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Evaluation of the seismic behavior of reinforced concrete structures with flat slab-column gravity frame and shear walls through nonlinear analysis methods
作者 M.A.Najafgholipour S.Heidarian Radbakhsh E.Erfani 《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第3期713-726,共14页
This paper presents an investigation of the seismic behavior of reinforced concrete(RC)structures in which shear walls are the main lateral load-resisting elements and the participation of flat slab floor systems is n... This paper presents an investigation of the seismic behavior of reinforced concrete(RC)structures in which shear walls are the main lateral load-resisting elements and the participation of flat slab floor systems is not considered in the seismic design procedure.In this regard,the behavior of six prototype structures(with different heights and plan layouts)is investigated through nonlinear static and time history analyses,implemented in the OpenSees platform.The results of the analyses are presented in terms of the behavior of the slab-column connections and their mode of failure at different loading stages.Moreover,the global response of the buildings is discussed in terms of some parameters,such as lateral overstrength due to the gravity flat slab-column frames.According to the nonlinear static analyses,in structures in which the slab-column connections were designed only for gravity loads,the slab-column connections exhibited a punching mode of failure even in the early stages of loading.However,the punching failure was eliminated in structures in which a minimum transverse reinforcement recommended in ACI 318(2019)was provided in the slabs at joint regions.Furthermore,despite neglecting the contribution of gravity flat slab-column frames in the lateral load resistance of the structures,a relatively significant overstrength was imposed on the structures by the gravity frames. 展开更多
关键词 rc flat slab-column frames seismic behavior nonlinear analysis time history analysis
考虑填充墙的RC框架结构性能指标限值确定方法 被引量:1
作者 张令心 张明远 谢贤鑫 《工程力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期109-120,共12页
填充墙钢筋混凝土(RC)框架结构是我国应用最为广泛的结构形式之一,而我国规范中给出的此类结构性能指标限值并未充分考虑填充墙对整体结构破坏状态的影响。遵循我国规范中对结构破坏状态的定义原则,提出基于构件破坏率的填充墙RC框架结... 填充墙钢筋混凝土(RC)框架结构是我国应用最为广泛的结构形式之一,而我国规范中给出的此类结构性能指标限值并未充分考虑填充墙对整体结构破坏状态的影响。遵循我国规范中对结构破坏状态的定义原则,提出基于构件破坏率的填充墙RC框架结构性能指标限值确定方法,为此类结构破坏状态与工程需求参数对应关系的研究提供新的思路。以典型结构为例建立数值分析模型,采用该文方法计算考虑填充墙的RC框架结构性能指标限值,并与不考虑填充墙的“纯框架”限值进行了对比分析。相较于“纯框架指标”,该文指标完好、轻微破坏、中等破坏和严重破坏四个破坏状态的层间位移角上限值均更小,其中,完好状态的上限值为1/832,远小于规范中规定的弹性层间位移角限值1/550,说明判定填充墙RC框架结构的破坏状态时,直接应用规范限值会低估结构的破坏程度。 展开更多
关键词 填充墙rc框架 数值分析 结构破坏状态 构件破坏率 性能指标限值
柔性连接填充墙RC框架结构非线性有限元分析 被引量:2
作者 张永兵 覃智阳 李勇 《建筑结构》 北大核心 2024年第5期117-125,110,共10页
