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作者 Dan Zhao 《Journal of Ancient Civilizations》 2024年第2期155-189,257,共36页
This paper comparatively examines the Res Gestae of Augustus(r.27 BC–AD 14)and the stelae inscriptions of Qin Shi Huangdi(r.221–210 BC),the first emperors of Rome and China respectively.It shows how the two emperors... This paper comparatively examines the Res Gestae of Augustus(r.27 BC–AD 14)and the stelae inscriptions of Qin Shi Huangdi(r.221–210 BC),the first emperors of Rome and China respectively.It shows how the two emperors justified and consolidated their regimes by unifying the two antithetical themes of war and peace in their propagandistic self-portrayals.It argues that both emperors,due to the socio-political pressure of their milieus,depicted themselves predominantly as guardians of a peace that was constantly under threat by impious and immoral outside forces,against which only the emperors themselves could be victorious and sustain this new peace. 展开更多
关键词 Augustus qin Shi Huangdi Res Gestae propaganda-war-peace
作者 吴琦 李想 《安徽史学》 北大核心 2025年第1期26-35,共10页
明初,黄河南北摆动不定,人为分引河流众多,为解决大运河缺水问题,全线引河济运,引沁济运亦深受关注。景泰至成化朝,河臣主持引沁工程,实现了运河对沁河水多个方向的引用。弘治至嘉靖朝,治沁以筑堤疏浚为主,引沁工程的实施艰难,成为漕源... 明初,黄河南北摆动不定,人为分引河流众多,为解决大运河缺水问题,全线引河济运,引沁济运亦深受关注。景泰至成化朝,河臣主持引沁工程,实现了运河对沁河水多个方向的引用。弘治至嘉靖朝,治沁以筑堤疏浚为主,引沁工程的实施艰难,成为漕源的备用方案。隆庆至万历朝,围绕引沁入卫产生了一系列争论与矛盾,诸如朝中合流派与分流派治河理念之争、百姓生计与国家治漕之争、沁河上下游利益之争等。在漕运至上和黄河水环境变化的背景下,沁河在嘉靖朝中期以后经历了功能和地位的变化,民生与漕源的矛盾最终在保漕目的下得以调和。引沁济运的兴废反映出明代治河中的内在困局。 展开更多
关键词 明代 引沁济运 黄河 沁河
作者 王子今 《河北学刊》 北大核心 2025年第1期1-10,共10页
由余评价秦人工程“使人为之,亦苦民矣”,战国时人言“秦人好兴事”。秦统一之后兴建的著名工程,则有长城、阿房宫、骊山以及驰道、直道等。后世史论、政论或认为,秦工程规模之大,致使人力资源的扼杀式消耗、社会民生的摧毁性损伤、经... 由余评价秦人工程“使人为之,亦苦民矣”,战国时人言“秦人好兴事”。秦统一之后兴建的著名工程,则有长城、阿房宫、骊山以及驰道、直道等。后世史论、政论或认为,秦工程规模之大,致使人力资源的扼杀式消耗、社会民生的摧毁性损伤、经济秩序的全面化破坏,是引发秦短促而亡的重要原因之一。有迹象表明,秦大型工程是以军事化形式组织和管理,显示出极高的效率。其所付出的社会代价,尤其是民众的生命成本,则体现出惊人的残酷。汉初营建非常重要的营造项目亦多注意工程规划的合理与人力动员的收敛,对秦政相关内容取“拨乱反正”的态度,体现出历史走向进步的趋势。 展开更多
关键词 秦朝 “秦人好兴事” 工程 效率 生命成本
作者 陈雪松 姜子祥 +4 位作者 候中豪 徐磊 史孟华 孙世钦 秦国政 《中国医药导报》 2025年第3期136-139,共4页
小儿隐睾症病机繁杂,迁延难愈,不仅影响患儿成年后的生育能力,还能增加睾丸癌变的发生。中医药基于整体观念、辨证论治两大特点,对治疗该病具有相对优势。秦国政教授立足于中医理论体系,认为小儿隐睾症的病变脏腑在肾与脾,脾肾阳虚为发... 小儿隐睾症病机繁杂,迁延难愈,不仅影响患儿成年后的生育能力,还能增加睾丸癌变的发生。中医药基于整体观念、辨证论治两大特点,对治疗该病具有相对优势。秦国政教授立足于中医理论体系,认为小儿隐睾症的病变脏腑在肾与脾,脾肾阳虚为发病病机,提出以“益火补土”为治法,采用还少丹加减治疗小儿隐睾症的效果颇佳。本文总结秦教授治疗小儿隐睾症的临证经验,另附医案1则供阅,以期为临床治疗该病提供新的参考和借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 小儿隐睾症 “益火补土” 经验总结 秦国政
Study on the Urban Tourism Development in Qin-Ba Area Based on SWOT Analysis——A case study of Dazhou City
作者 庞筑丹 朱创业 李晓琴 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2009年第2期45-49,共5页
The urban tourism of Dazhou City was analyzed by SWOT analysis method,and corresponding exploration strategies were put forward.
