrogram demonstrated the genetic relationships of the cultivars. The information given by AFLP markers was basically consistent with the morphological classification and the evolutionary history of the morphotypes, and roughly supported the new revised classification system for Chinese Mei Cultivars. But there were still several exceptions: 1) the Guhong Chuizhi inserted between the Tiaoxue Chuizhi and the Danfen Chuizhi; 2) the Wufu Chuizhi kept off the Pink Pendant Form, and the Moshan Chuizhi was removed from Viridiflora Pendant Form; 3) the Danbi Chuizhi and the Shuangbi Chuizhi of Viridiflora Pendant Form got together well but fell within the Pink Pendant Form.展开更多
[Objective] The aim of this study was to understand the flowering biological characteristics of different varieties Prunus domestica L. in Aksu Jiamu Experi- ment Station. [Method] Three varieties of plum as Prunus do...[Objective] The aim of this study was to understand the flowering biological characteristics of different varieties Prunus domestica L. in Aksu Jiamu Experi- ment Station. [Method] Three varieties of plum as Prunus domestica L. cv. 'French', Prunus domestica L. cv. "Victoria' and Prunus domestica L. cv. "Stanley' were the research subjects. The phenophases of blooming, and the morphological and developmental characteristics of floral organs were observed. The amount and viability of pollen and the stigma receptivity were measured. [Result] Three varieties of plum all blossomed in early April, and the florescence had lasted for 9-10 d. The average number of anthers was 28.48%. The average number of pollen grains in each flower was 28 700.0. The pollen germination rate was 27.4%. 86.75% of the flowers were medium-styled or long-styled. There was no significant difference in the petal shape, color, anther number, calyx color, and flower ovary among the three varieties of plum. The stigma receptivity was strongest on the first day of flowering, and then dropped gradually. Therefore, the flowers of plum were manual pollinated on the first day of flowering. The duration time of stigma receptivity of Prunus domestica L. cv. 'Victoria' was longer than the other cultivars, the duration time of stigma receptivity was about 5 d. [Conclusion] The pollen number and pollen germination rate of Prunus domestica L. cv. 'Stanley' were higher than the other cultivars, which be considered the most suitable pollinizer for plum. In contrast, the complete flower rate of Prunus domestica L. cv. 'French' and Prunus domestica L. cv. 'Victoria' was relatively high, but the pollen number and pollen germination rate of Prunus domestica L. cv. 'French' and Prunus domestica L. cv. 'Victoria' were lower than Prunus domestica L. cv. 'Stanley', which are not suitable to use as a pollinizer for plum.展开更多
[Objective]The aim was to study the effective factors on culturing Prunus salicina cv.Zaoshi embryos in vitro.[Method]Different age,culture medium and GA3 which affected culturing of prumssalicina embryos were discuss...[Objective]The aim was to study the effective factors on culturing Prunus salicina cv.Zaoshi embryos in vitro.[Method]Different age,culture medium and GA3 which affected culturing of prumssalicina embryos were discussed.[Result]The result showed that on the part of 26-41 d,after the blooming period,the embryos remained tiny and retained endosperms and showed no signs of change after having cultured for three generations.On the part of 48 d,after the blooming period,the endosperms had disappeared,the embryos kept growing until they filled the seed cavity;when they were planted on the MS culture medium,their survival rate reached 77%,in its first generation,the response of embryos was discernible.On the part of 65 d,after the blooming period,4.5% of their embryos grew into shoots on the MS culture medium;with the age of embryos growing,the survival rate of shoots increased until it reached 26% when the fruits went into ripeness;the embryos produced calli in their first generation of culturing.On the part of 65-83 d,after the blooming period,the embryos produced calli through more than 2-3 generations.On the part of 88 d,after the blooming period,the survival rate of shoots on the WPM culturing base doubled compared with that on the MS culturing base;on the same culture medium,the embryos were inhibited from growing into shoots when BA,KT or 2,4-D was added on to the culture medium.The survival rate of shoots was increased remarkably when the seeds were treated in 1 000 mg/L GA3.[Conclusion] This study provided experimental basis for the establishment of Prunus salicina cv.Zaoshi,embryos rescue techniques and cross breading.展开更多
A procedure for cutting Prunus humilis(Bge). Sok was comprehensively studied in this paper. It was found that the key factors involved in this procession were medium, rooting accelerator, concentration of rooting ac...A procedure for cutting Prunus humilis(Bge). Sok was comprehensively studied in this paper. It was found that the key factors involved in this procession were medium, rooting accelerator, concentration of rooting accelerator and type of shoot. The results showed that send was used as mediums; Treatment with 1 000 mg/L AST rooting powder No. 2 and semi-woody shoots were the optimal materials for cutting, and the rooting rate reached 88.1%. Anatomical study on rooting of Prunus hum#is(Bge). Sok cutting has been carded out by the paraffin section method. The observation result shows that the adventitious root primordium of Prunus humili$(Bge). Sok cutting belongs to the type of induced root primordium. The adventitiousroot primordium originates from the cross region of vascular cambium and pith rays.展开更多
基金Supported by Demonstration Project of Forestry Extension by Central Government(2022ZYTG002).