为了研究橡胶作为新型柔性连接材料对填充墙钢筋混凝土(RC)框架结构抗震性能的影响,在7榀1/2缩尺填充墙RC框架结构低周反复加载试验的基础上,采用DIANA有限元软件分析了填充墙与框架之间的连接方式、砌块材料、柔性连接材料以及砂浆强... 为了研究橡胶作为新型柔性连接材料对填充墙钢筋混凝土(RC)框架结构抗震性能的影响,在7榀1/2缩尺填充墙RC框架结构低周反复加载试验的基础上,采用DIANA有限元软件分析了填充墙与框架之间的连接方式、砌块材料、柔性连接材料以及砂浆强度对填充墙RC框架结构抗震性能的影响。结果表明:与刚性连接相比,以橡胶作为新型柔性连接材料,能减缓结构的强度和刚度退化,极大降低结构的破坏程度,显著提高结构的抗震性能;高弹性橡胶和高阻尼橡胶作为柔性连接材料均表现出优异的抗震性能,而聚苯板(EPS)作为柔性连接材料的抗震性能要比橡胶差;刚性连接方式下不同砌块材料对结构抗震性能影响很大,当使用强度较高的砌块材料时建议采用柔性连接方式以减弱墙-框相互作用;合理降低砂浆的强度等级,可以改变填充墙的破坏模式,对抗震有利。 展开更多
关键词 填充墙rc框架结构 柔性连接 刚性连接 非线性有限元分析
考虑填充墙力学贡献的规范RC框架办公楼抗震韧性评价 被引量:1
作者 卢啸 纪欣如 《工程力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期69-78,共10页
提升建筑结构的抗震韧性是当前工程界抗震减灾的核心任务,根据现代规范设计的钢筋混凝土框架尽管具有较高的抗倒塌安全储备,但其韧性能力并不明确。既有研究在量化结构抗震韧性时,均仅采用结构构件的地震响应作为输入,忽略了非结构构件... 提升建筑结构的抗震韧性是当前工程界抗震减灾的核心任务,根据现代规范设计的钢筋混凝土框架尽管具有较高的抗倒塌安全储备,但其韧性能力并不明确。既有研究在量化结构抗震韧性时,均仅采用结构构件的地震响应作为输入,忽略了非结构构件对整体结构地震响应的影响。针对上述问题,该文根据规范最低要求,设计一栋六层钢筋混凝土框架办公楼,并对其抗震韧性进行评价,明确了该办公楼的抗震韧性与《建筑抗震韧性评价标准》中建议的韧性目标的差距,揭示各类构件对结构韧性的影响。对比研究了填充墙力学贡献对办公楼抗震韧性的影响。研究结果表明:该六层框架办公楼的修复费用主要来源于填充墙和暖通类设备的修复工作,而修复时间主要由结构构件和填充墙的修复时间组成。填充墙的力学贡献会提高该办公楼的抗震韧性,减少结构构件和位移型非结构构件的修复费用和时间约50%,但对加速度型非结构构件的影响较小。 展开更多
关键词 框架结构 办公楼 抗震韧性 填充墙 修复时间 修复费用
柔性连接填充墙RC框架抗连续倒塌性能研究 被引量:1
作者 黄远 张瑶 《中国科技论文》 CAS 2024年第3期249-259,共11页
为了研究柔性连接填充墙钢筋混凝土(reinforced concrete,RC)框架的抗连续倒塌性能,用ABAQUS建立了纯框架、刚性和柔性连接填充墙框架的有限元模型,并验证了建模方法的可靠性。对比了刚性与柔性连接填充墙对RC框架抗连续倒塌性能的影响... 为了研究柔性连接填充墙钢筋混凝土(reinforced concrete,RC)框架的抗连续倒塌性能,用ABAQUS建立了纯框架、刚性和柔性连接填充墙框架的有限元模型,并验证了建模方法的可靠性。对比了刚性与柔性连接填充墙对RC框架抗连续倒塌性能的影响,研究了墙-框连接刚度、拉结筋设置情况、构造柱数量和类型、砌块和砂浆强度对柔性连接填充墙RC框架连续倒塌抗力的影响。结果表明:柔性连接填充墙RC框架的连续倒塌抗力和延性更好;墙-框间填充高弹性材料、增加构造柱数量、提高砂浆强度有利于提高柔性连接填充墙RC框架抗连续倒塌的峰值承载力和极限承载力;墙-框间填充常规填缝材料、设置Ⅱ型构造柱、提高砌块强度会提高峰值承载力、降低极限承载力,设置拉结筋的效果则相反。 展开更多
关键词 柔性连接 填充墙 rc框架 连续倒塌 数值模拟
作者 毛晨曦 郭永超 +1 位作者 张昊宇 张亮泉 《自然灾害学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期157-167,共11页
为解决震后大量钢筋混凝土框架通信机楼损伤评定需求,基于卷积神经网络研究从构件层次至整体结构的损伤评定方法。首先对汶川地震、鲁甸地震、芦山地震等多次地震后大量钢筋混凝土框架结构损伤调查图片筛选处理,建立了钢筋混凝土框架梁... 为解决震后大量钢筋混凝土框架通信机楼损伤评定需求,基于卷积神经网络研究从构件层次至整体结构的损伤评定方法。首先对汶川地震、鲁甸地震、芦山地震等多次地震后大量钢筋混凝土框架结构损伤调查图片筛选处理,建立了钢筋混凝土框架梁、柱损伤评定数据集。然后通过对3个关键问题的研究建立了钢筋混凝土框架基于卷积神经网络的震损评定方法:训练和建立YOLOv5网络模型完成从结构震害照片中检测识别出梁、柱构件的任务,并改进优化了YOLOv5网络模型的检测性能;优选比较3种网络模型(ResNet50、MobileNetV2和AlexNet模型)对梁、柱构件损伤水平评定的精确性,最终建立了基于ResNet50的梁、柱构件损伤评定模型;给出了从构件层次到整体结构的损伤水平确定方法,并通过对一栋实际震损框架进行损伤评定验证了文中方法的可用性。结果表明,文中方法与专家的损伤评定结论一致性高,优化后的卷积神经网络模型精确度和稳定性好,对震后钢筋混凝土框架结构损伤评定具有良好的适用性。 展开更多
关键词 钢筋混凝土框架 通信机楼 卷积神经网络 震害调查 损伤评定
作者 张皓 阮鹏飞 +1 位作者 李宏男 侯世伟 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第14期172-179,210,共9页
为研究黏滞阻尼器对钢筋混凝土(reinforced concrete,RC)框架结构抗震韧性影响,基于增量动力时程分析方法,对附设黏滞阻尼器的RC框架结构开展抗震韧性能力评估。结合FEMA P-58以及我国抗震韧性评价标准,将主要受损构件的修复费用、修复... 为研究黏滞阻尼器对钢筋混凝土(reinforced concrete,RC)框架结构抗震韧性影响,基于增量动力时程分析方法,对附设黏滞阻尼器的RC框架结构开展抗震韧性能力评估。结合FEMA P-58以及我国抗震韧性评价标准,将主要受损构件的修复费用、修复时间曲线以及易损性信息按实际情况进行相应修正,并对无控结构和有控结构的修复费用、修复时间和人员伤亡等主要抗震韧性指标进行对比分析,明确了黏滞阻尼器对RC框架结构抗震韧性的影响。研究表明,在RC框架结构中适当设置黏滞阻尼器不仅能够减小结构地震响应、降低结构破坏概率,还能有效提升结构抗震韧性。 展开更多