关键词 qin-Ba area Dazhou CITY Urban TOURISM SWOT analysis DEVELOPMENT strategies
作者 常泽宇 《安徽史学》 北大核心 2025年第1期16-25,共10页
秦汉时期江东地区已初步形成通江达海的海陆交通网络。北去方向有丹徒道、牛渚道这两大主干交通线,不仅串联江东、江淮及至中原,服务于中央与地方之间的权力运行,而且在商业运输中发挥着重要作用。西汉中期以来,东瓷西铜的江东产业格局... 秦汉时期江东地区已初步形成通江达海的海陆交通网络。北去方向有丹徒道、牛渚道这两大主干交通线,不仅串联江东、江淮及至中原,服务于中央与地方之间的权力运行,而且在商业运输中发挥着重要作用。西汉中期以来,东瓷西铜的江东产业格局逐渐形成,会稽瓷器与丹阳铜料在长江以北的消费市场活跃一时。南向通道的海上贸易相当繁盛,在特殊时期则带有战争与流亡色彩。考古所见两汉物资转输的个案表明,长江水道在江东与两湖、巴蜀的直接或间接往来中发挥着不可替代的作用。 展开更多
关键词 秦汉 江东 丹阳郡 会稽郡 交通地理
作者 李春利 马欢欢 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2025年第1期91-100,共10页
辽海地区出土大量青铜饰件,以泡饰、牌饰、环形饰及铜镜为主。该地区所出青铜饰件多为实用器具,仅凌源三官甸子墓、锦西乌金塘东周墓与朝阳十二营子遗址所出青铜饰件具有一定宗教性。早在夏时期,辽海地区与周边地区文化开始广泛的交往互... 辽海地区出土大量青铜饰件,以泡饰、牌饰、环形饰及铜镜为主。该地区所出青铜饰件多为实用器具,仅凌源三官甸子墓、锦西乌金塘东周墓与朝阳十二营子遗址所出青铜饰件具有一定宗教性。早在夏时期,辽海地区与周边地区文化开始广泛的交往互动,如喇叭形耳环与形制相似的铜镜见于辽海地区、四坝文化覆盖的地区以及新疆地区。西周中晚期至战国时期,具有中原文化色彩的青铜容器及具有草原文化色彩的动物牌饰在辽海地区的大量出土,均表明在先秦时期文化间的互动处于不断整合之中。在与多种文化交融过程中,辽海地区吸纳周边文化,形成具有独特风格的区域文化。 展开更多
关键词 先秦时期 辽海地区 青铜饰件 交融
作者 王仁群 李海霞 李清德 《汽车实用技术》 2025年第2期15-21,84,共8页
文章根据新能源电动汽车维修保养典型工作任务和维修人员特点,总结了新能源电动汽车安全防护、作业安全规范要求。以秦EV为例研究了电动汽车控制策略,设计各系统工作流程图。根据车辆控制策略及典型现象将故障分为防盗故障、ON挡上电故... 文章根据新能源电动汽车维修保养典型工作任务和维修人员特点,总结了新能源电动汽车安全防护、作业安全规范要求。以秦EV为例研究了电动汽车控制策略,设计各系统工作流程图。根据车辆控制策略及典型现象将故障分为防盗故障、ON挡上电故障、高压上电故障、车辆可以启动但无法正常行驶故障及其他系统故障,并对各类故障设计了详细的故障诊断流程图。最后通过故障案例对系统工作流程图及故障诊断流程图进行验证总结,给出分析过程及测量方法。该研究结果逻辑严谨、直观易懂,可帮助维修人员快速掌握新能源电动汽车故障诊断与维修要点,提升工作效率和安全性。 展开更多
关键词 电动汽车 秦EV 控制策略 故障诊断
作者 孙董霞 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2025年第1期77-83,共7页
《周公之琴舞》中琴舞九絉是乐舞九套而非诗章九篇。琴舞九絉与十篇诗歌搭配并不矛盾。《周公之琴舞》类似于清华简《五纪》篇末的“呼”“应”“丮”三种表演模式,两个“元内启”类似于“呼”,是祭祀颂诗,共用一絉琴舞表演完成。再启... 《周公之琴舞》中琴舞九絉是乐舞九套而非诗章九篇。琴舞九絉与十篇诗歌搭配并不矛盾。《周公之琴舞》类似于清华简《五纪》篇末的“呼”“应”“丮”三种表演模式,两个“元内启”类似于“呼”,是祭祀颂诗,共用一絉琴舞表演完成。再启到九启相当于“应”,主要由周公和成王轮唱,采用“启+乱”的组合结构。开头小序类似于表演说明,概括成王唱诵和周公唱诵两部分诗章的主题。所谓“作”应该是领唱(诵)、启唱(诵)之义。“乱”是朝臣集体唱诵的宏大乐章。所谓周公作的“多士儆毖”应为代表朝臣儆毖成王,这也与周人对于政权的敬畏态度和周初普遍的敬德思想和忧患意识密切相关。 展开更多
关键词 《周公之琴舞》 乐舞仪式 诗章 组合
作者 Yu Xuehui 1,Cao Yongqing 2,Mo Xuanxue 1,Martin F.J.Flower 2,Deng Jingfu 1 2.Department of Earth and Environment Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, 8 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 2000年第S1期371-371,共1页
Cenozoic potassic mafic volcanism (kamafugite magamtism) in West Qinling, Gansu province of China is a important section of Cenozoic volcanic belt of Qingzang (Tibet) plateau and adjacent area. The kamafugite magma sh... Cenozoic potassic mafic volcanism (kamafugite magamtism) in West Qinling, Gansu province of China is a important section of Cenozoic volcanic belt of Qingzang (Tibet) plateau and adjacent area. The kamafugite magma show near\|primary magma characteristics. Strong incompatible elements concentrations in the volcanic rocks infer the kamafugite magmas may be origined from a enrichment mantle sources earlier.Four groups of deep\|seated xenoliths were collected from a kamafugite lava in West Qinling, Gansu province, China: (1)spinel Iherzolite and garnet Iherzolite; (2) harzburgite; (3) dunite and (4) clinopyroxenite. All suite of peridotite xenoliths are Cr\|diopside series. The main textures of peridotite xenoliths are granoblastic, porphyroclastic and granular, but the textures of clinopyroxenite are mainly poikilitic. The textural characteristics, mineral chemical variations and mineral geothermometric data show that the mantle source region of the Cenozoic kamafugite magam are very complex and undertook partial melting and enrichment associated with alkaline metasomatism by fluid and carbonatite melts. Geothermometry indicates the equilibration p and T conditions of the spinel lherzolite and garnet lherzolite are 970℃, 18 9GPa and 1219℃,27 61GPa corresponding to depth of 62km and 92km representatively. We suggest, combining with geophysical data, the spinel lherzolite formed at the top of upper mantle, the garnet lherzolite represent the base of lithosphere or the top of asthenosphere, but the clinopyroxenite is formed by cumulation in shallower magma reservoir. Kamafugite magmas formed within the stability field of garnet lherzolite by partial melting, the partial melting degree is only about 1%~2%. There is a superheating condition in Cenozoic mantle of West Qinling, which may be related to strong uplift of Qingzang (Tibet) plateau since cenozoic and extrusion east forward of asthenosphere beneath the Qingzang (Tibet) plateau. 展开更多
