目的:对比三维多回波恢复梯度回波(3D MERGE)、三维可变反转角快速自旋回波(3D SPACE STIR)序列在腰椎间盘突出症(LDH)检查中的应用效果。方法:选择2020年1月~2022年11月收治的135例LDH患者,回顾性分析患者临床和磁共振成像(MRI)资料,...目的:对比三维多回波恢复梯度回波(3D MERGE)、三维可变反转角快速自旋回波(3D SPACE STIR)序列在腰椎间盘突出症(LDH)检查中的应用效果。方法:选择2020年1月~2022年11月收治的135例LDH患者,回顾性分析患者临床和磁共振成像(MRI)资料,所有患者均接受常规MRI扫描及3D MERGE、3D SPACE STIR序列扫描,对比3D MERGE、3D SPACE STIR序列测量神经根直径的一致性,评价两种序列的图像质量参数[信噪比(SNR)、对比噪声比(CNR)]、图像清晰度评分。结果:3D MERGE和3D SPACE STIR序列测量的L3~S1神经根直径比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),且两组序列测量的L3、L4、L5和S1直径均显示出较高相关性(r=0.957,0.986,0.975,0.972,P<0.05);3D MERGE序列的SNR及CNR均高于3D SPACE STIR序列,神经根显示分级、图像清晰度评分优于3D SPACE STIR序列,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:3D MERGE、3D SPACE STIR序列在LDH神经根直径测量中具有极高一致性,3D MERGE序列较3D SPACE STIR序列能够更清晰显示神经跟的解剖形态,图像质量更好。展开更多
Influences of root-growing space of maize upon root physiological characteristics, nutrient uptake and crop yields were studied under conditions with and without supply of water and N. Results showed that limitation o...Influences of root-growing space of maize upon root physiological characteristics, nutrient uptake and crop yields were studied under conditions with and without supply of water and N. Results showed that limitation of the root-growing space greatly affected root growth, decreased total root-absorbing area and TTC-reductive amounts. However, it obviously increased the root active-absorbing area, specific absorbing area(absorbing area per gram root weight)and specific active-absorbing area(actively absorbing area per gram root weight)in addition to promoting the TTC-reductive intensity. This clearly showed that plants were not passively tolerant to stress, but actively regulated their physiological metabolic processes, and strengthened their absorbing ability to increase water and nutrient uptake so that root injury by the environmental stress could be reduced. Supply of water and N stimulated root growth, increased root-absorbing area and activity. promoted nutrient uptake, and therefore increased crop yield and decreased the detrimental effects resulting from the limitation of roots-growing space.展开更多
Background:The diversity of resource acquisition strategies of plant roots determines the species coexistence patterns to a certain extent.However,few root physiological traits have been investigated,such as root phos...Background:The diversity of resource acquisition strategies of plant roots determines the species coexistence patterns to a certain extent.However,few root physiological traits have been investigated,such as root phosphatase activity(PA)that affects plant phosphorus(P)uptake.Methods:Root PA and classical root functional traits were investigated for 21 coexisting species in a deciduous broad-leaved forest in warm temperate-subtropical transition zone,China.We analyzed the root order variation of absorptive fine root PA,clarified the attribution of root PA in root economic space(RES)and the different P acquisition strategies of co-occurring species based on the multidimensional RES theory,and determined the dominant factors affecting interspecific variation in root PA.Results:There was no distinct pattern of PA variation with root order in the first three root orders of absorptive fine roots,and root PA was constrained by phylogeny.Root PA is a competitive trait affiliated with the conservation gradient in RES.The tight linkages among root PA,mycorrhizal colonization,diameter,specific root length,and nitrogen concentration suggested trade-offs among P acquisition strategies of co-occurring species,i.e.species with long and fine roots acquire inorganic P by actively exploring the soil and secreting phosphatase to mineralize and hydrolyze organic P,while species with short and thick roots obtain P mainly by investing C in mycorrhizal partners.Conclusions:Collectively,our study provides an insight into the forest species coexistence in climatic transition zones,i.e.species coexistence mechanisms based on diverse phosphorus acquisition strategies.展开更多