文摘This paper delves into and assesses the differences in biological traits and fruit nutritional composition of 3 varieties of Prunus humilis introduced from 2 different regions.Results showed that(i)the contents of protein,total sugar,and calcium of No.5 variety were higher those of the other 2 varieties,which was recognized as the most suitable variety for fresh fruit;(ii)the comparison of leaf areas index and fruit shape index of 3 varieties shows that the fruit shape index and individual fruit weight of the introduced varieties were higher than those of the control,the diameter of individual fruit of the introduced varieties higher than that of the control indicated that they had a higher fruit hardness,more dry matter accumulation and better fruit quality,and that the introduction region was more suitable for scale-up of P.humilis;(iii)there was a positive correlation with the number of fruiting branches and there was a significant negative correlation with individual fruit weight,while the leaf area had a significant negative correlation with the number of fruiting branches.The introduced varieties can develop normally in the 2 testing areas,notably,No.5 variety performed better than No.4 and No.6.Improving management is the prerequisite for maintaining proper number of fruiting branches and high yield.
文摘The stem barks of Prunus africana are used in the treatment of the benign prostate. Cameroon is one of the important exporters of the barks. Despite the important measures adopted in Cameroon for sustaining its harvesting, some many chalenges still remain. The objective of this work is to refine the forest management parameters in relation to P. africana in the regions of Adamaoua and the South-West by developing a volume rate which makes it possible to estimate the production for a new stem. The work took place in two phases: in the South-West in 2010 and in Adamaoua in 2011. Data collection used the semi-direct method, while the cubing equation was deduced by the multiple linear regression method. Two models for volume estimation and three models for mass prediction were developed. The predictive parameters retained are diameter, height of the bole and thickness of the bark. Results show that the average mass of the dry bark for a given P. africana tree species is 27.55 ± 14.44 kg and this varies according to the site. The strong adjusted coefficient of determination (adjusted R2) observed illustrates the reliability of the proposed models. These models provide a reliable tool that can be adopted as a standard in Cameroon for P. africana.
基金This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation (No. 30471196)the Special Program for Doctorial Site of Universities (No. 200404344011).
文摘Population-wide genetic structure was studied using fluorescent-AFLP markers on 85 apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars collected from Kuche, Kashi, Hetian in the Tarim Basin, southern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. The purpose of this study was to determine the genetic structure and genotypic diversity among the different eco-geographical populations. Based on the results from this study, 8 pairs of fluorescent-AFLP primers showed clear electrophoregram and high polymorphism amongst the 64 pairs of EcoR Ⅰ/Mse Ⅰ (Mse Ⅰ - a FAM fluorescent marked primer) primers screened. There was a significant polymorphic difference for the same primer pair in different populations and for the same population with different primer pairs. The percentage of polymorphic loci (P) at species level was higher than Kuche, Hetian, Kashi population levels, respectively. The Nei's gene diversity index (H) and Shannon's information index (I) at species level were higher than those of Kuche, Hetian, and Kashi at population level, respectively. H and I of Kuche population were the highest amongst the three populations. Apricot population genetic diversity was found mainly within the population, Genetic differentiation coefficient between populations (GST) was 0.0882. Gene flow Nm between the populations was 5.1689. Population genetic identity was between 0.9772-0.9811 and genetic distance was between 0.0191-0.0232. These results further indicated that the similarity between populations was higher and the genetic distance between populations was smaller. The UPGMA cluster analysis indicates that the geographical populations at Kuche, Kashi, Hetian were relatively independent Mendelian populations. Concurrently, there was also partial gene exchange between the populations. All the evidences indicated that the genetic diversity in Kuche population was the highest, suggesting that it could be a transition population from wild apricot to cultivated apricot. There were abundant genetic diversities in apricot cultivar populations in southern Xinjiang, China, which provide promising germplasm for further breeding and theoretical basis for biodiversity conservation and utilization for apricot population in this area.
