牛大力是一种重要的多年生药食同源植物,其主要成分为淀粉和糖类。为了探究不同生长年份牛大力根淀粉和糖类物质合成的规律及其内在基因调控网络,本研究以3年生(NG3)、7年生(NG7)、10年生(NG10)和15年生(NG15)4个生长年份的牛大力根为...牛大力是一种重要的多年生药食同源植物,其主要成分为淀粉和糖类。为了探究不同生长年份牛大力根淀粉和糖类物质合成的规律及其内在基因调控网络,本研究以3年生(NG3)、7年生(NG7)、10年生(NG10)和15年生(NG15)4个生长年份的牛大力根为研究对象,测定总多糖、淀粉和蔗糖的含量,并完成转录组测序,筛选分析不同年份间牛大力根的差异表达基因(DEGs),重点解析淀粉和蔗糖代谢途径DEGs的功能。糖类和淀粉物质测定结果表明,随着年份的增长,总多糖与淀粉含量均呈现增加趋势,生长至15年时的含量最高,而蔗糖含量在3年时最高,随后呈现下降趋势。转录组测序发现,随着生长年份跨度增加,NG3vs NG7、NG3 vsNG10和NG3 vs NG15对比的DEGs总数呈上升趋势,分别为526、1848和1937个。进一步挖掘淀粉和蔗糖代谢途径中的DEGs,共有62个DEGs在3个比较组中差异表达,其中,蔗糖合成基因的表达量随年份增加而下降,淀粉合成基因随年份的增加较淀粉降解基因占主导,纤维素降解酶随年份增加表达量降低。最终筛选出5个淀粉和蔗糖代谢途径的关键酶基因进行荧光定量PCR验证,其表达变化趋势与转录组测序结果基本一致。研究结果表明,牛大力在3~7年时处于生长活跃期,以蔗糖、纤维素和淀粉的合成为主,促进根部快速膨大发育。生长至7年时,以淀粉的积累、蔗糖的分解和纤维素的降解为特征,进入生长平稳期。本研究对于牛大力根膨大特性的研究、高成薯性牛大力种质创新和科学采收都有积极的指导意义。展开更多
对棉花抗黄萎病性状进行全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association study,GWAS),发掘与其关联的标记位点、优异等位变异及典型材料,可为棉花抗黄萎病的分子育种提供理论依据。以403份陆地棉品种(系)资源为材料,利用覆盖全基因组的、有...对棉花抗黄萎病性状进行全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association study,GWAS),发掘与其关联的标记位点、优异等位变异及典型材料,可为棉花抗黄萎病的分子育种提供理论依据。以403份陆地棉品种(系)资源为材料,利用覆盖全基因组的、有多态性的201对SSR标记,对3个环境的抗黄萎病性状进行基于混合线性模型(mixed linear model,MLM)的全基因组关联分析,检测与抗病性状显著关联的位点、优异等位变异及优异典型材料。结果表明,3个环境下各材料的相对病指平均值为53.45,平均变异系数为36.85%,平均偏度系数为-0.46,平均峰度系数为-0.31;201对引物共产生394个等位变异位点,GWAS结果表明有11个位点能同时在2个环境中检测到,其中有2个位点NAU2437b和NAU3493b能同时在3个环境中检测到;结合育种实际,发掘出含有优异等位变异的典型材料7份,其中鲁棉研28同时含有9个优异等位变异;从各材料不同生态区来源分析,来源于黄河流域棉区的材料具有较低的平均表型效应。展开更多
Background: The robustness is a measurement of an analytical chemical method and its ability to contain unaffected by little with deliberate variation of analytical chemical method parameters. The analytical chemical ...Background: The robustness is a measurement of an analytical chemical method and its ability to contain unaffected by little with deliberate variation of analytical chemical method parameters. The analytical chemical method variation parameters are based on pH variability of buffer solution of mobile phase, organic ratio composition changes, stationary phase (column) manufacture, brand name and lot number variation;flow rate variation and temperature variation of chromatographic system. The analytical chemical method for assay of Atropine Sulfate conducted for robustness evaluation. The typical variation considered for mobile phase organic ratio change, change of pH, change of temperature, change of flow rate, change of column etc. Purpose: The aim of this study is to develop a cost effective, short run time and robust analytical chemical method for the assay quantification of Atropine in Pharmaceutical Ophthalmic Solution. This will help to make analytical decisions quickly for research and development scientists as well as will help with quality control product release for patient consumption. This analytical method will help to meet the market demand through quick quality control test of Atropine Ophthalmic Solution and it is very easy for maintaining (GDP) good documentation practices within the shortest period of time. Method: HPLC method has been selected for developing superior method to Compendial method. Both the compendial HPLC method and developed HPLC method was run into the same HPLC system to prove the superiority of developed method. Sensitivity, precision, reproducibility, accuracy parameters were considered for superiority of method. Mobile phase ratio change, pH of buffer solution, change of stationary phase temperature, change of flow rate and change of column were taken into consideration for robustness study of the developed method. Results: The limit of quantitation (LOQ) of developed method was much low than the compendial method. The % RSD for the six sample assay of developed method was 0.4% where the % RSD of the compendial method was 1.2%. The reproducibility between two analysts was 100.4% for developed method on the contrary the compendial method was 98.4%.展开更多
