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作者 王燕 张陆行 李国强 《产业与科技论坛》 2024年第11期18-21,共4页
R&D经费投入强度,是国际上通用的衡量一个国家或者地区科技投入强度的重要指标,成为评价其科技实力、核心竞争力和创新程度的重要标准。本文在对石家庄市研发投入开展调研的基础上,对R&D经费投入开展总体分析、结构分析、横纵... R&D经费投入强度,是国际上通用的衡量一个国家或者地区科技投入强度的重要指标,成为评价其科技实力、核心竞争力和创新程度的重要标准。本文在对石家庄市研发投入开展调研的基础上,对R&D经费投入开展总体分析、结构分析、横纵向比较分析,找出存在的问题,提出加大政府对科研活动的支持、大力发展新兴产业、重视研发投入统计等对策与建议。 展开更多
关键词 r&d经费投入 科研活动 科技实力
作者 臧传琴 《山东商业职业技术学院学报》 2024年第4期1-8,共8页
政府R&D补贴既可以通过提供公共服务的方式直接作用于技术创新,也可以通过对社会资本的引导作用间接影响技术创新,其总效应取决于两种影响的方向与大小。基于2009—2021年中国的经验数据,建立了由技术创新方程和引致方程共同组成的... 政府R&D补贴既可以通过提供公共服务的方式直接作用于技术创新,也可以通过对社会资本的引导作用间接影响技术创新,其总效应取决于两种影响的方向与大小。基于2009—2021年中国的经验数据,建立了由技术创新方程和引致方程共同组成的动态模型,对政府R&D补贴的技术创新效应进行了实证分析。结果发现:持续增加的政府R&D补贴带来了国内专利授权数量的稳定增加,技术创新效应较为显著;政府R&D补贴不仅对技术创新产生了积极的直接影响,也通过引导社会资本投资于研发领域而对技术创新产生了积极的间接影响;政府R&D补贴的技术创新效应存在区域差异,中东部地区为正,而西部地区为负。提高资金使用效率、积极引导社会资本投资技术研发、努力改善欠发达地区的研发环境,无疑是提高政府R&D补贴技术创新效应的必要选择。 展开更多
关键词 r&d补贴 技术创新 直接效应 间接效应
云南省R&D经费投入结构动态研究 被引量:1
作者 张和平 钟翔 +1 位作者 段江涛 贺新华 《中国科技资源导刊》 2024年第1期92-99,共8页
为研究云南省“十二五”以来R&D经费投入结构变化,分析R&D经费投入现状,并与全国,东、中、西部地区及临近省份进行了对比;从资金来源和资金配置视角,运用Cobb-Douglas效用函数及其修正模型对R&D经费投入结构展开动态分析。... 为研究云南省“十二五”以来R&D经费投入结构变化,分析R&D经费投入现状,并与全国,东、中、西部地区及临近省份进行了对比;从资金来源和资金配置视角,运用Cobb-Douglas效用函数及其修正模型对R&D经费投入结构展开动态分析。结果表明:云南省R&D经费投入结构不尽合理,资金来源中政府资金占比较低且呈下降趋势,资金配置中基础研究和应用研究投入不足,与最优结构偏离程度较大。针对存在的问题,提出持续加大政府R&D经费投入力度、围绕产业链提升基础研究和应用研究比重的建议。 展开更多
关键词 r&d经费 政府r&d投入 资源配置 活动类型 云南省 Cobb-douglas效用函数
作者 王莉 《兵工自动化》 北大核心 2024年第11期16-20,共5页
针对传统的社区警务网格化管理居民参与度低、社区事件处理滞后的问题,设计一款基于Android的智慧警务社区网格化管理系统。以社区管理主体多元化和创新社区监管为目的,采用应用层、展示层、控制层、数据管理层的4层网络结构,将系统分... 针对传统的社区警务网格化管理居民参与度低、社区事件处理滞后的问题,设计一款基于Android的智慧警务社区网格化管理系统。以社区管理主体多元化和创新社区监管为目的,采用应用层、展示层、控制层、数据管理层的4层网络结构,将系统分为社区居民端和社区管理人员端;根据社区日常管理需求,在AndroidStudio设计环境下进行系统功能设计和开发,社区居民端提供诉求上报、诉求追踪与评价、便民服务等功能应用,社区管理人员端实现消息服务、诉求事件管理、工作日志管理等功能。结果表明:该系统可实现社区治安管理重心下移,提高居民的社区管理参与度,警务管理人员利用移动管理端可高效处理社区管理突发事件。 展开更多
关键词 警务社区管理 互联网+ 网格化
R&D资本化背景下我国TFP增长率再测算 被引量:1
作者 杜瑶 许永洪 《统计研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第1期33-45,共13页
研究与试验发展(R&D)资本对经济增长和科技创新作用日益凸显,但对于R&D资本的核算亟待完善。本文基于SNA2008和CSNA2016框架,将R&D支出作为资本形成,对我国各省份物质资本存量和R&D资本存量进行规范化测算,使用随机前... 研究与试验发展(R&D)资本对经济增长和科技创新作用日益凸显,但对于R&D资本的核算亟待完善。本文基于SNA2008和CSNA2016框架,将R&D支出作为资本形成,对我国各省份物质资本存量和R&D资本存量进行规范化测算,使用随机前沿分析法重新估算1991—2019年间的全要素生产率(TFP)增长率。研究发现:第一,我国R&D资本存量规模呈总体递增和地区聚集趋势;第二,1991—2019年间,我国广义TFP增长率年平均增幅为2.10%,对经济增长存在正向作用;第三,将TFP增长率分解为技术进步、前沿技术效率和规模效应,发现技术进步对TFP增长率的贡献最大,是推动我国TFP增长的主导力量,但却呈现逐年递减的趋势;第四,随着我国对R&D投入的不断增加与重视,R&D对我国广义TFP增长率的贡献呈现递增的趋势,R&D的贡献逐渐成为推动我国科技进步的主要力量。 展开更多
关键词 r&d资本化 r&d资本存量 TFP增长率 随机前沿分析
作者 张华英 《计算机应用与软件》 北大核心 2024年第9期339-347,382,共10页
由于基于深度强化学习算法收敛速度慢、鲁棒性差、性能不稳定,提出一种基于多智能体DRL框架的区块链物联网协同计算卸载算法。设计一种高效的多智能体深度强化学习算法,提出一种基于代理策略的初始化方法,避免了智能体训练初始阶段的无... 由于基于深度强化学习算法收敛速度慢、鲁棒性差、性能不稳定,提出一种基于多智能体DRL框架的区块链物联网协同计算卸载算法。设计一种高效的多智能体深度强化学习算法,提出一种基于代理策略的初始化方法,避免了智能体训练初始阶段的无用探索,大大减少了在智能体训练中达到稳定性能所需的时间。引入联盟学习机制,并为智能体构造了分散网络,提升算法对动态环境的适应能力。仿真对比结果证明了该算法能够有效提升鲁棒性以及收敛速度。 展开更多
关键词 区块链 物联网 深度强化学习 计算卸载
政府R&D资助对OFDI逆向绿色创新的影响机制研究 被引量:1
作者 韩先锋 刘娟 李勃昕 《运筹与管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期158-164,共7页