The use of hair roots as experimental samples has been a research focus for understanding the effects of spaceflight on astronauts, because it has many advantages, one of which is the fact that hair matrix cells activ...The use of hair roots as experimental samples has been a research focus for understanding the effects of spaceflight on astronauts, because it has many advantages, one of which is the fact that hair matrix cells actively divide in a hair follicle and sensitively reflect the physical conditions of the human body. In 2009, a research program focusing on the analysis of astronauts’ hairs was initiated to examine the effects of long-term spaceflight on the gene expression and mineral metabolism in the human body. Since the number of samples per astronaut is limited to 5 strands of hairs at each sampling point, due to the ethical viewpoint of astronauts or limited resources in space, it is important to develop an effective method for the molecular analysis of small amounts of hair roots. In this study, mRNA successfully extracted from 1, 5, and 10 hair follicles was amplified and subjected to the DNA microarray analysis to compare the gene expression within subjects. The results indicated that (1) it was possible to perform the genetic analysis on hair samples stored at -80℃, even without a fixation buffer and (2) the newly modified method of mRNA extraction and analysis was effective in detecting differential gene expression in samples containing only 5 hairs. In conclusion, RNA was efficiently extracted from 5 hair roots, which is the same number of hair roots used in the space experiment;therefore, this method can be applied to genetically analyze astronauts’ hair samples.展开更多
In this paper, using the Brzdek's fixed point theorem [9,Theorem 1] in non-Archimedean(2,β)-Banach spaces, we prove some stability and hyperstability results for an p-th root functional equation ■where p∈{1, …...In this paper, using the Brzdek's fixed point theorem [9,Theorem 1] in non-Archimedean(2,β)-Banach spaces, we prove some stability and hyperstability results for an p-th root functional equation ■where p∈{1, …, 5}, a_1,…, a_k are fixed nonzero reals when p ∈ {1,3,5} and are fixed positive reals when p ∈{2,4}.展开更多
目的观察3T磁共振3D-SPACE(sampling perfection with application-optimized contrasts by using differentflip angle evolutions,SPACE)序列在显示神经根与骶管囊肿关系的应用价值。方法对19例神经根囊肿患者行3T磁共振常规扫描及3D-...目的观察3T磁共振3D-SPACE(sampling perfection with application-optimized contrasts by using differentflip angle evolutions,SPACE)序列在显示神经根与骶管囊肿关系的应用价值。方法对19例神经根囊肿患者行3T磁共振常规扫描及3D-SPACE序列扫描,并在工作站对原始图像沿神经根走形进行冠状位、横轴位重建,分析常规序列及3D-SPACE序列重建图像MRI征象。结果 19例患者3D-SPECE序列冠状位重建图像均清晰的显示出神经根与骶管囊肿的关系,其中神经根中央型9例,神经根周围型7例,灯笼状3例。结论磁共振3D-SPACE序列具有扫描层面薄和多方位重建优势,能够清晰的显示囊肿的解剖部位以及囊肿与神经根的关系,为临床诊断提供更多信息。展开更多
目的验证三维多回波数据联合成像(three dimensional multi-echo data imagine combination with selective water excitation,3D MEDIC WE)和三维快速自旋回波成像(three dimensional sampling perfection with application optimized ...目的验证三维多回波数据联合成像(three dimensional multi-echo data imagine combination with selective water excitation,3D MEDIC WE)和三维快速自旋回波成像(three dimensional sampling perfection with application optimized contrasts by using different flip angle evolution,3D SPACE STIR)序列在腰骶丛神经根成像中的可行性和重复性。方法将55例受试者分为腰椎无异常表现的正常对照组(20例)、单纯性腰椎间盘突出症(lumbar disc herniation,LDH)组(20例)和慢性炎性脱髓鞘性多发性神经根神经病症(chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy,CIDP)组(15例),分别应用两种腰骶丛神经根成像,评价图像质量参数信噪比(signal to noise ratio,SNR)、对比噪声比(contrast to noise ratio,CNR)和对比度(contrast ratio,CR),并验证正常对照组、CIDP组和LDH组测量神经根直径的一致性。结果两序列测得神经根直径的一致性较高(正常组r=0.95,CIDP组r=0.99,LDH组r=0.97,P<0.001),图像质量评价指标显示,3D SPACE STIR序列在SNR、CNR和CR三项指标中占优,3D MEDIC WE定性评估图像质量评分较高。两序列均能清晰显示正常腰骶丛神经根、病变所致的弥漫性形态增粗神经根以及间盘突出受挤压变形的神经根。结论3D MEDIC WE和3D SPACE STIR序列可应用于腰骶丛神经根成像,两序列对正常和异常形态、走行的神经根评估具备很高的可行性和重复性。综合考量临床图像的定性、定量评价,可择优选择恰当的序列为腰骶丛神经根成像提供影像支持。展开更多
