The aims of this study are to provide a strain and its optimal application in electro-producting performance for revealing the electrical generating mechanism in the future.We constructed microbial fuel cells(MFCs)dev...The aims of this study are to provide a strain and its optimal application in electro-producting performance for revealing the electrical generating mechanism in the future.We constructed microbial fuel cells(MFCs)device that was a bipolar chamber MFC,using metal ion media(MIM)and water as anode and cathode reaction substation fluid,respectively.In this study,we identified an isolate as Raoultella terrigena,named RtZG1,which could produce electron.Also,we optimized the conditions of electrical energy generation.The continuous output current could reach about 200μA within 3 h when the ratio of electro-bacterial fluid to matrix fluid was 1∶4,the temperature was 37℃,the carbon-nitrogen ratio of the inorganic salt medium was 10∶1,as well as the concentration of MIM was 1.Based on the optimization,it is clear that the most suitable conditions of electricity production for this strain lay the foundation for the application of this strain.展开更多
Cerebral abscess is a potentially fatal neurosurgical condition,despite improvements in technology,new antimicrobial agents and modern neurosurgical instruments and techniques.I report the case of a 64-yearold woman,a...Cerebral abscess is a potentially fatal neurosurgical condition,despite improvements in technology,new antimicrobial agents and modern neurosurgical instruments and techniques.I report the case of a 64-yearold woman,affected by a right frontobasal brain abscess,compressing the homolateral frontal horn of lateral ventricle,with a second mass partially occupying the right orbital cavity.She presented also with inflammatory sinusopathy involving the right maxillary,ethmoid and frontal sinuses.After 14 d of clinical observation and antimicrobial therapy,the patient received a computed tomography scan,which showed growth of the cerebral mass,with a ring of peripheral contrast enhancement and surrounding edema.She promptly underwent neurosurgical treatment and recovered well,except for the sight in her right eye,which remained compromised,as before the operation.This is believed to be the first case of cryptogenic cerebral abscess caused by Raoultella ornithinolityca isolated from the brain,with more than 1-year follow-up.展开更多
Background:Murrah buffalo is a breed of water buffalo(Bubalus bubalis)reared for milk and meat,especially in Northern India.There are so many studies on the antimicrobial potential of the cow(Bos indicus)urine but buf...Background:Murrah buffalo is a breed of water buffalo(Bubalus bubalis)reared for milk and meat,especially in Northern India.There are so many studies on the antimicrobial potential of the cow(Bos indicus)urine but buffalo urine has rarely been studied.This study was aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity in whole buffalo urine and its distillate.Methods:Urine specimens were collected from seven Murrah buffalo heifers in the morning over three days from all seven heifers and distillated to prepare urine distillate(UD).The antimicrobial activity was determined through 96 well microplate method diluting(1:1)urine and UD in Mueller Hinton liquid medium against 919 microbial strains belonging to 148 species of 49 genera(Candia,11 genera of Gram+ve bacteria,37 genera of Gram-ve bacteria).The test strains were taken from the repository,revived and tested for purity before testing.The test strains were of clinical origin(372),environmental origin(496)and also from reference strain repositories(51).Results:Of the 919 test strains,a total of 57.89%and 56.04%of the tested strains were susceptible to UD and urine,respectively.There was a no significant(p>0.4)difference in the antimicrobial activity of UD and urine against 919 strains of microbes,regardless of their genus,species,and Gram staining reaction.Similarly,there was no significant(p>0.4)difference between the susceptibility of bacterial and Candida strains to UD or urine.However,strains of clinical origin were more often resistant to buffalo UD and urine(p<0.01)than strains isolated from environmental sources irrespective of their Gram staining characteristics(p>0.05).A significantly(p<0.01)higher proportion of reference strains was susceptible to UD and urine than microbial strains of clinical and environmental origin.For buffalo urine and UD,the most susceptible strains were Stenotrophomonas maltophilia(13/13)followed by Citrobacter