应用中国分省区层面数据并采用面板门槛模型,实证考察了政府R&D资助影响OFDI逆向绿色创新的动态效应。研究发现,OFDI对国内绿色创新产生了显著的驱动效应,但这种影响呈现出明显的先负后正的“U”型动态演化特征;政府R&D资助会... 应用中国分省区层面数据并采用面板门槛模型,实证考察了政府R&D资助影响OFDI逆向绿色创新的动态效应。研究发现,OFDI对国内绿色创新产生了显著的驱动效应,但这种影响呈现出明显的先负后正的“U”型动态演化特征;政府R&D资助会正向调节OFDI逆向绿色创新溢出,且存在最适宜于OFDI逆向绿色创新的政府R&D资助区间(0.366,0.428],过高或过低强度的政府R&D资助均会在一定程度上造成OFDI逆向绿色创新的红利损失;政府R&D资助调节下OFDI对绿色创新的动态影响具有显著时空异质性,即在时空维度上存在“激励效应”与“挤出效应”交替演化的鲜明特征。 展开更多
关键词 政府r&d资助 对外直接投资 绿色创新
基于Guided BERTopic模型的产业链关键核心技术识别与发展趋势研判--以未来工业互联网为例
作者 陈升 杨恒 张楠 《科学管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第3期35-44,共10页
产业链关键核心技术不仅是国之重器,而且对推动我国经济的高质量发展和保障国家安全起着至关重要的作用。当前,工业互联网产业链的关键技术发展成为我国的研究重点,该领域的重要性在2023年被提升至国家级重大研究计划。综合收集了1989-2... 产业链关键核心技术不仅是国之重器,而且对推动我国经济的高质量发展和保障国家安全起着至关重要的作用。当前,工业互联网产业链的关键技术发展成为我国的研究重点,该领域的重要性在2023年被提升至国家级重大研究计划。综合收集了1989-2024年中美两国在工业互联网领域的专利数据,基于《关键和新兴技术清单》和《未来工业互联网基础理论与关键技术重大研究计划》,构建了一套工业互联网产业链核心关键技术的种子词库。利用Guided BERTopic模型提取了产业链关键技术主题,并采用Logistic模型评估了这些技术的生命周期,进而对比中美两国的发展情况,提出了针对未来发展的建议。研究结果表明,相比美国,我国在大多数产业链核心技术方面仍处于成长阶段,而美国则已步入技术饱和阶段。展望未来,设备监测系统、设备管理系统、无线通信技术及能耗监测分析系统等被认为是具有巨大发展潜力的技术。研究提出了一种基于政策文件的产业链关键技术识别方法,并通过对工业互联网专利技术的实证分析,为制定相关政策提供了科学指导和建议。 展开更多
关键词 Guided BErTopic模型 产业链核心关键技术 工业互联网 中美比较 专利文本 LOGISTIC模型
The impact of Internet access on household dietary quality:Evidence from rural China 被引量:1
作者 Yi Cui Qiran Zhao +1 位作者 Thomas Glauben Wei Si 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第2期374-383,共10页
Over the past few decades,the Internet has rapidly diffused across China.The spread of the Internet has had a profound economic and social impact on Chinese rural areas.Existing research shows that Internet access sig... Over the past few decades,the Internet has rapidly diffused across China.The spread of the Internet has had a profound economic and social impact on Chinese rural areas.Existing research shows that Internet access significantly impacts agricultural production and improves smallholder farmers’income.Beyond these,the Internet can affect other dimensions of social welfare.However,research about the impact of Internet access on dietary quality in rural China remains scarce.This study utilizes multi-period panel data from Fixed Observation Point in rural China from 2009 to 2015 to estimate the impact of Internet access on dietary quality and food consumption of rural households and conducts a causal analysis.Regression models with time and household fixed effects allow robust estimation while reducing potential issues of unobserved heterogeneity.The estimates show that Internet access has significantly increased rural household dietary quality(measured by the Chinese Diet Balance Index).Further research finds that Internet access has increased the consumption of animal products,such as aquatic and dairy products.We also examine the underlying mechanisms.Internet access improves dietary quality and food consumption mainly through increasing household income and food expenditure.These results encourage the promotion of Internet access as a valuable tool for nutritional improvements,especially in rural areas. 展开更多
关键词 dietary quality fixed effect model Internet access rural China
5G RedCap轻量化关键技术研究及端网实践 被引量:1
作者 师瑜 朱子园 +2 位作者 孙会芳 王海静 周晶 《信息通信技术》 2024年第1期44-51,78,共9页