The humid agroclimatic conditions of Kerala,India permit the cultivation of an array of bamboo species of which Dendrocalamus strictus Roxb.(Nees.) is an important one on account of its high growth rate and multiple u...The humid agroclimatic conditions of Kerala,India permit the cultivation of an array of bamboo species of which Dendrocalamus strictus Roxb.(Nees.) is an important one on account of its high growth rate and multiple uses. Stand density, a potential tool in controlling the productivity of woody ecosystems, its effect on growth and root distribution patterns may provide a better understanding of productivity optimization especially when bamboo-based intercropping options are considered.Growth attributes of 7-year-old bamboo(D. strictus) stands managed at variable spacing(4×4 m, 6×6 m, 8×8 m,10×10 m, 12×12 m) were studied. Functional root activity among bamboo clumps were also studied using a radio tracer soil injection method in which the radio isotopeP was applied to soil at varying depths and lateral distances from the clump. Results indicate that spacing exerts a profound influence on growth of bamboo. Widely spaced bamboo exhibited higher clump diameters and crown widths while clump heights were better under closer spacing. Clump height was 30% lower and DBH 52%higher at the widest spacing(12×12 m) compared to the closest spacing(4×4 m). With increasing soil depth and lateral distance, root activity decreased significantly. Root activity near the clump base was highest(809 counts per minute, cpm; 50 cm depth and 50 cm lateral distance) at 4×4 m. Tracer study further showed wider distribution of root activity with increase in clump spacing. It may be concluded that the intensive foraging zone of bamboo is within a 50-cm radius around the clump irrespective of spacing. N, P and K content in the upper 20 cm was 2197,21, and 203 kg/ha respectively for the closely spaced bamboo(4×4 m) which were significantly higher than corresponding nutrient content at wider spacings. About 50% of N, P and K were present within the 0–20 cm soil layer, which decreased drastically beyond the 20 cm depth.The results suggest that stand management practices through planting density regulation can modify the resource acquisition patterns of D. strictus which in turn can change growth and productivity considerably. Such information on root activities, spatial and temporal strategies of resource sharing will be helpful in deciding the effective nutrition zone for D. strictus. Further, the study throws light on the spatial distribution of non-competitive zones for productivity optimization yields, especially when intercropping practices are considered.展开更多
Disease prevention, biodiversity, productivity improvement and ecological considerations are all factors that contribute to increasing interest in mixed plantations. The objective of this study was to evaluate early g...Disease prevention, biodiversity, productivity improvement and ecological considerations are all factors that contribute to increasing interest in mixed plantations. The objective of this study was to evaluate early growth and productivity of two hybrid poplar clones, P. balsamifera x trichocarpa (PBT) and P. maximowiczii x balsamifera (PMB), one improved family of Norway spruce (Picea glauca (PA)) and one improved family of white spruce (Picea abies (PG)) growing under different spacings in monocultures and mixed plots. The plantations were established in 2003 in Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Quebec, Canada, in a split plot design with spacing as the whole plot factor (1 × 1 m, 3 × 3 m and 5 × 5 m) and mixture treatments as subplot factor (pure: PBT, PMB, PA and PG, and 1:1 mixture PBT:PA, PBT:PG, PMB:PA and PMB:PG). Results showed a beneficial effect of the hybrid poplar-spruce mixture on diameter growth for hybrid poplar clones, but not for the 5 × 5 m spacing because of the relatively young age of the plantations. Diameter growth of the spruces decreased in mixed plantings in the 1 × 1 m, while their height growth increased, resulting in similar aboveground biomass per tree across treatments. Because of the large size differences between spruces and poplars, aboveground biomass in the mixed plantings was generally less than that in pure poplar plots. Leaf nitrogen concentration for the two spruce families and hybrid poplar clone PMB was greater in mixed plots than in monocultures, while leaf nitrogen concentration of clone PBT was similar among mixture treatments. Because of its faster growth rate and greater soil resources demands, clone PMB was the only one showing an increase in leaf N with increased spacing between trees. Fine roots density was greater for both hybrid poplars than spruces. The vertical distribution of fine roots was insensitive to mixture treatment.展开更多