目的系统分析食品抗菌膜领域的发展历程以及研究动态、热点和趋势。方法基于中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)数据库,采用CiteSpace可视化分析软件,对2000—2024年食品抗菌膜领域的文献进行量化统计分析。结果国内外发文数量稳步增...目的系统分析食品抗菌膜领域的发展历程以及研究动态、热点和趋势。方法基于中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)数据库,采用CiteSpace可视化分析软件,对2000—2024年食品抗菌膜领域的文献进行量化统计分析。结果国内外发文数量稳步增长,多见于食品领域高质量期刊;中国、伊朗和印度为主要发文国家,其中中国贡献最大,占比42.83%;研究主要集中在高校和科研院所,其中中国的江南大学(21篇)和伊朗的阿扎德大学(40篇)发文量居前,全球发文机构前10名中,中国占7席。该领域核心作者包括国内44位和国外37位;研究热点涵盖制备工艺、抗菌性能和应用效果,前沿领域聚焦于天然抗菌剂和抗菌性能研究。结论全球食品抗菌膜研究呈现稳步推进态势,研究深度和广度不断扩展,热度逐年攀升;中国在全球学术影响力显著,但仍有提升空间。该领域跨团队、跨国界的学术交流与合作仍显不足,未来需进一步加强;预计抗菌机理及性能研究仍是主要方向。展开更多
Hidden capacity,concealment,security,and robustness are essential indicators of hiding algorithms.Currently,hiding algorithms tend to focus on algorithmic capacity,concealment,and security but often overlook the robus...Hidden capacity,concealment,security,and robustness are essential indicators of hiding algorithms.Currently,hiding algorithms tend to focus on algorithmic capacity,concealment,and security but often overlook the robustness of the algorithms.In practical applications,the container can suffer from damage caused by noise,cropping,and other attacks during transmission,resulting in challenging or even impossible complete recovery of the secret image.An image hiding algorithm based on dynamic region attention in the multi-scale wavelet domain is proposed to address this issue and enhance the robustness of hiding algorithms.In this proposed algorithm,a secret image of size 256×256 is first decomposed using an eight-level Haar wavelet transform.The wavelet transform generates one coefficient in the approximation component and twenty-four detail bands,which are then embedded into the carrier image via a hiding network.During the recovery process,the container image is divided into four non-overlapping parts,each employed to reconstruct a low-resolution secret image.These lowresolution secret images are combined using densemodules to obtain a high-quality secret image.The experimental results showed that even under destructive attacks on the container image,the proposed algorithm is successful in recovering a high-quality secret image,indicating that the algorithm exhibits a high degree of robustness against various attacks.The proposed algorithm effectively addresses the robustness issue by incorporating both spatial and channel attention mechanisms in the multi-scale wavelet domain,making it suitable for practical applications.In conclusion,the image hiding algorithm introduced in this study offers significant improvements in robustness compared to existing algorithms.Its ability to recover high-quality secret images even in the presence of destructive attacksmakes it an attractive option for various applications.Further research and experimentation can explore the algorithm’s performance under different scenarios and expand its potential applications.展开更多
With the widespread use of machine learning(ML)technology,the operational efficiency and responsiveness of power grids have been significantly enhanced,allowing smart grids to achieve high levels of automation and int...With the widespread use of machine learning(ML)technology,the operational efficiency and responsiveness of power grids have been significantly enhanced,allowing smart grids to achieve high levels of automation and intelligence.However,tree ensemble models commonly used in smart grids are vulnerable to adversarial attacks,making it urgent to enhance their robustness.To address this,we propose a robustness enhancement method that incorporates physical constraints into the node-splitting decisions of tree ensembles.Our algorithm improves robustness by developing a dataset of adversarial examples that comply with physical laws,ensuring training data accurately reflects possible attack scenarios while adhering to physical rules.In our experiments,the proposed method increased robustness against adversarial attacks by 100%when applied to real grid data under physical constraints.These results highlight the advantages of our method in maintaining efficient and secure operation of smart grids under adversarial conditions.展开更多