freundii(8/10);Salmonella enterica ssp.enterica(21/27),Geobacillus stearothermophilus(23/30),Staphylococcus aureus(13/17),and Paenibacillus larvae(7/10)strains.The most resistant strains belonged to Acinetobacter calcoaceticus(15/20)species followed by strains of Paenibacillus alvei(11/16),Edwardsiella tarda(20/30),Bacillus megaterium(7/11)and Escherichia coli(59/110)species.There was insignificant(p,>0.05)difference in susceptibility of strains of different species of the same genus;however,among all the Bacillus species strains of B.coagulans were the most susceptible(66.7%)and strains of B.megaterium were the least susceptible(36.4%),similarly Enterococcus faecium strains were more susceptible(68.2%)than strains of Enterococcus faecalis(38.9%),70%strains of P.larvae were susceptible to urine and UD but only 31.3%of strains of P.alvei were susceptible.Strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Raoultella terrigena,earlier belonging to the same genus Klebsiella,had comparable susceptibility to buffalo urine and UD.Conclusion:The study concluded that buffalo urine may be a potential antimicrobial and may be explored further for identification of active antimicrobial compounds in buffalo urine.展开更多
目的探讨儿童感染解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌的临床特征和治疗。方法回顾性分析5例感染解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌患儿的临床资料,在Pub Med、Web of Science、中国知网、维普数据库和万方数据库中检索解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌感染的儿童病例,检索时间均为建库至2...目的探讨儿童感染解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌的临床特征和治疗。方法回顾性分析5例感染解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌患儿的临床资料,在Pub Med、Web of Science、中国知网、维普数据库和万方数据库中检索解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌感染的儿童病例,检索时间均为建库至2018年6月15日,复习相关文献。结果男3例。2例合并先天性发育畸形,分别为3、6月龄;免疫相关性疾病2例,分别为11和16岁;颅脑恶性肿瘤1例,11岁。4例有呼吸机辅助通气史;4例有发热;3例血培养阳性,2例痰培养阳性;3例WBC升高明显,1例WBC降低。2例予环丙沙星,1例予阿米卡星,2例予头孢类抗生素,5例均病情好转出院。共检索到8篇英文文献,报告了9例解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌感染患儿,与本文报告的5例合并后共14例。年长患儿的原发病以肿瘤性和免疫系统疾病为主,婴幼儿感染者多合并先天性发育畸形;发热为主要症状,新生儿感染以呼吸困难和低氧血症为主要表现,多伴有皮肤潮红和全身红斑;多伴有WBC明显升高;6例行呼吸机辅助通气,5例有留置导尿管,3例行手术治疗或化疗,1例多次行血液净化;血培养为主要鉴定方法,该菌对头孢三代、美罗培南、阿米卡星、环丙沙星和左氧氟沙星敏感度较高;抗感染治疗预后大多良好,合并脓毒症患者可并发多功能脏器衰竭而死亡。结论儿童感染解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌多以血源性感染为主,先天性多发畸形、肿瘤和免疫功能低下者易感,有创操作提高感染该菌风险,抗生素优先选择头孢三代、碳青霉烯类、喹诺酮类和氨基糖苷类,选用敏感抗生素治疗预后较好,合并脓毒症者预后较差。展开更多
为确定吉林省某养殖场导致猪群死亡的病原菌,本研究从病死猪胸腔积液中分离得到一株优势菌,经16S r DNA检测该株优势菌为解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌;动物回归试验显示分离株对猪、小鼠均有致病性;药敏试验结果显示该菌对大环内酯类的麦迪霉素、...为确定吉林省某养殖场导致猪群死亡的病原菌,本研究从病死猪胸腔积液中分离得到一株优势菌,经16S r DNA检测该株优势菌为解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌;动物回归试验显示分离株对猪、小鼠均有致病性;药敏试验结果显示该菌对大环内酯类的麦迪霉素、阿奇霉素、红霉素、泰乐菌素呈显著耐药,并通过PCR检测到分离菌株的大环内酯耐药基因呈显性表达。本研究首次从猪体内分离到解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌,并为该条件致病菌的临床诊疗、免疫防控提供参考依据。展开更多
为明确导致温室大棚烟苗软腐的病原种类,以温室大棚中的典型病苗为供试样品,采用组织分离法获得纯化菌株,根据菌株生理生化特性及16S r DNA序列分析进行病原菌鉴定,并测定了病原菌对K326、中烟100、大白筋599、革新3号等不同烟草品种的...为明确导致温室大棚烟苗软腐的病原种类,以温室大棚中的典型病苗为供试样品,采用组织分离法获得纯化菌株,根据菌株生理生化特性及16S r DNA序列分析进行病原菌鉴定,并测定了病原菌对K326、中烟100、大白筋599、革新3号等不同烟草品种的致病性。结果表明,纯化菌株YCS-1为一种细菌性病害,可引起不同烟草品种发病,该菌株生理生化特征与拉乌尔菌属(Raoultella)细菌一致。BLAST比对及系统进化树分析结果显示,菌株YCS-1与解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌(Raoultella ornithinolytica)位于同一分枝,同源性高达99%。因此,将菌株YCS-1鉴定为解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌(R.ornithinolytica)。展开更多
基金Shanghai Science and Technology Commission s“Belt and Road Initiative”International Cooperation Project,China(No.19410741800)Shanghai Training Programs of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Undergraduates Project,China(No.105-03-0178139)。
文摘The aims of this study are to provide a strain and its optimal application in electro-producting performance for revealing the electrical generating mechanism in the future.We constructed microbial fuel cells(MFCs)device that was a bipolar chamber MFC,using metal ion media(MIM)and water as anode and cathode reaction substation fluid,respectively.In this study,we identified an isolate as Raoultella terrigena,named RtZG1,which could produce electron.Also,we optimized the conditions of electrical energy generation.The continuous output current could reach about 200μA within 3 h when the ratio of electro-bacterial fluid to matrix fluid was 1∶4,the temperature was 37℃,the carbon-nitrogen ratio of the inorganic salt medium was 10∶1,as well as the concentration of MIM was 1.Based on the optimization,it is clear that the most suitable conditions of electricity production for this strain lay the foundation for the application of this strain.