关键词 钢筋混凝土(rc)框架结构 黏滞阻尼器 增量动力时程分析 抗震韧性
作者 韩军 徐雯燕 +2 位作者 夏纯皇 刘立平 李英民 《地震工程与工程振动》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期46-58,共13页
山地掉层结构考虑坡地开挖工程量、边坡稳定性等因素,常需设置多个接地端,导致结构平面和立面不规则,扭转效应显著。为研究3个不等高接地端的多台地掉层钢筋混凝土(reinforced concrete,RC)框架结构的扭转效应及控制措施,通过拟静力试... 山地掉层结构考虑坡地开挖工程量、边坡稳定性等因素,常需设置多个接地端,导致结构平面和立面不规则,扭转效应显著。为研究3个不等高接地端的多台地掉层钢筋混凝土(reinforced concrete,RC)框架结构的扭转效应及控制措施,通过拟静力试验和振动台试验结果验证了有限元模型的可靠性,对建立的16个不同结构参数的有限元算例模型进行了弹性和弹塑性动力有限元分析,研究了此类框架结构扭转效应受接地端跨数、总掉层数、中接地端掉层数等因素的影响程度;通过算例分析对比了不同扭转控制措施的效果。研究结果表明:弹性状态下,3台地掉层RC框架结构在中接地层和上接地层处扭转效应显著,总体扭转效应小于对应的2台地掉层RC框架结构;而当结构进入弹塑性状态后,通过降低结构掉层部分长度在顺坡向总长度上的占比,可有效缓解结构的扭转效应;在3台地掉层RC框架结构中设置水平接地构件、钢支撑和黏滞阻尼器均能改善扭转效应,对于岩质边坡,设置水平接地构件对各扭转效应指标的改善最好。 展开更多
关键词 掉层rc框架结构 多台地 有限元分析 扭转效应 抗扭设计
作者 刘阳 钟沛杰 +3 位作者 门进杰 陈云 刘小娟 黄玉佳 《华侨大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2024年第2期121-135,共15页
钢筋混凝土柱-钢梁(RCS)混合框架结构以其结合了混凝土优异的抗压性能及钢材优异的抗弯性能而受到广泛关注,而可恢复功能结构以其震后快速恢复使用功能的能力,也成为地震工程界研究的新热点。功能可恢复RCS混合框架结构可以在弯矩较大... 钢筋混凝土柱-钢梁(RCS)混合框架结构以其结合了混凝土优异的抗压性能及钢材优异的抗弯性能而受到广泛关注,而可恢复功能结构以其震后快速恢复使用功能的能力,也成为地震工程界研究的新热点。功能可恢复RCS混合框架结构可以在弯矩较大的梁端和柱脚部位设置可更换构件,实现结构的功能可恢复能力。文中简述了近年来功能可恢复RCS混合框架结构研究进展,重点关注各类型功能可恢复钢梁、功能可恢复摇摆柱脚的构造研究,介绍了功能可恢复RCS混合框架结构性能分析研究进展。最后,对功能可恢复RCS混合框架结构仍需深入研究的问题进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 钢筋混凝土柱-钢梁(rcS)混合框架结构 可恢复功能 防震结构 钢板阻尼器 柱脚 梁柱节点
作者 郑山锁 徐玉海 +2 位作者 杨松 明铭 可亮 《自然灾害学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期197-211,共15页
由于近海大气环境中存在的氯离子会侵蚀RC框架结构,造成材料性能不断劣化,最终降低了RC框架结构的抗震性能。为研究近海大气环境下RC框架结构地震损伤风险变化规律,基于钢筋均匀锈蚀模型及混凝土开裂前后钢筋锈蚀速率的变化规律,提出了... 由于近海大气环境中存在的氯离子会侵蚀RC框架结构,造成材料性能不断劣化,最终降低了RC框架结构的抗震性能。为研究近海大气环境下RC框架结构地震损伤风险变化规律,基于钢筋均匀锈蚀模型及混凝土开裂前后钢筋锈蚀速率的变化规律,提出了一种改进的钢筋锈蚀率概率模型,并构建材料性能劣化模型。在此基础上,根据解析易损性分析理论,建立考虑氯离子侵蚀的近海大气环境RC框架结构时变易损性分析方法,并构建典型结构,分析不同损伤状态下的时变易损性曲线,评估其时变易损性与损伤状态。研究结果表明:当地震动强度指标取值相同时,各损伤状态结构在服役龄期内的地震易损性呈现出非线性增大趋势,抗震性能不断退化;以易损性指数作为结构损伤指标时,按照我国规范设计的RC框架结构,在30 a服役龄期内能够满足我国三性能抗震设防水准。 展开更多
关键词 近海大气环境 劣化模型 地震易损性 抗震性能 rc框架结构
Shake-table testing of a self-centering precast reinforced concrete frame with shear walls 被引量:10
作者 Lu Xilin Yang Boya Zhao Bin 《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》 SCIE EI CSCD 2018年第2期221-233,共13页
The seismic performance of a self-centering precast reinforced concrete (RC) frame with shear walls was investigated in this paper. The lateral force resistance was provided by self-centering precast RC shear walls ... The seismic performance of a self-centering precast reinforced concrete (RC) frame with shear walls was investigated in this paper. The lateral force resistance was provided by self-centering precast RC shear walls (SPCW), which utilize a combination ofunbonded