2024年RedCap产业正式商用,为推动RedCap产业的快速发展,形成规模市场,文章首先从标准、技术、产业的角度全方位介绍RedCap的产业发展情况,重点分析R17 RedCap及其面向R18演进增强的eRedCap关键技术,并从RedCap部署初期的端网兼容性问... 2024年RedCap产业正式商用,为推动RedCap产业的快速发展,形成规模市场,文章首先从标准、技术、产业的角度全方位介绍RedCap的产业发展情况,重点分析R17 RedCap及其面向R18演进增强的eRedCap关键技术,并从RedCap部署初期的端网兼容性问题入手,深入分析当前存在的问题,并提出多种解决方案及网络部署建议,最后对RedCap发展进行展望。 展开更多
关键词 移动物联网 5G redCap
A credibility-aware swarm-federated deep learning framework in internet of vehicles 被引量:1
作者 Zhe Wang Xinhang Li +2 位作者 Tianhao Wu Chen Xu Lin Zhang 《Digital Communications and Networks》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期150-157,共8页
Although Federated Deep Learning(FDL)enables distributed machine learning in the Internet of Vehicles(IoV),it requires multiple clients to upload model parameters,thus still existing unavoidable communication overhead... Although Federated Deep Learning(FDL)enables distributed machine learning in the Internet of Vehicles(IoV),it requires multiple clients to upload model parameters,thus still existing unavoidable communication overhead and data privacy risks.The recently proposed Swarm Learning(SL)provides a decentralized machine learning approach for unit edge computing and blockchain-based coordination.A Swarm-Federated Deep Learning framework in the IoV system(IoV-SFDL)that integrates SL into the FDL framework is proposed in this paper.The IoV-SFDL organizes vehicles to generate local SL models with adjacent vehicles based on the blockchain empowered SL,then aggregates the global FDL model among different SL groups with a credibility weights prediction algorithm.Extensive experimental results show that compared with the baseline frameworks,the proposed IoV-SFDL framework reduces the overhead of client-to-server communication by 16.72%,while the model performance improves by about 5.02%for the same training iterations. 展开更多
关键词 Swarm learning Federated deep learning Internet of vehicles PrIVACY EFFICIENCY
Efficient and Secure IoT Based Smart Home Automation Using Multi-Model Learning and Blockchain Technology 被引量:1
作者 Nazik Alturki Raed Alharthi +5 位作者 Muhammad Umer Oumaima Saidani Amal Alshardan Reemah M.Alhebshi Shtwai Alsubai Ali Kashif Bashir 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第6期3387-3415,共29页
The concept of smart houses has grown in prominence in recent years.Major challenges linked to smart homes are identification theft,data safety,automated decision-making for IoT-based devices,and the security of the d... The concept of smart houses has grown in prominence in recent years.Major challenges linked to smart homes are identification theft,data safety,automated decision-making for IoT-based devices,and the security of the device itself.Current home automation systems try to address these issues but there is still an urgent need for a dependable and secure smart home solution that includes automatic decision-making systems and methodical features.This paper proposes a smart home system based on ensemble learning of random forest(RF)and convolutional neural networks(CNN)for programmed decision-making tasks,such as categorizing gadgets as“OFF”or“ON”based on their normal routine in homes.We have integrated emerging blockchain technology to provide secure,decentralized,and trustworthy authentication