Culturally-loaded Chinese Discourse of Gu-qin and Its Inspiration to Translation——Based on a Maxim from a Chinese Classics The Roots of Wisdom
作者 赵明 《海外英语》 2016年第17期11-14,共4页
Inspired by one of the maxims in a Chinese classics entitled The Roots of Wisdom,the present paper borrows the typical culturally-loaded Chinese discourses of Gu-qin — "stringed lute" and "non-stringed... Inspired by one of the maxims in a Chinese classics entitled The Roots of Wisdom,the present paper borrows the typical culturally-loaded Chinese discourses of Gu-qin — "stringed lute" and "non-stringed lute"—to add to the literary translation terminology and to enrich some Chinese literary translation theories.On the basis of analyzing some related theories in linguistics,pragmatics,aesthetics and communication which show different perspectives relevant with the study of translation,the present paper offers a new angle to illustrate how the Chinese discourses of Gu-qin,rich in cultural implications,can best describe translation and bring new vigor and vitality into the diversity and further expansion of the field of translation research. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese discourses of Gu-qin cultural implications literary translation theories
Effects of Chai-Qin-Cheng-Qi Decoction on cefotaxime in rats with acute necrotizing pancreatitis 被引量:9
作者 Li-Hui Deng Da-Kai Xiang Ping Xue Hai-Yan Zhang Lei Huang Qing Xia 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第35期4439-4443,共5页
AIM:To investigate the effect of Chai-Qin-Cheng-Qi Decoction(CQCQD)on cefotaxime(CTX)concentration in pancreas of rats with acute necrotizing pancreatitis (ANP). METHODS:Sixty healthy male Sprague-Dawley rats were div... AIM:To investigate the effect of Chai-Qin-Cheng-Qi Decoction(CQCQD)on cefotaxime(CTX)concentration in pancreas of rats with acute necrotizing pancreatitis (ANP). METHODS:Sixty healthy male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided randomly into an ANP group(ANP model +CTX,n=20),treatment group(ANP model+CTX +CQCQD,n=20)and control group(normal rats+ CTX,n=20).ANP models were induced by retrograde intraductal injection of 3.5%sodium taurocholate (1 mL/kg),and the control group was injected intraductally with normal saline.All rats were injected introperitoneally with 0.42 g/kg CTX(at 12-h intervals for a continuous 72 h)at 6 h after intraductal injection. Meanwhile,the treatment group received CQCQD (20 mL/kg)intragastrically at 8-h intervals,and the ANP and control group were treated intragastrically with normal saline.At 15 min after the last CTX injection,blood and pancreas samples were collected for the determination of CTX concentration using validated high-performance liquid chromatography. Pathological changes and wet-to-dry-weight(W/D) ratio of pancreatic tissue were examined. RESULTS:Serum CTX concentrations in three groups were not significantly different.Pancreatic CTXconcentration and penetration ratio were lower in ANP group vs control group(4.4±0.6μg/mL vs 18.6± 1.7μg/mL,P=0.000;5%vs 19%,P=0.000),but significantly higher in treatment group vs ANP group (6.4±1.7μg/mL vs 4.4±0.6μg/mL,P=0.020;7% vs 5%,P=0.048).The histological scores and W/D ratio were significantly decreased in treatment group vs ANP and control group. CONCLUSION:CQCQD might have a promotive effect on CTX concentration in pancreatic tissues of rats with ANP. 展开更多