prestressed post-tensioned (PT) tendons and mild steel reinforcing bars for flexural resistance across base joints. The structures concentrated deformations at the bottom joints and the unbonded PT tendons provided the self-centering restoring force. A 1/3-scale model of a five-story self-centering RC frame with shear walls was designed and tested on a shake-table under a series of bi-directional earthquake excitations with increasing intensity. The acceleration response, roof displacement, inter-story drifts, residual drifts, shear force ratios, hysteresis curves, and local behaviour of the test specimen were analysed and evaluated. The results demonstrated that seismic performance of the test specimen was satisfactory in the plane of the shear wall; however, the structure sustained inter-story drift levels up to 2.45%. Negligible residual drifts were recorded after all applied earthquake excitations. Based on the shake-table test results, it is feasible to apply and popularize a self-centering precast RC frame with shear walls as a structural system in seismic regions. 展开更多
关键词 SELF-CENTERING shake-table test rc frame with shear walls PRECAST unbonded post-tensioning seismicperformance
作者 张永兵 李声坤 +1 位作者 吴建新 刘汇源 《建筑结构》 北大核心 2024年第14期69-76,共8页
为研究橡胶作为新型柔性连接材料对开洞填充墙钢筋混凝土(RC)框架结构抗震性能的影响,对4个缩尺比1/2的开洞填充墙RC框架试件的低周反复加载试验进行数值模拟。采用DIANA非线性有限元软件建立了三维柔性连接开洞填充墙RC框架结构分离式... 为研究橡胶作为新型柔性连接材料对开洞填充墙钢筋混凝土(RC)框架结构抗震性能的影响,对4个缩尺比1/2的开洞填充墙RC框架试件的低周反复加载试验进行数值模拟。采用DIANA非线性有限元软件建立了三维柔性连接开洞填充墙RC框架结构分离式简化微观模型。在柔性连接模型基础上,建立4个相同开洞情况的刚性连接模型进行对比分析。结果表明:分离式简化微观模型能有效实现框架结构破坏规律的模拟;与刚性连接相比,柔性连接开洞填充墙RC框架试件的刚度和强度降低,延性提高。开洞对采用柔性连接与刚性连接的框架结构影响规律相似。在中心开洞形式下建立了4个不同开洞率的柔性连接填充墙RC框架模型并进行了参数分析,提出了柔性连接开洞填充墙RC框架结构承载力和刚度的折减公式。 展开更多
关键词 柔性连接 开洞填充墙rc框架 抗震性能 DIANA非线性有限元分析
作者 褚云朋 龚寅东 +2 位作者 梁锋 蓝迪 易港鑫 《建筑结构》 北大核心 2024年第11期124-132,118,共10页
震损RC框架需在震后得到快速修复,考虑采用加强局部构造及提高整体结构抗震能力的方法,以恢复甚至提高震损框架的抗震能力。结合框架在地震作用下的受力特性及破坏模式,先对柱采取外包角钢与缀条的局部加固,后对整体框架分别采取薄壁钢... 震损RC框架需在震后得到快速修复,考虑采用加强局部构造及提高整体结构抗震能力的方法,以恢复甚至提高震损框架的抗震能力。结合框架在地震作用下的受力特性及破坏模式,先对柱采取外包角钢与缀条的局部加固,后对整体框架分别采取薄壁钢板剪力墙、斜支撑、V形屈曲约束支撑方式进行加固,并对加固后试件进行低周往复加载试验。结果表明:组合加固后试件抗震性能改善明显,将原框架的“强梁弱柱”转为符合抗震要求的“强节点弱构件,强柱弱梁”破坏。破坏时支撑及薄壁钢板先破坏,能有效避免主体框架过早破坏。试件加固后承载能力、初始刚度、延性及累积耗能均比未加固试件提高显著,且承载力及刚度退化均较缓慢,最后破坏为累积损伤所致。采用V形屈曲约束支撑加固的试件由于其具有多重耗能能力,其抗震性能及延性均好于其他两种组合加固方式的试件,综合考虑试件加固后的抗震性能及破坏模式,建议选用此种方法加固。 展开更多
关键词 震损rc框架 组合加固 V形屈曲约束支撑 抗震性能 破坏模式
Evaluation of collapse resistance of RC frame structures for Chinese schools in seismic design categories B and C 被引量:8
作者 Tang Baoxin Lu Xinzheng +1 位作者 Ye Lieping Shi Wei 《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》 SCIE EI CSCD 2011年第3期369-377,共9页