文摘Cerebral abscess is a potentially fatal neurosurgical condition,despite improvements in technology,new antimicrobial agents and modern neurosurgical instruments and techniques.I report the case of a 64-yearold woman,affected by a right frontobasal brain abscess,compressing the homolateral frontal horn of lateral ventricle,with a second mass partially occupying the right orbital cavity.She presented also with inflammatory sinusopathy involving the right maxillary,ethmoid and frontal sinuses.After 14 d of clinical observation and antimicrobial therapy,the patient received a computed tomography scan,which showed growth of the cerebral mass,with a ring of peripheral contrast enhancement and surrounding edema.She promptly underwent neurosurgical treatment and recovered well,except for the sight in her right eye,which remained compromised,as before the operation.This is believed to be the first case of cryptogenic cerebral abscess caused by Raoultella ornithinolityca isolated from the brain,with more than 1-year follow-up.
基金supported by grants received from CAAST-ACLH(No.NAHEP/CAAST/2018-19)of ICAR-World Bank-funded National Agricultural Higher Education Project(NAHEP).Peer revie。
文摘Background:Murrah buffalo is a breed of water buffalo(Bubalus bubalis)reared for milk and meat,especially in Northern India.There are so many studies on the antimicrobial potential of the cow(Bos indicus)urine but buffalo urine has rarely been studied.This study was aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity in whole buffalo urine and its distillate.Methods:Urine specimens were collected from seven Murrah buffalo heifers in the morning over three days from all seven heifers and distillated to prepare urine distillate(UD).The antimicrobial activity was determined through 96 well microplate method diluting(1:1)urine and UD in Mueller Hinton liquid medium against 919 microbial strains belonging to 148 species of 49 genera(Candia,11 genera of Gram+ve bacteria,37 genera of Gram-ve bacteria).The test strains were taken from the repository,revived and tested for purity before testing.The test strains were of clinical origin(372),environmental origin(496)and also from reference strain repositories(51).Results:Of the 919 test strains,a total of 57.89%and 56.04%of the tested strains were susceptible to UD and urine,respectively.There was a no significant(p>0.4)difference in the antimicrobial activity of UD and urine against 919 strains of microbes,regardless of their genus,species,and Gram staining reaction.Similarly,there was no significant(p>0.4)difference between the susceptibility of bacterial and Candida strains to UD or urine.However,strains of clinical origin were more often resistant to buffalo UD and urine(p<0.01)than strains isolated from environmental sources irrespective of their Gram staining characteristics(p>0.05).A significantly(p<0.01)higher proportion of reference strains was susceptible to UD and urine than microbial strains of clinical and environmental origin.For buffalo urine and UD,the most susceptible strains were Stenotrophomonas maltophilia(13/13)followed by Citrobacter freundii(8/10);Salmonella enterica ssp.enterica(21/27),Geobacillus stearothermophilus(23/30),Staphylococcus aureus(13/17),and Paenibacillus larvae(7/10)strains.The most resistant strains belonged to Acinetobacter calcoaceticus(15/20)species followed by strains of Paenibacillus alvei(11/16),Edwardsiella tarda(20/30),Bacillus megaterium(7/11)and Escherichia coli(59/110)species.There was insignificant(p,>0.05)difference in susceptibility of strains of different species of the same genus;however,among all the Bacillus species strains of B.coagulans were the most susceptible(66.7%)and strains of B.megaterium were the least susceptible(36.4%),similarly Enterococcus faecium strains were more susceptible(68.2%)than strains of Enterococcus faecalis(38.9%),70%strains of P.larvae were susceptible to urine and UD but only 31.3%of strains of P.alvei were susceptible.Strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Raoultella terrigena,earlier belonging to the same genus Klebsiella,had comparable susceptibility to buffalo urine and UD.Conclusion:The study concluded that buffalo urine may be a potential antimicrobial and may be explored further for identification of active antimicrobial compounds in buffalo urine.