and recognition of IoT devices.Our system consists of a 5V relay circuit,various sensors,and a Raspberry Pi server and database for managing devices.We have also developed an Android app that communicates with the server interface through an HTTP web interface and an Apache server.The feasibility and efficacy of the proposed smart home automation system have been evaluated in both laboratory and real-time settings.It is essential to use inexpensive,scalable,and readily available components and technologies in smart home automation systems.Additionally,we must incorporate a comprehensive security and privacy-centric design that emphasizes risk assessments,such as cyberattacks,hardware security,and other cyber threats.The trial results support the proposed system and demonstrate its potential for use in everyday life. 展开更多
关键词 Blockchain Internet of Things(IoT) smart home automation CYBErSECUrITY
作者 姚慧娴 徐荣 《安徽工程大学学报》 CAS 2024年第4期73-81,共9页
本文基于中国部分上市公司的数据,选取R&D支出全部费用化、全部资本化、部分资本化3个虚拟变量及R&D支出费用化金额、资本化金额用以表征R&D支出披露形式,研究上市公司R&D支出会计政策选择是否与盈余管理程度相关,进而... 本文基于中国部分上市公司的数据,选取R&D支出全部费用化、全部资本化、部分资本化3个虚拟变量及R&D支出费用化金额、资本化金额用以表征R&D支出披露形式,研究上市公司R&D支出会计政策选择是否与盈余管理程度相关,进而检验R&D支出会计处理盈余管理路径,即检验R&D支出费用化、资本化的确定依据是否受其他非准则因素影响。研究结果显示,有条件资本化会计处理可能成为管理层盈余管理手段,包括应计盈余管理和真实盈余管理。在确定R&D支出费用化金额、资本化金额及R&D支出费用化强度上,管理层除了依据会计准则,还要依据当期利润情况、所得税负、利润质量、审计成本、利润平滑和公司独立性的影响。 展开更多
关键词 r&d支出 应计盈余管理 真实盈余管理 利润平滑
A Data Intrusion Tolerance Model Based on an Improved Evolutionary Game Theory for the Energy Internet 被引量:1
作者 Song Deng Yiming Yuan 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第6期3679-3697,共19页
Malicious attacks against data are unavoidable in the interconnected,open and shared Energy Internet(EI),Intrusion tolerant techniques are critical to the data security of EI.Existing intrusion tolerant techniques suf... Malicious attacks against data are unavoidable in the interconnected,open and shared Energy Internet(EI),Intrusion tolerant techniques are critical to the data security of EI.Existing intrusion tolerant techniques suffered from problems such as low adaptability,policy lag,and difficulty in determining the degree of tolerance.To address these issues,we propose a novel adaptive intrusion tolerance model based on game theory that enjoys two-fold ideas:(1)it constructs an improved replica of the intrusion tolerance model of the dynamic equation evolution game to induce incentive weights;and (2)it combines a tournament competition model with incentive weights to obtain optimal strategies for each stage of the game process.Extensive experiments are conducted in the IEEE 39-bus system,whose results demonstrate the feasibility of the incentive weights,confirm the proposed strategy strengthens the system’s ability to tolerate aggression,and improves the dynamic adaptability and response efficiency of the aggression-tolerant system in the case of limited resources. 展开更多
关键词 Energy Internet Intrusion tolerance game theory racial competition adaptive intrusion response
粤港澳大湾区企业R&D活动特征研究 被引量:1
作者 雷钦礼 《统计理论与实践》 2024年第3期11-20,共10页