According to the Code for Seismic Design of Buildings (GB50011-2001), ten typical reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures, used as school classroom buildings, are designed with different seismic fortification in... According to the Code for Seismic Design of Buildings (GB50011-2001), ten typical reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures, used as school classroom buildings, are designed with different seismic fortification intensities (SFIs) (SFI=6 to 8.5) and different seismic design categories (SDCs) (SDC=B and C). The collapse resistance of the frames with SDC=B and C in terms of collapse fragility curves are quantitatively evaluated and compared via incremental dynamic analysis (IDA). The results show that the collapse resistance of structures should be evaluated based on both the absolute seismic resistance and the corresponding design seismic intensity. For the frames with SFI from 6 to 7.5, because they have relatively low absolute seismic resistance, their collapse resistance is insufficient even when their corresponding SDCs are upgraded from B to C. Thus, further measures are needed to enhance these structures, and some suggestions are proposed. 展开更多
关键词 rc frame structures collapse resistance fragility curves seismic fortification intensity incremental dynamic analysis mega-earthquake
作者 张令心 王子铭 朱柏洁 《世界地震工程》 北大核心 2024年第4期39-50,共12页
近场地震常含有丰富的脉冲成分,其短时间内产生的冲击效应会对近场地区建筑结构造成严重破坏。钢筋混凝土(reinforced concrete,RC)框架结构在我国城镇地区应用较多,为此应开展近场地震动对我国框架结构地震响应影响研究。基于近期记录... 近场地震常含有丰富的脉冲成分,其短时间内产生的冲击效应会对近场地区建筑结构造成严重破坏。钢筋混凝土(reinforced concrete,RC)框架结构在我国城镇地区应用较多,为此应开展近场地震动对我国框架结构地震响应影响研究。基于近期记录较为完整的土耳其M 7.8级地震,筛选出近场脉冲型和非脉冲型两类地震动各2条作为输入,并对比分析了4条地震动加速度反应谱的形状特征;按8度设防设计并建立了4、7、10层三个不同周期的RC框架结构有限元分析模型,利用现有试验结果验证了该模型的准确性;采用非线性动力时程分析方法,通过比较地震加速度反应谱、结构层间位移角、结构耗能和梁、柱构件利用率等指标,从结构整体到构件层面综合分析了这两类地震动对框架结构地震响应的影响。研究结果表明:所选的脉冲型地震动加速度反应谱平台段较长且双峰和多峰特性明显,非脉冲型地震动加速度反应谱的单峰特性明显;在这两类地震动作用下,短周期结构整体响应以及梁、柱构件的破坏程度均与地震加速度反应谱值呈正相关性;而对于中和长周期结构,相比较非脉冲型地震动,脉冲型地震动作用下会造成加速度反应谱值小,而结构整体响应以及梁、柱构件的破坏程度较大的现象。因此,对该类结构进行抗震设计时应充分考虑近场地震动脉冲效应的影响。 展开更多
关键词 近场地震动 rc框架结构 地震响应影响分析 结构非线性分析 土耳其M 7.8地震
Pushover analysis of reinforced concrete frames considering shear failure at beam-column joints 被引量:4
作者 Y.C.Sung T.K.Lin +1 位作者 C.C.Hsiao M.C.Lai 《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》 SCIE EI CSCD 2013年第3期373-383,共11页
Since most current seismic capacity evaluations of reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures are implemented by either static pushover analysis (PA) or dynamic time history analysis, with diverse settings of the p... Since most current seismic capacity evaluations of reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures are implemented by either static pushover analysis (PA) or dynamic time history analysis, with diverse settings of the plastic hinges (PHs) on such main structural components as columns, beams