针对在地面站天线对空间站观测任务中,通常基于卫星工具包(satellite tool kit,STK)软件规划出天线对空间站的方位角和俯仰角,实现天线对空间站的自动跟踪.为了保证天线跟踪的准确性和可靠性,需要定期计算出准确的空间站轨道和天线的方...针对在地面站天线对空间站观测任务中,通常基于卫星工具包(satellite tool kit,STK)软件规划出天线对空间站的方位角和俯仰角,实现天线对空间站的自动跟踪.为了保证天线跟踪的准确性和可靠性,需要定期计算出准确的空间站轨道和天线的方位俯仰角,并更新规划任务.因此科学分析与评估空间站两行轨道根数(two line elements,TLE)长期预报精度,对地面站实现空间站的精准跟踪具有重要意义.本文以中国空间站(China Space Station,CSS)梦天实验舱为例,基于TLE数据,利用STK软件提供的简化常规摄动规模型(simplified general perturbations4,SGP4)模型计算空间站轨道以及空间站相对于西安地面站的方位角和俯仰角,并分析不同策略下的精度效果.试验结果表明:在第二天更新空间站的TLE,可以获得较好的轨道结果,从而更好地保障天线的跟踪精度.展开更多
文摘目的:对比三维多回波恢复梯度回波(3D MERGE)、三维可变反转角快速自旋回波(3D SPACE STIR)序列在腰椎间盘突出症(LDH)检查中的应用效果。方法:选择2020年1月~2022年11月收治的135例LDH患者,回顾性分析患者临床和磁共振成像(MRI)资料,所有患者均接受常规MRI扫描及3D MERGE、3D SPACE STIR序列扫描,对比3D MERGE、3D SPACE STIR序列测量神经根直径的一致性,评价两种序列的图像质量参数[信噪比(SNR)、对比噪声比(CNR)]、图像清晰度评分。结果:3D MERGE和3D SPACE STIR序列测量的L3~S1神经根直径比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),且两组序列测量的L3、L4、L5和S1直径均显示出较高相关性(r=0.957,0.986,0.975,0.972,P<0.05);3D MERGE序列的SNR及CNR均高于3D SPACE STIR序列,神经根显示分级、图像清晰度评分优于3D SPACE STIR序列,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:3D MERGE、3D SPACE STIR序列在LDH神经根直径测量中具有极高一致性,3D MERGE序列较3D SPACE STIR序列能够更清晰显示神经跟的解剖形态,图像质量更好。
基金part of the projects(49890330,30230230,30070429 and 40201028)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)project(G1999011707)supported by the National Key Basic Research Support Funds(NKBRSF).
文摘Influences of root-growing space of maize upon root physiological characteristics, nutrient uptake and crop yields were studied under conditions with and without supply of water and N. Results showed that limitation of the root-growing space greatly affected root growth, decreased total root-absorbing area and TTC-reductive amounts. However, it obviously increased the root active-absorbing area, specific absorbing area(absorbing area per gram root weight)and specific active-absorbing area(actively absorbing area per gram root weight)in addition to promoting the TTC-reductive intensity. This clearly showed that plants were not passively tolerant to stress, but actively regulated their physiological metabolic processes, and strengthened their absorbing ability to increase water and nutrient uptake so that root injury by the environmental stress could be reduced. Supply of water and N stimulated root growth, increased root-absorbing area and activity. promoted nutrient uptake, and therefore increased crop yield and decreased the detrimental effects resulting from the limitation of roots-growing space.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.32230067,32001171 and 32001120)。
文摘Background:The diversity of resource acquisition strategies of plant roots determines the species coexistence patterns to a certain extent.However,few root physiological traits have been investigated,such as root phosphatase activity(PA)that affects plant phosphorus(P)uptake.Methods:Root PA and classical root functional traits were investigated for 21 coexisting species in a deciduous broad-leaved forest in warm temperate-subtropical transition zone,China.We analyzed the root order variation of absorptive fine root PA,clarified the attribution of root PA in root economic space(RES)and the different P acquisition strategies of co-occurring species based on the multidimensional RES theory,and determined the dominant factors affecting interspecific variation in root PA.Results:There was no distinct pattern of PA variation with root order in the first three root orders of absorptive fine roots,and root PA was constrained by phylogeny.Root PA is a competitive trait affiliated with the conservation gradient in RES.The tight linkages among root PA,mycorrhizal colonization,diameter,specific root length,and nitrogen concentration suggested trade-offs among P acquisition strategies of co-occurring species,i.e.species with long and fine roots acquire inorganic P by actively exploring the soil and secreting phosphatase to mineralize and hydrolyze organic P,while species with short and thick roots obtain P mainly by investing C in mycorrhizal partners.Conclusions:Collectively,our study provides an insight into the forest species coexistence in climatic transition zones,i.e.species coexistence mechanisms based on diverse phosphorus acquisition strategies.