基于上市公司数据,对粤港澳大湾区企业R&D活动的行业、规模、经济类型以及研发效益的时滞特征进行研究。发现的典型事实有:(1)企业R&D活动具有明显的行业特征,高强度的研发企业主要聚集于信息通信技术(ICT)、医药制造、仪器仪... 基于上市公司数据,对粤港澳大湾区企业R&D活动的行业、规模、经济类型以及研发效益的时滞特征进行研究。发现的典型事实有:(1)企业R&D活动具有明显的行业特征,高强度的研发企业主要聚集于信息通信技术(ICT)、医药制造、仪器仪表和设备制造等高新技术行业;(2)企业研发活动与企业规模有关,大型企业的研发规模大,但是小型企业研发强度最高,大型企业最低;(3)经济类型不同企业的研发投入强度没有显著差异,长期以来认为“国有企业研发强度和效率不如民营企业”的断言不符合实际;(4)企业研发强度与自身经营状况联系密切,盈利能力越强的企业R&D投入强度通常越高,盈利不佳的企业通常难以进行高强度的研发;(5)企业R&D研发效益的产生往往具有相当长的时滞,ICT行业中软件服务业研发效益的产生通常需要两年的滞后期,硬件设备制造业通常在五年以上。为促使企业持续加大R&D投入,尽快实现将粤港澳大湾区建成全球科技创新高地和新兴产业重要策源地的目标,一方面要大力培育企业经营者的企业家精神,另一方面应进一步改革税制,降低制造业增值税税率,增强企业的盈利能力和持续加大研发投入强度的能力。 展开更多
关键词 粤港澳大湾区 企业r&d 研发强度 研发效益
Advanced Optimized Anomaly Detection System for IoT Cyberattacks Using Artificial Intelligence 被引量:1
作者 Ali Hamid Farea Omar H.Alhazmi Kerem Kucuk 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第2期1525-1545,共21页
While emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things(IoT)have many benefits,they also pose considerable security challenges that require innovative solutions,including those based on artificial intelligence(AI),... While emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things(IoT)have many benefits,they also pose considerable security challenges that require innovative solutions,including those based on artificial intelligence(AI),given that these techniques are increasingly being used by malicious actors to compromise IoT systems.Although an ample body of research focusing on conventional AI methods exists,there is a paucity of studies related to advanced statistical and optimization approaches aimed at enhancing security measures.To contribute to this nascent research stream,a novel AI-driven security system denoted as“AI2AI”is presented in this work.AI2AI employs AI techniques to enhance the performance and optimize security mechanisms within the IoT framework.We also introduce the Genetic Algorithm Anomaly Detection and Prevention Deep Neural Networks(GAADPSDNN)sys-tem that can be implemented to effectively identify,detect,and prevent cyberattacks targeting IoT devices.Notably,this system demonstrates adaptability to both federated and centralized learning environments,accommodating a wide array of IoT devices.Our evaluation of the GAADPSDNN system using the recently complied WUSTL-IIoT and Edge-IIoT datasets underscores its efficacy.Achieving an impressive overall accuracy of 98.18%on the Edge-IIoT dataset,the GAADPSDNN outperforms the standard deep neural network(DNN)classifier with 94.11%accuracy.Furthermore,with the proposed enhancements,the accuracy of the unoptimized random forest classifier(80.89%)is improved to 93.51%,while the overall accuracy(98.18%)surpasses the results(93.91%,94.67%,94.94%,and 94.96%)achieved when alternative systems based on diverse optimization techniques and the same dataset are employed.The proposed optimization techniques increase the effectiveness of the anomaly detection system by efficiently achieving high accuracy and reducing the computational load on IoT devices through the adaptive selection of active features. 展开更多
关键词 Internet of Things SECUrITY anomaly detection and prevention system artificial intelligence optimization techniques
Low-Cost Federated Broad Learning for Privacy-Preserved Knowledge Sharing in the RIS-Aided Internet of Vehicles 被引量:1