and walls, the complex behavior of shear failure at beam-column joints (BCJs) during major earthquakes is commonly neglected. This study proposes new nonlinear PA procedures that consider shear failure at BCJs and seek to assess the actual damage to RC structures. Based on the specifications of FEMA-356, a simplified joint model composed of two nonlinear cross struts placed diagonally over the location of the plastic hinge is established, allowing a sophisticated PA to be performed. To verify the validity of this method, the analytical results for the capacity curves and the failure mechanism derived from three different full-size RC frames are compared with the experimental measurements. By considering shear failure at BCJs, the proposed nonlinear analytical procedures can be used to estimate the structural behavior of RC frames, including seismic capacity and the progressive failure sequence of joints, in a precise and effective manner. 展开更多
关键词 rc frame beam-column joint pushover analysis capacity curve plastic hinge performance-based seismic evaluation
Resilience-based retrofitting of existing urban RC-frame buildings using seismic isolation 被引量:13
作者 Yang Cantian Xie Linlin +4 位作者 Li Aiqun Zeng Demin Jia Junbo Chen Xi Chen Min 《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》 SCIE EI CSCD 2020年第4期839-853,共15页
The improvement of the seismic resilience of existing reinforced-concrete(RC) frame buildings, which is essential for the seismic resilience of a city, has become a critical issue. Although seismic isolation is an eff... The improvement of the seismic resilience of existing reinforced-concrete(RC) frame buildings, which is essential for the seismic resilience of a city, has become a critical issue. Although seismic isolation is an effective method for improving the resilient performance of such buildings, target-oriented quantitative improvements of the resilient performance of these buildings have been reported rarely. To address this gap, the seismic resilience of two existing RC frame buildings located in a high seismic intensity region of China were assessed based on the Chinese Standard for Seismic Resilience Assessment of Buildings. The critical engineering demand parameters(EDPs) affecting the seismic resilience of such buildings were identified. Subsequently, the seismic resilience of buildings retrofitted with different isolation schemes(i.e., yield ratios) were evaluated and compared, with emphasis on the relationships among yield ratios, EDPs, and levels of seismic resilience. Accordingly, to achieve the highest level of seismic resilience with respect to the Chinese standard, a yield ratio of 3% was recommended and successfully applied to the target-oriented design for the seismic-resilience improvement of an existing RC frame building. The research outcome can provide an important reference for the resilience-based retrofitting of existing RC frame buildings using seismic isolation in urban cities. 展开更多