基金supported by National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2007CB109106)by the Zoology Key Subject Fund of Henan Province
文摘A semi-greenhouse study was conducted to understand the effects of soil burial depth on seed germination and seedling development. The seeds of wild apricot (Prunus armeniaca) were buried at the soil depths of 0-cm, 4-cm, 8-cm, and 12-cm, respectively, to simulate the seed hoarding behavior of rodents in the field. The results revealed that the rates of seed germination and established seedlings from buried seeds were both the highest in 4-cm burial depth group, and then decreased with increasing soil depth. The number of rotten seeds increased in deeper burial depth. It is unfavourable for seed germination at 0-cm burial depth (i.e., seeds were laid on soil surface). There was insignificant effect of burial depth on growth of established seedlings. The results from this study indicated that proper burial depth in soil would be helpful for the seed germination and seedling growth. The seedlings derived from buried seeds at shallower depth (4 cm) in this research have advantage in their early development.
文摘Polygalacturonase (PG,EC3.2.1.15) is the key cell wall hydrolase in fruit ripening. The identification and characterization of a full length cDNA (pMT18) encoding for PG from Feicheng peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch cv. Feicheng) is described. The pMT18 clone is 1188 bp in length, with an open reading frame of 393 amino acids. The homology and phylogenetic analyses indicate a remarkable similarity between peach PG and other ripening related PG. And seven consensus sequences have revealed in peach PG compared to the PG from other plants. However, the profound divergence with other PG and the unique structure features suggest that peach PG probably belongs to a new evolutionary class. In RT PCR analysis, pMT18 related RNA was undetectable in leaves, and was much abundant in ripe fruits. The ripening specific expression pattern of this cDNA will be useful in investigating the roles of PG in fruit ripening and developing a transgenic peach with the improved post harvesting quality in the future.
基金This study was supported by Science and Technology Program of Heilongjiang Province (GC01KB213), and the Quick Response of Basic Research Supporting Program (2001CCB00600)
文摘One-year-old seedlings of Amur maple (Acer ginnala Maxim), Ussurian pear (Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim) and David peach (Prunus davidiana Carr) were planted in pots in greenhouse and treated with four different soil moisture contents (75.0%, 61.1%, 46.4% and 35.4%). The results showed that net photosynthesis rate (NPR), transpiration rate (TR) and stomatal conductance (Sc) of seedlings of the three species decreased with the decease of soil moisture content, and Amur maple seedlings had the greatest change in those physiological indices, followed by Ussurian pear, David peach. Amur maple and Ussurian pear seedlings also presented a decrease tendency in water use efficiency (WUE) under lower soil moisture content, whereas this was reversed for David peach. Under water stress the biomass allocation to seedling root had a significant increase for all the experimental species. As to root/shoot ratio, Amur maple seedlings had the biggest increase, while David peach had the smallest increase. The leaf plasticity of Amur maple seedlings was greater, the leaf size and total leaf area decreased significantly as the stress was intensified. No significant change of leaf size and total leaf area was found in seedlings of Ussurian pear and David peach. It was concluded that Amur maple was more tolerant to soil moisture stress in comparison with David peach and Ussurian pear.