作者 Xiaoming Yuan Jiahui Chen +4 位作者 Ning Zhang Qiang(John)Ye Changle Li Chunsheng Zhu Xuemin Sherman Shen 《Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期178-189,共12页
High-efficiency and low-cost knowledge sharing can improve the decision-making ability of autonomous vehicles by mining knowledge from the Internet of Vehicles(IoVs).However,it is challenging to ensure high efficiency... High-efficiency and low-cost knowledge sharing can improve the decision-making ability of autonomous vehicles by mining knowledge from the Internet of Vehicles(IoVs).However,it is challenging to ensure high efficiency of local data learning models while preventing privacy leakage in a high mobility environment.In order to protect data privacy and improve data learning efficiency in knowledge sharing,we propose an asynchronous federated broad learning(FBL)framework that integrates broad learning(BL)into federated learning(FL).In FBL,we design a broad fully connected model(BFCM)as a local model for training client data.To enhance the wireless channel quality for knowledge sharing and reduce the communication and computation cost of participating clients,we construct a joint resource allocation and reconfigurable intelligent surface(RIS)configuration optimization framework for FBL.The problem is decoupled into two convex subproblems.Aiming to improve the resource scheduling efficiency in FBL,a double Davidon–Fletcher–Powell(DDFP)algorithm is presented to solve the time slot allocation and RIS configuration problem.Based on the results of resource scheduling,we design a reward-allocation algorithm based on federated incentive learning(FIL)in FBL to compensate clients for their costs.The simulation results show that the proposed FBL framework achieves better performance than the comparison models in terms of efficiency,accuracy,and cost for knowledge sharing in the IoV. 展开更多
关键词 Knowledge sharing Internet of Vehicles Federated learning Broad learning reconfigurable intelligent surfaces resource allocation
A Review of Hybrid Cyber Threats Modelling and Detection Using Artificial Intelligence in IIoT 被引量:1
作者 Yifan Liu Shancang Li +1 位作者 Xinheng Wang Li Xu 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第8期1233-1261,共29页
The Industrial Internet of Things(IIoT)has brought numerous benefits,such as improved efficiency,smart analytics,and increased automation.However,it also exposes connected devices,users,applications,and data generated... The Industrial Internet of Things(IIoT)has brought numerous benefits,such as improved efficiency,smart analytics,and increased automation.However,it also exposes connected devices,users,applications,and data generated to cyber security threats that need to be addressed.This work investigates hybrid cyber threats(HCTs),which are now working on an entirely new level with the increasingly adopted IIoT.This work focuses on emerging methods to model,detect,and defend against hybrid cyber attacks using machine learning(ML)techniques.Specifically,a novel ML-based HCT modelling and analysis framework was proposed,in which L1 regularisation and Random Forest were used to cluster features and analyse the importance and impact of each feature in both individual threats and HCTs.A grey relation analysis-based model was employed to construct the correlation between IIoT components and different threats. 展开更多