关键词 existing urban rc frame building retrofitting using seismic isolation seismic resilience yield ratio
Effectiveness of two conventional methods for seismic retrofit of steel and RC moment resisting frames based on damage control criteria 被引量:3
作者 Seyed Bahram Beheshti Aval Hamed Sadegh Kouhestani Lida Mottaghi 《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第3期537-555,共19页
This study investigates the efficiency of two types of rehabilitation methods based on economic justification that can lead to logical decision making between the retrofitting schemes. Among various rehabilitation met... This study investigates the efficiency of two types of rehabilitation methods based on economic justification that can lead to logical decision making between the retrofitting schemes. Among various rehabilitation methods, concentric chevron bracing(CCB) and cylindrical friction damper(CFD) were selected. The performance assessment procedure of the frames is divided into two distinct phases. First, the limit state probabilities of the structures before and after rehabilitation are investigated. In the second phase, the seismic risk of structures in terms of life safety and financial losses(decision variables) using the recently published FEMA P58 methodology is evaluated. The results show that the proposed retrofitting methods improve the serviceability and life safety performance levels of steel and RC structures at different rates when subjected to earthquake loads. Moreover, these procedures reveal that financial losses are greatly decreased, and were more tangible by the application of CFD rather than using CCB. Although using both retrofitting methods reduced damage state probabilities, incorporation of a site-specific seismic hazard curve to evaluate mean annual occurrence frequency at the collapse prevention limit state caused unexpected results to be obtained. Contrary to CFD, the collapse probability of the structures retrofitted with CCB increased when compared with the primary structures. 展开更多
关键词 steel and rc moment resisting frames seismic retrofitting collapse probability concentric chevron bracing(CCB) cylindrical friction damper (CFD)
Seismic performance evaluation of a self-centering precast reinforced concrete frame structure 被引量:4
作者 Mao Chenxi Wang Zhenying 《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》 SCIE EI CSCD 2021年第4期943-968,共26页