基金Supported by Science and Technology Planning Project of Guang-dong Province (2007A020300002-6)~~
文摘Using ISSR technique to analyze the diversity and genetic relationship of germplasm resources in 39 Prunus mume Sibe. et Zucc., the result showed that 10 primers were screened with high resolution from 51 primers, 120 fragments were amplified, of which 98 were polymorphic loci, accounting for 81.67% of total. Tested materials were divided into 3 classes, as was fundamentally accorded with the traditional classification base on horticulture. There was no obvious difference in geographic relationship among the clustering results.
基金Supported by High-quality and High-efficient Cultivation Technology Demonstration and Promotion of Apricot and Plum(ZYLYKJTG2015020)~~
文摘[Objective] The aim of this study was to explore the daily change of photosyntheticratefor Prunus domestica ×armeniacain different growing seasons. The study can provide theoretical basis for arid area high yield and quality cultivation.[Method] The photosynthetic physiological properties of leaves of different types of Prunus domestica × armeniaca were measured by the Li-6400 portable photosynthesis system indifferent seasons. By this method could analysis of photosyntheticcharacteristicsfor different types of Prunus domestica×armeniaca in different seasons.[Result] Daily change of photosyntheticrate(Pn) for Prunus domestica×armeniaca in differentseasons showed a "double-peak" curve. The peak values were at 10:00 and16:00. The Pn of ‘Fengweihuanghou', ‘Konglongdan', ‘Weihou', ‘Weiwang' and‘Weidi' reached the maximum in July, theywere 13.75, 14.76, 12.96, 13.3, and 11.9μmol/(m^2·s), respectively. The Pn of Prunus domestica×armeniaca reached minimumin August, they were 9.78, 10.71, 12.02, 10.43 μmol/(m^2·s). The Pn overall average of ‘Konglongdan' was highest,it reached 12.65 μmol/(m^2·s).The Pn overall average of ‘Weiwang' was lowest, it reached 11.31μmol/(m^2·s). There were extremely significant positive correlation between the Pn and Gs(P0.01). [Conclusion] Daily change of photosyntheticrate for Prunus domestica ×armeniaca in differentseasons showed a "double-peak" curve, showing significant phenomenon of "midday depression".The photosynthesis intensity of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca was strongest in July, and the photosynthesis intensity was weakest in August. ‘Konglongdan'showed the strongest photosynthesis capacity, ‘Weihou' and ‘Weiwang', followed.There were highest correlation between the Pn and stoma conductance(Gs).
文摘Leaves from three_year_old solar greenhouse nectarine trees ( Prunus persica L. var. nectarina Ait. “Zao Hong Yan”) were used as materials in this study. It was the first time that the ultrastructural characteristics of phloem tissues of source leaves were observed and compared in normal and weak light intensities using the transmission electron microscopy. Results showed that the average diameters of companion cells (CC) and sieve elements (SE) of all kinds of veins were bigger in normal than that in weak light intensity, indicating that light could influence the cell development and growth. Dense cytoplasm with abundant mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulums, multivesicular bodies, vesicles and plastids were observed in normal light intensity. On the contrary, CC with small vacuolar structures and few mitochondrias, endoplasmic reticulums were shown in weak light. Misalignment of grana thylakoid margins of nectarine leaves also was seen in weak light. The sieve pores of SEs were obstructed in weak light. Chloroplasts with numerous starch grains and few mitochondrias were noticed in the mesophyll cell (MES) surrounding the bundle sheath in weak light. The storage of starch grains appeared to result from an unbalance between photosynthate production and export of photosynthates. This observation provided a strong support to the point that most leaves export the most of assimilates in the light time. Plasmodesmal densities between SE/CC, CC/PP (phloem parenchyma cell), PP/PP and PP/BSC (bundle_sheath cell) decreased in weak light. Plasmodesmata were observed between CC/SE (NS) (nacreous_walled sieve element), PP/BSC in branch veins in normal light intensity, but not in weak light. Thus apoplasmic pathway may be the main mode of transport of assimilates in weak light, however symplasmic pathway may be the main mode of transport of assimilates in normal light intensity. These results demonstrated that the solar greenhouse nectarine trees could be adapted to the weak light via the ultrastructure variation of phloem tissues of the source leaves.