文摘The use of hair roots as experimental samples has been a research focus for understanding the effects of spaceflight on astronauts, because it has many advantages, one of which is the fact that hair matrix cells actively divide in a hair follicle and sensitively reflect the physical conditions of the human body. In 2009, a research program focusing on the analysis of astronauts’ hairs was initiated to examine the effects of long-term spaceflight on the gene expression and mineral metabolism in the human body. Since the number of samples per astronaut is limited to 5 strands of hairs at each sampling point, due to the ethical viewpoint of astronauts or limited resources in space, it is important to develop an effective method for the molecular analysis of small amounts of hair roots. In this study, mRNA successfully extracted from 1, 5, and 10 hair follicles was amplified and subjected to the DNA microarray analysis to compare the gene expression within subjects. The results indicated that (1) it was possible to perform the genetic analysis on hair samples stored at -80℃, even without a fixation buffer and (2) the newly modified method of mRNA extraction and analysis was effective in detecting differential gene expression in samples containing only 5 hairs. In conclusion, RNA was efficiently extracted from 5 hair roots, which is the same number of hair roots used in the space experiment;therefore, this method can be applied to genetically analyze astronauts’ hair samples.
文摘In this paper, using the Brzdek's fixed point theorem [9,Theorem 1] in non-Archimedean(2,β)-Banach spaces, we prove some stability and hyperstability results for an p-th root functional equation ■where p∈{1, …, 5}, a_1,…, a_k are fixed nonzero reals when p ∈ {1,3,5} and are fixed positive reals when p ∈{2,4}.
文摘目的观察3T磁共振3D-SPACE(sampling perfection with application-optimized contrasts by using differentflip angle evolutions,SPACE)序列在显示神经根与骶管囊肿关系的应用价值。方法对19例神经根囊肿患者行3T磁共振常规扫描及3D-SPACE序列扫描,并在工作站对原始图像沿神经根走形进行冠状位、横轴位重建,分析常规序列及3D-SPACE序列重建图像MRI征象。结果 19例患者3D-SPECE序列冠状位重建图像均清晰的显示出神经根与骶管囊肿的关系,其中神经根中央型9例,神经根周围型7例,灯笼状3例。结论磁共振3D-SPACE序列具有扫描层面薄和多方位重建优势,能够清晰的显示囊肿的解剖部位以及囊肿与神经根的关系,为临床诊断提供更多信息。
文摘目的验证三维多回波数据联合成像(three dimensional multi-echo data imagine combination with selective water excitation,3D MEDIC WE)和三维快速自旋回波成像(three dimensional sampling perfection with application optimized contrasts by using different flip angle evolution,3D SPACE STIR)序列在腰骶丛神经根成像中的可行性和重复性。方法将55例受试者分为腰椎无异常表现的正常对照组(20例)、单纯性腰椎间盘突出症(lumbar disc herniation,LDH)组(20例)和慢性炎性脱髓鞘性多发性神经根神经病症(chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy,CIDP)组(15例),分别应用两种腰骶丛神经根成像,评价图像质量参数信噪比(signal to noise ratio,SNR)、对比噪声比(contrast to noise ratio,CNR)和对比度(contrast ratio,CR),并验证正常对照组、CIDP组和LDH组测量神经根直径的一致性。结果两序列测得神经根直径的一致性较高(正常组r=0.95,CIDP组r=0.99,LDH组r=0.97,P<0.001),图像质量评价指标显示,3D SPACE STIR序列在SNR、CNR和CR三项指标中占优,3D MEDIC WE定性评估图像质量评分较高。两序列均能清晰显示正常腰骶丛神经根、病变所致的弥漫性形态增粗神经根以及间盘突出受挤压变形的神经根。结论3D MEDIC WE和3D SPACE STIR序列可应用于腰骶丛神经根成像,两序列对正常和异常形态、走行的神经根评估具备很高的可行性和重复性。综合考量临床图像的定性、定量评价,可择优选择恰当的序列为腰骶丛神经根成像提供影像支持。
基金financially supported by the Kerala Agricultural University
文摘The humid agroclimatic conditions of Kerala,India permit the cultivation of an array of bamboo species of which Dendrocalamus strictus Roxb.(Nees.) is an important one on account of its high growth rate and multiple uses. Stand density, a potential tool in controlling the productivity of woody ecosystems, its effect on growth and root distribution patterns may provide a better understanding of productivity optimization especially when bamboo-based intercropping options are considered.Growth attributes of 7-year-old bamboo(D. strictus) stands managed at variable spacing(4×4 m, 6×6 m, 8×8 m,10×10 m, 12×12 m) were studied. Functional root activity among bamboo clumps were also studied using a radio tracer soil injection method in which the radio isotopeP was applied to soil at varying depths and lateral distances from the clump. Results indicate that spacing exerts a profound influence on growth of bamboo. Widely spaced bamboo exhibited higher clump diameters and crown widths