The seismic performance of a five-story,four-bay,self-centering precast reinforced concrete frame(SC-RCF),which was redesigned using the direct displacement-based design method,was analytically investigated.The analyt... The seismic performance of a five-story,four-bay,self-centering precast reinforced concrete frame(SC-RCF),which was redesigned using the direct displacement-based design method,was analytically investigated.The analytical model of the overall structure was developed in OpenSees.The multi-spring contact element was adopted to simulate gap open-close behavior at connection interfaces.The limit states of external mild steel dampers and unbonded post-tensioning strands were considered.Static pushover analyses were performed up to the roof drift of 10%.The nonlinear dynamic responses under four groups of ground motions(with different fault distances and site conditions)at six hazard levels(from the service to the very rare earthquake(VRE))were compared.Incremental dynamic analyses were implemented to quantify the structural collapse risk.The results showed that the structural responses of SC-RCF were satisfactory under all levels of earthquakes.The collapse safety of the structure under earthquakes up to VRE1 was adequate,while the structure would collapse to a large extent under VRE2 and VRE3. 展开更多
关键词 self-centering system precast rc frame unbonded post-tensioning incremental dynamic analysis collapse fragility
Nonlinear damage model for seismic damage assessment of reinforced concrete frame members and structures 被引量:1
作者 Shuijing Xiao Longhe Xu Xiao Lu 《Acta Mechanica Sinica》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第5期949-962,共14页
A nonlinear damage model based on the combination of deformation and hysteretic energy and its validation with experiments are presented.Also,a combination parameter is defined to consider the mutual effect of deforma... A nonlinear damage model based on the combination of deformation and hysteretic energy and its validation with experiments are presented.Also,a combination parameter is defined to consider the mutual effect of deformation and hysteretic energy for different types of components in different loading stages.Four reinforced concrete (RC) columns are simulated and analyzed using the nonlinear damage model.The results indicate that the damage evolution evaluated by the model agrees well with the experimental phenomenon.Furthermore,the seismic damage evolution of a six-story RC frame was analyzed,revealing four typical failure modes according to the interstory drift distribution of the structure;the damage values calculated using the nonlinear damage model agree well with the four typical failure modes. 展开更多
关键词 rc frame structure NONLINEAR DAMAGE model DAMAGE evolution COMBINATION PARAMETER Hysteretic energy
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