基金Supported by Highly-qualified and Highly-efficient Cultivation Technology Demonstration adn Promotion of Apricot and Plum~~
文摘[Objective] The aims of this study were to understand the flowering biological characteristics of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca and analyze its differences with other apricot varieties and plum varieties. [Method] Taking three varieties of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca as the research object, the phenophase of blooming,morphology characteristics of floral organs and development characteristics of floral organs were observed, pollen amount, pollen viability and stigma receptivity were measured. [Result] The results showed that three varieties of Prunus domestica×armeniaca were in blossom in early April, the florescence were relatively late for 8-12 d comparing with the varieties of apricot, the florescence were relatively similar to the P. domestica L. Morphology characteristics of floral organs of three varieties of Prunus domestica×armeniaca had few differences, were relatively similar to two varieties of plum, and they all had high percent of middle-style and long-style flower.The pollen amount of three varieties of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca had a little differences comparing with two varieties of plum, but were lower than three varieties of apricot. There were some differences in pollen viability, the germination percentage of pollen of ‘Konglongdan' was relatively high, was 51.6%; The pollen amount of ‘Fengweihuanghou' was relatively high, was 880.8 per anther; ‘Weidi' had fewer pollen amount, and the pollen viability was just 2.1%; Three varieties of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca all had strong stigma receptivity on the bloom day, and the stigma receptivity continued exist until the day that 5 days after blooming. [Conclusion] The florescence of three varieties of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca were relatively concentrated, and the rate of pistil abortion was lowest, the variation intensity of stigma receptivity and sustainable time of three varieties of Prunus domestica×armeniaca almost had a little differences comparing with a variety of plum, but slightly more than three varieties of apricot.
文摘[Objective] This paper aimed to explore the genetic relationships among different types of Prunus domestica L. in Xinjiang. [Method] The inter-simple se- quence repeat (ISSR) markers were applied to analyze the genetic diversity and relationships among 30 individual plants from 5 types of P. domestica germpiasm resources in Xinjiang. [Result] A total of 317 bands were amplified by 16 selected IS- SR primers. Among the amplified bands, there were 246 polymorphic bands, accounting for 77.60% of the total. The Nei's gene diversity index (H) of individuals was 0.266 6. The average Shannon's information index (I) of individuals was 0.399 1. And most of the genetic similarity coefficients ranged from 0.555 2 to 0.996 8. It is indicated that the P. domestica germplasm resources have a certain genetic diversity in Xinjiang. The cluster analysis showed that, at the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.719, the 30 individuals were divided into 3 major groups, including a group of introduced European plum varieties, a group of Tacheng Smoked Plum and Tacheng Binzi and a group of Jiashi Smoked Plum and Wild European Plum. While at the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.949, Jiashi Smoked Plum and Wild European Plum were divided into two small groups. [Conclusion] There are very close genetic relationships between Jiashi Smoked Plum and Wild European Plum, and among the introduced European plum varieties, Tacheng Smoked Plum and Tacheng Binzi.
基金the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province P. R. China (Grant No. 2001ABB118)
文摘Genetic relationships among Prunus mume var. pendula were studied by using AFLP markers. 18 accessions representing 14 cultivars of Prunus mume var. pendula were selected from the germplasm collection at the Research Center of China Mei Flower. Seven Mse I-EcoR I AFLP primer combinations revealed 450 legible bands, and 269 of which were polymorphic markers. A similarity matrix was prepared using the simple matching coefficient of similarity and Neis (72) distance coefficient. A UPGMA dendrogram demonstrated the genetic relationships of the cultivars. The information given by AFLP markers was basically consistent with the morphological classification and the evolutionary history of the morphotypes, and roughly supported the new revised classification system for Chinese Mei Cultivars. But there were still several exceptions: 1) the Guhong Chuizhi inserted between the Tiaoxue Chuizhi and the Danfen Chuizhi; 2) the Wufu Chuizhi kept off the Pink Pendant Form, and the Moshan Chuizhi was removed from Viridiflora Pendant Form; 3) the Danbi Chuizhi and the Shuangbi Chuizhi of Viridiflora Pendant Form got together well but fell within the Pink Pendant Form.