文摘牛大力是一种重要的多年生药食同源植物,其主要成分为淀粉和糖类。为了探究不同生长年份牛大力根淀粉和糖类物质合成的规律及其内在基因调控网络,本研究以3年生(NG3)、7年生(NG7)、10年生(NG10)和15年生(NG15)4个生长年份的牛大力根为研究对象,测定总多糖、淀粉和蔗糖的含量,并完成转录组测序,筛选分析不同年份间牛大力根的差异表达基因(DEGs),重点解析淀粉和蔗糖代谢途径DEGs的功能。糖类和淀粉物质测定结果表明,随着年份的增长,总多糖与淀粉含量均呈现增加趋势,生长至15年时的含量最高,而蔗糖含量在3年时最高,随后呈现下降趋势。转录组测序发现,随着生长年份跨度增加,NG3vs NG7、NG3 vsNG10和NG3 vs NG15对比的DEGs总数呈上升趋势,分别为526、1848和1937个。进一步挖掘淀粉和蔗糖代谢途径中的DEGs,共有62个DEGs在3个比较组中差异表达,其中,蔗糖合成基因的表达量随年份增加而下降,淀粉合成基因随年份的增加较淀粉降解基因占主导,纤维素降解酶随年份增加表达量降低。最终筛选出5个淀粉和蔗糖代谢途径的关键酶基因进行荧光定量PCR验证,其表达变化趋势与转录组测序结果基本一致。研究结果表明,牛大力在3~7年时处于生长活跃期,以蔗糖、纤维素和淀粉的合成为主,促进根部快速膨大发育。生长至7年时,以淀粉的积累、蔗糖的分解和纤维素的降解为特征,进入生长平稳期。本研究对于牛大力根膨大特性的研究、高成薯性牛大力种质创新和科学采收都有积极的指导意义。
文摘对棉花抗黄萎病性状进行全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association study,GWAS),发掘与其关联的标记位点、优异等位变异及典型材料,可为棉花抗黄萎病的分子育种提供理论依据。以403份陆地棉品种(系)资源为材料,利用覆盖全基因组的、有多态性的201对SSR标记,对3个环境的抗黄萎病性状进行基于混合线性模型(mixed linear model,MLM)的全基因组关联分析,检测与抗病性状显著关联的位点、优异等位变异及优异典型材料。结果表明,3个环境下各材料的相对病指平均值为53.45,平均变异系数为36.85%,平均偏度系数为-0.46,平均峰度系数为-0.31;201对引物共产生394个等位变异位点,GWAS结果表明有11个位点能同时在2个环境中检测到,其中有2个位点NAU2437b和NAU3493b能同时在3个环境中检测到;结合育种实际,发掘出含有优异等位变异的典型材料7份,其中鲁棉研28同时含有9个优异等位变异;从各材料不同生态区来源分析,来源于黄河流域棉区的材料具有较低的平均表型效应。
文摘Background: The robustness is a measurement of an analytical chemical method and its ability to contain unaffected by little with deliberate variation of analytical chemical method parameters. The analytical chemical method variation parameters are based on pH variability of buffer solution of mobile phase, organic ratio composition changes, stationary phase (column) manufacture, brand name and lot number variation;flow rate variation and temperature variation of chromatographic system. The analytical chemical method for assay of Atropine Sulfate conducted for robustness evaluation. The typical variation considered for mobile phase organic ratio change, change of pH, change of temperature, change of flow rate, change of column etc. Purpose: The aim of this study is to develop a cost effective, short run time and robust analytical chemical method for the assay quantification of Atropine in Pharmaceutical Ophthalmic Solution. This will help to make analytical decisions quickly for research and development scientists as well as will help with quality control product release for patient consumption. This analytical method will help to meet the market demand through quick quality control test of Atropine Ophthalmic Solution and it is very easy for maintaining (GDP) good documentation practices within the shortest period of time. Method: HPLC method has been selected for developing superior method to Compendial method. Both the compendial HPLC method and developed HPLC method was run into the same HPLC system to prove the superiority of developed method. Sensitivity, precision, reproducibility, accuracy parameters were considered for superiority of method. Mobile phase ratio change, pH of buffer solution, change of stationary phase temperature, change of flow rate and change of column were taken into consideration for robustness study of the developed method. Results: The limit of quantitation (LOQ) of developed method was much low than the compendial method. The % RSD for the six sample assay of developed method was 0.4% where the % RSD of the compendial method was 1.2%. The reproducibility between two analysts was 100.4% for developed method on the contrary the compendial method was 98.4%.
