The 4-hi cold mill is one of the key wide strip tandem cold rolling mills and has many advantages and characteristics. The mill type is the most important, fundamental and long-term effective factor for the strip shap...The 4-hi cold mill is one of the key wide strip tandem cold rolling mills and has many advantages and characteristics. The mill type is the most important, fundamental and long-term effective factor for the strip shape control. Many advanced mill types such as CVC-4, HCW and PC-4, etc are created based on the conventional four-roll mill. The factors of mill type which affect the deformation of roll system, such as strip width, rolling force, bending force, work roll diameter, backup diameter and so on, arc studied how to affect roll gap crown. It provides a good foundation lbr improving the shape performance of mill.展开更多
文摘The 4-hi cold mill is one of the key wide strip tandem cold rolling mills and has many advantages and characteristics. The mill type is the most important, fundamental and long-term effective factor for the strip shape control. Many advanced mill types such as CVC-4, HCW and PC-4, etc are created based on the conventional four-roll mill. The factors of mill type which affect the deformation of roll system, such as strip width, rolling force, bending force, work roll diameter, backup diameter and so on, arc studied how to affect roll gap crown. It provides a good foundation lbr improving the shape performance of mill.