基金Supported by High-quality and Highly-efficient Cultivation Technology Promotion of Prunus simonii~~
文摘[Objective] The aim of this study was to understand the flowering biological characteristics of different varieties Prunus domestica L. in Aksu Jiamu Experi- ment Station. [Method] Three varieties of plum as Prunus domestica L. cv. 'French', Prunus domestica L. cv. "Victoria' and Prunus domestica L. cv. "Stanley' were the research subjects. The phenophases of blooming, and the morphological and developmental characteristics of floral organs were observed. The amount and viability of pollen and the stigma receptivity were measured. [Result] Three varieties of plum all blossomed in early April, and the florescence had lasted for 9-10 d. The average number of anthers was 28.48%. The average number of pollen grains in each flower was 28 700.0. The pollen germination rate was 27.4%. 86.75% of the flowers were medium-styled or long-styled. There was no significant difference in the petal shape, color, anther number, calyx color, and flower ovary among the three varieties of plum. The stigma receptivity was strongest on the first day of flowering, and then dropped gradually. Therefore, the flowers of plum were manual pollinated on the first day of flowering. The duration time of stigma receptivity of Prunus domestica L. cv. 'Victoria' was longer than the other cultivars, the duration time of stigma receptivity was about 5 d. [Conclusion] The pollen number and pollen germination rate of Prunus domestica L. cv. 'Stanley' were higher than the other cultivars, which be considered the most suitable pollinizer for plum. In contrast, the complete flower rate of Prunus domestica L. cv. 'French' and Prunus domestica L. cv. 'Victoria' was relatively high, but the pollen number and pollen germination rate of Prunus domestica L. cv. 'French' and Prunus domestica L. cv. 'Victoria' were lower than Prunus domestica L. cv. 'Stanley', which are not suitable to use as a pollinizer for plum.
基金Support by Major Science and Technology Projects of Guangdong Province (2004A20102002)~~
文摘[Objective]The aim was to study the effective factors on culturing Prunus salicina cv.Zaoshi embryos in vitro.[Method]Different age,culture medium and GA3 which affected culturing of prumssalicina embryos were discussed.[Result]The result showed that on the part of 26-41 d,after the blooming period,the embryos remained tiny and retained endosperms and showed no signs of change after having cultured for three generations.On the part of 48 d,after the blooming period,the endosperms had disappeared,the embryos kept growing until they filled the seed cavity;when they were planted on the MS culture medium,their survival rate reached 77%,in its first generation,the response of embryos was discernible.On the part of 65 d,after the blooming period,4.5% of their embryos grew into shoots on the MS culture medium;with the age of embryos growing,the survival rate of shoots increased until it reached 26% when the fruits went into ripeness;the embryos produced calli in their first generation of culturing.On the part of 65-83 d,after the blooming period,the embryos produced calli through more than 2-3 generations.On the part of 88 d,after the blooming period,the survival rate of shoots on the WPM culturing base doubled compared with that on the MS culturing base;on the same culture medium,the embryos were inhibited from growing into shoots when BA,KT or 2,4-D was added on to the culture medium.The survival rate of shoots was increased remarkably when the seeds were treated in 1 000 mg/L GA3.[Conclusion] This study provided experimental basis for the establishment of Prunus salicina cv.Zaoshi,embryos rescue techniques and cross breading.
文摘A procedure for cutting Prunus humilis(Bge). Sok was comprehensively studied in this paper. It was found that the key factors involved in this procession were medium, rooting accelerator, concentration of rooting accelerator and type of shoot. The results showed that send was used as mediums; Treatment with 1 000 mg/L AST rooting powder No. 2 and semi-woody shoots were the optimal materials for cutting, and the rooting rate reached 88.1%. Anatomical study on rooting of Prunus hum#is(Bge). Sok cutting has been carded out by the paraffin section method. The observation result shows that the adventitious root primordium of Prunus humili$(Bge). Sok cutting belongs to the type of induced root primordium. The adventitiousroot primordium originates from the cross region of vascular cambium and pith rays.