文摘目的系统分析食品抗菌膜领域的发展历程以及研究动态、热点和趋势。方法基于中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)数据库,采用CiteSpace可视化分析软件,对2000—2024年食品抗菌膜领域的文献进行量化统计分析。结果国内外发文数量稳步增长,多见于食品领域高质量期刊;中国、伊朗和印度为主要发文国家,其中中国贡献最大,占比42.83%;研究主要集中在高校和科研院所,其中中国的江南大学(21篇)和伊朗的阿扎德大学(40篇)发文量居前,全球发文机构前10名中,中国占7席。该领域核心作者包括国内44位和国外37位;研究热点涵盖制备工艺、抗菌性能和应用效果,前沿领域聚焦于天然抗菌剂和抗菌性能研究。结论全球食品抗菌膜研究呈现稳步推进态势,研究深度和广度不断扩展,热度逐年攀升;中国在全球学术影响力显著,但仍有提升空间。该领域跨团队、跨国界的学术交流与合作仍显不足,未来需进一步加强;预计抗菌机理及性能研究仍是主要方向。
基金partly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Jianhua Wu,Grant No.62041106).
文摘Hidden capacity,concealment,security,and robustness are essential indicators of hiding algorithms.Currently,hiding algorithms tend to focus on algorithmic capacity,concealment,and security but often overlook the robustness of the algorithms.In practical applications,the container can suffer from damage caused by noise,cropping,and other attacks during transmission,resulting in challenging or even impossible complete recovery of the secret image.An image hiding algorithm based on dynamic region attention in the multi-scale wavelet domain is proposed to address this issue and enhance the robustness of hiding algorithms.In this proposed algorithm,a secret image of size 256×256 is first decomposed using an eight-level Haar wavelet transform.The wavelet transform generates one coefficient in the approximation component and twenty-four detail bands,which are then embedded into the carrier image via a hiding network.During the recovery process,the container image is divided into four non-overlapping parts,each employed to reconstruct a low-resolution secret image.These lowresolution secret images are combined using densemodules to obtain a high-quality secret image.The experimental results showed that even under destructive attacks on the container image,the proposed algorithm is successful in recovering a high-quality secret image,indicating that the algorithm exhibits a high degree of robustness against various attacks.The proposed algorithm effectively addresses the robustness issue by incorporating both spatial and channel attention mechanisms in the multi-scale wavelet domain,making it suitable for practical applications.In conclusion,the image hiding algorithm introduced in this study offers significant improvements in robustness compared to existing algorithms.Its ability to recover high-quality secret images even in the presence of destructive attacksmakes it an attractive option for various applications.Further research and experimentation can explore the algorithm’s performance under different scenarios and expand its potential applications.
基金This work was supported by Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.62303126,62362008,62066006,authors Zhenyong Zhang and Bin Hu,https://www.nsfc.gov.cn/,accessed on 25 July 2024)Guizhou Provincial Science and Technology Projects(No.ZK[2022]149,author Zhenyong Zhang,https://kjt.guizhou.gov.cn/,accessed on 25 July 2024)+1 种基金Guizhou Provincial Research Project(Youth)forUniversities(No.[2022]104,author Zhenyong Zhang,https://jyt.guizhou.gov.cn/,accessed on 25 July 2024)GZU Cultivation Project of NSFC(No.[2020]80,author Zhenyong Zhang,https://www.gzu.edu.cn/,accessed on 25 July 2024).
文摘With the widespread use of machine learning(ML)technology,the operational efficiency and responsiveness of power grids have been significantly enhanced,allowing smart grids to achieve high levels of automation and intelligence.However,tree ensemble models commonly used in smart grids are vulnerable to adversarial attacks,making it urgent to enhance their robustness.To address this,we propose a robustness enhancement method that incorporates physical constraints into the node-splitting decisions of tree ensembles.Our algorithm improves robustness by developing a dataset of adversarial examples that comply with physical laws,ensuring training data accurately reflects possible attack scenarios while adhering to physical rules.In our experiments,the proposed method increased robustness against adversarial attacks by 100%when applied to real grid data under physical constraints.These results highlight the advantages of our method in maintaining efficient and secure operation of smart grids under adversarial conditions.