关键词 Acute necrotizing pancreatitis CEFOTAXIME Chai qin Cheng Qi Decoction Drug penetration Traditional Chinese medicine
Manufacturing techniques of armor strips excavated from Emperor Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum,China 被引量:2
作者 廖灵敏 潘春旭 马宇 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第3期395-399,共5页
The chemical compositions and microstructures of the armor strips excavated from the Emperor Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum were examined systematically by using optical microscopy and electron microscopy.It was found ... The chemical compositions and microstructures of the armor strips excavated from the Emperor Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum were examined systematically by using optical microscopy and electron microscopy.It was found that the armor strips were made of pure copper.Based on the morphology of α-Cu recrystal grain and copper sulphide(Cu2S) inclusions in the armor strips,the manufacturing techniques were proposed as follows:smelting pure copper,casting a lamellar plate,forming the cast ingots into sheets through repeated cold forging combined with annealing heat treatment,and finally cutting the sheets into filaments.Furthermore,through the deformation of copper sulphide(Cu2S) inclusions in the strips,the work rate during forging was evaluated and calculated to be close to 75%. 展开更多
关键词 qin Shi Huang's mausoleum armor strips copper manufacturing techniques cold forging annealing
正在此情深处:从《雅歌》8:1-7的语境析Qin’a的意义 被引量:1
作者 《圣经文学研究》 2020年第1期143-170,共28页
在《雅歌》的华彩片段(8:6),qin’a与’ah?ba("爱情")形成同义对仗,然而其语意却颇有争议。它常被解读为针对或实或虚第三者的"嫉妒",或者生理性的"激情"。虽然两者在其他关于爱情的文本中都可以是爱情... 在《雅歌》的华彩片段(8:6),qin’a与’ah?ba("爱情")形成同义对仗,然而其语意却颇有争议。它常被解读为针对或实或虚第三者的"嫉妒",或者生理性的"激情"。虽然两者在其他关于爱情的文本中都可以是爱情的同义词,但是它们都不能契合这对词出现的周边语境。因为语境对确定一个词的意义有关键作用,对qin’a这个词的解读也需要结合其语境(包括上下文和读者的诗歌体验)。本文将梳理《雅歌》8:6周边的三个诗歌单元(《雅歌》8:1-4,5,6-7),并结合《雅歌》中"在场与缺席"的主题,以推导本地语境所期待的qin’a之语意。这一系列文字分析也揭示出,女子的告白以她背负爱情的甜蜜痛苦为原动力。因此,笔者提议取qin’a的辞典第三种解释"承受痛苦",认为在爱情的语境里它可以理解为不知所起、一往而深的"深情"。它教人身不由己地背负那无法放下也不可替代的情感,在分隔和吸引之间忍耐,唯有向他者请求亲近的关系才能达成和平。以此"深情"与"爱情"相唱和,显示《雅歌》所见证的爱让人体会到,爱是要人背负而不是主宰的,而人的根基也不是自我的独立而是对他者的回应。 展开更多
关键词 语境 qin’a 深情 情爱 列维纳斯
Hua Tuo’s Wu Qin Xi (Five Animal Frolics) Movements and the Logic behind It 被引量:1
作者 Saša Balaneskovic 《Chinese Medicine and Culture》 2018年第3期127-134,共8页
The key proposition of this hypothesis is logic behind the order of movements of Hua Tuo’s qigong Wu Qin Xi(Five animal frolics).To date,there were many discussions about connection of the movements of Wu Qin Xi with... The key proposition of this hypothesis is logic behind the order of movements of Hua Tuo’s qigong Wu Qin Xi(Five animal frolics).To date,there were many discussions about connection of the movements of Wu Qin Xi with existing TCM theories and why Hua Tuo made it in that particular way.Some experts are saying that there is no connection but if all stories of Hua Tuo’s abilities and knowledge were half-truth,he wouldn’t let even the order of movements of qigong that he created be just a random order.Hypothesis is exploring different views on Taiji movement direction,Wu Xing and connection between animals in Wu Qin Xi,Lo Shu square and Sun wheel and proposing possible solution to the question“Why Hua Tuo made such order of animals in Wu Qin Xi?”by analyzing and and cross referencing the common ground between theories and bridging the gap the we were left without any written explanation from the master itself.Further progress and confirmation of this hypothesis requires deeper research and cooperation between Qigong expert historians. 展开更多
关键词 Five Animal Frolics Qigong Hua Tuo Taiji movement orientation Wu qin Xi Qigong Wu Xing