while clump heights were better under closer spacing. Clump height was 30% lower and DBH 52%higher at the widest spacing(12×12 m) compared to the closest spacing(4×4 m). With increasing soil depth and lateral distance, root activity decreased significantly. Root activity near the clump base was highest(809 counts per minute, cpm; 50 cm depth and 50 cm lateral distance) at 4×4 m. Tracer study further showed wider distribution of root activity with increase in clump spacing. It may be concluded that the intensive foraging zone of bamboo is within a 50-cm radius around the clump irrespective of spacing. N, P and K content in the upper 20 cm was 2197,21, and 203 kg/ha respectively for the closely spaced bamboo(4×4 m) which were significantly higher than corresponding nutrient content at wider spacings. About 50% of N, P and K were present within the 0–20 cm soil layer, which decreased drastically beyond the 20 cm depth.The results suggest that stand management practices through planting density regulation can modify the resource acquisition patterns of D. strictus which in turn can change growth and productivity considerably. Such information on root activities, spatial and temporal strategies of resource sharing will be helpful in deciding the effective nutrition zone for D. strictus. Further, the study throws light on the spatial distribution of non-competitive zones for productivity optimization yields, especially when intercropping practices are considered.
基金funded by Canada Economic Development,Quebec’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Fauna (MRNF)the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada through a Collaborative and Research Development grant to ADthe Program on Energy Research and Development of Natural Resources Canada
文摘Disease prevention, biodiversity, productivity improvement and ecological considerations are all factors that contribute to increasing interest in mixed plantations. The objective of this study was to evaluate early growth and productivity of two hybrid poplar clones, P. balsamifera x trichocarpa (PBT) and P. maximowiczii x balsamifera (PMB), one improved family of Norway spruce (Picea glauca (PA)) and one improved family of white spruce (Picea abies (PG)) growing under different spacings in monocultures and mixed plots. The plantations were established in 2003 in Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Quebec, Canada, in a split plot design with spacing as the whole plot factor (1 × 1 m, 3 × 3 m and 5 × 5 m) and mixture treatments as subplot factor (pure: PBT, PMB, PA and PG, and 1:1 mixture PBT:PA, PBT:PG, PMB:PA and PMB:PG). Results showed a beneficial effect of the hybrid poplar-spruce mixture on diameter growth for hybrid poplar clones, but not for the 5 × 5 m spacing because of the relatively young age of the plantations. Diameter growth of the spruces decreased in mixed plantings in the 1 × 1 m, while their height growth increased, resulting in similar aboveground biomass per tree across treatments. Because of the large size differences between spruces and poplars, aboveground biomass in the mixed plantings was generally less than that in pure poplar plots. Leaf nitrogen concentration for the two spruce families and hybrid poplar clone PMB was greater in mixed plots than in monocultures, while leaf nitrogen concentration of clone PBT was similar among mixture treatments. Because of its faster growth rate and greater soil resources demands, clone PMB was the only one showing an increase in leaf N with increased spacing between trees. Fine roots density was greater for both hybrid poplars than spruces. The vertical distribution of fine roots was insensitive to mixture treatment.
文摘针对在地面站天线对空间站观测任务中,通常基于卫星工具包(satellite tool kit,STK)软件规划出天线对空间站的方位角和俯仰角,实现天线对空间站的自动跟踪.为了保证天线跟踪的准确性和可靠性,需要定期计算出准确的空间站轨道和天线的方位俯仰角,并更新规划任务.因此科学分析与评估空间站两行轨道根数(two line elements,TLE)长期预报精度,对地面站实现空间站的精准跟踪具有重要意义.本文以中国空间站(China Space Station,CSS)梦天实验舱为例,基于TLE数据,利用STK软件提供的简化常规摄动规模型(simplified general perturbations4,SGP4)模型计算空间站轨道以及空间站相对于西安地面站的方位角和俯仰角,并分析不同策略下的精度效果.试验结果表明:在第二天更新空间站的TLE,可以获得较好的轨道结果,从而更好地保障天线的跟踪精度.