关键词 Cyber security Industrial Internet of Things artificial intelligence machine learning algorithms hybrid cyber threats
作者 王春 王艳 吕海刚 《行政事业资产与财务》 2024年第4期34-36,共3页
2017—2021年,副省级城市的R&D经费投入都保持持续增长的态势。深圳的R&D经费投入在副省级城市中一直处于遥遥领先的地位,西安由于科研院所和高校众多,2017年R&D经费投入总量在副省级城市中排名第四,2021年排名第七,被资源... 2017—2021年,副省级城市的R&D经费投入都保持持续增长的态势。深圳的R&D经费投入在副省级城市中一直处于遥遥领先的地位,西安由于科研院所和高校众多,2017年R&D经费投入总量在副省级城市中排名第四,2021年排名第七,被资源禀赋相似的南京、成都、武汉等城市超越。西安由于GDP总量不高,R&D经费投入强度一直保持在5%左右,2020年被深圳反超。基于数据的可获得性,本文从2021年副省级城市的R&D经费投入总量、R&D经费投入强度等方面进行解读和分析,并结合分析结果提出相关建议,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 副省级城市 r&d经费投入总量 r&d经费投入强度
UAV-assisted cooperative offloading energy efficiency system for mobile edge computing 被引量:1
作者 Xue-Yong Yu Wen-Jin Niu +1 位作者 Ye Zhu Hong-Bo Zhu 《Digital Communications and Networks》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期16-24,共9页
Reliable communication and intensive computing power cannot be provided effectively by temporary hot spots in disaster areas and complex terrain ground infrastructure.Mitigating this has greatly developed the applicat... Reliable communication and intensive computing power cannot be provided effectively by temporary hot spots in disaster areas and complex terrain ground infrastructure.Mitigating this has greatly developed the application and integration of UAV and Mobile Edge Computing(MEC)to the Internet of Things(loT).However,problems such as multi-user and huge data flow in large areas,which contradict the reality that a single UAV is constrained by limited computing power,still exist.Due to allowing UAV collaboration to accomplish complex tasks,cooperative task offloading between multiple UAVs must meet the interdependence of tasks and realize parallel processing,which reduces the computing power consumption and endurance pressure of terminals.Considering the computing requirements of the user terminal,delay constraint of a computing task,energy constraint,and safe distance of UAV,we constructed a UAV-Assisted cooperative offloading energy efficiency system for mobile edge computing to minimize user terminal energy consumption.However,the resulting optimization problem is originally nonconvex and thus,difficult to solve optimally.To tackle this problem,we developed an energy efficiency optimization algorithm using Block Coordinate Descent(BCD)that decomposes the problem into three convex subproblems.Furthermore,we jointly optimized the number of local computing tasks,number of computing offloaded tasks,trajectories of UAV,and offloading matching relationship between multi-UAVs and multiuser terminals.Simulation results show that the proposed approach is suitable for different channel conditions and significantly saves the user terminal energy consumption compared with other benchmark schemes. 展开更多
关键词 Computation offloading Internet of things(IoT) Mobile edge computing(MEC) Block coordinate descent(BCd)
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