作者 Zhang Jingfa,Tang Rongyu,Chen Xuebo,Wang Enfu,Li Jingshen 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 2000年第S1期366-367,共2页
Recently, this study group established “the map of MOHO\|surface bathymetric line in Chinese and Near Region" on the basis of latest survey and study of the crustal depth, the preliminary result shows that the r... Recently, this study group established “the map of MOHO\|surface bathymetric line in Chinese and Near Region" on the basis of latest survey and study of the crustal depth, the preliminary result shows that the regular meridional and latitudinal upwarping and downwarping structural pattern of MOHO\|surface bathymetric line among Eurasian plate and Pacific plate and the Indian plate alternately appears, and which is accreted and coupled with basin ridge structure that exist shallow crustal base, continental crust and oceanic crust and others regular upwarping and downwarping net structure system that possessing different block characters and different scales exist together. Among different structure systems, it occurs that ramp downwarping impetus transform structure belts whose trends is characteristic. Nowadays upwarping and downwarping net structure system is basically modeled in Himalayan orogeny period. It is showed that the Earth revolution way has been changed in this period, which leaded to a new Earth dynamics cycle.The pattern of upwarping and downwarping structure among different structure systems or different structure blocks , and the characters of different trends and different scale transform structure belts, reflects the structure movement way and their conversion law, and reveals the Earth centralized dynamics mechanics that is produced by the revolutionary effect under the environments of aster system. This can be clearly reflected by the change of impetus way between Qinghai—Tibet highland structure system and near structure system. 展开更多
关键词 Moho\|surface STRUCTURAL system genetic MECHANICS TECTONIC qin ghai—Tibet
Measurement system for wind turbine acoustic noise assessment based on IEC standard and Qin's model 被引量:3
作者 Sun Lei Qin Shuren +2 位作者 Bo Lin Xu Liping Stephan Joeckel 《仪器仪表学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期458-465,共8页
A novel measurement system specially used in noise emission assessment and verification of wind turbine generator systems is presented that complies with specifications given in IEC 61400-11 to ensure the process cons... A novel measurement system specially used in noise emission assessment and verification of wind turbine generator systems is presented that complies with specifications given in IEC 61400-11 to ensure the process consistency and accuracy. Theory elements of the calculation formula used for the sound power level of wind turbine have been discussed for the first time, and detailed calculation procedure of tonality and audibility integrating narrowband analysis and psychoacoustics is described. With a microphone and two PXI cards inserted into a PC, this system is designed in Qin′s model using VMIDS development system. Benefiting from the virtual instrument architecture, it′s the first time that all assessment process have been integrated into an organic whole, which gives full advantages of its efficiency, price, and facility. Mass experiments show that its assessment results accord with the ones given by MEASNET member. 展开更多
关键词 风轮机发电机 噪音评估 IEC61400-11 模型 测量系统
The Pharmacodynamic Study of Qin Bing Eye Drop on Photokeratoconjunctivitis
作者 Ruifang Xie Qiuhua Zhao +1 位作者 Zhicheng Li Xin Zhou 《Pharmacology & Pharmacy》 2013年第6期496-501,共6页