文摘目的探讨儿童感染解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌的临床特征和治疗。方法回顾性分析5例感染解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌患儿的临床资料,在Pub Med、Web of Science、中国知网、维普数据库和万方数据库中检索解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌感染的儿童病例,检索时间均为建库至2018年6月15日,复习相关文献。结果男3例。2例合并先天性发育畸形,分别为3、6月龄;免疫相关性疾病2例,分别为11和16岁;颅脑恶性肿瘤1例,11岁。4例有呼吸机辅助通气史;4例有发热;3例血培养阳性,2例痰培养阳性;3例WBC升高明显,1例WBC降低。2例予环丙沙星,1例予阿米卡星,2例予头孢类抗生素,5例均病情好转出院。共检索到8篇英文文献,报告了9例解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌感染患儿,与本文报告的5例合并后共14例。年长患儿的原发病以肿瘤性和免疫系统疾病为主,婴幼儿感染者多合并先天性发育畸形;发热为主要症状,新生儿感染以呼吸困难和低氧血症为主要表现,多伴有皮肤潮红和全身红斑;多伴有WBC明显升高;6例行呼吸机辅助通气,5例有留置导尿管,3例行手术治疗或化疗,1例多次行血液净化;血培养为主要鉴定方法,该菌对头孢三代、美罗培南、阿米卡星、环丙沙星和左氧氟沙星敏感度较高;抗感染治疗预后大多良好,合并脓毒症患者可并发多功能脏器衰竭而死亡。结论儿童感染解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌多以血源性感染为主,先天性多发畸形、肿瘤和免疫功能低下者易感,有创操作提高感染该菌风险,抗生素优先选择头孢三代、碳青霉烯类、喹诺酮类和氨基糖苷类,选用敏感抗生素治疗预后较好,合并脓毒症者预后较差。
文摘为研究甾体雌激素的生物降解,从某避孕药厂污水处理站的活性污泥中分离到1株降解甾体雌激素(3-甲氧基-17β羟基-1,3,5(10),8(9)-雌甾-4-烯,简称MHE)的高效菌ZY3,根据其菌体形态、生理生化特征,并结合16S rDNA序列分析,鉴定为克雷伯氏菌属.研究结果表明,菌株ZY3利用底物MHE的最适宜生长温度为25~37℃、pH为9.0~11.0.ρ(MHE)>20 mg/L时,菌株生长受到抑制,72 h MHE最高降解率达81%.Na^+、Mg^(2+)和Ca^(2+)对菌株ZY3的生长有促进作用,而Sn^(2+)、Mn^(2+)、Cd^(2+)等重金属离子对ZY3菌株生长有较强的抑制作用.菌株ZY3对甾体化合物MHE和EE2有较强的利用能力,而以苯酚、蒽、萘等多环芳烃化合物作为唯一碳源时,菌株ZY3生长非常缓慢.
文摘为确定吉林省某养殖场导致猪群死亡的病原菌,本研究从病死猪胸腔积液中分离得到一株优势菌,经16S r DNA检测该株优势菌为解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌;动物回归试验显示分离株对猪、小鼠均有致病性;药敏试验结果显示该菌对大环内酯类的麦迪霉素、阿奇霉素、红霉素、泰乐菌素呈显著耐药,并通过PCR检测到分离菌株的大环内酯耐药基因呈显性表达。本研究首次从猪体内分离到解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌,并为该条件致病菌的临床诊疗、免疫防控提供参考依据。
文摘为明确导致温室大棚烟苗软腐的病原种类,以温室大棚中的典型病苗为供试样品,采用组织分离法获得纯化菌株,根据菌株生理生化特性及16S r DNA序列分析进行病原菌鉴定,并测定了病原菌对K326、中烟100、大白筋599、革新3号等不同烟草品种的致病性。结果表明,纯化菌株YCS-1为一种细菌性病害,可引起不同烟草品种发病,该菌株生理生化特征与拉乌尔菌属(Raoultella)细菌一致。BLAST比对及系统进化树分析结果显示,菌株YCS-1与解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌(Raoultella ornithinolytica)位于同一分枝,同源性高达99%。因此,将菌株YCS-1鉴定为解鸟氨酸拉乌尔菌(R.ornithinolytica)。