Background: Qin Bing eye drop is prepared with cortex fraxini and borneol. It has been commonly used to relieve the symptoms of photokeratoconjunctivitis (PKC), chronic conjunctivitis and keratitis for more than forty... Background: Qin Bing eye drop is prepared with cortex fraxini and borneol. It has been commonly used to relieve the symptoms of photokeratoconjunctivitis (PKC), chronic conjunctivitis and keratitis for more than forty years. However, the origins of cortex fraxini are various, which may result in the unstable quality. Methods: The animal model of PKC was established using rabbit’s eyes exposure to Ultraviolet (UV);levofloxaxin drop, normal saline, Qin Bing eye drops made of herbs from Hebei province and Shanxi province were respectively instilled to both eyes of rabbits;the symptoms of rabbits’ eyes were observed at different time points and scores based on weights were recorded;the recovery rates of different groups were evaluated. Results: The scores of both eyes for all rabbits were above 9 points, indicating animal models for PKC were successful;the average recovery rates of therapeutic groups, including Qin Bing eye drop groups, were higher than untreated group at different time points;the slopes of recovery rate in Qin Bing eye drop (Hebei) were above Shanxi. Conclusion: PKD animal model can be established successfully;Qin Bing eye drop groups promoted the symptoms of PKD recovering quicker than untreated group. Furthermore, Qin Bing eye drop made of herbs from province Hebei had better effects than Shanxi, which was consistent with chemical results. This indicated that chemical constituents of herbs were able to reflect the effects to a certain extent. 展开更多
关键词 qin BING Eye DROP Photokeratoconjunctivitis (PKC) CORTEX Fraxini
An Analysis of Pre -Qin Confucian Ecological Thoughts A Perspective from Ecological Civilization 被引量:1
作者 Sun Bingwen Wang Xiuhong 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期284-293,共10页
Pre-Qin dynasty Confucianism is famous and rich in ecological thoughts,which include the holistic thought of "harmony between man and nature"; the thought of"benevolence for people and caring for animal... Pre-Qin dynasty Confucianism is famous and rich in ecological thoughts,which include the holistic thought of "harmony between man and nature"; the thought of"benevolence for people and caring for animals and plants" and "ecological ethics of respecting nature"; the thought of "conforming to natural environment and its protection". Ecological civilization,as a forthcoming civilization form,highlights the sustainable development and the pursuit of harmony between man and nature. Pre-Qin Confucian ecological thought can provide useful ideological resources for the cultivation of ecological consciousness and the construction of ecological civilization. 展开更多
关键词 儒家 历史 生态思想 自然环境保护
Chuan Qin
《Animal Models and Experimental Medicine》 CSCD 2019年第2期I0002-I0002,共1页
Chuan Qin, MD, PhD, is the President of the Chinese Association for Laboratory Animal Sciences (CALAS), and the Director of the Institute of Laboratory Animal Sciences (ILAS), Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences &... Chuan Qin, MD, PhD, is the President of the Chinese Association for Laboratory Animal Sciences (CALAS), and the Director of the Institute of Laboratory Animal Sciences (ILAS), Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College. She is also the Vice-President of the Asian Federation of Laboratory Animal Science Associations (AFLAS), a board member of the International Council for Laboratory Animal Science (ICLAS), and Chairman of the National Standardization Technical Commitiee of Laboratory Animals. In addition to Animal Models and Experimental Medicine, Prof. Qin is also the Editor-in-Chief of Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica and Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine. 展开更多
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